Final Science Lesson Plan and Reflection
Final Science Lesson Plan and Reflection
Final Science Lesson Plan and Reflection
Understand what are the broad
Know what are the facts, rules,
generalizations the students should
specific data the students will gain
begin to develop? (These are
through this lesson? (These knows
typically difficult to assess in one
must be assessed in your lesson.)
Students will:
Students will:
U1-Understand that physical
K1-Know that color, texture, state,
properties remain the same even if
temperature, and ability to dissolve in
the visible material is reduced in size. water remain the same regardless of
the size of the material.
K2-Know the three states of matter.
K3-Know the physical properties of
solids, liquids, and gases.
A-Solids: hard, visible, do not
conform to the container they are in,
take up space, and have weight.
B-Liquids: they are poured, visible,
do not keep their shape, conform to
the container they are in, take up
space, and have weight.
C-Gases: invisible, conform to the
container they are in, take up space,
and have weight.
D2, K3
Oobleck discussion
K2, K3
Data Collected
They will tell me how they classify
oobleck and why they classify it in
that way. It will enable me to see if
they understand the characteristics of
I will be able to see their thinking in
writing. They will also discuss with
me their thoughts and I will jot down
their misconceptions.
They should write down that they at
least know the three states of matter
and what they are, hopefully some
characteristics of each as well.
Paper materials
o Grouping cards
o Note-taking sheets
Discrepant Event:
o Empty 2-liter bottle
o A balloon
o Sheets of paper (1 per student)
o Ice (2 pieces per student)
o Pieces of fabric (a small square per student)
o Scissors (3 per table)
o Water for the table to use
o Vinegar for the table to use
o Applesauce for the table to use
o Ladles for the table to use
o Tubes for the table to use
o Bowls for the table to use
o Empty plastic water bottle
o Funnel
o About 1-2 inches of white/distilled vinegar in the bottom of the bottle (a bottle)
o 2 tablespoons of baking soda for each group (6 tablespoons total)
o 1 balloon for each group (3 total)
o Cornstarch (3 spoonfuls per student)
o Water (2 spoonfuls per student)
o Plastic spoons (1 per student)
o Plastic cups (1 per student)
o Plastic plates (1 per student)
o Ziploc bags (1 per student to take home the oobleck)
o Give Me Five response papers
I will explain the following expectations for our lab: handle equipment carefully, pay attention to
the procedures/directions at each station, record notes on your note-taking form to be able to
discuss your findings later, work with your group cooperatively, and to think hard about why
matter works the way it does.
I will show the students the note-taking form and explain to them that their answers do not need
to be in complete sentences. They are allowed to put a few words or draw a picture if theyd
Implementation of the Lesson (specific procedures and directions for teacher and students)
Solids station: (8 minutes)
Students will break apart three different materials in order to see that the physical
properties (color, temperature, texture, and ability to dissolve) dont change if the
material is smaller than the original.
o Paper
o Ice
o Fabric
Once 7 minutes has passed, I will ask students to turn and talk with a partner about
their findings in this experiment. I will give them 1 minute to do so before moving on
to the next activity.
Liquids station: (8 minutes)
Have students pour water, vegetable oil, and applesauce into different containers to
show that the liquids take the shape of whatever they are poured into.
Once 7 minutes has passed, I will ask students to turn and talk with a partner about
their findings in this experiment. I will give them 1 minute to do so before moving on
to the next activity.
Gases station: (8 minutes)
Have students watch a teacher inflate a balloon using vinegar and baking soda.
Discuss with the students:
o Where is the gas in this experiment?
o Who has a hypothesis about how the gas got there? (Chemical reaction)
o Did the gas take the shape of the balloon? How do you know?
o Does the gas in this experiment take up space? How do you know?
Have students fill out their note-taking form from their observations of the
Once 7 minutes has passed, I will ask students to turn and talk with a partner about
their findings in this experiment. I will give them 1 minute to do so before moving on
to the next activity.
Before moving on to the oobleck experiment we will have a short discussion about each of the
Solids: I will ask what the students found.
o Did any of the properties change when the solids changed in size? If someone
thinks one did change, show them that they should not change by quickly
performing the experiment.
o Explain that the physical properties of solids do not change based on their
size. This is true for liquids and gases as well.
Liquids: I will ask the students for their observations.
o Did all of the liquids look the same?
o Then why did they all take the shape of whatever object they were being
poured into?
o I will explain that no matter the liquid, they will all take the shape of what
they are being poured into.
o Did the gas take up space?
o Did the gas take the shape of the object it was put into?
o How are gases and liquids similar?
Oobleck experiment: (20 minutes)
To transition from the group work and discussion to the oobleck experiment, I will
explain that now we know so much about solids, liquids, and gases, we are going to
work with a tricky piece of matter.
We will do this experiment as a class.
Students will make oobleck by mixing 3 spoonfuls of cornstarch with 2 spoonfuls of
water in their plastic cup. They will stir it using their plastic spoons.
Once the oobleck is stirred, the students will be asked to fill in their note-taking form,
which has directions on it.
We will have a class discussion about what students think the state of matter of
oobleck is. I expect there to be some disagreements, so we will create a concept map
describing the physical properties of oobleck and categorizing them into solids,
liquids, and gases. I will write their responses on the board when they shout them out.
