9701 s06 Er PDF
9701 s06 Er PDF
9701 s06 Er PDF
Paper 9701/01
Multiple Choice
General comments
For this paper, the mean score was 23.1 (57.8%), slightly below the targeted value, and the standard
deviation of the scores was 7.77 (19.4%), indicating that the paper discriminated very satisfactorily among
The first 30 questions were simple completion items: Questions 31 to 40 were three-statement multiple
completion items.
Paper 9701/02
Structured questions as Core
General comments
There were many good answers to this paper and most candidates were able to demonstrate some positive
achievement. The paper must include harder parts to each question but the majority of candidates made
good attempts to answer all of the questions.
However, a number of candidates clearly had not prepared thoroughly for the examination by learning
important factual chemistry. In particular, many answers to Question 3 did not state clearly what would be
seen when the reactions described were carried out. Clear observations and deductions are essential
components of the study of chemistry. There still remains a significant number of candidates whose
knowledge of organic chemistry is poor. Examiners do, however, give credit for the correct use of less
familiar reagents that could be used to carry out the reaction under consideration.
Comments on specific questions
Question 1
This question tested candidates basic knowledge of simple inorganic reactions and their ability to carry out
stoichiometric calculations. There were many very good answers but a significant number of candidates
struggled with the calculations.
Most candidates correctly identified the alkaline gas as ammonia and the cation as NH4 . Fewer
were able to deduce that the grey/green residue would be iron(II) hydroxide, Fe(OH)2.
Most candidates correctly deduced the white precipitate to be barium sulphate, BaSO4.
(c) (i)
While there were many correct answers to this part, there were also many which showed that
candidates had not read the question carefully. Mohrs salt is a double sulphate so the two salts
from which it is made must each be a sulphate. However, a significant number of candidates gave
chlorides, hydroxides or oxides as their answer and were penalised. A small number of candidates
gave names and not formulae of their salts, as the question required, and lost marks.
The two salts that are used to make Mohrs salt are ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2SO4, and iron(II)
sulphate, FeSO4. The majority of candidates calculated the relative formula masses of these salts
correctly as 132.1 and 151.9 respectively.
Fewer candidates were able to calculate the number of moles of water, xH2O, which is given by the
following expression.
Question 2
This question also tested candidates ability to do routine calculations correctly when applied to an
unfamiliar compound. While there were many very good answers, a significant number of
candidates struggled with part (b) and/or part (d).
In order to use pV = nRT correctly in this question, it was necessary to convert the pressure of the
gas into Nm (Pa) and the volume of the gas into m . Thus n is given by the following expression.
Candidates who failed to change their values of pressure and volume were penalised.
(c) (i)
bonds broken:
2 410
/2 496
= 820
= 840
= 1240
2900 kJ mol
bonds made:
4 740
2 460
= 2960
= 920
3880 kJ mol
Most candidates were able to define Hcomb correctly but a surprising number began their answer
by referring to ... the energy required to ... and were penalised because combustion is always
There were few correct answers to this part. Candidates were expected to mention either that
average bond energy terms are used in the Data Booklet or that the calculation in (d) includes
H2O(g) whereas Hcomb involves H2O(l).
Question 3
This question assessed candidates factual knowledge of the chemistry of the halogens. While there were
many good answers, there were also responses from candidates who had not learnt the relevant material.
Descriptions of observations that could be made were often poor.
This was quite well answered; the most common error was to describe solid iodine as purple.
(b) (i)
Relatively few candidates correctly described what would be seen in these three reactions. In each
case, the hydrogen halide is first formed but the concentrated sulphuric acid has a different effect
on each of them and candidates answers were expected to reflect this.
Most candidates gave the correct equation but there were instances of unbalanced equations
suggesting that the answer had not been checked.
(c) (i)
This was poorly answered. The need for candidates to study the reactions of aqueous halide ions
with aqueous silver ions followed by aqueous ammonia is clearly stated in syllabus section
9.4(f)(i). The information given in the question confirms that the precipitate is AgBr.
(d) (i)
There were many good answers to this part although a surprising number wrongly thought that HCl
would decompose and HI would not.
Many candidates answered this well and some backed up their answers by quoting bond energy
values from the Data Booklet.
This part was less well answered. The hot glass rod simply provides heat energy, which, in the
case of HI, enables some gas molecules to acquire energy greater than the activation energy,
leading to decomposition.
