Paper 9701/12
Multiple Choice
1 A 11 C 21 D 31 C
2 A 12 A 22 D 32 A
3 C 13 B 23 B 33 D
4 D 14 D 24 C 34 C
5 B 15 A 25 D 35 A
6 B 16 B 26 C 36 A
7 C 17 A 27 C 37 B
8 D 18 C 28 A 38 C
9 A 19 D 29 B 39 C
10 A 20 B 30 A 40 B
General comments
This examination paper provided a suitable challenge to the candidates. Candidates had sufficient time to
complete the paper within the time allowed.
Questions 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 16, 18, 19, 27 and 37 were found to be easier. Questions 10, 12, 14, 23, 26 and 38
were found to be particularly difficult.
Question 10
Each Mn atom is reduced in oxidation state by 3, each sulfur atom is oxidised in oxidation state by 2, so
candidates can start with:
2MnO4− + vH2O + 3SO32− → 2MnO2 + 3SO42− + zOH−.
Balancing for charge, it can be deduced that there must be 2OH−. Finally balancing for hydrogen and oxygen
2MnO4− + H2O + 3SO32− → 2MnO2 + 3SO42− + 2OH−.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 12
Question 14
Question 23
Question 26
Question 38
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9701/22
AS Level Structured Questions
Key messages
• Candidates are reminded to read questions carefully and check answers thoroughly, especially in
extended answers where more writing is required. The accurate use of chemical terminology is
welcomed, as it removes ambiguity from responses. Clear statement of fact is crucial in the presentation
of argument, and it is advised that only a narrow range of vocabulary be permitted when assessing
• Candidates are reminded to address ‘explain’ questions fully — not merely to state facts or general rules,
but also to show how these combine to give reasons for chemical phenomena. For example, a secure
understanding of bonding and structure within molecules, in particular for organic species, can then be
used to link structural features to mechanistic probabilities.
• Candidates are reminded that their working in calculations should be shown to ensure that due credit
can be awarded. Harsh or early rounding of numbers should be avoided, as it leads to sizable
inaccuracies later.
General comments
This paper tested candidates’ knowledge and understanding of important aspects of AS Level Chemistry.
The large majority of questions were single-mark or two-mark items, allowing marks to be awarded across
the entire range of questions; candidates were able to score well on both AO1 and AO2 items, though some
AO2 questions were answered vaguely.
Candidates need to be clear about the difference between items that ask them to state information, and
those that ask them to explain: in this latter case, it is not sufficient to quote a ‘rule’ by way of evidence:
proper reasoning needs to be incorporated into an answer.
Scripts were generally clear and well presented. As a general point of presentation, answers written in pencil
and then overlaid with ink without rubbing out the pencil are difficult to read. Papers should be cleaned of
debris from erasers, as this too affects the legibility of responses. Candidates should be able to write all
answers in the spaces provided.
Question 1
This short question tested candidates’ knowledge and reasoning in the context of ionisation energies. Each
of the questions that asked for explanations were reasonably well attempted from the point of factual recall.
Candidates are reminded to include all factors involved and to synthesise and compare the competing
variables in their answers.
(a) Some candidates gave ionisation incorrectly to be a reductive process. Most candidates were able
to provide the correct state symbols.
(b) (i) The best responses were clear in their use of terminology, citing the increased attraction of the
nucleus for the outer electrons despite the mitigating factor of shielding.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(ii) Many candidates wrote well about spin-pair repulsion but neglected the increased nuclear charge
that, although outweighed, still contributes to the effect.
(c) This was well answered by many candidates. Some candidates saw the largest jump between
energies as after the first ionisation.
Question 2
This inorganic and physical chemistry question had a bias towards AO1, which candidates were able to
tackle well. Later questions about sulfur / nitrogen and equilibria seemed less familiar topics.
(a) (i) Candidates are pointed to the syllabus definitions which cite the gain of electrons or the change of
oxidation state.
(ii) This was answered well by many candidates; the inclusion of H2 as a product was frequently seen.
(ii) Fewer candidates were able to answer this question correctly. Both NaAl O2 and NaAl (OH)4 were
accepted as products in suitably balanced equations.
(iii) Candidates are advised to use diagrams where possible to help their answers, as these tend to be
less ambiguous. Reference to the increase frequency of successful collisions, rather than just a
statement of ‘more’ successful collisions was seen in better responses.
