Sharing The Planet Parent Letter
Sharing The Planet Parent Letter
Sharing The Planet Parent Letter
October 26
Sharing the Planet
Central Idea:
When interacting with natural habitats people make choices that have an impact on
other living things.
Key Concepts:
Form- What is it like?
Causation- Why is it the way it is?
Change- How does it change?
Responsibilities- What is our/my responsibility?
Related Concepts:
Habitats, Interdependence, Conservation
An inquiry into:
Natural habitats
Human impact on natural habitats
How habitats are affected by change
Responsibilities when interacting with natural habitats
Teacher Questions:
What is a natural habitat?
In what ways do people interact with habitats?
How and why have habitats changed?
Why should we care about the environment?
Learner Profiles
Caring- They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings
of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive
difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
Thinkers- They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to
recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
Vocabulary List
Habitat Seabed
Conservation Mountain
Natural Environment
Deforestation Global
Pollution Local
Contamination Ocean
River Rainforest
Pond Climate
Lake Preservation
Forest Consumption
Change Jungle
Grade Two Unit Letter
Transdisciplinary Skills
Social Skills
Adopting a variety of group roles- understanding what behavior is appropriate in
a given situation and acting accordingly; being a leader in some circumstances, a
follower in others.
Group decision making Listening to others; discussing ideas; asking questions;
working towards and obtaining consensus.
Self-Management Skills
Time Management- using time effectively and appropriately
Spatial Awareness- displaying a sensitivity to the position of objects in relation to
oneself or each other
Research Skills
Collecting Data- gathering information from a variety of first and second-hand
sources such as maps, surveys, direct observation, books, films, people,
museums and ICT
Recording Data- describing and recording observations by drawing, note taking,
making charts, tallying, writing statements.
Communication Skills
Speaking- speaking clearly; giving oral reports to small and large groups;
expressing ideas clearly and logically; stating opinions
Writing- recording information and observations; taking notes and paraphrasing;
writing summaries; writing reports; keeping a journal or a record.
Thinking skills
Acquisition of Knowledge- gaining specific facts, ideas, vocabulary; remembering
in a similar form.
Comprehension- grasping meaning from material learned; communicating and
interpreting learning
Grade Two Unit Letter
Summative Assessment- Conservation Research Project
Students will inquire into a natural habitat and address the choices humans make. They
will discuss the negative and positive impacts on the habitat. They could choose to
present their findings in a variety of different ways including but not limited to a
PowerPoint, a mini movie, a poster, a diorama or a model, a puppet show, a story etc.
After completing the project students should be able to properly identify a natural
habitat and its location. They should effectively evaluate and discuss choices people
make that impact the natural habitat both negatively and positively.
Language Outcomes
Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes) including
consonant blends
Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual
sounds (phonemes)
Use knowledge that every syllable must have a vowel sound to determine the
number of syllables in a printed word
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text
Use illustrations and details in a text to describe its key details
Writing Content and Conventions
Participate in shared research and writing projects (explore a number of books in
a single topic to produce a report, record science observations)
With guidance and support recall information from experiences or gather
information from provided sources to answer a question
Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs (sat, hid,
Capitalize holidays, product names and geographic names
Consult reference manuals, including beginning dictionaries as needed to check
and correct spellings.
Use words and phrases acquired through conservation, reading and being read
to, and respond to texts including using adjectives and adverbs to describe. (For
example, when other kids are happy that makes me happy)
Speaking and Listening
Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and texts
under discussion
Grade Two Unit Letter
Mathematics Outcomes
Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. Know, from
memory, all sums of two one digit numbers.
Understand that 100 is considered as 10 bundles of tens.
Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work, using place values and the
properties of operations.
Solve money problems (simple addition and subtraction).
Read and write analogue and digital time using intervals of 10 minutes.
Collect, organize and interpret data using bar graphs, pictographs and Venn
We are looking into the study of living things which includes the following: the study of
the characteristics, systems and behaviors of humans and other animals, and of plants;
the interactions and relationships between and among them, and with their
Science Outcomes
Observe carefully in order to gather data
Use a variety of instruments and tools to measure data accurately
Use scientific vocabulary to explain their observations and experiences
Identify or generate a question or problem to be explored
Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order to draw conclusions
Technology Integration
Learning Outcomes:
Create a cover page in PowerPoint
Insert and text and layout in PowerPoint
Insert new slides in PowerPoint
Search using a kid safe browser
Download and save an image safely
Save, name and retrieve files
Technology Skills: Safe searching and research, safe Image download, acknowledge
your source, text and layout, inserting an image, saving and retrieving files,
organizational skills.
Grade Two Unit Letter
Learning Outcomes:
Distinguish materials that can be recycled
Examine artists who create artwork with recyclable items
Use the elements of art, focusing on shape, color, and texture
Improve individual brainstorming skills
Activities, Projects and Connections:
Sharing the Planet Unit of Inquiry students will change recyclable materials into
animals in their natural habitats.
Learning Outcomes:
Know how to apply manipulative skills within a variety of games and sports
To understand that we must apply safe practices when participating in PE
To understand that there are tactics involved in games and sports
Cooperate when playing games or sports
Demonstrate skill with a variety of manipulative skills in circuit-based activities
Learning Outcomes:
Sing a repertoire of songs
Recognize music symbols and understand meanings
Read rhythms with quarter notes, eighth notes and quarter rests at different
Cooperate with classmates in musical games and activities
Engagements, Projects and Connections:
Sing and choreograph Lifes What You Make It
Play games like Peter Pumpkin to perform rhythms in multiple tempos
Connection to Sharing the Planet UOI: Causation- looking at multiple ways to
play instruments
Creating movements and visual art to represent tempi in pieces of music like In
the Hall of the Mountain King
Grade Two Unit Letter
Learning Outcomes:
expressing about my basic needs like (I need water, I need to use the bathroom)
Using short sentences to express the pictures like (this is a house, this is a girl.
Counting from 1-10.
Follow basic instructions.
Analyze the words to their vowels.
Read the new vocabulary and recognize the letters sounds.
Read the words and express the understanding by drawing.
Copy and write simple words.
Write the missing letter.
Learning Outcomes:
Recites the Holy Quran and Hadiths
Recite Surat alNas
Understand and appreciates the lives of many Prophets
Show respect and love to our prophet.
Understand the meanings and significance of the festivals of Islam
Al Sawm
Understand and demonstrate the basic morals of Islam in daily life
Thank Allah all the time.
Grade Two Unit Letter
Supporting Your Childs Learning
To help your child with the new topic in school here are some suggestions. This
list is not inclusive of all the things you can do and nothing is mandatory- but definitely
recommended. For language and math activities please continue to read the
weekly updates posted on Weebly. We try and keep posting fun websites and
activities to help at home!
Good ways to encourage your children at home would be reading/watching anything to
do with the planet Earth and conservation. Here are some ideas to help them:
Use the vocabulary list provided above to have a conversation or discussion
Watch the movie Wall E and talk about the earth and what has happened to it
Visit: The Mother Nature Network
Visit: / National Geographic
Read about different habitats around the world:
Encourage your child to research/investigate about natural habitats that they are
interested in
We are also planning an exciting field trip to the Turtle Rehabilitation Centre to learn
about conservation. We will share more news about this soon and we will be looking for
parent volunteers closer to the date.
To learn more you can check out the following websites:
Thank you again for all your support,
The Grade Two Team