Question 4
This question tested candidates ability to apply their knowledge of organic chemistry to an unfamiliar
compound. While there were many good answers, there was also a significant number whose knowledge
was poor.
This part of the question was concerned with a familiar reaction of the C=C bond and another of the
CH2OH group. The compounds formed would be as follows.
The two compounds show structural or functional group isomerism. A significant number of
candidates believed that the presence of the C=C bond meant cis-trans isomerism would be shown
while a few thought chirality to be present.
There were many good answers to this part although relatively few candidates scored all four
2marks. Both reagents H2 in step I and acidified Cr2O7 in step II were well known. However,
many forgot the catalyst in step I or refluxed the reagents in step II. The latter would give rise to
propanoic acid rather than propanal. The same acid would also be formed if acidified MnO4 were
used as the oxidising agent in step II.
Relatively few candidates deduced that the reaction in (c) involved both oxidation and reduction.
Those candidates who really knew their organic chemistry were able to deduce that the following
compounds would be formed.
Question 5
Many candidates clearly knew what a substitution reaction was but often struggled to express
themselves clearly. Examiners looked for a simple statement such as ... a reaction in which one
atom or group of atoms replaces another atom or group of atoms.
This was generally well answered although not all candidates made it clear that aqueous NaOH
must be used.
This too was quite well answered although a significant number of candidates believed HCN rather
than NaCN or KCN to be the reagent.
Many candidates struggled with this part although part (c) was intended to give candidates some
help by referring to C2H5Br and a compound with one more carbon atom than the starting material.
Compound K must be C2H5Cl, C2H5Br, or C2H5I.
Compound L must have an extra carbon atom in its molecule and is C2H5CN.
Where candidates correctly identified K and L they were usually able to give the correct reagents
and conditions. One common mistake among these candidates was to describe, in step III, the
reagents for the formation of C2H5CN rather than for its conversion into C2H5CO2H. The former
reaction occurs in step II. It was also asked for in part (c) so candidates should have been wary
about giving it again.
Paper 9701/03
Practical Test
General comments
The Examiners thank Supervisors who did provide titration information and seating plans for each Session
and each Laboratory within a Session. Where some or all of this information was not provided, Examiners
attempted to allocate candidates to the correct Session/Laboratory and to use an appropriate titre value in
assessing accuracy. This was not always possible. Centres are reminded of the statement on p6 of the
Confidential Instructions that Failure to provide appropriate documentation in each envelope may
cause candidates to be penalised.
The titration exercise set in this examination involved oxidation of potassium iodide using a primary standard
(potassium iodate(V)) and titration of the liberated iodine with sodium thiosulphate. This is a straightforward
titration capable of producing very precise and reproducible results. The Examiners were therefore very
surprised to see the wide variation in individual titration results between candidates in a Centre and often
within the results of an individual candidate.
The calculation section of the titration appeared to present more problems than in previous years although
the Sections (a) to (f) in the calculation involved identical steps to those used in previous papers. Section
(g) did require some original thought.
The inclusion of an Organic observation and deduction question was less usual and many candidates did not
perform as well as expected in this question.
Question 1
Most candidates recorded their burette readings to the nearest 0.05 cm3, obtained two titres within
0.10 cm3 and indicated clearly which titres have been used in calculating the average to be used
in the calculation. Many candidates did however overlook one of these points and had one mark
deducted from the accuracy marks awarded.
Few candidates selected values more than 0.20 cm3 apart when calculating the average titre and
spread penalties were not often applied.
The titre was expected to be around 24 cm3. As has already been reported there was a wide,
inexplicable, variation within many Centres where the Supervisor had recorded consistent titrations
giving a value close to 24 cm3. Some individual candidates also had a wide spread of titres. The
iodine liberated should have dissolved readily in the excess potassium iodide forming a red-brown
solution containing the KI3 complex. As each titration proceeded the colour should have
diminished through orange to yellow. Candidates were instructed to add starch indicator when the
solution was pale yellow in colour and to continue the titration until the blue colour of the starch
indicator disappeared, leaving a colourless solution. The blue colour should have finally cleared on
addition of 1 drop of FA 2.
Some Centres used solutions with incorrect concentrations titre averages were far too low or too
high. In the latter case the potassium iodate(V) was probably too concentrated and solid iodine
was precipitated in the titration flask, there being insufficient excess iodide to dissolve all of the
iodine formed. It was still possible to titrate this mixture accurately.
