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Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 33 39


On the development of Vacuum Swing adsorption (VSA) technology

for post-combustion CO2 capture
Anne Andersena, Swapnil Divekarb, Soumen Dasguptab,Jasmina Hafizovic Cavkaa,
Aartib, Anshu Nanotib,Aud Spjelkavika, Amar N. Goswamib, M.O.Gargb
and Richard Bloma*

SINTEF Materials & Chemistry, P.O.Box 124 Blindern, 0314 Oslo, Norway
CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun 248005, Uttrakhand, India

A metal-organic framework, UiO-66, has been evaluated as adsorbent in a post-combustion vacuum swing adsorption
(VSA) process. Equilibrium isotherms of the most relevant gases (CO2 and N2) as well as breakthrough curves
measured using synthetic flue gas containing 15 mol% CO2 without and with 9 mol% water vapor are reported. Based
on the breakthrough data, a six step one-column VSA cycle is designed and the effects of adsorption and CO2 rinse
times used on the CO2 recovery and CO2 purity are examined. With the chosen process configuration and cycle
design CO2 purities around 60% and CO2 recoveries up to 70% are achieved. 50 cycle adsorption-desorption
experiments show that the cyclic CO2 capacity is reduced by approximately 25% in the presence of water vapor. No
reduction in cyclic capacity is observed with increased cycle number; there is rather a slight increase in cyclic
capacity with cycle number indicating that a cyclic steady state still not has been reached after 50 cycles.
2013 The Authors.

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Keywords: metal-organic framework, MOF, UiO-66, CO2 capture; flue gas; adsorption; VSA

1. Introduction
Rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere due to burning of fossil fuel have been recognized to be the
main contributor of global warming and associated climate change phenomenon. Fossil fuel combustion

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +47 90622647; fax: +47 22067350.

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1876-6102 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of GHGT



Anne Andersen et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 33 39

for power generation is the major source of increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere, but capturing CO2
from flue gas emissions in power plants where it is available as a low pressure stream, presents a
formidable challenge. Current technologies available such as amine based absorption processes are
considered uneconomic and there is a concerted effort being made to improve such processes or develop
more efficient alternative processes. In this context adsorption processes using Pressure or Vacuum
Swing Adsorption (PSA/VSA) are attracting interest as energy requirements are lower [1][2].
Solid adsorbents like zeolites and activated carbons can be used to recover CO 2 from flue gas mixtures
by pressure swing adsorption technique. Several adsorbent materials have been investigated for CO2
recovery by PSA/VSA. The general consensus appears to be that Zeolite 13X materials performs better
than activated carbons or silica gels for low pressure applications [3][4]. Both capacities and selectivities
for separation of CO2/N2 mixtures (representative of flue gases from power plants) are superior. However,
as CO2 isotherms on zeolites are nonlinear due to its relatively high adsorption energy (>40 kJ/mole),
power requirement during regeneration can be high and there is for this reason a large scope for
developing new adsorbents which will show better selectivity and regenerability.
Metal-organic frameworks (MOF) is a new class of adsorbents attracting interest for selective CO 2
separation [5]. These are materials in which metal ions or clusters are connected via organic linkers to

recovery, however, the several studies that have been reported so far on CO2
been limited mostly to equilibrium isotherm and diffusion measurements with pure components [6].
Recently a comparative study of VSA performance of a commercially available MOF (CuBTC) with a
commercial 13X zeolite has been reported for CO2 recovery from CO2-N2 gas mixture [7].
The present paper reports an experimental study on the separation of CO 2 from mixtures with nitrogen
using UiO-66 (Zr6O4(OH)4(1,4-dicarboxybenzene)) [ 8 ]adsorbent in a vacuum swing adsorber(VSA)
operating with a heavy reflux or rinse cycle typically used for recovery of the strong adsorptive (in this
case CO2) from gas mixtures. CO2 adsorption on nano-particles UiO-66 has recently been reported [9],
however, for engineering purposes the in-house synthesized UiO-66 presented in the present paper has
been formulated in suitable forms for column operation. Basic adsorption characteristics as well as results
from multi-cycle experiments using multicomponent gas mixtures including moisture are reported. Based
on the experimental data a VSA cycle is developed.
2. Experimental
2.1. Adsorbent preparation and basic characterization
UiO-66 was prepared following the original procedure used by Cavka et al. [8]. Spherical adsorbent
beads of about 1.7 mm were prepared by the following method: 1.0 g UiO-66 was suspended in 9.0 g of a
0.5wt% alginate-water solution. The slurry was stirred for 2 ambient temperature. The slurry was
the dropwise added to a 0,034 m Ba(NO3)2. The beads formed was washed twice with water, and then
dried at room temperature overnight. A specific surface area (BET) of 1260 m2/g was measured after
activation in vacuum at 130 C overnight. The bulk density of the bed of spheres was approximately
N2 and CO2 isotherms of the formulated adsorbent were measured at a volumetric Belsorp Max
instrument. The isotherms were recorded from vacuum to 1 atm. at 303 and 328K. The isotherms are
shown in Figure 1 together with lines indicating Langmuir fits to the experimental points.
2.2. Breakthrough and Single Column VSA experiments
The breakthrough and Vacuum Swing Adsorption experiments were carried out in a fully automated
single column breakthrough unit described in reference [6]. The unit consists of an adsorber column of 11

