MTCC Fungi Catalogue
MTCC Fungi Catalogue
MTCC Fungi Catalogue
Absidia psychrophila Hesseltine and Ellis Acremonium implicatum (J.C. Gilman and
518T IMI197671, ATCC24170, CBS 128.68, E.V. Abbott) W. Gams
(7, 20ºC), Type strain, Mycologia 2025 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
56:568, 1964
MTCC Fungi Page No. 2
Acremonium recifei (Laeo and Lobo) 2602 R.B. Srivastava, Aircraft fuel, (65,
W. Gams 25ºC)
2027 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
2603 G. Nanda, Decaying vegetation, (65,
3570T CBS137.35, IHEM4405, RV17050, 30ºC)
(39, 25ºC), Type strain, Pathogenic
to humans (mycetoma) 3072 M.P.S. Bakshi, wheat straw, (37,
Acremonium sp.
2599 R.K.S. Kushwaha, (7, 30ºC), 3073 M.P.S. Bakshi, wheat straw, (37,
keratinolytic, Mycologia 75:977, 25ºC)
Acrodictys erecta (EIlis and Everhart) Ellis
3106 M.P.S. Bakshi, wheat straw, (37, 3400 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead logs, (37,
25ºC) 25ºC)
1792 H.S. Garcha and R.P.S. Dhaliwal, 3477 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(7, 25ºC), Edible Fungus, Science and (39, 25ºC)
cultivation of edible fungi, Maher
(ed.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1991 3793 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
1793 H.S. Garcha and R.P.S. Dhaliwal, 3880 K.S. Verma, Leaves of Pear, (7, 25ºC)
(7, 25ºC), Edible fungus, higher yield,
Science and cultivation of edible 4123 R.C. Rajak and R. Thakur, Leaves of
fungi, Maher (ed.), Balkema, Lantana camera, (37, 25ºC)
Rotterdam, 1991
4354 T.S. Suryanarayanan, Leaves of
Agaricus bitorquis (Quelet) Saccardo Lumnitzera racemosa, (37, 25ºC)
1794 H.S. Garcha and R.P.S. Dhaliwal,
(7, 30ºC), Edible Fungus, Hard fruit 6572 O. Prakash, Plant, (37, 25ºC)
bodies, low yield, Mushroom Science
11:367, 1981 7202 P.K. Chakrabarti, Sunflower leaves,
(37, 25ºC)
Agaricus campestris Linnaeus
972 ATCC26815, NBRC (IFO) 8103, (7, Alternaria brassicicola (Schweinitz) Wiltshire
25ºC), Mushroom Sci. 5:218, 1963, 2102 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
Appl. Microbiol. 2:170, 1954
Alternaria calendulae Nirenberg
Agaricus heterocystis Heinem 1207T DSM63161, ATCC38903, CBS224.76,
4124 K. Natarajan, Grassland, (7, 25ºC), IMI205077, (49, 20ºC), Type strain,
edible mushroom Phytopath. Z. 88:106, 1977
Agaricus trisulphuratus Berkeley Alternaria citri (Ellis and Pierce) Bliss and
4125 K. Natarajan, Soil among litter, Fawcett
(7, 25ºC) 342T ITCC1663, (37, 30ºC)
Agrocybe cylindracea (de Candolle) Gillet 4875 H. Dhanoa, Citrus leaves, (37, 25ºC)
922 ATCC36045, (97, 25ºC), Folia
Microbiol. 20:519, 1975 Alternaria dauci (J.G. Kuhn) J.W. Groves and
Allomyces arbuscula E.J. Butler 2045 D.A. Padmanaban (37, 25ºC)
477 ATCC10983, (100, 25ºC)
Alternaria helianthi (Hansford) Tubaki and
Allomyces reticulatus R. Emerson and Nishihara
J.A. Robertson 2059 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC), Black
1061T ATCC42465, (100, 25ºC), Type strain, light recommended for sporulation
Am. J. Bot. 61:313, 1974
4281 C. Manoharachary, Litter, (37, 25ºC)
Alternaria alternata (Fries) von Keissler
149 NCIM718, (37, 30ºC) Alternaria solani (Ellis and Martin) Jenes and
1362 ATCC6663, (99, 25ºC), Allergenic 2101 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
fraction (ALT-I), Black light
recommended for sporulation, J. Alternaria sp.
Allergy Clin. Immunol. 66:138, 1980 3657 Rajaram, (37, 25ºC)
1779 D.S. Arora and G.S. Prasad, Soil, 4882 S. Jain, Pear, (37, 25ºC)
(37, 25ºC)
6775 M.C. Manna, Sewage water, (37,
2060 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC), Black 25ºC)
light recommended for sporulation
7150 P.K. Chakrabarti, Sunflower leaves,
2604 D.A. Padmanaban, Air, (37, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC)
Aniptodera salsuginosa Nakagiri and Tad. Ito Arthrinium sacchari (Spegazzini) M.B. Ellis
2521T NBRC (IFO) 32577, (108, 25ºC), Type 7362 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
strain, Mycol. Res. 98:931, 1994 (37, 25ºC)
Antrodia taxa T.T. Chang and W.W. Chou 6784 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (37,
3407 T T.T. Chang, (65, 25ºC), Type strain, 25ºC)
Causes brown rot, Mycol. Res. 103:
62, 1999 Arthrobotrys conoides Drechsler
721 M.B. Jaffar, ATCC44454, CBS265.83,
Antrodia xantha (Fries) Ryvarden DSM2022, (38, 25ºC), Production of
1112 CBS155.79, (38, 25ºC) collagenase, Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
40:567, 1980, Appl. Environ.
Apiosordaria yaeyamensis Morinaga, Utatsu Microbiol. 40:694, 1980
and Minoura
1293 T NBRC (IFO) 31170, (38, 25ºC), Type 3640 T CBS108.37, ATCC15594, (38, 25ºC),
strain, Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan Type strain
20:493, 1979
Arthrobotrys oligospora Fresenius
Aplosporella beaumontiana Ahmad 421 ATCC24927, CBS115.81, DSM1491,
7235 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (37, (38, 25ºC), Nematode-trapping,
MTCC Fungi Page No. 5
3267 Kelkar Education Trust, Plant, 6776 B.B. Mishra, Vegetable, (117, 25ºC)
(117, 25ºC)
6995 R.N. Rao, Industrial effluent, (117,
3762 D. Banerjee, Forest soil, (117, 25ºC), 25ºC)
Production of tannase
7383 R.S. Prakasham, Onion, (117, 25ºC)
4470 T.C. Bhalla, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
Aspergillus brevipes G. Smith
7141 H.H. Patel, Rhizosphere soil, 1988T ATCC16899, CBS118.53, NBRC (IFO)
(117, 25ºC) 5821, IMI51494iii, WB4224, Soil,
(43, 25ºC), Type strain
Aspergillus allahabadii B.S. Mehrotra and
Agnihotri Aspergillus caespitosus Raper and Thom
2738 D.A. Padmanaban, Laboratory 962T ATCC11256, CBS103.45, IMI16034,
contaminant, (117, 25ºC) (117, 25ºC), Type strain, Production
of verruculogen and fumitremorgin
2792 V.S. Rathore, Soil, (65, 25ºC) B,3-methyl-6-methoxy-8-hydroxy, 3 -
4-dihydrosocaumarin, Mycologia 36:
3561T CBS164.63, ATCC15055, IMI139273, 563, 1944, Appl. Microbiol. 29: 706,
(65, 25ºC), Type strain 1975, ibid. 129:857, 1975
3758 D.A. Padmanaban, Laboratory 6326 B.S. Chadha, Compost, (117, 37ºC)
contaminant, (65, 25ºC)
Aspergillus candidus Link
4331 R.H. Balasubramanya, Deteriorating 1989 ATCC13686, IMI78734, (117, 25ºC),
wood, (117, 25ºC) Production of candidulin, Arch.
Biochem. 23:256, 1949
Aspergillus asperescens Stolk
1380T DSM871, ATCC11079, CBS110.51, 2202 DMSRDE460, Binocular, (117, 25ºC)
IMI46813, (117, 25ºC), Type strain,
Production of humicolin, Bot. Rev. 4342 H. Dhanoa, Laboratory contaminant,
17:357, 1951 (117, 25ºC)
2456 U. George, Decomposing tea waste 4872 T. Raman, Soil, (117, 25ºC), Production
(117, 25ºC), Degradation of tea of lipases
Aspergillus carneus (van Tiegham) Blochwitz
2879 R.C. Ray, Sweet potato, (117, 25ºC) 6485 V. Nanjundiah, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
Aspergillus ficuum (Reichardt) Hennings 2590 D.K. Markandey, Waste disposal site,
3691 P. Ramasamy, Crab, (117, 25ºC) (117, 30ºC), Ability to grow on
alkaline textile waste
Aspergillus fischeri Wehmer
150 NCIM508, IMI16143, (117, 30ºC) 2786 V.S. Rathore, Sugar factory effluent
canal, (117, 25ºC)
4883 N. Tripathi, Soil, (65, 25ºC), Gilman
Joesph, 1959, A manual of soil fungi, 2798 M.A. Klich, NRRL18079, Cotton
Iowa State University Press, Ames: seed, (117, 25ºC), Production of
231, 1959 aflatoxin, Patent strain
2799 M.A. Klich, Cotton seed, (117, 25ºC),
Aspergillus flavipes (Bainier and Sartory) Production of aflatoxin
Thom and Church
1990 ATCC1030, (49, 25ºC), Transformation 2813 D.S. Arora, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
Transformation of sesqueterpene
lactone constunolide, Production of 3306 D.K. Sahoo, Tea garden soil, (65,
didehydroglucine and ipipramine, 25ºC)
Oxidation of chrysanthemic acid, J.
Chem. Soc. Perkin. Trans. 3022, 3378 D.A. Padmanaban, Air, (117, 25ºC)
1979, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 14:
1243, 1981, J. Pharm. Sci. 70:151, 3380 K.D.S. Yadav, Soil, (117, 25ºC),
1981, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 54: Production of extracellular
2268, 1988 alpha-L-rhamnosidase
3796 S.C. Kundu, Molasses, (117, 25ºC) 3396 M. Banerjee, Air, (117, 25ºC)
4644 K.D.S. Yadav, Corn grain, 3518 S. Kumar, Air, (117, 25ºC)
(117, 25ºC), Production of
α-L-rhamnosidase 3528 N.V. Fadnavis, Contaminated plates,
(117, 25ºC)
6337 R.K.S. Khushwaha, Soil, (117, 25ºC),
keratinophilic 3682 U.B. Raul, Plant, (117, 25ºC)
873 D.S. Arora and P. Manimohan, Soil, 6323 P. Goswami, (117, 25ºC), Production
(117, 30ºC) of redox enzymes
1783 D.S. Arora, Soil, (49, 25ºC) 6334 B.S. Chadha, Soil, (117, 37ºC)
1883 A.K. Srivastava, Polluted water, 6585 S. Parvathi, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
(117, 25ºC)
6589 P.S. Minhas, Seawage water,
1884 R.P. Singh, Vegetable waste, (117, 25ºC)
(117, 25ºC)
6674 A. Balu, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
2206 DMSRDE944, Foam compound,
(117, 25ºC) 6750 R. Banerjee, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
2501 D.K. Sahoo, Soil samples from paper 6998 C. Acharya, Uranium mine, (117,
and pulp mill, (117, 25ºC), Production 25ºC)
of laccase
7133 P. Prema, Mangrove soil, (117, 25ºC)
2579 D.P. Modak, Jute mill, (117, 25ºC)
7134 P. Prema, Mangrove soil, (117, 25ºC)
Aspergillus flavus var. columnaris Raper and 4873 J. Venkata Rao, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
1973T CBS485.65, ATCC16870, NBRC 6322 R. Puvanakrishnan, Tannery,
(IFO)5324, IMI124932, Butter, (117, 25ºC)
(65, 25ºC), Type strain
6772 M.C. Manna, Sewage water, (117,
Aspergillus foetidus Thom and Raper 25ºC)
151 NCIM505, (117, 30ºC), Production of
pectic enzymes Aspergillus foetidus van Tieghem
3837 R.P. Singh, Soil, (117, 25ºC),
508 IMI41871, CBS618.78, NBRC (IFO) Production of sclerotia in culture
739, (117, 25C), Virus infected strain,
Production of citric acid, amylase in 3838 R.P. Singh, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
submerged culture, alcohol and cattle-
feed from alkaline potato peel waste, Aspergillus fumigatus Fresenius
Degradation of betacyanin and 343 ITCC2550, Uranium waste, (117,
betaxanthin, J. Bact. 54:159, 1947, J. 30ºC)
Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 19:385, 1973,
Tetrahedron 36:1895, 1980, J. Appl. 870 D.S. Arora and P. Manimohan, Soil,
Chem. 2:395, 1952. (117, 30ºC)
3737 V. Pruthi, Plant, (65, 25ºC) 3070 M.P.S. Bakshi, Wheat straw, (117,
4614 A. Radhakrishna, Plant, (117, 25ºC)
3341 D. Goswami, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
4623 S. Jain, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
3377 K.D.S. Yadav, Soil, (65, 25ºC),
Production of extracellular
MTCC Fungi Page No. 9
4334 G. Singh, Lignite, (117, 25ºC) 803 FGSCA279, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, Utilization of alantoic acid
4631 S. Jain, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
804 FGSCA649, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
4897 U. Gupta, Compost, (117, 25ºC) stock, acetate non-utilization
4964 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (65, 25ºC) 805 FGSCA36, (78, 37ºC), Genetic stock,
resistant to acriflavine
6478 V. Nanjundiah, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
806 FGSCA230, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
6482 V. Nanjundiah, Soil, (117, 25ºC) stock, requires arginine
6491 V. Nanjundiah, Soil, (117, 25ºC) 816 FGSCA268, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, blue ascospores
6495 B.S. Chadha, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
817 FGSCA277, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
6498 B.S. Chadha, Soil, (117, 25ºC) stock, requires histidine
6500 B.S. Chadha, (117, 25ºC) 818 FGSCA38, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, requires lysine, conidia white
6570 O. Prakash, Leaves of Amla,
(117, 25ºC) 819 FGSCA725, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, temperature sensitive (tsE6)
6594 Uma Bala, Skin nodule from a male
patient, (117, 25ºC) 831 FGSCA661, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, extracellular protease
6992 A.K. Mishra, (117, 25ºC)
832 FGSCA610, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
7132 P. Prema, Mangrove soil, (117, 25ºC) stock, Main meiotic standards,
requiring lysine, conidia white
7136 P.D. Desai, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
833 FGSCA611, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
7391 V. Nanjundiah, (117, 25ºC) stock, main meiotic standards
1209 FGSCA607, (78, 37ºC), Genetic 1835 FGSCA670, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, Strain for teaching meiotic stock, pabaA1, biA1; AcrA1;
recombination facA303; manA1, Mannose non-
utilization "linkage gr:VIIIR"
1210 FGSCA452, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, strain for teaching meiotic 1836 FGSCA241, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
recombination stock, biA1; pacA1, Acid phosphatase
deficient, "linkage gr:IV"
1211 FGSCA657, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, production of melanin 1837 FGSCA243, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, biA1; palaA1, Alkaline
1212 FGSCA666, (78, 37ºC), Genetic phosphatase deficient, "linkage
stock, resistant to oligomycin gr:IIIL"
1213 FGSCA678, (78, 37ºC), Genetic 1838 FGSCA248, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, requires inositol stock, biA1; palcA1, Acid & alkaline
phosphatase deficient, "linkage
1214 FGSCA680, (78, 37ºC), Genetic gr:IIL"
stock, resistant to aspartate
hydroxamate 1839 FGSCA158, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, riboA1; biA1, Riboflavin
1235 FGSCA691, (78, 37ºC), Genetic requiring, "linkage gr:IL"
stock, nitrate non utilization
1840 FGSCA723, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
1236 FGSCA748, (78, 37ºC), Genetic stock, biA1; pyrD9, pyrimidine
stock, carbon repression requiring, "linkage gr:VIIIR"
1237 FGSCA757, (78, 37ºC), Genetic 1841 FGSCA231, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
stock, requires methionine stock, riboA1, yA2; ActA1; nicB8,
actidione resistant, "linkage gr:IIIL"
1238 FGSCA758, (78, 37ºC), Genetic stock
mecB10, proA2 defective in 1842 FGSCA524, (78, 37ºC), Genetic
cystathiaone-gamma-lyase stock, biA1; benA10 fwA1, benomyl
resistant, "linkage gr:VIIIR"
1328 DSM820, ATCC11267, CBS124.59,
IMI227976, (117, 25ºC), Production 1843 FGSCA77, (78, 37ºC), Genetic stock,
of cholic acid, conversion of 6-α suA1adE20 yA2; methG1; bwA1;
steroids of the pregane series to their chaA1, brown conidia, "linkage
11-α hydroxy analogs, Eur. J. Appl. gr:VIR"
Microbiol. Biotech. 5:241, 1978,
MTCC Fungi Page No. 11
1844 FGSCA425, (78, 37ºC), Genetic 1881 A.K. Srivastava, Polluted water,
stock, yoA91; biA1; phenA2, yellow (49, 30ºC)
conidia, "linkage gr:IR"
2196 DSM63263, ATCC9642, CBS246.65,
1845 FGSCA280, (78, 37ºC), Genetic NBRC (IFO)6342, IMI91855, Wireless
stock, clA6 proA1 papaA1 yA2; set, (117, 30ºC), Deterioration of
palB7, colourless ascospores, plastic, fungus resistance testing
"linkage gr:IL" (U.S.federal and military specifications;
ASTM std. G-21-80), Production of
Aspergillus nidulans var. acristatus Fennell pullulan 4-glucanohydrolase and
and Raper glyoxalase, assay of wood preservative
1257 K.P. Singh, (117, 30ºC) chemicals, Int. Biodeterior. Bull. 8:3,
1972, Arch. Biochem. Biophys.