Once we have discussed how difficult it is to decide what oobleck is, I will explain to
them that oobleck is a non-rigid solid. I will explain that every piece of matter does
not fit perfectly into a state, but there are some oddballs like oobleck.
The reason I put oobleck last as a class is because they will have already had the
opportunity to explore solids, liquids and gases. This will give them some
background knowledge to work with when we are discussing the properties.
Closure (5 minutes)
Before our final activity I will ask students to think again about the discrepant event at the
beginning of the lesson.
I will explain to them that the reason the balloon will not blow up the first time is because there
is already air in the bottle that does not let the balloon blow up. Once a hole is put in the bottle,
the air has somewhere to go so it can be blown up.
I will have students complete a FACT to show me that they know the properties of solids,
liquids, and gases. While there was no direct, these are the properties, I hope they will be able
to think critically about what they did in their experiments to come up with the properties listed
in the objectives.
The FACT the students will use is #22 in Keeleys Science Formative Assessment, Give Me
Five. They will answer the following question in no more than a few sentences:
How did this lesson help you understand the states of matter?
I will have five students answer the question verbally.
Clean-Up (if required) (5 minutes to clean up, 5 minutes to walk back to the classroom)
Have students wash their hands.
Throw away all oobleck.
Put the other materials back in the bags they were originally in.
My biggest fear is that we will not have enough time to complete all of the experiment stations
in the lab. I do have an hour and 15 minutes to work on this and my teacher said it would be fine if I
ran over a little, but I want to make sure it all gets in. I will make sure to keep a timer going so I do
not forget to ask students to turn and talk and then to move on to the next station. If we absolutely
have to stop before oobleck, I can make it myself and we can pass it around rather than everyone
making their own. It wouldnt be quite as fun, but they would still be able to enjoy the oobleck while
learning. I am also nervous about having enough materials. In order to make sure this does not go
wrong, I will bring a lot of extra materials just in case. Finally, I am worried about the ice melting
throughout the day before we get to the experiment for solids. Hopefully there is a freezer that I can
use somewhere, but if not I will find a cooler to keep it in.
Whole solid
Smaller solid
Will it dissolve?:
Will it dissolve?:
Will it dissolve?:
Will it dissolve?:
Will it dissolve?:
Will it dissolve?:
1) Using the three liquids on your table, experiment to see if they will take the shape of whatever they
are poured into.
2) Write notes about each liquid here:
Do they all take the shape of the object they are poured into? Why?
After watching the teacher do the experiment, jot down a few notes about what you saw and the discussion
questions you answered with the teacher.
While experimenting with oobleck, please record your results for the following tests:
1) What state of matter does it look like?
2) Poke it quickly and poke it slowly, is there a difference in how it looks and feels? Explain.
3) Stir it quickly and stir it slowly, is there a difference in how it looks and feels? Explain.
into. Addressing these and other common misconceptions about matter will help make sure they do not get the ideas
stuck in their head for the long term.
IV. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about
young children as learners?
This lesson showed me just how excited children get about experiments and doing new things. They never get
to go to the engineering lab, so that was a big excitement for them, and they had only done very few experimenting in
their past as students. When I first told them we were going to do experiments in the engineering lab they looked at
me like I was a saint. They talked about it for weeks before we actually got to go. It was nice to know they were
excited, but also showed me that anticipation can be a great thing. While I think some of them struggled with the notetaking form, overall they enjoyed the lab and were engaged the entire time. Being that they were so engaged, they
were well behaved.
I also learned that third graders are still struggling to multitask. I thought that they would be able to do so at
this age, but that was false for the most part. Some students did great with completing tasks and taking notes, but most
did not. That is also probably due to the fact that they had not been exposed to this kind of learning before, so it was
something new. New is often difficult, but being that I modeled it helped them understand the expectations I had for
V. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about
Modeling is key to understanding. I really recognized that when I was explaining the tasks to the students they
were just staring at me, but when I modeled the tasks they checked back in and understood the assignment. I was also
sure to ask if anyone had questions after each part of the lab so they were able to get their confusions out of the way
immediately rather than holding onto it and having it possibly become a misconception. Knowing these
misconceptions is helpful as a teacher. Since I wasnt aware of what the students may have thought before the lesson,
it would be helpful in the future to really dig into their knowledge to see what they know, what they do not know, and
what misconceptions they have. Addressing these misconceptions off the bat will make sure they dont make those
same mistakes in thought during the lab.
VI. As a result of planning and teaching this lesson, what have you learned or had reinforced about
This lesson helped reinforce that I am very comfortable in the classroom and with students. I really enjoyed
this lesson and the kids seemed to as well. I also learned that co-teaching may be a struggle for me since I did not
work well with my cooperating teacher jumping in all the time. Maybe if I knew he was going to make comments it
would be a different story, but random jumping in was frustrating. Finally, this lesson reinforced that I am really
comfortable getting messy with the kids. I think this comes somewhat from my summers working as a camp counselor
and constantly getting messy and exploring with the kids, but Im glad to see that didnt disappear in the classroom. I
really believe that exploring and experimenting with the students will help foster a stronger classroom community and
thus better teacher-student relationships.