Ncim04 Fungi

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ABSIDIA van Tiegh.
Absidia blakesleeana Lendner.
889 IARI (1960), (+) strain. (Medium 44, 28C).
890 IARI (1960), (-) strain. (Medium 44, 28C).
Absidia butleri Lendner.
(See Gongronella butleri)
Absidia corymbifera. (Cohn) Sacchardo et Trotter
1233 ITCC 1272; Type of Absidia ornata. Excreta of bird Vindhyachal,
Alahabad, India. CMI115180; CBS 291.66; NRRL 10923. (Medium
44, 28C).


Acremonium chrysogenum (Thirumalachar and Sukapure) W. Gams
(Syn. Cephalosporium chrysogenum)
893 CMI 49137 (1967). Soil. Taxonomy (J. Ferm. Technol. 55, 27-36,
1977). Produces cephalosporin P, N and C. Virus like particles
(Appl. Microbiol. 22, 919-920, 1971). Production of protease (J.
Ferm. Technol. 50, 592, 810, 816, 1972; ibid. 53, 99, 1975)
and deacetoxycephalosporin C (U.S. Pat. 3,979,260). ATCC 11550.
(Medium 44, 28C).
1069 CMI 49137 (1972). Same as NCIM 893. (Medium 44, 28C).
Acremonium sporosulcatum
1319 Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur (2005). Deposited by
Vasantakumar. Produces -amylase. CMI 393036. (Medium 44, 30


Actinomucor sp.
1183 Deposited by Dr. MCS (1985). (Medium 44, 28C).


Agaricus bitorquis (Quelet) Sacchardo
1250 Deposited by BAIF (1993) for mushroom cultivation. (Medium 44,


ALTERNARIA Nees ex wallr.
Altenaria alternata (Fries) Keissler
718 IARI (1960). (Medium 44, 28C).


Altenaria brassicicola (Schweinitz) Wiltshire.
1045 Brassica oleracea, U.K. CMI 145549 (1972). (Medium 44,
Alternaria solani (Ellis and Martin) Sorauer.
887 ATCC 11785 (1958). (Medium 44, 28C).
888 IARI (1960).(Medium 44, 28C).
Alternaria tenuis Nees
1220 (Alternaria alternata) DMSRDE 1106 (1982). Strain Thom. Attacks
plastic material used in environmental test for electronic and
electrical equipments (Indian Standard, 9000, Part X, 1979).
(Medium 44, 28C).
Alternaria sp.
900 FRI 14 FR4 (1970). (Medium 44, 28C).
1078 DRL (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).
1280 (Medium 44, 28C).


Arthrobotrys conoides Drechsler
1210 ATCC 44454. Collagenase (Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 40, 567-570;
694-696, 1980). CBS 265.83. (Medium 44 & 51, 28C).
1245 (Medium 44 & 51, 28C).
Arthrobotrys oligospora Fresenius
1246 (Medium 44 & 51, 28C).


Ashbya gossypii (Ashby et Nowell) Guilliermond
1193 CCY 23-1-1. Production of riboflavin.(Medium 44, 28C).


Aspergillus amstelodami (Mangin) Thom et Church.
(See also Eurotium amstelodami perf. st.).
1026 CMI 17455 (1965). Fungus resistance testing for British
specification. ATCC 16018. (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus aureus Nakazawa.
(See Aspergillus foetidus).
Aspergillus awamori Nakazawa.
861 IFO 4398 (1954). ATCC 11382. (Medium 44, 28C).
885 ATCC 11358 (1954). Sweet potato distilled wine. (Medium 44, 28C).
886 CMI 59605 (1952). Tropaeolum sp, Rhizosphere. (Medium 44,28C).
948 CFTRI 1042 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
1188 Dr. A.C. Gaur, Department of Microbiology, IARI (Delhi) (Medium
44, 28C)


1225 NRRL 4869; Degradation of raffinose (Biotech. Bioeng. 22, 533-
541, 1980). Produces - galactosidase and invertase (Ibid., 22,
411-420, 1980). ATCC 44733. (Medium 44, 28C)
Aspergillus candidus Link ex Fries.
883 NRRL 312 (1962). QM 7400; ATCC 16871; CBS 567.65.
(Medium 12, 28C).
884 IARI (1965). (Medium 12, 28C).
Aspergillus cervinus
1356 Deposited by N. Sivagurunathan, Manipal University, Manipal (2012).
Isolated from marine soil. Production of L-asparaginase. (Medium 44,
Aspergillus chevalieri (Mangin) Thom et Church.
(See also Eurotium chevalieri, perf. st.)
942 CFTRI 1033 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus clavatus Desmazieres.
1007 CMI 91902 (1972). Production of clavacin (Science 96, 202, 1942).
ATCC 9600; NCTC 3886; CBS 104.45. (Medium 44, 28C)
Aspergillus fischeri Wehmer. (perf. st. Sartorya)
508 NCTC 6581 (1949). Garden soil, U.K. CMI 16143. (Medium 44,
509 CMI 54403 (1963). (Medium 44, 28C).
517 NRRL 181 (1947). Canned apples. QM 1983; ATCC 1020; CBS
544.65. (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus flavipes (Bainier et Sartory) Thom et Church.
(See also Fennellia flavipes, perf. st.)
1209 NRRL 295. Dairy products. CBS 585.65; ATCC 16814; CMI
135422. (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus flavus Link ex Fries.
519 NRRL 466 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
524 NCIM isolate 2804/1 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C )
525 NCIM isolate 12/22 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
526 NCIM isolate X-2 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
532 NCIM isolate 2804/4 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
533 NCIM isolate X-10 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
534 NRRL 470 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
535 NRRL 2211 (1954). Proteolytic enzyme production (Arch. Biochem.
Biophys. 41(1), 48-60, 1952). CMI 52176; ATCC 11499. (Medium
44, 28C).
536 NRRL 627 (1954). Proteolytic enzyme production (Arch. Biochem.
Biophys. 41, 48-60, 1952). ATCC 11496; CMI 52174 (Medium 44,
537 NRRL 2211(2) (1954). Proteolytic enzyme production (Arch.
Biochem. Biophys. 41, 48-60, 1952). ATCC 11499; CMI 52176 and
NCIM 535. (Medium 44, 28C).
538 NRRL 2210 (1954). Soil, Venezuela. Proteolytic enzyme production
(Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 41, 48-68, 1952). Produces Aflatoxins B1,
B2, G1 and G2 (Mycopathologia 93,19-24,1986).ATCC 11498; CMI
52140. (Medium 44, 28C).


539 NCIM isolate 41/19 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
540 NCIM isolate X-15 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
541 NRRL 536 (1954). Production of acylase enzyme. (Medium 44, 28C).
542 NCIM isolate 2650/6 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
543 NCIM isolate 12/95 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
544 NCIM isolate X/25 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
546 NCIM isolate 21/1 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
547 NCIM isolate 41/19 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
549 NRRL 492 (1954). Proteolytic enzyme production (Arch. Biochem.
Biophys. 41, 48-60, 1952). ATCC 11495; CMI 52173. (Medium 44,
550 NCTC 596 (1949). CMI 16145, NRRL 482, CBS 109.45, QM 6737
ATCC 1003. (Medium 44, 28C).
551 CMI 40413 (1951). Sugar stem Jinja-Uganda isolate. (Medium 44,
554 ATCC 10124 (1953).Production of Kojic acid. (J. Am. Chem. Soc.
53, 774, 1931).Tranformations of sesquiterpene lactone
costunolide.(J.C.S. Perkin I.,3022-3028,1979). Aflatoxin
nonproducer (Can J. Microbiol. 23, 60,1977). NRRL 484; CBS
113.32. (Medium 44, 28C).
555 NRRL 453 (1951). Brazil nuts. Transitional towards Aspergillus
oryzae. Produces -nitropropionic acid in food (J. Food Sci. 38,
1162-1165, 1973). ATCC 11500; CMI 52141; NRRL 453, NRRL
1280. (Medium 44, 28C).
556 NCIM isolate (1954). Strain 292-108. (Medium 44, 28C).
557 ATCC 9170 (1952). Production of aspergillus acid (J. Bact. 45,
433, 1943). Trasformations of sesquiterpene lactone costunolide
(J.C.S.Perkin 1, 3022-3028, 1979). Atypical Strain. NRRL 501, 626.
QM 6739 (Medium 44, 28C).
648 NRRL 453 (1953). Same as NCIM 555. (Medium 44, 28C).
650 NRRL 2160 (1953). Scale insects. Transitional toward Aspergillus
parasiticus. Produces proteolytic enzymes in fell-mongering process
(Lennox); and lipolytic enzymes (J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc. 30,
315-321, 1935). ATCC 11492, 13450; CMI 52148; NRRL 485.
(Medium 44, 28C).
1028 CMI 148764 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1316 Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (2004). Isolated from soil from
Shrimp drying field & deposited by Dr. Sridhar Patil. Production of
chitinase. (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus foetidus (Nakazawa) Thom et Raper
(Syn. Aspergillus aureus)
505 CMI 50567 (1962). Kew Survey. Produces pectic enzyme. (Medium
44, 28C).
510 ATCC 11359 (1956). Sweet potato distilled wine. Tokyo strain
R4832. (Medium 44, 28C).
511 NCTC (1952). (Medium 44, 28C).
514 NCIM IJB-1 (1954). Produces pectic enzyme. (Medium 44, 28C).
937 CFTRI 1028 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).


947 CFTRI 1041 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
1027 CMI 50567 (1972). Same as NCIM 505. (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus fumigatus Fresinius.
(See also Sartorya fumigata perf. st.)
902 Bhavan's College Bombay (1967). Production of cellulase. (Medium
44, 28C).
Aspergillus funiculosus Smith
1029 CMI 147694 (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus gigantius Wehmer.
568 NCIM isolate MC-1 (1964). (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus luchuensis Inui.
991 QM 873 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus nidulans (Eidam) Winter
(See also Emericella nidulans perf. st.)
1211 NRRL 187 (1979). ATCC 10074; CMI 86806; CBS 589.65, QM
1985. (Medium 44, 28C).
1324 NCL isolate (2005). Deposited by Dr. Adikane. Degradation of
pollutants in distillery effluents. ITCC 6105.05. (Medium 44, 30
Aspergillus niger van Tieghem.
501 ATCC 16880 (1949). Soil, Costa Rica. Raper strain. Predominantly
sclerotial. CBS 553.65. (Medium 44, 28C).
502 NRRL 502 (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
503 NRRL 503 (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
504 NCIM isolate from peanut (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
506 NCIM isolate from peanut (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
507 NCIM isolate from peanut (1970). (Medium 44, 28C).
512 NCIM isolate from bread (1970). (Medium 44, 28C).
513 NCIM isolate from bread (1970). (Medium 44, 28C).
515 NCIM isolate from peanut (1970). (Medium 44, 28C).
516 NCIM isolate from peanut (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
518 NCIM isolate from peanut (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
520 NRRL 520 (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
521 NRRL 521 (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
522 NRRL 522 (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
523 NRRL 523 (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
527 Lister 1692 (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
528 NRRL 528 (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
529 NDRI, Bangalore (1948). Van Tieghem. (Medium 44, 28C).
530 NRRL 530 (1949). Production of gluconic acid. (Medium 44, 28C)
530a NRRL 530a (Medium 44, 28C)
545 ATCC 9029 (1953). Production of gluconic and citric acids (J.
Bact. 52, 557, 1946). Production of lincomycin sulfoxides (US Pat.
3,616,244); glucono-delta-lactone and gluconic acid (Ind. Eng.
Chem. 44, 435, 1952); citric acid from whey permeate (Dev. Ind.
Microbiol. 22, 557-563, 1981); gluconic acid (Egypt. J. Food Sci. 5, 9-
20, 21-29, 1977); glucose oxidase (US Pat. 3,701,715); gluconic
acid in the production of aldonic acid and aldonate compositions
useful in cleaning solutions (U.S. Pat. 3,454,501). Treatment of pulp


and mill wastes (U.S. Pat. 3,737,374). CMI 41876; NRRL 3, 566,
CBS 120.49. (Medium 44, 28C )
548 NRRL 3 (1953). Same as NCIM 545. (Medium 44, 28C)
552 NRRL 393 (1948). (Medium 44, 28C).
558 NCIM isolate (1948). Contaminant in sorbitol fermentation. Isolated
from soil SGP, (Vit 'C' 91) 1970. (Medium 44, 28C).
559 NRC A-1-135 (1959). (Medium 44, 28C).
560 NRC A-1-135 (1959). (Medium 44, 28C).
561 NCIM NRS-1 (1953). Perlman strain 1. (Medium 44, 28C).
561a NCIM NRS-3 (1953). Perlman strain 2. (Medium 44, 28C).
562 NCIM NRS-2 (1953). Perlman strain 2. (Medium 44, 28C).
*563 NCIM NRS-2 (1953). Perlman strain 3. (Medium 44, 28C).
565 NCIM NRS-5 (1953). Production of citric acid. (Medium 44, 28C).
569 NCIM NRS (1953). Production of citric acid. (Medium 44, 28C)
571 NCIM NRS-6 (1953). Production of citric acid. (Medium 44, 28C).
572 NCIM NRS-7 (1953). Production of citric acid. (Medium 44, 28C )
573 NCIM MDA-8 (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
574 NRRL 671 (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
575 NRRL 672 (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
576 NRRL 673 (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
577 NRRL 675 (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
578 NRRL 676 (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
579 NRRL 679 (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
580 NRRL 678 (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
581 NCIM MDA-9 (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
582 NRRL 690 (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
583 NCIM MDA-10 (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
584 USDA TC 215, 4247 (1952). Mildew proof testing. (Medium 44,
585 NCIM MDA-11 (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
586 NCIM MDA-12 (1953). Citric acid production. (Medium 44, 28C).
587 Wisconsin 72-4 (1960). Production of citric acid (Arch. Biochem. 11,
123-129, 1946; Biotechnol. Bioeng. 17, 1363-1364, 1975; Eur. J.
Appl. Microbiol. 4, 167-175, 1977; ibid., 14, 29-33, 1982;
Biotechnol. Lett. 1, 281- 286, 1979); aconitic hydrase (Methods in
Enzymology 5, 615, 1962). Lipid biosynthesis (FEMS Miocrobiol.
Lett. 5, 403-406, 1979). Produces citric acid from apple pomace
(Biotechnol. Lett. 6, 763-764, 1984). CMI 75353; NRRL 2270; ATCC
11414; NRC A-1-233. (Medium 44, 28C).
588 NRRL 328. (1960). Production of citric acid (J. Biol. Chem. 31, 15,
1917). Antigens (Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 120, 1297-1303, 1979).
Parent of Wisconsin 72-4 (ATCC 11414, q.v.). Produces citric acid
from apple pomace (Biotechnol. Lett. 6, 763-764, 1984). ATCC
1015,10582; CMI 31821; NCTC 3858a; NRRL 350, 511, 1278.
(Medium 44, 28C).
589 Wisc 72-2. (1960). Hydroxylation of progesterone at 11 - position
(J. Am. Chem. Soc., 74, 3962, 1952). Transformations of