(c) (i) Many candidates were able to identify structure and bonding correctly but without justification.
Good responses included reference to the low melting point (simple) and hydrolysis (covalent).
Simple repetition of wording in the stem was not credited as an explanation.
(iii) This was answered well by many candidates. Common omissions / errors were the lack of a
negative sign or the summation of −1372 and −3012 rather than the difference.
(iv) Candidates are advised to remember that such hydrolysis reactions are not redox processes.
(d) (i) Some candidates erroneously reversed equation 1, ignoring the catalytic role of NO2 in the overall
process SO2 + O2 → SO3.
(ii) Many varied incorrect answers were given here, including VOCs and commonly CO.
(iii) Candidates who could interpret the graph were able to answer this question comprehensively.
Others struggled first to note that the temperature at 50 km is higher than that at 20 km, and then to
apply that to the equilibrium system.
Question 3
This question looked at the chemistry of halides within both an inorganic and organic context. Candidates
confused halogens and hydrogen halides in their earlier answers; knowledge of relative oxidising and
reducing strengths was not secure. The titration curves in (d)(ii) were the weakest answers of the paper.
(a) Most candidates could identify the trend correctly but then tried incorrectly to explain it in terms of
the thermal stability of the hydrogen halides.
(ii) This proved challenging to candidates and this is an area where practice of this type of question
would benefit candidates. Concentrated H2SO4 with NaCl is deemed to be an acid / base reaction
only, whereas the same with NaBr (or indeed NaI) is acid / base and then redox. Explanations
needed to relay the differing reducing strength of the halides.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(d) (i) Candidates are advised to be careful in their explanation of ‘strong’, as references to dissolution
rather than dissociation were often seen.
(ii) This question was not answered well by candidates, such that most were not able to recall the
typical sigmoid shape of a titration curve. Credit was given for the starting pH values, the steep
gradient at 25 cm3 and a reasonable final pH in each diagram.
(e) (i) Credit was available for accurate recall of a standard asymmetric electrophilic addition reaction.
Candidates needed to depict curly arrows carefully, with the tail emanating from a lone pair or the
middle of a bond and the head pointing clearly to its target (single atoms in this case). The carbon
backbone of the intermediate and the product needed to be consistently correct.
(ii) Candidates were expected to explain Markovnikoff’s rule, with reference to the structure of the
carbon backbone and a comparison of the inductive effects in both intermediates. There seemed to
be some confusion over secondary and tertiary structures.
(iii) Whereas many candidates were able to identify the products in water, those in ethanol were less
often correctly given. HBr was frequently given as the single inorganic product.
Question 4
Some recall and application of basic organic chemistry was well attempted by many, though precise recall of
reagents and identification of reaction types was not secure. Weaker responses included long lists which
often contained contradictory responses which cancelled out any credit initially gained.
(a) (i) The reactions of 2,4-DNPH and Tollens’ reagent were seemingly well known to candidates; fewer
were able to suggest what would happen with sodium metal.
(ii) Candidates mostly seemed to know that the structures needed to be mirror images of one another.
However, fewer answers were able to give sufficient correct detail to show non-superimposable
three-dimensional renditions. Structures were often represented as flat cross-shaped molecules, or
with an impossible arrangement of wedges and dashes.
(b) (i) Methanol was often identified correctly as the reactant, though the conditions were often left
(iii) Candidates are advised always to cite both the absorption frequency range and the
bond / functional group responsible for the absorption.
(iv) The reagents were well identified by candidates; the types of reaction were less well known.
Terminology was not well applied here.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9701/33
Advanced Practical Skills
Key messages
• It is essential that candidates and supervisors enter the information regarding session and laboratory on
the front cover of the paper so that candidates’ results can be matched with the relevant supervisor
• Candidates should be encouraged to reflect on the precision of apparatus used when providing
numerical answers.
• Candidates should be given opportunities to calculate percentage errors and suggest why their results
are different from theoretical values.
• Candidates should be given the opportunity to carry out practical exercises which lead to the graphical
representation of results so that the plotting of points and construction of lines of best fit is to the
required standard.
• Candidates should be given opportunities to discuss the reasons for carrying out practical procedures in
a particular way.
• Candidates should be given opportunities to select reagents and tests to identify unknown ions and to
record their observations using correct terminology, making use of the Qualitative analysis notes
provided at the end of every practical examination paper.