Anne Andersen et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 33 39

mm I.D. and 105 mm packed length. Solenoid valves are used for directing gas flows to and from the
column. Binary feed gas mixtures of required composition of CO 2 in nitrogen were prepared from pure
gas cylinders using mass flow controllers. Separate mass flow controllers were used for flow control of
purge (nitrogen) and rinse (CO2) streams, respectively. Column pressure is controlled by a Pressure
Control Valve. A PC based SCADA was used for data acquisition (temperature, pressure, flows) and
operation of solenoid valves. CO2 concentration in the various gas streams were measured by IR-based
on-line gas analysis.
In all breakthrough experiments, a feed gas mixture containing 15% CO2 in nitrogen representing a
flue gas from a coal -fired power plant was used. During a typical breakthrough experiment the adsorber
column was maintained at constant temperature under flow and pressure control while the CO2
concentration in the effluent was analysed at constant time interval (every 10th second) until the CO2
concentration of the effluent reached that of the feed gas. Multi-cycle adsorption-desorption experiments
were carried out with both dry and wet feed gas at temperature 55 C and pressure 2 bar respectively to
study the cyclic stability of the adsorbent for CO2 capture. To mimic the most realistic wet flue gas, 9
mole % water vapour was introduced into the gas mixture by using a high pressure pump (Eldex Pump).
The timings for adsorption and regeneration steps are fixed at 900 and 1620 sec respectively.
The VSA cycle studies have been carried out at 2 bar pressure and 55 C temperature with a dry feed
mixture of 15% CO2 in balance nitrogen at fixed feed flow rate of 0.26 NL/min. The VSA cycle involved
six consecutive steps namely 1.Feed Pressurisation 2.Adsorption 3.Counter-current blow-down, 4.Cocurrent rinse with CO2, 5.Counter-current Evacuation, and 6.Counter-current Evacuation with Nitrogen
purge as described in reference [7]. Feed pressurisation, blow-down and evacuation with nitrogen purge
time were fixed at 20 sec, 5 sec and 18 sec respectively. Other cycle step times were chosen based on the
CO2 column breakthrough time observed: The adsorption step time were chosen to vary from 41% to
61% with respect to the CO2 breakthrough time. For a particular adsorption time the evacuation time were
similarly varied from 41% to 61% of the CO2 breakthrough time. For a particular adsorption and
evacuation time the co-current rinse time was varied from 9% to 18% of CO2 breakthrough time. The
sequence of different steps and their timings are described in Table 1.
Table 1: Description of PVSA Cycle
Step No.
Step description


Co-current Pressurization

20 sec (Fixed)



41% /51% / 61% of CO2 Breakthrough Time (BT)


Co-current- Blow-down

5 sec (Fixed)


Co-current CO2 Rinse

9%/ 13.6 %/ 18% of CO2 BT


Counter-current Evacuation

41% /51% /61% of CO2 BT


Evacuation + Nitrogen Purge

18 sec (Fixed)

VSA Cycle Illustrative Case for Description:

CO2 breakthrough time with 15% CO2 balance N2 feed @ 2 bar pressure, 55 C temperature and 0.26 NL/min feed
flow rate: Breakthrough time (BT)= 283 sec.
VSA Step Times:
1. Co-current Pressurization: 20 sec; 2. Adsorption: 173 sec ( 61% of CO2 BT); 3. Co-current- Blow-down: 5 sec;
4. Co-current CO2 Rinse: 25 sec ( 9% of CO2 BT); 5. Counter-current Evacuation: 116 sec ( 41% of CO2 BT);
6. Evacuation + Nitrogen Purge: 18 sec
Total VSA Cycle Time:357 sec

Pure gas cylinders were used for sourcing the rinse and purge streams. Around 25 cycles were
performed in each experiment to allow cyclic steady state to be achieved before measuring CO 2
concentrations in each stream from the adsorber.



