God Centred Praying
God Centred Praying
God Centred Praying
Zac Poonen
* This Book and You
1. How Not to Pray
2. God Who is Our Father
3. The Glory of God's Name
4. The Kingdom of God
5. The Will of God
6. Our Physical Needs
7. Forgiveness of Sins
means that he begins to "look at things from God's viewpoint" (Col. 1:9 - Paraphrase). He
is no longer looking at people or things or circumstances from a human viewpoint (2 Cor.
5:16). All these may remain unchanged around him. But the God-centred man has moved
up to the heavenlies, and now looks at everyone and everything the way God looks at
Only such a man can pray according to the mind of God.
God meant prayer to be to our spirits what breathing is to our bodies. Breathing is an
effortless activity that we are engaged in all the time. We don't need books to teach us
how to breathe! In fact, when breathing becomes difficult for us, it's a sign of some
That doesn't mean prayer is not strenuous work. Jesus prayed "with loud crying and
tears" (Heb. 5:7). The apostles "laboured earnestly in their prayers" (Col. 4:12). All
wholehearted Christians will find prayer to be the same, for "our struggle is against
spiritual forces of wickedness" (Eph. 6:12). But when prayer becomes a dreary ritual, it's
a sure sign that the patient has `spiritual asthma'!
Such believers are sick. And they need to realise it. What they need to be cured is not
more teaching on how to pray but some teaching on re-orienting their priorities in life.
That's what this book is all about.
When we are centred in God and have our priorities right, we'll be healed of this `asthma'.
Prayer will still be mingled with loud crying and tears, and there will still be travail and
struggle, but it won't be a ritual any longer. It will be a delight and a joy.
If you want such a life, read on.............
Zac Poonen
"When you pray, you are not to be as the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in
the synagogues and on the street corners, in order to be seen by men. Truly I say to you,
they have their reward in full. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, and
when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who
sees in secret will repay you.
And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition, as the Gentiles do, for they
suppose that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them; for
your Father knows what you need, before you ask Him.
Pray, then, in this way: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy
kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us
into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and
the glory, forever. Amen.
For if you forgive men for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive
you. But if you do not forgive men, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions"
(Matt. 6:5-15).
This is the only prayer that Jesus ever taught His disciples. It must certainly be profitable
for us then to understand it properly.
Jesus said that whenever we pray we were to pray in this way (v.9). That doesn't mean
that we have to repeat this prayer each time we pray. But it does mean that all our praying
should follow this pattern.
There's no harm in praying this prayer if we mean every sentence of it. But that's not
easy, as we shall soon see.
Before Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, He first taught them how NOT to pray.
The word "hypocrite" comes from a Greek word which means an actor. Think of a man
who acts as John the Baptist in a Hollywood movie. In real life he may be a drunkard and
a debaucher, having divorced two or three wives. But in the movie, he plays his part as a
holy prophet of God. That's what a hypocrite is - one who acts a part before men, but who
is actually something quite different in real life.
A hypocrite may act his part as a wholehearted Christian before other believers. But if
you saw the way he treated his wife at home, or how he deals with people in his office,
you'd find he's a different person altogether. Why? He is not acting there. At home and at
work he is the person that he really is. He is a religious man, not a spiritual man.
An actor wants his audience to appreciate how he acts. So does every hypocrite. So did
the Pharisees in the first century; and so do the Pharisees in the twentieth century.
Whatever they do, even if it be a sacred activity such as praying, they want to be
appreciated by men. They may pray beautifully - but it is for people to notice them.
If we are honest, we will have to confess that many a time, we have all prayed as
hypocrites - more conscious that people were listening to us, than God. Maybe we need
to confess to the Lord that when we pray in public we don't pray in the same way as we
do when we're alone. Perhaps we use flowery or fervent language in our public prayer to
impress people. Jesus warned us to beware of praying like that, for that type of prayer
doesn't reach God at all.
If we want to be delivered from hypocrisy, whether in our preaching, or our living, or our
praying, we need to ask God to give us such a fear of Him that we care more for His
praise than for the praise of men. Until we learn to fear God aright, we shall continue to
be actors playing our part before men, in every area of our lives.
Jesus condemned hypocrisy more than any other sin.
Why then did Ananias and Sapphira die? The reason was this: Ananias pretended that
what he was laying at the apostles' feet was the whole of the sale-money. With a holy,
pious look on his face, Ananias looked just as consecrated as the others. He was an actor,
a hypocrite.
But Peter was a man of God and he wasn't fooled. God gave him discernment to see
through the hollowness of Ananias' consecration. And he said, "Ananias, why has Satan
filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit?" (Acts 5:3).
What lie did Ananias say? He hadn't opened his mouth.
What does it mean to tell a lie? It means to give a false impression; and you can give a
false impression without even opening your mouth.
That's what Ananias did. He wanted to get the acclaim of others that he was also a
wholehearted disciple. But he was not. He had kept something back for himself. Now, as
I said, that was not a sin. If only he had said, "Brother Peter, I have sold my land. But I
don't feel I should give all the sale proceeds to God, like the others are doing. Here is a
part of the money" - if he had said that, he would not have died. That would have been
honesty, and God would have appreciated it.
But he pretended. That was his sin and that's why he died. A little later his wife came in
and she acted her part beautifully too! She also pretended that she was giving everything.
And she died as well.
That hypocrisy was like a little leaven that had got into the early church; and God knew
that if it wasn't taken out immediately, the whole church would soon be corrupted. That's
why He slew them at once.
If you don't beware of hypocrisy in every area of your life, you will never be able to
overcome hypocrisy in your prayer-life. If you pray in order that other people may
appreciate you, then Jesus says, "You've already got your reward" (Matt. 6:2). Your
desire then is not that God should be glorified through your prayer but that other people
should know how well you can pray. Then you'll get that reward.
But that's all you'll get. That's what you wanted, and that's what you'll get.
This is a principle in the Christian life that we get what we long for in the depths of our
hearts, and not what we ask for with our lips. Seek and you will find what you are really
seeking for!
When we stand at the judgment seat of Christ, we will stand stripped of all our outward
veneer. There we shall be seen no longer as actors but as we really are. That's why the
Bible says that we have to be careful how we walk today, lest we stand there stripped,
naked and ashamed one day.
1 John 2:28 reads, "Now little children abide in Christ so that when He appears we may
have confidence and not shrink away." The people who are going to be ashamed in that
day are those who lived their life on earth as actors.
I'm speaking now to believers. To whom was the "sermon on the mount" preached? If
you'll turn to Matthew 5:1-2, you'll find that Jesus spoke those words to His disciples. It
was to His disciples that He said, "Beware of practising your righteousness before men"
(Matt. 6:1). It was to his disciples that he said, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees
which is hypocrisy." (Luke 12:1).
I love those words that Jesus said about Nathaniel, "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom
is no guile" (John 1:47). If Jesus could say that about you and me, that would be a greater
commendation that almost anything else. Nathaniel was not perfect. He was imperfect.
But he was honest about his imperfections. He didn't pretend to be something that he
wasn't. That's where he was different from Ananias and Sapphira.
Some believers feel that if they have an all-night prayer meeting, God is bound to answer
them, just because they prayed for so long. That type of praying is characteristic of the
You remember the time on Mount Carmel when Elijah stood on one side and 450
prophets of the heathen God, Baal, stood on the other side and they both tried to bring
fire down from heaven to find out who was the true God. The prophets of Baal had a long
prayer meeting. They prayed and prayed and prayed; and then they jumped and danced
and shouted. But there was no fire. God saw their hearts and He wasn't impressed by their
emotional outbursts or their noise (1 Kings 18:20-29).