Most candidates earned the two marks for this section. Some however performed only half of the
calculation, working out the molar concentration of the sodium thiosulphate or the mass of sodium
thiosulphate run from the burette.
Some candidates lost one of the two marks by using 32 as Ar of sulphur instead of the 32.1 given in
the question.
This section followed the form that has been common in titration questions for some years.
Candidates had to calculate the concentration of the diluted solution and allow for the dilution in
determining the concentration of FA 1.
Some candidates left this section blank. The majority who did make an attempt at an answer only
multiplied the answer to (d) by 1000/25 or by 250/25 and scored one of the two marks available.
Multiplying by 1000/250 was a common error that scored no marks.
The third mark was given for a fully correct answer, evaluated to within 1% of the value obtained by
the Examiner from the candidates titre. (candidate titre 0.02501).
Question 2
Candidates were told that each solution contained one of four unknowns (a carboxylic acid, an alcohol, an
aldehyde, a ketone).
The reagents provided were those stated in the syllabus, giving a reaction with at least one of the unknowns.
The carboxylic acid was expected to react vigorously with magnesium powder and with sodium carbonate,
giving hydrogen and carbon dioxide gases respectively. Tests for gases (printed on page 8) were to be
described and the gas identified.
The alcohol was expected to be oxidised by acidified potassium dichromate(VI), the solution turning from
orange to green. Observation of a brown solution was allowed as a mixture of orange/green.
The aldehyde was expected to give a yellow/orange precipitate with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine; a
brown/black precipitate or silver mirror in test (d) and a green solution with potassium dichromate(VI).
The ketone was expected to give a yellow/orange precipitate with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine.
Although the table of results may have looked daunting a candidate who was organised and followed the
instructions in each test should have been able to perform all of the practical work in a relatively short space
of time.
One mark was given if candidates observed a gas under FA 5 in both tests (a) and (b). Any gas recorded
under FA 6 for these two tests was ignored (as ethanal may have contained some ethanoic acid).
This mark was not awarded if gases were recorded in tests (a) and (b) for FA 4 or FA 5.
Candidates were asked to put the unknowns into four separate test-tubes and then to add
powdered magnesium to each. Candidates should have been looking for effervescence between
magnesium and the carboxylic acid recognising that the gas would be hydrogen.
Observation of a gas evolved, which burnt or popped with a lighted splint or if brought near a flame
and therefore identified as hydrogen earned a mark.
Common errors were not to record the identity of the gas or to state that the gas popped with a
glowing splint. A glowing splint ceases to glow if put into hydrogen.
Candidates were asked to put the unknowns into four separate test-tubes and then to add
powdered sodium carbonate to each. Candidates should have been looking for effervescence
between sodium carbonate and the carboxylic acid recognising that the gas would be carbon
Observation of a gas evolved, which turned limewater milky earned a mark.
Common errors were not to record the identity of the gas or to state that the gas put out a burning
splint. A glowing splint ceases to glow if put into hydrogen.
A candidate who correctly described the tests on the gases in (a) and (b) but failed to record the
identity of the gas earned one of the two marks available.
Failure to follow the instructions for the preparation of Tollens Reagent often led to too many
precipitates or formation of no precipitate with FA 6.
Many candidates successfully recorded a black precipitate or even a silver mirror with FA 6.
Addition of too much potassium dichromate(VI) masked any colour change. If carried out carefully
this test did give colour changes with FA 6 and FA 7.
Many candidates missed the colour change with one or both of these unknowns.
Some Centres had difficulty in obtaining one or more of the Unknowns or Reagents. Modified mark schemes
were applied in such cases so that no candidate was disadvantaged.
Because of potential missing reagents only the identity of FA 5 and FA 7 were awarded marks.
Identification of FA 5 as the carboxylic acid was allowed provided the tests for gases had been correctly
described or a minimum of effervescence (or bubbles of gas) recorded for tests (a) and (b).
Correct identities were often given but without the supporting evidence.
Paper 9701/04
Theory 2
General comments
The paper contained a range of questions which enabled most candidates to score highly in some parts. A
whole range of marks was scored, from the significant number of candidates scoring zero (often as a result
of writing very little these candidates would be well advised to delay their sitting of the paper until they had
prepared themselves adequately) right up to several hundred who scored either in the high fifties or even full
marks. There were at least three places (mentioned below) where a significant number of candidates lost
marks through not reading the questions carefully enough.
