Standout Activity (Lesson 7 and 8) - Explore

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Standout Activity (Lesson 7 and 8)- Explore

OBJECTIVE: In this activity, students conduct an experiment to compare plant growth on the
basis of tap water and recycled water. (Numeracy: Green, Literacy: Red)
(Record observations in your journal)
Collaboratively and individually plan and conduct a range of investigation types, including fieldwork and
experiments, ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are followed (ACSIS125)
Identify and investigate issues involving numerical data collected from primary and secondary sources
Consolidate a personal handwriting style that is legible, fluent and automatic and supports writing for
extended periods (ACELY1727)
MATERIALS: Electronic Scale, Camera, Tap Water, Recycled Water, Wheat seeds, Cotton balls and a cup.
Negotiation: Before you start with the activity, you need to determine the way by which you will monitor
plant growth: height, diameter or plant mass.
PROCEDURE: (Groups of 4)
1. Take 1 cup and fill one-third by cotton balls moistened with tap water.
2. Take another cup and fill one-third by cotton balls moistened with recycled water.
3. Sprinkle wheat seeds on both the cups and leave in the sunlight for a week.
4. Everyday, you need to record your observations by camera and write them in the form of a table as
5. Keep watering as required.

Table 1: Data Collection of plant growth using Tap Water and Recycled Water.

Date Tap Water (.units) Recycled Water (Units)

You also have to plot a dot graph on the basis of the data collected.

State Hypothesis:

Discussion Questions:
1. What was the outcome of your experiment? Which plants grew better: the ones watered
with tap water or the ones watered with recycled water?

2. How does the outcome compare to your hypothesis?

3. In your groups opinion, is grey water a good option for growing plants?

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