There are Christians who pray like that too! They think God will hear them because of all
their emotion and their shouting.
And then Elijah prayed. His prayer was over in less than a minute but it brought the fire.
That's the test - not whether you pray for a minute or all night, but whether God answers
or not!
"Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart" (1Sam. 16:7).
"The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much" (James 5:16). James goes
on to refer to Elijah's example there. Elijah's prayer was answered, not because he
shouted for so many hours but because he was a righteous man. It's the life behind the
prayer that makes the prayer effective. Let's never forget that.
These are some of the fundamental lessons that Jesus taught His disciples, before He
taught them how they should pray. We can never learn to pray aright if we don't first
learn how not to pray.
Let me add one last word here, lest I be misunderstood.
Having an all-night prayer meeting is certainly not wrong. Jesus Himself prayed all night
on one occasion (Lk. 6:12). What Jesus condemned was not much praying, but trusting in
many words. There is a lot of difference between many words and much praying. If our
praying is only many words then it is a waste of time. Jesus could spend a whole night in
prayer effectively because His heart was right and He had a God-given burden.
However, it's not the length of time spent in prayer that determines whether God answers
or not. It's the life of the man who prays that determines that.
A Loving Father
Many have the wrong idea that God the Father is a very strict Person and that it is only
Jesus Who loves them. This is a Satanic distortion of the truth. It was the love of the
Father that sent Jesus to save us from our sins. Jesus told His disciples, "The Father
Himself loves you" (Jn. 16:27). He also told them that if their Heavenly Father fed the
birds and clothed the flowers, He would certainly take care of them. There was no need
for them to be anxious then, for their Heavenly Father knew all their needs (Matt. 6:2634).
He also told them that if earthly fathers knew how to give good gifts to their children,
their heavenly Father would certainly give good things to His children too (Matt. 7:11).
You may say that all this is very elementary. Yet many times when we come to God in
prayer we don't really believe that God is going to grant us our request, because we are
not sure of His tender, loving, fatherly care for us. Thus we limit God by our unbelief. Do
you really believe that when you pray, you are speaking to a loving Father Who delights
to hear you and Who cares for you?
Some may have the feeling that God will hear them only if they are mature saints. How is
it with an earthly father? If he has a number of children, does he listen to his 20-year-old
son more than to his 3-year-old daughter? Does he tell his little daughter, "You are too
young to talk to me. I can't listen to you?" Certainly not. In fact, the father is more likely
to listen to his youngest child than to His older children. It's even so with God.
He says, "All shall know Me (as Father), from the least (youngest) to the greatest
(oldest)" (Heb. 8:11). Notice that the youngest are mentioned first!
Even if you were born again but yesterday, you can come to God boldly saying, "O God,
You are my Father, I am Your child, and therefore I have a right to talk to You." That's
the way Jesus encouraged His disciples to go to God in prayer.
Every time we pray, we must approach God as a Father who loves and cares, and who is
interested in us. Only thus can faith be generated; and without faith it is no use praying at
God is a good God. He delights to give good gifts to His children. The Bible says in
Psalm 84:11, "No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly." In
Psalm 37:4 it says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your
heart." These promises in the Old Testament are endorsed and confirmed and amplified
by Jesus in the New Testament along with many more promises.
This is the foundation for our faith - the conscious acknowledgement of God as our
loving Father.
A Holy God
We are to address God as our Father WHO IS IN HEAVEN. He's not only our Father,
He's also the Almighty God. We need to keep both these facts in mind when we come to
Him in prayer.
We approach Him with reverence because He is a God Who is a consuming fire
(Hebrews 12:29).
Many Christians think of God as a grandfather!! You know how grandfathers are always lenient with their grandchildren, ignoring whatever evil they do. Many Christians
think that God is like that, not taking their sins seriously. That idea is totally wrong. God
is a Father.
But He is also God. He is the One before whom the seraphs of heaven cover their faces
and cry, "Holy, Holy, Holy" (Isa. 6:3). Those seraphs have never sinned. Yet, when they
approach God, they have to cover their faces, for they cannot bear to look upon the
holiness of God. This tells us something about the infinite purity of God that our finite
minds can never comprehend.
Consider the effect of the vision of God on some of the great men in the Bible. Isaiah felt
he was a terrible sinner when he saw the glory of God (Isa. 6:5). Moses covered his face,
because he was afraid to look at God (Exod. 3:6). Daniel felt drained of all his strength
(Dan. 10:8), and the apostle John fell down as a dead man (Rev. 1:17).
Since most Christians do not know God in this way, their lives remain shallow and
There are two extremes that people go to in approaching God. There are those who feel
that God is unapproachable; and knowing nothing of His love, they live in constant dread
of Him, trying to appease Him in various ways. At the other extreme, are some Christians
who have developed such an unholy familiarity with God, that they don't fear Him any
longer as a consuming fire.
One who approaches God without reverence does not know God at all. The more we
know Him, the more we'll fear Him and reverence Him when we come to Him in prayer.
We come to Him with boldness, because He is our Father. But we come to Him with
reverence too, because He is God.
Have you noticed that in the thirteen epistles of Paul (from Romans through to
Philemon), he always begins with this greeting, "Grace and peace from GOD OUR
FATHER." Paul knew Him as God and as a Father; and he wanted others to know Him in
A Sovereign Ruler
"Who art in heaven," also reminds us that the One we are praying to is One Who is
Sovereign and Almighty, ruling in the heavens.
Even in the Old Testament, God sought to impress His sovereignty upon His people. He
told them, "Relax and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be
exalted in the earth" (Psa.46:10 - NASB margin). He rules over all the earth as Supreme
Sovereign and that's why we can relax!
Perhaps the greatest truth that the Church needs to recognize in this day is the truth of the
sovereignty of God and the total authority of Jesus Christ over all nations and powers.
Consider something that has taken place in the lifetime of many of us. We all know that
one of Israel's greatest enemies today is Soviet Russia. Russia would be delighted if Israel
could be wiped out of existence. Yet in May 1948, when Great Britain failed to keep its
promise to the Jews to give them the land of Palestine, it was the Russian vote in favour
of Israel that enabled the United Nations to accept the establishment of the state of Israel.
Of course, Russia's aim was to get the British out of Palestine. But nevertheless, it goes to
show how God in His sovereignty, could use even an atheistic nation to fulfil His word
and help bring the Jews back to their land, when a so-called `Christian' nation backed out
on its promise.
God is on the throne and He is in total control of the affairs of the world. It is only as our
faith is rooted and grounded on this truth that our hearts can be at rest, no matter what
may happen around us in the days to come.
The Bible tells us to pray for the government (1 Tim. 2:1,2). It's no use doing that unless
we believe that our prayers are going to change existing situations. I, for one, wouldn't
waste my time praying for those in authority, if I didn't believe that God was sovereign
enough to influence government decisions and even voting patterns at election-time, in
answer to prayer. We have prayed for our country in past days and seen that our prayers
have brought miraculous results - for the furtherance of God's purposes in our land!
"The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord. He turns it wherever
He wishes" (Prov. 21:1). God can make the greatest ruler in the world change his
decisions, if we pray.