Answers to numerical calculations
1. (a)
NO: 2
O2: 1
rate = k[NO]2[O2]
k = 1.6 105 mol-2 dm6 s-1
rate = 2.5 10-3 mol dm-3 s-1
2. (a)
3. (b)
Many candidates scored well in this part. Even those who deduced the wrong orders in (i) were
able to score the rest of the marks by the error-carried-forward procedure used by examiners.
The rate equation asked for in (ii) had to be a full equation. Thus the expression k[NO]2[O2]
(without the rate =) did not score. Several candidates incorrectly wrote the equilibrium constant
expression, or included [ O2] in their rate equation, based on the stoichiometric equation given in
the question. The units of k (mol-2 dm6 s-1) stumped several candidates, the most common errors
being to omit s-1 or to quote dm-6 rather than dm6.
This part was much less well answered. Their were many alternatives offered for homogeneous
in (i): apart from the expected confusion producing heterogeneous, the words homologous,
homozygous, and (especially) homolytic were common. A great surprise to examiners was the
very poor knowledge shown in (ii). There seemed to be many candidates who had not covered this
process in detail at all, despite it having specific mentions in Sections 8 and 9.6 of the syllabus.
The most common mechanism that was suggested involved the oxidation of SO2 to SO3 by NO,
which was reduced to N2 or N2O. The following were the correct equations that scored the marks:
NO + O2 NO2
SO2 + NO2 SO3 + NO
Question 2
Most candidates scored a mark in (i) for Ksp = [Ca2+][SO42-], but a surprisingly large number failed to
state the units for Ksp. They seemed not to have read the question. The calculation in (ii) caused
few problems, but many candidates failed to score full marks in (iii). Common errors were
misreading 100 dm3 as 100 cm3; assuming the loss in mass was due entirely to the loss of CO2;
and calculating the mass of CaSO4 dissolved, rather than the mass of CaCO3 lost.
Several explanations in (i) were based on the generalisation that the sulphates become less
soluble as one goes down the Group. Those who attempted a proper explanation often lost marks
by using trends in atomic radius, rather than ionic radius of the cation, or mentioning hydration
energy but omitting reference to lattice energy. There were, however, many correct and wellexpressed explanations, referring to the large decrease in cationic hydration energy contrasting
with the smaller decrease in lattice energy, thus causing the H(solution) to become more
endothermic as one goes down the Group.
In (ii) several candidates incorrectly multiplied the value of Ksp by 2, rather than squaring it.
The definition required in (i) (for two marks) was: the energy change when 1 mole of (ionic)
solid/crystals is formed from its gaseous ions. Many candidates lost a mark in one of the following
ways: not stating that a solid was formed; specifying gaseous atoms (or even elements or
molecules) rather than ions; not mentioning that 1 mole of solid is formed.
The explanation in (ii) relied on a comparison of cationic sizes (as in b(i)). Some candidates wrote
about the charge densities of the ions, which are not at all relevant to a discussion of lattice energy.
Question 3
This straightforward deduction part was surprisingly poorly answered by many candidates. It was
expected that candidates could have predicted that the likely oxidation states would be (+1), +2,
+3, +4 and +5; and that the electronic configuration would be [Ar]3d2. Apart from the common error
of [Ar]4s2, examiners also saw [Ar]3d1, [Ar]3d14s1, and even [Ar]4s23d6 (i.e. the electronic
configuration of X3-).
Redox titrations involving KMnO4 are described in Section 9.6 of the syllabus, but many
candidates seemed not to have carried out such a titration themselves in the laboratory. Several
added an indicator (phenolphthalein was the most common) to provide an end-point colour change
of pink-to-colourless (or vice versa). Answers describing either the conventional KMnO4-in-theburette or the reverse case, with the Fe2+ solution in the burette, were capable of scoring full marks.
The end point in each case is different, however: If the Fe2+ solution is in the conical flask, the end
point is the first permanent pink colour from an (almost) colourless solution, whereas if the KMnO4
is in the conical flask, the end point is when a colourless solution is first produced from the (by now)
pink solution just before the end point. Many candidates failed to score the end-point mark either
by confusing the two cases described above, or by describing changes in colour associated with
the Fe2+/Fe3+ system. Had they carried out the titration themselves, they would have been aware
that these colours are insignificant compared to the purple/pink of the KMnO4. A mark could also
be gained for mentioning that in order to increase the accuracy and reliability of the results, the
titration should be repeated until two titres were within 0.1 cm3, and the average taken.