sesquiterpene lactone costunolide (J.C.S. Perkin I, 3022-3028,
1979).CMI 76837; ATCC 11394; CBS 130.52. (Medium 44, 28C).
590 NRRL 322 (1958). Fungitoxicity of alcohols and fatty acids
(J. Pharmaceut. Sci. 69, 381-384, 1980). CBS 104.57; CMI 31276;
CMI 50565i and ii, NCTC 594 and 3902; ATCC 1004. (Medium 44,
591 CMI 31821 (1950). Same as NCIM 588. (Medium 44, 28C).
592 NCTC 7193 (1951). Production of citric acid (B.I.O.S. Final Report
220, 1946) from beet molasses (Can. J. Technol. 30, 82-88, 1952).
Produces -(1,4) glucan hydrolases (Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.
20, 326-330, 1984). CMI 27809; NRRL 2322, 2354; ATCC 10577
(Medium 44, 28C)
593 NRRL 692 (1950). (Medium 44, 28C)
594 ATCC 11414 (1946). Same as NCIM 587. (Medium 44, 28C).
595 ATCC 9142 (1950). Production of citric acid : from molasses
(Indust. Eng. Chem. 26, 1142-1149, 1934); from cotton waste (Appl.
Environ. Microbiol. 42, 1-4, 1981); from apple pomace (Biotechnol.
Lett. 6, 763-764, 1984); 18-hydroxylation of steroids (Chem.
Commun. 1195, 1157, 1971); conversion of acronycine to 9-
hydroxacronycine (J. Med. Chem. 17, 599-602, 1974); hydroxylated
biphenyl compounds (U.S. Pat. 4,153,509); 18 homo-19-norcortisone
and 18-homo-19-norhydrocortisone (U.S. Pat. 3,529,000). Produces
gluconic acid (Eur. J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 15, 88-92,
1982). NRRL 599; CMI 41874. (Medium 44, 28C).
596 ATCC 6275 (1947). Trace element nutrition studies (Steinberg,
1916-1941). Fungus resistance testing (U.S. Federal and Military
specifications); of paper and paper board (ASTM Std. D2020,1976).
Mildew resistance test for corosion-resistance baking primer and
water based vinyl adhesive (Dev. Ind. Microbiol. 20, 25-39, 1979).
Production of citric acid (U.S. Pat. 4,040,906). Sulfur bioassay (Bot.
Gaz. 126, 120-123, 1965; Acta Path. Microbiol. Scand. 71, 333-
338, 1967). Degradation of apple distillary waste (Eur. J. Appl.
Microbiol. Biotechnol. 17, 243-247, 1983). CBS 131.52; CMI 45551;
IFO 6341; NRRL 334; QM 324, 458. (Medium 44, 28C).
597 NCIM VSG-XXII (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
598 CMI 17454 (1950). Fungus resistance testing of ceramic tile
adhesive (Int. Biodet. 21, 229-230, 1986; British standard 5980, 1980
Appendix B). ATCC 10575, 16019; CBS123.48; QM 8404. (Medium
44, 28C).
600 CMI 27809 (1952). Same as NCIM 592. (Medium 44, 28C).
601 ATCC 10549 (1953). (Aspergillus niger var. altipes). Chemicaly
induced long stalked mutant. CBS 102.12; IFO 4067. (Medium 44,
602 NCIM (Schober strain) (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
603 NCIM (Schober strain) (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
604 NCIM (Blockwitz strain) (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
606 NCIM (Haviick and Mary strain) (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).


608 NCIM (Mulder strain) (1951). Assay of Mg, Cu, Zn, and Mo in soil.
(Medium 44, 28C).
609 IARI A-1 (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
610 Government Mycologist, Coimbtore (1951). Strain A-2 (Medium 44,
611 Government Mycologist, Coimbtore (1951). Strain A-3 (Medium 44,
612 NRRL A-4 (1952). Production of hydroxy progesterone at 17-
position. Wisc. strain No A-4. (Medium 44, 28C)
613 Government Mycologist, Coimbtore A-5 (1951). Production of
glucuronic and citric acid. NRRL 67. (Medium 44, 28C).
614 Government Mycologist, Coimbtore A-5 (1951). Production of citric
acid; mutant strain obtained by Thom and Raper. (Medium 44,
615 NCIM MDA-7 (1951). Production of citric acid (Medium 44, 28C).
616 NRRL 330 (1950). Production of : saccharifying enzymes (Cereal
Chem., 25, 190-201, 1948); glucoamylase (Carbohyd. Res. 20,
83-96, 1971); large amounts of maltase and less amounts of alpha
amylase (J. Appl. Chem. 2, 395, 1952). produces -galactosidase
(J. Appl. Bacteriol. 77, 359, 1994) ATCC 10864; CMI 60286; CBS
122.49; IFO 6661. (Medium 44, 28C).
617 NRRL 337 (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
618 CMI 15955 (1950). Culture plate contaminant. ATCC 10594. (Medium
44, 28C).
619 NCIM, Smith strain (1952). Mold proof testing. (Medium 44, 28C)
620 NRRL 326 (1953). Tannin-gallic acid fermentation (K.B. Raper and
D.I. Fennell, The Genus Aspergillus, Williams and Wilkins,
Baltimore, p. 310, 1965). Production of : pseudonigeron (1,3)-alpha-
D-glucan (Carbohyd. Res. 23, 183-188, 1972); kynureninase-type
enzymes (J. Bact. 122, 235-244,1975). Structure of galactomannan
(J. Biol. Chem. 252, 2584-2591, 1977). Transformations of
sesquiterpene lactone costunolide (J.C.S. Perkin I, 3022-3028,
1979). Treatment of pulp mill wastes (U.S Pat. 3,737,374).
Conversion of acetanilid to aniline (Am. J. Pharm. Educ. 47, 127-129,
1983; listed herein as ATCC 1688). Transforms pergolide to pergolide
sulfoxide and pergolide sulfone (J. Pharmaceut. Sci. 72, 733-736,
1983). ATCC 16888; CMI 50566; CBS 554.65 (Medium 44, 28C)
621 NCIM MDA-13 (1951) <-- Raper. Citric acid production. (Medium
44, 28C)
623 Thom 167 (1951). (Medium 44, 28C)
625 NCIM MDA-17 (1951). <-- Raper. Citric acid and gluconic acid
production.(Medium 44, 28C).
626 NCIM MDA-19 (1951). Production of Citric acid and gluconic
acid. (Medium 44, 28C).
627 NCIM MDAS-19 (1951). Production of Citric acid and gluconic
acid. (Medium 44, 28C).
628 NCTC 2390 (1948). Otomycosis of man, England. ATCC 10578,
CMI 31274. (Medium 44, 28C).


629 NCIM Ripple's strain (1951). (Medium 44, 28C)
630 NCIM, Nichola's strain (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
652 NCTC 326 (1950). Production of Citric acid. (Medium 44, 28C)
671 NRRL 671 (1956). Same as NCIM 574. (Medium 44, 28C).
679 NRC A-1-129 (1956). Production of Citric acid. (Medium 44, 28C).
680 NRC A-1-133 (1956). Production of Citric acid. Bernhaur strain , SA-
22. (Medium 44, 28C).
682 NRC A-1-222 (1956). Production of Citric acid . (Medium 44, 28C).
683 NRC A-1-225 (1956). Production of Citric acid from molasses
Wisc. 59. (Medium 44, 28C).
684 NRC A-1-233 (1956). Production of : citric acid (Biochem. Biophys.
Res. Comm. 50, 237-244, 1973); adenyl cyclase and
phosphodiesterases (Can. J. Microbiol. 20, 1567- 1576, 1974);
ribonuclease (Agr. Biol. Chem. 38, 933-940, 1974). ATCC 26550.
(Medium 44, 28C).
685 University of Wisconsin (1957). Production of Citric acid. (Medium
44, 28C).
692 NRRL 599 (1949). (Medium 44, 28C).
704 NRRL 530 (1949). Production of gluconic acid. (Medium 44, 28C).
705 NRRL 337 (1951). Production of citric acid. (Medium 44, 28C).
773 ATCC 6275 (1954). Same as NCIM 596. (Medium 44, 28C )
774 IFO 4034 (1963). (Medium 44, 28C).
775 IFO 5374 (1963). (Medium 44, 28C).
776 IFO 5476 (1963). (Medium 44, 28C).
777 IFO 4043 (1963). A. cinnamomeus. (Medium 44, 28C).
778 IFO 4091 (1963). A. schiemanni. (Medium 44, 28C).
779 IFO 4067 (1963). (Medium 44, 28C).
780 IFO 4343 (1963). (Medium 44, 28C)
781 IFO 4417 (1963). (Medium 44, 28C)
782 IFO 6086 (1963). (Medium 44, 28C).
783 NCIM isoalte from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
785 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C)
786 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
787 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
788 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
789 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
790 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
791 Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, No 604 (1953). Strain-M.
(Medium 44, 28C).
792 Rosell isolate. (Medium 44, 28C).
793 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
794 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
796 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
797 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
798 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
800 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
802 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).


803 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
804 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
805 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
807 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
808 NCIM isolate from soil (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
809 NRC 1.2.5 A (1963). (Medium 44, 28C).
810 NRC 42.1.365 A (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
811 NRC 42.A.666 A (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
812 NRC 14177 (43-58813) (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
813 NRC (43-1356 C) 15738 (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
814 NRC A.1.133 (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
815 NRC A.1.131 (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
816 NRC A.1.135 (1953). (Medium 44, 28C)
817 NRC A.1.126 (1953). (Medium 44, 28C).
819 NRRL 361 (1953). Chemically induced smoke-colored mutant.
ATCC 1040; CMI 16269; CBS 122.28; NCTC 3781, QM 327; IFO
4091. (Medium 44, 28C).
820 NRC A.1.29 (1953). (Medium 44, 28C)
821 NCIM isolate (1953). Production of citric acid. (Medium 44, 28C).
836 NRRL 398 (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
838 NCIM isolate (1953). Single spore isolate from A-5. Production of
citric acid. (Medium 44, 28C).
839 NCIM isolate (1953). Same as NCIM 838.(Medium 44, 28C).
840 NCIM isolate (11953). Same as NCIM 838.(Medium 44, 28C).
841 NCIM isolate (1953). Same as NCIM 838. (Medium 44, 28C).
843 NRRL 312 (1962). (Medium 44, 28C).
844 NCIM Perlman-1 (1960). (Medium 44, 28C).
845 NCIM Perlman-2 (1960). (Medium 44, 28C).
846 NCIM Perlman-3 (1960). (Medium 44, 28C).
847 NCIM DL-4 (1964). Same as NCIM 595. (Medium 44, 28C).
848 NCIM DL-5 (1964). NRRL 678. (Medium 44, 28C).
849 NCIM isolate (1964). (Medium 44, 28C).
853 NCIM 615 (1951). (Medium 44, 28C )
854 NCIM 516 (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
855 NCIM 518 (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
856 NCIM DL-6 (1960) <-- Wisc A-1215. (Medium 44, 28C).
858 NCIM DL-7 (1960) <-- Wisc 72-2. (Medium 44, 28C).
859 NCIM DL-7 (1960). (Medium 44, 28 C).
860 NCIM DL-7 (1960). Wisc. 9968. (Medium 44, 28C).
891 NCIM isolate. (Medium 44, 28C).
918 CFTRI 1001 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
919 CFTRI 1002 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
920 CFTRI 1003 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
926 CFTRI 1009 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
927 CFTRI 1011 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
945 CFTRI 1037 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
946 CFTRI 1038 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).


