2 Lesson Plan Format PPP

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Universidad Catlica de la Santsima Concepcin

English Pedagogy
Teaching Practice
Adapted from University of Sussex
Class: Communicative Competence II

Date of lesson:

Time of lesson:

School: UCSC

Length of
60 minutes

Mara Jos Acua
Pamela Humeres

Main Aim:
Students will be able to use strategies in order to improve their performances in oral exams, orally.

First of all, I would like to say/state that
To begin with, I...................
In the first line, I.............

Assumed Knowledge:
Use of pronouns
Use of transition signals.
Elementary vocabulary use to describe.

Target Language: ( Linguistics items and their use, meaning, form)

Anticipated Problems:
-Lack of fluency
-Use of rising intonation instead of falling
intonation when using statements

and Solutions
-Provide students with strategies to help them
fulfill their fluency needs.
- Provide with examples and use clear intonation
at the moment of spakeing

PPT with an example of PET exam
Video with and example of a PET
oral examination



What I am going to do

-Teacher introduces the topic.

-Teacher presents a video with an
example of a PET exam.
-Teacher asks Ss. to answer a question
about the video.

What I am going to say

Instructions, CCQs, Feedback,etc





10 min


Good afternoon, today we will be

working with different techniques
that will help you to improve in your
upcoming oral exams.
1- First we are going to look a video,
and you will have to pay attention to
the different stages of the exam.
Now I would like you to tell me
according to the video : What do you
think is the best thing to do in an oral

-Teacher tells Ss. about their personal

favourite strategies for oral exams.


When I was in first year I was really

nervous about the Pet exam, and
what I do to feel more prepared was
practicing in front of a mirror and try
to look for common mistakes in my
speech. This strategy is called selfmonitoring

-Teacher provides Ss. with a list of

strategies that they can use.

I will give a list of strategies that are

really useful at the time of any oral


10 min


-Teacher asks Ss. to identify 3

personal strategies that they use in an
oral exam.

To go on with I would like you to

identify 3 personal strategies from
the list that you use at the moment of
an oral exam. You will have 1 minute.


15 min



- Teacher asks Ss. to rank the activities

according to their level of importance
for themselves.

Now according to your personal

experiences I would like you to rank
the strategies from the ones you
considered are the most important or
effective to the least ones. In 10


-Teacher explain the different parts of

an PET exam.
-Teacher asks Ss. to describe pictures.
-Teacher asks Ss. to discuss about a
agreement orally.

As you might know a PET exam has

4 different parts , the first one is
about personal information , and for
this you need to make sure that you
are able to spell your full name
correctly, the second part is the
individual one in which you will be
asked to only describe what you see,
so is very important to be aware of
all the different element in the
On the next part you will be ask to
discuss with each other about a
given topic and reach and agreement
, the most important element here is
you ability to interact so pay
attention to that .
Part number 4 it is a three-way
discussion (4 minutes)
You will be asked to discuss
(together with the other student and
the examiner) some ideas that are
connected with the joint task
presented on part 3 .

Now we will practice part 2 ,

the next pictures represent different
I would like you to describe one of
the scenarios that you see using as
much vocabulary as you can. You
will work in pair, and you will take
turns each of you needs to speak for

15 min

S.s S.s

2 minutes.

-The next situations needs to be

solve by you , with the arguments
according to them, your partner and
you need to reach an agreement on
the situation, for this you will have 10
minutes to talk and 3 minutes to
present your opinions.
A teacher is going to take a class of
15-year-olds on a school trip.
Talk together about the different
places the class could visit and
decide which trip the class would
enjoy most.

10 min
S.s S.s

POST LESSON COMMENTS: This class was developed for both of us and in general was really well distributed in time. We were able
to follow the lesson plan fairly well. Most of the issues were related with the technological devices that we used such as, the sound
devices which were not working properly. One of the problems that we face, were related with the students confidence, because even
though the activities were designed in order to encourage them to talk, it is still difficult for them to speak alone in front of the rest of
the class. But at the time of doing pair work is easier for them because it takes away the pressure, so it might be a good idea to work
or prepare activities to reinforce students confidence at the moment of speaking. The other issue is that we show them a digital copy
of a pdf file with useful expressions to use at the moment of the exam, and a printed copied would have been better. In general the
lesson was good and we achieve all the activities. The bound with the students is clearly evolving so this is reflected on the
classroom environment which were more relaxed in the second session.

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