If the Prime Minister of India were your father, what a difference that would make in
your attitude to problems and difficulties that you face in your life. If your landlord
threatens you, or your boss makes life difficult for you, or somebody is unjust towards
you, or you need something done urgently, would you have any worries? No. You'd just
have to ring up your Dad and ask him to solve your problem.
Isn't the Lord greater than the Prime Minister of India ? What do we do then when we
face some problem in our life? Do we say, "Well, I'll just tell my heavenly Father about
it. He rules the universe, and He can surely sort out this problem"? Or do we say, "I wish
I knew some influential cabinet minister or Police Officer, who can help me now"?
Which is our first reaction?
Many Christians are atheists when it comes to the practical matters of daily life. They talk
about faith in God in the meetings and even in their homes. But when it comes to earthly
matters, they are full of fear and anxiety just like any atheist.
There has never been as much fear as in our day. Jesus said that in the last days men's
hearts would faint from fear wondering what was going to happen next (Luke 21:26). But
it is at just such a time, that we are exhorted to lift up our heads fearlessly and to look for
Christ's return (Luke 21:28).
Perfect Security
We have an Almighty Father and so we're certainly not orphans. Let's not behave like
orphans then. When you're fearful or anxious, you're insulting your heavenly Father - for
you are thereby saying that you have no confidence in Him, that you feel He can't do
anything for you in your difficult situation, either because He is powerless or because He
doesn't care! That is the testimony of an unbelieving heart.
If you really believed that God loved you and cared for you and was Almighty, why
would you ever need to be anxious? There's a poem about a two birds that has often
challenged me:
Said the robin to the sparrow, "I would really like to know Why these anxious human
beings rush about and worry so." Said the sparrow to the robin, "Friend, I think that it
must be That they have no heavenly father such as cares for you and me."
Jesus said "Fear not, you are of more value than many sparrows." (Matt. 10:31). If Jesus
is Lord of our life, and we have no ambition on earth, but to do the will of God, then we
can be sure that "all things WILL work together for our good," whatever may happen to
us or around us (Rom. 8:28).
God wants us to live in perfect security in His Fatherly love and care for us. We must be
convinced that His care for us began even before we were born. He was the One Who
determined who our parents should be, what our temperament should be, how much
education we would receive, where we would live etc., Once we are convinced of this,
we will find that we live in perfect rest, without a single complaint against our
circumstances or our parents or anyone else (Psa. 139:16).
God can make even the anger of man to praise Him (Psa. 76:10). One of the clearest
examples of this is found in the life of Joseph. If you read Genesis chapters 37 to 50,
you'll see how God's sovereign power made all the evil things that different people did to
Joseph, to work together for his good, just because he was faithful to his God.
God promised the Israelites that those who honoured their parents would live long on the
earth (Eph. 6:2,3). How could God promise that unless He was able to keep each such
person from being murdered by an enemy and from dying of cancer or an accident etc.,
God is well able to do that - even today. It's only our unbelief that prevents us from
enjoying the benefits of God's sovereign power.
Centred in God
This is the way God created man. God Himself was to be the head and man was to be like
the body in subjection to the head. In our body, the head is on top - not only physically, it
also rules the body. As long as our head is in control of our bodily functions, we are all
right. When a person's head (brain) is not functioning properly, it is unable to control his
body and we would call such a person mentally deranged or insane. God never intended
man to be that way.
The Lord desires that we `walk erect' spiritually (Lev. 26:13). The problem with many
believers is that their head is not in the proper place. They don't give God the place that
He should have in their lives. If God had first place in our lives, in our longings, in our
desires and in our ambitions, and if God and His glory were the consuming passion of our
lives, that would express itself clearly every time we went to God in prayer.
The reason why many things in our lives don't fall into place, why there's confusion and
chaos, is because God is not first. And even when we pray we desire the gifts more than
the Giver. One mark of a spiritual man is that he desires the Giver more than the gift; and
he loves the Giver even if he doesn't receive any gifts.
This is one of the tests by which we can assess whether we are spiritually-minded or not:
Are we content and satisfied even when God doesn't answer our prayers as we expected
Him to?
Why is it that so many believers grumble and complain when God doesn't answer their
prayers? Because they only wanted His gifts. They were not so keen on the Giver. They
are like the prodigal son, who when he got what he wanted from his father, went off to
enjoy it on himself. He only wanted his father's gifts. He came back to his father only
when he had exhausted the gifts and wanted some more (Lk. 15:11-24).
Notice, that fifty percent of this prayer is concerned with God and His glory. It's not that
we just say as a matter of ritual, "Lord, first of all I want Your Name to be glorified" and
then having said that spend the next hour giving Him a shopping list of all that we want.
We're not talking about a certain form of prayer here, but rather of a changed attitude and
a re-orientation of our mind so that God and His glory are primary in our thinking now.
It was self-centredness that turned Adam into a sinful, fallen man. The two trees in the
garden of Eden - the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil - symbolized
two principles of life by which Adam could live - one, a life centred in God, and the other
a life centred in himself. Satan tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden tree, saying, "Your
eyes will be opened and you will be like God yourself. Then you can live in
independence of God." Adam and Eve chose to live that life - centred in themselves and
independent of God.
God does not ask us to be centred in Him because he wants something for Himself. No.
It's for our own good that He asks us to put Him first in our lives. If we do not worship
God, we will certainly end up worshipping something else - either ourselves or the devil
or the world. And so it is to save us from destroying ourselves by false worship, for our
own salvation and for our own good, that God says, "Learn to worship me. Learn to be
centred in Me."
God created the earth to go around the sun. If the earth decided one day that it had had
enough of going around the sun and now wanted the sun to revolve around it, what would
happen? The earth would thereby disobey a law of God and there would be no change of
seasons, and all life on earth would perish very soon. Disobeying God's laws always
leads to death.
That was how spiritual death came into the world too. God created man to be centred in
Him. Man refused to accept God as his Centre; and in that day he died. When we realise
this, we'll understand that salvation means to be saved from being Self-centred.
The New Testament teaches that in order for a man to be saved, he needs to repent first.
Repentance means turning from our old way of life. It means a whole lot more than just
giving up some bad habits, like drinking and gambling, etc., Our old way of life is a selfcentred life; and repentance means saying, "Lord, I'm tired of being centred in myself and
I want to turn to You now and to be centred in You."
That's why Jesus taught us to pray, first of all, not even that we might be filled with the
Spirit, but that God's name might be hallowed.
Only a truly spiritual man can pray this prayer in sincerity. Anyone can repeat this prayer,
of course. Even a parrot can do that. But to really mean it, from the depths of our hearts,
will require a total devotion to God, where He is first in our lives, where we are centred
in Him, and where we are not seeking His blessing as much as Himself. If He gives us
His gifts, well and good; and if He does not give us any gifts that's all right with us too,
because we long for God Himself, and not His gifts.
Why did God teach the Israelites to love Him with all their hearts and to love their
neighbour as themselves? Only to deliver them from their self-centredness.
There is an acrostic on the word joy that says, "Put J - Jesus first, O - others next, and Y yourself last. Then you can have joy."
God is perpetually full of joy. There is no sorrow or anxiety in heaven, because
everything is centred in God. The angels are always rejoicing, because they are centred in
The reason we lack joy, peace, and so many other spiritual virtues is because we haven't
found our proper centre. We tend to use God for our own ends. And even prayer becomes
something like this, "Lord, please let my business prosper......Help me to get a promotion
in my job.....Please let me get a better house....." etc., We want God to become our
servant, helping to make our earthly lives more comfortable - like the genie in the story
of Aladdin and his lamp.