The calculation in (ii) was marked in the light of the equation stated in (i). Using the 5:1 ratio of
Fe2+:MnO4- produces an answer of 15.6%. Candidates sometimes forgot to multiply the number of
moles of Fe2+ by 4 (= 100/25) or used the Mr of FeSO4 instead of the Ar of Fe.
The mark in (i) was for stating Cu2+(aq) or [Cu(H2O)6]2+. Cu2+ on its own was inadequate (viz. white
anhydrous CuSO4), and even more so was the word copper. In (ii) most candidates scored a
mark for deep blue solution, but very few also mentioned that a pale blue precipitate (of
Cu(OH)2(s)) would first be formed. The explanation expected was in terms of the production of the
complex ion [Cu(NH3)4]2+ by ligand exchange of H2O molecules with NH3.
Question 4
Three methods were acceptable for the hydrolysis of proteins: aqueous acid (but not nitric acid) +
heat; aqueous alkali + heat; or an aqueous proteolytic enzyme (e.g. protease, peptidase, pepsin,
trypsin etc) at a warm temperature (< 50C). Candidates tended to lose marks by not specifying
the solvent (water) or the temperature.
Many candidates lost this mark if they ringed the -carbon in glycine as well as those in tyrosine
and lysine. Some were even less aware of the meaning of chiral, and ringed the C=O carbon too.
Most candidates correctly drew the zwitterion, although some lost a mark by showing the (+)
charge on a specific hydrogen atom in the NH3 group rather than on the nitrogen atom, or on the
whole group.
Most scored the mark in (i) (either the anion, or the (ionic) sodium salt, or the formula
NH2CH2CO2Na were acceptable, but not the covalent NH2CH2C(O)O-Na) but fewer recognised
that tyrosine would form the dianion in (ii). In (iii), [2] marks were available for the dication, or for
the di-ammonium salt. Examiners required candidates to show the charge on the NH3+ group, so
R-NH3Cl was not accepted. In (iv) a mark was awarded for the dibromide (2,6 to the OH group
preferred, but any orientation was accepted). Mono, tri or tetra-bromides were not accepted.
Several candidates incorrectly thought that HCl would produce the acid chloride in (iii), and that
Br2(aq) would produce the acid bromide, or even the -bromo compound, in (iv).
Some confusion arose in several candidates minds as to whether a tripeptide contains three amino
acids or three peptide bonds. Also, some candidates did not show a complete tripeptide, but a
tripeptide fragment of a polypeptide. A mark was lost in each case. A few candidates cleverly
drew a cyclic tripeptide, which does contain three peptide bonds. These answers were given full
credit. Many candidates did not show clearly which were the peptide bonds either the C-N bond
or the whole C(O)-NH group was accepted for this mark.
Most candidates correctly identified a repeat unit in (i) (any combination of ring + 6 chain atoms
was accepted), although some thought a repeat unit was a monomer unit. Some of those who
chose unconventional repeat units (e.g. from one CH2 to another CH2) attempted to produce
monomers that would join at the position they had arbitrarily chosen as the end of their repeat unit,
and hence scored no marks in (ii). Many candidates, however, correctly identified 1,2diaminoethane and 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid (or its acyl dichloride) as the monomers.
Question 5
Many candidates scored well on this part, showing a competent knowledge of the reagents used
for each step. Several lost marks by not being specific enough with their conditions, however. For
reaction I the mixed acids HNO3 + H2SO4 should have been concentrated, and at a temperature
somewhere between 30C and 60C (benzene needs > 50C, but methylbenzene is more
reactive); for reaction II an oxidising agent such as KMnO4 (K2Cr2O7 also works with
nitromethylbenzene, although it is not strong enough to oxidise methylbenzene itself) needs to be
heated in order to work; for reaction III Sn (or Fe) + HCl is the preferred reagent, although H2 + Ni
(not Pt or Pd, which would cause reduction of the ring too) was also acceptable. LiAlH4 reduces
aryl nitro compounds to azo compounds, so is not suitable in this case. Neither is NaBH4. For the
esterification in reaction IV ethanol was needed, being heated in the presence of concentrated
H2SO4 (or dry HCl). A surprisingly large number of candidates wrote the formula of ethanol as
CH2CH3OH rather than CH3CH2OH.
