Cisco VPN Error Codes

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Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

Table of Contents
VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary....................................................................................................................1
Components Used.............................................................................................................................1
Error Messages........................................................................................................................................1
Warning Messages..................................................................................................................................9
Reason Messages..................................................................................................................................10
NetPro Discussion Forums − Featured Conversations.........................................................................14
Related Information..............................................................................................................................14

VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary
Components Used
Error Messages
Warning Messages
Reason Messages
NetPro Discussion Forums − Featured Conversations
Related Information

This document lists and describes the error and warning messages that can be produced by the Cisco VPN
Client for use by Cisco Technical Support and Engineering Support.

There are no specific requirements for this document.

Components Used
This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.

For more information on document conventions, refer to the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions.

Error Messages
This table lists and describes VPN Client error messages.

Error Message
Error 1: The command
line parameter "%1"
cannot be used in
conjunction with the The two command line
command line parameters stated within
parameter "%2". quotation marks conflict with
one another and cannot be used
Error 2: Invalid An invalid character was
together in any given command
Connection Entry entered in the connection entry
name. The Connection name field of the dialog for
Entry name cannot creating new, or modifying

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

contain any of the existing connection entries.
characters: \ / : *
? " < > |.
Error 3: Invalid TCP
port specified.
An invalid TCP port number
Valid range is %1 to
was entered on the Transport tab
of the dialog for creating new,
or modifying existing
Error 4: Invalid connection entries.
Peer Response
Timeout specified.
An invalid peer response
Valid range is %1 to
timeout was entered on the
Transport tab of the dialog for
Error 5: No hostname creating new, or modifying
exists for this A connection
existing attempt
connection was made
connection entry. using a connection entry that
Unable to make VPN does not contain a host
connection. name/address entry. A host
name or address must be
specified in the connection entry
in order to attempt a VPN
Error 6: The
connection entry
The command line specified a
"%1" does not exist.
connection entry that does not
Error 7: Group exist.
passwords do not The group authentication
match. Enter the password fields on the
same password in Authentication tab of the dialog
both text boxes. for creating new, or modifying
existing connection entries, have
different values. The Password
and Confirm Password fields
must contain the same values.
The VPN Client was unable to
Error 8: Unable to save the start before logon
update Start Before setting of the Windows Logon
Logon setting. Properties dialog to the file
vpnclient.ini. The file attributes
may have been changed to read
only or there may be a problem
with the file system.
Error 9: Unable to The VPN Client was unable to
update "Disconnect save the "Disconnect VPN
VPN connection when connection when logging off"
logging off" setting of the Windows Logon
setting. Properties dialog to the file
vpnclient.ini. The file attributes
may have been changed to read
only or there may be a problem

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

with the file system.
Error 10: Unable to The VPN Client was unable to
update "Allow save the "Allow launching of
launching of third third party applications before
party applications logon" setting of the Windows
before logon" Logon Properties dialog to the
setting. Windows registry. The user
must have administrator
privileges to save this setting,
though the setting should be
grayed out if this is not the case.
There is likely a system problem
with the registry.
Error 11:
The VPN Client was unable to
Registration of
register its CSGINA.DLL with
CSGINA.DLL failed.
the Windows operating system.
The DLL may have been altered
or corrupted.
The VPN Client was unable to
Error 12: Unable to retrieve the current status for
retrieve determining if automatic VPN
auto−initiation initiation must be initiated. The
status. VPN Client service or daemon
may be stopped, hung, or not
running; or inter−process
communication between the
service/daemon and the GUI
application may have failed.
The VPN Client was unable to
Error 13: Unable to
save the "Automatic VPN
update Automatic VPN
Initiation Enable" setting of the
Initiation Enable
Automatic VPN Initiation
dialog to the file vpnclient.ini.
The file attributes may have
been changed to read only or
there may be a problem with the
file system.
The VPN Client was unable to
Error 14: Unable to
save the "Automatic VPN
update Automatic VPN
Initiation Retry Interval" setting
Initiation Retry
of the Automatic VPN Initiation
Interval setting.
dialog to the file vpnclient.ini.
The file attributes may have
been changed to read only or
there may be a problem with the
file system.
Error 15: Invalid An invalid retry interval was
Retry Interval entered in the Automatic VPN
specified. Valid Initiation Retry Interval field of