This is the type of God that so many believers pray to - one who is a means to their own
advancement and profit in this world. But the God of the New Testament is not One Who
helps you to win the 100 metres race in the Olympics or to outwit your competitor in a
business deal.
Our prayers reveal how self-centred we are.
"Delight yourself in the Lord" the Bible says, "and He will give you the desires of your
heart." (Psa. 37:4). To delight ourselves in the Lord is to put God at the centre of our
lives. And so it is only a God-centred person who can have all the desires of his heart.
"No good thing, will God withhold from those who walk uprightly (that is, from those
who are walking with their head on top - who have God controlling their lives)" (Psalm
"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much" - and the righteous
man is the God-centred man (James 5:16). On the contrary, the fervent prayer of the selfcentred man, even if he prays all night is going to avail nothing. It is the type of life we
live that gives value to the prayer we pray.
That's why the first three longings of our life should be : "Father, Your Name should be
hallowed. Your kingdom should come. Your will should be done."
We may have many other requests such as, "Heal me of my backache, help me to find a
better house to live in, help my son to get a job," etc. These are all good requests. But if
you can say, "Father, even if you don't grant these requests, my primary desire is that
Your Name will be glorified" - then you're a spiritual man.
of Christ.
Can we pray like this, "Father, send a revival of holiness to our country; and if you decide
to start the revival through some other church, that's perfectly OK by me. Send it at any
cost. And if you decide not to use me but someone else, that's fine too. Just let Your
Name be glorified."
It gets rid of a whole lot of selfish motives, when we can truly pray, "Father, hallowed be
Thy Name - at any cost."
That phrase that comes at the end of the third petition - "on earth, as it is in heaven" applies to all the first three petitions.
And so our prayer is, "Father, hallowed be Thy Name on earth as it is in heaven. Just like
the angels fear You and cover their faces and worship You saying, `Holy, Holy, Holy', I
long with all my heart that my fellow-believers and I will fear and reverence You always.
A Kingdom of Righteousness
Only one who is disgusted with the evil in this world can pray this prayer. Peter says,
"We are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells" (2
Peter 3:13).
Look at the violence and immorality that there is in the world today. As we read the
newspapers, one of the main prayers that should ascend from our hearts is, "Father, I long
for Your kingdom to come. I am not asking this for my personal comfort. I long that your
reign of righteousness will come soon, so that Your Name will be glorified on this earth
which was created for Your glory."
Jesus said that the last days would be like the days of Noah. Noah was one righteous man
in the midst of a corrupt and evil world. He was a preacher of righteousness and he must
have been disgusted with what he saw around him. (2 Pet. 2:5). He longed for
righteousness from the depth of his heart, and he preached it without compromise. And
his prayer must have been a similar one, "Thy kingdom come."
All believers will acknowledge that Christ is coming back soon to establish His kingdom
on earth. But what is the evidence that we really believe this? It says in 1 John 3:3, "And
every one who has this hope fixed in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure."
The proof that we really believe in Christ's return is that we get ready, preparing
ourselves as a bride for her bridegroom. This will mean a clean life, it will mean paying
our debts, it will mean settling our quarrels - right now, because we are purifying
ourselves as He is pure. Only such a man can pray this prayer, "Thy kingdom come."
To repeat this prayer without purifying ourselves to be ready for Christ's return, is to
reduce this prayer to a ritual.
As long as Jesus is staying with you, your conversation will no longer consist of the
regular gossip that usually characterizes your meal-table fellowship.
Would you have to be specially careful to be kind and courteous during those days to
your family-members and to your servants, avoiding the rude remarks that normally
characterise your speech?
Would you be happy to let the Lord meet all your friends, or would you hope that some
of them don't visit you while Jesus is with you?
Would you be glad to let Jesus stay on with you for ever and ever like that? Or would you
heave a sigh of relief when at last His visit has come to an end and He is gone?
Be honest with yourself.
One way of knowing the answer to that question is by asking ourselves if our behaviour
at home is any different when we have guests staying with us, whom we want to impress.
If so, how much more different our behaviour would have to be if Jesus Himself came to
stay with us for a few days!
It is meaningless to pray, "Thy kingdom come" if we don't want Jesus to live with us and
be Lord of our homes everyday. After all, the kingdom of God is a place where Jesus is
going to be present as Lord all the time - and not just for a few days. If it's going to be a
strain having Him in our home for just a few days, how are we going to spend eternity
with Him?
Treasures in Heaven
The man who prays, "Thy kingdom come" is one who has set his mind and his affection
and his desires on things above. He's not one who has put on a dress of Christianity and
holiness. His spirituality is not superficial. It goes right through to the very fibre of his
being. He is more interested in laying up treasures in heaven than treasures on this earth.
A Christian's attitude to money is one of the clearest tests of his spiritual level, and of
whether he is really longing for the kingdom of God to come or not.
I remember hearing a story of a farmer who told his wife one day, "Our cow has just
given birth to two calves, one a white one and the other a brown one. And I thought that
when they've grown up, we should give one of them to the Lord." His wife asked him,
"Which one are you going to give to the Lord, the brown one or the white one?" He
replied, "Well, we can decide that later when they grow up."
The calves grew up and they became fatter and fatter. One day the farmer came home
with a sad face and told his wife, "I've got sad news for you. The Lord's calf just died."
And his wife said, "But how did you know which was going to be the Lord's calf. You
hadn't decided on that yet." He said, "Oh well, all along I had it in my mind to give the
brown calf to the Lord; and it just died this morning."
It is like that with most believers. It's always the Lord's calf that dies! They give God
what's left over after all their own needs have been met. And because they're not "rich
towards God" they remain spiritually poor all their lives (Lk. 12:21).
In the Old Testament God had made a law that the Israelites had to give their "choice
firstfruits" to the Lord (Exod. 23:19). This was the only way they could "honour the
Lord" (Prov. 3:9). It's the same today. We cannot honour the Lord if we don't give Him
our best.
What do we find in our life? Is there always some excuse why we cannot give the best to
God. Then it shows where our heart really is. Where a man's treasure is, there will his
heart be also.
But the man who prays, "Thy kingdom come," is a man who has been delivered from the
love of money and material things. He lives for God and for eternity now.
John the apostle writes, "And the world is passing away and also its lusts; but the one
who does THE WILL OF GOD abides forever" (1 Jn. 2:17).
The burden of the prayers of the apostles for the believers was, that they might "stand
perfect and fully assured in all THE WILL OF GOD" (Col. 4:12). Those apostles knew
that a salvation which consisted merely of the forgiveness of sins without leading a man
to dedicate the rest of his life to do the will of God, was a false salvation. Forgiveness of
sins is only meant to be a door by which we enter in to walk the narrow way of doing all
the will of God.
We hear such complaints even among believers, "Why should I make all the sacrifices?
What about him/her," etc., But we never hear such words from the angels in heaven.
They consider it a privilege to do anything for God and they rejoice at every opportunity
to obey Him.
And so when we pray this prayer, we are asking that God's will may be done in our lives
like that - joyfully and without any complaints and without any comparisons with others.
