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Cortland High School

Unit Track and Field - Ms. Hannah Anthes


Benefits/Values Skill Demonstration

Goals/ Standards

Assessment Tools


Pre Assessment

Post assessment

Change in student learning

Assessments fitting into unit




Track and Field to me

Over 8 years of competing and coaching . Certified USA level 1 coach. At age 14 went elite , at age 16 ,Made the USA Scholastic Nationals. 3X State medalist, Stanner Games medalist. College career 4X defending SUNYAC Champion and ECAC competitor .

Benefits and values

The bigger picture and the end result is that students will be able to take what
they are learning and apply it in life now and later.

The start of a sprinting race is muscular endurance. This skill can be brought
to different areas of life.

Other components include , Power, strength , agility coordination . It is an individualized task, there is always something to improve. One can
always get better

Outside resources include , a club team examples ( Syracuse Chargers, Town

of Clay Bolts, Stotan Racing )Or just going outside for jogs , going to the track to get sprints in.

This is an opportunity for students to build their own log in , they can write
about the progress they are making , while demonstrating the skills.

Safety First
All students were given a written set of directions of
what was expected out of them.

Directions were verbally given Students knew to stay in a straight line when executing
the skill

The boundaries were marked. When sprinting , students were given enough room to
gradually decelerate.

The Start
Introduction class of how to do the skill

Corrective, specific and positive feedback was given

when necessary

Learning experience

Main Objectives were to zone in on the 4 cues.

Through out the class , students were to give words of encouragement to one another

There were two activities that focused in on this . The

ten step drive and the sprint

Learning goals and Standards

The idea was to have students learn in the pyschomotor domain. The ten step drive and the sprint covered the standards of 1/1A, 2b/2 and 4.

National Standards 1:Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns
Standard 2:Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance Standard 4:Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. NYS Standards 1A :Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. Students will attain competency in a variety of motor and sports activities Standard 2B :Students will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and communication. This was to be done to the best of the students ability. The are given two turns for each activity, Students were to obtain to at least a 2 on the rating scale .

Pre and Post Assessment

In the space below write true or false 1.) Every running event has a three command start. On your mark, set go

2.) When starting a relay in a block start it is okay to have the baton over the line, but not your finger tips.

3.) A block start is only used in the 100m dash.

The first step out of the blocks is with opposition

Please Circle one of the following

A block start is . Familiar Not familiar

When using my non dominant leg I am. Very confidentnot confident When trying something new I am. Excited . Not interested

Please write yes or no to the following questions

Is your right leg dominant?

Is your left leg dominant

Pre test Results

80 70 60

40 30

10 0 Cognitive Block start is Non dominant leg Trying something new Dominant Leg

Cognitive5 people scored a 50, 10 scored a 75. non dominant leg : 8 were confident, 7 were not .Block start is : 7 familiar, 8 not familiar. Trying something New: 14 were excited , 1 was not. Dominant leg : 5 were leftys , 10 were rightys

Post Test results

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Cognitive Block Start is Non Dominant leg Trying Dominant leg something new

Cognitive Score, 3 people scored a 75 and 6 scored a 100. Block Start: is familiar To 9 , and not familiar to 0. Non dominant leg 8 are confident ,1 is not. Trying Something New: 9 are excited, 0 are not. Dominant leg :4 are lefts & 5 are rightys

The Rubric for Psychomotor activity 1 and 2

The Rubric that was provided looked like this. 1 = Awkward and critical elements are missing 2=Missing elements but can replicate skill 3=Critical element is there, but needs to concentrate 4= Looks effortless, it is at game like speed, and all critical elements are met. Assessment : ( yes or No ) Hands Raised Head down First step with opposition Big Arms Steps powerful then transition into quick frontside mechanics

RPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ( how much exertion the student felt that they put forth ) List three phrases of encouragement that you told another student or group .

Reliability-consistency of observations

Validity- logical in nature

Objectivity-high amount of interrater reliability
Practicality- the actual movement of a task

Authenticity- how game like or real a task can be


Change in student count

From pre assessment to lab, the attendance changed
from 15 to 9

Psychomotor Activity
Students were given 2 sprints. They were to start in
down position . Using a three command start they were to sprint to midway of the basketball court. This was at full speed.

Psychomotor Data Activity 1

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

RPE Pyschomotor score

Psychomotor Data Activity 2

8 7

6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Psychomotor Activity 2
10 step drive , once again 3 command start. This was
to work on every cue and technical aspect of the start. Each student was given 10 steps to work on this and to be evaluated. This was not a race, it was to stimulate what to do in a race.

Cognitive Goal
At the end of the unit students would score at least a 60
to receive a passing grade for todays class. This quiz was given out at the end of class

No one addressed that they needed services for an IEP

or testing acomidations

YES the goal was met

Cognitive Test

Fill in the blanks with the words from the word bank, not all words will be used. 1.) The first few steps out of the blocks should be done with? _____ 2.)On race day we want to stay ?_____ 3.)Our legs and arms should be with ?_____ 4.)When in the starting position our head and eyes should be ?____ 5.) The object of a race is to decelerate the ?_____ Fastest Down Quickness Slowest up Power Opposition tensed Relaxed


Please describe during todays class that you gave encouragement to another student :

Cognitive Results
120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Score

Affective Goal
That each student would be able to give an example at
the end of the class , of a time that they used encouragement to give hope or confidence to another student or group of students

This was done in a formal manner

with cue words from the visual aid and cue cards.

much better form on the start good job using big arms way to come out with power good job stepping out and transitioning raise intensity good attempt your almost there much better using big arms good form, way to keep your head down way to get out fast and with opposition way to keep your knees high use arms to get power

Teachable moments
Each time a student executed the task for today, I had
the ability to give general or specific feed back.

Since they can not see what they are doing , I have to
be their eyes, and correct what they did wrong or state what they did right .

It is a whole team effort. Track is an individual race, but behind the race , there
is a whole team of athletes, coaches, and parents who make it a group effort.

Whats next
Demonstration from a video clip of the worlds fastest

Putting the start with a race Using coaches eye for each student to see their start Relays New affective word for the day

90 100 = A

80-89 =B
70-79=C 60-69=D <60 =F Cognitive was a score out of 5, and affective was out of
8. This included 6 examples of encouragement and 2 PREs. Each were worth 50 % of the grade. The two scores together = total grade.

Book: Morrow, J.R., Jackson, A.., Disch, J.G., & Mood,
D.P., (2010) Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance,4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Questions and comments

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