Aspergillus niger van Tieghem 153:180, 1972, J. Biochem. 102:583,
281 NCIM545, ATCC9029, DSM2466, 1987
CBS120.49, IMI41876, (117, 30ºC),
Production of gluconic acid and citric 2208 DMSRDE946, Foam compound,
acid, J. Bact. 52:557, 1946 (117, 25ºC)
872 D.S. Arora and P. Manimohan, Soil, 2613 V.S. Rathore, Soil of effluent canal
(117, 30ºC) from sugar factory, (7, 25ºC)
1122 R.K. Jain, Soil, (49, 30ºC), Capable Aspergillus pulvinus Kwon and Fennell
of growing on salicylic acid, 6658 M.V. Rele, Soil, (117, 25ºC),
o-phthalic acid and phenanthrene Alkalotolerant
1846 FGSC815, (117, 25ºC), Wild Type Aspergillus repens (Corda) Saccardo
2325 D.A. Padmanaban, IMI94150, (182,
1847 FGSC816, (117, 25ºC), Adenine 25ºC), Production of auroglaucin and
requiring flavoglaucin
3107 R.W.S. Weber, (117, 25ºC), Aspergillus rugulosus Thom and Raper
Production of amylase, Mycologist 976T ATCC16820, CBS133.60, IMI136775,
12(1):8, 1998 (117, 25ºC), Type strain, Production of
sterigmatocystin, Appl. Microbiol. 30:
3782 S.C. Kundu, Molasses, (117, 25ºC) 589, 1975
NBRC (IFO)7542, (98, 25ºC), Type sidase, Ind. J. Expt. Biology. 40:802,
strain, Phytopath. 23:306, 1933 2002
6658 M.V. Rele, Soil, (117, 25ºC), 3883 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Alkalotolerant (117, 25ºC)
6974 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 4286 C. Manoharachary, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
(117, 25ºC)
4287 C. Manoharachary, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
Aspergillus sparsus Thom and Raper
4261 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Sand, (117, 25ºC) 6047 B.S. Chadha, Compost, (117, 25ºC)
Aspergillus stromatoides Raper and Fennell Aspergillus terreus var. aureus Thom and
1282T NBRC (IFO) 9652, ATCC16854, Raper
ATCC24485, CBS500.65, IMI123750, 279 NCIM659, ATCC11877, (117, 30ºC)
(65, 25ºC), Type strain, Raper and
Fennell (ed.), 'The Genus Aspergillus', 1281 NBRC (IFO)31217, (117, 25ºC),
The William & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Production of antifungal and
Md., 1965 antibacterial substances
Aspergillus sydowii (Bainier and Sartory) 2578 D.P. Modak, Jute mill, (117, 25ºC)
Thom and Church
635 R.P. Mathur and P. Manimohan, 3566 K.D.S. Yadav, Soil, (65, 25ºC),
Sludge of refinery, (43, 30ºC) Production of α-L rhamnosidase
3766 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (117, 25ºC) 3642T CBS503.65, ATCC16793, IMI082431,
(65, 25ºC), Type strain, Production
4335 G. Singh, Mine Soil, (117, 25ºC) of lipase <tween –20 +, metabolite,
6476 R.K.S. Khushwaha, Soil, (117, 25ºC),
Keratinophilic fungus Aspergillus terreus var. terreus Thom
479 R.P. Mathur and D.A. Padmanaban,
6653 M.V. Rele, Soil, (117, 25ºC), Sludge of refinery, (117, 30ºC)
2871 V. Rajamani, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
6655 M.V. Rele, Soil, (117, 25ºC),
Alkalotolerant 3572T CBS601.65, ATCC10071, ATCC
1012, IMI017294, 17294ii, NBRC
6693 M.V. Rele, Soil, (117, 25ºC), (IFO) 33026, JCM10257, VKMF-67,
Alkalotolerant (65, 25ºC), Type strain, Production
of enzyme lipase <tween - 20 +,
7468 S. Shashidhar, Soil, (117, 25ºC) metabolities succinic acid patulin,
antiviral agent
Aspergillus terreus Thom
1782 D.S. Arora, Soil, (49, 37ºC) 4271 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil (Bottom
sediments), (117, 25ºC)
2207 DMSRDE945, Foam compound,
(117, 25ºC) 2803 D.S. Arora, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
2580 D.P. Modak, Jute mill, (117, 25ºC) 2870 V. Rajamani, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
3374 K.D.S. Yadav, Soil, (65, 25ºC), 3006 V. Rajamani, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
Production of extracellular rhamno-
MTCC Fungi Page No. 14
1759 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (117, 25ºC) 2013 NRRLY-12971, ATCC62922, Sea
grass, (6, 25ºC), Production of
2784 Lupin Laboratories Limited, Air, xylanase, Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
(65, 25ºC) 52:1026, 1986
2936 R.C. Ray, Sweet potato, (65, 25ºC) 2160 D.A. Padmanaban, (65, 25ºC)
2973 B.V.S.T. Sai, Soil, (65, 25ºC) 2195 DSM2404, ATCC9348, CBS621.80,
IMI145194, NCIM1049, (6, 25ºC),
3071 M.P.S. Bakshi, Wheat straw, (117, Deterioration of plastic, fungus
25ºC) resistance testing (US Federal
standards), Production of pullulan,
6295 C.V. Ratnavathi, Sorghum grain, fungus resistance testing of polymers
(117, 25ºC) (ASTM Std. G-21-80), Int. Biodeterior.
Bull. 8:3, 1972, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc.
6574 L. Singh, Leaf, (117, 25ºC) 76:451, 1981, J. Gen. Microbiol.
120:265, 1980, Patent strain
6656 M.V. Rele, Soil, (117, 25ºC),
Alkalotolerant 2537 ATCC42371, (6, 25ºC), Copper
tolerance, albino strain, biosorption of
Aspergillus viridinutans Ducker and Thrower copper, Microbiol. lett. 6:117, 1978,
1780 D.S. Arora, Soil, (49, 37ºC) Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 29:610,
3643T CBS127.56, ATCC16901,
MTCC Fungi Page No. 15
3304 N.P. Dohroo, Contaminant, (7, 25ºC) 3653 Rajaram, (64, 25ºC), Infects oak tasar
silkworm pupae
3511 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) 4105 R.G. Rajak and R. Thakur, Hyblaea
puera (Insect), (39, 25ºC)
3828 D. Banerjee, Garbage, (37, 25ºC)
4106 R.G. Rajak and R. Thakur,
6042 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (37, 25ºC) Grasshopper, (Insect), (39, 25ºC)
4498 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis 4533 R.G. Rajak, Hyblaea puera,
(Insect), (7, 25ºC) (7, 25ºC)
4499 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC) 4534 R.G. Rajak, Hyblaea puera,
(7, 25ºC)
4500 R.G. Rajak, Black ant, (7, 25ºC)
4535 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
4501 R.G. Rajak, Grub (Insect), (7, 25ºC) (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
4503 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichaleea (Insect) 4536 R.G. Rajak, Black ant (Insect), (7,
(7, 25ºC) 25ºC)
4504 R.G. Rajak, (7, 25ºC) 4537 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(Insect), (7, 25ºC)
4505 R.G. Rajak ,(7, 25ºC)
4538 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
4506 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC) (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
4507 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC) 4539 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(Insect), (7, 25ºC)
4508 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
4540 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
4509 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
(Insect), (7, 25ºC) 4542 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(Insect), (7, 25ºC)
4510 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(Insect), (7, 25ºC) 4543 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(Insect), (7, 25ºC)
4511 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(Insect), (7, 25ºC) 4544 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(Insect), (7, 25ºC)
4512 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(Insect), (7, 25ºC) 4545 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea,
(7, 25ºC)
4513 R.G. Rajak, Hyblaea puera (Insect),
(7, 25ºC) 4546 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea,
(7, 25ºC)
4514 R.G. Rajak, Hyblaea puera (Insect),
(7, 25ºC) 4547 R.G. Rajak, Fruit fly, (7, 25ºC)
4515 R.G. Rajak, Hyblaea puera (Insect), 4548 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea,
(7, 25ºC) (7, 25ºC)
4516 R.G. Rajak, Beetle (Insect), (7, 25ºC) 4549 R.G. Rajak, Black ant, (7, 25ºC)
4517 R.G. Rajak, Hyblaea puera (Insect), 4550 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(7, 25ºC) (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
4528 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea (Insect), 4551 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(7, 25ºC) (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
4529 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea, 4552 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
(7, 25ºC)
4553 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis,
4530 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea, (7, 25ºC)
(7, 25ºC)
4554 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis,
4531 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea, (7, 25ºC)
(7, 25ºC)
4555 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis,
4532 R.G. Rajak, Hyblaea puera, (7, 25ºC)
(7, 25ºC)
4556 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis,
MTCC Fungi Page No. 17
4560 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis, 4600 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea,
(7, 25ºC) (7, 25ºC)
4561 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis, 4605 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
(7, 25ºC)
6095 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis,
4562 R.G. Rajak, Fly, (7, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
suggested as biological control agents
4563 R.G. Rajak, Unidentified Insect, against insect pests
(7, 25ºC)
6096 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis,
4564 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
suggested as biological control agents
4565 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea, against insect pests
(7, 25ºC)
6097 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis,
4566 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea, (37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
(7, 25ºC) suggested as biological control agents
against insect pests
4567 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea,
(7, 25ºC) 6098 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis,
(37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
4568 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea, suggested as biological control agents
(7, 25ºC) against insect pests
4569 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orichalcea, 6099 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis,
(7, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
suggested as biological control agents
4570 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC) against insect pests
4571 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis 6100 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis,
(Insect), (7, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
suggested as biological control agents
4572 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis against insect pests
(Insect), (7, 25ºC)
6286 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis,
4575 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis (37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
(Insect), (7, 25ºC) suggested as biological control agents
against insect pests
4576 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(Insect), (7, 25ºC) 6287 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis,
(37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
4577 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis, suggested as biological control agents
(7, 25ºC) against insect pests
4578 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis 6288 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis,
(Insect), (7, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
suggested as biological control agents
4579 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis against insect pests
(Insect), (7, 25ºC) 6289 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis,
(37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
4580 R.G. Rajak, Insect, (7, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 18
6291 S.S. Sandhu, Hyblaea purea, (37, 4583 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
25ºC), Entomopathogenic, suggested
as biological control agents against 4584 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
insect pests
4585 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
6293 S.S. Sandhu, Hyblaea purea, (37,
25ºC), Entomopathogenic, suggested 4586 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
as biological control agents
against insect pests 4587 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
6296 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis, 4588 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
(37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
suggested as biological control agents 4589 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
against insect pests
4590 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
6297 S.S. Sandhu, Hyblaea puera, (37,
25ºC), Entomopathogenic, suggested 4591 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
as biological control agents (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
against insect pests
4592 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
6298 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis, (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
(37, 25ºC), Entomopathogenic,
suggested as biological control agents 4593 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
against insect pests (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
6341 S.S. Sandhu, Eutectona machaeralis, 4594 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(37, 25ºC) (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
6685 A. Balu, Soil, (7, 25ºC) 4595 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(Insect), (7, 25ºC)
6779 A. Balu, Field infected larva, (37,
25ºC) 4596 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
(Insect), (7, 25ºC)
Beauveria felina (de Candolle) Carmichael
2499 M.C. Srinivasan, Mouse dung, (6, 4597 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis
30ºC) (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
6294 S.S. Sandhu, Beetle, (37, 25ºC), 4606 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
Entomopathogenic, suggested as
biological control agents against 4607 R.G. Rajak, Beetle, (7, 25ºC)
insect pests
Benjaminiella multispora Benny, Samson and
Beauveria nivea (Rostrup) von Arx Srinivasan
557 ATCC34921, FERM-P2796, (7, 25ºC), 893T M.C. Srinivasan, ATCC58763,
Production of antifungal cyclosporins CBS421.70, IMI234109, Humus rich
A, B, C, D, and E, Helv. Chim. Acta soil, (88, 25ºC), Type strain,
59:1075, 1976. Mycotaxon 25:153, Mycotaxon 22: 125, 1985
1986, Patent strain
Bipolaris australiensis (M.B.Ellis) Isuda and
Beauveria sp. Ueyama
4502 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orchilacea, 3771 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
(7, 25ºC)
7215 P.K. Chakrabarti, Sunflower leaves,
4526 R.G. Rajak, Plusia orchilacea, (37, 25ºC)
(7, 25ºC)
7387 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
4527 R.G. Rajak, Eutectona machaeralis (37, 25ºC)
(Insect), (7, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 19
Bipolaris bicolor (Mitra) Shoemaker 4272 J. Muthumary, (39, 25ºC), Black light
348 ITCC2769, Leaves of Brassica, (7, recommended for sporulation in
30ºC) culture
2105 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) 4273 J. Muthumary, (39, 25ºC), Black light
Bipolaris hawaiiensis (M.B.Ellis) Uchida and recommended for sporulation in
Aragakiss culture
3781 D.A. Padmanaban, (7, 25ºC) 4282 J. Muthumary, (39, 25ºC), Black light
recommended for sporulation in
Bipolaris oryzae (van Breda de Haan) culture
3717T CBS139.31, (38, 25ºC), Authenticated 4283 J. Muthumary, (39, 25ºC), Black light
type recommended for sporulation in
Bipolaris sacchari (E.J.Butler) Shoemaker
2077 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) 6588 D.A. Padmanaban, Leaves of Nerium
oleandra, (39, 25ºC)
Bispora sp.
