Lobby Leaflet Oct 21

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Surrey CounLy Councll are recommendlng closure of
Lhe lasL 6 councll-run elderly care homes ln Surrey.
1hey are argulng LhaL Lhe homes are Loo old and
Loo run-down Lo keep open.

Closure of Lhese homes wlll mean:
ulsLress Lo resldenLs and Lhelr relaLlves
Loss of Councll care emergency provlslon
Llderly people belng enLlrely dependenL on Lhe prlvaLe care markeL
Cver 400 care [obs belng puL aL rlsk

1he Lrade unlons represenLlng workers ln Lhese homes - unlSCn and Lhe
CM8 - wlll work wlLh sLaff ln developlng sLrong counLer proposals. Save
Cur Servlces ln Surrey wlll supporL any campalgn by Lhe unlons and Lhe
general publlc Lo save Lhese homes and guaranLee Lhelr fuLure fundlng.

We call on Lhe councll Lo go for Lhe lnvesLmenL opLlon. 8efurblsh and
modernlse Lhe homes Lo make sure Lhere wlll always be good quallLy
publlc provlslon of resldenLlal care ln Surrey for Lhe elderly and vulnerable.

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Lobby Lhe CablneL on 1uesday 21
from 1pm ouLslde CounLy Pall, enrhyn 8oad, klngsLon k11 2un

lor full lnformaLlon abouL Lhe Councll proposals, please vlslL Lhe Surrey CC webslLe and
Pome > ?our councll > Counclllors and CommlLLees > commlLLee papers > cablneL > 21
CcLober 2014 > Agenda

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Surrey CounLy Councll are recommendlng closure of
Lhe lasL 6 councll-run elderly care homes ln Surrey.
1hey are argulng LhaL Lhe homes are Loo old and
Loo run-down Lo keep open.

Closure of Lhese homes wlll mean:
ulsLress Lo resldenLs and Lhelr relaLlves
Loss of Councll care emergency provlslon
Llderly people belng enLlrely dependenL on Lhe prlvaLe care markeL
Cver 400 care [obs belng puL aL rlsk

1he Lrade unlons represenLlng workers ln Lhese homes - unlSCn and Lhe
CM8 - wlll work wlLh sLaff ln developlng sLrong counLer proposals. Save
Cur Servlces ln Surrey wlll supporL any campalgn by Lhe unlons and Lhe
general publlc Lo save Lhese homes and guaranLee Lhelr fuLure fundlng.

We call on Lhe councll Lo go for Lhe lnvesLmenL opLlon. 8efurblsh and
modernlse Lhe homes Lo make sure Lhere wlll always be good quallLy
publlc provlslon of resldenLlal care ln Surrey for Lhe elderly and vulnerable.

123453 567789: :;<5 =4>74<?@ A B869 >6>C5 =493 >4B D373@D 8@ <:E

!""# %&'
()*+ ,-.+/ 01 23" #&4506 7"62%'
Lobby Lhe CablneL on 1uesday 21
from 1pm ouLslde CounLy Pall, enrhyn 8oad, klngsLon k11 2un

lor full lnformaLlon abouL Lhe Councll proposals, please vlslL Lhe Surrey CC webslLe and
Pome > ?our councll > Counclllors and CommlLLees > commlLLee papers > cablneL > 21
CcLober 2014 > Agenda

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