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Health 1 Lesson Plan

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Health Lesson Plan

Name: Chris Walter

Microteaching Lesson Plan

Date: 20141114
Lesson Plan

Daily Role:

Health 1

Lesson Focus:

Cardiovascular Endurance


12 cones / 3 mats
SHAPE Standards for PE

CA Standards for PE

__X__ Motor Skills and Movement

Forms (1)

Motor Skills and
Movement Forms (a)

__X__ Movement Concepts (2)


Health Related Fitness


Psycho-Social (c)

__X__ Health-Related Fitness (3)

__X__ Personal & Social Behavior
__X__ Values Physical Activity (5)
Lesson Objectives
Psychomotor: SWBAT properly
demonstrate a push-up, Starburst with a
twist, and burpee with 90% accuracy.

Affective: SWBAT demonstrate

positive team cohesion and

Cognitive: SWBAT to accurately recite the

COTS for push-up, starburst with a twist,
and burpee within a certain allotted time.

Health-related fitness: SWB actively

engaged and active for 90% of the

Safety considerations:
Students will maintain situational
awareness. Students will keep proper
spacing. Be aware of boundaries, fellow

Behavioral Contingencies:
3 strike rule: 2 verbal warnings:
3rd warning: Student will be sent to
Principal office, with phone call home.
Students will respect fellow students
feelings and abilities!

Progression of
Tasks Time
Time on
1 min


Goal Orientation or

My name is Mr. Chris and today we are

going to work on our Cardiorespiratory
Endurance, does anyone know what
Cardiorespiratory Endurance means? If
no answer No, great, I will tell you,
Cardiovascular Endurance is the ability
of the lungs, heart and blood vessels to
deliver adequate amounts of oxygen and
nutrients to the cells to meet the
demands of prolonged physical activity.
We are going to conduct a relay race,
there will be 2-3 even squads, on the
command of GO, the first person of
each squad will run to the 1st cone, and
conduct 10 push-ups once complete,
they will run to the 2nd cone and conduct
5 Starburst with a twist once complete,
they will run to the 3rd cone and
complete 5 burpees they will then run
back to the start position and the next
person in the squad can start.
COTS for push-up: get into a push-up
position with arms shoulder width
apart, lower body into horizontal
position with arms bent at 90 degrees,
ensure back remains straight, lower
body in one controlled fluid motion and
push body back into start position, if
student cannot complete standard pushup, alternate push-up position is
COTS for alternate push-up position
are: get into pushup position, knees on
the floor, cross both feet, make sure
your back is straight, and behind is not
sticking out.
COTS for Starburst with a twist:
Student will start in a squat position,

Task addresses NASPE

standard 1 and CA
standard A
Task is to ensure that
everyone understands
the meaning of
endurance and its

then jump up making an X with their

bodies and making a half turn while in
the air, coming back down into a squat
COTS for Burpees: Start in a push up
position, Jump feet forward to a
squatting position just like in a squat
thrust, Jump clear of the ground,
bringing your knees up to your chest,
Land with feet together, on the balls of
your feet, Drop back to a squat, Jump
feet back to position #1.
What were the COTS for a burpee,
Starburst, push-up? Excellent, is
everyone ready?
Cones will be positioned 10-15 feet apart. Students will begin on start line, on the
command of GO! students will then run to 1st cone, complete push-ups, run to
second cone, complete starburst with a twist, run to 3rd cone, complete burpees,
then run back to start position, so the next teammate in squad can start, all squads
will continue until all teammates have completed course. Students will encourage
their teammates with positive encouragement and know that this exercise is a team
building exercise and not a competition.



Starburst with a twist


of Tasks
Time on
3 min.


Goal Orientation or

Communication behaviors encouraged

during this task.
Positive encouragement before, during
and after exercise
Good job! Specific feedback,
Remember COTS for exercises.
Student Questioning: Being supportive
towards teammates, supportive towards
teammates abilities, understand
Rule Adherence:
Remember rules, team encouragement,

This task addresses

NASPE standard 1 and CA
standard a.
The goal of this task is to
ensure that students stay
on-task and have an
opportunity to complete
the course

Instructor will rove between all stations to ensure students are conducting exercises



Starburst with a twist


of Tasks
Time on
1 min.


Goal Orientation or

Excellent, everyone did a great job on

the course and I am proud of the
encouragement that was shown for your
fellow teammates. Everyone fall into a
horseshoe formation around me. Who
can tell me what the COTS are for the
push-up, burpee? (There will be a predesignated demonstrator) on the
command of Demonstrator post!
Demonstrator will come to the front of
the formation and show the class the
push-up, burpee. Thank you! Who can
tell me what it means to be a good
teammate? Everyone did a great job!
Bring it in for a cheer, Tigers on me,
Tigers on three!! 1 2 3 TIGERS! Standby
and get ready to move to the next

This task will address

SHAPE standards 1, 4 and
CA standards A
The goal of this task is to
question students on the
athletic stance and
behaviors that are
reflective of being a good

Students will be formed in a horseshoe formation around the instructor for the
lesson closure.

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