952 CFTRI 1046 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
953 CFTRI 1047 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
1004 NRRL 2995 (1971). Assay of Mg, Cu, Zn, and Mo in soils (Ann.
Ferm. 4, 513-533, 1938; Ann. Rept. Long Ashton Res. Sta., pp. 126-
137, 1947; Arch. Mikrobiol. 10, 72-86, 1939; Science, 26, 125-146,
1951; J. Sci. Ind. Res. 14, 4, 1941). Transformation of pergolide to
pergolide sulfoxide (J. Pharm. Sci. 72, 733-736, 1983). ATCC 10581;
CMI 31283; CBS 121.49. (Medium 44, 28C).
1005 CMI 50565 (1971). Same as NCIM 590. (Medium 44, 28C).
1006 CMI 50566 (1917). Same as NCIM 620. (Medium 44, 28C).
1024 CMI 17454 (1971). Same as NCIM 598. (Medium 44, 28C).
1025 CFTRI (1971). Deterioration of plastics (Int. Biodet. Bull. 8, 3-7,
1972). Fungus resistance testing (U.S. Federal and Military
specifications; ASTM Std. G21,1980). Production of pullulan 4-
glucanohydrolase (Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 153, 180-187, 1972).
Assay of wood preservative chemicals (Forest. Prod. J. 29, 39-42,
1979). CBS 246.65; CMI 91855; IFO 6342; NRRL 3536; ATCC 9642.
(Medium 44, 28C).
1054 CFTRI (1972). Production of amylase. Pingham strain (Medium 44,
1055 PRL 797 (1972). Citric acid production. (Medium 44, 28C).
1056 PRL 789 (1972). Citric acid production. (Medium 44, 28C).
1057 PRL 2.1 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1107 NCIM isolate (1978). (Medium 44, 28C).
1196 ATCC 16404 (1982). Blueberry, North Carolina. Antimicrobial
preservative testing (U.S. Pharmacopoeia, 20th rev., pp. 873-874,
1980; Brit. Pharmacopeia 1980, v.2 p. A193. 1980; ANSI/ASTM E
640 - 78). Renamed as Aspergillus brasiliensis. CMI 149007; IFO
9455. (Medium 44, 28C)
*1207 Deposited by D.V. Gokhale, NCL Pune (1983). Production of -
glucosidase (Biotechnol. Lett. 6, 719-722, 1984; Appl. Biochem.
Biotechnol. 30, 99-109, 1991; ibid.,37, 11-17,1992); -xylosidase
(Biotechnol. Lett. 8, 137-138, 1986); cellulase and xylanase (Enzyme
Microb. Technol.. 10, 442-445, 1988); acidic lipase (Proc. Biochem.
38, 715-721, 2002). (Medium 44, 28C).
1213 ATCC 10249. Production of oxalic acid. (New Phytol. 36, 327, 1937).
(Medium 44, 28C)
1222 DMSRDE No. 1108. Resistant to copper salts. Fungus resistance
testing (Indian Standard, 9000, Part X, 1979). (Medium 44, 28C).
1248 Deposited by M. Damodaran, RRL, Trivendrum. Produces
glucoamylase in solid state fermentation together with small
quantities of -amylase and glucosidase (Biol. Wastes 34, 11-19,
1990; Biores. Technol. 31, 169-172, 1991; Starke/Starch 44(2),75-
7,1992). Surface mycelial growth. (Medium 44, 28C).
*1253 Deposited by D.V. Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: arg nic.
Albino spore coloured mutant. (Medium 34, 28C).
*1254 Deposited by D.V. Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: his met.
Olive spore coloured mutant. (Medium 34, 28C).


*1255 Deposited by D.V. Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: arg, his.
White spore coloured mutant. (Medium 34, 28C).
*1256 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: arg nic
his. Recombinant derived by protoplast fusion (Enzyme Microb.
Technol.11, 2-5, 1989). (Medium 34, 28C).
*1257 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: arg.
Recombinant derived by protoplast fusion (Enzyme Microb. Technol.
11, 2-5, 1989). (Medium 34, 28C).
*1258 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Recombinant derived
by protoplast fusion (Enzyme Microb. Technol. 11, 2-5, 1989).
(Medium 34, 28C).
*1259 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: nic.
Recombinant derived by protoplast fusion (Enzyme Microb. Technol.
11, 2-5, 1989). (Medium 34, 28C).
*1260 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: arg.
Recombinant derived by protoplast fusion (Enzyme Microb. Technol.
11, 2-5, 1989). (Medium 34, 28C).
*1261 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: met.
Recombinant derived by protoplast fusion (Enzyme Microb. Technol.
11, 2-5, 1989). (Medium 34, 28C).
*1262 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1989). Genotype: cyst met.
Mutant derived from NCIM 1207 (Enzyme Microb. Technol. 10, 442-
445, 1988). (Medium 34, 28C).
*1263 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: cyst met.
Mutant derived from NCIM 1207. (Enzyme Microb. Technol. 10, 442-
445, 1988). (Medium 34, 28C).
*1264 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype leu.
Mutant derived from NCIM 1207 (Enzyme Microb. Technol. 10, 442-
445, 1988).(Medium 34, 28C).
*1265 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: aspn.
Mutant derived from NCIM 1207 (Enzyme Microb. Technol. 10, 442-
445, 1988). (Medium 34, 28C).
*1266 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: leu ade.
Mutant derived from NCIM 1264. (Medium 34, 28C).
*1267 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: arg. Green
spores. (Medium 34, 28C).
*1268 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Genotype: leu met.
Mutant derived from NCIM 1264. (Medium 34, 28C).
*1269 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL,
Pune(1994).Prototroph.Carbendazim resistant mutant derived from
NCIM 1207. (Medium 34, 28C).
*1270 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Prototroph. Mutant
possessing compact colony morphology derived from NCIM 1207.
Produces high amounts of -glucosidase (Enzyme Microb. Technol.
10, 442-445, 1988); acidic lipase (Proc. Biochem. 39, 2031-2034,
2004). (Medium 34, 28C).
*1271 Deposited by D.V.Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Prototroph. Mutant
with big spore heads derived from NCIM 1207. Produces high


amounts of -glucosidase (Enzyme Microb. Technol. 10, 442-445,
1988). (Medium 34, 28C).
*1272 Deposited by D.V. Gokhale, NCL, Pune (1994). Prototroph. Fawn
colored mutant derived from NCIM 1207. Produces high amounts of
-glucosidase (Enzyme Microb. Technol. 10, 442-445, 1988).
(Medium 34, 28C).
1317 Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (2004). Isolated from soil from
Shrimp drying field & deposited by Sridhar Patil. Production of
chitinase. (Medium 44, 28C).
1332 Deposited by Microexpress, Goa (2008). Same as NCIM 1196.
(Medium 44, 28C)
1338 Deposited by Dr. T.B. Karegaudar, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
(2009). Isolated from Agricultural soil. Production of xylanase
(Medium 44, 28C).
1342 Deposited by Gulbarga University, Gulbarga (2009). Isolated from
garden soil. Strain no. PSSF21. Production of invertase and inulininase
(Medium 44, 28C)
1345 Deposited by Dr. Sridevi, Chaitanya Degree College, Hanamkonda
(AP) (2009). Production of xylanase. Strain no. CDC-38. (Medium 44,
1353 Deposited by Prof. A.K. Dikshit, IIT, Mumbai (2011). Isolated from
sludge of distillery waste treatment plant. Strain no. V-8(IITB).
Decolorization of anaerobically digested molasses spent wash (J.
Hazardous Materials 176, 864-869, 2010; Biodegradation 22, 1109-
1117, 2011). (Medium 44, 28C)
*1358 Deposited by Dr. J.M. Khire, NCL, Pune (2012). Mutant of NCIM
563, Mutant N79. Phytase production (J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol.
36, 373-380, 2009. (Medium 44, 28C)
*1359 Deposited by Dr. J.M. Khire, NCL, Pune (2012). Mutant of NCIM
563, Mutant P16. Phytase production (Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol 97,
673-679, 2013. (Medium 44, 28C)
*1360 Deposited by Dr. J.M. Khire, NCL, Pune (2012). Mutant of NCIM
563, Mutant P33. Phytase production. (Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol
97, 673-679, 2013. (Medium 44, 28C)
Aspergillus ochraceus Wilhelm
1140 NRRL 405 (1976). Rubber sheat. 11--hydroxylation of progesterone
and Reichstein's compound S (Appl. Microbiol. 16, 393-400, 1968;
Can J. Microbiol. 14, 529- 532, 1968).Transformations of
sesquiterpene lactone costunolide (J.C.S. Perkin I, 3022-3028, 1979).
Produces 11--hydroxyprogesteron (Can. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 62,
100-107, 1984). ATCC 18500. (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus oryzae (Alberg) Cohn
553 NRRL 458 (1953). ATCC 9376 & ATCC 10063; CMI 51983.
(Medium 44, 28C).
570 Source unknown. (Medium 44, 28C).
631 ATCC 10063 (1954). Same as NCIM 553. (Medium 44, 28C).
632 NRRL 458 (1951). Same as NCIM 553. (Medium 44, 28C).
634 NCIM 38 (1952).Production of amylases.(Medium 44, 28C).


635 NRRL 697 (1951). Production of amylases (Indust. Eng. Chem. 31,
734-738, 1939; ibid. 32, 544-547,1940; ibid. 35, 814-818, 1943).
ATCC 11491; CMI 52149. (Medium 44, 28C).
636 NRRL 2160 (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
637 ATCC 11494 (1965). Soy sauce koji. Production of protease (Arch.
Biochem. Biophys. 41, 48-60, 1952). Atypical strain. NRRL 2220.
CMI 52145. (Medium 44, 28C).
638 NRRL 449 (1954). ATCC 11487; CMI 52147. (Medium 44, 28C).
640 NRRL 695 (1954). Production of amylases (Indust. Eng. Chem. 31,
734-738, 1939; ibid. 32, 544-547, 1940; ibid. 35, 814-818, 1943).
Transitional towards Aspergillus flavus. ATCC 11489; CBS 125.59;
CMI 52143. (Medium 44, 28C).
641 ATCC 11490 (1954). Production of amylases (Indust. Eng. Chem. 31,
734-738, 1939; ibid. 32, 544-547, 1940; ibid. 35, 814-818, 1943).
NRRL 696, CMI 52142. (Medium 44, 28C).
642 NRRL 692 (1951). Production of amylase (Ind. Eng. Chem. 31, 734-
738, 1939). CBS 102.07; ATCC 1011, 4814, 7561, 9102,12891; CMI
16266, 44242; IFO 4075, 5375; NCTC 598; NRRL 447; QM 6735.
(Medium 44, 28C).
643 ATCC 9362 (Aspergillus sojae) (1956). Production of : protease,
tannase and soy sauce. Does not produce aflatoxin on cowpeas and
rice (Science 192, 1345-1346, 1976; ibid., 194, 1188, 1976; ibid.
196, 1353-1354, 1977). NRRL 1988; CBS 133.52; CMI
87159. (Medium 44, 28C).
644 NCIM, Thom strain 290 (1952) (Medium 44, 28C).
645 ATCC 1011 (1947), Same as NCIM 642. (Medium 44, 28C).
646 CFTRI (1966). Lowa strain no 22. (Medium 44, 28C).
647 NCTC 965 (1960). Production of diastage. CMI 17299. (Medium
44, 28C).
649 NRRL 2217 (1957). Partially fermented soy bean-wheat flour
mixture. Production of protease (Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 41, 48-60,
1952). Floccose strain. ATCC 11493; CMI 52144. (Medium 44,28C).
700 CFTRI, V-3827/30 (1966). Production of aflatoxin. (Medium 44,
701 CFTRI, V-3734/10 (1966). Production of aflatoxin. (Medium 44,
702 NCIM MD A-16 (1952). Production of aflatoxin. (Medium 44, 28C).
703 CFTRI, A-1919 (1966). Production of aflatoxin .(Medium 44, 28C).
754 NCIM, MD AF-15 (1952). (Medium 44, 28C).
755 CFTRI, AF-42 (1956). Production of aflatoxin. (Medium 44, 28C).
929 CFTRI 1013. (Medium 44, 28C).
931 CFTRI 1016 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
932 CFTRI 1017 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
934 CFTRI 1023 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
935 CFTRI 1025 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
936 CFTRI 1026 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
944 CFTRI 1036 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
949 CFTRI 1043 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).


950 CFTRI 1044 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
951 CFTRI 1045 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
954 CFTRI 1048 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
955 CFTRI 1049 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
960 CFTRI 1054 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
961 CFTRI 1055 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
962 CFTRI 1056 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
963 CFTRI 1057 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
964 CFTRI 1058 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
965 CFTRI 1059 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
1031 CMI 52148 (1972). Same as NCIM 650 Aspergillus flavus. (Medium
44, 28C).
1032 CMI 87159 (1972). Production of proteolytic enzymes and tannase.
NCIM 643, NRRL 1988; ATCC 9362. (Medium 44, 28C).
1058 PRL 123. (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus oryzae var. viridis Murakami
564 NRRL 502 (1949). Mealy bugs on sugar cane, Hawaii. Taxonomy
(J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 28, 55-60, 1982; Am. J. Bot. 2, 103,
1921). ATCC 1018, 6474, 7865; CBS 103.13; CMI 15957i, ii, iv,
vi, vii, ix; NRRL 1731. (Medium 44, 28C).
1212 ATCC 26850 (Aspergillus parasiticus) Mamestra brassicae,
Czechoslovakia. Entomophagous. Taxomony (J. Gen. Appl.
Microbiol. 28, 55-60, 1982). Produces chitinase, lipase and protease
(Ceska. Mykol. 27, 55-60, 1973). (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus parasiticus Speare
696 NCIM isolate (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
898 ATCC 15517 (1964). Aspergillus flavus. Strain described by
Murakami et al. as A. parasiticus var. globosus (J. Gen. Appl.
Microbiol. 12, 195-206, 1966). Aflatoxin production on defined
medium (J. Gen. Microbiol. 114, 409-413, 1979). Transformation of
sesquiterpene lactone costunolide (J.C.S. Perkin I: 3022-3028, 1979).
Produces versiconal acetate (ibid. 451-459 and 460-463, 1979).
Produces aflatoxins B1, G1, B2, G2 (Biochim. Biophys. Acta.86,
418-420, 1964; Mycopathologia 93, 19-24,1986). Converts averufin
into aflatoxins (Biochemistry 12, 5167- 5171,1973); converts [14
sterigmatocystin into aflatoxin B1 (Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 31,
743-745,1976). Rat colon carcinomas (J. Nat. Cancer Inst.50, 439-448,
1973). Challenge organism for testing inhibition of mycotoxin
production with dialkyl enol phosphate (U. S. Pat. 3,798,323).
Produces 4,4'- dihydroxybiphenyl (Biotechnol. Bioeng. 26, 434-
441, 1984). CBS 260.67; CMI 120920; IFO 30179. (Medium 44, 28
904 NCIM isolate (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1361 Deposited by Dr. Sailas Benjamin, University of Calicut, Kerala
(2012). Isolated from soil sample of municipal waste treatment plant.
Gene bank no. JN968368. Strain no. BP10. Phthalate degradation.
(Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus proliferans G. Smith


