Water-Efficient Landscaping Djimoh
Water-Efficient Landscaping Djimoh
Water-Efficient Landscaping Djimoh
Pollution &
Using Resources
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What is Water-efficient Landscaping?
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1 W.B. Solley, R.R. Pierce, and H.A. Perlman. 1998. Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 1995 (USGS Circular 1200).
USGS. Reston, VA. p.27.
2 Amy Vickers. 2001. Handbook of Water Use and Conservation. WaterPlow Press. Amherst, MA. p. 140.
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3 Denver Water welcomes the use of the term Xeriscape in books, articles, and speeches promoting water conserving landscape.
EPA is using this term with permission from Denver Water. For permission to use “Xeriscape” in your publications, call Denver
Water at 303 628-6330.
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How is Water-efficient
Landscaping Applied?
andscaping that conserves water and pro water-efficient landscapes and allow you to con
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Water-efficient Landscape
Irrigation Methods
ith common watering practices, a type, the condition of your plants, the season,
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Non-native plants:
do not include drought-tolerant species.
Large lawn:
requires supplemental watering
Small deck
Concrete walkway
8 Water-Efficient Landscaping
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Perennials and
ornamental grasses
Compost bin
Vegetable garden:
uses drip irrigation
Larger deck
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ater-efficient landscaping techniques and money. The showcase yard (selected from
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Drip system irrigation controllers are linked rial management, and non-point source pollution
to weather stations that monitor the evapotran prevention goals into one program—the Land
spiration rate. This allows HHP to determine the scape Performance Certification Program. This
correct amount of water to be applied to plants program emphasizes efficient landscape irrigation
at any given time. HHP tests the irrigation sys and features a “landscape irrigation budget” based
tems regularly and adds appropriate soil amend on a property’s landscape area, type, and the daily
ments to promote healthy plant growth. The weather. The Municipal Water District monitors
maintenance program also includes pest manage actual water use through a system of 12,000 dedi
ment, the use of mulching mowers, and the use cated water meters installed by participating
of rock mulch top dressing on all non-turf plant landscape managers.
ing areas. These measures combine to ensure a Participants, including landscapers, property
beautiful, healthy, and responsible landscape. managers, and homeowner associations, can
compare the actual cost of water used on their
Public/private partnerships property with the calculated budget. Those stay
Even the most water-conscious homeowners in ing within budget are awarded certification, a
Southern California are over-watering by 50 to proven marketing tool. This new voluntary pro
70 gallons per day. The gram is implemented by the Municipal Water
excess water washes away District with input from the California Land
fertilizers and pesticides, scape Contractors’ Association, the Orange
which pollute natural County Integrated Management Department,
waterways. The quantity the Metropolitan Water District of Southern
of water wasted (and the California, and local nurseries and has the sup
dollars that pay for it) are port of 32 retailing water suppliers. The program
even more substantial for is already credited with increasing the use of
large-scale commercial arid-climate shrubs and landscaping to accom
properties and develop modate drip irrigation, and has resulted in cost
ments. savings to water customers.
An innovative part
nership in Orange County
links landscape water
management, green mate-
Miscanthus sinensis
(Miscanthus grass, also called
12 Water-Efficient Landscaping
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he following list of organizations can provide more information on water-efficient landscaping.
This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, rather it is intended to help you locate local infor
water efficient landscaping practices. Your city, town, or county water management district can be
found in the Blue Pages section of your local phone book or through your city, town, or county’s
Web site if it has one. If you do not know your city, town, or county’s Web site, check for a link on Turkish Speedwell (Veronica
your state’s Web site. URLs for state Web sites typically follow this format: <www.state.(two letter liwanensis) in background
lications and advice on home landscaping issues including tips on plant selection and soil improvement. Some also offer a
soil analysis service for a nominal fee. Your county extension service can be found in the Blue Pages section of your local
phone book under the county government section or through your county’s Web site if it has one. The U.S. Department
provides an online directory of land-grant universities which can help you locate your state extension service. Government
Guide (www.governmentguide.com) is yet another online resource that might prove helpful in locating state or local
The following is a partial list of organizations located across the United States that provide helpful information on water-effi-
cient landscaping.
303 628-6343
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Web: <www.snwa.com>
WaterWiser: The Water Efficiency Clearing House
Southwest Florida Water Management District
(Operated by AWWA in cooperation with the U.S.
2379 Broad Street
Bureau of Reclamation)
Brooksville, FL 34604-6899
Denver, CO 80235
Web: <www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/watercon/
Denver, CO 80204-0202
Water Conservation Garden – San Diego County Web: <www.xeriscape.org>
12122 Cuyamaca College Drive West
El Cajon, CA 92019
Phone: 619 660-0614
Fax: 619 660-1687
he following is a partial list of publications Johnson, Eric and Scott Millard. The Low-Water Flower
14 Water-Efficient Landscaping
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Phillips, Judith. Plants for Natural Gardens: Southwestern Sunset Books, eds. Waterwise Gardening: Beautiful Gardens
Native & Adaptive Trees, Shrubs, Wildflowers & with Less Water. Menlo Park: Lane Publishing Com
Grasses. Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, pany, 1989.
Vickers, Amy. Handbook of Water Use and Conservation.
Robinette, Gary O. Water Conservation in Landscape Amherst, MA: WaterPlow Press, 2001.
Design and Maintenance. New York: Nostrand Rein-
Weinstein, Gayle. Xeriscape Handbook : A How-To Guide
hold, 1984.
to Natural, Resource-Wise Gardening. Golden: Fulcrum
Rumary, Mark. The Dry Garden. New York: Sterling Pub Publishing, 1998.
lishing Co., Inc., 1995.
Williams, Sara. Creating the Prairie Xeriscape.
Springer, Lauren. The Undaunted Garden: Planting for Saskatchewan: University Extension Press, 1997.
Weather-Resilient Beauty. Golden: Fulcrum Publish
Winger, David, ed. Xeriscape Plant Guide: 100 Water-Wise
ing, 1994.
Plants for Gardens and Landscapes. Golden: Fulcrum
Springer, Lauren. Waterwise Gardening. New York: Pren Publishing, 1998.
tice Hall Gardening, 1994.
Winger, David, ed. Xeriscape Color Guide. Golden: Ful
Stephens, Tom, Doug Welsh, and Connie Ellefson. crum Publishing, 1998.
Xeriscape Gardening, Water Conservation for the Amer
Winger, David, ed. Evidence of Care: The Xeriscape Main
ican Landscape. New York: Macmillan Publishing,
tenance Journal, 2002, Vol. 1, Colorado WaterWise
Council, 2001.
Technical advice provided by Alice Darilek, Elizabeth Gardener, and David Winger.
Interior photographs have been provided courtesy of Denver Water and David Winger.
Washington, DC 20460
Water-Efficient Landscaping 15
United States
Environmental Protection Agency (4204M)
Washington, DC 20460
Official Business