General comments
There appeared to be no time constraints with almost all candidates completing the paper.
During the exam, the supervisor must carry out all the experiments and record the results on a spare copy of
the question paper, clearly labelled ‘supervisor’s results’. Results for all three questions should be recorded.
Problems with results arising from faulty chemicals or apparatus should be noted in the supervisor’s report
and are taken into consideration by the principal examiner.
Centres are reminded that the identities of chemicals labelled with letter codes may be different from their
descriptions in the question paper. This is stated on page 5 of the Confidential Instructions.
Question 1
(a) Candidates should be reminded that thermometers calibrated at 1 °C should be read to the nearest
0.5 °C. Most candidates performed the practical work well and gained credit for accuracy.
(b) (i) Centres should ensure candidates have learned graphing skills. Few candidates gained more than
3 of the 4 marks available. Almost all candidates assigned the correct variable to each axis.
Candidates were less confident in selecting a suitable scale (so the points and any extension used
at least half the grid) and in drawing a suitable line of best fit. Candidates should be encouraged to
use a simple scale such as 1, 2, 4 or 5 to a 20 mm square. Use of, for example, 3 or 7 to a 20 mm
square usually led to plotting errors. When plotting their results, candidates need to be precise.
They should be encouraged to use a sharp pencil and be reminded that any point that should be on
a line has its centre on that line.
Each line of best fit may be straight or a smooth curve. Candidates are instructed to label
anomalous points and should either circle or otherwise label these points. A line of best fit should
have points balanced either side of the line and not be capable of rotation.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(ii) Candidates needed to use the scales on their graph to give the volume of acid required. Integer
answers were insufficiently accurate to gain credit. In many cases an answer to two decimal places
could not be supported from the position of the intercept of the lines of best fit.
(iii) Not all candidates realised that they should be using the stoichiometry shown in the equation at the
start of the question.
(c) (i) It was uncommon for candidates to refer to their graph as required in the question. Many
responses were vague and did not state how the two thermometer readings would be processed. A
typical answer which was not awarded credit was ‘subtract the lowest temperature from the
(ii) The question asks for the error to be compared with the theoretical value. Some candidates divided
by −55.2 instead of the textbook value.
(iii) Only better performing candidates answered this part at the level expected. Candidates needed to
state that a less negative ΔH results from a smaller ΔT, as well as giving reasons for this. Many
answers referred to heat loss to the surroundings without any further explanation. Many candidates
appear unaware of the difference between heat and temperature.
Question 2
(a) Most candidates presented their data in the manner required and a large majority of candidates
gained credit for accuracy. Candidates were less successful in recording the burette readings for
the rough titre. Some candidates read burettes only to 0.1 cm3. Centres should remind candidates
that the boxes labelled I to VII on the right of the page are for the examiner’s use.
(b) Most candidates clearly showed how they obtained the mean value. However, some selected titres
with a wider range than 0.20 cm3. Some did not give the answer correct to two decimal places and
a small number did not indicate which titre values they used to calculate the mean value.
(c) (i) Candidates should give final answers that reflect the precision of the apparatus and concentrations
of solutions used. Some candidates correctly wrote that their answers should be to three or four
significant figures but then did not do so.
(ii) Almost all candidates correctly calculated the amount of sodium thiosulfate reacting with the
remaining iodine. Some candidates did not use the stoichiometry of the equation so could not be
awarded credit.
(iii) Almost all candidates correctly calculated the initial amount of iodine. However, not all subtracted
(c)(ii) for the amount of iodine that reacted with the sodium sulfite.
(iv) Answering this question required candidates to look at the information given at the start of the
question. As 10.0 cm3 of FA 3 was pipetted and the stoichiometry in the sulfite : iodine equation is
1 : 1 the answer to (c)(iii) should have been multiplied by 100.
(v) Many candidates found this part challenging. However, there was a significant minority who
performed well. Candidates should be reminded to use relative atomic masses to one decimal
place as given in the Periodic Table at the back of the examination paper. Some candidates
confused the moles of hydrated with moles of anhydrous sodium sulfite. It is important that
candidates are reminded to read information given in the questions carefully. Although candidates
were told at the start of the question that x is an integer, a minority of candidates gave x to one or
more decimal places.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(d) Few candidates gained credit for this part. The least common correct response involved the slow
rate of reaction of thiosulfate and hydrogen ions. A number of candidates stated they either agreed
or disagreed with the student without any explanation. Others gave an incomplete explanation such
as ‘the sodium carbonate would react.’