No Regrets in Eternity
If you do the will of God like that on earth, you won't have any regrets when you get to
Bye and bye, when we see our Lord face to face, we'll wish we had given Him more of
our lives and that we had obeyed Him more completely. Heaven will lose some of its
sweetness for you if you get there without having obeyed all of God's commandments
here on earth, immediately, completely and joyfully.
Sadhu Sundar Singh used to say, "You'll never get another chance to carry the cross for
Christ once you leave this earth." If you want to prove your love for the Lord, now is the
time to do it - not when you get to heaven.
Think of the three petitions that we have looked at. "Father, Let your Name be hallowed,
Let your Kingdom come, Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Even before
we ask for forgiveness of sins, which is so necessary, the Lord taught us to seek first the
hallowing of the Father's Name, the coming of His kingdom and the fulfilling of His will
in our lives.
May we learn what the Lord is trying to teach us.
And so God wants to get us centred in Him first, before blessing us physically and
medicines and even surgery to heal us. We cannot dictate to Him how He should answer
our prayers. But He certainly doesn't expect His children to trust in men. God is greatly
interested in our bodies - that they should be healthy and fit to be used for His glory.
Here are three glorious truths that the Bible teaches concerning our bodies : (i) if "the
body is for the Lord, the Lord is for the body"; (ii) our "bodies are members of Christ";
and (iii) our "body is a temple of the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor.6:13-19).
We can certainly claim God's power for our body then.
The physical is certainly not more important than the spiritual. We've already seen that
God should be first in our lives and that everything else should be secondary. But if we
have truly prayed "Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done," first,
then it is right to say, "Give us this day our daily bread," next - for we are asking for
bread only in order that we might glorify God by doing His will on earth as it is done in
Our spiritual state is dependent to some extent on our physical condition too. We read of
Elijah that after he had called down fire and rain from heaven, he got discouraged and
asked God to take away his life. This courageous man, who could stand against 850 false
prophets, fled in fear at the threat of one woman, Jezebel (1 Kings 18,19).
How did that happen? For over three years he had lived all by himself. And now he was
drained physically at the end of that strenuous day on Mount Carmel. And when he sat
discouraged under a juniper tree, God didn't preach a sermon to him! No. God sent an
angel to him with food and drink. Elijah ate and drank and slept. And when he woke up,
God gave him some more food and drink (1 Kings 19:1-8). God knew that Elijah was
tired and exhausted and that what he needed was nourishment, not exhortation. That's
what we need at times too - not long sermons but some good food and rest.
Some Christians have a super-spiritual attitude towards their bodies and say, "I want to
burn out for God." And they go about doing their `service' for God, morning, noon and
night, seven days of the week - every week. And then they get exhausted and depressed!
Their activity was soulish activity. Their depression has a physical cause, not a spiritual
one. The Lord has to tell such people, "Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and
rest awhile." (Mk. 6:31).
Once when Jesus was traveling in a boat, we read that He was sleeping. He was
obviously tired and He was not ashamed to be seen sleeping. There were times when He
was thirsty and hungry, and he admitted it. He was not ashamed of His bodily needs. Our
body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we must take care of it.
God is interested in providing us all that we need for our bodies. He knows that we need
food, clothing and shelter for our life on earth. And if He hasn't seen it fit to allow you to
own your own house, you can be certain that He's interested in enabling you to rent one.
He Who sought out a "resting-place" for the Israelites in the wilderness can certainly find
one for you too (Num. 10:33). Let's not think of these as unspiritual things that we
shouldn't ever ask God for.
It was in order to correct the wrong understanding of God that people had, that Jesus put
the request for physical needs first, among the last three petitions in this prayer.
one. Somebody else may need one and He may give a car to him. You don't have to envy
him and you don't have to grumble against God. Be satisfied with what you have. Don't
ask for luxuries. If God gives us some luxuries we can receive them and use them for His
glory. But if he doesn't give us any, we'll still praise the Lord.
Let's not compare ourselves with others. God knows what is best for us. If we ask Him
for bread He won't give us a stone, and if we ask Him for a stone He won't give us a
stone. He'll give us bread instead!
Be content with His provision. One of the secrets of Paul's life was that he was absolutely
content. In Philippians 4:11 he says, "I have learned to be content in whatever
circumstances I am."
Daily Provision
The prayer is "Give us this day our DAILY bread." God may give us bread for many days
at a time, but the petition here is only for one single day's physical necessities. Jesus told
us not be anxious even about what was going to happen tomorrow. God doesn't want us
to worry about the future. We are to be dependent upon Him, day by day.
The Lord taught this lesson to the Israelites in the wilderness in a wonderful way. They
had to go out and collect the manna every morning. They couldn't collect it for a number
of days at a time. They were to be dependent upon God day by day. They had to live like
that for forty years. Do you think that was a strain? No. I'm sure it wasn't. It must have
been exciting!
If God gave us too much at a time, our hearts would drift away from Him. And so God
orders the circumstances of our lives in such a way that often some need arises in the
physical realm - because the physical often touches us much more than the spiritual. God
allows the needs to come so that we turn to Him again and again. Thus we learn the
lesson of perpetual dependence on God.
Even though the manna dropped from heaven, God didn't drop it straight into their
mouths! The Israelites had to go out early in the morning and collect it. The lazy person
would have got nothing. And so, when we pray "Give us this day our daily bread," we're
not asking God to do some miracle and supply us our needs without our doing any work.
No. The Bible says that "if a man will not work he should not eat either" (2 Thess. 3:10).
Jesus said that God feeds the birds. But He doesn't drop food into their mouths. They
have to go out and search for their food. And so God expects us to be hard working too and to trust Him. Faith is no substitute for hard work.
This prayer is also connected with the previous petition: "Thy will be done on earth as it
is done in heaven." We're asking God for physical health and strength so that we can do
His will.
When sick people have asked me to pray for their healing, I have often wondered, "Does
he want health so that he can be strong enough to serve God? Or does he want it to live
for himself? Should we ask God to heal him so that he can live for the world?" Jesus
taught us to pray for our physical needs so that we may do God's will and not our own.
A Family Prayer
Notice also that the prayer is "Give US" and not "Give ME".
The one who puts God first in his life will find that he can't put himself second. We are
members of a family sitting around our Father's table; and the Father doesn't want any
selfish children at His table who grab all the dishes for themselves without considering
whether others at the table have enough to eat. Such behaviour is bad manners even for
the unconverted. How much more for a Christian!
Remember what Jesus said about the day of judgment. When He sits on His throne to
judge the people, He will tell many of them, "You saw Me hungry, but you never fed Me.
You saw Me naked but you never clothed Me. You knew I was sick but you never visited
Me." And they will say, "Lord, when was this? We never saw You naked or hungry."
And the Lord will reply, "I live in those who are born again; and when you saw that
brother of Mine in need, you did not recognize that it was I who was in need. It was I
who was hungry and thirsty" (Mt. 25:31-46 - paraphrase).
This is one of the fundamental differences between heaven and hell. Hell is full of sin,
full of self-centredness. Each man lives for himself, with no room for God or for others.
In heaven, it's the other way around. God is first and others are next.
I've heard a story of a man who had a dream which was a parable of hell and heaven. He
first went to hell; and there he saw everyone sitting at a table with plenty of delicious
food in front of them. But yet, they were all skinny and sick and miserable. He
discovered that they couldn't eat the food that was set before them, because they all had
four-foot long spoons attached to their hands. And of course when you have a four-foot
spoon tied to your hand its impossible to eat what's in front of you.