Candidates answers to this part were disappointingly poor. There were two main points examiners
were looking for: the statement that NO2+ was the electrophile, and that H+ was formed in the last
step; and the structure of the intermediate. This had to include both H and NO2 joined to the sp3
carbon atom; a horseshoe showing the delocalised electrons around the other 5 carbon atoms of
the ring; and a (+) charge inside the horseshoe (a classical structure, with two ring double bonds
and a (+) charge of the 5th ring carbon, would have been equally acceptable). Candidates lost a
mark through one of the following ways: not showing a complete horseshoe (e.g. one covering only
3 carbons); drawing the horseshoe the wrong way up (i.e. facing the CH3 group rather than the sp3
carbon); drawing the (+) charge on the sp3 carbon rather than within the horseshoe; including (+)
charges on the H or the NO2, or both. Generally, many candidates showed that they did not really
understand what the drawing of the intermediate represented. Rather, they had attempted to
reproduce a structure incompletely learnt from a book.
It was important for candidates to name the two functional groups in (i), rather than just to draw
their structures (these could have merely been copied from the formula given in the question).
Many correctly identified an ester and an amine, although common errors were carbonyl, carboxylic
acid or amide. The explanation in (ii) for the greater basicity of X compared to benzocaine could
have been stated in terms of either the greater electron-donation by the alkyl groups in X or the
delocalisation of the lone pair of nitrogen over the ring in benzocaine.
Paper 9701/05
Practical Test
General comments
The Examiners thank Supervisors who provided results for Question 1. These were checked to ensure that
the experiment had performed as expected but were not used in assessing accuracy marks for the
candidates. As rate experiments are susceptible to temperature change, each candidate was self-assessed
for accuracy using the times for the first three experiments. It was assumed that these three experiments
would have been conducted in a relatively short space of time with minimal variation in temperature.
Candidate answers to Question 2, the planning exercise, continue to display a lower standard than the
practical experiment.
Question 1
Candidates were instructed to record the time for each reaction to the nearest second. Many candidates
recorded times to 1 or even 2 decimal places. It should be appreciated that 20.0 or 20.00 is not recording a
time to the nearest second.
Most candidates correctly calculated (1000/time) and lg(1000/time). The units of s1 103 confused some
candidates who gave (1/time) as their answer. Most of these did, however, get the correct value for
lg(1000/time). A small number of candidates incorrectly multiplied (1000/time) by the value for lg(vol FB 1) to
obtain their value of lg(1000/time).
The reaction of sodium thiosulphate with hydrochloric acid is a first order reaction with respect to
sodium thiosulphate. As the concentration of sodium thiosulphate was directly proportional to the
volume of the reagent used, (volume of FB 1 reaction time) should have remained constant for
each experiment. Accuracy marks were awarded on the difference in Vt values for experiments 1,2
and 3. Most candidates scored 4 or more from a maximum of 6 marks for accuracy.
The standard of selecting appropriate scales for the graph and the plotting of points was generally
A small number of candidates did not gain the first mark in this section as:
they reversed the axes
plotted lg(1000/time) against volume of FB 1 rather than lg(volume of FB 1)
started scales at zero which compressed the plotted points into a few small squares in the
centre of the page
selected scales that were very difficult to use when plotting points or checking the plotting of the
Two marks were awarded for the correct plotting of all five points. One mark was deducted for one
point incorrectly plotted and two marks deducted for two plotting errors. Most candidates who
chose difficult scales still earned these marks.
The final mark in this section was for a best-fit straight line. Very few candidates showed an even
distribution of points on either side of the line. In the rubric to the section candidates were asked to
indicate clearly any point that they considered represented an experimental error. Many
candidates, with four points close to or on the line, would have gained the best-fit mark if they had
identified the fifth point as showing experimental error.
Most candidates correctly stated that the depth was kept constant by having a constant (total)
volume of solution in each experiment.
Very few candidates gained either mark in this section. Answers were generally vague and
restated the question asked. Many candidates related concentration of sodium thiosulphate to the
rate of reaction.