3490 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 6672 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC)
Bjerkandera fumosa (+) (Persoon) P. Karsten 6786 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
1021 CBS213.32, (38, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC)
Bjerkandera fumosa (-) (Persoon) P. Karsten 7115 N.C. Chatterjee, (39, 25ºC)
1031 CBS214.32, (98, 25ºC)
Botryodiplodia theobromae Patouillard
Blakeslea trispora (+) Thaxter 357 ITCC1562, (7, 30ºC)
884 DSM1254, (47, 25ºC), Production of
trisporic acid when mated, J. Gen. 2545 R. Kothandaraman, Rubber, (39,
Microbiol. 69:391, 1971 25ºC), Pathogenic to rubber plants,
Malaysian Agricultural Journal
Blastocladiella britannica Horenstein and 12:150, 1925
716T ATCC28218, (72, 25ºC), Type strain, 2816 B. Xavier, Rubber, (39, 25ºC), Black
Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 44:185, 1961, light recommended for sporulation
J. Bact. 84:37, 1963, J. Gen.
Microbiol. 37:59, 1964, Trans. Br. 3068 R. Rajasekharan, Plant, (30, 25ºC)
Mycol. Soc. 56:169, 1971
3899 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Boletus edulis Bulliard (39, 25ºC)
981 ATCC34620, CBS455.69, (98, 25ºC),
Cultivated mushroom 7381 J. Muthumary, Dead twigs of
Terminalia arjuna, (37, 25ºC)
Botryodiplodia sp.
4255 J. Muthumary, (39, 25ºC), Black light Botryotinia convoluta (Drayton) Whetzel
recommended for sporulation in 1111 DSM62087, (7, 25ºC)
3723 CBS286.38, (65, 25ºC),
4256 J. Muthumary, (39, 25ºC), Black light Authenticated type
recommended for sporulation in
culture Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bery) Whetzel
2740 G. Faretra, (37, 25ºC), Mycol. Res.
4257 J. Muthumary, (39, 25ºC), Black light 100 (5):620, 1996
recommended for sporulation in
culture 2741 G. Faretra, (37, 25ºC), Mycol. Res.
100 (5):620, 1996
4258 J. Muthumary, (39, 25ºC), Black light
recommended for sporulation in Botryotinia ricini (G.H. Godfrey) Whetzel
culture 1332T ATCC13210, CBS134.59,
IMI100717, (37, 25ºC), Type strain,
Mycologia 49:779, 1957
MTCC Fungi Page No. 20
Byssochlamys fulva S.G. Olliver and G.M. 3659 J. Muthumary, Dead plant, (39, 25ºC),
Smith Black light recommended for
505T IMI40021, ATCC10099, CBS146.48, sporulation in culture
NBRC (IFO) 6758, NBRC (IFO)31767,
(7, 25ºC), Type strain, Production of Cephaliophora tropica Thaxter
byssochlamic acid, mannitol, 6689 M.V. Rele, Soil, (65, 25ºC),
polygalactrunase, pectate lyase and Alkalotolerant
byssochlamyopeptidase, J. Bot.
72:196, 1933, Biochem. J. 27:1814, Cephaloascus fragrans Hanawa
1933, Appl. Microbiol. 25:163, 1973 612 ATCC60759, (6, 25ºC), Evaluation of
wood preservative chemicals, For.
Byssochlamys nivea Westling Prod. J. 32:59, 1982.
1992 ATCC56268, (43, 25ºC), Production
of patulin, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2183 D.A. Padmanaban, ATCC12091,
47:205, 1984 CBS150.61, DAOM33766, NBRC
(IFO)30794, (7, 25ºC)
2868 V. Rajamani, Soil, (65, 30ºC)
3647T CBS121.29, ATCC3674, (65, 25ºC),
3646T CBS100.11, ATCC22260, (117,25ºC), Type strain
Type strain
Cephalotheca sulfurea Fuckel
4884 N. Tripathi and R.K.S. Kushwaha, 360 CBS135.34, Garden cane, (7, 25ºC)
Soil (37, 25ºC), Associated with a
Paecilomyces conidial state Cephalotrichum sp.
6950 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Calonectria colhounii Peerally (37, 25ºC)
841T IMI167581, (37, 25ºC), Type strain
Ceratobasidium cornigerum (Bourdot)
Calosphaeria sp. D.P.Rogers
6783 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 2164 D.A. Padmanaban, (7, 25ºC)
(37, 25ºC)
Ceratocystis fimbriata (Ellis and Halsted)
6785 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, Saccardo
MTCC Fungi Page No. 21
2281 D.A. Padmanaban, IMI288878, (37, IMI374871, (38, 25ºC), Mycol. Res.
25ºC), Ascus and conidial states in 101: 309, 1997
culture, Black light recommended for
sporulation Chaetomium funicola Cooke
2029 D.A. Padmanaban, IMI300511,
Ceratocystis multiannulata (+) (Hedgcock and (37, 25ºC), Ascus state in culture
R.W.Davidson) J.Hunt
1461 DSM977, (7, 25ºC) Chaetomium globosum Kunze
155 NCIM875, FRI398, (104, 30ºC)
Ceratocystis multiannulata (-) (Hedgcock and 2193 DSM1962, ATCC6205, CBS148.51,
R.W. Davidson) Hunt NBRC (IFO)6347, Stored cotton,
1339 DSM978, (7, 25ºC) (104, 25ºC), Fungus resistance
testing, testing of aerosals, Production
Ceratocystis paradoxa (Dade) Moreau of cellulase, β-1,4-glucan-4-
1004 DSM63054, (39, 20ºC) glucanohydrolase, fungus resistance
testing of paper and paper board,
2122 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) polymers (ASTM std. G21.80),
slimicide evaluation (ANSI/ASTM
2131 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) std.E599-77), J. Pharm. Sci. 55:1471,
1966, Mater. Org. (Berl.) 7:27, 1972
2147 D.A. Padmanaban, (37,25ºC),
"Thielaviopsis" conidial state 2610 D.A. Padmanaban, Air, (104, 25ºC)
in culture
2815 R.P. Mathur, Wool waste, (104, 25ºC)
Ceratocystis sp.
3406 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 3212 P. Boruah, Stem of Aquilaria sp.
(37, 25ºC) (104, 25ºC)
Chaetomium cuyabenoensis Decock and 6565 B.S. Chadha, Soil, (37, 37ºC)
2966 C. Decock, CBS398.97,
MTCC Fungi Page No. 22
3716T CBS148.68, (38, 25ºC), Type strain 3745 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Forest, (7, 25ºC),
Stud. Mycol. 20:1, 1980
Chalara angustata T. Kowalski and
Halmschlager 3746 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Bottom sediments,
2875 T. Kowalski, (98, 25ºC), Mycol. Res. (7, 25ºC), Stud. Mycol. 20:1, 1980
100:1112, 1996
3753 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC),
Chalara aurea (Corda) S. Hughes Stud. Mycol. 20:1, 1980
988 ATCC12720, (7, 25ºC), Conversion
of progesterone or deoxycorti 3754 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Bottom sediments,
costerone to testosterone and δ 4- (7, 25ºC), Stud. Mycol. 20:1, 1980
androstene-3,17-dione by cleavage of 4266 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Field, (7, 25ºC),
the C-17 side chain, Patent strain keratinophilic, Stud. Mycol. 20:44,
Cheiromoniliophora elegans Tzean and Chen
2370T S.S. Tzean, CBS688.93, (38, 25ºC), 4611 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