Question 3
(a) (i) Many candidates gained credit for their observations. Some candidates appeared unaware of the
correct terminology. A ‘white solution’ is a contradiction in terms. A solution may be coloured or
colourless; it cannot be opaque so cannot appear white. Candidates should be reminded to give
the initial colour of a reagent such as acidified aqueous potassium manganate(VII) as it is the
change in colour of such a reagent that shows whether a reaction has taken place.
(ii) Some candidates gave the names instead of the formulae of the ions.
(b) (i) Almost all candidates correctly selected aqueous sodium hydroxide and aqueous ammonia as their
reagents and most used these reagents to excess. The most common omissions were warming the
unknowns with aqueous sodium hydroxide or not using (red) litmus paper to test any gas evolved.
Some candidates incorrectly detected ammonia after warming FA 7 with sodium hydroxide and
then did not warm the FA 8 and sodium hydroxide mixture. A small number of candidates
incorrectly reported ‘soluble white precipitate’ for FA 8 reacting with sodium hydroxide. Candidates
should be reminded to make use of the Qualitative analysis notes.
(ii) A conclusion, even if a correct identity of an ion, cannot be accepted unless there is supporting
evidence: some candidates reported FA 8 contained Al 3+ ions with either incomplete or incorrect
evidence. A few candidates suggested FA 7 contained Na+ ions, rather than the expected answer
of ‘unknown’, with no indication that they had carried out a flame test. (Flame tests for cations are
not specified on the current syllabus.)
(iii) The equations involving the precipitation of aluminium hydroxide or the production of ammonia
were most commonly seen. However, some candidates did not balance their equations. Others
either omitted or gave incorrect state symbols.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9701/42
A Level Structured Questions
Key messages
• Candidates need to ensure that corrected work is clear to read; work that is crossed out should be very
clearly crossed out and never overwritten with the new answer.
• Chemical equations, ionic equations and half-equations should always be balanced for substances and
• In organic reaction mechanisms, the starting and finishing points of curly arrows is a key part in the
description of the mechanisms.
General comments
This paper gave candidates of all abilities the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding
of a wide range of Chemistry topics. Candidates who had prepared well for the examination were able to
attempt all the questions. Many candidates were able to work through to the end of the paper.
Question 1
(a) (i) This was generally well answered, many candidates identified H2O2 as an oxidising agent. The
ionic equation was found to be more challenging. Common errors included omission of H+ or
having O2 and H2 as products.
(ii) A minority of candidates were able to successfully calculate the correct mass of iodine. Some
errors included:
• 0.396 g (from 93.8 = (0.390 / 15) ÷ (x – 0.390 / 20)) or
• 0.384 g (from 93.8 = (0.390 / 15) ÷ (0.390 – x / 20)).
(iii) Most candidates found this question difficult. Some thought iodine is polar and more soluble in
(b) (i) This was well known. A few candidates gave the definition for the enthalpy change of hydration
instead of solution.
(iii) Candidates performed well on this question. A common error was stating that the lattice energy
became less negative due to the decreasing electrostatic attraction between the nucleus and the
outer electrons.
(ii) This was not well known. Common errors included methyl orange and phenolphthalein.
(d) Many candidates found this question challenging, often leaving their equations unbalanced.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(e) This question discriminated well. Most candidates gave correct units; some did not work in
mol dm−3 (omission of ([Hg2+]) = 1.00 × 10–7 ÷ 454.4 = 2.20 × 10–10 (mol dm–3)). Candidates were
able to gain partial credit (error carried forward) for Ksp = 4.00 × 10–21.
Question 2
(ii) Many correct answers were seen. A common error was discussing the effect of temperature of an
endothermic reaction in terms of le Chatelier’s principle.
(b) (i) Most candidates calculated the correct entropy change of reaction. Common errors were +239
(omission of × 3) and +135 (sign error).
(ii) This was generally well answered. Common errors were not recognising reaction 3 is the reverse
reaction of reaction 2 and using ΔS = −135 J K–1 mol–1, or not changing ΔS to kJ for their
Question 3
(a) (i) This was generally answered well. Some definitions lacked precision.
(b) (i) Some candidates mistakenly stated that the d subshell was full.