Anne Andersen et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 33 39

3. Results and discussion

The pure component adsorption isotherms of CO2 and Nitrogen on the UiO-66 adsorbent are shown in
Figure 1 for pressures up to 1 bar. As expected, equilibrium CO2adsorption capacity decreases with
increase in temperature. However, at lower pressure range (up to 1 bar), the shape of the isotherm tends to
become more linear with increase in temperature.

Figure 1: Pure component adsorption isotherms of CO2 and Nitrogen on the UiO-66
adsorbent. The lines indicate fitted Langmuir models.

Breakthrough curves with feed mixture of CO2 and N2 at three pressures (2, 3 and 4 bar) are reported
in Figure 2. As can be seen, the breakthrough time increases as pressure increases. This is because the
adsorbent capacity for CO2 increases as pressure increases as indicated by the CO2 isotherms shown in
Figure 1. The breakthrough curves are sharp suggesting good mass transfer rates in UiO-66.

Figure 2: Breakthrough curves at different pressures with feed mixture of

15 mole% CO2 balance N2

Anne Andersen et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 33 39

CO2 breakthrough time of 283 sec at 2 bar was used to design the single column VSA experiments.
The VSA cycle step times chosen were based on the CO2 column breakthrough time at a particular
pressure, temperature, feed flow rate and feed composition as described in Table 1.
The effect of variation of adsorption step time on the purity and recovery of CO2 is shown in Figure 3.
With increasing adsorption step time, a gradual increase in the purity and recovery of CO2 in the
evacuation product was observed. This observation may be ascribed to more penetration of the mass
transfer front into the adsorbent bed and more CO2 adsorption with increase in adsorption time.
The effect of CO2 rinse time is also shown in Figure 3. As the CO2 rinse time is increased the void
fluid is displaced by pure CO2 and hence the purity of the CO2 obtained in the subsequent evacuation step
improves. The recovery values also show increasing trend with increase in rinse time.

Figure 3: Effect of variation of adsorption time (left) and CO2 rinse time (right) on the CO2 purity (light grey bars) and
CO2recovery (dark grey bars).

In order to check the stability of UiO-66 during multi-cycle operation, 50 consecutive adsorptiondesorption cycles were carried out with both dry and moist feed. Cyclic breakthrough experiments with
moist feed were carried with a feed mixture comprising of 15 mole% CO2, 9 mol% water vapour and
balance N2 at 55 C and 2 bara pressure. Figure 4 shows the representative breakthrough and regeneration
curves with moist feed. The 50 curves nearly overlap; in fact there is a slight trend towards longer
breakthrough times for increasing cycle number that is not clearly visible in the present graph.

Figure 4: Variation of breakthrough time for successive cycles for moist feed



Anne Andersen et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 33 39

To obtain a clearer view on any trend in the breakthrough times over the 50 cycles we have plotted the
variation in breakthrough times for the 50 successive cycles carried out with both dry and moist feed in
Figure 5: Firstly, there is a reduction of around 25% in the CO2 breakthrough time in the presence of
moisture compared to the dry feed. The reduction is steady over the 50 cycles and no further deterioration
in the performance of the adsorbent in subsequent cycles is observed. The results indicate that the
reduction in cyclic CO2 adsorption capacity in the presence of H2O is a consequence of adsorptive
competition between the two species and no accumulation of H2O on the adsorbent seems to occur at the
conditions used since this should lead to reduced CO2 breakthrough time with increased cycle number.
Secondly, there is a slight increase in breakthrough time with cycle number that indicate that a true steady
state situation has not been reached during the first 50 cycles and that more cycles are needed to reach a
steady state performance. This is the case for both the dry and moist case.

Figure 5: Variation of breakthrough time (BT) for successive cycle for dry and moist feed

4. Conclusions
We have studied a metal-organic framework, UiO-66, during prolonged adsorption-desorption cycling
both at dry and moist conditions using a synthetic flue gas containing 15 mol% CO 2 as feed at 55C. The
results show that the cyclic CO2 capacity is reduced by around 25% when water vapour is introduced,
however, no loss in cyclic capacity with cycle number is observed indicating that the adsorbent is
chemically stable at the conditions used. Actually, there is a steady increase in cyclic CO2 capacity over
the 50 cycles used indicating that cyclic steady state still has not been reached.
The breakthrough data has further been used to design a six step VSA cycle: CO2 recovery between 60
and 70% and CO2 purities around 60% is obtained with the simple cycle. The purity and recovery values
are expected to improve further in a multi-bed VSA set up with scaled up adsorbents and improved VSA
cycle design.
This work has been carried out with financial support from The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
New Delhi (contract IND 3025 09/059)

Anne Andersen et al. / Energy Procedia 37 (2013) 33 39

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