Six Sigma Presentation Dec 28th
Six Sigma Presentation Dec 28th
Six Sigma Presentation Dec 28th
Ramesh Subramanian ; PMP ; SSGB
-Business Perspective
-Example Scenarios
Purpose of Business
•Satisfy a Human (customer) need
• Improve quality of life and society
• Create value, Develop intellect and opportunities
• Preserve and improve environment
How do you do this on a sustainable basis in…
Business Challenges – Balanced Scorecard
Customer Perspective
Financial Business
Perspective Process
In 1987 Motorola initiated its “Six Sigma Quality” initiative, the goal was no more
than 3.4 defective parts per million (ppm) across the company
• Motorola then shared its “Six Sigma” approach with other companies
In 1989, Motorola Chairman, Bob Galvin asked Mikel Harry to head the Six
Sigma Research Institute, an organization that received funding from a
number of Fortune 500 companies
Overview of Six Sigma
It is a Philosophy It is a Process
• Anything less than ideal is an • To achieve this level of
opportunity for improvement performance you need to:
• Defects cost money Define, Measure, Analyze,
• Understanding processes and Improve and Control
improving them is the most efficient
way to achieve lasting results
It is Statistics
6 Sigma processes will produce
less than 3.4 defects per million
Customer Satisfaction + Efficient Systems =
Improved Profitability
Interrelationship Diagram of Six Sigma
Site Champion and Executive Staff
Hands-On Champion
Master Black Belt
Black Belts and Green Belts
All Employees
Three Emphasis Areas for Six Sigma
Six Sigma 3 Critical Elements
Defining and using business objectives and metrics that
focus our attention on performance and defects that are most
important to the customer and have the greatest potential
for impacting the bottom line
Dedicated Approach to
resources and improving
focused performance
infrastructure, and reducing
trained in the defects which
use of the 6 are important
Sigma problem to the customer
solving and (qualitative &
process statistical)
How does Six Sigma fit into the IT World?