1149 CBS 121.45 (1974). Cotton fabric, Manchester, UK. NRRL 1908; CMI
16105; ATCC 16922; NCTC 6546; QM 7462. (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus sojae Sakagushi et Yamada
1198 NRRL 6271. Production of soy sauce (Proc. Oriental Fermented
foods, Taiwan, pp. 1-14, 1980). ATCC 46250. (Medium 44, 28C).
Apergillus sp.
1109 NCIM Isolate (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus terreus Thom
653 NCIM isolate KS-1A (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
654 NCIM isolate KS-1B (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
656 NRRL 265 (1952). Soil, Texas. Production of: itaconic acid (Indust.
Eng. Chem. 37, 405-406, 1945; Arch.Biochem. 7, 167, 1945). ants
(Am. J. Bot. 32, 214-217, 1945). Production of antiviral agent LL-S88
alpha (U.S.Pat. 3,701,774). ATCC 10029; QM 1992. (Medium 44,
657 NRRL 1960 (1950). Soil Texas. production of itaconic acid (Indust.
Eng. Chem. 37, 405-406, 1945; Arch. Biochem. 7, 167, 1945); cis-
aconitic acid decarboxylase (Methods in Enzymology Vol. V,
593, 1962); 3-methylorsellinic acid (J.C.S. Chem. Commun. 391-392,
1972); pulvinone derivatives (Phytochemistry 14, 573-576,1975;
J.C.S. Chem. Commun. 140, 717-718, 1975; Tetrahedron Letters 13,
1013-1014, 1976); asterriquinon (Gann 67, 623-623, 1976; Chem.
Pharm. Bull. 24, 1853-1859, 1976). Hydroxylation of 5-anilino-
1,2,3,4,-thiatriazole (Appl. Microbiol. 25, 606-611, 1973);
aspulvinones (Proc. 26th Int. Congr. Pure Appl. Chem., pp. A21-
A32, 1979). Produces astechrome (Chem. Pharm. Bull. 29, 1510-
1517, 1981). CBS 116.46; CMI 44243; IFO 6123; ATCC 10020; QM
6856. (Medium 44, 28C).
658 NCIM isolate (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
660 CFTRI (1954). (Medium 44, 28C).
1202 CPC 120 (1984). Lignocellulosic degradation (Ind J Microbiol. 17,
123-128, 1977). (Medium 44, 28C)
1325 NCL isolate (2005). Deposited by Dr. Adikane. Degradation of
pollutants in distillery effluents. ITCC 6106.05. (Medium 44, 30
1326 KLVV28, Gulbarga University (2005). Deposited by K. Lingappa.
Produces lovastatin (Indian J. Microbiol. 44, 133-134, 2004). (Medium
44, 30
1357 Deposited by N. Sivagurunathan, Manipal University, Manipal (2012).
Production of L-asparaginase. (Medium 44, 28C)

Aspergillus terreus var. aureus Thom et Raper.
659 ATCC 11877 (1954). Contaminant. (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus ustus (Bainier) Thom et Church
1033 CMI 113731 (1972) (Aspergillus insuetus). Sugar, Louisiana.
ATCC 16811; NRRL 278; CBS 596.65. (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus versicolor (Vuillemim) Tiraboschi
698 NRRL 239 (1964). Date fruits, California. ATCC 16856; CBS
584.65. QM 1989. (Medium 44, 28C).


1030 CMI 136778 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
Aspergillus wentii Wehmer
651 NCIM isolate (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
661 NCIM Shephers strain (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
662 NRRL 375 (1950). ATCC 1023; CMI 17295; NCTC 597; NRRL
1269, CBS 104.07. (Medium 44, 28C).
663 NCIM Church strain AC 82 (1952). (Medium 44, 28C).
664 NCTC 3919 (1949). ATCC 10590; CMI 23012. (Medium 44, 28C).
666 NCIM, Neil strain 6341 (1952). (Medium 44, 28C).
667 CMI 51433 (1952). Produces citric acid under submerged culture.
(Medium 44, 28C).
668 ATCC 1023 (1949). Same as NCIM 662. (Medium 44, 28C).
669 CMI 16035 (1949). Fermented cacao, Africa. ATCC 10583.
(Medium 44, 28C).
876 IISc, Bangalore (1961). (Medium 44, 28C).
928 CFTRI 1012, (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
938 CFTRI 1029, (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
941 CFTRI 1032, (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).


Aureobasidium mausonii (Castellani) Cooke
1226 NRRL Y-6272 (Rhinocladiella mansonii). Production of extracellular
polysaccharide (Biotechnol. Bioeng. 18, 1669-1677, 1976). ATCC
36276. (Medium 44, 28C).
Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary) Arna
(Syn. Pullularia pullulans)
976 PRL 1491 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1048 QM 72C (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1049 QM 3090 (1972). Deteriorated army supplies, Florida. Deterioration
of plastics (Int. Biodet. Bull.8, 3-7, 1972). Production of pullulan by
spheroplasts (Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 76,451-456,1981; J. Gen.
Microbiol. 120, 265-268, 1980). Fungus resistance testing (U.S.
federal standards). Fungus resistance testing of polymers
(ASTM Std. G-21, 1980). Produces fructosyl trasferase (U.S. Pat.
4,356,262). ATCC 9348, CMI 145194. (Medium 44, 28C).
1050 QM 5752 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1224 DMS RDE no. 1110 (1980). Attacks paints and lacquers. Used in
environmental tests of electronic and electrical equipments. Strain
De Borry. (Medium 44, 28C).


Auricularia polytricha (Montagne)
1303 ATCC 22079. (Medium 44, 28C).



Basidiobolus haptosporus Drechsler
1274 Deposited by M.C. Srinivasan. (Medium 44, 28C).


Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin
1216 ATCC 26851 (Beauveria tenella).Hylobius abietis, Czechoslovakia.
Entomophagous, produces chitinase, lipase and protease
(Ceska.Mykol. 27, 55-60, 1973). (Medium 44, 28C).
1300 MTCC 984 (2000). Type culture of Sporotrichum sulfurescens.
(Mycologia 62, 823,1970). Production of niddamycin-, magnamycin-
and leucomycin derivatives (U.S.Pat. 3,784,447). Produces active 2-
deuterio-cycloalkanones (Tetrahedron letts. 21, 4275, 1980).
Oxygenates dialkylbenzens (Bioorg. Chem. 2, 99, 1973).
Hydroxylation of 7-azabrendane 6-azatwistane derivatives
(Tetrahedron letts. 22, 4275, 1981). Produces optically active 3-
deuterio-cycloalkanones (J.C.S. Chem. Comm. 1980, 318, 1980).
Metabolism of phencyclidine (J. Pharm. Sci. 70, 155, 1980). Reduction
of , -unsaturated ketones ( J. Org. Chem. 47, 792, 1982).
Transformation of pergolide to pergolide sulfoxide (J. Pharm. Sci. 72,
733, 1982). ATCC 7159, CBS 209.27 (Medium 44, 28C).
Beauveria felina
1314 Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (2004). Isolated from soil from
Shrimp drying field & deposited by Sridhar Patil. Production of
Alkaline protease (Proc. Biochem., in press). (Medium 44, 28C).


Benjaminiella multispora Benny et al
1241 Deposited by M. C. Srinivasan (1985). Isolated from humous rich
soil. Dimorphism exhibited between yeast and mycelial phases. Type
culture (Mycotaxon 22, 125-127, 1985). CBS 421.70; ATCC 58763;
CMI 234109. (Medium 29, 28C).
Benjaminiella poitrasii (R.K. Benjamin) von Arx
*1240 Deposited by M. C. Srinivasan 83-2-5 (1983) (Cokeromyces
poitrasii). Isolated from plant litter, Doddabetta, Ooty, Tamilnadu,
India Dimorphism exhibited between yeast and mycelial phases.
(Medium 29, 28C).

Blakeslea trispora
1351 NRRL 2895 (Medium 44, 28C)
1352 NRRL 2896 (Medium 44, 28C)



Botyrodiplodia theobromae Patouillard
1232 ITCC 1562 (1983). CMI 10055. (Medium 44, 28C).


Botryotrichum piluliferum Saccardo et Marchal
1156 CBS 145.61 (1974). ex old file paper, LC. (Medium 44, 28C).
1157 CBS 160.53 (1974). ex cotton duck , S. Africa, Timber Res. Lab.
Johannesburg. (Medium 44, 28C).
1158 CBS 130.56 (1974). ex jute. (Medium 44, 28C).


BOTRYTIS Pers ex. Fr.
Botrytis allii Munn
1041 CMI 147186 (1972). (Medium 28C).


Cephaliophora irregularis Thaxstar
1278 Isolated and deposited by M. C. Srinivasan (1994). Wild strain.
(Medium 29, 28C)


Cephalosporium sp.
676 Isolated and deposited by M. C. Srinivasan (1966). (Medium 44,
897 FRI 15/FR 5 (1967).(Medium 44, 28C)
1251 Deposited by M. C. Srinivasan (1994). Isolated from soil. (Medium
44, 28C).

Chrysonilia sitophila
1341 Deposited by Gulbarga University, Gulbarga (2009). Isolated from
garden soil. Strain no. PSSF84. Production of invertase and inulininase




Chaetomella raphigera Swift
1231 ITCC 1377 (1981). (Medium 44, 28C).


Chaetomium globosum Kunze ex Fries
874 IARI (1965). (Medium 44, 28C).
875 FRI 398 (1962). (Medium 44, 28C).
1129 Kanpur 6 (1974). (Medium 44, 28C).
Chaetomium sp.
1328 Deposited by Dr. S.K. Singh, ARI, Pune (2006). Isolated from
Nothapodytes nimmoniana stem. Strain no. FIS656 (Medium 44,
1329 Deposited by Dr. S.K. Singh, ARI, Pune (2006). Isolated from
Pongamia pinnata stem. Strain no. FIS742 (Medium 44, 28C)


Cladosporium cladosporioides
1340 Deposited by Dr. T.B. Karegaudar, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
(2009). Decolorization of acid blue 193 dye. (Medium 44, 28C)
Cladosporium herbarum Link ex Fries
1112 (Medium 44, 28C).
1118 Link (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).
Cladosporium sp.
901 Bhavan's college, Bombay (1967). Produces cellulolytic enzymes.
(Medium 44, 28C).
1082 DRL 53 (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).
1119 Calcutta (1976). (Medium 44, 28C).
1120 Kanpur (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).


Claviceps paspali Stevens et Hall
1013 CMI 82998 (1972). Paspalum disticum. Production of alkaloid
derivatives of lysergic acid (Can. Pat. 637,037; U.S. Pat.
3,038,840). Ist. Sup. San. 2 (Part II): 386-405, 1959. Produces
2000 mg/l of simple lysergic acid derivatives (Appl. Microbiol.
Biotechnol. 20, 29-32, 1984). ATCC 13892. (Medium 44, 28C).
Claviceps purpurea (Fries) Tulasne
670 IARI (1957). (Medium 44, 28C).
672 NRC 184 (1959). (Medium 44, 28C).
966 PRL 1566 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).


967 PRL 1568 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).
968 PRL 1569 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).
969 PRL 1570 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).
971 PRL 1572 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C)
972 PRL 1573 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).
973 PRL 1574 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).
974 PRL 1575 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).
975 PRL 1577 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).
1046 CMI 44613 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).


Cokeromyces recurvatus Poitras
1229 CMI 77585 (1983). Type strain. ATCC 13568. CBS 168.59. (Medium
44, 28C).


COLLYBIA (Fr.) Kummer
Collybia veltipes (Curtis) Quelet
(See. Flammulina velutipes)


Conidiobolus coranatus (Costantin) Batco
*1301 Deposited by R. Seeta Laxman (2000). Production of alkaline
proteases.(Medium 29, 28C).
Conidiobolus macrosporus Srinivasan et Thirumalachar
*1298 Deposited by V. V. Deshpande (1998). Produces alkaline protease.
(Mycologia 59, 698, 1967). (Medium 29, 28C).

Coprinus cinereus
1369 Deposited by Lalit Kumar, IIT, Roorkee (2012). Isolated from decayed
wood. Produces xylanse and peroxidase. (Medium 29, 28C).


Coriolus versicolor Linnaeus ex Fries
(Syn. Polystictus versicolor)
993 IARI 231 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).
994 FRI 165/a (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).


995 FRI 165/a (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).
996 FRI 165/a (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).
1076 DRL 12 (1973). Cellulase production. (Medium 44, 28C).


Cunninghamella blakesleeana Lendner
687 IARI (1960),(+) strain. (Medium 44, 28C).
688 IARI (1960),(-) strain. (Medium 44, 28C).
Cunninghamella echinulata (Thaxter) Thaxter
691 IARI (1960), (+) Strain. (Medium 44, 28C).
693 IARI (1960), (-) Strain. (Medium 44, 28C).
Cunninghamella elegans Lendner
689 IARI (1960), (+) Strain. (Medium 44, 28C).
690 IARI (1960), (-) Strain. (Medium 44, 28C).
Cunninghamella sp.
1184 Deposited by M.C. Srinivasan, strain 3.79-1. (Medium 44, 28C).