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

range is %1 to %2. the Automatic VPN Initiation
dialog. The value must be
within the range specified in the
error message.
Error 16: The
connection entry
"%1" already exists.
Choose a different The user is attempting to create
name. a new connection entry with the
same name as an existing
Error 17: Unable to
The VPN Client
connection entry.was unable to
create connection
save the new connection entry
to a file on the hard drive. There
may be a problem with the file
Error 18: Unable to The VPN Client was unable to
rename connection rename the connection entry.
entry. The new connection entry name
may already exist, or there may
be a problem with the file
The VPN Client was unable to
Error 19: Unable to
save the modified connection
save the modified
entry to its file on the hard
connection entry.
drive. The file attributes may
have been changed to read only
or there may be a problem with
the file system.
Error 20: Unable to The VPN Client was unable to
duplicate connection duplicate the connection entry.
entry. The duplicate connection entry
name may already exist or be
too long, or there may be a
problem with the file system.
The VPN Client was unable to
Error 21: Unable to
delete the connection entry. The
delete connection
file containing the connection
entry "%1".
entry may no longer exist or
may be protected, or there may
be a problem with the file
The VPN Client was unable to
import the connection entry.
Error 22: Unable to
The connection entry attempting
import connection
to import may not exist. A
entry "%1.
connection entry with the same
name as the entry being
imported may already exist.
There may be a problem with
the file system.

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

Error 23: Unable to
erase encrypted The VPN Client was unable to
password for erase the encrypted user
connection entry password in the connection
"%1". entry. The connection entry file
attributes may have been
changed to read only or there
may be a problem with the file
The VPN Client was unable to
Error 24: Unable to write the connection entry
update connection modifications to the connection
entry "%1". entry's file on the hard drive.
The file attributes may have
been changed to read only or
there may be a problem with the
file system.
Error 25: %1() for The function specified in the
the short cut file error message failed while
"%2" failed with attempting to create a short cut
%3h. file to the VPN Client GUI for a
particular connection entry. The
hexadecimal number in the error
message is the error returned by
the function specified.
Error 26: Unable to
build a fully
qualified file path
The VPN Client was unable to
while creating the
build a fully qualified file path
short cut file "%1".
for the shortcut file. There may
Error 27: Unable to be a problem with the file
create the shortcut The VPN Client was unable to
file "%1. get a pointer to the IShellLink
interface from the system in
order to create the shortcut file.
Error 28: Reached
end of log, no match
The VPN Client could not find a
match for the search string in
Error 29: The the log.
third−party dial−up
The VPN Client was unable to
program could not be
launch the third−party dial−up
program specified in the
connection entry in order to
Error 30: The The user is
establish attempting
a VPN to
selected connection establish a VPN connection
entry uses the before logon using a connection
Microsoft CryptoAPI entry that is configured to use a
certificate store. Microsoft CryptoAPI certificate
This connection for authentication. Such a
entry can not be certificate cannot be used until
used until you have after the user has logged into the

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

logged in to your workstation.
Error 31: The
certificate "%1"
associated with this
Connection Entry no
longer exists or
failed to open. The user is attempting to
Please select establish a VPN connection
another certificate. using a connection entry that is
configured to use a certificate
Error 32: Unable to
The selected certificate
for authentication could
that does not
verify certificate
cannot bePossible
misconfiguration issue with the
certificate authentication (CA)
Error 33: Unable to
delete certificate
"%1" from The VPN Client was unable to
certificate store. successfully delete the selected
certificate from the certificate
Error 34: Unable to
show details for The VPN Client was unable to
certificate "%1". successfully open and access the
selected certificate in order to
display the certificate's details.
Error 35: Unable to
export certificate.
Invalid path "%1". The export path provided for the
certificate is invalid.
Error 36: Unable to
export certificate The export source or destination
"%1". for the certificate was invalid
and the certificate could not be
Error 37: An export
path must be
The user did not provide a file
path for exporting the selected
Error 38: certificate
passwords do not
match. Enter the
same password in The Password and Confirm
both text boxes. Password fields of the Export
Certificate dialog must both
The VPN Client was unable to
Error 39: Unable to contain the same values.
import the certificate. The file
import certificate.
path for the certificate may be
incorrect or there may be a
problem with the file system.
Error 40: An import
path must be
specified. The user did not provide a file
path for import a certificate.
Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary
Error 41:
passwords do not
match. Enter the
same password in The New Password and Confirm
both text boxes. Password fields of the Import
Certificate dialog must both
Error 42: Unable to
contain the same values.
create certificate The VPN Client was unable to
enrollment request. create an enrollment request to
enroll the certificate with a
certificate authority.
Error 43:
enrollment failed, The certificate enrollment
or was not approved. request failed or was not
approved by the certificate
Error 44:
Certificate is not
valid, or not an
online enrollment The user attempted to resume
request. enrollment of a certificate that is
not valid or does not have a
Error 45: Passwords The value entered in the
pending enrollment request.
do not match. Try "Confirm new password" dialog
again. did not match the value entered
in the "Enter new password"
dialog when attempting to
change a certificate password.
Error 46: Change
password for
certificate "%1"
The VPN Client was unable to
change the password for the
Error 47: Failed to The VPN Client was unable to
load ipseclog.exe. launch the ipseclog.exe
application. Log messages will
not be saved to the log file.
The VPN Client was unable to
Error 48: Unable to stop the service/daemon. The
stop service/daemon. service/daemon may be hung or
there is a problem with the
system's service/daemon
The VPN Client failed to send a
stop request for terminating the
Error 49: GI_VPNStop
VPN connection to the
failed. Unable to
service/daemon. The
service/daemon may be stopped,
hung, or not running.
Communication with the
service/daemon may have

