Pop Art Candy Wrappers

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Unit Overview

Grade/Class: 6

Simplicity- Pop Art Candy Wrappers

-Everyday we are surrounded by art and design: things we
wear, use and see in everyday life has been created by a
designer. Is this art?
-What if we use these items as inspiration to create our own
works of art?

Concept: Simplicity
Concept Question: What makes something a work of art?
Can something as simple as a candy wrapper be considered art? Why?
As artists, we use big ideas from life and personal experiences as inspiration to create art. The idea of
Simplicity and What Constitutes Art influence artists and their artmaking. In this unit, students will explore
conceptual ideas, technical skills,and the artmaking process. Students will be able to work independently to
develop their personal voice that can be expressed in their conversation, writing, and artmaking.
Stage 1: Desired Results
Enduring Understanding
Art can have diverse values, meanings, and definitions.
Essential Question
What are the big issues about art?
VB Instructional Objectives
6.15 The student will discuss What is art?
6.16 The student will explain how works of art evoke personal, sensory, emotional, and aesthetic responses.
VA SOLs Aesthetics
6.16 The student will identify how visual language communicates personal meaning.
6.17 The student will respond to questions about why artists create works of art.
6.18 The student will describe the manner in which the beliefs and values of a viewer may influence ideas and
feelings about works of art.
6.19 The student will explain the means by which works of art evoke personal sensory, emotional, and
aesthetic responses.
Analysis, Evaluation, and Critique:
Enduring Understanding
Artworks are objects for interpretation
Essential Question
How do we respond to works of art?
VB Instructional Objectives

6.13 The student will use critical inquiry skills when describing, responding to, interpreting, and evaluating
works of art.
6.14 The student will describe ideas and emotion expressed in works of art.
VA SOLs Analysis, Evaluation, and Critique
6.13 The student will explain the relationship between art-making processes and finished products.
6.14 The student will use critical inquiry skills when describing, responding to, interpreting, and evaluating
works of art.
6.15 The student will describe ideas and emotions expressed in works of art.
Art History and Cultural Context:
Enduring Understanding
Art is a reflection of time, place, and culture.
Essential Question
How does art relate to history and culture?
VB Instructional Objectives
6.10 The student will describe ways artists contribute to society through their art work.
6.11 The student will examine how art reflects environmental, social and global issues.
6.12 The student will recognize various types of art careers
VA SOLs Art History and Cultural Context
6.9 The student will identify the components of an artists style, including materials, design, technique, subject
matter, and purpose.
6.10 The student will examine the role of crafts in society.
6.11 The student will describe ways artists contribute to society through their work.
6.12 The student will explain various types of collaborative art careers.
Visual Communication and Production:
Enduring Understanding
Meaningful artmaking is about exploration, asking questions, problem-solving and developing a knowledge
Essential Question
How and why do we make art?
VB Instructional Objectives
6.1 The student will use critical thinking and problem-solving to communicate and express ideas through the
art making process:
1. Brainstorming
2. Problem solving
3. Sketching
4. Planning
5. Reflecting
6. Refining
6.2 The student will use contemporary media to create works of art (e.g., technology, installations, digital
photography, and repurposed materials).
6.3 The student will communicate personal ideas, experiences, and narratives through the creation of works of
art, using a variety of media.
6.4 The student will recognize and apply ethics regarding original art making.
6.5 The student will use the elements of art and the principles of design, including the following, to express
meaning in works of art:
1. Color - relationships
2. Line-variation, contour
3. Texture-visual, tactile
4. Value-gradation
5. Space-positive, negative
6. Proportion-realistic, distorted

7. Pattern-repetition
8. Balance-symmetry, asymmetry, radial
6.6 The student will create the illusion of space/depth through observational drawing.
6.7 The student will use modeling, assembling or carving to create three-dimensional works of art.
6.8 The student will write an artist statement that reflects their learning about their personal works of art.
6.9 The student will demonstrate craftsmanship with attention to detail in works of art.
VA SOLs Visual Communication and Production
6.1 The student will use and record in a sketchbook/journal, steps of the art-making process, including
brainstorming, preliminary sketching, planning, reflecting, refining, and elaborating, to create works of art.
6.2 The student will exercise increasing skill and control in the use of art media and techniques
6.3 The student will communicate personal ideas, experiences, and narratives through the creation of works of
art, using a variety of media
6.4 The student will examine and apply ethical decisions in art making
6.5 The student will use elements of art and principles of design, including the following, to express meaning
in works of art:
1. Color-relationships
2. Line-variation, implied
3. Texture-visual, tactile
4. Value-gradation
5. Proportion-realistic, distorted
6.6 The student will use a variety of perspective techniques to create the illusion of space in works of art.
6.7 The student will apply a variety of techniques (e.g. gesture, continuous line) in observational drawings.
6.8 The student will use modeling, assembling, or carving to create three-dimensional works of art.