Curvularia brachyspora Boedijn
694 Madras University (1960). (Medium 44, 28C).
Curvularia cymbopogonis (C.W. Dodge) Groves et Skolko
695 Madras University (1960). (Medium 44, 28C).
Curvularia fallax Boedijn
714 CMI 58646 (1962). Soil, Congo. (Medium 44, 28C).
Curvularia lunata (Wakker) Boedijn
(see also Pseudocochliobolus lunatus perf. st.)
716 CMI 77020 (1961). (Medium 44, 28C).
1131 Kanpur 362 (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).
Curvularia sp.
905 Deposited by Dr. M.C. Srinivasan (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).


DAEDALEA Pers ex Fries
Daedalea flavida Leveille
1087 FRI 437 (1973). White spongy rot in timber, India . Cultural
diagnosis (Indian Forest Rec. 2, 281, 1973). ATCC 32583. (Medium
44, 28C).

Datronia mollis (Sommerfelt) Donk


1142 FRI 339 (1978). Trametes mollis. Wood. Isolated by B.K. Bakshi.
Culture diagnosis studies (Indian Forest Rec. 2, 272, 1970). ATCC
26754. (Medium 44, 28C).

Dipodascus uninucleatus Biggs
1234 ATCC 7445 (1991). CBS 190.37; ITCC 623. (Medium 44, 28C).


Flammulina velutipes (Curtis ex Fries) Singer
(Syn. Collybia velutipes)
1127 (Medium 44, 28C).


FUSARIUM Link ex Fries
Fusarium lini
1071 IAM 5008 (Medium 44, 28C).
Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon
(see also Gibberella fugikuroi perf. st.)
1099 CBS 183.29 (1975). Production of gibberellic acid (Appl. Microbiol.
7, 301, 1959). Regulation of secondary biosynthesis
(Trans.Brit.Mycol Soc. 62, 377-389, 1974). Produces gibberellin
(Phytopathology 72, 1403-1407, 1982). ATCC 12616; CMI 58290.
(Medium 44, 28C).
1100 CBS 186.56 (1975). Produces fusaric acid (Z. Naturforsch. 36C,
338-339,1981) and gibberellin A
(H.J. Peppler, ed., Microbiol.
Technology, Reinhold, New York, pp. 240-246, 1967; Bioresour.
Technol. 44, 155-163, 1993; Bioresour. Technol. 45, 213-221, 1993).
ATCC 14164; CMI 112801. NRRL 2284.(Medium 44, 28C).
1276 NCL isolate from tropical Mangroove sample by M. Narsimha
Rao (1995). Secrets polygalacturonase and pectate lyase. (Medium 12,
Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtendahl
1008 CMI 107510b (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1043 CMI 113138 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1072 IFO 5009 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
Fusarium oxysporum(f). sp. ciceri (Padwik) Snyd. & Hans.
1281 Race 1.Deposited by M.P.Haware, ICRISAT, India. (1996). Causes
wilt of chickpea (Cicer arientum L.). (Plant Disease 66, 809, 1982).
(Medium 44, 28C).
1282 Race 2.Deposited by M.P.Haware, ICRISAT, India.(1996). Causes wilt
of chickpea (Cicer arientum L.). (Plant Disease 66, 809, 1982).
(Medium 44, 28C).


1350 Deposited by Sridevi, Chaitanya Degree and PG College,
Hanamkonda, AP (2009). Isolated from spoiled tomatoes. Strain no.
CDC-84. Potential xylanase production (Medium 44, 28C)

Fusarium proliferatum (Matsushima) Nirenberg
1101 CBS 195.34 (1975). Produces gibberellic acid. CMI 58289. (Medium
44, 28 C).
1102 CBS 262.54 (1975).IMI 58291;BRL 1001. (Medium 44, 28C).
1103 CBS 263.54 (1975). Fungus resistance testing (U.S. Military
Specifications T-5091). Assay of antimicrobial preservatives (This
strain is recommended by ATCC for use in test described in ASTM
Standard test method E979-91 where only taxon is specified). CMI
61274; IFO 6349; NRRL 2374; ATCC 10052. (Medium 44, 28C).
1104 CBS 264.54 (1975). Produces gibberellic acid (gibberellin A3). CMI
58293; ATCC 12617; (Medium 44, 28C).
1105 CBS 265.54 (1975). Produces gibberellic acid (gibberellin A3). CMI
58294; ATCC 12618. (Medium 44, 28C).
Fusarium sp.
894 FRI 7 (1967). (Medium 44, 28C)
895 FRI 17.19 (1967). (Medium 44, 28C).
896 FRI 35.7 (1967). (Medium 44, 28C).
1062 PRL 67 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1063 PRL 35 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1075 DRL 424 (1973). Produces cellulolytic enzyme. (Medium 44, 28C).
1330 Deposited by Dr. M.I. Khan, NCL, Pune (2006). Isolated from rose
plant, strain no. LR11, plant pathogen, source of lectin (Medium 44,
Fusarium subglutinans
1362 Deposited by Dr. S. Benjamin, University of Calicut, Kerala (2012).
Isolated from soil sample from municipal waste treatment plant. Gene
bank no. HQ876767. Strain no. BP8. Phthalate degradation. (Medium
44, 28C).
Fusarium tricinctum (Corda) Saccardo
(See also Gibberella tricincta)
1189 VPRI 11395 ; F 1857. (Medium 44, 28C).
1190 VRRI 11405 ; F 4026. (Medium 44, 28C).


Ganoderma lucidum (Leysser) Karsten
1091 FRI 870-M-1033 (1974). (Medium 44, 28C).
Ganoderma sp.
1354 Deposited by Prof. S.S. Lele, ICT, Mumbai (2011). Isolated from
fruiting body grown on tree branch. Non-sporulating basidiomycete.
Strain no. WR1. Laccase production (Proc. Biochem. 41, 581-588,
2006; Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 143, 16-26, 2007). (Medium 44,



Geotrichum candidum Link ex Persoon
(See also Dipodascus australiensis and D. geotrichum perf.sts.)
980 PRL 1516 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C). (Galactomyces geotrichum).
Gene bank no. DQ 297763


Gibberella fujikuroi (Sawada) Ito apud Ito et Kimura
(See also Fusarium moniliforme imperf. st.).
665 IFO 5268 (1961). ATCC 11573. (Medium 44, 28C).
850 IFO 6607 (1967). (Medium 44, 28C).
892 NRRL 2288 (1961). Same as NCIM 1100. (Medium 44, 28C).
1019 CMI 58289 (1972). Same as NCIM 1101. (Medium 44, 28C).
1035 CMI 112801 (1972). Same as NCIM 1100. (Medium 44, 28C).
1036 CMI 61274 (1972). Same as NCIM 1103. (Medium 44, 28C).
*1308 Pig41 RVG (2003). Deposited by Dr. Gadre. Mutant isolated from
Gibberella fujikuroi NCIM 1019. Production of gibberellic
acid.(Medium 44, 30C)
*1309 Ma 3UV PRA-1 (2003). Deposited by Dr. Gadre. Mutant isolated from
NCIM 1308. Production of gibberellic acid. .(Medium 44, 30C)
*1310 Jul 03 UV PRA-25 (2003). Deposited by Dr. Gadre. Morphological
mutant, production of gibberellic acid. .(Medium 44, 30C).
1321 Mor 25, NCL isolate (2005). Deposited by Dr. Gadre. Caretenoid and
bikaverin negative (J. Appl. Microbiol. 100, 65-72, 2006). (Medium
44, 30
1322 Mor 1, NCL isolate (2005). Deposited by Dr. Gadre. Caretenoid and
bikaverin negative (J. Appl. Microbiol. 100, 65-72, 2006). (Medium
44, 30
1323 Car 1, NCL isolate (2005). Deposited by Dr. Gadre. Caretenoid and
bikaverin negative (J. Appl. Microbiol. 100, 65-72, 2006). (Medium
44, 30
1343 Deposited by Dr. Gadre, NCL, Pune (2009). Mutant of G. fugikuroi,
MOR-189. Production GA3 and GA4. (Medium 44, 28C)
1344 Deposited by Dr. Gadre, NCL, Pune (2008). Mutant of G. fugikuroi,
NCIM 1019. Production bikaverin. (Medium 44, 28C)
Gibberella saubinetti (Montagne) Sacchardo
851 IFO 5269 (1967). (Gibberella zeae). (Medium 44, 28C).
852 IFO 4474 (1967). (Gibberella zeae). (Medium 44, 28C).
Gibberella sp.
697 Source unknown. (Medium 44, 28C).



Gliocladium roseum (Link) Bainier
1037 CMI 101020 h (1972). Rabbit dung. (Medium 44, 28C).
1064 PRL 86 (1972). No. 2213. (Medium 44, 28C).
Gliocladium virens
1297 ATCC 9645 (1997). (Trichoderma virens; Trichoderma sp.)
Deterioration of plastics.(Int. Biodet. Bull. 8. 3-7, 1972; Dev. Ind.
Microbiol.14, 258, 1973). Fungus resistance testing of adhesives,
aircraft, automotive components, cork, electrical insulations, packing
materials, plastics, polymers, textiles, varnish, wax (U.S.Federal and
military specifications; ASTM Std. Test Methods G-21, 1980, D4300-
88; D4445-91 and D4783-89). CBS 430.54; CMI 45553; IFO 6355;
NRRL 2314; QM 365. (Medium 44, 28C).


Glomerella cingulata (Stoneman) Spaulding & Schrenk
1039 CMI 84384 (1972). Saccharum officinarum, New Delhi, India.
(Medium 44, 28C).

Gnomoniella pongamiae
1318 Agharkar Research Institute, Pune (2005). Deposited by Dr. S.K.
Singh. Type strain (Mycotaxon 39, 43-184, 1990). (Medium 44, 30


Gongronella butleri (Lendner) Peyronel & Dal Vesco
977 PRL 1487 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).


(See Bipolaris and Drechslera)
Helminthosporium gramineum Rabenhorst
(See also Drechslera graminea)
1070 NRRL 1526 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).

Helminthosporium sp.
1079 DRL 52 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1080 DRL 27 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).



Humicola grisea Traeen
1121 (Medium 44, 28C).
1252 Deposited by Dr. J.M. Khire, N.C.L. Pune (1994). Production of
thermostable -galactosidase (J. Ind. Microbiol. 15, 116-120, 1995;
Proc. Biochem. 33, 337-343, 1998). (Medium 44, 28C).


Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dickson Fries) Leveille
1088 FRI 71 (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).

Isaria sp.
1302 Deposited by Dr. M.C.Srinivasan, NCL, Pune (1974). (Medium 29,


Laetiporus sulphureus (Bulliard:Fries)
1304 ATCC 9387 (2001). Deposited by S.M.Gaikwad. Polyporus
sulphureus. Electrophoretic enzyme studies (Am. J. Bot. 60, 96-100,
1973). Computer taxonomy (Econ. Bot. 29, 117-125, 1975). IFO 8833.
(Medium 44, 25C )
1305 ATCC 36733 (2001). Deposited by Dr.(Mrs) S.M. Gaikwad. CBS
388.61; DSM 1014 (Medium 44, 25C)

Lenzites striata (Swartz ex Fries)
(syn. Gloeophyllum striatum q. v.)
1117 Source unknown (Medium 44, 28C).

Lepiota rhacodes (Vittad.) Quel
1155 CBS 147.42 (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).


Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin


1308 Deposited by Agri Life, Secunderabad (2004). (Medium 44, 28C).


Monilinia fructicola (Winter) Honey
(Syn. Sclerotinia fructicola)
1011 CMI 92923 (1972). Prunus armeniaca fruit, Australia. (Medium 44,


Mucor hiemalis Wehmer
873 IARI (1960) (-) Starin. (Medium 44, 28C).
Mucor plumbeus Bonorden
984 PRL 1550 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
Mucor racemosus
1334 Deposited by Microexpress, Goa (2008). ATCC 42697. (Medium 44,
Mucor sp.
881 NCIM isolate (1962). (Medium 44, 28C).


Mycosphaerella sp.
1327 Deposited by Dr. S.K. Singh, ARI, Pune (2006). Isolated from leaf
lamina of Nothapodytes nimmoniana strain no. FIS743. (Medium 44,

Mycotypha africana Novak et Backus
1230 VKM F-1214 (1986). Type culture. Soil Rhodesia. First report of
zygospores for this genus. Class demonstration (M.S. Fuller, "Lower
Fungi in the Laboratory" University of Georgia, Athens, p. 143, 1978;
Mycologia 55, 790-798, 1963).CBS 122.64; CMI 139108; NRRL
2978; ATCC 15344.(Medium 44, 28C).
1275 MTCC 513 (1995). Type culture.(Medium 29, 28C).
Mycotypha microspora Fenner
981 PRL 1517 (1980). (Medium 44, 28C).

Myrothecium roridum Tode ex Fries
988 HAL (1988). (Medium 44, 28C).


