50 Transmittal

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11 November, 2014

Dr. Arroyo, P.E.

Professor of Senior Design
University of Texas at San Antonio

Dr. Arroyo,
We are proud to submit to you the fifty percent submittal of the Roadrunner Engineering group for the
fall 2014 semester. In this submittal, we will cover our progress in the master plan, structural design,
utilities, drainage, environmental, geotechnical, and traffic analysis.
Our master plan has been kept up to date with our current progress. Real estate agent of the plot of
land has been contacted. A due diligence package by Big Red Dog (BRD) was obtained from said agent.
The project website has run into several problems in the making. The program required a membership
with a low monthly fee. Once the website was completed, the program began malfunctioning, so the
membership was canceled and the website was switched to use a different program.
Our restaurants structural design is at 50% completion for the flexural and shear designs, including
column loads, dead and live loads, consideration for ADA compliance, and for a grease trap. Preliminary
plan and profile views of the building have been drafted as well. The foundation design of the theater
screen has been completed and attached. This design was based on geotechnical recommendations by
Alpha Testing and capacity estimates. The near-by quarry called Beckman Martin and Marietta has been
contacted. Quarry representatives and a due diligence package from Big Red Dog each state that the
actions of this quarry will not be of any concern to our structural designs.
For utilities, the profile view of the manholes has been attached. Also, the water line size was calculated
and has been provided for a connection to the nearest existing water main, 2,500 feet away. A profile
drawing and sketch for the sewer main public project has also been included. Mr. Nate Chamberlain of
SAWS recommended a GCP for our water main extension >300 feet and a Utility Service Agreement
(USA). A category states letter will be required, according to due diligence package by BRD.
Plans for using a pervious pavement design are being investigated for drainage. The following experts of
the field have been contacted: Dr. Giacomoni, Dr. Shipley, Director of the EAA Aquifer Protection Ron
Vaughn, P.G., Compliance Supervisor of the EAA Compliance Program Stephanie Martin, and Monica
Reyes of the TCEQ San Antonio Region Edwards Aquifer Protection Program. The pervious pavement
parking lot plan was revoked due to TCEQ regulations for the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. A water
quality basin will be required and will be designed in order to capture and treat all runoff to at least 80%
efficiency. A contour map of the land has been obtained from SARA website and attached. The TCEQ
Water Pollution Abatement Plan Checklist will be followed to find what forms will be needed for the
The paperwork for a phase one environmental assessment has been obtained from Talon LPE. The
assessment will need to be completed. A tree protection plan is under consideration. A zoning map has

been obtained demonstrating the area of the land located over the recharge zone. Monica Reyes of
TCEQ has been contacted on the rules and regulations for development over the Edwards Aquifer
Recharge Zone.
Jeremy Sanchez at Alpha Testing provided a geotechnical report for the site with three 20 borings. The
report has been attached. It includes recommendations for foundation designs and Potential Vertical
Rise analysis for the soil.
A trip generation analysis has been included in this report. It was found that TxDot is responsible for a
permit for the driveway. Traffic engineer, David Garcia, performed a traffic count on site. Rene
Arredondo, P.E. was contacted, and advised that a deceleration lane will be necessary for this project.
This lane has been included in the master plan layout drawing. The specifics of this design are still being
Hours worked by the group members were as follows: Hiruy Berhe 15 hours, Doug Delahay 40 hours,
David Garcia 50 hours, Max Martinez 40 hours, Jessica Perry 20 hours.

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