Type strain, Mycol. Res. 95:375, 1991
4965 P.C. Jain, Soil, (7, 25ºC), keratinophilic,
Chlorophyllum molybdites (Meyer) Masssee Sabouraudia 4:259, 1996
4127 K. Natarajan, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
Chrysosporium keratinophilum D. Frey
Chondrostereum purpureum (Persoon) 1367T ATCC14803, CBS104.62, NBRC
Pouzar (IFO)7584, IMI091692, UAMH914,
1018 CBS427.72, (38, 25ºC) (64, 25ºC), Type strain, Can. J. Bot.
40:1157, 1962, Mycologia 51:641,
Chrysolinia sitophila (Montagne) von Arx 1959, Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. 33:
4486 K. Balakrishnan, Agrowastes, (7, 353, 1967
Chrysosporium lucknowense Garg
Chrysosporium carmichaelii van Oorchot 3921 B.S. Chadha, Compost, (39, 25ºC)
2597 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Sea beach, (7,
30ºC), keratinolytic, Stud. Mycol. Chrysosporium merdarium (Link)
20:1, 1980 Carmichael
4608 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
2865 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
6673 N. Tripathi, Cattle farm soil, (7, Chrysosporium pannicola (Corda) Oorschot
25ºC), keratinolytic and Stalpers
6336 R.K.S. Khushwaha, Soil, (37, 25ºC),
6678 N. Tripathi, Poultry farm soil, (7, keratinolytic
25ºC), keratinolytic
MTCC Fungi Page No. 23
681 N. Tripathi, Cattle farm soil, (7, 2857 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
25ºC), keratinolytic
2858 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
Chrysosporium queenslandicum Apinis and
Rees 2862 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
2860 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
2863 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
3333 J.N. Shrivastava, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
2869 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
3720T CBS280.77, IMI121675, (65, 25ºC)
Type strain 2872 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
6331 R.K.S. Khushwaha, (37, 25ºC), 2873 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC),
keratinolytic Degradation of keratin
7249 J.N. Shrivastava, Soil, (37, 25ºC) 3195 J.N. Shrivastava, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
3749 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Forest, (7, 25ºC), 7246 J.N. Shrivastava, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
Stud. Mycol. 20:1, 1980
7248 J.N. Shrivastava, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
3750 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Garden, (7, 25ºC),
Stud.Mycol.20:1, 1980 Chrysosporium vallenarense van Oorschot
3751 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Garden, (7, 25ºC), and Piantelli
Stud. Mycol. 20:1, 1980 6058 J.N. Shrivastava, Soil, (37, 25ºC),
Persoonia 12:487, 1985
3755 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Garden, (7, 25ºC),
Stud. Mycol. 20:1, 1980 Chrysosporium zonatum Al-Musallam and
C.S. Tan
3757 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Garden, (7, 25ºC), 2859 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC),
Stud. Mycol. 20:1, 1980 Persoonia 14:69, 1989
4541 R.C. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), 3736T CBS437.88, (37, 25ºC), Type strain
Anamorphic state of Amauroascus
queenslandicus, Can. J. Bot. 76:1624, Circinella minor Lendner
1998, Mycol. Res. 106:338, 2002 1296 NBRC (IFO) 6448, ATCC22815,
CBS 143.56, (108, 25ºC), Mycologia
4621 N. Tripathi and R.K.S. Kushwaha, 47:193, 1955
Soil, (7, 25ºC)
Circinella rigida G. Smith
4880 N. Tripathi and R.K.S. Kushwaha, 1299T NBRC (IFO) 6411, ATCC22327,
Soil, (7, 25ºC) CBS156.51, DSM3487, NBRC (IFO)
6411, IMI45645, (108, 25ºC), Type
Chrysosporium tropicum Carmichael strain, Mycologia 47:193, 1955,
2821 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC) Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 34:19, 1951
Degradation of keratin
Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fresenius) de
2827 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC) Vries
Degradation of keratin 1003 DSM62121, (7, 25ºC)
2828 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil (pH 7.9), 2136 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 24
Coprinus cinereus (Schaeffer) S.F. Gray 2593 T. Kowalski, Quercus ruber, (65,
422 ATCC12890, (7, 25ºC) 30ºC), Mycol. Res. 99:663, 1995
4630 S. Jain, Compost, (37, 25ºC) 3726 CBS169.53, IMI052252, (65, 25ºC),
Authenticated type
6061 A. Balu, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
Curvularia pallescens Boedjin
Cunninghamella elegans Lendner 403 D.S. Arora and D.A. Padmanaban,
552 ATCC36112, (7, 25ºC), Degradation Soil, (7, 30ºC)
of crude oil, metabolism of 1-
fluoronaphthalene, detoxification of 3392 J.N. Agrewala, Water, (37, 25ºC)
1-nitro pyrene, J. Bact. 118:844,
1974, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 3727T CBS156.35, (65, 25ºC), Type strain
50:649, 1985
3791 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
Cunninghamella homothallica Kominami and
Tubaki 4629 S. Jain, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
603T ATCC16161, BKMF-930, CBS168.53,
DSM1156, NBRC (IFO) 6736, 6687 M.V. Rele, Soil, (37, 25ºC),
(7, 25ºC), Type strain, Teaching Alkalotolerant
strain, M.S. Fuller, "Lower Fungi in
the Laboratory", Univ. Georgia, 1978, Curvularia prasadii Mathur and Mathur
Nagaoa I: 21, 1952 3924 S.S. Kanwar, Rhizosphere of a plant,
(37, 25ºC)
Curvularia andropogonis (Zimmermann)
Boedijn Curvularia senegalensis (Spegazzini)
347 ITCC3106, CBS186.49, IMI038980, Subramanian
(7, 30ºC) 2130 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 28
4969 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (37, 25ºC) 6054 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
Cyathus stercoreus (Schweinitz) de Toni
937 DSM1674, ATCC36910, (98, 25ºC), 6056 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Fruit bodies in culture, Mycologia (37, 25ºC)
71:625, 1979
6070 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Cylindrocarpon candidum (Link) (37, 25ºC)
2094 D.A. Padmanaban, (108, 25ºC) 6592 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
Cylindrocarpon destructans (Zinssmeister)
Scholten 6596 D.A. Padmanaban, Bark, (37, 25ºC)
1180 ATCC11011, DSM837, (3, 25ºC),
Production of deltatestololactone 6668 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
from progesterone, Patent strain (37, 25ºC)
2093 D.A. Padmanaban, (108, 25ºC) 6669 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
Cylindrocarpon ianthothele Wollenweber
2095 D.A. Padmanaban, (108, 25ºC) 6756 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
Cylindrocarpon ianthothele var. ianthothele
Wollenweber 6759 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
362 CBS113.12, IMI113918, Rubus (37, 25ºC)
idaeus (7, 25ºC), Ascus state Nectria
mammoidea var. rubi 6770 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
Cylindrocarpon musae C. Booth and
R.H. Stover 6780 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
527T IMI180213, (38, 25ºC), Type strain (37, 25ºC)
7217 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 469 CBS730.79, (39, 25ºC), Conidial state
(37, 25ºC) - Phomopsis
7485 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 6676 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) (39, 25ºC), Libertella conidial state in
7559 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) 6790 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
7560 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) 6859 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(39, 25ºC)
7561 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) 6875 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
Dacrymyces palmatus (Schweinitz)
Bresadola 6881 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
1181 ATCC13294, (6, 25ºC), Production of (37, 25ºC)
carotenoids, Patent strain
6897 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Dactylella oviparasitica Stirling and Mankau (39, 25ºC)
1092 ATCC38908, (100, 25ºC), Biological
control of nematodes, Mycologia 7106 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
70:774, 1978, J. Nematol. 10:236, (37, 25ºC)
7107 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
3728 CBS379.84, (37, 37ºC), Authenticated (37, 25ºC)
7117 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Daedalea flavida Leveille (39, 25ºC)
145 D.S. Arora, FRI7, ATCC32582, Dead
bamboo roots, (8, 25ºC), Production 7145 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
of laccase, degradation of lignin, (39, 25ºC)
white-rot, cultural diagnosis studies
Enzyme, Microb. Technol. 7:405, 7147 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
1985, Indian Forest Rec. 2:281, 1973 (39, 25ºC)
1172 A. Roy, Sporophores growing on logs 7149 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
of Tectona grandis, (65, 30ºC) (39, 25ºC)
Daldinia concentrica (Bolton) Cesati and de 7220 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Notaris (39, 25ºC)
1025 CBS139.73, (39, 25ºC)
7389 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Dendriphiopsis sp. (37, 25ºC)
6984 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) 7464 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
Dendrophoma mahoniae Tengwall
363T CBS121.21, Mahonia aquifolia, (39, 7465 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
25ºC), Type strain (37, 25ºC)
3494 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs (7,2 6896 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
25ºC) (7, 25ºC)
3879 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 7108 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(7, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC)
3889 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 7142 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC)
6071 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 7146 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC), Libertella conidial state in (37, 25ºC)
7208 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
6072 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (7, 25ºC)
(37, 25ºC), Libertella conidial state in
culture 7214 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(7, 25ºC)
6073 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC), Libertella conidial state in 7395 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
culture (37, 25ºC)
6091 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 7461 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC), Libertella conidial state in (7, 25ºC)
culture 7484 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(7, 25ºC)
6591 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) 7486 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
6593 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) 7487 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
6664 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC), Libertella conidial state in 7488 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
culture (37, 25ºC)
6666 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC), Libertella conidial state in 7493 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
culture (37, 25ºC)
6754 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 7497 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC), Libertella conidial state in (37, 25ºC)
7555 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
6782 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (37, 25ºC)
(7, 25ºC)
7558 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
6789 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (37, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 31
3733 CBS535.83, IMI257339, (39, 25ºC), Mycologia 52:695, 1960, Patent strain
Authenticated type
Endothiella sp.
Emericella navahoensis M.Christensen and 3890 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
States (37, 25ºC)
1320T NBRC (IFO)30836, ATCC44663,
CBS351.81, IMI334939, (117, 25ºC), Engyodontium album (Limber) de Hoog
Type strain, Teleomorphic state of 3742 M. Chandrasekaran, Marine sediment,
Aspergillus navahoensis, Mycologia (37, 25ºC), Growth at pH10
74:226, 1982
6325 J. Savitha, (37, 25ºC)
Emericella nidulans (Eidam) Vuillemin
2814 D.S. Arora, Soil, (117, 25ºC) Entoloma nilgirisiense Natarajan and
6036 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (117, 25ºC) 4340 K. Natarajan, (7, 25ºC), Mycotaxon
85:143, 2003
Emericella nidulans var. acristata (Fennell
and Raper) Subramanian Epicoccum nigrum Link
3644T CBS119.55, ATCC16839, IMI061453, 2129 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC), Black
LCP84.2558, (65, 25ºC), Type strain light recommended for sporulation
Emericella nidulans var. dentata (D.K. 3076 T. Chakrabarti, Green leaves, (37,
Sandhu and R.S. Sandhu) Subram- 25ºC)
2586 D.P. Modak, Jute mill, (117, 25ºC) 4958 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
3393 J.N. Agrewala, Water, (117, 25ºC) 3844 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
(37, 25ºC)
3721T CBS522.65, ATCC16443, (65, 25ºC),
Neotype strain 3894 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
(7, 25ºC)
Eurotium glabrum Blaser
1386T DSM1370, CBS379.75, IMI278373, 3896 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
(42, 25ºC), Type strain, Production of (7, 25ºC)
cladosporin, Arch. Microbiol. 116:
253, 1978 6048 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
(37, 25ºC)
Eurotium herbariorum (Wiggers) Link
1283 ATCC48521, CBS119.36, (7, 25ºC) 6675 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
Demonstration of salt and sugar (7, 25ºC)
tolerance, Primrose, S. B. and
Wardlaw, A. C., Source book of 6791 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
Experiments for Teaching of (37, 25ºC)
Microbiology, Academic Press,
London 165, 1982 6796 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
(37, 25ºC)
3648T CBS516.65, ATCC16469, IMI211383,
LCP64.1859, (182, 25ºC), Neotype 6860 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
strain (7, 25ºC)
Eurotium intermedium Blaser
1379 DSM2830, ATCC16444, CBS523.65, 6861 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
(42, 25ºC) (7, 25ºC)
6799 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs 7207 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
(37, 25ºC) (7, 25ºC)
6870 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs 7211 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
(25ºC) (7, 25ºC)
6876 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs 7213 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
(37, 25ºC) (7, 25ºC)
6878 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs 7223 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs
MTCC Fungi Page No. 34
Fomitopsis palustris (Berkeley and 6774 M.C. Manna, Sewage water, (7, 25ºC)
M.A. Curtis) Gilbertson and
Ryvarden 7228 O. Prakash, Plant, (108, 25ºC)
169 FRI528, FRI580, FRI666, ATCC26013,
Shorea robusta, (8, 25ºC), Production Fusarium dimerum Penzig
of acid, Sydowia 24:103, 1970 6583 P.C. Jain, Soil, (108, 25ºC),
Fomitopsis pinicola (Swartz) P. Karsten
1024 CBS314.82, DSM4957, (38, 25ºC) Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Saccardo
1978 CBS406.86, IMI309347, Soil,
Fusarium acuminatum Ellis and Everhart (39, 25ºC), Metabolism of
1983 ATCC36781, Tall fescue hay, (6, zearalenone, equisetin
25ºC), Production of antibiotic
cyclodepsipeptide, Mycopathologia
MTCC Fungi Page No. 35
6579 M.V. Rele, Soil, (108, 25ºC), 3930 A. Sen, Plant, (108, 25ºC)
4118 R.G. Rajak, Roots of Parthenium
7240 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, hysterophorus, (108, 25ºC)
(7, 25ºC)
4357 Parry Agro Industries, Soil, (108,
7366 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 25ºC)
(108, 25ºC)
4894 A. Balu, Soil, (108, 25ºC),
7367 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, Mycotaxon 4:412, 1976
(108, 25ºC)
4962 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (108, 25ºC)
7470 D.A. Padmanaban. Dead twigs,
(108, 25ºC) 4966 P.C. Jain, Soil, (108, 25ºC)
7111 S.K. Sharma, Plant part, (7, 25ºC) 6659 V. Shanmugam, Leaves of Dianthes,
(7, 25ºC)
Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtendahl
284 NCIM1008, (108, 30ºC) 6769 B.P. Shukla, Dead twigs of Anona,
(7, 25ºC)
1755 N.C.L.N. Charyulu, Compost,
(108, 25ºC), Production of cellulase 7229 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(7, 25ºC)
2087 D.A. Padmanaban, (108, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 36
3479 S. Mathai, (108, 25ºC), Used as 4947 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (108, 25ºC)
biocontrol agent against the aphids
(Aphis craccivora) 6343 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
1756 N.C.L.N. Charyulu, Compost, 6086 M.V. Rele, Soil, (108, 25ºC)
(108, 25ºC), Production of cellulose Alkalotolerant
2461T P.G. Broadhurst, ICMP11589, PDD 3322 R. Katoch, Root of Carnation plant,
62184, Ulex europaeus, (108, 25ºC) (108, 25ºC)
Type strain, Monospore culture,
Black light recommended for 3693T CBS576.78, VKM F-257, (108, 25ºC)
sporulation, Mycol. Res. 98:729, Epitype strain
6576 L. Singh, Wood, (108, 25ºC)
2462T P.G. Broadhurst, ICMP11590, PDD
62184, Ulex europaeus, (108, 25ºC) 6660 V. Shanmugam, Corms of Gladiolus,
Type strain, Monospore culture, (7, 25ºC)
Black light recommended for
sporulation Mycol. Res. 98:729, 1994 6985 V.K. Valaparla, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
4238 Z. Niyas, Prasad, S. Variyar, Spoiled 3486 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
plant berries, (108, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC)
4290 P. Kumaran, Soil, (108, 25ºC) 3495 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(39, 25ºC)
4327 P. Kumaran, Soil, (108, 25ºC)
3884 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
4628 G. Singh, Lignite, (108, 25ºC) (39, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 38
2340 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) 2134 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
2220 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) 6884 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
2221 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
6991 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
2227 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC)
2238 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) 7373 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
2240 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
7376 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
2241 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC)
2856 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC) Helminthosporium solani Durieu and
Degradation of keratin, Mycotaxon 5: Montagne
460, 1977 1899 CBS640.85, Tuber of Solanum
tuberosum, (38, 25ºC)
Gymnoascus alatisporus Natarajan
385T CBS457.73, IMI169642, Rhizosphere 2075 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
of Vigna sinensis, (38, 30ºC), Type
strain Heterobasidion annosum (Fries) Brefeld
146 D.S. Arora, FRI824, Fallen twigs of
Gymnoascus petalosporus (G. Orr, K. Roy Picia smithiana, (8, 25ºC), Production
and G.R.Ghosh) von Arx of laccase, degradation of lignin,
2600 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Sea beach, white-rot
(108, 30ºC), Degradation of keratin,
Mycotaxon 5:460, 1977 Heterocephalum aurantiacum Thaxter
4168 R.C. Rajak, Soil from animal
Gymnoascus sp. burrows, (64, 25ºC), Bot. Gaz. 35,
4619 N. Tripathi and R.K.S. Kushwaha, 1903, Mycologia 46:153:632, 1954
Bottom sediments, (38, 25ºC),
Mycotaxon 24:1–216, 1985 Hexagonia teuis (J. Hooker) Fries
1119 A. Mitra, Decayed wood, (97, 30ºC)
Gymnoascus subumbrinus Smith
4267 R.K.S. Kushwaha, House dust, (7, Hexagonia variegata J. Berkeley
25ºC) keratinophilic, Gilman J.C., A 1069 CBS289.51, (65, 25ºC)
Manual of soil fungi, Iowa State
University Press, Ames, 1959 Hirsutella sp.
