Institude of Management Development & Reasearch, Pune (IMDR)

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Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.


Summer Internsh! Re!"rt
Presente& %'
A&t'( G")h(*e
R"** n"$ +,
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 1
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
Ser(* N"$ T"!1 P(2e N"$
1. %#no&$ed'ement (
2. O)*e%tive +
,. -.e%utive Summer! /
(. Or'"nis"tion overvie& 0 its "%tivities 1
+. Introdu%tion to 23 "nd FF 9
/. Dep"rtments in the or'"nis"tion 12
1. S- IMPORT 1,
I. import pro%edure
II. 4"n# invo$ved import pro%edure
III. Import pro%edure 5or F"%tor! Stu55in' 1/
I6. 2onso$id"tion
7. S- -8PORT
I. Frei'ht For&"rder 21
II. 23 22
III. Pre-shipment Do%uments
9. IR -8PORT
I. Pro%edure F$o& %h"rt 21
II. Pre-shipment Do%uments ,0

PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 2
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
TOPIC P(2e N"$
10. IR IMPORT ,,
I. Frei'ht For&"rder
II. 23
11. 2ont"ineri9"tion
12. M"r#etin' P"rt
Some Situ"tions o)served
1(. 2"uses o5 Disputes in 2$e"r"n%e (+
1+. Fe& De5initions re$"ted to Import -.port pro%edure (/
1/. Or'"ni9"tion
11. 2on%$usion +2
17. 4i)$io'r"ph! +,
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ,
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
I &ou$d $i#e to m! 'r"titude to&"rds the m"n"'ement o5 OM FREIGHT
FORWADERS PVT.Ltd. 5or providin' me &ith the opportunit! to $e"rn "nd #no&
")out the or'"ni9"tion )! &"! o5 summer tr"inin'.
I m! sin%ere 'r"titude to the 5o$$o&in' peop$e &ithout &hom this tr"inin'
&ou$d h"ve )een impossi)$e.
M(n(2n2 Dre1t"r Mr$ R(hu* 4"sh$, :oint Dire%tor; Mr.S"n*iv :oshi <ir Division=;
ir -.port Mr. 6i*"!; MR. >"ush"$ Pip"ri!" in %onso$id"tion dep"rtment; Mr.
>"nnu)h"i ?p"dh"! 23 5or their 'uid"n%e "nd tr"inin' in v"rious "%tivities in ir "t
S"h"r 2"r'o 2omp$e. "t ndheri.
t Se" Division Mr. :iten; MR.>"ushi# :oshi <5rei'ht 5or&"rdin' dep"rtment= "$so
%ontri)uted to $e"rn "%tivities invo$ved in se" e.port 0 import "$on' &ith oper"tions
o5 shippin' %omp"n!.
$$ the &or#in' mem)ers o5 Om Frei'ht For&"rders Pvt. Ltd Mum)"i; &ho e.tended
their un'rud'in' %o-oper"tion in 'ivin' v"$u")$e su''estions 5or the enri%hment o5
this pro*e%t. @ithout their %o-oper"tion; this pro*e%t "nd m! $e"rnin' &ou$d h"ve not
)een possi)$e.
The internship &ou$d not h"ve %ome m! &"! i5 the Institute h"d not 'roomed us in "
spe%i5i% &"!. I th"n# our Pr"5$ A6(' N(2re 5or en'r"vin' on our minds the AGround
Re"$itiesA "nd providin' me &ith "n openin' to the pr"%ti%"$ e.perien%e in the
industr!. I "m "$so th"n#5u$ to our Pr"5$ M(nsh Mshr( 0 Mrs$ V!r( T7(r 5or
'uidin' me durin' the internship to "%hieve m! person"$ o)*e%tives.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e (
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
The o)*e%tive o5 the summer tr"inin' "t the end o5 the 5irst !e"r o5 Intern"tion"$ Tr"de
&"s to 5"mi$i"ri9e &ith the servi%e industr! re$"ted &ith import "nd e.port 5ie$d.
I h"ve &or#ed &ith OM F-RIGT FOR@D-RS P6T Ltd. This %omp"n! h"s its
servi%es in Frei'ht For&"ders; 2ustom 3ouse 'ent. This 5irm h"s m"*or oper"tions
in 23 "re"; th"tBs &h! I uti$ised this opportunit! to $e"rn "nd see the d"i$! "%tivities
0 oper"tions o5 23.
The o)*e%tives o5 Summer Internship %"n )e )rie5$! st"ted "sC
To $e"rn the do%uments &hi%h "re used 0 h"nd$ed )! the 23; Frei'ht
For&"ders; Shippin' %omp"n! in e.port 0 import pro%edure.
To underst"nd the ro$e o5 %$e"rin' "'ent; 5re'ht 5or&"rder in pro%ess o5 import
0 e.port.
.To underst"nds the me%h"ni%s o5 %"rr!in' out oper"tions.
To $e"rn ")out the servi%es provided )! the Shippin' $ine; 5rei'ht 5or&"dres;
23 0 )! "ir$ines "$so.
To #no& the %$ients; their"tions "nd )e ")$e to de$iver servi%es to them
on time.
To underst"nd the ho& oper"tions 0%o-ordin"tion t"#es p$"%e )et&een 5rei'ht
5or&"rders "nd shippin' $ine &ith respe%t to the servi%es %"rried out.
To $e"rn the %omp$e.ities o5 Import -.port pro%edures "nd %o-re$"tion
)et&een their &or#in's.
To e.perien%e the &or# %u$ture "nd the 'r"ss root $eve$ re"$ities o5 "n
.To e$")or"tes on the s%ope o5 the su)*e%ts thou'ht theoreti%"$$! "nd 5indin' its
"pp$i%"tion in the p"rti%$e sense o5 )usiness.

PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e +
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
I h"ve under 'one t&o months tr"inin' "t OM F-RIG3T FOR@D-RS
Pvt. Ltd.; Mum)"i "nd $e"rned v"rious pr"%ti%"$ "spe%ts o5 &or#in' o5 2ustom 3ouse
'ent <23=. This report 'ives " &indo& overvie& re'"rdin' d"i$! pr"%ti%es "nd
pro%edures "dopted )! 2ustom 3ouse 'ent <23= "nd its v"rious dep"rtments $i#e
Frei'ht For&"ders; 2onso$id"tion &itnessed "nd understood )! me durin' m!
internship period. It did he$p in "%hievin' the Summer Internship o)*e%tives "nd '"ve
me "n openin' to the industr!. Over"$$ the internship &"s " 're"t $e"rnin' e.perien%e
The PGDIT %ourse in our Institute is desi'ned in su%h " &"! th"t students &ou$d 'et
the ne%ess"r! theoreti%"$ #no&$ed'e re'"rdin' the Intern"tion"$ Tr"de "nd "$so 'et "
pr"%ti%"$ e.posure to&"rds the 5un%tionin' o5 " %omp"n!; &hi%h is invo$ved in
Intern"tion"$ Tr"de. To "tt"in this o)*e%tive &e &or#ed under the 23; Frei'ht
For&"rder 0 Shippin' 2omp"n! "$so to #no& the 'round re"$ities o5 import 0 e.port
@hi$e &or#in' in this or'"nis"tion &e &or#ed on $ive %"ses 0 d"i$! h"nd$in' o5 o5
the %onsi'nment in ir 0 Se" dep"rtment this 'ives us deep insi'ht o5 theoreti%"$
#no&$ed'e &hi%h &e h"ve '"ined "$re"d!.
I "$so 'ot opportunit! to see the "%tu"$ pro)$ems 5"%ed )! the Intern"tion"$ Tr"de
Industr! espe%i"$$! durin' this re%ession period o5 time. Le"rnin' invo$ved
underst"ndin' 0 $e"rnin' )"si% prin%ip"$s o5 do%ument"tion; its imp$ement"tion.
This summer internship "$so he$ped to 'et the e.posure to %orpor"te industr! this
he$ped " $ot to #no& the stru%ture 0 @o#in' %u$ture o5 %orpor"te se%tor "s I h"ve
%"me 5rom s%ien%e )"%#'round th"tBs &h! ne& to this 5ie$d.
t the end; I &ou$d $i#e to th"n# "$$ the emp$o!ees o5 OM Lo'isti%s to m"#e me eDuip
&ith the too$s reDuired 5or "n individu"$ to &or# in this Industr!. Thus &or#in' 5or 7
&ee#s in " $o'isti%s %omp"n! &"s " &orth mentionin' e.perien%e.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e /
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
I 5ee$ 're"t proud to introdu%e the or'"nis"tion &here I %omp$eted m! Summer
Internship o5 t&o &ee# is n"med "s OM FR-IG3T FOR@D-RS; M?M4I.
This or'"nis"tion servi%es to "nd 5rom &or$d-&ide destin"tions. OM Frei'ht %"n o55er
" &ide r"n'e o5 servi%es 5or !our Person"$ "nd 3ouseho$d -55e%ts; in%$udin' stor"'e
"nd p"%#in'. 2ustomer h"s %hoi%e to %hoose Door to Door; Door to Termin"$;
Termin"$ to Termin"$; &h"tever option is the most suit")$e.
@ith our net&or# o5 overse"s "'ents this or'"nis"tion o55ers the %omp$ete p"%#"'e.
OM Frei'ht oper"te Person"$ "nd 3ouseho$d -55e%ts shippin' servi%es to "nd 5rom
-urope; ustr"$i"; Ee& Fe"$"nd; ?S; 2"n"d"; South meri%"; South 5ri%"; si"
"$on' &ith m"n! other destin"tion.
Om 5rei'ht servi%e %ontr"%t &ith m"n! shippin' $ines "nd "ir$ines ensures %on5irm
shipment movements on pre %on5irmed d"tes "nd "t redu%e %ost.
Ser91es "55ere&
2on5irmed 5$i'ht )oo#in'
Tot"$ shipment monitorin'
F$i'ht det"i$s0 pre-"rriv"$ noti%e.
Servi%e %ontr"%ts &ith m"*or ir$ines
Door to door servi%e
Fu$$ do%ument"tion servi%e 0 %ustom house )ro#er"'e servi%e.
@"rehousin' 0 tr"nsport"tion throu'hout the Indi"
@or$d&ide net&or# o5 "'ents providin' servi%es 5rom "n! "irport in &or$d.
2ontr"%ts &ith m"*or ste"mships $ines
hu'e vo$umes <(000 to +000 T-?s=
6er! 2ompetitive R"tes
In-3ouse tr"nsport"tion p"rtner
2on5irmed Free Time "t ports
Fu$$ do%ument"tion servi%es "nd %ustoms house )ro#er"'e servi%es
2ont"iner un$o"din'; p"$$eti9"tion; tru%#in' to "n! destin"tion in Indi"
@"rehousin' "nd distri)ution throu'hout Indi"
-.pedited De$iver! servi%es
DD? "nd DDP Pro%essin'
@or$d&ide net&or# o5 "'ents providin' servi%e 5rom ever! m"*or "irport in
the &or$d.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 1
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
OSCAR FREIGHT PVT$LTD is the sister %on%ern; h"s pioneered )onded tru%#in' Servi%es. These Servi%es "re
oper"ted e.%$usive$! )et&een irports; 2FSs "nd I2D
Other ser91es
Fre2ht F"r7(r&ers
ir Frei'ht - IATA %%redited
Se" Frei'ht
Se" ir Mu$timod"$ Oper"tion
2"r'o Tr"%#in'
4re"# 4u$#
Pr"6e1t C(r2"
%"n&e& tru1)n2
D"mest1 Tr(ns!"rt(t"n
V(*ue A&&e& Ser91es
The &"rehouse "$so "$$o&s the or'"nis"tion to remove !our %"r'o to " se%ure "re" "s
soon "s possi)$e "5ter %$e"r"n%e "nd there5ore "void the he"v! stor"'e &hi%h is
imposed )! the "ir$ines.
OM provides " 5u$$ r"n'e o5 %h"rter "ir%r"5t servi%es 2( hours " d"!; ,/+ d"!s " !e"r.
@hether !ou "re shippin' "%ross the %ontinent or "%ross the '$o)e; OM Frei'ht
provides !ou &ith m".imum %ontro$ over !our %"r'o re'"rd$ess o5 its si9e; t!pe;
ori'in or destin"tion. Gour %"r'o dep"rts "nd "rrives "t its destin"tion to'ether H this
in%$udes $"r'e shipments in sin'$e $ots; s"vin' !ou time; mone! "nd dup$i%"tion o5
do%ument"tion. Or'"nis"tion e.tensive e.perien%e in %h"rterin' ever! t!pe o5 "ir%r"5t
en")$es us to determine the most %ost-e55e%tive tr"nsport"tion modes.
@ith its o&n 5$eet o5 openI%$ose )odied tru%#s; mini tru%#s; 20J Feet I (0J Feet
tr"i$ers; OM Frei'ht h"s the ed'e in providin' the )est servi%es 5or "$$ !our $o'isti%s
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 7
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
23 is " person or %omp"n! &ho is $i%ensed to "%t "s "'ent 5or tr"ns"%tion o5 "n!
)usiness re$"tin' to the entr! or dep"rture o5 %onve!"n%e or the import or e.port o5
'oods "t "n! %ustoms st"tion.
Ser91es !r"9&e& ;' CHA<
Prep"rin' the %ustoms entr! 5orm "nd "ssurin' th"t "$$ the ne%ess"r! do%uments "re in
order 5or proper pro%essin' throu'h %ustoms %h"nne$s.
2"$%u$"tin' the "mount o5 dut! "%%ordin' to KT"ri55 %tJ.
rr"n'in' 5or the 'oods to )e tr"ns5erred under )ond 5rom the port o5 entr! to "n
interior destin"tion 5or %ustoms %$e"r"n%e.
O)t"inin' spe%i"$ permits 5or immedi"te de$iver! o5 perish")$e 'oods.
I5 ne%ess"r! reDuestin' e.tension o5 the 'ener"$ order time 5rom the %o$$e%tor o5
Providin' the suret! )ond reDuired )! the %ustoms uthorit!; &hi%h 'u"r"ntees 5u$$
p"!ment o5 "$$ duties.
Prep"rin' the &"rehousin' entr! )ond "nd "rr"n'in' 5or 'oods to )e tr"ns5erred to the
)onded &"rehouse.
rr"n'in' 5or the &ithdr"&"$ o5 'oods 5rom the )onded &"rehouse in p"rt or
%omp$ete$!. P"!ment o5 duties &i$$ )e m"de "%%ordin'$! to the Du"ntit! o5 'oods
The imports into Indi" "nd -.port out o5 Indi" t"#e p$"%e on$! throu'h ports "nd
"irports de%$"red under Se%tion 1 o5 the 2ustom %t. The intern"tion"$ tr"de h"s
there5ore ne%ess"ri$! deve$oped "nd %on%entr"ted "t su%h ports "nd "irports $i#e
Mum)"i; 2henn"i; 2"$%utt"; De$hi; 2o%hin; >"nd$"; 6ish"#h"p"tt"n"m; "nd Tuti%orin.
Tr"de; no dou)t is "$so throu'h minor ports "$$ "mon' the %o"st. The importers &ho
%onsume the 'oods imported "nd e.porters &ho produ%e the 'oods 5or e.port
ho&ever "re spre"d "$$ over the %ountr!. The dist"n%e )et&een the point o5
importIe.port "nd the e.portersIimporters Duite h"ppens to )e $on' "nd the time-
invo$ved %$e"r"n%e deters the tr"de 5or h"nd$in' the %$e"r"n%e themse$ves. The! h"ve
ne%ess"ri$! to depend on "'ents positionin' themse$ves "t su%h ports "nd h"ve
spe%i"$i9ed su%h *o)s. In 5"%t su%h institutions h"ve )een in e.isten%e "$most 5rom the
)e'innin' o5 the tr"de.
?n$i#e the &or# re$"ted to 2entr"$ -.%ise "nd In%ome T".; the %ustoms 5"%i$ities %"n
not )e "ttended to $eisure$!; "s %$e"r"n%e is "$$o&ed on$! on %omp$etion o5 5orm"$ities
"nd p"!ment o5 dut!; &here due. To meet this situ"tion "$one this provision 5or
$i%ensin' 2ustom 3ouse 'ents to represent importerIe.porter 5or %$e"r"n%e &or# h"s
)een m"de in the 2ustom %t <under se%. 1(/=
2ustom 3ouse 'ent h"s to )e not on$! #no&$ed'e")$e in 2ustoms L"&s;
pro%edure "nd do%ument"tion; )ut "$so "$ert "$$ the time %$ose$! 5o$$o&in' the
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 9
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
instru%tions or %h"n'es )rou'ht ")out )! issue o5 Pu)$i% Eoti%es 5rom time to time.
3e is in " pe%u$i"r position in th"t thou'h he is emp$o!ed )! importers Ie.porters; he
is $i%ensed )! the 2ustoms dept. The 2ustoms 3ouse 'ent is "ns&er")$e )oth to the
2ustoms dept. 5or doin' the %$e"r"n%e %orre%t$! "nd e.peditious$!. In %"se he de5"u$ts;
the %$e"r"n%e m"! )e de$"!ed "nd demurr"'e et%. in%urred. 3is #no&$ed'e "nd
e.perien%e p"rti%u$"r$! in the "re"s o5 %$"ssi5i%"tion "nd v"$u"tion o5 'oods "nd more
so in pro%edur"$ 5orm"$ities to )e %ompi$ed &ith; in 2ustom )i' ro$e to p$"! in the
%$e"r"n%e o5 'oods throu'h %ustoms.
s the n"me indi%"tes; the *o) o5 Frei'ht For&"rder 2omp"n! is to &or# "s "
midd$em"n )et&een the e.porter "nd importer 5or h"nd$in' the %"r'o movement.
3e "rr"n'es the tr"nsport to pi%# up the %"r'o 5rom e.porterBs &"rehouseI5"%tor!; "nd
then stu55in' the %ont"iner then h"nds over to the shippin' $ine; 'ets the %ustoms
%$e"r"n%e et%. 3e "$so "rr"n'es 5or %ustoms %$e"r"n%e "nd tr"nsport 5rom the port o5
dis%h"r'e to importers door step.
3is re"$ )usiness %omes 5rom the %onso$id"tion o5 %"r'o 5rom v"rious shippers. 3e
%o$$e%ts L2L <Less th"n 2ont"iner Lo"d= 5rom v"rious shippers "nd m"#es on F2L
<Fu$$ 2ont"iner Lo"d= to )e e.ported. 3e m"#es "rr"n'ement o5 %ont"iner 5or )oth
do%# "s &e$$ "s 5"%tor! stu55in' o5 the %ont"iner. 3e "ppoints tr"nsporter to %"rr! it to
the 2FS <2ont"iner Frei'ht St"tion= or -.porterBs 5"%tor! "s reDuired.
6"rious %omp$e.ities o5 %ustoms %$e"r"n%e "re t"#en over )! 5or&"rder. 3e 'ets the
shippin' )i$$ p"ssed 5rom 2ustoms "nd o)t"ins E.O.2 <Eo o)*e%tion 2erti5i%"te= 5rom
2ustoms 5or 5urther movement o5 the %"r'o. 2"r'o me"surement is one the import"nt
responsi)i$it! o5 the 5or&"rder. On 'ettin' the de$iver! o5 the %"r'o 5rom e.porter;
5or&"rder "rr"n'es to me"sure its &ei'ht "nd dimensions 5rom some priv"te "'en%!
"nd 'ets %erti5i%"te o5 me"surement.
For&"rder )oo#s the sp"%e on the vesse$ 5or %"r'o $o"din' &ith some shippin' $ineBs
"'ent. 3e does p"! 5rei'ht to "'ent "t "n "'reed r"te; &hi%h depends upon the &ei'ht
"nd dimensions o5 the %"r'o. 3e %o$$e%ts the 4i$$ o5 L"din' <M"ster 4i$$ o5 L"din'=
5rom "'ent "nd de$ivers it to the overse"s re%eiver o5 the %"r'o i.e. %onsi'nee
mentioned in the M4IL. For&"rder "$so t"#es %"re o5 %"r'o &hi$e $o"din' on vesse$ so
th"t it does not 'et "n! d"m"'e )! %"r'o h"nd$in' p"rt!. 3e "ppoints his person 5or
supervision in the "%tu"$ port &here the %"r'o is $o"ded on the vesse$. 5ter re%eivin'
the %"r'o in his %ustod!; 5or&"rder issuesIre$e"ses his 34IL <4i$$ o5 L"din'= to the
shipperIe.porter; &hi%h he $"ter sends to the overse"s )u!erIend %onsumer 5or 'ettin'
the de$iver! o5 %"r'o 5rom 5or&"rders "'ent. 3e "$so "rr"n'es 5or &"rehousin' o5 the
%"r'o in 2ustoms 4onded @"rehouse. For &hi%h he p"!s the &"rehousin' %h"r'es to
2ustoms Dep"rtment.
A1t9tes 5"r 7h1h the Fre2ht F"r7(r&er 1h(r2es hs 1*ent< /
'en%! Fee- 'en%! 5ee in%$udes Pro%essin' "nd p"ssin' shippin' )i$$; o)t"inin'
%"rtin' order 5rom the shippin' %omp"n!; rr"n'ement o5 %ustoms e."min"tion;
Prep"rin' )i$$ o5 $"din'.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 10
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
@"rehousin' %h"r'es
Tr"nsport"tion- Tr"nsport"tion %h"r'es 5or movement o5 %onsi'nment 5rom 5"%tor! to
T32- Termin"$ 3"nd$in' 2h"r'es &hi%h "re p"!")$e to shippin' %omp"n!.
Se%urit!- i5 the %"r'o is h"9"rdous; 5or&"rder needs to post se%urit! ti$$ the %"r'o is
stu55ed in the %ont"iner.
Pro%essin' o5 shippin' )i$$ under D--2 I D-P4
L")our IFor#$i5tI 2r"ne 5or $o"din' "nd un$o"din'.
Servi%e 2h"r'e "s per the re'u$"tions.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 11
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
De!(rtments n the "r2(ns(t"n
The 5irm &ith &hi%h I h"ve &or#ed h"s divided their oper"tions into t&o divisions
These ")ove t&o divisions h"ve "$so divided their oper"tions into 5o$$o&in'
1. -8PORT
2. FF
1. -8PORT
2. FF
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 12
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
Import pro%edure invo$ves 5o$$o&in' steps
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 1,
23 re%eives 4L %op!; invoi%e; p"%#in' $ist;
2erti5i%"te o5 ori'in 5rom the importer.
23 sends set o5 ")ove do%uments to his
O55i%e "t port destin"tion
23 sends set o5 ")ove do%uments to his
O55i%e "t port destin"tion
23 enters "$$ det"i$s into so5t&"re %"$$ed 6isu"$
2he%#$ist 'ener"ted &ith duties %"$%u$"ted in it
23 send %op! o5 %he%#$ist to importer 5or his
23 'ets -T 5rom %ustom &e)site or *ourn"$s
23 5i$e 4O- on I2- G"te
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 1(
IGM Eo. 'iven )! shippin' %omp"n!
4e5ore 2( hours o5 "rriv"$ o5 ship
rriv"$ o5 shipI%"r'o
23 'et in&"rd d"te i.e. %on5irms IGM Eo.
23 5or&"rds 4O- Eo. 0 TR-/ %h"$$"n no. to importer
Importer 'oes to I%e G"te &ith the he$p o5 4O- no.
0 p"!s the duties
23 'ives ori'in"$ 4IL to shippin' %omp"n!
23 p"!s 2E 0DO %h"r'es o5 shippin' %omp"n! on
)eh"$5 o5 importer <i5 5rei'ht %o$$e%t=
Shippin' %omp"n! re$e"ses DO to 23.
23 'oes "t do%# &ith DO
t port "'ent o5 23 t"#e print
o5 4O-
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
Im!"rt !r"1e&ure 5 %(n) s n9"*9e&
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 1+
-."min"tion o5 %"r'o
Out o5 %h"r'e order
5ter 'ettin' the p"!ment 5rom importer 4"n#
Re$e"ses ori'in"$ 4IL &ith its endorsement
2onsi'neesB endorsement on 4IL
<To 'ive permission to 23 5or %$e"r"n%e=
23 "$so 'ives its o&n endorsement on 4IL
23 sends ")ove ori'in"$ 4IL ; 2M2; DO p"!ment
to shippin' %omp"n!.
Shippin' %omp"n! re$e"ses DO
St"mp dut! is p"id "$on' &ith 4O-
DO is 'iven )! 23 to !"rd i.e. &"rehouse &here
2"r'o is #ept 0 'et de$iver! &ith 2M2 order
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
Im!"rt !r"1e&ure 5"r F(1t"r' Stu55n2
In this %"se %"r'o dire%t$! 'oes to 5"%tor! o5 the importer.
Fo$$o&in' do%uments "re invo$ved in this %"se
1. 4ond on 100 Rs. st"mp p"per si'ned )! the importer to shippin' %omp"n! 0 23
2. Insur"n%e po$i%!
,. Si'n veri5i%"tion o5 importer
(. 4"n# %heDue 5or se%urit! deposit <%h"r'es i5 d"m"'e to %ont"iner i5 "n!=
$$ ")ove do%uments "re su)mitted to shippin' %omp"n!
Shippin' %omp"n! 'ives permission $etters 5or 5"%tor! de-stu55in'.
Other entities invo$ved
1. 2FS m"n"'er
2. ssist"nt %ommissioner o5 %ustom
,. -mpt! return %ont"iner o55i%er
This o55i%er mentioned d"te on &hi%h importer h"s to return the %ont"iner.
(. -mpt! surve! $etter
It in%$udes the surve! o5 %ont"iner &hi$e t"#in' out 0 &hi$e "'"in %omin' )"%# in
2FS .i5 "n! d"m"'es then importer h"s to p"! throu'h se%urit! deposit %heDue.
-5ter returnin' %ont"iner; -mpt! 2ont"iner G"rd o55i%er 'ives endorsement on 4O-;
th"t %ont"iner is re%eived.
-23 su)mit this endorsement to shippin' %omp"n! to 'et )"%# the se%urit! %heDue.
Sh!!n2 1"m!(n' DO 1"nt(n 5"**"7n2 1h(r2es
1. T32
2. @"shin' %h"r'es
,. Do%ument"tion
(. Surve!
+. St"mp dut! Mpro%essin' %h"r'es
/. Servi%e t".
1. Detention %h"r'es "5ter 5ree period
D"1uments re=ure& (t tme "5 1*e(r(n1e
1= Ori'in"$ De%$"r"tion
2= 4IL %op!
,= 2ommer%i"$ invoi%e
(= P"%#in' $ist
+= 2erti5i%"te o5 ori'in
T&o sets o5 ")ove do%uments "re sent to 2?STOMS 0 DO2>S )e5ore the "rriv"$ o5
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 1/
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
T'!es "5 De1*(r(t"n<
De%$"r"tion 1
Importer h"s to de%$"re th"t the 'oods he is importin' is 5or his o&n use in 5"%tor! "nd
not 5or se$$in' purpose.
De%$"r"tion 2
I5 importer is tr"din' %omp"n! &ho is 'oin' to se$$ produ%ts in m"r#et then he h"s to
$")e$ the MRP on produ%t .i5 %ustom s"tis5! &ith the MRP then 5urther pro%ess is
"$$o& other&ise importer h"s to p"! more dut!.
Sh!!n2 A2ent
-Shippin' "'ent is "'ent &ho doesnBt h"ve his o&n vesse$ 0 )u! sp"%e on others
vesse$ "nd se$$ it to "%tu"$ importer 0 e.porter "t m"r'in"$ pri%e.
-E"me o5 shippin' "'ent is mentioned on 4IL
-3e "$so re$e"ses DO.
-Demurr"'es st"rt 5rom 1th d"!; "5ter the un$o"din' o5 %"r'o 5rom vesse$ to the
'round. First / d"!s "re 5ree.
-Demurr"'es "5ter / d"!s
For 5irst 20 d"!s---,1.+0ItonId"!
For 5irst 21 to (0 d"!s---+/.2+ItonId"!
For more th"n (0 d"!s ---1+ItonId"!
-10.,0 N o5 demurr"'e v"$ue o5 " d"! is servi%e t". per d"!.
Re*e(se A&91e (RA)
-Re$e"se "dvi%e is 'iven )! the %ustom.
-I5 D-P4 $i%en%e is re'istered "t E6 S3-6 port 0 shipment is %omin' "t
4om)"! port; then &e h"ve to t"#e R to 'et DO.
-Do%uments reDuired to t"$e R "re 4IL; %he%#$ist 0 p"%#in' $ist.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 11
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 17
Overse"s "'ent sends pre-"$ert to "'ent in Indi".
It %ont"in M4L; 34L; de)it note
M"ni5est is prep"red )! %onso$e dep"rtment
M"ni5est send to shippin' %omp"n!
Shippin' %omp"n! send this m"ni5est to %ustoms
<4e5ore 2-, d"!s o5 "rriv"$ o5 ship=
4e5ore 2(hours or &hen ship "rrives shippin'
"'ent or shippin' $ine 'ives IGM Eo.
2"r'o moves to 2FS )! shippin' %omp"n!.
2E %op! is send )! %onso$e dep"rtment to
5ter p"!ment o5 2E; %onso$e dep"rtment re$e"ses
DO to importer.
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
.Dre1t sh!ment
In %"se o5 dire%t shipment;
ShipperORe"$ shipper
2onsi'neeOTo order I4"n#
Eoti5!in' p"rt!ORe"$ importer
-In %"se o5 dire%t shipment; %onsi'nee p"!s "$$ %h"r'es to e.porter 0 re%eives ori'in"$
-%onsi'nee &i$$ 'o &ith ori'in"$ 4IL to shippin' %omp"n! 0 t"#e de$iver! )! p"!in'
T32; DO %h"r'es to shippin' %omp"n!.
%(n) Re*(te& Or&er (%RO) sh!ment
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 19
Importer or 23 p"! DO %h"r'es o5 shippin'
5ter sho&in' ori'in"$ 4IL importer 'et de$iver! o5
2onsi'nee 'oes to )"n# 0 p"!s the "mount o5
4"n# re$e"ses ori'in"$ 4IL &ith its o&n 0
e.portersB endorsement.
2onsi'nee 'oes to Shippin' "'ent su)mit
ori'in"$ 4IL
0 "$so p"!s the DO %h"r'es o5 shippin' "'ent
Shippin' "'ent re$e"ses EO2; %overin' note;
%op! o5 M@4; 3@4 to %onsi'neeI23 o5
t the end; endorsement o5 shipper; 4"n#;
importer; 23 on 4IL 0 'iven to shippin'
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
De)it Eote in%$udes 5o$$o&in' %h"r'es
1. Lo%"$ tru%#in'
2. Frei'ht
,. 2ont"iner %h"r'es
(. Do%ument %h"r'es
+. Te$e. re$e"se %h"r'es /. 4IL %h"r'es
4i$$ o5 L"din' is " do%ument issued )! the shippin' %omp"n!I its "'ent
"%#no&$ed'in' the re%eipt o5 'oods mentioned in the )i$$ 5or the shipment on )o"rd
the vesse$ "nd undert"#in' to de$iver the 'oods in the $i#e order "nd %ondition "s
re%eived to the %onsi'nee or his order provided the 5rei'ht "nd other %h"r'es spe%i5ied
in the )i$$ o5 L"din' h"ve )een du$! p"id
1. Surrender 4IL
$$ p"!ment is done )! the shipper "t port o5 ori'in then overse"s "'ent sends
4IL on$ine to shippin' "'ent in Indi" "s surrender &ritten on it.
This surrender %"n )e used "t port o5 dis%h"r'e to 'et the DO.
2. Te$e. mess"'e
Overse"s "'ent sends this mess"'e to "'ent in Indi" th"t 4IL is surrendered "t port o5
,. Te$e. Re$e"se
Shipper p"!s "$$ the %h"r'es "t port o5 ori'in.
Overse"s "'ent sends 4IL on$ine &ith st"mp on it<i.e. this 4IL %"n )e used
to t"#e DO=.
This t!pe o5 4IL is %"$$ed "s te$e. re$e"se 4IL
4ut this entr! shou$d )e there in 4OT3 the shippin' %omp"n! re%ord i.e. overse"s
Shippin' %omp"n! 0 in Indi"n shippin' $ine.

PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 20
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 21
Frei'ht 5or&"rder re%eive m"i$ 5rom shipper
<ReDuirements; port o5 destin"tion; &ei'ht;
5rei'ht et%.=
FF Sends Duot"tions
I5 shipper "'rees FF prep"re
FF sends this 4IL to shipper
I5 shipper "'rees 4IL print is Send to
shippin' %omp"n!
First print o5 4IL &i$$ %ome )! shippin'
Fin"$ print o5 4IL &i$$ %ome )! shippin' %omp"n!
On$! "5ter the p"!ment o5 5rei'ht i5 prep"id 0 other
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 22
23 re%eives do%uments 5rom e.porter i.e.
Invoi%e; p"%#in' $ist; 4"n# "uthorised de"$er $etter
23 enters "$$ det"i$s o5 e.porter into the so5t&"re
%"$$ed 6isu"$ IP-8.
2he%#$ist is 'ener"ted
Fi$in' o5 shippin' 4i$$ "t I2- GT-
Shippin' )i$$ EO. Or Eotin' EO. is
'ener"ted on %he%#$ist
@ith %"r'o 23 sends %he%#$ist; p"%#in'
$ist; Invoi%e; R- 5orm to %ustom
2ustom %he%#s "$$ the do%uments
Ph!si%"$ e."min"tion o5 %"r'o
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd


PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 2,
5ter 2( hours o5 dep"rture o5 ship
-GM is 5i$ed
)! shippin' %omp"n! into %ustoms
First print o5 4IL to
23 p"!s the %h"r'es to shippin'
Ori'in"$ 4IL re$e"ses to
'ent o5 23 'oes to Shippin' 2omp"n!
5or M"teBs re%eipt.
5ter 1 d"!s o5 s"i$ o5 vesse$ 23 re%eives
M"tesB re%eipt.

On this M"teBs re%eipt 23 &i$$ 'et
-P %op! o5 shippin' 4i$$ 5rom %ustoms.

