Roaring Loud 2
Roaring Loud 2
Roaring Loud 2
Japanese Club
By Sarah Schnuck
Have you ever wanted to learn a new
language? Now might be your chance!
6th grader Rebecca Shelman wants to
start a Japanese language club during
the lunch hour. Rebecca will be
teaching the basics and more in
Japanese. The maximum number of
students she can take on for now is
ten. Rebecca also wants to become a
teacher when she grows up so this
experience will be good for her. So if
you want to help someone out and
learn a new language, this is a perfect
Trick or Treat for UNICEF
By Saoirse Boyter
Trick or treat! Would you like to make
a donation? That is what kids across
America will be saying the 31st of
October. When you go trick or treating
this year, be sure to take the UNICEF
box along with you. Raise money for
children less fortunate than you that
live in other countries. It will help take
care of them. Ask your homeroom
teacher for a UNICEF collection box.
Student Led Conferences- Upcoming
Are you prepared? The student led
conferences are on Thursday, October
23rd! Get ready, get set, and go! In
advisory, students have been putting
together a portfolio with papers to be
shared with their parents or guardians.
Of course, you as a student already
know all about the student led
conferences, but in case you missed
something, heres the information. All
students will be required to do a
student led conference with their
parent or guardian. You will share
schedules, grades, and other papers.
Most conferences will take place on
Thursday morning and afternoon, but
if not possible, some will happen when
convenient. Because Liberty has a late
start on Thursday, the conferences will
not extract from class time. So get
ready! Thursday steadily approaches!