Any reference to proportionality of volume of sodium thiosulphate and its concentration earned one
mark. An answer that described different amounts of reagent from the different volumes of FB 1
but contained in a constant total volume of solution would have gained this mark.
A statement that the volume of FB 1 was directly proportional to the concentration of the sodium
thiosulphate gained both marks.
Most candidates drew construction lines on the graph, as instructed. These could be in the form of
a constructed triangle or a horizontal and vertical line to two points on the graph.
Candidates who did not gain this mark had generally constructed too small a triangle on the plotted
line the smaller the triangle the greater the % error in the length of each side of the triangle.
The construction coordinates were generally read correctly from the graph and the gradient
calculated. Some candidates use coordinates of experimental points which they have placed on
the line of best-fit. Candidates should be encouraged to take new, non-experimental, points from
the line when constructing their triangles.
Candidates were allowed to leave a fractional order or round the calculated value to the nearest
whole number.
Where incorrect axes were used marks in this section were allowed (error carried forward).
No marks were earned in (e) where a curve had been drawn.
A small number of candidates drew no construction lines (first mark not awarded) but attempted to
use the equation of a straight line to find the value of x the gradient. The second and third marks
were awarded where lg k was read from the graph and substituted in the equation or eliminated in
simultaneous equations for two points on the graph.
Question 2
Many weird pieces of apparatus were drawn that bore no relationship to any apparatus that would
be found in a school laboratory.
The first mark was simply awarded for any apparatus that showed the oxide being heated in a
vessel with an inlet and outlet for hydrogen gas. Most candidates gained this mark although some
did not show heating of the oxide.
The second mark was for recognisable laboratory apparatus that would condense and collect the
water formed and could be dismantled to enable the mass of oxide/copper and mass of water to be
measured. Many candidates lost this mark as they included no joints in their apparatus to enable it
to be dismantled for weighing.
The third mark was for burning hydrogen at the end of the apparatus. Many candidates failed to
show the gas being burned or had hydrogen leaving the apparatus before passing through a
condenser. Where hydrogen left the apparatus early, only the third mark was penalised.
Most candidates failed to realise that the mixture of hydrogen and air inside the apparatus would be
explosive. Some thought that lighting small amounts or gas coming out of a small hole would
prevent explosion. Many candidates wanted to conduct the experiment in a sealed environment or
in a vacuum.
A minority of candidates flushed the apparatus with hydrogen before lighting the excess, or flushed
the apparatus with an inert gas before passing hydrogen. The Examiners did accept answers that
evacuated the apparatus before introducing hydrogen.
Many candidates correctly stated that hydrogen was passed until the copper was cool to prevent
re-oxidation of the copper; many other candidates thought it was passed to ensure complete
reduction or to prevent copper from reacting with the steam produced.
The majority of candidates depended on visual observations such as copper finishes glowing,
colour changes from black to orange/brown, no more water drips out of the condenser.
The Examiners only rewarded answers that stated or implied constant mass (copper or water) after
repeated heating.
Some very good and some nonsensical answers were seen in this section. One mark was given
for processing of practical results (mass to moles) and the second mark for relating experimental
data to equation ratios.
The most successful methods involved:
masses of copper and water converted to moles and compared to the ratios from the equations
the mass of copper formed converted to moles and the mass of each oxide required to produce
that much copper calculated and compared to the starting mass of the oxide.
Some very elegant algebraic solutions were seen.
Some candidates lost marks by only processing data for one oxide.
Paper 9701/06
General comments
The paper proved accessible with no obvious dead marks. The different options did not appear to show any
significant differences in mark spread
Comments on specific questions
As in previous years, this proved to be a popular option, and candidates often produced good answers. In
particular they seemed to find the chemical aspects of the option more difficult.
Question 1
In part (a) most candidates were able to correctly draw the tripeptide showing the peptide linkages, and most
knew that a condensation reaction occurred in its formation. Part (b) proved less straightforward, and it
seemed that a significant number of candidates had not considered why a particular amino acid might
produce a given physical property in the protein. Few candidates had any difficulty with part (c), if they knew
sufficient to score good marks on parts (a) and (b).
Question 2
This question proved to be a good discriminator between those candidates who fully understood
phospholipid bilayers, and those who only knew about them. Although most candidates drew a reasonable
sketch of a bilayer in part (a), a disappointing number bothered to label or state which side was the aqueous
interface. In part (b), good candidates correctly stated that the interaction would be via van der Waals
forces, but only the best candidates could suggest the effect of a high nitrogen concentration. Most
candidates scored 3 of the 4 marks available in part (c), the most common mistake being the direction of
movement of the K+ and Na+ ions.
