Chapter2-Synch Gen Fundamentals

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Chapter 2:

Synchronous Generator Fundamentals

Figure 1-2 shows a magnet mounted on a rotor, and a
coil on a stator. When the shaft rotates the rotor flux
will induce a voltage in the coil. The frequency of the
voltage produced is:


(in r. p.m )
With Nr being the speed of rotation of the rotor.
fs =

If the rotor spins at a constant angular frequency t ,

driven by a mechanical PRIME MOVER, there will
be an induced voltage in the stator coil according to

d as

e1 = Emax sin t


Figure 1-2:
coils in

If one distributes the coils on the stator as in fig.2-2, one

can obtain a quasi sinusoidal induced voltage. Instead of a
stacked coil one can use slotted coils which are
distributed in a better way under a magnetic pole (N-S).
These windings are connected in series in such a way that
the terminal voltage is near sinusoidal. Winding layouts is
a special topic and quite complicated. In this introductory
course let us simply use an effective number of turns per
phase (Ns). This produces an induced voltage which can
be approximated as:

Ee = 4.44 fN s p
with p = flux per pole, and

Figure 2-2
the rated synchronous frequency and Ns the

number of turns on the stator

Synchronous Generator Fundamentals

Finally fig. 2-3 shows that one can place 3 windings

with a PHYSICAL or GEOMETRIC placement 120o
with respect to each other. When the magnet (NS)
rotates, the voltage induced in each coil will have the
same frequency, but out of phase (time delay) by 120o



One could write the equations of the 3 phases as:


figure 3

e1 (t ) = Eo sin (st )

e2 (t ) = Eo sin st

e3 (t ) = Eo sin st +

or draw a FRESNEL vector diagram

which is a vector representation of each
voltage induced on a plane which rotates
in reverse direct with the angular


Look at phases
going by

Note the convention of (+) annotation



Figure 2-4:
The stator of a synchronous machine receives the ARMATURE windings, which are
connected to the electrical load. When the physical phase angle of the coils are 90, we
have a 2 phase system. When the physical phase angle of the coils are 120, we have a 3
phase system.
The rotor of a synchronous generator provides the magnet (magnetic field), which
rotates with the speed of the rotor (driven by the mechanical prime mover). There are 3
types of rotors, also called excitation:

Synchronous Generator Fundamentals

1. Cylindrical Rotor (or non-salient):

Figure 2-5

Figure 2-5 shows a 2 pole machine. Note the 2 sets of windings with the appropriate
direction of currents in each, which produce a NORTH and SOUTH pole in the air gap.
Because the windings are wound on a doughnut shaped cylinder, they have no physical
pole shapes, hence its name of cylindrical (or smooth) rotor.
2. Salient Pole Rotor:
Figure 6 shows the rotor of a 6 pole machine (or
3 pairs of poles), where the poles appear as
distinct metallic structures. In the gaps, the coils
are wound to provide with the DC excitation
providing the magnets.
Note that to produce a 50Hz armature voltage, a
2 pole, 3 phase machine has to rotate at 3000rpm,
while a 4 pole machine rotates at 1500rpm, and a
6 pole machine at 1000rpm.
(In North America, where 60Hz is used, 3600rpm,
1800rpm and 1200rpm).
Figure 2-6

3. Permanent Magnet Rotor

These motors are similar to the salient pole rotors, with the exception that the poles are
now made with permanent magnets, hence the excitation is constant.

Synchronous Generator Fundamentals

The electrical excitation of a synchronous generator has to go into the rotor, and send a
DC current in the pole windings. There 3 formal methods to do that:
1. Slip Ring:
As shown in figure 2-6, the rotor has 2 slip rings mounted at the end and connected in
series with the excitation windings. Two brushes ride the slip rings and provide the DC
voltage from an external source.
2. DC Generator mounted on the rotor
A common practice for older types of generators was to mount a DC generator directly
on the rotor of the synchronous generator. In a DC machine, the armature is the rotor, and
therefore the excitation is on the stator while the DC current supplied to the excitation of
the synchronous generator is on the rotor and there is no need for brushes. The control of
the excitation of the DC machine is on the stator, and hence accessible by the controller.
Figure 2-7 shows the layout.

Synchronous Generator Fundamentals

3. Brushless Exciter:
The DC generator, called the exciter has a high maintenance, and is a low efficiency
device, and its control is done by yet another control for supplying its field. A modern
design will use power electronics to provide both a high efficiency and ease of
Typically a 3 phase synchronous permanent magnet generator (see dynamo) is used,
however it is inside-out. The rotor has the 3 phase armature windings, and the stator
has the excitation circuit. Figure 2-8 shows the inverted synchronous exciter providing
a 3 phase voltage (on the rotor windings) that can be rectified and connected to the field
windings of the large synchronous generator. Note that the excitation of the exciter is
provided by a controlled rectifier on the stator circuits. There are no brushes involved,
and this has minimum maintenance.



Synchronous generator
main field

3 phase


Exciter Field

Main Armature

3 phase low current controlled rectifer

Figure 2-8

Synchronous Generator Fundamentals

Figure 2-9 shows the picture of a brushless salient pole rotor

Figure 2-9:

Synchronous Generator Fundamentals

Figure 2-10 shows a cutaway diagram of a large synchronous generator. Note the
various parts, salient poles, cooling fans, on shaft exciter etc.

Figure 2-10:

Synchronous Generator Fundamentals

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