(iii) This question was found to be difficult. Common errors included omission of H+ and unbalanced
(c) (i) Many candidates found this question challenging. Most candidates were able to recall the equation
∆G = −nE⦵cellF; many were unable to complete the calculation successfully. Common errors seen
were +1.13 V (Ecell calculated only) and +2.36 V (sign error).
(ii) Some good answers were seen but many gave equations that were unbalanced with charge,
stating H2 was formed instead of 2H+.
(iii) This definition was well known. Some candidates did not specify that two lone pairs from the ligand
formed a dative covalent bond to the central metal ion.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(iv) This was generally well answered. Some candidates had difficulty with drawing three-dimensional
diagrams of the other two isomers.
Some structures suggested were repeats of either stereoisomer 1 or one of those already credited.
(v) Many candidates found it difficult to identify the polar stereoisomers and provide a suitable
explanation. It was expected that the cis isomers were identified and stated that their dipoles did
not cancel. Some candidates just stated that polarity does not cancel, or the cis isomers are non-
Question 4
(a) (i) Most candidates could identify the other functional groups in either F or J but not both. Alcohol was
a common error.
(ii) This proved difficult for some candidates. Most managed to state the correct number of chiral
centres in one of the molecules.
(b) (i) Many good answers were seen; most correctly identified the organic product D. However, some
omitted one of the conditions for step 1 (Al Cl3) or step 4 (‘concentrated’ with HCl).
(ii) This was generally answered well. Most candidates were able to give the correct structure of G.
However, some omitted the directing effect of COOH in their explanation.
(c) (i) Many candidates found this difficult. The most common errors were C9H17O or C9H17OH.
(ii) This was generally well answered. Common errors included electrophilic substitution and reduction.
(d) (i) Many candidates found this difficult. The most common error was forming H+ instead of H2.
(iii) Many candidates were able to describe that the electronegative oxygen in the C=O weakens the
O–H bond further. However, some omitted that this will also stabilise the carboxylate anion.
(e) This proved difficult for many candidates and some answers lacked precision and sufficient detail,
for example stating that the OH group activates the benzene ring without explaining how, in terms
of the lone pair on the oxygen overlapping with the p-ring system and increasing the electron
density in the ring.
Question 5
(a) (i) Candidates performed well on this question. The most common error was writing an equation for
the hydrolysis of the chloroalkane.
(iii) Most candidates were able to identify that the electronegative chlorine weakens the O–H bond.
However, many did not link to the difference in the pH of the solutions in terms of acid strength, for
example, some stating CH3CHCl COOH is more acidic than CH3CH2 COOH.
(b) (i) This was generally answered well. However, some definitions omitted a reference to pH.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(v) This was usually well known. A common error was addition.
(ii) Many candidates were able to determine the half-life from the graph. Some showed that it was first
order as it has a constant half-life.
(iii) This was rarely credited. Candidates had to state that [NH3] stays constant and does not affect the
(iv) Many candidates found this question challenging. Some were able to use the information clearly to
show the rate was first order with respect to [NH3]. However, it was less common for candidates to
deduce that the reaction was SN2 due to the reaction being first order with respect to the [NH3] and
to [2-chloropropanoate].
(v) This question was generally answered well. Candidates often omitted that increasing temperature
leads to greater proportion of particles have E ⩾ EA.
(vi) Candidates were not confident in answering this question. This was only credited occasionally.
Question 6
(a) Most candidates found this question difficult. The most common error was the equation.
(b) Many candidates found this question challenging. Common errors were to act as a buffer solution
or to remove the chloride ions.
(c) Many candidates found this question challenging. Common errors included:
• omitting the dipole for the C=O bond
• omitting the lone pair on the N on the amine or on the O– in the intermediate
• omitting a curly arrow on the C=O bond
• directing the curly arrow from the N lone pair to an incorrect atom
• an incorrect intermediate structure.
(d) This proved difficult for many candidates. Many just stated that the N atom had a lone pair but
omitted that it would be ‘donated’.
(e) (i) Candidates found this difficult. Many identified the mobile phase as ethyl ethanoate; the stationary
phase was less well known.
(iii) This was found to be challenging. Many candidates did not give an adequate explanation. For
example, ‘X is less soluble in the mobile phase’.
(ii) This was generally well answered. Most candidates were able to identify that δ = 7.1 were H–Ar
protons; amide was a common error. Many got the type of proton for δ = 3.0 and 2.3 reversed.
