Lesson 2 Feedback

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Candidate:__Amber Kordes_ Assessor:___Rita Nawrocki-Chabin___ Advisor:___Pamela J. Lucas__ Date:__11/25/2013_

Grade Literacy_ Topic/skill taught:____comprehension__________

School: ALBA Cooperating teacher:__Sue Pike________

Observation: (check one) __ X_ 1
observation __X_ 2
observation ___ Other (specify) ________________

Completed by: (check one) ___ Cooperating teacher __X_ Education supervisor ___ Candidate

Overall Performance: _____Inadequate ____Emerging __X___Proficient __X___Distinctive

Planning (conceptualization/diagnosis/coordination) Comments
1. Engages in pre-assessment You have a conversation with the cooperating teacher.

2. Demonstrates content knowledge (1.4) and content area learning

You are clearly knowledgeable about the topic and application of the
strategy to teach the vocabulary concepts. The strategy you use is
Getting Inside an Image. You have made slight, appropriate,
modifications to the strategy to share it The lesson is well aligned and the
strategies well matched for the learning objectives.
3. Designs instruction based on assessment of student strengths,
needs, learning styles, and learning differences (3.1, 4.1)

The lesson uses students visual style for the delivery of the lesson
4. Coordinates resources to design effective instruction (9.4)
consults with cooperating teacher
uses print, audio-visual, and computer technology

You plan on using technology and printed handouts to facilitate the
lesson. You spoke in depth with the cooperating teacher.
5. Plans motivational instruction by relating lessons to student
interests, humor, provides student choice, questioning, and
investigation (1.1, 5.2)

You have a hook that you can use. You ask inferential question to guide
students through the process.
6. Plans for differentiation
Plans stimulating, varied input (brain compatibility)
Use talents and students interest
Vary input strategies
Uses posters, ads, photos, multi-media

You plan for differentiation. There is a child in the class who is autistic.
You also use multiple inputs to guide students through the lesson.

The lesson plan is well done. I clearly know what you are planning to do.
Provide for the use of manipulatives
Be alert to students styles and intelligences
Cooperative grouping
Marzanos Six Steps for vocabulary instruction
Plans for a variety of questions
Quality of Lesson Plan
Alignment of assessment, standards, learning activities, objectives
o Pre, during , post
Context/setting described
There is clear alignment between the assessment, standards, learning
activities, and objectives. The context is a good beginning at providing
information to begin to justify what you plan to do.
Performance _____Inadequate _____ Emerging__X___Proficient __X___Distinctive
Inviting (communication/integrative interaction)
1. Contributes to a welcoming learning community
(learns student names, talks with students before and after
the lesson) (3.8)
2. Creates a safe, non-threatening environment (brain compatibility)
Empower learner with technology
Alert to student learning styles
Builds trust
Provide an advocate for every student
Provide an atmosphere of curiosity
Spark natural curiosity
Use unique student talents . . .
3. Demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching and learning (1.3)
4. Recognizes the importance of verbal and nonverbal
communication in projecting a pleasant, professionally
engaging demeanor while interacting with the cooperating
teacher and students (effective use of inflection, volume, eye
contact, gestures, facial expression, body positioning,
movement in the classroom) (6.4)

The learning environment is very welcoming, safe, and non-threatening

You ask the students to help you hand out the copies of the materials that
they will use for the lesson.

Many hands go up to share. The first one to share supplies an example
that needs a little refining. Your tone is very positive in correcting him.
Then after this the students share some very good definitions of discrete
and continuous.

You are eager and enthusiastic in teaching the lesson. I found your
demeanor very engaging. Your relationship with the cooperating teacher
appears to very comfortable. You worked well as a team.
Performance _____Inadequate _____ Emerging__X__Proficient __X___Distinctive
Teaching (communication/diagnosis/integrative interaction)
1. Sets context for the lesson (5.1)
2. Lesson plan implementation
Sensitivity to learning style, cultural differences
3. Creates active meaningful learning (brain compatibility)
Uses project based learning
Uses community learning
Gives students responsibilities
Have students create products/services
Have students work on teams, tasks forces, committees
Maintain high expectations
Marzanos Six Steps
Engages students in critical thinking/problem solving
5. Models and supports active listening, interactive discussion,
and thoughtful response in reading, writing, and other media
(2.3, 6.1, 6.2)
6. Uses different types of explanation, levels of questioning (text explicit,
text implicit, script implicit, literal, inferential, synthesis, evaluation) and
discussion to challenge and support student thinking (3.2,
7. Uses literacy strategies to facilitate learning
8. Manages resources of time, space, activities, and attention to
engage students productively (5.3)
9. Classroom Management

You introduce the lesson by describing the goals and objectives of the day.
You present the students two images of peppers and ask them to choose one
of the pictures they would choose to write about. Then you show the
students an image of two eyes. Then you show strawberries. The students
correctly identify images that show the most detail

You show the students the image you want to analyze on the board and you
distribute individual copies of the image to the students.