Environmental Chemistry
As in past years, some candidates found this option difficult, scoring fewer than 6 marks on either question.
This was generally due to a lack of knowledge of the chemistry involved. There were, however, some good
answers scoring 8 marks or more.
Question 3
The majority of this question should have been simple recall, yet it was clear that many candidates found it
difficult to score high marks on this area. In part (a) good candidates correctly explained that chlorine formed
the OCl- ion in water, and that this acted as an oxidising agent. In part (b) most candidates dropped a mark
for failing to state the origin of the organic material (from pollution). For good candidates part (c) proved
straightforward, with marks of 5 or 6 out of 7 common. Weaker candidates lost marks by failing to explain
the effects of phosphates on algae and how this would lead to a drop in photosynthesis of other water plants.
They also struggled with what was expected to be a simple calculation.
Question 4
Very few candidates were able to correctly replace the central silicon atom with an aluminium atom and
correctly show the formula and overall charge of the aluminosilicate. A greater proportion was, however,
able to explain how electrical neutrality is achieved. In part (b) most candidates were able to score at least 2
marks in explaining how soil acidity is maintained in clays, and how humus aids this. In part (c) although
most (but not all) candidates knew what lime was, and how it could reduce soil acidity, few gave adequate
explanations of the limitations or disadvantages of the process.
Phase Equilibria
This option remains very popular, although once again candidates seemed to find it harder to score high
marks on this paper. In some cases this seemed to be due to a lack of practice in answering numerical
Question 5
Although most candidates could state a correct version of Raoults Law, there are still some candidates
unable to do this. As a result a number of candidates were unable to calculate the vapour pressure of the
mixture in part (a)(ii), and a disturbing number failed to state the assumption they had made. Good
candidates found part (b) straightforward, although having correctly explained negative deviation here, then
went on to get the sequence of distillates incorrect in part (c).
Question 6
Most candidates showed good knowledge of the phase diagram of carbon dioxide in part (a), and also knew
how it differed from that of water in part (c). It was the explanations in part (b) that proved tricky for all but
the best candidates. All that was required was that the candidates should sketch the 298K and 60 atm lines
on their phase diagrams and then explain the cause of the physical observation.
Although the least popular of the options, there seemed to be rather more candidates offering this option this
year. Candidates who had studied spectroscopy appeared to be well prepared and scored better than
average marks.
Question 7
Almost all candidates correctly identified the two absorptions of carbon dioxide in part (a). In part (b) most
candidates correctly identified the bonds responsible for the absorptions, and arrived at a plausible structure
for the compound. A minority ignored the statement that it only contained two functional groups. In part (c),
although most candidates correctly suggested n.m.r. spectroscopy or mass spectrometry, only the best
candidates were able to suggest key evidence to look for in their chosen technique.
Question 8
Part (a) was straightforward, although some candidates did not look closely enough at their data sheets to
see the clue of the ester given by the absorption at 1200 cm-1. An acceptable alternative was to point out the
absence of an absorption due to OH. In part (b)(i) few candidates scored full marks because although they
knew what the triplet/quartet sequence meant, few gave an adequate explanation of how these splitting
patterns arise. The remainder of the question was answered much better.
Transition Metals
This remains a very popular option, and answers in this session scored rather higher than in last Junes
session. It was, however, disappointing to see the lack of knowledge displayed by many candidates in those
parts of the questions that should have been part of their practical experience.
Question 9
Many candidates correctly gave a suitable percentage of chromium in stainless steel, and most knew the
reason why the chromium reduced corrosion in part (a). Although most candidates could calculate the
empirical formula and correctly state the oxidation number of chromium in A, a worrying number gave poor
explanations of the observations in part (b).
Question 10
Answers to part (a) were mixed, although good candidates found it easy and scored all 3 marks available.
Answers to part (b) seemed to indicate a lack of practical knowledge for many candidates. In (b)(i), most
could guess that the colour change was brought about by ligand replacement, but few could say any more or
write balanced equations. In (b)(ii), most recognised that redox reactions were involved and identified the
blue and green vanadium ions, but again were unable to write balanced equations.