(iii) This question discriminated well. Common errors were stating either 6 peaks or 8 peaks.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9701/52
Planning, Analysis and Evaluation
Key messages
• Candidates need to show full working when calculating percentage errors. It is key that they use 2 × 0.5
the graduation in certain apparatus as a basis for the percentage calculation rather than the interval
• Candidates need to be aware of the difference in the command to use three significant figures and three
decimal places. Candidates should be aware of the need to use an appropriate number of significant
figures in numerical answers even when a question does not specify an exact number of significant
figures. One significant figure will usually be insufficient at A Level.
General comments
In general, candidates seemed well-prepared for this exam, but it was noticeable that some of the basic
A Level practical techniques needed in Question 1 were not known.
Candidates need to read a question carefully. Many candidates did not include the origin in their line of best
fit in Question 2(d).
Question 1
(a) The majority of candidates correctly identified that the crucible should be left to cool before being
(b) Candidates found this question more challenging; relatively few realised that initial gentle heating
should be done to prevent the crystals spitting out.
(c) Very few candidates knew a crucible should be held in a crucible holder during heating. The most
common error was to use a pair of tongs.
(d) A significant number of candidates knew that the sample needed to be heated to constant mass to
complete the method. Weaker responses tended to try to explain the calculations involved in
processing data.
(e) (i) Better performing candidates were able to complete this straightforward calculation; others
struggled to cope with the data given. Weaker responses did not score as they were unable to
deduce which subtractions resulted in the mass of water removed or the mass of anhydrous solid
(ii) Most candidates were unable to state why the experimental value of x was greater than the
theoretical value. Many simply assumed not all the water of crystallisation had been driven off.
Better responses suggested the initial crystals may have been wet but very few spotted the obvious
answer that decomposition of the anhydrous copper(II) sulfate formed took place. Mass loss
through spitting was also credited.
© 2022
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9701 Chemistry March 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(f) Candidates need to clearly show how they derive answers. If the mass was 13.60 g, then the
balance must have intervals of 0.01 g and the reading of half this graduation could be made (i.e. to
the nearest 0.005 g). Furthermore, there needs to be two readings made. The expected working
( 0.005 × 2 )
× 100
× 100 was not accepted.
Question 2
(a) (i) Better performing candidates knew a standard solution was one of known concentration. Most
candidates suggested it was a solution made up under standard conditions.
(ii) Some good descriptions of how to produce stated volumes of standard solutions were seen. Many
determined that the true volume of pure ethanoic acid was 28.57 cm3 and realised that this volume
cannot be measured using standard laboratory volumetric apparatus so therefore 28.60 cm3 should
be used. Some candidates stated that this volume should be delivered straight from a burette but
went onto incorrectly suggest that the burette should be rinsed into the volumetric flask. In this
preparation, there was no need to transfer the pure ethanoic acid into an intermediate beaker but
candidates who chose this route could have still obtained full credit provided correct rinsing of the
beaker occurred.
(b) Most candidates knew that pure ethanoic acid was corrosive (or an irritant), although quite a few
did not actually say so, instead simply referring only to its effects.
(c) (i) Weaker responses confused three significant figures with three decimal places and sometimes the
rounding was incorrect.
(ii) The experimental dependent variable (i.e. the one directly measured in the experiment) was
conductivity. Many incorrectly opted for ‘molar conductivity’ which is processed rather than
recorded data.
(iii) Many candidates found it very difficult to express exactly what they meant. The conductivity of
distilled water is measured so that it can be subtracted from the conductivity of the solutions of
ethanoic acid - although, in practice, it will be two low to be significant. Answers in terms of a
control or calibration were accepted.
(d) The quality of point plotting was high as was, in general, the position of the line of best fit. A
significant number of candidates did not follow the instruction to include the origin in the line of best
(e) The anomaly was easily spotted, as was its probable cause due to incorrect dilution.
(f) (i) The most common error was selecting points on the line which were too close together. A
separation of at least 15 units on the y-axis was expected.
(ii) This was a challenging calculation and the units even more so. However, it caused few problems
for the better performing candidates.
(g) Many candidates had the correct idea that the experiment was valid because the experimental
result was within the range allowed by a 6.5 percentage error in the theoretical result; many found
difficulty in showing this using the numbers given.
© 2022