You ask the students to draw lines don the middle of the picture both
horizontally and vertically. You start with quadrant A.

You do an example on the board to complete quadrant one. You write: boy,
woman-older, people faraway, city. A student adds buildings. Another
student begins to describe the clothes that the boy is wearing, a water
tower. Then you explain that you are going to ask them a series of
questions. You ask what do you think is being said. You ask the students to
write it down. What just happened Is there anything else you can say about
the woman? What could you say about the way she is holding him. One
student says he doesnt understand. You squat by him and model for him
what he is supposed to do. You move to box # B. You explain that you are
seeing a lot more about the woman. What emotions can you infer from the
way she is standing?

You move to quadrant C. You are beginning to leave more and more of the
describing in the hands of the students.

You move to quadrant D. You continue to ask questions that ask the
students to focus in on the details

You ask students to put the photo underneath the sheet on which they took
notes. You tell the students to write as many details as you can about what
is going on in the story.

Write as much as you can in 5 minutes.

You explain what the next step the students are going to engage in with Ms.

Performance _____Inadequate _____ Emerging___X__Proficient __X___Distinctive

Assessing (diagnosis/integrative interaction)
1. Uses appropriate informal and formal assessment strategies
that link to lesson objectives (8.1)
2. Provides specific feedback to learners and involves them in
self assessment (8.3)
3. Provides accurate timely feedback (brain compatibility)
Students self-assess their work
Promote reality for assessments
Make criteria of assessing explicit
Maintain/Create portfolios /
4. Reflects on the impact of the lesson on student learning,
modifying the plan and instruction when appropriate (8.5)
5. Reflects on own performance in relation to Alverno
education abilities and WI Teacher Standards (8.5, 9.2, 9.3)

As students write you walk around to monitor students progress and
process. You pay particular attention students who make be having
difficulty writing. You provide them with feedback.

Students write sentences, you walk around to monitor students progress.
Because students demonstrate their understanding of the terms so well, you
elect not to show the video again.

You reflected on your performance and its affect upon student learning.
(see below)
Performance _____Inadequate _____ Emerging___X__Proficient __X___Distinctive
Final remarks:

LTM 621
Observation reflection questions

1. How did you incorporate strategies from LTM 621 in this lesson?

2. What knowledge, pedagogy, and dispositions from your work in either LTM 612 or LTM 631 did you bring to bear on this lesson in its
design and implementation?

3. How do the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and Alverno Graduate Education Abilities mesh in this lesson? You need only address two
standards and two abilities in your response.

I think things went well. I was concerned about time. I had not planned on sharing out, but I think that worked as a good bridge to where Ms.
Pike was going to go next in the story.

Went well: Prompting them went really well. It helped them to focus in on the details. A lot of them were able to write. The prompting really
was successful.

Didnt go well: I maybe would have written the prompt out. I think that some of them were a little confused about writing. They were
struggling with what to write about. I hadnt thought of the sharing out and that was a good feature that got added to the lesson.

Communication: I think that being able to prompt them, work on some of the academic vocabulary. I found other things to look for with the
prompts. I used the media to communicate how to look at detail. I used media. I feel very much with this group that I am approachable. I know
from my first field what that I was so focused on the lesson that I wasnt smiling. Communicating to the students that I am excited about the
lesson gets the students more engaged in the lesson.

Knows the subject & connecting with others in the community: Knowing the story. Knowing what the next steps were from discussions
with the cooperating teacher was very, very important. I had to make these connections so that students could develop their background
knowledge that would enable them to write and identify the appropriate details.

Learning Needs: The story that she is teaching today, she has taught every year for Thanksgiving. It focuses on integrity, giving thanks
students have been working on characterization and inferring. So then we began to discuss the students needs to get a refresher. This was a way
to give them a different way to look at those things as they saw them based on the photo. The cooperating teacher didnt have to go into a lot of
detail in a review before she started by engaging students in this lesson.

Evidence of student learning: As I was walking around and saw the student who wrote for the entire time as well as those who didnt, I was
able to identify students who struggle with writing for a length of time, persist. I would able to focus on the students who were not using the
details, how to continue writing, how to start writing, and how to gather ideas and do more pre-writing.

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