989 HAL (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).
Myrothecium verrucaria (Albertini et Schweinitz) Ditmar ex Fries
903 CMI 45541 (1967). Baled cotton, Washington D.C., Type culture of
Metarrhizium glutinosum (Mycologia 36, 346, 1944); production of
cellulase (Appl. Microbiol. 14, 1015-1018, 1966; J. Gen. Microbiol.
69, 145-155, 1971; J. Ferm. Technol. 56, 273-278, 1978) and
xylanase (Enzyme Microb. Technol. 15, 535-540, 1993). Fungitoxicity
of alcohols and fatty acids (J. Pharm. Sci. 69, 381-384, 1980).
Fungus resistance testing (U.S. Federal Specifications).
Microbial decolorization of waste water (Biotechnol. Adv. 9, 612-623,
1991; US Patent 5,091,089, 1992). Gene bank no. AY129004. ATCC
9095; CBS 328.52; IFO 6113; NRRL 2003. (Medium 44, 28C).
990 U.S. Army Natik Laboratory, QM 460 (1969). Same as NCIM 903.
(Medium 44, 28C).
1083 DRI (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1130 Kanpur 159 (1975). (Medium 44, 28C).
1194 UPCC 3552 (1978). Degradation of cellulose. (Medium 44, 28C).
Myrothecium sp.
1331 Deposited by Dr. S.K. Singh, ARI, Pune (2007). Isolated from
Pongamia pinnata. Strain no. ARIFCC637. Antibacterial activity
against B. cereus. (Medium 44, 28C).


Neurospora crassa Shear et Dodge
863 E.E. Snell, California (1960). X-ray mutant. Sex A, Assay of p-
aminobenzoic acid (Arch. Biochem. 27, 304, 1950; J. Biol. Chem.
148, 281, 1943). G.W. Beadle 1633; ATCC 9278; CBS 241.55; CMI
31288; IFO 6659. (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
864 Same as NCIM 863.
865 ATCC 11519 (1960). Assay of nicotinic acid. G.W. Beadle 3416
R1A; CMI 75725. (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
866 ATCC 10780 (1960). X-ray mutant. Assay of methionine. Repair of
methylation damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Curr. Genet. 30,
461-468, 1996). G.W. Beadle 38706; CMI 75723; CBS 283.62.
(Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
867 IIsc. 17084 (1960). Assay of inositol (J. Biol. Chem. 156, 683, 1944;
J. Biol. Chem. 146, 109, 1942). (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
868 ATCC 9683 (1960). X-ray mutant. Sex a. Assay of inositol. Produces
chitin binding lectin (FEMS MIcrobiol. Lett. 6, 427-429, 1979). G.W.
Beadle 37401;CMI 17836; NCTC 7045; CBS 259.47; IFO 6178.
(Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
869 ATCC 9277 (1960). X-ray mutant. Sex A. Assay of choline. (J. Biol.
Chem. 150, 325, 1953). G.W. Beadle 34486; CMI 19419; CBS
280.48. (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
870 NCIM wild strain (1960). Cellulase and ethanol production (Enzyme
Microb. Technol. 5, 133-136, 1983) Xylanase and -xylosidase
production (Biotechnol Bioeng. XXVIII, 1832-1837, 1986.). Xylose


reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase (Biotechnol. Lett. 15, 1173-
1178, 1993; Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1293, 222-230, 1996). (Medium
16, 27 & 37, 28C)
907 Pune University (1966). Prototroph. (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
908 Pune University (1966). Bal-8743; Y 8743m. LA- microconidial.
(Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
910 5531A (1966). Assay of pantothenic acid. (Medium 16, 27 & 37,
913 Pune University (1966). Bal 28610, 37501. Geenotype ade 6, leu
2.Sex a. (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
914 Pune University (1966). Bal 37402. Sex a. Genotype lys (Medium 16,
27 & 37, 28C).
915 Pune University (1966). Bal 465. Genotype pan 2. (Medium 16, 27 &
37, 28C).
998 CMI 75723 (1971). Same as NCIM 866. (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
999 CMI 75724 (1971). X-ray mutant. Assay of adenine and hypoxanthine.
G.W. Beadle 28610; ATCC 11063. (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
1000 CMI 75725 (1971). Same as NCIM 865. (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
1001 CMI 24298 (1977). X-ray mutant. Sex A, assay of thiamine (Am. J.
Bot. 32, 678, 1945).G.W. Beadle 9185-H-SA; ATCC 10333; CBS
252.58. (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
1017 CMI 17836 (1972). Same as NCIM 868. (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
1018 CMI 31288 (1972). Same as NCIM 863. (Medium 16, 27 & 37, 28C).
1021 CMI 19420 (1972). X-ray mutant. Albino 1, Sex A. Requires
leucine. Cellulase and ethanol production (Enzyme Microb. Technol.
5, 133-136, 1983). G.W. Beadle 33757-4637; ATCC 9344 (Medium
16, 27 & 37, 28C).
1038 CFTRI (1972). FGSC 1229. Accumulation of urea. (Medium 16, 27 &
37, 28C).
1214 ATCC 10780 (1982). Same as NCIM 866 and 998. (Medium 16, 27
& 37, 28C).
1284 FGSC 4200. Deposited by P. Maruti Mohan, Hyderabad (1996).
Wild type. Sensitive to Co, Ni or Zn (10mM). 'A' mating type.
(Medium 38, 28C).
1285 FGSC 2489. Deposited by P. Maruti Mohan, Hyderabad (1996). Wild
type. Sensitive to Co, Ni or Zn (10mM). 'A' mating type. (Medium 38,
1286 Cor-1. Deposited by P. Maruti Mohan, Hyderabad (1996).Cobalt
resistant mutant (10mM). (Medium 38, 28C).
1287 Cor-2. Deposited by P. Maruti Mohan, Hyderabad (1996).Cobalt
resistant mutant (10mM). (Medium 38, 28C).
1288 nir-1. Deposited by P. Maruti Mohan, Hyderabad (1996). Nickel
resistant mutant (10mM). (Medium 38, 28C).
1289 nir-3. Deposited by P. Maruti Mohan, Hyderabad (1996). Nickel
resistant mutant (10mM). Transport Block for Nickel. (Medium 38,
1290 Znr-1. Deposited by P. Maruti Mohan, Hyderabad (1996). Zinc
resistant mutant (10mM). (Medium 38, 28C).


1291 Znr-2. Deposited by P. Maruti Mohan, Hyderabad (1996). Zinc
resistant mutant (10mM). (Medium 38, 28C).
1292 Znr-3. Deposited by P. Maruti Mohan, Hyderabad (1996). Zinc
resistant mutant (10mM). (Medium 38, 28C).
1335 Deposited by Prof. Maruthi Mohan, Osmania University, Osmania
(2009). FGSC#11301, mating type A, source of isolation: insertional
mutagenesis, high affinity Zinc transporter knockout mutant.
Aconidiation phenotype (Adv. Appl. Microbiol. 203, 52, 245-262,
2003.Medium 38, 28C).
1336 Deposited by Prof. Maruthi Mohan, Osmania University, Osmania
(2009). FGSC#11272, mating type A. Low affinity Zinc transporter
knockout mutant. Produces orange color conidia. (Adv. Appl.
Microbiol. 203, 52, 245-262, 2003. (Medium 38, 28C).
1337 Deposited by Prof. Maruthi Mohan, Osmania University, Osmania
(2009). Crossing of FGSC#11301 and #11272. Double knockout of
high affinity and low affinity Zinc transporter genes.
Aconidiationphenotype (Medium 38, 28C).
Neurospora sitophila Shear et Dodge
871 Dr. P.S. Sharma, IISc (1966). Assay of pyridoxine. (Medium 16,
27 or 37, 28C).
899 ATCC 9276 (1966). Neurospora intermedia. Assay of pyridoxine
and biotin. Sex A. G.W. Beadle 299; NCTC 6813; CMI 21944; CBS
381.50. (Medium 16, 27 or 37, 28C).
1023 CMI 21944 (1972). Same as NCIM 899. (Medium 16, 27 or 37, 28C).

OOSPORA (Sauv and Rad )
Oospora lactis (Fres) Sacc.
(See Geotrichum candidum)

Paecilomyces sp.
1068 PRL 90 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1081 DRL 320 (1973). Produces cellulase. (Medium 44, 28C).
Paecilomyces varioti (Bainier).
1217 DMSDER 1104; Attacks plastic and leather. Fungus resistance
testing. IS: 9000 (Part X)- 1979. (Medium 44, 28C).


PENICILLIUM Link ex Fries.
Penicillium argillaceum Stolk et al.
1148 CBS 106.69 (1977).ex pine chips, Sweden.(Medium 44,28C).
Penicillium asperosporum Smith ,G
1165 CBS 293.62 (1977). Type of Penicillium echinosporum. Wood
pulp, England. Type culture (Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 45, 387, 1962;
nom. nov. in Trans Brit. Mycol. Soc. 48, 275, 1965). CMI 80450;
ATCC 18319; IFO 8174. (Medium 44, 28C).


Penicillium chrysogenum Thom
707 NCTC 603 (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
708 NRRL 631 (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
709 NCIM isolate (1953). Glucose oxidase (Medium 44, 28C).
722 NRRL 807 (1951). Cheese, Connecticut. Type culture (USDA Bur.
Anim. Indust. Bull. 118, pp. 58-60, 1910). Produces the pigment
chrysogenin (Biochem. J. 26, 1907-1918, 1932). ATCC 10106; CMI
24314; NCTC 589; CBS 306.48. (Medium 44, 28C)
723 NRRL 1984A (1946). Selected from NRRL 1984, C.M. Christensens
soil isolate R-13. Production of penicillin (J. Bact. 51, 761, 1946).
CBS 194.46. ATCC 10134. (Medium 44, 28C).
724 NRRL 811 (1954). Cheese, Produces gluconic acid (Zentr. Bakteriol.
II Abt. 95, 311, 1936). QM 7501. ATCC 10107. (Medium 44, 28C).
725 NRRL 25-1948A (1960). Natural varient from NRRL 1951, ATCC
9480. Carries mycoviruses (Nature 222, 89-90, 1969). Production
of antiviral agent consisting of double stranded RNA (U.S. Pat.
3,597,318). Surface and submerged production of penicillin (H.J.
Peppler, ed., Microbial Technology, Reinhold, New York, pp. 264-
275, 1967). NRRL 1951.B25; CBS 195.46; CMI 26210; QM 6852;
ATCC 10238. (Medium 44, 28C).
726 NRRL 2000 (1950). X-ray mutant of NRRL 1951 B25. Submerged
or surface production of penicillin (J. Bact. 51, 761, 1946; Science
103, 504, 1946). Carries mycoviruses (Nature 222, 89-90, 1969).
Production of antiviral agent consisting of double stranded RNA
(U.S. Pat. 3,597,318). CBS 196.46; CMI 26211; QM 942; ATCC
10003. (Medium 44, 28C).
727 NRRL 2273 (1950). Selected from Wis. 49-133 after N- mustard
exposure. High yielding, sporulating, penicillin strain (Mycologia 47,
429-463, 1955). ATCC 11710; IFO 9250. QM 6890. (Medium 44,
728 NCTC 7089 (1950). Selected from Wis. 50-935 which was derived
by sequential N-mustard exposure of Wis. 50-25, Wis. 49-2166 and is.
49-133. Produces high yield of nonpigmented penicillin (Mycologia
47, 429-463, 1955). ATCC 11709 and 12689. (Medium 44, 28C).
730 CBS (1950). Selected from Wis. 48-701, ATCC 11707, after N-
mustard exposure. High yielding, sporulating, penicillin strain
(Mycologia 47, 429-463, 1955). Transformation of uleine (J. Nat.
Proc. 46, 211-217, 1983). NRRL 2272; ATCC 11709 and 12687.
(Medium 44, 28C)
731 NRRL 811 (1956). Same as NCIM 724. (Medium 44, 28C).
732 ATCC 11704 (1950). Selected from Wis. B1-3-D10, the original
pigmentless UV-mutant from Wis. Q-176 (Mycologia 47, 429-
463, 1955). (Medium 44, 28C).
733 PRL 1910 (1950). Wis. Q-176. UV induced mutant from Carnegie
Inst. X-1612 (ATCC 10003), Wisconsin. Production of high yields of
penicillin in submerged culture (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 68, 152-153,
1946). Infected with mycoviruses (Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 62,
603-610, 1974). Transformation of sesquiterpene lactone
costunolide (J.C.S. Perkin I: 3022-3028, 1979). Produces polyamine


oxidase (Agr. Biol. Chem. 44, 2469-2476, 1980. ibid., 45, 727-733,
1981). Production of niddamycin-, magnamycin-, and leucomycin
derivatives (U.S. Pat. 3,784,447). Treatment of pulp mill waste
(U.S. Pat. 3,737,374). Production of antiviral agent consisting of
double stranded RNA (U.S. Pat. 3,597,318). ATCC 10002; CBS
277.47; IFO 4626; CMI 37767; QM 943.(Medium 44, 28C).
734 NRRL 807 (1952). Same as NCIM 722. (Medium 44, 28C).
735 NRRL 807 (1953). Same as NCIM 722, 734. (Medium 44, 28C).
736 Same as NCIM 730. (Medium 44, 28C).
737 NCTC 3357 (1947). Walker Strain. (Medium 44, 28C).
738 ATCC 10002 (1947). Same as NCIM 733. (Medium 44, 28C).
739 NCTC 6621 (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
740 IISc. Smith strain (1950). (Medium 44, 28C).
924 CFTRI 1007 (1965). (Medium 44, 28C).
1315 Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (2004). Isolated from soil from
Shrimp drying field & deposited by Sridhar Patil. Production of
chitinase. (Medium 44, 28C).
1333 Deposited by Microexpress, Goa (2008). ATCC 10108 (Medium 44,
Penicillium citrinum Thom
765 Thom strain (1951). University of Wisconsin (Medium 44, 28C).
766 NCTC 3952 (1951). Isolated from cotton fabrics. Produces citrinin.
CMI 24307. (Medium 44, 28C).
767 NCIM Basu strain (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
768 NRRL 806 (1966). CBS 309.48; ATCC 10105; CMI 39756.
(Medium 44, 28C).
925 CFTRI 1008 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
1296 Soil isolate by S. Telang. Deposited by R. V. Gadre (1997). Produces
-L-Rhamnosidase and glucosidase (Naringenase). (Medium 44,
Penicillium expansum Link ex S.F. Gray
939 CFTRI 1030 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
1349 Deposited by Sridevi, Chaitanya Degree and PG College,
Hanamkonda, AP (2009). Isolated from rotten fruits and vegetables.
Strain no. CDC-100. Potential xylanase production (Medium 44, 28C)
Penicillium fellutanum Biourge
1227 NRRL 1887 (1981). Italian maize, England. Type culture of
Penicillium charlesii. (Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 18, 90, 1933). Produces
extracellular exo--D-galactofuranosidase (Exp. Mycol. 5, 133-139,
1981). Productiopn of exo--mannosidase (Arch. Mikrobiol. 88, 71-76,
1973), N,N-dimethylethanolamine (Exp. Mycol. 1,1-8, 1977),
glycopeptide (J. Biol. Chem. 249, 2063-2072; 2073-2078, 1974; ibid.,
252, 2187-2193; 3219-3226, 1977); exocellular polysaccharide
(Arch Biochem. Biophys. 124, 504-512, 1968; ibid., 134, 316-323;
324-334, 1969; Can. J. Microbiol. 16, 687-694, 1970). Produces
carolic and carlosic acids (Acta. Chem. Scand. B 34, 653-659, 1980).
Produces extracellular peptido- phosphogalactomannans (Exp.Mycol.
9, 9-19, 1985). Produces carolinic acid, carlic acid, ramigenic acid ,