Students will know

Elements: Line, shape, color, space

Principles: proportion
Pop Art



Students will understand that

Students will be able to

-Everyday we are surrounded by

art and design: things we wear,
use and see in everyday life has
been created by a designer.
-People view art and what is
considered art differently

Create a Pop Art candy wrapper

painting by drawing from
observation and applying paint
masterfully to produce a painting
as close to the original as possible,
but inlarged.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks & Products
Student Procedure (the artmaking/design problem stated)
Key Criteria (what teacher will evaluate)
Artmaking Design Product:
Artmaking / Design Problem:
Create a Pop Art candy wrapper painting by drawing from
Composition/formal design/visual
observation and applying paint masterfully to produce a
painting as close to the original as possible, but inlarged.
Craftsmanship/technical skill
Written/Oral Reflection/Critique:
Self evaluation
Written/Oral Reflection/Critique:
Understanding of concept
Interpretation/Analysis of artwork
Communication of ideas
Reflection on the process
Detailed Rubrics with Learning Plans

Other Evidence
Informal check for understanding

Sketchbook/journal check
Collaborative group work
One on one teacher/student
Class participation
Group discussion
Verbal critique
Thumbnail sketches
Written/oral response, reflection, etc.
Activity Process- Daily Plan
Activity- Process
-Teacher takes attendance and performs other administrative tasks while
students complete journal work
-Lesson Handout
-Students will receive the lesson handout to keep in their journals
-Project Planner
-Students will reciece a project planner to fill out and keep in their journals -YouTube video
-Introduction to lesson with YouTube video
-Table grid with candy
-Students will receive a premade grid in which to complete an introductory -Grid handouts
exercise to drawing on the grid (a smaller grid will be placed on each table
with actual candies on it. Students should draw from observation while
taking time to accurately place itens within the grid.)
Teacher Reflection:

-Teacher takes attendance and performs other administrative tasks while

students complete journal work
-Students will choose a candy wrapper printed handout, or actual candy
wrapper which will be the subject of their project
-Students will start to fill out their project planners
-Teacher will give demonstration on how to set up the grid

-Candy wrappers and

candy wrapper color
printed handouts
-12x18 white
construction paper
-Smaller clear grids

-Students will begin to set up their grid on their final paper


Teacher Reflection:
3-4 -Teacher takes attendance and performs other administrative tasks while
students complete journal work
-Students will finish setting up their grid
-Students will tape their chosen wrapper onto the smaller clear grid
-Students will accurately draw their candy wrapper onto their final paper

-Candy wrappers and

candy wrapper color
printed handouts
-12x18 white
construction paper
-Smaller clear grids

Teacher Reflection:
5-8 -Teacher takes attendance and performs other administrative tasks while
students complete journal work
-Students will finish their pencil drawings on their final papers
-Students will begin painting their projects
Teacher Reflection:

-Students will be given the opportunity to add detail to their paintings by

adding colored pencil and sharpie marker on top (paint must be dry)
-Students will review project handout and 2 videos to prepare for their quiz
-Students will log into Google Classroom and take their Pop Art quiz
-Students will complete their self evaluation rubric and turn in their work
Teacher Reflection:

-Liquid tempera paints

-Water buckets
-Paint brushes

-Colored pencils
-Sharpie markers
-Ipads for quiz
-Self evaluation rubric


Does the unit address enduring ideas about the human experience?
Does the unit address enduring ideas about art?
Does the unit address key concepts and essential questions?
Does the learning plan align with unit objectives and assessment tasks?
Does the unit address the knowledge and skills in a logical sequence to achieve unit objectives?
Do the enduring ideas, key concepts and essential questions provide focus and cohesiveness

throughout unit?
Are students aware of assessment expectations?
Are enduring ideas, concepts and important skills assessed?
Are the key unit and lesson components included and clearly presented?
Are students given opportunities to provide evidence of learning?
Flexible grouping
Open-ended activities
Exploration by interests
Negotiated criteria
Anchoring/Extension activities
Tiered activities/products
Journal prompts
Multiple levels of questions
Choice: Learner profile, Readiness, Interest
Critical thinking
Creative/Innovative thinking
Problem solving
Information literacy
Social responsibility
Health literacy

6th Grade Pop Art Candy Wrappers

Big Idea-Simplicity
We will be mimicking the style of Pop Art by creating enlarged
replications of candy wrappers. We will draw from observation, using
the grid method for accuracy to create a pencil drawing first. Students
will then mix and apply paint to attempt to duplicate their wrapper. We
will discuss the different functions of art and why artists create art.
-Participate in class discussion
-Complete Project Planner worksheet (including sketch)
-Complete the lesson- create an accurate and enlarged replication of
chosen candy wrapper
Lesson Objective-Student created their
painting showing mastery through
drawing proportionally and paint
application so their candy wrapper is a
close replication of the original
Overall design and composition of
project was uniform and detailed
Preparation- Closely examined lesson
objective and researched ideas.
Recorded ideas carefully and planned
ideas with sketches
Craftsmanship- Project exhibits skilled
manipulation of media with attention
to detail
Aesthetics- Artwork communicated
the Big Idea. Elements and Principles
of art work well to create a successful
composition. Project is pleasing to the
eye. Subject matter is easily
Work Habits- Behavior and attitude
was excellent. Materials were used
safely and effectively. Student was
committed to the project and
constantly on task. Didnt rush to
complete. Cooperative and
participated in discussion. Showed
respect ro teacher, self, others, and art
room. Students used problem solving
skills and worked independently to
complete project




























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