Then in his dream this man went up to heaven and there he saw the same delicious food
on the table; and the people sitting around the table in heaven also had these four-foot
long spoons attached to their hands. But here they were all healthy and strong. And he
asked one of them, "How are you all so healthy and strong?" And the man replied, "Well,
you see, I realize that I can't feed myself. So I stretch out my hand and feed someone
sitting further down the table, and someone else further up the table feeds me with his
spoon; and in this way everyone of us gets enough to eat."
And so this man went back to hell, in his dream, and told the people there, "Here's the
way for all of you to eat. Each of you should allow someone else to eat out of your plate
and feed someone else further down the table." But they all gave him the same reply. "I
won't let anyone eat from my plate," each of them said, "for how can I know that
someone else will allow me to eat from his plate!"
It's that kind of `dog in the manger' selfishness that is characteristic of hell and of all who
finally go there. All they're interested in is their OWN daily bread.
If you don't have a concern for your brothers and sisters in Christ, you can't pray this
prayer, for your daily bread.
There was a time in Abraham's life, when he had waited twenty-five years to get a son
through Sarah and he still hadn't received that child. He had prayed and prayed. No
answer had come. Then when he was in Gerar, He noticed that God had judged the
people there, by making their wives barren. Abraham immediately prayed for those
women that God would give them children (Gen. 20:17). Remember that Abraham's
prayers for his own wife had still not been answered. God heard Abraham's prayer and
gave children to those barren women. But did God stop there? No. He gave Sarah her
promised son at that time too (Gen. 21:1). As Abraham prayed for other people, God met
his own need as well!
Those who think of God first and others next, get God's best. "The Lord restored the
fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends," (Job 42:10). That is God's way.
This petition concerning our physical needs, is sandwiched between two other petitions.
On one side is, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," and on the other, "Forgive
us our sins just as we've forgiven others who've sinned against us." Are you eager to do
the will of God and to forgive others who have harmed you? Or are you like the little
child who when given a cream biscuit, wanted to eat only the cream between the two
biscuits? Are you interested only in your material needs being met - "Give us our daily
bread" - neglecting the petitions before and after it?
So we see Christians at two extremes. Some are so super-spiritual that they feel it's wrong
to pray for material things. Others pray concerning their physical and material needs
Blessed are those who understand the balance that Jesus taught.
That nature has come down to all of us from Adam and Eve. We're always trying to
justify ourselves, claiming that we're not responsible for the mistakes we've made. And
when we are caught red-handed, we say that we did it in a moment of weakness and
pressure. We seek to cover up our sins instead of confessing them. And that's why we
cannot get God's forgiveness.
We need to understand this clearly, because this applies not only to our relationship with
God but also to our relationship with our fellow men.
In Christianity there is a vertical relationship with God and there is a horizontal
relationship with our fellow-believers. You can't have one without the other. You can't
have fellowship with God if you're not in fellowship with your fellow- believers.
"If someone says `I love God' and hates his brother, he is a liar" (1 Jn. 4:20). If you really
love God, you'll love your brother too.
most person in that office, you must humble yourself and go to him and say, "I'm sorry.
That was my mistake. Please forgive me." Nothing less than that is true Christianity.
There are people with broken relationships in many churches who don't go to one another
to settle the matter. They have grudges against each other and won't visit one another.
And yet they call themselves Christians! They're not Christians at all. If such people think
that they are in the kingdom of God, they are only deceiving themselves.
If you're not willing to talk with or visit a brother and yet take part in the breaking of
bread, that's blasphemy. We cannot have fellowship with God on those terms. You can't
have a vertical relationship with God when your horizontal relationship with your fellowbelievers is not right.
But when we have truly confessed to God and men, then God will cleanse us so
thoroughly that the memory of our past will no longer be before Him. And if HE does not
remember our past sins any more, why should we think about them (Heb. 8:12)?
Perfect Forgiveness
The Bible says that we are justified by the blood of Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:9). When God
cleanses us He justifies us too. That word "justified" means, "Just as if I'd never sinned in
my life and just as if I am perfectly righteous now." How wonderful!
We can picture our sins like many words written on a blackboard. Now that board has
been wiped clean with a wet cloth. When you look at the blackboard now what do you
see? Nothing. It is just as if nothing had ever been written on it at any time. That is how
the blood of Jesus cleanses us - thoroughly and completely.
If we have truly confessed our sins to God, then having confessed them once is enough.
God blots them out immediately. And His promise is, "I WILL REMEMBER THEIR
SINS NO MORE." (Heb. 8:12). What rest comes into our heart when we realize that
we've been truly forgiven and that we don't have to confess our sins again and again to
the Lord.
Let me add that it is best when we pray "Forgive us our sins," to be specific. Many people
pray in a general way, "Lord, I may have committed so many sins." That means they're
not sure. It's no use confessing like that; because you're implying that perhaps you haven't
sinned at all!
It is best to be specific, and to say, "Lord, this is the sin. I've had a grudge against that
person. I haven't forgiven that person. I've been jealous of that person. My motive in
doing that was utterly selfish. I did it for my own glory, etc." You have to be honest.
And after we have confessed all the sins that we know, we'll still have to pray like David,
"Acquit me of hidden sins" - for we have all sinned in ways that we are not conscious of
Forgiving Others
This petition for forgiveness is one of the most important petitions in this prayer because
it is the only petition that Jesus repeated at the end of His prayer.
Have you noticed that?
Out of the six petitions in this prayer, Jesus emphasised one especially at the end. He
said, "If you forgive men their trespasses your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But
if you do not forgive men their trespasses your Heavenly Father will also not forgive
you" (Matt. 6:14,15).
Many Christians do not enjoy full and free fellowship with God because they have not
taken this petition seriously.
Jesus taught a parable of a king who checked up the accounts of his servants one day and
discovered that there was one who owed him 40 million rupees. And when that servant
said, "I've got no money sir, please forgive me," the king forgave him completely. That
man went out, and found another servant who owed him just 40 rupees; and he caught
him by the throat and sued him and put him in jail. When the king heard that, he called
the unmerciful servant and said, "I forgave you 40 million rupees so freely. Couldn't you
forgive that man 40 rupees?" And he handed him over to the torturers. Then Jesus said,
"So will My heavenly Father also do to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother
from your heart" (Mt. 18:35). The torturers are evil spirits who are permitted to harass us
until we learn to be merciful to others.
Jesus used this parable to illustrate how great the debt is that God has forgiven us, and
how unmerciful and evil it is for us not to forgive someone who has hurt us.
Has someone done you some harm? Maybe someone has spread false stories about you.
Maybe your neighbour, or your wife, or your father or your mother-in-law has done you
some harm. Maybe they have ruined your life in some way. Maybe the doctor who
operated on you made a mistake that has caused you untold suffering. But the Lord says
that all those sins put together are so tiny compared to the debt you had to God and which
God forgave you. So there is absolutely no reason why you should not be able to forgive
all those people freely from your heart.
The important part of Matthew 18:35 is "from your heart." If you are not willing to
forgive your fellow-man from your heart, don't waste your time coming to God and
saying, "Forgive us our trespasses," for God won't listen to your prayer. If there is one
single soul in the whole world whom you haven't forgiven, you cannot be forgiven
yourself; and you'll be lost eternally - for no unforgiven soul can ever enter God's
presence. This is far more serious than we realise.