vertisilic acid, itaconic acid, methyltetronic acid, galactocarlose and
mannocarlose. CMI 40232; ATCC 8730; QM 6838; CBS 304.48.
(Medium 44, 28C).
Penicillium frequentans Westling
(Syn. Penicillium glabrum)
943 CFTRI 1034 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
1235 ITCC 2889 (1982). Soil, Madras, India. Production of sulochrin,
asterric acid (+)-bisdechlorogeodin, questin and questinol. CMI
96659. (Medium 44, 28C).
Penicillium funiculosum Thom
1170 CMI 61383 (1978). Paper pulp, Slough, Bucks, UK. (Medium 44,
1174 CBS 329.48 (1978). Penicillium pinophilum. Air contaminant,
Washington, DC. NRRL 1032a; CMI 34912; IFO 5857, QM 7562.
ATCC 8725, 10445. (Medium 44, 28C).
1175 CBS 433.62 (1978). (Medium 44, 28C).
1228 Cu-1 (Z) mutant by M.C.Srinivasan. Produces cellulase. (Medium 44,
1363 Deposited by Dr. Sailas Benjamin, Calicut University, Kerala (2012).
Isolated from soil sample from waste treatment plant. Gene bank no.
HQ876766. Strain no BP7. Phthalate degradation. (Medium 44, 28C).
Penicillium janthinellum Biourge
(Syn. Penicillium raperi, G. Smith, Penicillium cremeogriseum Chalabuda )
1168 Kanpur 849 (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).
1169 CMI 108033 (1978). PVC/paper wallcovering, QM 9984. (Medium 44,
1171 CBS 346.68 (1978). ex soil under Pisum sativum, Netherlands.
(Medium 44, 28C).
1172 CBS 335.59 (1978). Soil, Japan. Co-type of Penicillium
meleagrinum var. viridi-flavum. CMI 68232; ATCC 18378; QM
7313; IFO 6232. (Medium 44, 28C).
1173 CBS 328.59 (1978). Soil, Japan. Type of Penicillium
echinulonalgiovense. ATCC 18314; IFO 6229; CMI 68213. (Medium
44, 28 C).
*1366 Deposited by Dr. Gokhale, NCL, Pune (2012). Mutant EMS-UV-8,
Production of cellulase (Bioresour. Technol. 98, 1467-1473, 2007;
ibid, 102, 6569-6572, 2011; BioResources 4, 1670-1681, 2009).
(Medium 44, 28 C).
*1367 Deposited by Dr. Gokhale, NCL, Pune (2012). Mutant EU-1,
Production of cellulase (Bioresour. Technol. 98, 1467-1473, 2007;
BioResources 4, 1670-1681, 2009). (Medium 44, 28 C).
*1368 Deposited by Dr. Gokhale, NCL, Pune (2012). Mutant EU2D-21,
Production of cellulase (Bioresour. Technol. 98, 1467-1473, 2007;
ibid, 102, 6569-6572, 2011; BioResources 4, 1670-1681, 2009).
(Medium 44, 28 C).
Penicillium lignorum Stolk


1150 CBS 709.68 (1978). Wood of Pinus sylvestris, Sweden. Type
culture (Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 35, 261-274, 1969). ATCC
22051; CMI 151899. (Medium 44, 28C).
1151 CBS 710.68 (1978).Dead Fagus sylvatica, The Netherlands. ATCC
52303. (Medium 44, 28C).
Penicillium lilacinum Thom
(Syn. Paecilomyces lilacinus)
1152 CBS 279.58 (1978). ex wood pulp. (Medium 44, 28C).
Penicillium notatum Westling
741 IISc (1949). Fleming strain. (Medium 44, 28C).
742 NCTC (1949). Nestling strain. (Medium 44, 28C).
745 NRRL 832 (1950). Contaminant in culture lebelled P. lacticus
Maze and Perrier from Ph. Biourge 69, Washington DC,
Prototype strain for production of penicillin in submerged culture
(J. Bact. 51, 79, 1946). Produces 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
(Can. J. Microbiol. 18, 1289-1298, 1972). ATCC 7813, 9179; CBS
197.46; CMI 17968; QM 940. (Medium 44, 28C).
746 NRRL 821 (1950). Rotting branches of Hyssopus sp. Norway.
Type culture. Production of chrysogenin. ATCC 10108; CMI 39759;
CBS 355.48; QM 7601. (Medium 44, 28C).
747 ATCC 9479 (1950). Cheese. Production of penicillin in submerged
culture (J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 61, 74, 1945). NRRL 1950; QM
6851. (Medium 44, 28C).
748 NRRL 832 (1954). Same as NCIM 745. (Medium 44, 28C).
749 CMI 15378 (1952). Penicillium rubrum. Culture contaminant First
known penicillin producer. Production of 6-phosphogluconate
dehydrogenase (Can. J. Microbiol. 18, 1289-1298, 1972). ATCC
8537, 9478; CBS 205.57; QM 6749; NCTC 4222; NRRL 1209.
(Medium 44, 28C).
751 Government mycologist, Coimbatore (1952). P-2. (Medium 44, 28C).
752 Government mycologist, Coimbatore, P-3. (Medium 44, 28C).
756 Government mycologist, Coimbatore, P-10. (Medium 44, 28C).
757 Goverment mycologist, Coimbatore, P-8. (Medium 44, 28C).
758 Goverment mycologist, Coimbatore, P-12. (Medium 44, 28C).
761 Government mycologist, Coimbatore, P-5. (Medium 44, 28C).
921 CFTRI 1004 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
922 CFTRI 1005 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
923 CFTRI 1006 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C)
930 CFTRI 1014 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
1206 ATCC 28682 (1983). Air, Czechoslovakia. Production of citrinin
(Chem. Zvesti. 18, 128-139, 1964; Biologia 34, 461-469, 1979; Folia
Microbiol. 18, 40-48, 1973); and fatty acids and lipids (ibid., 18,
133-141, 1973). (Medium 44, 28C).
Penicillium ochro-chloron Biourge
1044 CMI 61271 (1972).(Penicillium sp. of early military specification
tests for fungus resistance). Production of beta 1,6-glucanase
(Methods in Enzymology Vol III., p. 613, 1966) and purine
betaribonucleosidases (Can J. Microbiol. 14, 377-383, 1968).


Copper tolerant. ATCC 9112 and 9824; CBS 110.66; NRRL 744;
QM 477 (Medium 44, 28C).
1219 DMSRDE 1105 (1983). Biourge strain. Resistant to copper salts and
attacks plastics and textiles. IS 9000 (Part X)-1979. (Medium 44,
Penicillium pinophillum Hedgecock
759 NRRL 1066 (1961). (Penicillium purpurogenum var.rubri-sclerotium).
CBS 365.48; CMI 40035; QM 1960; ATCC 10486. (Medium 44,
Penicillium purpurogenum Stoll
713 FRI (1961). (Medium 44, 28C).
760 NRRL 2020 (1961). (Medium 44, 28C).
762 NRRL 1059 (1961). Penicillium sanguineum. ATCC 10064.
(Medium 44, 28C).
763 NRRL 1061 (1961). CBS 364.48; CMI 40037; ATCC 9777; QM
6760. (Medium 44, 28C).
764 NRRL 1050 (1961). (Medium 44, 28C).
769 NCIM isolate p-12 (1951). (Medium 44, 28C).
770 NRRL 1030 (1961). (Medium 44, 28C).
771 NRRL 1031 (1961). (Medium 44, 28C).
772 NRRL (1961). (Medium 44, 28C).
Penicillium roquefortii Thom
710 CBS (1962). (Medium 44, 28C).
711 NRRL 858 (1962). Penicillium gorgonzola. ATCC 9295. (Medium
44, 28C).
712 NRRL 849 (1962). French roquefort cheese. Produce extracellular
protease (J. Dairy Sci. 57, 523-527, 1974); kynureninase-type
enzyme (J. Bact. 122, 235-244, 1975); PR-toxin (Z. Lebensm.
Unters.-Forsch. 160, 131-136, 1976) and eremofortin C (J. Org.
Chem. 42, 2632-2634, 1977). Sterol-binding polysaccharides
(Phytochemistry 14, 2347-2351, 1975). Antimicrobial action of
roquefortine (Eur. J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 6, 397-401,1979).
ATCC 1129, 10110; CMI 24313; QM 1937; (Medium 44, 28C).
Penicillium sp.
933 CFTRI 1021 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
1065 PRL 68 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
1066 PRL 41 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C )
1067 PRL 94 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
1108 NCIM Isolate (1979). (Medium 44, 28C).
1313 Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (2004). Isolated from soil from
Shrimp drying field & deposited by Dr. Sridhar Patil. Production of
Alkaline protease (Proc. Biochem. 39, 977-981, 2004). (Medium 44,
1339 Deposited by Dr. T.B. Karegaudar, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
(2009). Isolated from Coal soil sample. Decolorization of acid violet
dye. (Medium 44, 28C)
Penicillium variabile Sopp


1153 CBS 385.48 (1978). Coconut matting. NRRL 1048; CMI 40040; IFO
6111; QM 7684; ATCC 10508. (Medium 44, 28C).
1166 CMI 61384 (1978). Paper pulp. (Medium 44, 28C).
1167 CMI 40040 (1978). Same as NCIM 1153. (Medium 44, 28C).
Penicillium verrucosum Diercks
1154 CBS 259.55 (1978). (Medium 44, 28C).


Phanerochaete chrysosporium Burdsall
(See also Chrysosporium pruinosum imperf. st.)
1106 SFPRL (1975). (Biotechnol. Bioeng. XVII, 327-348, 1975). (Medium
44, 28C).
1073 Kanpur culture no. 552a (1977). (Medium 44, 28C).
1197 ATCC 34541 (1980). Fagus grandifolia wood chip in storage 4 mos,
Maine. Synthetic lignin degradation (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA 72,
2515-2519, 1975; Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 39, 535-540, 1980;
Arch. Microbiol. 125, 227-232, 1980). Produces vanillate
hydroxylase (Arch. Microbiol. 123, 319-321, 1979). Synthesis and
degradation of veratryl alcohol (Phytochemistry 17, 1676, 1978).
Requirement for growth substrate during lignin decomposition (Appl.
Environ. Microbiol. 32, 192-194, 1976). Fruits in culture (Mycotaxon
1, 123-133, 1974). Produces H2O2-dependant oxidases (FEBS Lett.
169, 247-250, 1984). Produces glucose oxidase (J. Bact. 166, 269-274,
1986). Glucose oxidase as primary source of H2O2 (Arch.
Microbiol. 144, 248-253, 1986). IFO 31249; PRL 2750; CMI 284010.
(Medium 44, 28C).


Phialophora bubakii (Laxa) Schol-Schwarz
(Syn. Phialophora obscura)
1097 CMI 96747 (1974). Pinus strobus. (Medium 44, 28C).
Phialophora calciformis G. Smith
1093 CMI 89387 (1974). African mahogani. CBS 302.62. (Medium 44,
Phialophora fastigiata (Lagerberg & Melin) Conant
1094 CMI 86982 (1974). Papermill slime. (Medium 44, 28C).
Phialophora lagerbergii (Melin & Nannfeldt) Conant
1095 CMI 96745 (1974). Lumber piles. (Medium 44, 28C).
Phialophora richardsiae (Melin & Nannfeldt) Conant
1098 CMI 76548 (1974), Isolated from Grassland soil by R.Y. Roy,
Banaras, India. (Medium 44, 28C).
Phialophora sp.
1132 Kanpur 252 (a) (1979). (Medium 44, 28C).



Phoma exigua Desmazieres
1237 ITCCF 2478 (1986). (Medium 44, 28C).


Phycomyces blakesleeanus Burgeff
978 PRL 1481 (1956). Assay for chitin synthetase (J. Biol.Chem. 249,
1973-1979, 1974). Assay of ornithine decarboxylase (Anal.
Biochem. 109, 291-294, 1980); produces adenylate cyclase
(Phytochemistry 19, 1913-1918, 1980). Carotenogenesis
(Phytochemistry 13, 1463-1468, 1974). Produces ferritin (J. Bact.
150, 671-675, 1982). Produces lactate dehydrogenase (Int. J.
Biochem. 16, 171-176,1984). Minus strain. NRRL 1555; ATCC
8743b; IFO 5871, 5822. (Medium 44, 28C).


