Year 8 Unit Plan
Year 8 Unit Plan
Year 8 Unit Plan
Class Details:
Year Number of Students Gender Prior Knowledge
8 24 Mixed Little to none
Guide Lines:
Health promoting schools (Health Literacy Framework) AusVELS standard 8 (Health Literacy)
Focuses on:
Caring for oneself and others
Making healthy decisions and taking control over life's
Creating conditions that are conducive to health (through policies,
services, physical / social conditions).
Building capacities for peace, shelter, education, food, income, a
stable ecosystem, equity, social justice, sustainable development.
Preventing leading causes of death, disease and disability: helminths,
tobacco use, HIV/AIDS/STDs, sedentary lifestyle, drugs and alcohol,
violence and injuries, unhealthy nutrition.
Influencing health-related behaviours: knowledge, beliefs, skills,
attitudes, values, support.
(World Health Organization. 2014)
The Health knowledge and promotion dimension examines physical, social,
emotional and mental health and personal development across various stages of
the lifespan. It focuses on safety and the identification of strategies to minimise
harms associated with particular situations or behaviours. Students examine the
promotion of health of individuals and the community through the use of
specific strategies and the provision of health resources.
At this stage, they use problem-solving strategies relevant to the health
interests and needs of young people, such as issues associated with sexual
health and drug use. They discuss and evaluate strategies to minimise harm and
protect their own and others health.
They increasingly identify with groups and communities outside the family,
which provides a context for studying the range of peers and social influences
on their health-related behaviours, learning about establishing and maintaining
relationships and considering views of what is right/wrong, good/bad,
acceptable/unacceptable. They begin to see themselves as members of larger
communities and to consider factors that affect their own and others ability to
access and use health information, products and services within their local area.
(AusVELS. 2014)
Focus: Drug Education/Awareness
Statement positioning unit with personal health education philosophy:
Im addressing life skills that students will be able to use to make educated decisions in the future.
This unit has been based around that of AusVELS level 8.
Key health education considerations:
Some students may come from a background that has been affected by drug abuse.
It is important that all students feel comfortable in their class room environment.
It should be stated at the beginning of the unit that if any students ever feel uncomfortable they should address me in private.
Rationale for teaching strategies:
I have created differentiated tasks for both the high and low level academics.
I have implemented a range of teaching strategies.
The use of ICT is prevalent.
I have made tasks relatable i.e. the role playing scenario.
Assessment methods: For the 4 week unit
Formative assessment during classroom activities, discussions and group work. 20% (Please see attached grading rubric.)
Assessment of work books, required class work and homework. 30% (Please see attached grading rubric)
Formal assessment through grading of a Drug Awareness Pamphlet created individually by the students. 50% (Please see attached grading rubric)
Lesson Progression:
Lesson Time Topic Learning
Activities Differentiation
To develop
into the
topic of
1. Address the topics for the
following 4 lessons (10mins)
2. Drug Education/Awareness
crossword activity. (20mins)
3. In groups brainstorm what
drugs are and make a list of as
many legal and illegal ones you
know. Assign one person per
group to present to the class
and come up to the board and
write their suggestions.
If some students are
struggling they may
work in pairs.
If some students have
limited prior
knowledge they can
use the online
resources listed to
find the answers.
For the students who
find this very easy
they can move onto
the task of starting to
Lap tops / Netbooks.
Year 8 HPE E-text book.
Self- constructed drug
awareness crossword.
4. Drug Definitions and legalities.
5. Research and report task:
Everyone is to research two
illegal drugs and report on the
immediate and long term
effects of them. (20mins)
6. Page 38 drug classification
match up task. (15mins)
7. Class Reflection. (5mins)
create their own Drug
2 100
The effects of
illegal drug
To start
more further
into the
effects of
illegal drug
1. Readdress content from last
lesson in a class discussion.
2. Lifestyle Consequences
Brainstorm for long term illegal
drug use. Class activity.
3. Class debate on the legalisation
of marijuana:
The class will be spilt into two
teams each team will be
provided with 15mins to come
up with some arguments for or
against just based on what they
have seen in the media.
One person from each team will
be assigned to present said
arguments. (30mins)
4. Show students an anti-drug
The students then have to
design their own anti-drug
campaign and script it in
workbooks. (30mins)
5. Drug use and the effects on
lifestyle brainstorm: Everyone
comes up to the whiteboard and
writes down way thing they
believe drug use could affect a
person in terms of lifestyle.
6. Class Reflection. (5mins)
3 100
will explore
influences of
drug use and
avenues for
1. Address lest lessons content.
2. Class brainstorm on the reason
people use illegal drugs.
INFLUENCES. (15mins)
3. In pairs or groups of 3 students
create their own case study on a
scenario based around drug use
and prevention. Students will
then act out said scenarios.
4. Stuents will navigate through
the following website
and familiarize themselves with
agencies and help groups.
5. Inform the students about next
weeks assessment task and to
start planning and getting their
notes and information in order.
6. Class Reflection. (5mins)
4 100
will be able
Assessment Task: Drug awareness
For students who
struggle with their
literacy skills I will
Notes taken throughout
previous sessions.
they have
learnt in the
previous 3
Students are to create a drug
awareness pamphlet.
It must include 5 illegal drugs.
What sort of drug they are.
Short and long term effects of
each of the drugs.
Avenues people can go down if
they have a drug abuse
Original way you think we
might be able to prevent the use
of drugs in our community.
Word length: 750 words.
Presented in a neat fashion.
(Please see attached rubric.)
allow for them to do
research on 3 drugs
instead of 5 and
articulate themselves
more through the use
of imagery.
Online resources. (Government
based sites only).
Year 8 HPE E-text book.