The prayer is, "Forgive us AS WE HAVE forgiven others." God sees exactly how we
have forgiven others. Jesus taught that God gives us in the SAME measure as we give to
others. He said, "Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down and
shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap. For BY YOUR STANDARD
That means that if you use a small spoon to give to others, God will use that very same
spoon when answering your prayers. So when we pray for something great and mighty
from God and God takes a small spoon and gives us only a little bit, the reason usually is
that we have used that same spoon to give to others. The larger the spoon we use to give
to others, the larger the spoon God will use to give to us. This is an unchanging principle
in God's dealings with us.
"Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy" (Matt.5:7). The more merciful you
are to others, the more merciful God will be to you in the day of judgment. But
"judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy." (James 2:13).
And so, if you forgive others in a mean, stingy way, God will forgive you in the same
way too. But if you give those who have harmed you a warm, forgiving look, God will
give you a warm, forgiving look too. God will treat you exactly as you treat others.
Many Christians do not enjoy new-covenant power, because they are living by old
covenant standards. They remain powerless because they are unwilling to go and ask for
forgiveness from someone.
Being Merciful
We all have a flesh and we are living among others who have a flesh. And so we are
constantly liable to injure one another knowingly and unknowingly. The only place
where we'll never get hurt by anyone is in heaven. And so we need to forgive one another
as long as we live on this earth. To err is human, to forgive is divine.
One of the features of hell is that there is no mercy there. And in the measure in which
you lack mercy in your heart towards others, in that measure you have got a little bit of
hell right inside your heart. If you are unwilling to forgive someone, you've got a little bit
of hell inside you. You may be considered very pious by others, because of all your
religious activity. But you've got this little bit of hell right inside you all the time. And
you can't go to heaven in that condition - because you can't take hell into heaven. You've
got to get rid of it before you leave this earth.
That's why the Lord taught us to pray, "Forgive us in exactly the same way that we have
forgiven others."
When we don't forgive others, it can affect our bodies too. Disobedience to God's laws
often brings physical suffering.
If you bear a grudge against someone in your heart or if you're jealous of someone, and
thus violate God's law of love, it can finally begin to affect your body. There are
Christians today suffering from arthritis, migraine, rheumatism and asthma etc., who can't
be healed - just because they have a grudge against someone. They may take any number
of pills but they're not going to be healed until they learn to forgive. The cause of such
diseases is not organic. It's not in their body. It is in their soul.
If you have not forgiven your brother or sister, God will not listen to your prayer. The
Bible says in Psalm 66:18: "If I regard wickedness in my heart, the Lord will not hear."
It's not only that He doesn't answer, he doesn't even HEAR.
Let's not fool ourselves. True forgiveness follows brokenness and confession, and that
involves a recognition of the rottenness of our flesh, a willingness to make any restitution
and to ask anyone's forgiveness if necessary, if only our relationship with God can be
straightened out.
Finally, remember that the petition is "Forgive US." We want our brothers to be forgiven
too. Sometimes, it's possible to have a secret hope that a brother will be judged by God
for the way he has treated us. Such an attitude is Satanic - for it's only the devil who
wants people to be punished by God.
Jesus said, "I have washed your feet and you must wash one another's feet" (Jn. 13:14).
That means that when you see dirt on your brother's feet (spiritually speaking), you must
long for him to be cleansed too.
"Forgive US" means, "Father, I won't be satisfied if you just forgive me my sins. There
are other brothers and sisters around me. I want you to forgive them their sins too.
gifts that they received, because they were not humble and holy enough to use them
aright. We should long for holiness and power in the same measure. Only then are we
things which He suffered. He faced temptation and overcame, and thereby, was "made
perfect" (Heb. 5:8,9).
That was why Jesus prayed for His disciples saying, "Father. I do not ask Thee to take
them out of the world, but to keep them from evil" (Jn. 17:15). Jesus knew that His
disciples could never become holy if they were taken away from the pressures and trials
and temptations that they would face in this world.
We need to distinguish between temptation and sin. If we are suddenly tempted by
something that we see accidentally, that's not sin. But if we continue to look at what
tempts us, or to think about it, then we sin. We can't avoid being tempted. But we can
certainly choose to turn our eyes and our mind away from what tempts us. It's the way we
exercise our will that determines whether we are holy or sinful.
God doesn't hold us guilty for being tempted. But He certainly wants us to resist
temptation. As someone has said, "I can't prevent the birds from flying over my head, but
I can prevent them from making a nest in my hair." You can't prevent temptation from
coming to you but you can prevent it from settling down in your mind!
God's Word does not teach that we should face as many temptations as possible in order
to show how strong we are. No. We are to run away from temptation. Paul tells Timothy
to flee from the things that tempt him (2 Tim. 2:22). We must run away from the love of
money, from flirtatious women and from anything that will lead us away from God.
Our attitude to temptation should be, "Let me keep myself as far away from it as
possible". We are not to be like little children who try to find out how near the edge of a
cliff they can go without falling down, or how close to the edge of the railway platform
they can stand without the train knocking them over. That's not the advice any sensible
parent will give his child. We tell our children to keep far away from such dangers. That's
what God tells us too.
This petition really means, "Father, don't allow me to face temptation that is too strong
for me." It is the cry of one who knows that his flesh is weak, and who realises that he
can easily fall.
God is always faithful to warn us in advance. All of us must have, at sometime or the
other, heard the voice of the Spirit in our hearts saying, "Spend a few moments in prayer
now." Did you recognize that as the voice of God seeking to prepare you for some
temptation that lay ahead of you at that time?
What have you usually done at such times? Like the disciples you may have ignored that
voice. And when the temptation came you fell. God had tried to prepare you for the
temptation. But you had not listened.
One reason why the promise in Romans 6:14 - "Sin shall not be master over you," is not
fulfilled in the lives of many Christians is because deep down in their hearts there is not
enough of a hunger for freedom from sin. They don't cry out, "Oh God, deliver me from
sin at any cost." They are not thirsting for it. They would have cried out if they were
seriously sick. But they don't feel that sinning is as bad as being sick! No wonder they
remain defeated.
It says in Exodus 2:23-25, "The sons of Israel sighed because of their bondage, and they
cried out; and their cry for help rose up to God. So God heard their groaning...and God
took notice of them." That's when God will begin to take notice of us too - when we
begin to cry out in desperation for deliverance. God says, "You will seek Me and find Me
when you search for Me with all your heart." (Jer. 29:13).
It is a principle in Scripture that for anything precious that we are to receive from God,
we must hunger and thirst for it first. Only then do we learn to appreciate it sufficiently.
And so God waits until we hunger and thirst; and then God gives us what we really long
The Christian life is a battle against Satan. And in this battle, Satan has one of his agents
right inside us - our flesh. Since our flesh is on the enemy's side, it will do everything
possible to prevent us from being effective in fighting Satan. Never forget that. That's
why we need to long for total deliverance from the flesh, if we are to overcome Satan.
of Christ, as it says in the very next verse (Rom. 8:29). And so if you have a longing to be
free from sin, God promises to make EVERY SINGLE THING that ever befalls you to
work together for your good. Hallelujah!
Think of Joseph. He tried to live a godly life, and sought to be delivered from evil
according to the light that he had. He sought to please God, and God blessed him. But
how did he get treated by other people? His ten brothers were so jealous of him that they
sold him into Egypt. That looked like an evil thing. But we finally see that that was part
of God's plan to make Joseph the second ruler in Egypt. The evil that his brothers did to
him turned out to be for his good.