6800 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Gymnopilus spectabilis (Fries) Singer (37, 25ºC)
4128 K. Natarajan, Dead trunk of
Eucalyptus, (7, 25ºC) Hirsutella thompsonii F.E. Fisher
2339 D.A. Padmanaban, IMI234140,
Gymnopilus junonius (Fries) P.D. Orion CBS952.73, (37, 25ºC)
895 ATCC46151, (6, 25ºC), Wood decay-
resistance testing, Aust. For. Res. 3556 S. Ramarethinam, Coconut perianth
9:119, 1979 mite (37, 25ºC), Pathogenic to
coconut mites (Aceria guerreronis)
Hamigera striata (Raper and Fennell) Stolk
and Samson 6686 S. Debnath, Red spider mite,
1290T NBRC (IFO) 6106, ATCC10501, Entomopathogenic
CBS377.48, IMI039741, (38, 25ºC),
Type strain, Mycologia 40:52, 1948, Hormoconis resinae (Lindau) von Arx and de
Persoonia 6:347, 1971, Mycotaxon Vries
26:119, 1986 368T CBS185.54, ATCC11272, NBRC
(IFO) 31772, Creosoted wooden pole,
Hansfordia sp. (38, 30ºC), Type strain, ascus state of
3888 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, Amorphotheca resinae
(37, 25ºC)
555 ATCC22712, (7, 25ºC), Utilization of
Harknessia sp. hydrocarbons, transformations of
6794 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, sesquiterpene lactone costunolide
(38, 25ºC) Appl. Microbiol. 13:823, 1965, Appl.
Microbiol 17:227, 1969, Int.
Helicosporium griseum (Bonorden) Saccardo Biodeterior. Bull. 6:109, 1970
6053 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) 3302 M.V. Ramani, Aviation kerosene,
(37, 25ºC)
Helicosporium indicum Rao and Dev Rao
2498 M.C. Srinivasan, Rotten wood, (6, Humicola fuscoatra Traaen
25ºC) 3792 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
Humicola grisea var. thermoidea Cooney and Hypocrea aureoviridis Plowright and Cooke
Emerson 3206 C.P. Kubicek, CBS283.79, (65, 25ºC)
4264 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Field, (7, 25ºC)
Keratinophilic 3207 C.P. Kubicek, CBS245.63, (65,
25ºC), Mycol. Res. 105:313, 2001
Humicola grisea var. grisea Traaen
3940 CBS119.14, ATCC22724, IMI075664, 3208 C.P. Kubicek, CBS103.69, IMI 138258,
Soil, (38, 20ºC), Authentic strain, (65, 25ºC), Mycol. Res. 105:313,
Mycologia 45: 951, 1953 2001
4518 U. Gupta, Compost, (7, 25ºC) Hypocrea citrina var. americana Canham
3183T C.P.Kubicek, CBS976.69, ATCC
4519 U. Gupta, Compost, (7, 25ºC) 18574, (65, 25ºC), Type strain
4520 U. Gupta, Compost, (7, 25ºC) Hypocrea citrina var. citrina (Persoon) Fries
3184 C.P. Kubicek, CBS977.69, (65, 25ºC)
4617 U. Gupta, Compost, (7, 42ºC)
Hypocrea hunua Dingley
4896 U. Gupta, Soil, (7, 42ºC) 3182 C.P. Kubicek, CBS238.63, (65, 25ºC)
7361 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, Lecanicillium muscarium (Petch) Zare and
(37, 25ºC) W. Gams
7475 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
7398 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (37, 25ºC)
(37, 25ºC)
Lecythophora hoffmannii (van Beyma)
7480 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, W. Gams and McGinnis
(37, 25ºC) 4936 T CBS245.38, (65, 25ºC), Type strain
Lenzites elegans (Sprengel) Patouillard 4889 B.S. Chadha, (65, 42ºC), Mycotaxon
1812 A. Roy, Acacia moniliformis, (65, 4:412, 1976
25ºC), White rot
Malbranchea pulchella Saccardo and Penzig
Lepista irina (Fries) Bigelow 2601 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Sea beach, (7,
2789 CBS458.79, NBRC (IFO)31052, (65, 30ºC), Degradation of keratin,
25ºC), Production of sesquiterpenoids Mycotaxon 4:349, 1976
Leptoporus mollis (Persoon) Quelet 2834 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC),
1108 CBS681.82, (6, 25ºC) Degradation of keratin
Megacapitula villosa J.L. Chen and Tzean 4101 R.C. Rajak and R. Thakur, Eutectona
2371T S.S. Tzean, (39, 25ºC), Type strain, machaeralis (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
Mycol. Res. 95:375, 1991
4102 R.C. Rajak and R. Thakur, Eutectona
Melanocarpus sp. machaeralis (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
3922 B.S. Chadha, Compost, (47, 40ºC),
Production of xylanse 4103 R.C. Rajak and R. Thakur, Eutectona
machaeralis (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
Melanospora singaporensis Morinaga,
Minoura and Udagawa 4104 R.C. Rajak and R. Thakur, Eutectona
1336T NBRC (IFO) 30865, ATCC38286, machaeralis (Insect), (7, 25ºC)
(6, 25ºC), Type strain, Trans. Mycol.
Soc. Japan 19:142, 1978 6060 A. Balu, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
7140 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (37, 3270 J.N. Shrivastava, Soil, (64, 25ºC)
Microsporum fulvum Uruburu
7204 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 2837 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
(37, 25ºC)
Microsporum gypseum (Bodin) Guiart and
7233 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, Grigorakis
(37, 25ºC) 2819 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC),
Degradation of keratin
Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff)
Sorokin 2830 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC),
892 ATCC26852, (7, 25ºC), Production of Degradation of keratin
chitinase, lipase and protease, Ceska
Mykol. 27:55, 1973 2829 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
Degradation of keratin
3210 S. Debnath, Cricket, (7, 25ºC)
2855 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
3943T CBS289.67, Schistocerca gregaria,
MTCC Fungi Page No. 45
2867 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC) 4521 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC),
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985
2874 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
4522 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC),
3752 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Garden, (7, 25ºC) Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985
4472 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), 4523 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC),
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985
4473 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), 4879 N. Tripathi and R.K.S. Kushwaha,
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 Soil, (7, 25ºC), CBS Course in
vertebrate mycopathology
4474 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC),
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 6041 P.C. Jain, Soil, (64, 25ºC)
4475 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), 7247 J.N. Shrivastava, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985
Monascus purpureus Went
4476 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), 369T CBS 109.07, ATCC 16365, ATCC
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 16426, NBRC (IFO) 4513, IMI210765,
Fermented rice grains, (7, 30ºC), Type
4477 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), strain
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985
410 ATCC16436, Red koji, (43, 30ºC),
4478 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), Production of red cheese in China, J.
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 Bact. 122:288, 1975
4479 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), 1090 DSM1604, ATCC16367, CBS288.34,
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 NBRC (IFO) 4484, (47, 25ºC),
Production of red pigments, Patent
4480 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), strain, Can. J. Microbiol. 24:1346,
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 1978, Bioengin. 3:18, 1987, Aust. J.
Bot. 31:51, 1983, J. Osaka Ferm.
4481 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), Technol. 11:498, 1933
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985
Monascus ruber van Tieghem
4482 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), 1880 A.K. Srivastava, Polluted river water,
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 (7, 30ºC)
4483 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), 2326 D.A. Padmanaban, IMI081596, ATCC
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 15670, CBS135.60, NBRC (IFO) 8451,
(176, 25ºC), Ascus state in culture
4487 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC),
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 Monilia aquatilis Malguth
1463T DSM3542, CBS192.28, (98, 20ºC),
4488 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), Type strain
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985
Monilinia laxa (Aderhold and Ruhland)
4489 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), Honey
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 2348 I. Larena, (7, 25ºC), Mycol. Res.
97:105, 1993
4490 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC),
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 Monocillium indicum S.B. Saksena
6309 CBS313.74, (39, 25ºC)
4491 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC),
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 Monodictys asperospora (Cooke and Massee)
M.B. Ellis
4493 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), 2727 D.A. Padmanaban, Air, (65, 25ºC)
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985
Monodictys putredinis (Wallroth) S. Hughes
4494 R.G. Rajak, Soil, (64, 25ºC), 6955 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Mycotaxon 24:1-216, 1985 (37, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 46
2367 R. Amir, (7, 25ºC), Mycol. Res. Mucor circinelloides var. griseocyanus
97:683, 1993 (Hagem) Schipper
3945T CBS116.08, ATCC22363, Soil, (65,
Mortierella alpina Peyronel 18ºC), Type strain, MT-Strain, Stud.
6344 CBS920.85, (39, 25ºC) Mycol. 12:15, 1976, Antonie van
Leewenhoek 36: 484, 1970
Mortierella clonocystis W. Gams
370T CBS357.76, Soil under Apollonias Mucor fuscus Bainier
canariensis, (7, 30ºC), Type strain 1462 DSM2189, CBS132.22, VKMF-1227,
(98, 20ºC)
Mortierella gamsii Milko
6302 CBS552.73, (38, 25ºC) Mucor hiemalis f. corticolus (Hagen)
Mortierella hyalina (Harz) W. Gams 3947T CBS106.09, (65, 18ºC), Type strain,
6301 CBS100563, (65, 25ºC) MT (+) strain, Stud. Mycol. 4:31,
Mortierella polycephala Coemans
6320 CBS327.72, (39, 25ºC), Sexual state Mucor hiemalis f. hiemalis Wehmer
M++ 3948T CBS201.65, ATHUM2882, DSM2556,
(65, 18ºC), Neotype strain, MT (-)
Mortierella ramanniana var. ramanniana strain, Production of zygospores with
(Mooller) Linnemann CBS200.28, Helfer, W., Libri Botanici
6303 CBS366.95, (65, 25ºC) 1:83, 1991, Stud. Mycol. 4:26, 1973
1278 ATCC8977b (-), (7, 25ºC) Mucor recurvus var. indicus Baijal and
B.S. Mehrotra
Mucor indicus Lendner 3891 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
3318 J.N. Shrivastava, Soil, (7, 25ºC) (7, 25ºC)
3513 N.V. Murugesan, Soil, (7, 25ºC) Mucor rouxii (Calmette) Wehmer
386 CBS416.77, ATCC24905, DSM1191,
3650 P. Ramasamy, Crab, (7, 25ºC) Fermented rice, (7, 30ºC), For
biochemical and morphogenetic
3770 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (7, 25ºC) studies, Teaching strain (mold-yeast
dimorphism), Science 165:302, 1969,
3932 J.P. Tamang, Marcha, (7, 30ºC) J. Bact. 84:829, 1962
790 FGSC 3443, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1155 FGSC4095, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, mating type “A”, anaerobiosis stock, Mating type “a”, Abortion of
(Facultative) ascospores
791 FGSC 2554, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1156 FGSC1688, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, mating type “A”, conidial stocke, Mating type “a”,
separation Supersuppressor
855 FGSC2555, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1157 FGSC4654, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, mating type “a”, conidial stock, Mating type “a”, Strain
separation containing eas
856 FGSC3425, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1158 FGSC4096, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, mating type “A”, Giant stock, Mating type “A”, Abortion of
ascospores ascospores
857 FGSC3426, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1159 FGSC1687, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, mating type “a”, Giant stock, Mating type “A”,
ascospores Supersuppressor
858 FGSC746, (77, 25ºC), Genetic stock, 1179 FGSC4652, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
mating type “A”, Lethal ascospores stock, Mating type “a”, Contains
‘eas’, Neurospora Newsletter 32:12,
874 FGSC5142, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1985
stock, mating type “A”, Mutagen
sensitive 1227 FGSC821, (77, 25ºC), Genetic stock,
Mating type “A”, Tan spores
875 FGSC5143, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, mating type “a”, Mutagen 1228 FGSC875, (77, 25ºC), Genetic stock,
sensitive Mating type "a", Acriflavine resistant
876 FGSC2225, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1229 FGSC876, (77, 25ºC), Genetic stock,
stock, contains mitochondrial Mating type “A”, Acriflavine resistant
Cell 24:443, 1981, ibid 47:505, 1986 1239 FGSC1858bd, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “A”, Strain for
878 FGSC327, (77, 25ºC), Genetic stock, photobiology and circadian rhythms
mating type “A”, strain for obtaining
protoplast or spheroplasts, Genetica 1241 FGSC2670-frq-1; bd, (77, 25ºC),
34:162,1963, Neurospora Newsletter Genetic stock, Mating type “A”,
23:15,1975,Meth.Cell.Biol.20:117, Strain for photobiology, circadian
1978 rhythms
882 FGSC1459, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1242 FGSC2671-frq-1; bd, (77, 25ºC),
stock, Genetic stock, Mating type “A”,
Mating type “A”, Production of Strain for photobiology, circadian
arginine rhythms
1015 FGSC2038, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1243 FGSC2960, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, trp-, Mating type “A” stock, Mating type “a”, Easily
wettable ascospores
1016 FGSC2039, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, trp-, Mating type “a” 1244 FGSC2961, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “a”, Easily
1017 FGSC3952, (77, 25ºC), Genetic wettable ascospores
stock, Mating type “A”, multiply
marked strain useful for 1245 FGSC1859bd, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
transformation stock, Mating type “a”, Strain for
photobiology and circadian rhythms
1154 FGSC2228, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1246 FGSC4022, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Contains mitochondrial stock, Mating type “A”, Round
plasmids, Mol. Gen. Genet. 201:161, ascospores
MTCC Fungi Page No. 50
1248 FGSC4653, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1857 FGSC2380, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “A”, Strain stock, Mating type “A”, Sorbose
containing ‘eas’, Neurospora resistant, "locus":sor-6, “allele”:6(r),
Newsletter 32:12, “linkage gr”:IIIR?
1858 FGSC3583, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
1249 FGSC4655, (77, 25ºC), Genetic stock, Mating type “A”, Sorbose
stock, Mating type “A”, Strain resistant, "locus":sor-6, “allele”:6(r),
containing ‘eas’, Neurospora “linkage gr”:IIIR?