Pleurotus flabellatus (Berkeley et Broome) Sacchardo
1205 FRI, RRR.CPC 493 (1980). (Medium 44, 28C).
Pleurotus florida
1243 (1984). (Medium 44, 28C).
Pleurotus floridanus Singer
1164 CBS 593.82 (1978). (Medium 44, 28C).
Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacquin & Fries) Kummer
1163 CBS 342.69 (1978). (Medium 44, 28C).
1200 NRRL 2366 (1979). Edible mushroom. Degrades lignocellulosic
agricultural waste (Dev. Indust. Microbiol. 18, 591-597, 1977).
ATCC 56761. (Medium 44, 28C).
Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fries) Singer
1133 Solan (1976). Production of cellulase. (Medium 44, 28C).
1242 (Medium 44, 28C).


Polyporus hirsutus Wulfen ex Fries
(See Trametes hirsuta, q.v.)
Polyporus meliae
1089 FRI 836 (1978). (Medium 44, 28C).
Polyporus versicolor Linnaeus ex Fries
(See Trametes versicolor, q.v.)




Polystictus versicolor (Link ex Fries) Fries
(See Coriolus versicolor)

PORIA Pers. ex S.F. Gray
Poria monticola Murrill
(See Poria placenta)
Poria placenta (Fries) Cooke
1090 180 (c) (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).


PSEUDOBOTRYTIS Krzemieniewska & Badura
Pseudobotrytis bisbyi Timonin
917 Unknown source (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).
Pseudobotrytis terrestris (Timonin) Subramanian
916 Timonin, PRL (1967). (Medium 44, 28C).


Ptychogaster sp.
1074 DRL 252(b) (1973). Produces cellulase. (Medium 44, 28C).

Pullularia pullulans de Barry
(See Aureobasidium pullulans)

Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacquin ex Fries) P. Karsten
1181 Kanpur 723 (1978). (Medium 44, 28C).
Pycnoporus sanguineus (Linnaeus ex Fries) Murrill
1085 FRI 154 (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).
Rhizoctonia solanii
1348 Deposited by Sridevi, Chaitanya Degree and PG College,
Hanamkonda, AP (2009). Isolated from spoiled vegetables. Strain no.
CDC-115. Potential xylanase production (Medium 44, 28C)


Rhizomucor miehei (Cooney et Emerson) Schipper
1306 ATCC 26282 (2003). Produces milk clotting enzyme (J. Dairy Sci., 65,
899, 1982). NRRL 3420 (Medium 44, 28C).


1307 ATCC 42646 (2003). Zygomycetes in culture (Athens, GA: Univ.
Georgia; pp. 164-165, 1979). Production of thermoacidophilic -
Amylase (Dev. Ind. Microbiol. 21, 327, 1980). NRRL 3638; ATCC
46033; CBS 253.53. (Medium 44, 28C).


RHIZOPUS Ehrench & Corda
Rhizopus arrhizus Fischer
(See Rhizopus oryzae)
Rhizopus cohnii Berlese & de Toni
957 CFTRI 1051 (1961). (Medium 44, 28C).
Rhizopus langihans
956 CFTRI 1050 (1974). (Medium 44, 28C).
Rhizopus nigricans Ehrenberg
(See Rhizopus stolonifer)
Rhizopus niveus Yamazaki
958 CFTRI 1052 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
959 CFTRI 1053 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).
Rhizopus oligosporus Saito
1215 MTCC 556 (2000). Production of acid protease (Can. J. Microbiol. 11,
727-732, 1965; Appl. Microbiol. 27, 906-911, 1974); oncom
degradation of phytic acid (J. Food. Sci. 46, 523-525, 1981). Tempeh
production (Soybean Dig., Nov., p.14-15, 1961; Source book of
Experiments for the teaching of microbiology, S.B.Primorse and K.C.
Wardlaw, eds., Academic Press, 1982, pp. 597-602). Produces
ergostadientriols useful in lowering serum cholesterol levels (U.S. Pat.
4,234,577). CBS 338.62, ATCC 22959, NRRL 2710, CMI 174457,
IFO 8631. (Medium 44, 28C).
Rhizopus oryzae Went et Prinsen Geerligs
877 NRRL 1526 (1959). Production of fumaric acid (Appl. Microbiol.
7, 74, 1959). ATCC 10260, 12732; CBS 329.47. (Medium 44, 28C).
878 NRRL 2582 (1959). (Medium 44, 28C).
879 NRRL (1959). (Medium 44, 28C).
997 ATCC 11145 (1970). Degrades insect moulting hormones (J.C.S.
Chem. Commun. 1974, 656-657, 1974). Hydroxylation of steroids
(Can. J. Chem. 57, 436-440 and 1585-1587, 1979; ibid., 59, 1651-
1655, 1981; ibid., 63, 1127-1131, 1985; H.J. Peppler, ed., Microbial
Technology Reinhold, New York, p. 288-297, 1967; U.S. Pat.
2,646,370). Transformations of sesquiterpene lactone
costunolide(J.C.S. Perkin I: 3022-3028, 1979). Produces 16-
hydroxyverrucarin A and B and 3'-hydroxyverrucarin A by
transformation of verrucarins A and B (Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 46,
480-483, 1983). Produces imipramine (J. Pharmaceut. Sci. 70, 151-
155, 1981). CBS 381.52; CMI 90340; IFO 5780, 6155. (Medium 44,
1009 CMI 40564 (1972). Produces lactic acid (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 58,
1286-1288, 1936); NAD-dependant lactate dehydrogenase (J. Gen.


Microbiol. 78, 125-137, 1973). NRRL 395; ATCC 9363. (Medium
44, 28C).
1299 ATCC 62073 (1999). C. Balagopalan #1. Cassava tuber. Degradation
of cyanide (Can. J. Microbiol. 31, 663-669, 1985). (Medium 44, 28C).
Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehrenberg ex Fries) Lind
880 CFTRI 45 (1966). Production of extracellular nuclease (W. J.
Microbiol. Biotechnol. 9, 205-209, 1993). (Medium 44, 28C).
1139 ATCC 12939 (1977). Minus strain. NRRL 1478. (Medium 44, 28C).


Sclerotinia fructicola (Winter) Rehm
(See Monilinia fructicola)


Sclerotium rolfsii Sacchardo
(See also Athelia rolfsii
1084 NCIM isolate (1972). Deposited by S.G. Patil. Production of
extracellular -D-xylosidase and pullulan hydrolysing activity
(Enzyme Microb. Technol. 7, 445, 1985; Can. J. Microbiol. 34, 82,
1988; FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 54, 177, 1988; Biotechnol. Lett. 13, 901,
1991; Starke/Starch 45, 361, 1993). Protoplast formation and its use
for starch hydrolysis (Enzyme Microb. Technol. 12, 510, 1990).
(Medium 44, 28C).


Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (Sacchardo) Bainier
1123 (Medium 44, 28C).
1218 DMSRDE 1104 (1980). Strain (sacc) Bain var. Glabra Thom. Attacks
rubber used in environmental test for electronic electrical equipments.
IS : 9000 (Part X)-1979. (Medium 44, 28C).


Sporothecium sp.
982 PRL 1520 (1974). (Medium 44, 28C).


Sporotrichum pulverulentum Novobranova
(See Phanerochaete chrysosporium)


Sporotrichum sp.
1203 CPC 206 (1984). Lignocellulolytic culture. (Medium 44, 28C).


Stachybotrys chartarum (Ehrenberg) Hughes.
1122 Unknown source (1981). (Medium 44, 28C).

Stemphylium sarcinaeforme (Cavara) Wiltshire.
1010 CMI 140707 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1034 CMI 49672 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
Stemphylium sp.
862 FRI 13/FR-3 (1971). (Medium 44, 28C).


Tolypocladium inflatum
1283 Deposited by A. Pandey (1996).(Medium 44, 28C).

Thielavia sp.
1320 Agharkar Research Institute, Pune (2005). Deposited by Dr. S.K.
Singh. Type strain. (Medium 44, 30


Trametes cingulata Berkeley
1138 ITCC 763 (1974). (Medium 44, 28C).
Trametes cinnabarina (Jacquin) Fries
(See Picnoporus cinnabarinus)
Trametes cubensis (Montagne) Sacchardo
1145 FRI 225 (1978). (Medium 44, 28C).
Trametes hirsuta (Wolfen ex Fries) Pilat
1077 Kanpur 11 (1974). (Medium 44, 28C).
1114 (1975). (Medium 44, 28C).
1201 FRI 920 (1984). Degrades cellulose. Cellulolytic mushroom.
(Medium 44, 28C).
Trametes lactinea Berkeley
1144 FRI 792 (1979). (Medium 44, 28C).
Trametes mollis Fries
(See Datronia mollis)

Trametes serialis Fries


(See Antrodia serialis)
1182 ITCC 763 (1978). (Medium 44, 28C).
Trametes versicolor (Linnaeus et Fries) Pilat
1086 FRI 165 (1973). (Medium 44, 28C).


TRICELLULA van Beverwijk
Tricellula inaequalis van Beverwijk
985 PRL 1593 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C).


TRICHODERMA Pers. ex Fries
Trichoderma harzianum Rifai
1185 QM 9639 (1978). (Medium 44, 28C).
1347 Deposited by Sridevi, Chaitanya Degree and PG College,
Hanamkonda, AP (2009). Isolated from dead organic matter. Strain no.
CDC-75. Potential xylanase production (Medium 44, 28C)
Trichoderma lignorum (Tode) Harz
(See Trichoderma viride)
Trichoderma reesei Simmons
992 QM 6a (1970). Trichoderma viride. Cotton duck shelter, Bougainville
Island.Production of glucose by enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose
(Appl. Microbiol. 16, 419-420, 1968).Production of cellulase
(J. Bact. 79, 816-826, 1960; ibid., 83, 400-408, 1962; J. Ferm.
Technol. 50, 914-916,1972; Biotechnol. Bioeng. 17, 361-374, 1975).
Production of -(1-3)-D-glucanase (C. R. Acad. Sci. 283D, 1397-
1399, 1977). Produces cell wall lytic enzymes (Curr.Microbiol. 11,
113-118, 1984). Method for purifying microbial polysaccharides
(U.S.Pat. 4,094, 739). CMI 45548; ATCC 13631. (Medium 44, 28C).
1052 QM 9123 (1972). Trichoderma viride. Radiation mutant 207of QM
6a. Enhanced cellulase production (Appl. Microbiol. 21, 152-154,
1971; ibid., 23, 875-879, 1972; J. Polymer Sci. Part C 36, 445-459,
1971; Adv. Chem. 95, 391-414,1969). Production of : protein
(Biotechnol. Bioeng. 17, 1291-1299, 1975); cellulase (Biotechnol.
Bioeng. 17, 361-374, 1975); cellobiohydrolase D (Biochim.
Biophys. Acta. 492, 225-231, 1977); intracellular beta-
glucosidase (Biochem. J. 185, 515-519, 1980). ATCC 24449.
(Medium 44, 28C).
1186 ATCC 26921 (1978). Trichoderma viride. Mutant of ATCC 24449,
QM 9123. Produces 1.5-2.0 times more cellulase on cellulose medium
than ATCC 24449. Production of : cellulase (Biotechnol. Bioeng. 18,
1751-1760, 1976); paracelsin (Experientia 39, 528-530, 1983;
Biomed. Mass Spectrometry 11, 569-582, 1984); extracellular
hydrolases (FEMS Microbiol. Letts. 23, 227-232, 1984). Production
of acetylxylan esterase (Can. J. Microbiol. 34, 767, 1988) QM 9414.
(Medium 44, 28C).
Trichoderma sp.


1059 PRL 93 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1061 PRL 96 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
Trichoderma viride Persoon ex Fries
(Syn. Trichoderma lignorum)
1051 QM 3090 (1972). (Medium 44, 28C).
1053 QM 6a (1972). Same as NCIM 992.
1060 PRL 92 (1966). (Medium 44, 28C)
1195 UPCC 3581 (1983). Cellulase production.(Medium 44,28C).
1221 DMSRDE 1107 (1984). Strain Pers. ex Fries. Attacks cellulose,
textiles and plastics. Used in environmental tests for electronic and
electrical equipments, (IS 9000, Part X - 1979). (Medium 44, 28C).
1346 Deposited by Sridevi, Chaitanya Degree and PG College,
Hanamkonda, AP (2009). Isolated from dead organic matter. Strain no.
CDC-140. Potential xylanase production (Medium 44, 28C)
1355 Deposited by Dr. N. Ravishankar, Global Institute of Biotechnology,
Hyderabad (2011). Strain no. N9. Chitinase production, cell wall lytic
production and glucose production. Gene bank no. AB646476.
(Medium 44, 28C)


Trichosporon sp.
1110 Unknown source (1980). (Medium 44, 28C).


Trichothecium roseum (Persoon) Link ex S.F. Gray
1147 NCIM isolate (1980). Decaying wood. (Medium 44, 28C).


USTILAGO (Persoon) Rousell
Ustilago maydis (DeCandolle) Corda
(Syn. Ustilago zeae)
983 PRL 1549 (1968). (Medium 44, 28C).


Verticillium lecanii (Zimn) Viegas
1312 Agri Life, Secundarabad (2004). (Medium 44, 28C).


Volvariella diplasia (Berkeley et Broome) Singer


1126 ITCC 934 (1976). Celluase production (World J. Microbiol.
Biotechnol. 11, 695, 1995)(Medium 44, 28C).
Volvariella sp.
1124 (1976). (Medium 44, 28C).
Volvariella volvacea (Bulliard ex Fries) Singer
1125 ITCC 950 (1976). (Medium 44, 28C).
1178 NRRL 3778 (1979). Compost, Hong Kong. Cultivated mushroom.
ATCC 22377. (Medium 44, 28C).

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