Biome Book Assignment

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Name ________________________

Date _____________

Group members & page each member is responsible for:

Biome Childrens Book
You and your group will choose one of the biomes found on the Earth to research and write a
book designed for a third grade audience. The book will cover many aspects of a specific
ecosystem within that biome. In order to write your book, you must have an excellent
understanding of your biome and include all the items listed in the rubric. Also, remember
that a 3rd grade audience would like pictures so include as many pictures as you can in your
book. These pictures can be hand-drawn or computer-generated.
The requirements of the book are explained below.
You are to choose one of the biomes found on our planet. These biomes you may choose are:
Coniferous Forest
Ocean Pelagic
Streams and Rivers
Marine Benthic Zone
Intertidal Zones
Temperate Broadleaf Forest
Coral Reefs
Within the biome you have chosen, try to focus on a particular ecosystem. For example - Biome:
Tropical Rain Forest, Ecosystem: El Yunque Rainforest, Puerto Rico.

Your book should begin with a creative title page and illustration.
Within the context of your story, the following items must be included:
o Page 1:
A brief definition of the terms biome and ecosystem.
A geographic description of the biome/ecosystem chosen.
Abiotic factors: definition and how they affect the
Biotic factors: definition and how they affect the ecosystem.

Page 2:
Organisms found in this ecosystem:
Producers (4 minimum)
Consumers- primary, secondary, tertiary (6
minimum, 2 of each)
Decomposers (2 minimum)
Food web, including description, consisting of at least the
twelve different organisms listed above.
Page 3:
An energy pyramid of at least one food chain in your web,
including an explanation of how energy is lost or used
throughout the pyramid
Page 4:
The impact of human activity on this ecosystem, including a
prediction of what may happen to this ecosystem in the
Page 5:

Any and all sources used

Responses to the following questions:
1. What organisms are unique to your ecosystem
(would not be found in other ecosystems)?
2. Why is this ecosystem necessary to global
biodiversity? How would the earth be different if it
didnt exist?
3. Evaluate your overall group based on your 3 Cs
rubric. Which part of your project are you the most
proud of? Why?

The book will be graded on its biological accuracy, creativity, and the inclusion of the required topics.
The book will be worth 100 points and is due on October 6th. There will be a 5 pt. deduction per day for
late assignments. See the attached rubric to assist you in planning your group work:
Rubric for Biome Childrens Book
Points Possible
Criteria for Grading
Was the book written at a level a 3rd grader
could understand rather than copied from a
Were pictures included to attract the interest of
the reader?

Points Earned


Were each of the following required components included in the book?

A brief definition of the terms biome and ecosystem


A geographic description of the biome/ecosystem


Definition of abiotic factors and how they affect the


Definition of biotic factors and how they affect the

Organisms found in this ecosystem:
Minimum of 4 producers
Minimum of 6 consumers- 2 primary, 2
secondary, and 2 tertiary
Minimum of 2 decomposers
Description of a food web consisting of at least 12
different organisms, including names and levels.
An energy pyramid including explanation


The impact of human activity on this ecosystem,

including prediction of what may happen to the
ecosystem in the future.


All questions properly answered and work cited




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