CLT 2014
CLT 2014
CLT 2014
Method Approach
Is a step by step description of tasks to
be performed in order to accomplish
some type of work.
The theory behind this method is that learning a
language means acquiring habits. There is much
practice of dialogues of every situations. New
language is first heard and extensively drilled before
being seen in its written form.
General guideline on how to perform
the work, without identifying all the
steps, but indicating the direction to
achieve a result.
Approaches tend to take the best from
several methods in order to achieve a
Origin of CLT
This approach is found in the changes in the British
language teaching tradition dating from the late 1960s. A lot
of British linguists contributed to the formation of the
Communicative Approach which aims to make
communicative competence (Hymes, 1972) the goal of
language teaching and develop procedures for the teaching
of the four language skills that acknowledge the
interdependence of language and communication.
Communicative Competence
Is what a speaker needs to know in order to be
communicatively competent in a speech community.
What did you need to know in order to be
successful in the alphabet activity?
Major characteristics of CLT
Meaning is primary; contextualization is basic.
Attempts to communicate in TL are encouraged in the beginning of
Material sequencing is determined by the content, meaning, and
L1 is acceptable when feasible.
Activities and strategies for learning are varied.
Communicative competence is the goal of instruction.
The shopping for something in a foreign
language scenario
Observe the two people interact and try to guess the following:
What do they each want?
What strategies are they using?
Are they being successful?
What do they need to be successful?
Take notes and do not interrupt until the end of the interaction
People in the role-play
What was your role?
Were you able to achieve it successfully?
Four dimensions to be communicative
Grammatical competence- similar to linguistic
competence by Chomsky by what is formally possible
Sociolinguistic competence- understanding of the
social context in which communication takes place,
including role relationships, the shared information of
the participants, and the purpose for their interaction
Discourse competence- the interpretation of
individual message elements in terms of
cohesion and coherence
Strategic competence- the coping strategies
to initiate, terminate, maintain, repair, and
redirect communication
The three principles of communicative
The communication principle: Activities that involve
communication promote language learning.
The task principle: Activities that involve the
completion of real-world tasks promote learning.
The meaningfulness principle: Learners must be
engaged in meaningful and authentic language use
for learning to take place.
Do they meet the 3 principles?
Try out the following activities and at the end of each, you
will have time to analyze whether they meet the three
principles or not.
CASE 1: The Pregnant Woman
A pregnant woman leading a group of people out
of a cave on a coast was stuck in the mouth of that
cave. In a short time high tide was supposed to be
upon them, and unless she had been unstuck, they
would all have been drowned except the woman,
whose head was out of the cave. Fortunately, (or
unfortunately,) someone had with him a stick of
dynamite. There seemed no way to get the
pregnant woman loose without using the dynamite
that killed her; but if they had not used it,
everyone would have been drowned.
What would you have done if you had had such a
situation last year?