Shippin' )i$$ 0 "$$ other do%uments &ith
Si'n %ome )"%# to 23.
4IL prep"red )! 23 is dr"5t to
2on5orm"tion o5 e.porter
Stu55in' o5 %"r'o
2"r'o on the
Dep"rture o5 vesse$
23 sends 4IL to
e.porter 0 e.porter to
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
D"1uments sen& t" E>!"rter ;' CHA (5ter 1"m!*et"n "5 (** !r"1e&ure "5
1= %#no&$ed'ment <23=)i$$
2= -.%ise '"te p"ss
,= M"tesB re%eipt
(= -P %op! o5 Shippin' 4i$$
+= D-P4 %op!< i5 used o5 D-P4 $i%ense=
/= R--1 %op!.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 2(
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
Pre shipment do%uments "re the do%uments &hi%h "re reDuired )e5ore the shipment o5
the %"r'o I %ont"iner. The m"in pre shipment do%uments "reC-
1= Invoi%e
2= P"%#in' List
,= S.D.F.Form
(= Shippin' $etter o5 instru%tion
+= R- -1 Form
/= Letter o5 2redit
1= E Form
7= GSP %erti5i%"te
In9"1e ? It is the invoi%e I )i$$ m"s#ed t!pe 5orm"t 'iven )! Govt. %ustoms; r"ised )!
the e.porter on importer. The invoi%e 'ives the det"i$s o5 net "mount re%eiv")$e 5rom
the importer in ?.S. do$$"rs or respe%tive %urren%!. The terms o5 de$iver! "re "$so
mentioned in it $i#e 2IF; FO4; "nd -.-@or# et%.; &hi%h %$"ri5! terms o5 %ontr"%t
)et&een shipper "nd )u!er.
It "$so 'ives the des%ription o5 'oods to )e e.ported. It %ont"ins the t"ri55-he"din' no.
Sr.Eo. O5 invoi%e "nd is si'ned )! the e.porter. One %op! 'oes to the %ustoms
dep"rtment; &hi%h serves the purpose o5 %he%#in' &hether 'oods h"ve )een ri'ht$!
v"$ued or underv"$ued.
P(1)n2 Lst / It 'ives the in5orm"tion $i#e the invoi%e num)er; num)er o5 pie%es;
num)er o5 pie%es per p"%#"'e; num)er o5 p"%#"'es; dimensions o5 p"%#"'es; 'ener"$
des%ription o5 %"r'o; net &ei'ht; 'ross &ei'ht; et%.
ARE 0 F"rm<
It is "n "pp$i%"tion 5or remov"$ o5 e.%is")$e 'oods 5or e.ports 5rom Indi" )! "n! mode
i.e. se"; "ir; post "nd $"nd. It is reDuired in %"ses &here se"$in' o5 'oods "nd their
e."min"tion t"#es p$"%e "t the p$"%e o5 disp"t%h "nd "$so 5or disp"t%h o5 'oods
&ithout e."min"tion.
These 5orms "re reDuired to )e printed in di55erent 2o$our to 5"%i$it"te dispos"$ o5
'oods 5or e.port in )ond or under re)"te o5 dut! )! 'ivin' $etter o5 %redit.
Letter "5 Cre&t<
$etter o5 %redit is )"si%"$$! " do%ument issued )! " )"n# 'u"r"nteein' " %$ientAs
")i$it! to p"! 5or 'oods or servi%es. )"n# or 5in"n%e %omp"n! issues " $etter o5
%redit on )eh"$5 o5 "n importer or )u!er; "uthori9in' the e.porter or se$$er to o)t"in
p"!ment &ithin " spe%i5ied time5r"me on%e the terms "nd %onditions out$ined in the
$etter o5 %redit "re met. The $etter o5 %redit "%ts $i#e "n insur"n%e %ontr"%t 5or )oth the
)u!er "nd se$$er "nd pr"%ti%"$$! e$imin"tes the %redit ris# 5or )oth p"rties; &hi$e "t the
s"me time redu%in' p"!ment de$"!s. $etter o5 %redit provides the e.porter or se$$er
&ith the 're"test de'ree o5 s"5et! &hen e.tendin' %redit. It is use5u$ &hen the
importer or )u!er is not &e$$ #no&n "nd &hen e.%h"n'e restri%tions or "re
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 2+
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
F"rm ? N
n e.port %onsi'nment %"n )e e.empted 5rom O%troi dut! provided th"t E-Form <in
trip$i%"te= is su)mitted "$on' &ith the dup$i%"te %op! o5 the shippin' )i$$ &ith the
%on%erned o%troi %he%# post. This pro%edure pre-supposes th"t shippin' )i$$ is 'ot
pro%essed &e$$ in "dv"n%e o5 shipment d"t" or )e5ore movin' the 'oods to the
GSP 1ert51(te (Cert51(te "5 Or2n)
The %erti5i%"te o5 ori'in is the do%ument; &hi%h mentions the %ountr! o5 ori'in o5
'oods; &hi%h "re to )e e.ported. The s"id %erti5i%"te is prep"red "s per reDuirement o5
%onsi'neeI )u!er 5or destin"tion %ustoms or dut! )ene5it "t destin"tion. 2erti5i%"te o5
ori'in is issued I "uthenti%"ted )! $o%"$ "uthorit! $i#e 2h"m)er o5 %ommer%e or e.port
inspe%tion "'en%!. < 'ovt. )od! "ppointed 5or issuin' the %erti5i%"te.=
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 2/
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
Pr"1e&ure F*"7 1h(rt

PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 21
23 re%eive invoi%e 0 p"%#in' $ist 5rom e.porter
I5 ne%ess"r! 23 "$so prep"re invoi%e 0 p"%#in' $ist on
)"sis o5 det"i$s provided )! the e.porter
23 enter "$$ det"i$s into 6isu"$ IP-8 <So5t&"re
Su)mit it "t I2- GT- <%ustoms &e)site=
Shippin' 4i$$ Eo. 'ener"ted
23 5i$es ir @"! 4i$$
2he%#$ist is 'ener"ted
4oo#in' o5 sp"%e in ir$ine
Send F". o5 m"ster @4 to
e.porter 5or "pprov"$
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 27
23 "pp$! 5or 2"rtin' order
5ter 'ettin' %"rtin' order; seri"$$! %"r'o is
t"#en inside the ir S"h"r 2"r'o 2omp$e..
Sho& '"te p"ssM su)mission o5" %op! o5
@4 "t '"te
T"$$! do%uments; E-T &ei'ht is done
Re'istr"tion <In -DI s!stem Shippin' 4i$$
EO. is entered 0 "$$ det"i$s %ome.=
One %ustom o55i%erBs n"me is "ssi'ned
Si'n on do%uments <I.e. %"r'o is permitted 5or
the %ustom %$e"r"n%e=
-."min"tion )! the o55i%er 0 '"ve the report
L-O 'ener"ted
Shippin' 4i$$ 'ener"tes
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e 29
Stu55ed %"r'o $o"ded
in "ir%r"5t.
5ter 2( hours o5 shipment 23
re%eives -GM EO. )! ir$ines.
2ustoms se"$ 0 o55i%ers si'n on -P
<Indi%"tin' th"t %ustoms endorsement is
-P %op! o5 shippin' )i$$ to %ustomer.
4IL )! "ir$ines to
4IL to -.porter
-.porter sends invoi%e; p"%#in'
$ist; 4IL to Impoter.
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
The documents that are received along with the goods in the warehouse are as follows:
Packing list
Bank details: The bank details consist of the shippers banks name, account number, IEC
number & dealer code number.
IEC (Importer Exporter Code) Copy
SDF (Shippers Declaration Form)
o!se "ir#ay $ill ("%B)
&aster "ir #ay$ill (&"%B)
Ar7(' %**
In ir shipment 23 re%eives the ir&"! 4i$$ 5rom the p"rti%u$"r "ir$ine;
Then he 5i$ it "s sho&n in ")ove pro%edure.
There "re 12 ori'in"$ %opies o5 @4 n"me$!;
1. shippers %op!
2. Issuin' %"rrier %op!
,. For %onsi'nee
(. De$iver! re%eipt
+. irport o5 destin"tion
/. First %"rrier %op!
1. Se%ond %"rrier %op!
7. Third %"rrier %op!
9." %op! 5or %"rrier
10." %opies <,=
Sh!!n2 %**
This do%ument reDuired )! the %ustoms "uthorities 5or "$$o&in' shipment. It is
prep"red )! the 23 0issued )! the %ustoms.
2ustom si'n 0"ttested it. 2ustom is the o&ner o5 shippin' )i$$. -P 2OPG o5 shippin'
)i$$ is on$! "ttested.
Shippin' 4i$$ is usu"$$! o5 5ive t!pes.
i=Dut! Free Shippin' 4i$$C
This t!pe o5 shippin' )i$$ is not used 5or the 'oods 5or &hi%h neither dut! nor
is %ess "pp$i%")$e.
It is "$so used 5or the 'oods m"nu5"%tured out o5 m"teri"$s imported under the
dut! 5ree import.
It is &hite in %o$our.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ,0
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
ii=Duti")$e Shippin' 4i$$C
This t!pe o5 shippin' )i$$ is used 5or 'oods su)*e%t to e.port dut!I %ess; &hi%h
either entit$ed or not entit$ed 5or dr"&)"%#.
It is !e$$o& in %o$our.
<I= Dr"&)"%# Shippin' 4i$$C
I5 the e.port o5 'oods is simu$t"neous$! )! dut! 5ree "nd I or su)*e%t to
e.port dut! I %ess; this t!pe o5 shippin' )i$$ is %ompu$sori$! to )e used
&hether "$one or "$on' &ith "n! other shippin' )i$$.
It is 'reen in %o$our.
<II= Shippin' 4i$$ 5or shipment -.-4ondC
In %"se o5 'oods imported 5or re-e.port "nd #ept in-)ond; this t!pe o5
shippin' )i$$ is used.
It is pin# in %o$our.
<III= D-P4 Shippin' 4i$$C
This #ind o5 Shippin' 4i$$ is used &hen the e.port is under the s%heme o5
D-P4. It is )$ue in %o$our.
NFEI sh!ment
It is Eo Forei'n -.%h"n'e Invo$ve Shipment.-.poter is not $i")$e to )rin' "n!
5orei'n e.%h"n'e in %ountr!.
e.'. 'i5ts;)"''"'es; s"mp$e; rep"ir et%.
GR 7(9er
This 5orm is the de%$"r"tion )! the e.porter to the )"n# th"t the 'oods
&hi%h he is e.portin' is not invo$ved "n! remitt"n%e or 5orei'n
Form is issued )! the )"n# itse$5.
This 5orm is "pp$i%")$e in %"se o5 s"mp$e; rep"ired 0 return 'ood.
In %"se o5 s"mp$e i5 it %osts more th"n RS.2+000 then e.porter h"s to
t"#e GR @6-R 5orm.
In %"se o5 rep"ir 0 return; GR &"iver h"s to t"#e 5or "n! "mount.
In %"se o5 ev"$u"tion o5 5"u$t! 'oods no GR &"iver reDuired i5 it is $ess
th"n 2+000I- RS
In %"se o5 4"''"'e " person is "$$o&ed to 5$! &ith )"''"'e o5
p"rti%u$"r "mount 0 rem"inin' )"''"'e is e.ported )! the 23.
I5 rem"inin' )"''"'e is more th"n RS.2+000 then e.porter h"s to t"#e GR
@6-R 5orm.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ,1
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
RE/E#PORT & Se1$@A
Re-e.port invo$ves
Import e.port Import
1( Se%.
?nder se%.1( i5 imported 'oods "re sendin' )"%# to the %ountr! 5rom
&here the! &ere imported then &e %"n t"#e Dr"&)"%# s%heme under
se%.1( to re5und the duties &hi%h &e p"id "t the time o5 import.
e.'. 'oods %"n )e send )"%# i5 their $e"se period is over.
In this %"se 'oods "re not %ome )"%# "'"in on%e the! "re e.ported.
Import -.port
%"n&e& Tru1)n2
2"r'o %omes 5rom p$"%e &here there is no irport )ut &ith %ustom
%$e"r"n%e se"$ on p"%#"'es.
There5ore "t 4om)"! irport this %"r'o is $o"ded in "ir%r"5t &ithout
openin' i.e. doin' %ustom %$e"r"n%e o5
A11"unt !(rt
- %%ount"nt prep"res the 2"r'o S"$e Report <2SR= on )"sis o5 1+ d"!s.
- It %ont"ins the sp"%e )oo#ed &ith p"rti%u$"r ir$ine "nd the %h"r'es 5or it.
ir$ine 'ives +N %ommission to the 23 on 1+ d"!s tot"$ s"$e o5 sp"%e.
- 4re"# ?p O5 'en%! 2h"r'es.
1= ir Frei'ht 2h"r'es per >'.
2= Mis%e$$"neous %h"r'es per >'
-Min.1+0 RS.I1 RS per >';&hi%hever is hi'her.
,= 2"rt"'e
-Min +0 RSI1 RS per >'; &hiever is hi'her.
(= Fue$ sur%h"r'es per >'
+= Se%urit! sur%h"r'es per >'
/= G"te p"ss %h"r'es
-Min 110RSI1+ p"is" per >'
1= @4 5ees
7=Pro%essin' %h"r'es

PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ,2
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd

PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ,,
A'ent o5 OM 5rei'ht 5or&"rders )oo# %"r'o in other %ountr!.
5ter shipment o5 'oods 5rom e.porterBs side; FF in Indi"
Re%eives do%ument on$ine )e5ore the 2( hours o5 "rriv"$ o5
Pre-"$ert %ont"in M"ster @4; 3ouse @4; invoi%e. P"%#in'
$ist 0 m"ni5est %op!.
23 enters "$$ the det"i$s in so5t&"re %"$$ed
Fi$in' o5 "$$ do%uments "t I2- '"te.
?se do%ument tr"%#in' s!stem to %he%# &hether do%uments
"re Su)mitted or not.
4e5ore , to ( hours o5 "rriv"$ o5 5$i'ht IGM Eo. is issued )!
F$i'ht %he%#
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
C(r2" Gener(* M(n5est
M"ni5est is )i5ur%"tion o5 m"ster @4.
It is use5u$ to %onso$e the %"r'o i.e. to t"$$! &hether "$$ the 3@4 %opies &hi%h "re
mentioned in the m"ni5est "re re%eived or not.
M"ni5est %ont"ins det"i$s o5 the p"%#"'es; det"i$s o5 ever! house.
2E %h"r'es in%$udes 5o$$o&in' %h"r'es
1. Frei'ht %h"r'es in IER
2. %% 5ees <i5 %h"r'es %o$$e%ted=
,. 2"rt"'e<to "ir$ine=
(. 3"nd$in' %h"r'es
+. -.D.I
/. DO %h"r'es
1. Servi%e t".
7. -du%"tion 0 hi'her edu%"tion %ess
2E %h"r'es "re di55erent 5or di55erent importers i.e. itBs ne'oti")$e.
(+ d"!s %redit period is "$so "$$o&ed )! the 'en%! to importers 5or the 2E %h"r'es
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ,(
Se're'"tion report
<T"$$! m"ni5est &ith "%tu"$
ir$ine issues 2onso$e pou%h &hi%h %ont"in ori'in"$ %opies
o5 M@4; 3@4; invoi%e; p"%#in' $ist.
FF issues 2E to the importer &hi%h in%$udes DO %h"r'es.
<Eum)er o5 2E issued is eDu"$ to the num)er o5 3ouse
Importer p"!s the DO %h"r'es to FF
"nd re%eived "%tu"$ DO re%eipt.
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
22 %h"r'es "re ne'oti")$e &ith Importer.
%(n) Re*e(se Or&er (%RO term)
This term is used )et&een the e.porter 0 importer. This term is used to 'u"r"ntee the
s"5e de$iver! o5 the 'oods.
In this %"se;
2onsi'nee is 4"n# 0 Eoti5!in' p"rt! is Importer
De;t N"te
This is the note &hi%h is send )! the overse"s "'ent to the FF in Indi".
It is "pp$i%")$e &hen t!pe o5 5rei'ht p"!ment is %o$$e%t i.e. 5rei'ht is p"id )! the
importer "t port o5 destin"tion.
De)it note %omes "$on' &ith pre-"$ert.
Cre&t N"te
I5 5rei'ht is p"id )! the e.porter "t port i.e. prep"id %ondition then overse"s "'ent
sends %redit note to the FF in Indi".
In E>/3"r)
In this %"se overse"s "'ent send $o%"$ tr"nsport %h"r'es to the FF in Indi" )ut overse"s
5rei'ht %h"r'es "re ne'oti"ted )! the FF in Indi" &ith overse"s "'ent.
I5 overse"s 5rei'ht %h"r'es "re "$so 'iven )! the overse"s "'ent then it %"n invo$ve
m"n! overse"s "'ent i.e. F1; F2; F, et%. "nd this %h"r'es "re ver! hi'her.
Detention Period
This is the period durin' &hi%h %"r'o is "$$o& to #eep in %ustom &"rehouse ;on%e this
period 'et over then demurr"'es st"rted.
Detention period in
irO1( d"!s
T'!es "5 the 5re2ht !('ment
1. Frei'ht %o$$e%t
In this %"se 5rei'ht is p"id )! the importer "t port o5 destin"tion.
Lo%"$ %h"r'es &hi%h in%$ude %% 5ees; DO 5ees; edu%"tion %ess 0 te$e. re$e"se %h"r'es
"re p"id )! the importer on$!.
2. Frei'ht prep"id
In this %"se e.porter p"!s the 5rei'ht %h"r'es "t port o5 ori'in in%$udin' $o%"$ %h"r'es.
L(;e* Mssn2 C(se
In %ert"in %"ses $")e$ on %"r'o 'et missed due to improper h"nd$in' or "n! other
I5 3ouse @4 is missin'
FF prep"re $")e$ 0 put it on %"r'o 0 "$so p"!s the pen"$t! on the )eh"$5 o5 importer ;
5in"$$! importer p"!s it to FF.
I5 M"ster @4 is missin'
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ,+
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
I5 M"ster @4 is missin' then it is re$")e$$ed )! the ir$ines.
23 is invo$ved in 5o$$o&in' "%tivities in %"se o5 import
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ,/
S%"nnin' o5 do%uments re%eived in pre-"$ert
S%"nnin' o5 do%uments re%eived in pre-"$ert
$$ det"i$s entered into so5t&"re %"$$ed visu"$
IMP-8; $on' &ith the duties &hi%h
impoter h"s to p"!.
2he%#$ist o5 4O- sends to impoter
Fi$in' o5 4O- "t I2- GT-
2ustom issues 4O- EO
TR-/ %h"$$"n 0 EO. Gener"te
"utom"ti%"$$! <-DI=
T"#e print o5 TR-/ %h"$$"n &hi%h is
'ener"ted Throu'h -DI
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ,1
Fi$e it m"nu"$$! 0 deposit the "mount in
"uthorised )"n#
2"r'o 0 do%uments "re h"nd over to
In %ustom shed; e."min"tion order; DO;
@4; 4O- "re reDuired.
-."mine o55i%er enter "$$ the det"i$s in -DI.
Ph!si%"$ e."min"tion
pprisin' o55i%er p"sses
Out o5 %h"r'e order
Fin"$ 4O- is printed "s proo5 o5 %omp$etion o5
De$iver! %h"$$"n si'ned )! the impoter
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
De*9er' Ch(**(n
This is si'ned de%$"r"tion )! the importer th"t he h"s re%eived the 'oods in sound
T&o %opies o5 the de$iver! %h"$$"n
1. 23 %op!
2. Importer %op!
A5ter E>(mn(t"n &"1uments re=ure& t" sh"7 5"r "ut "5 1h(r2e "r&er "5 2""&s
1= 2ustom %op! o5 4O-
2= Out o5 %h"r'e order %op! o5 4O-
,= TR-/ %h"$$"n o5 4O-
(= Invoi%e
+= P"%#in' $ist
/= M@4
1= 3@4
7= 2ountr! o5 ori'in %erti5i%"te
9= GTT de%$"r"tion si'ned )! the importer.
10= 2op! o5 de$iver!
In ;"n& %OE 5*n2
In )ond @"rehouse %ode )oo# Sp"%e 4O- 5i$e )ond Dou)$e dut!
In &"rehouse se"$ -."min"tion Su)mit it to
4O- %"n )e 5i$ed in "dv"n%e i.e. &ithout the IGM num)er to s"ve the time "5ter
"rriv"$ o5 shipment.
B(11h( %OE
This t!pe o5 4O- is prep"red in %"se o5 perish")$e produ%ts 0 "nim"$s.
23 5irst prep"re #"%%h" 4O-; p"! "$$ the duties.
5ter "rriv"$ o5 %onsi'nment "t port %onvert #"%%h" 4O- into norm"$ 4O-.
D55erent meth"&s t" 5*e %OE
1. On$ine
2. nne.ure i.e. m"nu"$$!
,. F$opp! i5 net&or# pro)$em.
Do%uments reDuired "t the time o5 %ustom %$e"r"n%e
1. GTT de%$"r"tion
2. Ori'n"$ 0 8ero. %op! o5 invoi%e
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ,7
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
,. Ori'n"$ p"%#in' $ist
(. De%$"r"tions
+. Ori'n"$ 4O-
/. Ori'n"$ -."min"tion order
1. Ori'n"$ TR-/ %h"$$"n

= %%essi)$e 6"$ue <.6= P 2IF M1N $"ndin' %h"r'es
<2IF v"$ue P invoi%e Q-.%h"n'e r"teM Frei'ht M Insur"n%e=
4= 42DP 10N o5 6
2= 26DP 10N o5 M4
D= -. 2-SSP 2N o5 2
-= S3-P 1N o5 2
F= -. 2-SSP 2N o5 4M2MDM-
G= S3-P 1N o5 4M2MDM-
In ")ove %"se; 5rei'ht is the "%tu"$ 5rei'ht %h"r'ed )! ir$ines or the 20N &hi%hever is
$o&er to %"$%u$"te the dut!.
Insur"n%e is %"$%u$"ted "s 1.2+N o5 invoi%e v"$ue; i5 no po$i%!
nd i5 importer h"s po$i%! insur"n%e &i$$ )e 0.022+N o5 invoi%e.
%(n) Gu(r(ntee & Tem!"r(r' m!"rt
--4"n# 'u"r"ntee h"s to in %"se o5 tempor"r! import.
--It &i$$ ensure th"t &e &i$$ e.port the imported 'oods "5ter use or "5ter rep"ir.
--M"..e.tended period is 17 months in %"se o5 tempor"r! import ;"5ter 17 months i5
importer &ish to #eep the 'oods ;then he h"s to p"! 5u$$ norm"$ dut!.
---.'. 5or three months import +N o5 "%tu"$ dut! is p"id.
--Fin"$$! dut! &hi%h importer h"s to p"! P
Rem"inin' dut!M 1+N interest %h"r'es per d"!.
%OE 1"!es
1. Ori'n"$ 4O-O"t %ustom %$e"r"n%e
2. 4O- <8ero. %op!= M E 5ormO4M2
,. 4O- <8ero. %op!= --- to Importer
(. 4O- <8ero. %op!= --- 23 re5eren%e
+. 4O- <8ero. %op!= M E5orm--- o%troi Dep"rtment
TR/C 1h(**(n 1"!es
1. 2ustom %op!
2. Importer %op!
,. 4"n# %op!
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ,9
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
N 5"rm
E 5orm h"s to p"ss &ithin 1 d"!s "5ter its 5i$in'.
O%troiP+.+N <6M %ustom Dut!=
Importer h"s to p"! o%troi on dut! s"ved.
I5 Importer &"nts to s"ve o%trio on dut! s"ved; he h"s to 'ive the 4"n# Gu"r"ntee.
There "re ( ori'in"$ %opies o5 E 5orm "s )e$o&
1. 4M2
2. Importer
,. 23 to E"#"
(. 4M2 to E"#"
S1hemes & *1ense use&
-Dut! -ntit$ement P"ss)oo#
-One $i%en%e o5 D-P4 is o5 p"rti%u$"r "mount
-2ert"in per%ent"'e o5 FO4 v"$ue o5 e.port &i$$ )e 'iven "s $i%en%e
-From this $i%en%e )"$"n%e; import dut! 'ets dedu%ted 0 rem"inin' )"$"n%e o5 $i%en%e
%"n )e use 5or ne.t import dut! p"!ment.
-Produ%ts &hi%h "re mentioned &hi$e t"#in' this $i%en%e shou$d )e "$&"!s there in
-This $i%en%e is tr"ns5er")$e i.e. e.porter %"n tr"ns5er this $i%ense to other Importer on
%ommission )"sis i5 this e.porter is not 'oin' to import.
MOD6T S%heme
-.%ise &hi%h is p"id "t the time o5 import 'et re5und i5 s"me r"& m"teri"$ is e.ported
"5ter pro%essin' it.
Reimport o5 rep"ired 'oods 09(I9/
In %"se o5 reimport o5 rep"ired 'oods %ustom %h"r'es the dut! on rep"irin' %ost.
Indi"n Ori'in Good 1+7I97
Import 5or rep"irin' purpose.
This is dut! 5ree.
De%$"r"tion &ithin / months &e &i$$ re-e.port this rep"ired 'oods.
-P2G Li%en%e
DGFT %h"r'es ,.09N dut! on %"pit"$ 'ood 0 m"%hiner! imported 5or e.port purpose
"nd rem"inin' dut! i.e. norm"$ dut!- ,.09N is s"ved in this s%heme.
Importer h"ve to promise &ithin 7 !e"rs 5rom d"te o5 issue o5 $i%ense he &i$$ e.port
spe%i5i% "mount o5 'oods.
Spe%i5i% items &hi%h "re pu)$ished in "nne.ure on$! those items %"n )e imported.
Import o5 Se%ond 3"nd Goods
2ustom %onsider the "mount o5 depre%i"tion &hi$e importin' se%ond h"nd 'oods.
These items reDuired %h"rtered -n'ineer 2erti5i%"te.
This %erti5i%"te sho&s the present v"$ue o5 the 'oods.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e (0
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
2"rnet Form
This 5orm is t"#en &hen there is import o5 instruments 5or musi% sho&s; events i.e.
these items 'oin' e.port "5ter the use.
2ont"ineri9"tion is the most si'ni5i%"nt "mon' "$$ 5orms o5 uti$i9"tion in tr"nsport.
The "dv"nt"'e o5 the prin%ip$e o5 in%re"sin' the si9e o5 unit $o"d "nd redu%in'
h"nd$in' "nd tr"nsport"tion %ost is )est re"$i9ed throu'h %ont"ineri9"tion. The
%ont"iner s!stem is e"si$! "d"pt")$e to mu$ti mode$ tr"nsport oper"tions in
intern"tion"$ tr"de.