Newsletter 32:12,
1985 1859 FGSC2742, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type ”A”, Glycerol
1279 FGSC4656, (77, 25ºC), Genetic non-utilizer, "locus":glp-1 wc-2,
stock, Mating type “a”, Strain “allele”:234 234(w), “linkage gr”:IR
containing ‘eas’ IR
1292 FGSC4651, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1860 FGSC2743, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “a”, Strain stock, Mating type “a”, Glycerol non-
containing ‘eas’, Neurospora utilizer,"locus":glp-1 wc-2,
Newsletter 32:12, “allele”:234 234(w), “linkage gr”:IR
1985 IR
1850 FGSC3182, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 1861 FGSC4032, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “A”, Azapurine stock, Mating type “A”, Acetate non-
resistant, utilizer, "locus":acu-5, “allele”:JI18,
"locus":aza-3; his-2 ad-3a ad-3b nic- “linkage gr”:IIC(R)
2;ad-2;inl; ”allele”:006; C94 Y112
M1335203 43002; Y175 M256; 1862 FGSC4033, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
JH319, “linkage gr”:III(?); IR IR IR stock, Mating type “a”, Acetate non-
IR;IIIR;VR utilizer, "locus":acu-5, “allele”:JI18,
“linkage gr”:IIC(R)
1851 FGSC2965, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “A”, Benomyl 1863 FGSC3739, (77, 25ºC), Genetic stock,
resistant, "locus":Bml, “allele”:511(r), Mating type “A”, Chloramphenicol
“linkage gr”:VIL sensitive,"locus":cpl-1,
allele”:ANTAS6(s), “linkage gr”:VIL
1852 FGSC3460, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “a”, Benomyl 1864 FGSC2459, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
resistant, "locus":Bml, “allele”:511(r), stock, Mating type “a”,
“linkage gr”:VIL Chloramphenicol
1853 FGSC4012, (77, 25ºC), Genetic “allele”:ANTAS6(s), “linkage
stock, Mating type “A”, gr”:VIL
Cyclohexamide resistant, "locus":cyh-
1, “allele”:KH52(r), “linkage gr”:IR 1865 FGSC2735, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “A”, Tyrosine
1854 FGSC4013, (77, 25ºC), Genetic sensitive, "locus":tys,
stock, Mating type “a”, “allele”:LW101(s),
Cyclohexamide resistant, "locus":cyh- “linkage gr”:IL
1, “allele”:KH52(r), “linkage
gr”:IR 1866 FGSC2991, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “A”, Four-spored
1855 FGSC6012, (77, 25ºC), Genetic Ascus, "locus":FSP-1,
stock, Mating type “A”, 6-methyl “allele”:ALS141, “linkage gr”:IIR
purine resistant, "locus":mep,
“allele”:LP10, “linkage gr”:IL 1867 FGSC2992, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “a”, Four-spored
1856 FGSC6013, (77, 25ºC), Genetic Ascus, "locus":FSP-1,
stock, Mating type “a”, 6-methyl “allele”:ALS141, “linkage gr”:IIR
MTCC Fungi Page No. 51
1868 FGSC1224, (77, 25ºC), Genetic Neurospora tetrasperma Shear and B.O.
stock, Mating type “a”, β-glucosidase Dodge
defective, "locus":gluc-1;cot-1, 986T DSM1261, FGSC1270, (7, 25ºC),
“allele”:CM62(3-8); C102(t), Type strain, Mating type “A”
“linkage gr’:-;IVR
1014T DSM1262, FGSC1271, (7, 25ºC),
1869 FGSC1227, (77, 25ºC), Genetic Type strain, Mating type “a”
stock, Mating type A, β-glucosidase
defective, "locus":gluc-2, 2158 D.A. Padmanaban, (65, 25ºC),
“allele”:CM62, Ascus state in culture
“linkage gr”:-
Nimbya scirpicola (Fuckel) E. Simmons
1870 FGSC1856, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 2138 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC), Black
stock, Mating type “A”, Invertase light recommended for sporulation
"locus" : inv, “allele”:no#, Nodulisporium griseobrunneum B.S.
“linkage gr”:VR Mehrotra
2159 D.A. Padmanaban, (65, 25ºC)
1872 FGSC2721, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “a”, Ergosterol 4085T CBS331.73, ATCC36254, IMI080672,
deficient, "locus":erg-1, “allele”:uvl, Soil from Piper betle orchard, (39,
“linkage gr”:VR 25ºC), Type strain, Curr. Sci. 34:353,
1873 FGSC2722, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “A”, Ergosterol Nodulisporium hinnuleum G.Smith
deficient, "locus": erg-1, “allele”:uvl; 506 IMI214826, ATCC36102, (43, 25ºC),
Y153M66, “linkage gr”:VR,VIR Production of viridiol and desme-
1874 FGSC3431, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “A”, Glucose 4086T CBS286.62, ATCC36255, IMI083003,
phosphate isomerase deficient, LSHBB373, Seed of Sorghum vulgare,
"locus":sor(T9); gpi, (65, 18ºC), Type strain, Trans. Br.
“allele”:T9M150(r); T21M3, “linkage Mycol. Soc. 45:387, 1962
Nodulisporium verrucosum (van Beyma)
1875 FGSC1229, (77, 25ºC), Genetic G. Smith
stock, Mating type “A”, Urease 523T IMI078260, ATCC36253, CBS245.29,
deficient, "locus":ure-1 (39, 25ºC), Type strain, Trans. Br.
Mycol. Soc. 37:166, 1954
1876 FGSC1230, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Mating type “a”, Urease Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson
deficient, "locus":ure-1, “allele”:9, 4171 R.S. Rajak, Insects, (7, 25ºC)
“linkage gr”:VR
4172 R.S. Rajak, Insects, (7, 25ºC)
Neurospora intermedia Tai
877 FGSC435, (77, 25ºC), Genetic stock, 4173 R.S. Rajak, Insects, (7, 25ºC)
Contains mitochondrial plasmids,
Nucleic Acid Res. 10:1439, 1982 4174 R.S. Rajak, Insects, (7, 25ºC)
1230 FGSC1823, (77, 25ºC), Genetic 4175 R.S. Rajak, Insects, (7, 25ºC)
stock, Contains mitochondrial
plasmids, Fed. Proc. 42:1972, 1983, 4176 R.S. Rajak, Insects, (7, 25ºC)
Cell 47:505, 1986
4177 R.S. Rajak, Insects, (7, 25ºC)
1240 FGSC1940, (77, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Contains mictochondrial, 4178 R.S. Rajak, Insects, (7, 25ºC
plasmids, Nucleic Acid Res. 10:1439, 4180 R.S. Rajak, Insects, (7, 25ºC)
4254 R.S. Rajak, Insects, (7, 25ºC)
Neurospora sitophila Shear and B.O. Dodge
417 ATCC9276, CBS381.50, DSM1130, Oedocephalum nicotianae Oudemans
IMI21944, NCIM912, NCIM1023, 2142 D.A. Padmanaban, IMI262704,
NCTC6813, (38, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 52
4094T CBS160.74, Soil, (39, 25ºC), Neotype 4098 R. Thakur, Stick insect, (7, 25ºC)
strain, Proc. K. Ned. Acad. Wet. Ser.
C77:394, 1974 4099 R.C. Rajak and R. Thakur, Grub,
(7, 25ºC)
Oidiodendron citrinum G.L. Barron
522T IMI096255, (43, 25ºC), Type strain 4636 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
Ophiostoma multiannulatum (Hedgcock and 1422 P. Sasidhar, Garden soil, (117, 30ºC),
Davidson) Hendrix Ability to uptake heavy metals,
3734T CBS124.39, ATCC22390, (37, 25ºC), Trends in biotechnology 5:96, 1987.
Type strain Experientia 46:840, 1990
Oxyporus ravidus (Fries) Bondarstev and 2044 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
1116 A. Roy, Sporophores growing on 2752 S. Debnath, Adraea bipunctata
Cedrus deodara, (65, 25ºC) (Caterpillar), (65, 25ºC)
4112 R.C. Rajak and R. Thakur, (65, 25ºC) 3108 N.P. Dohroo, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
4113 R.C. Rajak and R. Thakur, Eutectona 3211 S. Debnath, Flush, (7, 25ºC)
machaeralis, (65, 25ºC)
3517 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
4114 R.C. Rajak and R. Thakur, Plusia
(Insect) (65, 25ºC) 3655 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (65, 25ºC)
4115 R.C. Rajak and R. Thakur, Bark 3925 S.S. Konwar, Rhizosphere of Seaberk
beetle (65, 25ºC) thorn, (65, 25ºC)
6691 M.V. Rele, Soil, (37, 25ºC), Pectinotrichum llanense Varsavsky and
Alkalotolerant G.F. Orr
2596 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Sea beach, (7,
6692 M.V. Rele, Soil, (37, 25ºC), 30ºC), Degradation of keratin, Studies
Alkalotolerant in Mycol. 20:1, 1980
7116 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 2841 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
(37, 25ºC)
2933 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
Paecilomyces variotii Bainier Degradation of keratin
480 Y.F. Neelgund, (7, 30ºC)
3273 N. Shrivastava, Soil, (64, 25ºC)
1141 R.K. Jain, Soil, (7, 30ºC), Utilization
of salicylic acid, o-phthalic acid and 4612 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
to a little extent on anthracene
Penicillium aculeatum Raper and Fennell
1147 R.K. Jain, Soil, (117, 30ºC), 1984 ATCC10409, CBS289.48, IMI040588,
Utilization of salicylic acid for growth (117, 25ºC), Production of dextranase,
Patent strain
1368 ATCC22319, ATCC36257, IMI204127,
(49, 37ºC), Assay of hamycin Penicillium aurantiogriseum Dierckx
and amphotericin B and candicidin in 2008 D.A. Padmanaban, (49, 25ºC)
body fluids, Appl. Microbiol. 17: 497
1969, McGinnis, M.R., “Laboratory 4922T CBS324.89, ATCC48920,
Handbook of Medical Mycology”, IMI195050, (65, 25ºC), Neotype strain
Acadmic press. 423, 1980
Penicillium aurantiogriseum var.
2043 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) aurantiogriseum Dierckx
4953T CBS390.48, ATCC10515, NBRC
2205 DMSRDE943, Foam compound, (IFO)7736, IMI039758, (65, 25ºC),
(7, 25ºC) Neotype strain, Production of
metabolite brevianamide 'A',
2585 D.P. Modak, Jute mill, (117, 25ºC) tenuazonic acid, patulin penicillic
acid, dipicolinic acid, fuluic acid,
3305 M. Raje, (37, 25ºC) enzyme urease, protease, nuclease,
amylase, Appl. Microbiol. 26:633,
3660 A. Mainkar, Human skin, (37, 25ºC) 1973
947 ATCC28089, DSM1075, (43, 25ºC), 3303 C. Acharya, (117, 25ºC), Bioleaching
Production of penicillin, Antonie van of manganese
Leewenhoek J. Microbiol. Serol
30:209, 1964, J. Gen. Microbiol. 76:65, 3395 T.M. Shivalingaswamy, Cylas
1973 formicarius (sweet potato weevil),
(117, 25ºC), Biocontrol agent against
1348 ATCC11625,(117, 25ºC), Increased Cylas formicarius (sweet potato
production of penicillin in surface weevil)
culture, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc.