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

Error 50:
Service/daemon is The VPN Client service/daemon
not running. is not running. VPN connections
cannot be established/terminated
via the GUI.
The VPN Client failed to create
an inter−process communication
Error 51: IPC socket
socket in order to communicate
allocation failed
with the service/daemon. VPN
with error %1h.
connections cannot be
established/terminated via the
GUI. Refer to Cisco bug ID
CSCed05004 ( registered customers
only) for additional information.

The VPN Client failed to close

an inter−process communication
Error 52: IPC socket
socket that is used to
deallocation failed
communicate with the
with error %1h.
service/daemon while
terminating. Subsequent use of
the GUI may be unable to
communicate with the
Error 53: Secure
The VPN connection was lost
connection to "%1"
due to something other than
was unexpectedly
termination by the VPN Client
GUI. The connection could have
been terminated by the user via
the CLI, or internet connectivity
may have been lost.
Error 54: The
passwords do not The user was asked to enter a
match. Enter the new authentication password in
same password in the extend authentication dialog
both text boxes. and did not enter the same
values into the "New Password"
and "Confirm Password" fields.
Both fields must contain the
Error 55: The
same values.
authentication PINs The user was asked to enter a
do not match. Enter new authentication PIN in the
the same PIN in both extend authentication dialog and
text boxes. did not enter the same values
into the "New PIN" and
"Confirm PIN" fields. Both
fields must contain the same
Error 56: Unable to The VPN Client failed to send a
start the VPN start request for establishing the
connection. VPN connection to the
service/daemon. The

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

service/daemon may be stopped,
hung, or not running.
Communication with the
service/daemon may have

Warning Messages
This table lists and describes VPN Client warning messages.

Warning Message
Warning 201: The The VPN Client GUI has
necessary VPN detected that it cannot
sub−system is not communicate with the client
available. You can service/daemon. The
not connect to the service/daemon may be
remote VPN server. stopped, hung, or not running.
Communication with the
service/daemon may have
failed. Unistall the VPN
Client and the anitvirus on the
computer, then reinstall the
VPN Client.
Warning 202: If you
disable this feature,
the %1 will not
disconnect your VPN
connection when you
logoff. As a result,
your computer may
The user has disabled the
remain connected
"Disconnect VPN connection
after logoff.
when logging off" setting of
Warning 203: You do the Windows Logon
not have write Properties dialog.
privileges for this
connection entry. It
will be opened The user is attempting to
read−only. modify a connection entry
whose file attributes have
Warning 204: The The user is attempting to
been set to read only.
certificate "%1" modify a connection entry
associated with this that has a certificate
Connection Entry associated with it. But the
could not be found. certificate associated with the
Please select a profile was not found. It could
different certificate be that the certificate lives on
or click Cancel. a smart card which is not
connected to the system right
now. Therefore, hitting cancel

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

is a valid option.
Warning 205: You must
use a Smart Card with
this connection.
This warning means that the
Please insert the
current profile requires the
Smart Card before
use of smart card, and no
attempting a
smart card is present on the
system. The user should insert
the correct smart card and
should re−connect, or the user
should select a different
Reason Messages profile to connect.

This table lists and describes VPN Client reason messages.

Reason Message
Reason 401: An
unrecognized error
occurred while
establishing the VPN VPN connection was not
connection. established because of an
unrecognized reason. Please
Either the connection profile is
check client logs for details.
missing or does not have all the
Reason 402: The
information. To fix this
Connection Manager
problem, you can either select
was unable to read
another connection profile, or
the connection entry,
fix the current connection
or the connection
entry has missing or
Connection profiles are located
in <client installation
directory>\profiles. On most
machines, this is C:\Program
Files\Cisco Systems\VPN
Client\profiles. To fix this
problem, replace the connection
profile file from the profiles
directory. This file can be
copied from a machine that has
the correct entry of this file.
Reason 403: Unable to This can happen because of
contact the security multiple reasons. One of the
gateway. reasons that users can get this
message is because IKE
negotiations failed. Check the
client logs for details.
Reason 404: The Check the remote peer
remote peer (head−end) logs to determine
terminated the the cause for this failure.