C"nt(ner C*(ss51(t"ns
2ont"iners "re "v"i$")$e in %on5i'ur"tions to t"#e "$most ever! #ind o5 %"r'o "nd
mode o5 tr"nsport"tion <o%e"n; "ir; ro"d; "nd r"i$=.
0 Gener(* C(r2" C"nt(ner<
General purpose (dry ar!o" onta#ner$ It is suit")$e 5or the &idest v"rieties o5 %"r'o.
It is 5u$$! en%$osed "nd &e"therproo5; h"vin' ri'id &"$$s; roo5 "nd 5$oor; &ith "t $e"st
one o5 its &"$$s; either end &"$$ <end $o"din'= or side &"$$ <side $o"din'=; eDuipped
&ith doors
Spe#%# purpose onta#ner$
It is used to 5"%i$it"te the p"%#in' <$o"din'= "nd empt!in' <un$o"din'= o5 %ont"iner
other th"n )! me"ns o5 doors "t one side o5 the %ont"iner; "nd 5or other spe%i5i%
purposes $i#e venti$"tion.
1. P*(t5"rm (5*(t r(1))
It does not h"ve " superstru%ture th"t is; ri'id side&"$$s "nd $o"d-%"rr!in' stru%tures.
The term *"(& re5ers to st"ti%Id!n"mi% 5orm o5 $o"d <not %"r'o $o"d= or 5or%es "risin'
out o5 the $i5tin'; h"nd$in' "nd tr"nsportin' o5 %ont"iner. It is eDuipped &ith top "nd
)ottom %orner 5ittin's. The %orner 5ittin's provide me"ns o5 supportin'; st"%#in';
h"nd$in' "nd se%urin' the %ont"iner. The 5$"t r"%# is used 5or m"%hiner!; $um)er; "nd
other he"v! or $"r'e o)*e%ts.
-$ C*"se& 9ent*(te& 1"nt(ner< It is used 5or the %"rri"'e o5 %"r'o; su%h "s hides;
th"t %"nnot st"nd e.%essive moisture. It is simi$"r to the dr! %"r'o %ont"iner &ith
spe%i"$$! desi'ned n"tur"$ or me%h"ni%"$ <5or%ed= venti$"tion.
,$ O!en t"! 1"nt(nerC
It is simi$"r to the dr! %"r'o %ont"iner e.%ept th"t it h"s no ri'id roo5; )ut h"s "
mov")$e or remov")$e %over <e.'. " %over m"de o5 %"nv"s; p$"sti% or rein5or%ed p$"sti%
m"teri"$= supported on mov")$e or remov")$e roo5 )o&s. The open top %ont"iner is
used 5or m"%hiner!; sheet '$"ss; "nd other he"v!; )u$#! or $on' o)*e%ts.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e (1
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
Plat%or& 'ased onta#ners open s#dedar!o (onta#ner
(() Therm(* 1"nt(ner (ree5er)
It h"s insu$"ted &"$$s; doors; roo5; "nd 5$oor; &hi%h $imit the r"n'e o5 temper"ture $oss
or '"in. It is used 5or perish")$e 'oods $i#e me"t; 5ruits "nd ve'et")$es.
(;) T(n) 1"nt(ner
It is used 5or the %"rri"'e o5 )u$# '"ses "nd $iDuids $i#e %hemi%"$s.
(1= Dr' ;u*) 1"nt(ner
It is used 5or the %"rri"'e o5 dr! so$ids in )u$# &ithout p"%#"'in'; su%h "s 'r"ins "nd
dr! %hemi%"$s. It %onsists o5 " %"r'o-%"rr!in' stru%ture 5irm$! se%ured &ithin the
inter%ontinent"$ %ont"iner 5r"me&or#.

PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e (2
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
M(r)etn2 P(rt
-ntities invo$ved
-.porter overse"s 'ent Importer
'ent in Indi"
-I5 it is %"se o5 import; then importer "ppro"%hes to the FF "'ent in Indi" 5or the
Ruot"tion 0 other det"i$s.
-FF in Indi" %ont"%ts to its overse"s "'ent "nd "s# 5or his <overse"s "'ent= r"tes.
-Overse"s "'ent te$$s his r"te 5or th"t p"rti%u$"r shipment in%$udin' his o&n pro5it.
- FF in Indi" &i$$ te$$ the r"tes to importer "s overse"s "'entsB r"te M its o&n r"te
in%$udin' his m"r'in.
The m"r#etin' dep"rtment p$"!s the most vit"$ ro$e in the smooth 5un%tionin' o5 the
or'"ni9"tion. It he$ps 'ener"te pro5its 5or the %omp"n!. The m"r#etin' dep"rtment o5
OM FF some&h"t per5orms in the 5o$$o&in' m"nnerC
Potenti"$ %$ients or ne& %$ients "re t"pped. This is done )! the sour%es o5 Internet "nd
re5eren%es 5rom e.istin' %$ients or "n! other possi)$e me"ns. -"%h m"r#etin'
e.e%utive is "$$otted " se%tor. -.'.C South meri%"; Gu$5; F"r -"st; et%. These
e.e%utives visit the %$ientBs %orpor"te o55i%es "nd dis%uss ")out potenti"$ )usiness
de"$s. The e.e%s present the %omp"n!Bs pro5i$e; the "%hievements "nd stron' points
"nd 5uture p$"ns o5 the %omp"n! in 5ront o5 the %$ients to impress the %$ient "nd "ssure
him )est o5 the r"tes "nd servi%es in the m"r#et. On%e the %$ient is "ssured o5 the
s"me; he m"! "s# the e.e%s to Duote r"tes or m"! )oo# the %"r'o up5ront.
On%e the %"r'o is )oo#edIr"tes "re Duoted; the m"r#etin' e.e%s in5orm the 2S6 te"m
")out the s"me. The 2S6 te"m then #eeps up " periodi% 5o$$o&-up &ith the %$ients to
%onvert the enDuir! into )usiness.
-"%h m"r#etin' se%tor is "$$otted " sep"r"te %ustomer servi%e e.e%utive 5o$$o&-up.
These e.e%utives "re divided "%%ordin' to the ImportI-.port "nd )! produ%ts. -'C
L2L; F2L; 2onso$e; Pro*e%ts; LiDuid %"r'o; et%.

PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e (,
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd

S"me Stu(t"ns ";ser9e&
There &ere three situ"tions; &hi%h I 5ound di55erent th"n usu"$ &or#in's.
3i'h Se" S"$e
Return to Ori'in Shipment
Short $"ndin'
H2h Se( S(*e
Om Frei'ht h"d " shipment 5or %ustom %$e"r"n%e th"t &"s 5rom G"$" pre%ision. @hen
the shipment "rrived; G"$" "ppro"%hed on our o55i%e "nd intim"ted us th"t shipment
h"s )een so$d on hi'h se"s.
@hen " %"rrier is in intern"tion"$ &"ters <&hi%h is 'ener"$$! re5erred "s 3i'h Se"=; it
%"n s"$e its %"r'o )e5ore $"ndin'. In su%h %"se the se$$er h"s to 'ive "n "pp$i%"tion to
sst. %ommissioner o5 %ustom see#in' his permission to "mend the n"me o5
Do%uments to )e produ%ed 5or the s"tis5"%tion o5 "uthorit! "reC
S"$e deed
2ustom "ttested Invoi%e "nd PSL.
Eo O)*e%tion 2erti5i%"te 5rom ori'in"$ %onsi'nor
mendment in LS2; i5 "n!.
sst. %ommissioner then "$$o&s to "mend the n"me o5 %onsi'nor.
In 'ener"$ pr"%ti%e; "mendin' " LS2 is " he%ti% *o) hen%e ori'in"$ %onsi'ner %$e"rs
'oods on his n"me "nd then "t the time o5 t"#in' de$iver! 5rom %ustom &"rehouse
n"me o5 %onsi'nor is %h"n'ed &ith the he$p o5 3i'h Se" S"$e do%uments.
Return t" Or2n Sh!ment
Some times &hen &ron' 'oods "re imported; or F"u$t! 'oods "re imported the! need
to )e sent )"%# to its ori'in. This shipment is %"$$ed "s RTO < return to ori'in=.this is
%omp$ete$! di55erent 5rom intermedi"te e.ports.
In Om Frei'ht " shipment 5rom >od"# &"s d"m"'ed "nd the! &"nted it to send )"%#
to its ori'in. Do%uments reDuired 5or this %onsi'nment "re
Report o5 Surve!or
Letter 5rom -.porter; st"tin' th"t it is " RTO shipment 'ivin' re"sons 5or
the s"me.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e ((
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
4"n#Bs 2erti5i%"te st"tin'; no 5orei'n e.%h"n'e tr"ns"%tions is invo$ved in
shipment "nd th"t; it is RTO.
@e h"ve to 5i$e shippin' )i$$ "nd 5o$$o& usu"$ pro%edure 5or e.ports.
Sh"rt L(n&n2
Suppose " shipment is due to "rrive in t&o or more pie%es under one ir&"! )i$$ "nd
&hen shipment "rrives it %ont"ins $ess pie%es th"n those "re st"ted in ir&"! )i$$ then
th"t shipment is s"id to )e short $"nded.
In su%h %"ses it is not possi)$e to 2ustom %$e"r %"r'o; sin%e 'oods doesnBt m"t%h
invoi%e "nd PSL .&e h"ve to &"it 5or 5u$$ shipment to "rrive "nd then on$! &e %"n
%ustom %$e"r the 'oods.
Pro)$ems in short $"ndin' "reC
?nne%ess"r! de$"!
Mountin' demurr"'e %h"r'es
Su)st"nti"$ %ost 5or ir 2"r'o
2erti5i%"te 5rom ir$ines st"tin' th"t 2"r'o is short $"nded.
2ustom shou$d "$$o& %$e"r"n%e o5 short $"nded %"r'os &ith some simp$i5i%"tions.
Ca!ses o' Disp!tes in Clearance
%%ept"n%e o5 De%$"red 2$"ssi5i%"tion
%%ept"n%e o5 De%$"red 6"$ue
Deni"$ o5 Dut! -.emption
D"m"'ed Goods
Good "re pi$5ered or not tr"%e")$e
Goods "re $ost or misrouted or short shipped
@ron' 'oods shipped )! Shippers
Goods shipped either e.%ess or short
Eo proper do%ument"tion I in5orm"tion "v"i$")$e
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e (+
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
Fe7 De5nt"ns re*(te& t" Im!"rt E>!"rt !r"1e&ure
Ar7(' %**
It is " re%eipt issued )! "n ir$ine or its "'ent 5or the %"rri"'e o5 'oods is %"$$ed "s
ir&"! )i$$. It is issued in terms "nd %onditions o5 the %ontr"%t o5 %"rri"'e o5
'oods. It is not " do%ument o5 tit$e "nd is not issued in the ne'oti")$e 5orm.
There "re t&o t!pes o5 ir&"! )i$$ . M"ster ir&"! )i$$
4. 3ouse ir&"! )i$$
A$ M(ster Ar7(' %**
M"ster ir&"! )i$$ is issued )! ir$ine %omp"n!. It is )et&een the ir$ine
%omp"n! "nd the Frei'ht 5or&"rdin' "'ent. There "re , ori'in"$s "nd 11 %opies.
The Frei'ht 5or&"rdin' "'ent issues it. It is )et&een e.porter "nd 5rei'ht
5or&"rdin' "'ent. There "re , ori'in"$s "nd 9 %opies.
%$ H"use Ar7(' ;**
'ent <FF= issues , ori'in"$s "nd 9 %opies o5 3ouse ir&"! )i$$. $$ the , ori'in"$s
"re 'iven to the e.porter "nd ,-( %opies o5 3ouse ir&"! )i$$ is #ept &ith himse$5.
The e.porter sends "$$ the three ori'in"$ 3ouse ir&"! )i$$ dire%t$! to the Importer.
The importer 'ets the de$iver! order 5rom the 5rei'ht 5or&"rdin' "'ent on$! "5ter
sho&in' the ori'in"$ 3ouse ir&"! )i$$.
ROTATION NUM%ER (R NO$)< @hen the %"r'o is deposited in the %ustoms
&"rehouse the shipment is 'iven "n KR Eo.J to tr"%# 0 identi5! the %"r'o in the
It is issued )! the 23 "nd endorsed )! the %ustoms so th"t the shipper %"n %$"im the
dr"&)"%#s under v"rious e.port in%entive s%hemes.
It is " do%ument needed )! %ustom "uthorit! 5or shipment permission. It is prep"red
)! the 23 on )eh"$5 o5 the -.porter. It %ont"ins sever"$ det"i$s o5 the %"r'o )ein'
e.ported. Shippin' 4i$$ is usu"$$! o5 5our t!pes.
0$Dut' Free Sh!!n2 %** </(7hte)
This t!pe o5 shippin' )i$$ is used 5or the 'oods 5or &hi%h neither dut! not %ess
"pp$i%")$e. It is "$so used 5or the 'oods m"nu5"%tured out o5 m"teri"$s imported under
the dut! 5ree import.
-$Dut(;*e Sh!!n2 %**</( 'e**"7)
This t!pe o5 shippin' )i$$ is used 5or 'oods su)*e%t to e.port dut!I %ess; &hi%h either
entit$ed or not entit$ed 5or dr"&)"%#. It is used sep"r"te$! in respe%t o5 &hi%h e.port
dut! is $evied on the )"sis o5 <"= m"r#et pri%e <)= t"ri55 "ssessed v"$ue.
,$Dr(7;(1) Sh!!n2 %**< / (2reen)
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e (/
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
I5 the e.port o5 'oods is simu$t"neous$! )! dut! 5ree "nd I or su)*e%t to e.port dut! I
%ess; this t!pe o5 shippin' )i$$ is %ompu$sori$! to )e used &hether "$one or "$on' &ith
"n! other shippin' )i$$.
A$Sh!!n2 %** 5"r sh!ment E>/%"n&< / (!n))
In %"se o5 'oods imported 5or re-e.port "nd #ept in-)ond; this t!pe o5 shippin' )i$$ is
There are different types of shipping bills to claim export benefits under different
The commonly used shipping bills are :
D--2 D?TG DR@42>
100N -O? -P2G
%** "5 Entr'
4i$$ o5 -ntr! is the do%ument; &hi%h is reDuired 5or the %$e"r"n%e o5 imported 'oods.
The %entr"$ )o"rd o5 e.%ise "nd %ustoms h"s st"nd"rdi9ed the 5orm o5 4I-. Di55erent
t!pes o5 4i$$ o5 -ntr! "re prep"red 5or di55erent purposes. Li#e
i= Goods entered 5or home %onsumption "re %$e"red under %** "5 Entr' 5"r H"me
C"nsum!t"n. <@hite 4i$$ o5 -ntr!=
ii= Goods entered 5or &"rehousin' "re removed into )ond on In %"n& %** "5 Entr'.
<Ge$$o& 4i$$ o5 -ntr!=
iii= Goods 5or 3ome 2onsumptionI-.ports 5rom )onded &"rehouse on p"!ment o5
dut! "re removed under E>/%"n& %** "5 Entr'$ <Green 4i$$ o5 -ntr!=
iv= Goods imported 5or De5en%e purpose "re %$e"red under De5en1e %** "5 Entr'$
<Pin# 4i$$ o5 -ntr!=
4i$$ o5 entr! shou$d )e presented 5or Anotin'A in the import dep"rtment o5 the %ustom
house "5ter the import 'ener"$ m"ni5est &hi%h 'ives " det"i$ed des%ription item &ise
o5 the 'oods )rou'ht )! the %on%erned vesse$ is 5i$ed )! the ste"mer "'ent. 5"%i$it!
h"s )een "55orded to the ste"mer "'ent to $od'e this m"ni5est 1( d"!s in "dv"n%e o5
"rriv"$ o5 the vesse$. This %on%ession h"s )een 'iven to 5"%i$it"te the importerAs 2.3..
to #eep the do%uments re"d! so th"t immedi"te$! on "rriv"$ o5 the vesse$ "nd $"ndin'
o5 the %"r'o; the s"me %ou$d )e %$e"red on e."min"tion "nd p"!ment o5 dut! thereon
&ithout "n! $oss o5 time. The d"te o5 present"tion o5 )i$$ o5 entr! is ver! import"nt; "s
the r"te o5 dut! "pp$i%")$e to the imported 'oods &i$$ )e r"te th"t is in 5or%e on the
d"te o5 present"tion.
There are different types of shipping bills to claim export benefits under different
The commonly used shipping bills are :
D--2 D?TG DR@42>
100N -O? -P2G
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e (1
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
MANIFEST< it 'ives the num)er o5 houses %omin' under one m"ster.
E#PORT GENERAL MANIFEST (EGM)< The -GM Eum)er is 'iven )! the
2ustoms to " p"rti%u$"r 5$i'ht o5 "n ir$ine th"t is %"rr!in' the %"r'o so "s to put
the det"i$s o5 one p"rti%u$"r 5$i'ht under one num)er. The num)er is 'iven seri"$
IMPORT GENERAL MANIFEST (IGM)< The IGM Eum)er is 'iven )! the
2ustoms to " p"rti%u$"r 5$i'ht o5 "n ir$ine "5ter the 5$i'ht %he%# so "s to put the
det"i$s o5 one p"rti%u$"r 5$i'ht under one num)er. The num)er is 'iven seri"$ &ise.
POST SHIPMENT DOCUMENTS< Fo$$o&in' "re the do%uments th"t "re de$ivered
to the shipper "5ter the %"r'o is shippedC
-22 <-.%h"n'e 2ontro$ 2op!=
-P <-.port Promotion= 2op!
R--1 Form
These do%uments "re h"nded over to the shipper "5ter the shipment is throu'h )ut &ith
the "ir$ine do%uments; &hi%h "re "s 5o$$o&s; "re sent to the %onsi'neeC
3ouse ir&"! )i$$ <3@4=
P"%#in' $ist
%** "5 L(&n2
The 4i$$ o5 L"din' is " do%ument issued )! the shippin' %omp"n! or its "'ent
"%#no&$ed'in' the re%eipt o5 'oods mentioned in the )i$$ o5 shipment on )o"rd o5
vesse$; "nd undert"#in' the de$iver! o5 'oods )! the %onsi'nee "5ter p"!in' 5rei'ht
"nd other %h"r'es spe%i5ied in the 4i$$ o5 L"din'.
There "re t&o t!pes o5 4i$$ o5 L"din' . M"ster 4i$$ o5 L"din'
4. 3ouse 4i$$ o5 L"din'
M(ster %** "5 L(&n2
The shippin' $ine issues M"ster 4IL.. It is )et&een the shippin' $ine "nd Frei'ht
For&"rdin' "'ent.
CARGO ARRIVAL NOTICE (CAN)< It is issued "5ter %"r'o is 5or&"rded to the
%ustom &"rehouse. It is prep"red &hen the do%uments "re re%eived 0 " %op! o5 2E
"$on' &ith the do%ument is h"nded over to the %onsi'nee or his %$e"rin' "'ent. 2E
is the )i$$ dr"&n on the %onsi'nee )! the 5rei'ht 5or&"rder. In%"se o5 " %o$$e%t
shipment %"rt"'e %h"r'e; servi%e 5ee; 5rei'ht %h"r'es 0 2urren%! d*ustment F"%tor
<2F=; 22 5ees <2o$$e%t 2h"r'es= "re %h"r'ed in the 2E. In%"se o5 " prep"id
shipment on$! 2"rt"'e 2h"r'e 0 Servi%e 5ee is %h"r'ed to the %onsi'nee.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e (7
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
The %onsi'nee t"#es it 5rom OM "t the time o5 %$e"rin' the %"r'o 5rom the %ustom
&"rehouse. The DO %"rries the n"me o5 the %onsi'nee; import Rot"tion num)er; IGM
num)er; 5$i'ht num)er; m"ster num)er; 3ouse ir&"! 4i$$ num)er; des%ription o5
p"%#"'es 0 n"ture o5 'oods. ItBs " too$ throu'h &hi%h the p"!ments "re re%overed
)e%"use DO "$$o&s the %onsi'nee to 5i$e 5or the 4i$$ o5 -ntr!.
C"mmer1(* In9"1e
%ommer%i"$ invoi%e is the e.porterBs )i$$ 5or the s"$e o5 'oods. It is the )"si% "nd
most import"nt do%ument reDuired 5or prep"r"tion o5 "$$ other do%uments &hi%h is
're"ter or $esser reprodu%es in5orm"tion 5rom " %ommer%i"$ invoi%e. -.port I
Import dut! is "$so "%%essed on the )"sis o5 this invoi%e.
P(1)n2 Lst
p"%#in' $ist I note shou$d in%$ude the d"te o5 p"%#in'; %onne%tin' invoi%e
num)er; det"i$s o5 shippin' su%h "s n"me o5 the ste"mer; )i$$ o5 $"din' num)er "nd
d"te o5 s"i$in'; %"se num)er to &hi%h the $ist I note re$"tes; %ontents o5 'oods su%h
"s Du"ntit! "nd &ei'ht "nd item &ise det"i$s.
It 'ives the in5orm"tion $i#e invoi%e num)er; num)er o5 pie%es; num)er o5 pie%es
per p"%#"'e; num)er o5 p"%#"'es; dimensions o5 p"%#"'es; 'ener"$ des%ription o5
%"r'o; net &ei'ht ; 'ross &ei'ht.
Cert51(te "5 Or2n : GSP Cert51(te
ustr"$i"; ustri"; 2"n"d"; Fin$"nd; :"p"n; Me.i%o; Eor&"!; S&eden; S&it9er$"nd;
?S; 4e$'ium; Denm"r#; Fr"n%e; Gree%e; Germ"n!; Ire$"nd; It"$!; Lu.em)our';
Eether$"nds; Sp"in; ?> "nd Ee& Fe"$"nd "re 'ivin' re)"te on dut!; i5 the 'oods
"re imported 5rom the deve$opin' %ountr!.
2erti5i%"te o5 Ori'in is reDuired )! the Importer either 5or t"#in' "dv"nt"'e o5 "
pre5erenti"$ t"ri55 or to ensure th"t the p"rti%u$"r 'oods o5 the e.portin' %ountr! "re
not )"nned
shipper %"n 'et 2erti5i%"te o5 Ori'in 5rom the e.port inspe%tion %oun%i$. The
e.port inspe%tion %oun%i$ t"#es one invoi%e "nd puts " se"$ on the 2erti5i%"te o5
For P"!in' the O%troi The Fo$$o&in' Do%uments re ReDuiredC
4i$$ O5 -ntr! 2opies <2 sets=
The 2op! O5 TR/ 2h"$$"n. <, Sets=
2heDue In F"vours O5 Muni%ip"$ 2orpor"tion O5 Gre"ter Mum)"i
For the 'oods 'oin' out o5 4M2 -4om)"! Muni%ip"$ 2orpor"tion AEA 5orm h"s to )e
prep"red. This 5orm is issued "t p"!ment o5 Rs 100. For the 'oods not $e"vin' the "re"
o5 4M2; o%troi h"s to )e p"id. O%troi is %"$%u$"ted "s +.+N o5 v"$ue Mdut! p"id.
AEA 5orm issued shou$d )e su)mitted "t the ( E"#"s &ithin 1 d"!s or e$se o%troi
"mount is to )e p"id.
For the purpose o5 %$e"r"n%e o5 Government 'oods inste"d o5 E- 5orm; S-5orm is used.
E 5orm is m"de in 5our %opiesC
Ori'in"$- To 4M2
Dup$i%"te- To %he%# post
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e (9
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
Trip$i%"te H To tr"nsporter
Ru"d p$i%"te- Re5eren%e %op!
In %"se o5 E 5orm p"ssin'; 5o$$o&in' do%uments "re reDuiredC
2 %opies o5 E Form.
S"$es T". 2erti5i%"te.
4e5ore entr"n%e o5 %"r'o inside the %ustom &"rehouse the 23 in5orm the %on%erned
"ir$ine. The! m"int"in " %"rtin' re'ister "nd #eep re%ord o5 the n"ture o5 %"r'o; no. o5
p"%#"'es; "ir&"! )i$$ no; et%. 5ter th"t the! "ttest the %"rtin' %op! o5 the "ir&"! )i$$.
5ter 2"rtin' &e su)mit the %"rtin' %op! o5 the "ir&"! )i$$ to the "irport "uthorit! "nd
%o$$e%t the '"te p"ss. 2"rtin' %op! o5 "ir&"! )i$$ is ne%ess"r! 5or '"te p"ss.
5ter 'ettin' the n"me o5 the e."miner "nd %"rton I p"%#"'e num)er &e 'o to the
e."miner "nd heIshe e."mines the %"r'o. The e."miner e."mines the %"r'o "%%ordin'
to the do%uments. Other&ise it &i$$ )e su)*e%t to 5urther investi'"tion.
The e."miner t!pes the e."min"tion report "5ter the e."min"tion. In the report heIshe
de%$"res th"t the %"r'o is "%%ordin' to the invoi%e; p"%#in' $ist "nd other do%uments. It
is ver! import"nt 5or %$e"r"n%e.
Let -.port Order <L-O= is 'iven )! the %ustom superintendent; &ho p"sses the
do%uments on the )"sis o5 e."min"tion report. @ithout it the e.port %"nBt )e done.
5ter the Let -.port Order on$! the shippin' )i$$ 'ets printed. It is nothin' )ut
permission to e.port.
5ter e."min"tion "nd L-O the print out o5 shippin' )i$$ "nd e."min"tion report
%ome "nd %he%#ed )! the 23. I5 "n! mist"#e is sti$$ there then the %ustom
superintendent %"n "mend it on the spot thou'h -DI s!stem. nd " 5resh shippin' )i$$
"nd e."min"tion report &i$$ )e printed out. 5ter 'ettin' the print out o5 the shippin'
)i$$ "nd e."min"tion report the 23 t"#es the si'n"tures o5 the %ustom e."miner "nd
the L-O o55i%er. The si'n"ture must )e &ith the st"mp o5 the o55i%er.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e +0
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd

Or2(ns(t"n(* A1t9tes & In9"*9ement-
Durin' the internship in or'"nis"tion I 'ot "n opportunit! to t"#e p"rt in the d"i$!
"%tivities o5 the or'"nis"tion.
In Se" Imports division I $e"rnt ho& to 5i$e 5or 4i$$ o5 -ntr! on 6isu"$ Impe.; ho& to
%o$$e%t 4I- 5rom Shippin' 'ent; ho& to %orre%t the 4I- et%.
In ir -.port Division I Fi$ed the @4; )oo#sp"%e on "ir%r"5t )! %"$$in' p"rti%u$"r
"ir$ine; "$so on$ine "pp$i%"tion o5 %"rtin' order "$so too# d"i$! 5$i'ht report &hi%h
invo$ved %he%#in' the position o5 the %"r'o &hi%h &e h"ve sent "$re"d!.
In Import dep"rtment 23 "s#ed me to %"$%u$"te the dut! stru%ture 5or di55erent
Or2(ns(t"n Re(*tes
The or'"nis"tion &here I &or#ed is 5"mi$! run )usiness )! " Gu*"r"ti 5"mi$!.
4e%"use o5 this 5"%tor most o5 the hi'her post peop$e "re Gu*r"ti or 5rom s"me 5"mi$!.
The num)er o5 5em"$e &or#in' is ver! r"re espe%i"$$! "t irport division.
Stren2ths "5 the "r2(ns(t"n
Friend$! "tmosphere is the m"in motiv"tin' 5or%e due to &hi%h most o5 the peop$e
&or# in or'"nis"tion.
Good 5"%i$ities to the st"55 sn"%#s; #it%hen; rest room et%.
St"55s "re sin%ere in &or# th"tBs &h! most o5 the pro%ess 'ets %omp$eted on time.
2redit is 'iven to the person"$ "%hievements o5 "n! emp$o!ment in %ontri)utin' to the
pro5it o5 %omp"n!.
2omp"n! h"s desi'ned e55i%ient &"! o5 %"rr!in' out the "%tivities &hi%h %onteudutes
to the 5"st pro%essin' o5 the %onsi'nment h"nd$in'.
3e()ness n "r2(ns(t"n
Due to 5"mi$! run )usiness most o5 the hi'her posts "re restri%ted to Gu*r"ti peop$e
St"55 is not ver! s"tis5ied &ith the "mount p"id "nd the num)er o5 hours o5 &or#ed
E>tent "5 Te(m 3"r) n "r2(ns(t"n
s the or'"nis"tion is divided into m"n! dep"rtments due to this st"55 &ithin the
dep"rtment is ver! %ooper"tive &ith e"%h other &hi%h $e"d hi'her produ%tivit! o5
or'"nis"tion in terms o5 servi%e.
t the end this Summer Internship h"s 'iven me 're"t e.perien%e o5 in the "re" o5
23 0 Frei'ht For&"rders pro%edure. It he$ps " $ot to %$"ri5! m! dou)ts o5
theoreti%"$ %on%epts in pr"%ti%"$ m"nner.
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e +1
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
t the end o5 this report I &ou$d $i#e to %on%$ude )! s"!in' th"t the enri%hin'
e.perien%e I re%eived 5rom OM Fre2ht F"r7(r&ers "s " p"rt o5 m! %urri%u$um &i$$
'o in " $on' &"! to he$p me in m! 5uture. The Indi"n Industr! sti$$ h"s to 'o " $on'
&"! )e5ore it is intern"tion"$$! "%%epted 5or its pro5ession"$ism. $so the %ustoms h"s
to 'et itse$5 ")re"st &ith $"test te%hno$o'! "nd the time 5or %$e"rin' %onsi'nments
t"#es e.%eption"$$! $on' "s %omp"red to other %ountries.
s "n internee; I *oined Om Fri'ht For&"rders Pvt. Ltd. I &"s "dvised to )e'in the
internship in the do%ument"tion dep"rtment )! 'ettin' 5"mi$i"r &ith the 5i$es "nd
do%uments )ein' prep"red in the o55i%e. I there5ore m"de " st"rt )! 'oin' throu'h the
v"rious 5i$es; there)! underst"ndin' "$$ the do%uments needed 5or )oth imports "nd
e.ports. I "$so &"t%hed the do%uments )ein' prep"red "nd "t ever! st"'e %$"ri5ied "n!
dou)ts I h"d &ith the emp$o!ees.

5ter h"vin' in depth #no&$ed'e o5 the pro%edures "nd underst"ndin' the re$ev"n%e
o5 e"%h do%ument; I ventured into the "%tu"$ prep"r"tion o5 do%uments )! prep"rin'
Tdumm!B do%uments $i#e the v"rious t!pes o5 shippin' )i$$s; )i$$s o5 entr!; )i$$s o5
$"din' et%. In e55e%t; I "%Duired pro5i%ien%! in prep"rin' " %omp$ete %ustoms 5i$e
<%ont"inin' "$$ the essenti"$ do%uments "nd their reDuired num)er o5 %opies= &hi%h is
su)mitted to the %ustoms 5or the purpose o5 "ssessment.

@hi$e &or#in' in the do%ument"tion dep"rtment; I re"$i9ed th"t "%%ur"%! "nd speed in
the prep"r"tion o5 do%uments is o5 vit"$ import"n%e "s the output o5 this dep"rtment is
the inputs o5 the oper"tions dep"rtment. 3en%e; it is the responsi)i$it! o5 the
do%ument"tion dep"rtment to #eep " re%ord o5 "$$ the do%uments h"nded over )! the
%$ients; m"int"in the 5i$es 5or e"%h tr"ns"%tion "nd 5or&"rd du$! 5i$$ed in 5orms &ith "$$
the ne%ess"r! do%uments in time to the oper"tions dep"rtment.

There"5ter; in order to h"ve the %omp$ete pi%ture o5 %ustoms %$e"r"n%e; I p"id " 5e&
visits to the 2ont"iner Frei'ht St"tion "t :EPT <Pun*")=. These visits &ere e.treme$!
en$i'htenin' "s I &itnessed the stu55in' Ide-stu55in' o5 %ont"iners; &"rehousin' o5
%"r'oes; 2ustoms e."min"tion o5 %"r'o; un$o"din' o5 %"r'o 5rom the %ont"iners et%.
Thus; in spite o5 not )ein' ")$e to see the "%tu"$ notin' o5 do%uments; "ppr"isement o5
do%uments; 5i$in' o5 the )i$$s o5 entr! "nd shippin' )i$$s et%; the visits to 2FS; &ent "
$on' &"! in 5urther %$"ri5!in' the dou)ts re'"rdin' the %ustoms %$e"r"n%e pro%edures.
4! 'ettin' %onvers"nt &ith the oper"tions o5 imports "nd e.ports; I &ou$d h"ve "
)etter ed'e &hen I "%tu"$$! )e'in &or# in this "re"; "s it &ou$d )e possi)$e 5or me to
dete%t "n! #ind o5 5r"udu$ent pr"%ti%es &ith re'"rd to m! %omp"n!Bs %onsi'nment "t
"n! point o5 time. The tr"inin' h"s he$ped me &ith " &ide "re" o5 e.posures "nd
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e +2
Summer Internship Report OM FF Pvt.Ltd
pr"%ti%"$ e.perien%es; &hi%h &ou$d he$p me to "d"pt m!se$5 in the %orpor"te &or$d.
@or#in' &ith this %omp"n! h"s provided &ith me &ith "n "$$-round pi%ture o5 the
pre%ise pro%edures "nd pr"%ti%es. 3"vin' the opportunit! to &or# Aon-the -*o)A h"s
5"mi$i"ri9ed me &ith the %omp$i%"ted pr"%ti%es undert"#en to 5"%i$it"te the smooth
s"i$in' o5 e.ports "nd imports. It is on$! "5ter puttin' into pr"%ti%e &h"t IAve $e"rnt
5rom )oo#s th"t I re"$i9e &h"t "n inte'r"$ )e"rin' the Servi%e Or'"ni9"tion h"s on the
-.portin' Or'"ni9"tion.
This &"s m! 5irst &or# e.perien%e in the 5ie$d o5 Intern"tion"$ Tr"de. It h"s he$ped me
in underst"ndin' do%ument"tion pro%ess "nd pro%edure invo$ved in intern"tion"$
ir -.port-Mr.S"'"r Sh"h
IR Import-Mr.Deep"# P"r"d#"r
ir FF 0 %onso$id"tion-Mr.#"ush"$ Pip"ri!"
S- e.port 0 Import-Mr.#"ushi# :oshi
:ourn"$s re%eived "t or'"nis"tion
PGDIT 2009-10 dit!" Go#h"$e +,

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