61:74, 1945 3565 K.D.S. Yadav, Soil, (65, 25ºC)
Production of lignin peroxidase,
1996 D.A. Padmanaban, (49, 25ºC) phosphatase, Ind. J. Expt. Biology
40:802, 2002, (referred as Aspergillus
2539 ATCC66564, (49, 25ºC), Copper fumigatus)
tolerance, Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan
30:111, 1989 3764 D.A. Padmanaban, Laboratory
contaminant, (117, 25ºC)
2735 ATCC26818, (208, 25ºC), Production
of superior penicillin, isopenicillin N, 3790 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
penicillin G, Nature 229:568, 1971,
J. Gen. Microbiol. 76:265, 1973, J. 4265 R.K.S. Kushwaha, Field, (117, 25ºC)
Antibiot. 33:722, 1980, FEMS
Microbiol. Lett. 10:115 ,1981 4284 C. Manoharachary, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
6477 V. Nanjundiah, Soil, (117, 25ºC) 4941 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
6891 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 4963 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
(117, 25ºC)
6590 S.Shashidhar, Plant parts, (117, 30ºC),
Penicillium citreonigrum Dierckx Production of Pectinase
1013T DSM2205, ATCC22347, BKMF-1077,
CBS414.69, IMI140335, (98, 25ºC) 6600 V. Shanmugam, Lily plant parts,
Type strain, Nov. Sist. Niz. Rast. (117, 25ºC)
1968:105, 1968
6751 R. Banerjee, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
Penicillium citrinum Thom
1256 K.P. Singh, (117, 30ºC) 6999 C. Acharya, Uranium mine area,
(117, 25ºC)
1751 C.V. Vaidyanathan, Contaminant in a
culture of Aspergillus niger, (43, 7124 S.K. Sen, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
25ºC), Utilization of anthranilic acid
7125 C. Acharya, Uranium mines, (117,
1784 D.S. Arora, Soil, (117, 25ºC) 25ºC)
1871 D.A. Padmanaban, (49, 25ºC) 7126 C. Acharya, Uranium mines, (117,
2547 ATCC9849, CBS342.61, NBRC
(IFO)6352, IMI061272, (49, 25ºC), 7212 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Used for fungus resistance testing (117, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 55
7354 A.V. Huligol, Air, (117, 25ºC) 2818 D.S. Arora, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
NBRC (IFO)6963, IMI040042, (65, 1962, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 44:44,
25ºC), Neotype strain, Production of 1962
chitosanase, metabolities, skyrin,
islandicin, iridoskyrin, luteic cid, Penicillium miczynskii Zaleski
rubroskyrin, erythroskyrin, Biochem. 1476T DSM2437, ATCC10470, CBS220.28,
J. 44:227, 1949, Biochem. J. 57:212, NBRC (IFO)7730, IMI040030, (98,
1954, J. Gen. Microbiol. 126:151, 1981 20ºC), Type strain
4877 N. Tripathi and R.K.S. Kushwaha,
Penicillium janczewskii Zaleski Soil, (117, 25ºC), Gilman and Joseph
1998 D.A. Padmanaban, (49, 25ºC) (1959), A manual of soil fungi, Iowa
State University Press, Ames, 1959
4484 T.C. Bhalla, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
Penicillium montanense Christensen and
4927T CBS221.28, (117, 25ºC), Type strain Backus
4648 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
Penicillium janthinellum Biourge
2005 D.A. Padmanaban, (49, 25ºC) 6493 V. Nanjundiah, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
1977T CBS286.36, IMI91926, (49, 25ºC), 3489 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Type strain (117, 25ºC)
6753 M.B. Patil, Soil, (117, 25ºC) 6489 S. Ghosh, Soil, (117, 25ºC)
7356 L.B. Shukla, Uranium mine, (117, 6497 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
25ºC) (117, 25ºC)
Phellinus formosanus T.T. Chang and Phlebia livida ssp. tuberculata Hallenberg and
W.W. Chou Larsson
3336 T. Chang, Twigs of Schima superba 2254 N. Hallenberg, (65, 25ºC). Polyspore
(65, 25ºC), Mycol. Res. 103:50, 1999 culture, Mycologia 83:131, 1991,
Mycol. Res. 97:351,1993
Phellinus linteus (Berkeley and M.A. Curtis)
1175 A. Roy, Sporophores growing on 2256T N. Hallenberg, (65, 25ºC), Type
logs, (65, 30ºC), causes white-rot strain, Polyspore culture, Mycologia
83:131, 1991, Mycol. Res. 97:351,
Phellinus prunicola T.T. Chang and W.W. 1993
Chou 2257 N. Hallenberg, (65, 25ºC), Polyspore
3337 T. Chang, Twigs of Prunus mume, culture, Mycologia 83:131, 1991,
(65, 25ºC), Mycol. Res. 103:50, 1999 Mycol. Res. 97:351, 1993
4956T CBS166.42, (39, 25ºC), Type strain 2261 N. Hallenberg, (65, 25ºC), Polyspore
culture, Mycologia 83:131, 1991,
Phialophora gregata (Allington and Mycol. Res. 97:351, 1993
Chamberlain) W. Gams
1468T DSM3716, ATCC11073, CBS132.51, 2263 N. Hallenberg, (65, 25ºC), Polyspore
(135, 20ºC), Type strain, Phytopath. culture, Mycologia 83:131, 1991,
38:793, 1948 Mycol. Res. 97:351, 1993
Phialophora hoffmannii (van Beyma) Schol- 2265 N. Hallenberg, (65, 25ºC), Polyspore
Schwarz culture, Mycologia 83:131, 1991,
1334 DSM2693, ATCC34158, (98, 25ºC) Mycol. Res. 97:351, 1993
Degradation of cellulose, utilization
of phenols, Stud. For. Suec. 104: 1, 2266 N. Hallenberg, (65, 25ºC), Polyspore
1973, 114:1, 1974, 117:11974, Appl. culture, Mycologia 83:131, 1991,
Environ. Microbiol. 54:1882, 1988 Mycol. Res. 97:351, 1993
Phoma exigua var. exigua (C.E.Foister) 3868 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Boerema (37, 25ºC)
2318 D.A. Padmanaban, (39, 25ºC), Black
light recommended for sporulation 4274 J. Muthumary, Terminalia arjuna,
(39, 25ºC), Black light recommended
Phoma fimeti Brunaud for sporulation in culture
2323 D.A. Padmanaban, (39, 25ºC), Black
light recommended for sporulation 6094 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
4937T CBS170.70, ATCC22707, IMI163514,
PD70/Alk, (39, 25ºC), Neotype Phoma tropica R.Schneider and Boerema
strain, Production of protease, urease, 4639 H. Dhanoa, Dead twigs, (108, 25ºC)
lipase, alkaline phosphatase, α, β
galactosidase, Stud. Mycol. 3:29, 4961 H. Dhanoa, Wood, (39, 25ºC)
6798 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Phoma foveata Foister (39, 25ºC)
4957T CBS200.37, (39, 25ºC), Type strain
7129 C. Acharya, Uranium mine area,
Phoma glomerata (Corda) Woollenweber and (37, 25ºC)
2210 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC), Black 7243 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
light recommended for sporulation (37, 25ºC)
3893 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 4870 M.S. Reddy, Careys arborea, (37,
(39, 25ºC) 25ºC)
4275 J. Muthumary, Terminalia arjuna, 4871 M.S. Reddy, Syzygium cumini, (37,
(39, 25ºC), Black light recommended 25ºC)
for sporulation in culture
Phyllosticta sp.
4276 J. Muthumary, Abrus, (39, 25ºC), 3453 J. Muthumary, Leaves of Morinda
Black light recommended for tinctoria, (39, 25ºC), Black light
sporulation in culture recommended for sporulation in
4277 J. Muthumary, Melia azaderacta,
(39, 25ºC), Black light recommended 3514 J. Muthumary, Leaves of Areca
for sporulation in culture catechu, (37, 25ºC), Black light
recommended for sporulation in
4278 J. Muthumary, Canthium, (39, 25ºC) culture, Stud. Mycol. 5:1-110, 1973
Black light recommended for
sporulation in culture 3536 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
4359 T.S. Suryanarayanan, Ceriops
decandra, (39, 25ºC) 3900 J. Muthumary, Leaves of Murraya
koenigii, (37, 25ºC), Black light
7226 O. Prakash, (37, 25ºC) recommended for sporulation in
culture, Stud. Mycol. 5:1-110, 1973
Phomopsis theicola Curzi
373T CBS187.27, Camellia sinensis, 3927 J. Muthumary, Leaves of Zea mays,
(39, 25ºC), Type strain (37, 25ºC), Black light recommended
for sporulation in culture, Stud.
Phycomyces blakesleeanus (+) Burgeff Mycol. 5:1-110, 1973
1002 DSM1360, (98, 25ºC), Mating type +,
isogenic to DSM1359, Ann. Rev. 4250 J. Muthumary, Leaves of Musa sp.,
Microbiol. 31:535, 1977
MTCC Fungi Page No. 64
(37, 25ºC), Black light recommended 4158 K. Natarajan, Soil associated with
for sporulation in culture, Stud. Eucalyptus tereticornis, (7, 25ºC),
Mycol. 5:1-110, 1973, Nova Hedwigia Ectomycorrhizal fungus
36:151, 1982
4159 K. Natarajan, Soil associated with
4251 J. Muthumary, Leaves of Feronia sp., Eucalyptus tereticornis, (7, 25ºC),
(37, 25ºC), Black light recommended Ectomycorrhizal fungus
for sporulation in culture, Stud.
Mycol. 5:1-110, 1973, Nova Hedwigia 4160 K. Natarajan, Soil associated with
36:151, 1982 Eucalyptus tereticornis, (7, 25ºC),
Ectomycorrhizal fungus
4252 J. Muthumary, Leaves of Feronia sp.,
(37, 25ºC), Black light recommended 4161 K. Natarajan, Soil associated with
for sporulation in culture, Stud. Eucalyptus tereticornis, (7, 25ºC),
Mycol. 5:1-110, 1973, Nova Hedwigia Ectomycorrhizal fungus
36:151, 1982
Pithomyces atro-olivaceus (Cooke and
4469 T.S. Suryanarayanan, Excoecaria Harkness) M.B. Ellis
agallocha, (39, 25ºC) 3786 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (37,
4253 J. Muthumarry, Leaves of Capsicum
annum, (39, 25ºC), Black light Pithomyces cynodontis M.B.Ellis
recommended for sporulation in 529T IMI101184, (39, 25ºC), Type strain,
culture, Stud. Mycol. 5:1, 1973 Mycological Papers 103:38, 1965
Pilaira anomala (+) (Cesati) J.Schroeter Pithomyces graminicola R.Y. Roy and B. Rai
1322 ATCC36779, IMI228216, (100, 25ºC), 2148 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
Teaching strain, Mates with
MTCC1321, M.S. Fuller, "Lower Pithomyces sp.
Fungi in the Laboratory", University 3860 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
of Georgia, Athens, p129, 1979 (37, 25ºC)
Pilaira anomala (-) (Cesati) Schroeter 4353 T.S. Suryanarayanan, Leaves of
1321 ATCC36774, IMI228217, (100, 25ºC), Lumnitzera racemosa, (37, 25ºC)
Teaching strain, Mates with
MTCC1322, M.S. Fuller, "Lower Plectosphaerella cucumerina (Lindfors)
Fungi in the Laboratory", University W. Gams
of Georgia, Athens, p129, 1979 6311 CBS101607, ATCC96328, (37, 25ºC)
Pilaira moreaui Ling Yong Plectosphaerella sp.
365 CBS181.26, IMI109389, (7, 30ºC) 4645 H. Dhanoa, Dead twigs, (37, 25ºC)
Pilobolus crystallinus (Wiggers) Tode Pleospora alfalfae E.G.Simmons
608 ATCC14499, CBS272.31, (62, 25ºC), 519T IMI269683, CBS192.86, (37, 25ºC),
Teaching strain, spore dispersal, M.S. Type strain
Fuller, "Lower fungi in the
laboratory", Univ. Georgia, 1979 Pleospora papaveracea (De Notaris) Saccardo
1010 DSM62545, CBS208.50, (7, 25ºC),
Piptocephalis fimbriata M.J. Richardson and J. Parasitien K 14:462, 1950
526 IMI149882, CBS916.95, (7, 25ºC) Pleospora tarda E.G.Simmons
2145 D.A.Padmanaban, IMI135456, CBS
Pisolithus arhizus (Pers.) Rauschert 714.68, (37, 25ºC)
4130 K. Natarajan, Soil associated with Pleurocytospora sp.
Eucalyptus tereticornis, (7, 25ºC) 7122 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Ectomycorrhizal fungus (37, 25ºC)
4157 K. Natarajan, Soil associated with 7130 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Eucalyptus tereticornis, (7, 25ºC), (37, 25ºC)
Ectomycorrhizal fungus
7225 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 65
Pleurophoma cava (Schulzer) Boerema 1804 H.S. Garcha and R.P.S. Dhaliwal,
Loerakker and Hamers Compost, (7, 25ºC), Hyper laccase
2742 CBS535.66, (39, 25ºC), Production of producer, Ind. J. Microbiol. 31:181
cavoxin, cavoxone, cavoxinine and 1991
4954T CBS102510, TENN53662, WU13683,
Pleurophoma sp. (8, 25ºC), Epitype strain
6979 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fries) Quelet
1805 H.S. Garcha and R.P.S. Dhaliwal, (7,
Pleurothyrium sp. 25ºC), Edible fungus, Production of
3485 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, cellulolytic and lignolytic enzymes
(37, 25ºC)
Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fries) Singer
1796 H.S. Garcha and R.P.S. Dhaliwal, 141 D.S. Arora, FRI983, (7, 25ºC),
(7, 25ºC) Production of laccase, white-rot
1801 H.S. Garcha and R.P.S. Dhaliwal, Postia placenta (Fries) Cooke
ATCC62884, (7, 25ºC), Edible fungus, 144 D.S. Arora, FRI180(c), ATCC32568,
Production of lignolytic enzymes, NCIM1090, Pinus roxburghii, (7,
Ind. J. Microbiol. 28:38, 1989 30ºC), Brown-rot on Pinus roxburghii,
cultural diagnosis studies, Indian Forest
1802 H.S. Garcha and R.P.S. Dhaliwal, Rec. 2:297, 1973
(7, 25ºC), High laccase producing
mutant,World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2540 ATCC11538, ATCC44197, (6, 25ºC)
8:39, 1992 Production of extra-cellular poly-
saccharide and glycoside-degrading
1803 H.S. Garcha and R.P.S. Dhaliwal, enzymes, degradation of coal, tolerant
(7, 25ºC), Edible fungus, Production to copper and zinc compounds,
of lignolytic enzymes Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.
MTCC Fungi Page No. 66
4938T CBS318.65, (37, 25ºC), Type strain Rhizoctonia oryzae-sativae (Sawada) Mordue
2162 D.A. Padmanaban, (7, 25ºC), Sclerotia
Preussia vulgaris (Corda) Cain in culture
2037 D.A. Padmanaban, IMI335948,
(37, 25ºC), Ascus state in culture Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn
4633 S. Edison, Pachyrrhizus erosus, (Yam
Prosthemium asterosporum T. Kowalski and bean), (7, 25ºC)
O. Holdenrieder
2964 O. Holdenrieder, (65, 20ºC), 4634 S. Edison, Ipomoea batatas, (Sweet
Mycol. Res. 100: 1243, 1996 Potato), (7, 25ºC)
Rhizopus microsporus var. chinensis (Saito) 2233 K. O'Donnell, (7, 25ºC), Mycol. Res.
Schipper and Stalpers 94:505, 1990
919 DSM2195, ATCC11559, CBS344.29,
(97, 37ºC), Azygosporic: 125, 1973 2541 ATCC62073, (7, 25ºC), Degradation
of cyanide, Can. J. Microbiol. 31:663,
Rhizopus microsporus var. microsporus 1985
3934 J.P. Tamang, Marcha, (7, 30ºC) 2726 D. A. Padmanaban, Air, (7, 25ºC)
Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus 2775 R.P. Mathur, Bamboo, (7, 30ºC)
(Saito) Schipper and Stalpers
556 ATCC22959, CBS338.62, NBRC (IFO) 2883 P. Bajpai, Rotten wood, (7, 25ºC)
8631, IMI174457, (7, 25ºC), Production
of acid protease, tempeh, degradation 3690 Chawla, Soil, (7, 25ºC)
of phytic acid, Can. J. Microbiol. 3765 J.P. Tamang, Marcha, (7, 25ºC)
11:727, 1965, Appl. Microbiol. 27:906,
1974 3831 D.A. Padmanaban, Tea, (7, 25ºC)
2785 M.D. Jani, Soil, (7, 30ºC) 3931 A. Sen, Plant, (7, 25ºC)
Setosphaeria prolata K.J. Leonard and Suggs 1217 FGSC2853, (48, 25ºC), Genetic
2139 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC), stock, Dark mycelium, reduced
"Drechslera" conidial state in culture fertility
2357 D.A. Padmanaban, (63, 25ºC) 1218 FGSC2861, (48, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Hyalomycelium, self-sterile
Setosphaeria rostrata K.J. Leonard
2149 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) 1219 FGSC2866, (48, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Partially fertile perithecia
2332 D.A. Padmanaban, (63, 25ºC)
Exserohilum conidial state in culture 1220 FGSC2870, (48, 25ºC), Genetic
stock, Dark mycelium, fertile
Setosphaeria turcica (Luttrell) K.J. Leonard
and Suggs 1221 FGSC2877, (48, 25ºC), Genetic
2284 D.A. Padmanaban, (63, 25ºC) stock, Mycelia more dense than
normal, fertile
2356 D.A. Padmanaban, (63, 25ºC)
1222 FGSC2867, (48, 25ºC), Genetic
Simplicillium obclavatum (W.Gams) Zare and stock, Almost sterile but with a few
W. Gams large and partially fertile perithecia
7368 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) 1878 FGSC2831, (48, 25ºC), Citrine
Simplicillium sp.