When he got to Egypt, he was sold as a servant into the house of Potiphar. There
Potiphar's wife tempted him, but he refused to yield to her. He ran away from the scene
of temptation. He was falsely accused by her and put into jail. That looked like an evil
thing too. But it was God Who had planned Joseph's route to the throne via the jail - for it
was in that very jail that Joseph met Pharaoh's cup-bearer and thus got an introduction to
Pharaoh later on (Gen.39 to 41).
The evil that other people tried to do to Joseph out of malice and hatred, God in His
sovereignty, made them all work together to fulfil His plan for Joseph's life.
It can be like that for us too - all things working together to fulfil what God has planned
for our lives - to conform us to the likeness of Christ. But we must believe it - for we can
receive God's promise only in proportion to our faith.
In the book of Esther, we read of Haman preparing a gallows to hang Mordecai on. But in
the end, Haman himself is hung on that gallows (Esth. 7:10). God turned the tables on the
enemy of His people. God does the same with Satan too. He turns the tables on him in
such a way that instead of our hanging on the gallows, the devil has to hang on the very
same gallows that he prepared for us! Hallelujah!
misunderstandings. He makes one person believe one thing and the other person
something else; and without anything serious having happened, the devil separates them.
Satan knows that once he has separated believers from each other, it is easier for him to
knock them down individually. As long as they are united he can't do that. So he divides
them. And once he has succeeded in getting each believer to live for himself, without
caring for the other, it won't be long before they have all lost their effectiveness for God.
We need to recognize that we have only ONE enemy - and that is Satan. Let's not fight
each other then. Let's pray for one another.
Moses came down from Mount Sinai with two tablets of stone in his hand. On one were
written the first four commandments that dealt with man's relationship with God. On the
other were written the other six commandments that dealt with man's relationship with
his fellow-men.
The Lord Jesus said that these two tablets could be summed up in two commandments.
The first, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul,
and with all your mind;" and the second, "You shall love your neighbour as yourself."
(Matt. 22:37-39).
Jesus emphasised these two in the prayer that He taught as well. The first three petitions
relate to the first commandment. And the next three petitions relate to the second
commandment, as amplified by Jesus in the new commandment that He gave His
disciples, when He said, "Love one another even as I have loved you" (Jn. 13:34).
A true disciple of Jesus seeks to be perfectly centred in God in his conscious and
unconscious being - with every desire of his, perfectly in tune with God; and with no
desire, ambition or feeling outside the will of God for his life. At the same time he also
seeks to love his brothers perfectly, as Jesus loved him.
He is however perpetually aware that his attitude is not as perfect as it should be in these
two directions. But he keeps working towards that goal, always willing to pay any price
in order to get there.
To love our brothers is to have a concern for them. We cannot have a concern for
everybody in the world. Only God has that capacity. But according to our capacity, we
should have a concern for our fellow-believers; and that capacity should keep increasing.
We don't start off like this. The first step is to love the members of our family at home as
Jesus loved us. But we don't stop there. We move forward seeking to love our brothers
and sisters in the family of God also as Jesus loved us.
Perfection is a goal to press on towards. But we should be determined to reach it. That's
the direction in which Paul was going when he said, "One thing I do: forgetting what lies
behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize
of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 3:13,14). The upward call of God is to
become perfectly centred in God, to love God supremely and to love our fellow-believers
as Jesus loved us and to love our neighbours as ourselves.
"For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."
This prayer begins with God, "Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be
done", and it ends with God, "Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory."
God has said in His Word, "I am the Alpha and the Omega," (Rev. 1:8). God must be the
very first thought and the very last thought in the life of every disciple of Jesus. God must
be the centre as well as the circumference of our lives. We live and move in Him, within
the circle that He has drawn for us. And within that circle we will always find Him (Acts
The three final statements at the close of this prayer can be compared with the three final
temptations that came to our Lord in the wilderness.
Whatever gift you may have - spiritual or natural - whether it be the gift of prophecy or of
healing, or of music, remember that power belongs to God. He never gives us a gift of
power for us to exalt ourselves.
If we use God's gifts selfishly for our own personal ends, we'll end up like the
moneychangers in the temple whom Jesus had to drive out. What were they doing there?
They were making money for themselves in the name of religion. They were saying, "We
are serving God" but they were actually serving themselves.
There are people like that today - making a name for themselves, making money for
themselves and their family members, in the Name of Jesus Christ - using His Name for
their selfish ends.
It is a great evil, to do something in the Name of Jesus Christ and to get some gain out of
it for ourselves - whether that be money, fame, honour, position, comfort or whatever.
Godliness must never become a means of gain for us (1 Tim. 6:5). Even today, God's
prophets in the church need to drive out the moneychangers from God's Temple.
Such a man will have no consciousness of what he has done for God, or of what he is
spiritually. He has nothing that he has not received and so he cannot boast in anything (1
Cor. 4:7). He says with Paul, "May it never be that I should boast, except in the cross of
our Lord Jesus Christ" (Gal. 6:14).
"Forgetting what lies behind" said Paul in Philippians 3:13. What was it that lay behind
Paul? A victorious life and a mighty ministry for the Lord. He put all of that out of his
mind because he gave all the glory to God for his life and his ministry.
Jesus spoke of two groups of people who would stand before Him in the day of judgment.
One group will say, "Lord, we have prophesied, cast out devils and done wonderful
works in Your Name." They are so conscious of all that they have done for the Lord. And
the Lord says to them, "Depart from me you who practice lawlessness." (Mt. 7:22,23).
To the other group, the Lord will say, "You fed Me when I was hungry, you clothed Me
when I was naked, you visited Me when I was sick and in prison." But they have no
consciousness of having done these things! Their reply is, "Lord, when did we do all
that? We don't remember doing those things." Isn't that wonderful? And the Lord says,
"You are blessed. You are fit to inherit my kingdom." (Mt. 25:31-40).
The righteous do good and forget about having done it! The unrighteous however, keep a
mental record of all the good that they have done.
Are we conscious of all the good that we have done for the Lord and for others. Then we
are in the wrong group!
It Shall Be So
The final word is "Amen."
We don't want to leave out a single word of this wonderful prayer and certainly not the
final `Amen.'
What does `Amen' mean? This has unfortunately become one of those idle words that
Christians have accumulated in their religious vocabulary.
But have you ever thought what you mean every time you say `Amen'?
Amen means, "It shall be so." It's the Hebrew word for `believe' used in Genesis 15:6
where it says, "Abraham believed God." God told Abram, when he had no children, that
he was going to have seed as great in number as the stars in the sky. And to that
impossible thing - Abram said "Amen. It shall be so Lord, because You have said it."
That's what `Amen' means. It is an affirmation of faith.
In other words, we end our prayer saying, "Father, I believe that all that I have asked for
WILL be granted. Your name WILL be hallowed on earth as it is in heaven. Your
kingdom WILL come on earth as it is in heaven. Your Will WILL be done on earth as it
is in heaven. You WILL give us our daily bread. You WILL forgive us our sins. You
WILL enable us to forgive others as You've forgiven us. You WILL NOT lead us into
temptation that is too strong for us. You WILL deliver us from evil. The kingdom, the
power and the glory WILL be Yours alone, forever. It shall be so, Father. I believe it with
all my heart."
Amen and Amen!!