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

connection during
negotiation of
security policies.
Reason 405: The
remote peer
terminated connection
during user
authentication. This reason is not currently
Reason 406: Unable to
establish a secure
channel. This reason is not currently
Reason 407: User
authentication was
cancelled by the A user hit the cancel button
user. (instead of OK) in the VPN
Client user authentication
Reason 408: A VPN
connection is already
in the process of
being established. A connection is already in
Reason 409: A VPN
connection already
exists. A VPN connection already
Reason 410: The
Connection Manager
was unable to forward
the user
This is not currently used.
Reason 411: The
remote peer does not
support the required The remote peer is either not a
VPN Client protocol. Cisco device or it does not
support the VPN Client
The remote peer is not
Reason 412: The protocol specification.
responding to the client's
remote peer is no
request to establish the
longer responding.
connection. Make sure you can
ping the remote peer, or check
remote peer logs for why it is
not responding to the client.
Reason 413: User
Either the user entered wrong
user authentication information,
or the client was not able to
launch the XAuth (user
authentication) process.
Reason 414: Failed to The VPN Client was not able to
establish a TCP establish the TCP connection

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

connection. for IPSec over TCP connection
mode. Please try IPSec over
UDP or straight IPSec. Please
look at client logs for details.
Reason 415: A
required component
PPPTool.exe is not
Please make sure that
present among the
ppptool.exe is present in the
installed client
client installation directory (this
is generally C:\Program
Files\Cisco Systems\VPN
Reason 416: Remote Client. If this file is not present,
peer is load uninstall and reinstall the client.
balancing. The peer has advised you to use
a different gateway.
Reason 417: The
required firewall
software is no longer
running. The required firewall is not
Reason 418: Unable to
configure the
firewall software. The peer sent an unrecognized
firewall message.
Reason 419: No
This is an unexpected error.
connection exists.
Please check client logs for
Reason 420: The
application was
unable to allocate
some system resources The system ran out of memory.
and cannot proceed. If you think the system has
enough memory, reboot the
Reason 421: Failed to
machine and try again.
establish a
connection to your
Failed to establish a dialup
connection. View the client
Reason 422: Lost The
logs machine's
for details.IP address
contact with the changed or the machine is no
security gateway. longer connected to the
Check your network Internet.
Note: The VPN Client is
required to disconnect the VPN
tunnel for security reasons, if
the machines IP Address has
Reason 423: Your VPN
connection has been
Either the user disconnected the
VPN tunnel, or there was an
unexpected error.

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

Reason 424: Connection disconnected by the
Connectivity to peer. Check the peer logs for
Client Lost by Peer. details.
Reason 425: Manually
Disconnected by
Administrator. Administrator manually
disconnected the VPN tunnel.
Reason 426: Maximum
The VPN Client exceeded the
Configured Lifetime
maximum configured lifetime
for a session. This value is
configured on the peer
(head−end) device.
Reason 427: Unknown
Error Occurred at
Peer. Peer disconnected tunnel.
Check the peer logs for details.
Reason 428: Peer has
been Shut Down.
Peer was shut down.
Reason 429: Unknown
Severe Error Occurred
at Peer.
Check the peer logs for details.
Reason 430:
Configured Maximum
Connection Time
VPN Client has been connected
for longer than allowed by the
Reason 431: peer.
Configured Maximum
Idle Time for Session
The VPN connection was idle
for longer than the time
Reason 432: Peer has allowed by the administrator.
been Rebooted.
The peer has been rebooted.
Reason 433: Reason
Not Specified by
The peer gave no reason for
disconnecting the tunnel. Check
Reason 434: Policy Client
the peerand peer
logs forpolicies
details. do not
Negotiation Failed. match. Try changing peer
policies (try using 3DES, AES,
and so forth) and then try again.
Reason 435: Firewall
Firewall policies do not match
Policy Mismatch.
with what was configured by
the peer.
Reason 436:
The certificate used in the
Certificates used
connection profile has expired.
have Expired.
Update the certificate
configured in the client profile,
and then try again.

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

NetPro Discussion Forums − Featured Conversations
Networking Professionals Connection is a forum for networking professionals to share questions, suggestions,
and information about networking solutions, products, and technologies. The featured links are some of the
most recent conversations available in this technology.

NetPro Discussion Forums − Featured Conversations for VPN

Service Providers: VPN Service Architectures
Service Providers: Network Management
Virtual Private Networks: General

Related Information
• Cisco VPN Client Support Page
• IPSec Support Page
• Technical Support − Cisco Systems

All contents are Copyright © 1992−2004 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Important Notices and Privacy Statement.

Cisco − VPN Client GUI Error Dictionary

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