6577 L. Singh, Wood, (37, 25ºC) 1879 FGSC2835, (48, 25ºC), Sulphur
7222 O. Prakash, Plant, (7, 25ºC)
Sordaria humana (Fuckel) G.Winter
7236 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 2283 D.A. Padmanaban, IMI126605,
(37, 25ºC) (65, 25ºC)
IMI040045, (117, 37ºC), Type strain, 4890 B.S. Chadha, (37, 45ºC)
Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 59:221, 1932
Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae
Talaromyces derxii Takada and Udagawa Subrahmanyam, B.S. Mehrotra and
2772T CBS413.89, (65, 25ºC), Type strain, Thirumalachar
Production of penicillide and dehy- 1184T A. Subrahmanyam, ATCC28404,
droisopenicillide CBS104.75, IMI234110, Municipal
compost, (7, 45ºC), Type strain,
Talaromyces emersonii Stolk Georgia J. Sci. 35:1, 1977, Antonie
387T CBS393.64, ATCC16479, NBRC van Leeuwenhoek 45:275, 1979
(IFO)31232, IMI116815, Compost,
(117, 40ºC), Type strain, thermophilic, Thielavia terricola (Gilman and Abbott)
Antonie von Leeuwenhoek J. Microbiol Emmons
Serol. 31:262, 1965 2154 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC), Ascus
state in culture
Talaromyces flavus Stolk and Samson
1778 U. George, Tea garden soil, (43, Thielaviopsis basicola (Berkeley and Broome)
30ºC) Ferraris
1467 DSM63050, (136, 20ºC)
Talaromyces helicus var. helicus (Raper and
Fennell) C.R. Benjamin Thielaviopsis sp.
1464T DSM3705, ATCC10451, CBS335.48, 3876 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
NBRC (IFO)30885, IMI040593, (98, (37, 25ºC)
25ºC), Type strain
Thyronectria sp.
Talaromyces stipitatus (Thom) C.R. 6883 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
Benjamin (37, 25ºC)
2003 D.A. Padmanaban, (49, 25ºC)
Tiarosporella graminis var. karoo B. Sutton
Talaromyces wortmannii (Klocker) and Marasas
C.R.Benjamin 2366 C. Roux, (37, 25ºC), Black light
3505 Biosolutions, Laboratory contaminant, recommended for sporulation, Mycol.
(117, 25ºC) Res. 94:109, 1990
Torula herbarum f. quaternella Saccardo 3465 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (65,
3409 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (38, 25ºC)
3467 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (65,
7205 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (37, 25ºC)
3469 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, (65,
Trametes carbonaria (Berkeley and Curtis) 25ºC)
1814 A. Roy, Conifer wood, (65, 25ºC), 3832 S.K. Pan, (65, 25ºC)
Brown rot fungus, Mycotaxon
10:559, 1984., Biol. Bull. Ind. 10:5, 4348 C. Manoharachary, Litter, (65, 25ºC)
4943 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (65, 25ºC)
Trametes gibbosa (Persoon) Fries
1118 A. Roy, Sporophores growing on logs 6040 Sudarshan Chemical Industries Ltd,
of Quercus sp., (65, 25ºC) Black cotton soil, (65, 25ºC)
3190 C.P. Kubicek, DAOM167162, (65, 3174 C.P. Kubicek, PPRI 3647, Old
25ºC) photos, (65, 25ºC)
3275 C.P. Kubicek, DAOM167070, (65, 3175 C.P. Kubicek, PPRI 3771, Leather,
25ºC) (65, 25ºC)
Trichoderma flavofuscum (J. Miller, Giddens 3176 C.P. Kubicek, PPRI 3772, Stem of
and Foster) Bissett Vites vinifera, (65, 25ºC)
883T ATCC13308, CBS248.59, DAOM
167652, DSM3500, IMI100714, (65, 3177 C.P. Kubicek, PPRI 3303, Termites,
25ºC), Type strain, Production of L-dopa (65, 25ºC)
from L-tyrosine and its derivatives,
Mycologia 49:779, 1957, Patent strain 3178 C.P. Kubicek, PPRI 3912, Compost,
Pine park, (65, 25ºC)
Trichoderma hamatum (Bonorden) Bainier
2050 D.A. Padmanaban, (65, 25ºC) 3179 C.P. Kubicek, PPRI 4728, Tree
debris, (65, 25ºC)
2536 ATCC20764, (65, 25ºC), Production
of disease-suppressive compost, 3198 C.P. Kubicek, (65, 25ºC)
Patent strain
3204 C.P.Kubicek, (65, 25ºC)
2577T DAOM167057, CBS102160, (65,
25ºC), Neotype strain 3482 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
3113 N.P. Dohroo, Soil, (65, 25ºC)
3498 C.P. Kubicek, Bark, (65, 25ºC),
3191 C.P. Kubicek, PPRI3559, Mangrove Mycol. Res. 104:117, 2000
soil, (65, 25ºC)
3499 C.P. Kubicek, Soil, (65, 25ºC),
3501 C.P. Kubicek, Bark of a tree, (65, Mycol. Res. 104:1117, 2000
25ºC), Mycol. Res. 104:1117, 2000
3500 C.P. Kubicek, Bark, (65, 25ºC),
Trichoderma harzianum Rifai Mycol. Res. 104:1117, 2000
792 A.N. Mukhopadhyay, IMI 304056,
Soil, (65, 30ºC), Used as antagonist in 3502 C.P. Kubicek, Forest soil, (65, 25ºC),
biological control of some important Mycol. Res. 104:1117, 2000
plant pathogenic soil-borne fungi
3800 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (65, 25ºC)
795 A.N. Mukhopadhyay, IMI304057,
Soil, (65, 30ºC), Used as antagonist in 3840 S.K. Pan, (65, 25ºC)
biological control of some important
plant pathogenic soil-borne fungi 3841 H.B. Singh, Soil, (65, 25ºC)
801 A.N. Mukhopadhyay, IMI304058, 3842 H.B. Singh, Solarized soil, (65, 25ºC)
Soil, (65, 30ºC), Used as antagonist in
biological control of some important 3843 H.B. Singh, Solarized soil, (65, 25ºC)
plant pathogenic soil-borne fungi
3928 S.B. Sullia, Rhizosphere soil of
936 ATCC60850, (65, 25ºC), Biological Tamarindus indica, (65, 25ºC),
control and increased crop growth, Biocontrol agent, production of
benomyl-tolerant, Plant Dis. 70:145, protease, chitinase and gluconases
4358 Parry Agro Industries, Stem, (65,
3112 N.P. Dohroo, Soil, (65, 25ºC) 25ºC)
3168 C.P. Kubicek, PPRI 3909, Compost, 4471 C. Manoharachary, Litter, (65, 25ºC)
Pine park, (65, 25ºC)
4640 H. Dhanoa, Soil, (65, 25ºC)
3172 C.P. Kubicek, PPRI 4054, Soil,
(65, 25ºC) 4874 J. Venkata Rao, Soil, (65, 25ºC)
3173 C.P. Kubicek, PPRI 3911, Soil, (65, 4942 D.K. Arora, (65, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 74
6587 S. Satyavani, Soil, (65, 25ºC) 2937 N.D. Grampurohit, (65, 25ºC)
6767 B.P. Shukla, (65, 25ºC) 3188 C.P. Kubicek, Soil, (65, 25ºC)
6852 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,(65, 4328 C. Manoharachary, Soil, (65, 25ºC)
7218 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
7105 S.K. Sharma, Plant part, (65, 25ºC) (65, 25ºC)
7472 O.P. Joshi, Plant part, (65, 25ºC) Trichoderma longipile Bissett
2436T DAOM177227-1a, CBS 340.93, Log
7474 S.G. Prapulla, Soil, (65, 25ºC) of Ulmus, (65, 25ºC), Type strain
3199 C.P. Kubicek, (65, 25ºC) 3186 C.P. Kubicek, Soil, (65, 25ºC),
Mycol. Res. 104:117, 2000
3200 C.P. Kubicek, (65, 25ºC)
Trichoderma parceramosum Bissett
3205 C.P. Kubicek, (65, 25ºC) 2482T ATCC28019, ATCC58842, CBS
259.85, DAOM165773, (65, 25ºC),
Trichoderma koningii Oudemans Type strain, Soil Biol. Biochem.
796 A.N. Mukhopadhyay, IMI304055, 5:495, 1973, Can. J. Bot. 62:930, 1984
Soil, (65, 30ºC), Used as antagonist in
biological control of some important, 2554 ATCC36936, CBS413.94, (65, 25ºC)
plant pathogenic soil-borne fungi Production of antiviral antibiotic,
Patent strain
2051 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC)
2734 H.K. Chourasia, Gymnospermous
2385 A. Rubrer, Soil, (65, 30ºC), plant, (65, 25ºC)
Mycol. Res. 94:124, 1990
Trichoderma piluliferum J.Webster and Rifai
3342 D. Goswami, Soil, (65, 25ºC) 2054 D.A. Padmanaban, IMI185209,
(65, 25ºC)
6348 D.A. Padmanaban, Soil, (65, 25ºC)
2982 S.K. Pan, (65, 25ºC)
6762 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(65, 25ºC) 3481 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(65, 25ºC)
6888 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(65, 25ºC) Trichoderma polysporum (Link) Rifai
2017 D.A. Padmanaban, (65, 25ºC)
Trichoderma lactea Bissett
2861 S.K. Pan, Soil, (65, 25ºC) Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rifai
2048 D.A. Padmanaban, (65, 25ºC)
2980 S.K. Pan, (65, 25ºC)
2049 D.A. Padmanaban, (65, 25ºC)
7110 S.K. Sharma, Plant part, (65, 25ºC)
2433T DAOM167678, CBS818.68, CBS
1258 K.P. Singh, (65, 30ºC) 408.91, Wood, (65, 25ºC), Type
2052 D.A. Padmanaban, (65, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 75
2668 V.S. Rathore, Forest, (65, 25ºC) 3202 C.P. Kubicek, (65, 25ºC)
3929 S.B. Sullia, Rhizosphere soil of Trichoderma virens (J.H.Miller, Giddens and
Mangifera indica, (65, 25ºC), A.A. Foster) von Arx
Biocontrol agent, Production of 794 A.N. Mukhopadhyay, IMI 304061,
protease, chitinase and glucanases Soil, (65, 30ºC), Used as antagonist in
biological control of some important
4096 A.K. Varshney, soil, (38, 25ºC) plant pathogenic soil-borne fungi
4116 R.C. Rajak and M.K. Upadhyay, Soil, 1372 A.N. Mukhopadhyay, (65, 30ºC),
(65, 25ºC) Genetic stock, white colony, mutant
derived from MTCC794, antagonistic
4876 B.R. Pati, Soil, (65, 25ºC), Production to soil-borne plant pathogens
of xylanase (biological control), insensitive to
vitavax (oxathiin)
6749 S. Prasad, Polluted Soil, (65, 25ºC)
1373 A.N. Mukhopadhyay, (65, 30ºC),
Trichoderma saturnisporum Hammill Genetic stock, Yellowish green
2053 D.A. Padmanaban, (65, 25ºC) colony, mutant derived from
MTCC794, Antagonistic to soil-
2481T ATCC18903, CBS330.70, IMI borne plant pathogens, (biological
146852, (65, 25ºC), Type strain, control), insensitive to vitavax
Mycologia 62:112, 1970 (oxathiin)
6488 A. Gulati, Tea rhizosphere, (65, 25ºC) 1375 A.N. Mukhopadhyay, (65, 30ºC),
Genetic stock, Dull-green colony,
Trichoderma spirale Bissett mutant derived from MTCC794,
2435T DAOM183974, CBS346.93, Soil, Antagonistic to soil-borne plant
(65, 25ºC), Type strain pathogens (biological control),
Insensitive to vitavax (oxathiin)
3197 C.P. Kubicek, (65, 25ºC)
1376 A.N. Mukhopadhyay, (65, 30ºC),
3201 C.P. Kubicek, (65, 25ºC) Genetic stock, green colony, mutant
MTCC Fungi Page No. 76
6321 G. Selvakumar, Decomposing pine 3272 J.N. Shrivastava, Soil, (64, 25ºC)
needles, (37, 25ºC)
Trichophyton sp.
Trichoderma viride Persoon 7250 J.N. Shrivastava, Soil, (37, 25ºC)
167 R.M. Vohra and D. Dube, (65, 30ºC)
Trichothecium roseum (Persoon) Link
793 A.N. Mukhopadhyay, IMI 304054, 971 DSM860, ATCC8685, NBRC (IFO)
Soil, (65, 30ºC), Used as antagonist in 6157, IMI057973, (7, 25ºC), Production
MTCC Fungi Page No. 77
2150 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) Ustilago maydis (De Candolle) Corda
1474 DSM3121, ATCC14826, CBS445.63,
2676 H.K. Chourasia, Gymnospermous (98, 25ºC), Production of ustilagic
plant, (7, 25ºC) acid
2152 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) 6856 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
Ulocladium consortiale (von Thumen)
E.G. Simmons 6863 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
2055 D.A. Padmanaban, (37, 25ºC) (37, 25ºC)
Umbelopsis nana (Linnemann) von Arx 6871 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
6305 CBS669.83, (39, 25ºC) (7, 25ºC)
MTCC Fungi Page No. 78
7394 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs, 6954 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC) 37, 25ºC)
Xylaria sp.
6880 D.A. Padmanaban, Dead twigs,
(37, 25ºC)
Zygorhynchus californiensis
Hesseltine, Benjamin and Mehrotra
1298T NBRC (IFO)6663, ATCC36723,
CBS402.58, (108, 25ºC), Type strain,
Mycologia 51:173,1959