AusVELS. 2014. Health and Physical Education Stages of Learning. [ONLINE] Available at:
Education/Overview/Stages-of-learning. [Accessed 20 August 14].
World Health Organization. 2014. School health promotion. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 15
October 14].
Assessment grading rubrics:
Classroom discussion 10%
Category 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Level of
engagement and
Proactively and regularly
contributes to class discussion;
initiates discussion on issues
related to class topic
Proactively contributes to class
discussion, asking questions
and respond to direct questions
Few contributions to class
discussion; seldom volunteers but
responds to direct questions
Student never contributes to
class discussion; fails to respond
to direct questions
Listening Skills Listens without interrupting
and incorporates and expands
on the other students
Listens appropriately,
responds to the contributions
of others
Does not listed carefully and
comments are often nonresponsive
to discussion
Does not listen when others talk.
interrupts, or makes
inappropriate comments
Relevance of
contribution to
topic under
Contributions are relevant and
promote deeper analysis of the
Contributions are always
Contributions are sometimes off-
topic or distracting
Contributions, when made are
off-topic or distract the class
from discussion
Preparation Student is consistently well-
prepared; frequently raises
questions or comments on
material outside the
Student has read and thought
about the material in advance
of class
Student has read the material but
not closely or has read only some of
the assigned material in advance of
the class
Student is not adequately
prepared; does not appear to
have read the material in
advance of class
Group work 10%
Category 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Routinely provides useful
ideas when participating in the
group and in classroom
discussion. A leader who
contributes a lot of effort.
Usually provides useful ideas
when participating in the
group and in classroom
discussion. A strong group
member who tries hard!
Sometimes provides useful ideas
when participating in the group and
in classroom discussion. A
satisfactory group member who
does what is required.
Rarely provides useful ideas
when participating in the group
and in classroom discussion.
May refuse to participate.
Actively looks for and
suggests solutions to problems.
Refines solutions suggested by
Does not suggest or refine
solutions, but is willing to try out
solutions suggested by others.
Does not try to solve problems
or help others solve problems.
Lets others do the work.
Is never publicly critical of the
project or the work of others.
Always has a positive attitude
about the task(s).
Is rarely publicly critical of the
project or the work of others.
Often has a positive attitude
about the task(s).
Is occasionally publicly critical of
the project or the work of other
members of the group. Usually has
a positive attitude about the task(s).
Is often publicly critical of the
project or the work of other
members of the group. Is often
negative about the task(s).
Focus on the
Consistently stays focused on
the task and what needs to be
done. Very self-directed.
Focuses on the task and what
needs to be done most of the
time. Other group members
can count on this person.
Focuses on the task and what needs
to be done some of the time. Other
group members must sometimes
nag, prod, and remind to keep this
person on task.
Rarely focuses on the task and
what needs to be done. Lets
others do the work.
Working with
Almost always listens to,
shares with, and supports the
efforts of others. Tries to keep
people working well together.
Usually listens to, shares, with,
and supports the efforts of
others. Does not cause
"waves" in the group.
Often listens to, shares with, and
supports the efforts of others, but
sometimes is not a good team
Rarely listens to, shares with,
and supports the efforts of
others. Often is not a good team
Workbook 30%
Category 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Completeness Work is entirely complete.
Student clearly read and
followed directions using full
sentences where appropriate.
Work is almost entirely
complete. Student has clearly
read directions but may have
failed to answer a question
Work is somewhat complete.
Student has failed to read and
follow some directions, or has
failed to answers several
components of the assignment.
Work is very incomplete.
Student has clearly failed to read
and follow the directions of the
Readability Work is written in a
completely neat and readable
Work is generally written in a
neat and readable fashion.
Work is occasionally written in a
neat and readable fashion.
Work is very sloppy and difficult
to read.
Students work contains all
pertinent content details,
demonstrating full
understanding of the relevant
ideas, concepts, and points.
Students work contains most
pertinent details, missing only
minor ideas, concepts, and
Students work contains only some
pertinent details, missing several
relevant ideas, concepts, and points.
Students work contains very few
pertinent details, missing almost
all relevant ideas, concepts, and
Skill Mastery Student has successfully and
repeatedly demonstrated the
skill being presented by the
Student has successfully
demonstrated the skill being
presented, although not
Student has failed to demonstrate
the skill being presented, but the
work completed shows some basic
understanding of how to use the
Student has failed to
demonstrate the skill being
presented, but has made an effort
to complete the work.
Pamphlet 50%
Category 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
The pamphlet includes all
required elements as well as
additional information.
All required elements are
included on the pamphlet.
All but 1 of the required elements
are included on the pamphlet.
Several required elements were
Labels All items of importance on the
pamphlet are clearly labeled.
Almost all items of importance
on the pamphlet are clearly
Many items of importance on the
pamphlet are clearly labeled.
Labels are too small to view OR
no important items were labeled.
Graphics -
All graphics are related to the
topic and make it easier to
understand. All borrowed
graphics have a source
All graphics are related to the
topic and most make it easier
to understand. Some borrowed
graphics have a source
All graphics relate to the topic. One
or two borrowed graphics have a
source citation.
Graphics do not relate to the
topic OR several borrowed
graphics do not have a source
Attractiveness The pamphlet is exceptionally
attractive in terms of design,
layout, and neatness.
The pamphlet is attractive in
terms of design, layout and
The pamphlet is acceptably
attractive though it may be a bit
The pamphlet is distractingly
messy or very poorly designed.
It is not attractive.
Grammar There are no
mistakes on the pamphlet.
There are 1-2
mistakes on the pamphlet.
There are 3-4
grammatical/mechanical mistakes
on the pamphlet.
There are more than 4
mistakes on the pamphlet.