Synchronous Machine
Synchronous Machine
Synchronous Machine
A.C. system has a number of advantages over d.c. system. These days 3-phase a.c. system is being exclusively used
for generation, transmission and distribution of power. The machine which produces 3-phase power from
mechanical power is called an alternator or synchronous generator. Alternators are the primary source of all the
electrical energy we consume. These machines are the largest energy converters found in the world. They convert
mechanical energy into a.c. energy. In this chapter, we shall discuss the construction and characteristics of
The principle operation of Alternator
An alternator operates on the same fundamental principle of electromagnetic induction as a d.c. generator i.e., when
the flux linking a conductor changes, an e.m.f. is induced in the conductor. Like a d.c. generator, an alternator also
has an armature winding and a field winding. But the difference between the two is that in a d.c. generator, the
armature winding is placed on the rotor in order to provide a way of converting alternating voltage generated in the
winding to a direct voltage at the terminals through the use of a rotating commutator. The field poles are placed on
the stationary part of the machine. Since no commutator is required in an alternator, it is usually more convenient
and advantageous to place the field winding on the rotating part (i.e., rotor) and armature winding on the stationary
part (i.e., stator) as shown in Fig. (1.1).
Figure 1.1
Advantages of stationary armature
The field winding of an alternator is placed on the rotor and is connected to d.c. supply through two slip rings. The
3-phase armature winding is placed on the stator. This arrangement has the following advantages:
i) It is easier to insulate stationary winding for high voltages for which the alternators are usually designed.
This is because they are not subjected to centrifugal forces and also extra space is available due to the
stationary arrangement of the armature.
ii) The stationary 3-phase armature can be directly connected to load without going through large, unreliable
slip rings and brushes.
iii) Only two slip rings are required for d.c. supply to the field winding on the rotor. Since the exciting current
is small, the slip rings and brush gear required are of light construction.
iv) Due to simple and robust construction of the rotor, higher speed of rotating d.c. field is possible. This
increases the output obtainable from a machine of given dimensions.
Note: All alternators above 5 kVA employ a stationary armature (or stator) and a revolving d.c. field.
The magnitude of the voltage induced in each phase depends upon the rotor flux, the number and position of the
conductors in the phase and the speed of the rotor.
Figure 1.4
Fig. (1.4 (i)) shows star-connected armature winding and d.c. field winding. When the rotor is rotated, a 3-phase
voltage is induced in the armature winding. The magnitude of induced e.m.f. depends upon the speed of rotation
and the d.c. exciting current. The magnitude of e.m.f. in each phase of the armature winding is the same. However,
they differ in phase by 120° electrical as shown in the phasor diagram in Fig. (1.4 (ii)).
E.M.F. Equation of an Alternator
Let Z = No. of conductors or coil sides in series per phase
= Flux per pole in webers
P = Number of rotor poles
N = Rotor speed in r.p.m.
In one revolution (i.e., 60/N second), each stator conductor is cut by P webers i.e., d = P; dt = 60/N
Figure 1.5
a) When the load p.f. is unity, the effect of armature reaction is wholly distorting. In other words, the flux in the
air-gap is distorted but not weakened. As shown in Fig. (1.5(i)), the armature flux is 90° electrical behind Ac
main flux. The result is that flux is strengthened at the trailing pole tips and weakened at the leading pole tips.
However, the average flux in the air-gap practically remains unaltered.
b) When the load p.f. is zero lagging, the effect of armature reaction is wholly demagnetizing. In other words, the
flux in the air-gap is weakened. As shown in Fig. (1.5(ii)), the wave representing the main flux is moved
backwards through 90° (elect) so that it is in direct opposition to the armature flux. This considerably, reduces
the air-gap flux and hence the generated e.m.f. To keep the value of the generated e.m.f. the same, the field
excitation will have to be increased to compensate for the weakening of the air-gap flux.
c) When the load p.f. is zero leading, the effect of armature reaction is wholly magnetizing. In other words, the
flux in the air-gap is increased. As shown in Fig. (1.5 (iii)), the wave representing the main flux is now moved
d) forward through 90° (elect.) so that it aids the armature flux. This considerably increases the air-gap flux and
hence the generated e.m.f. To keep the value of the generated e.m.f. the same, the field excitation will have to
be reduced. For intermediate values of load p.f. the effect of armature reaction is partly distorting and partly
weakening for inductive loads. For capacitive loads, the effect is partly distorting and partly strengthening. Fig.
(1.5(iv)) shows the effect of armature reaction for an inductive load. In practice, load on the alternator is
generally inductive.
i) Open-circuit characteristic (O.C.C)
Like the magnetization curve for a d.c. machine, the (Open-circuit characteristic of an alternator is the curve
between armature terminal voltage (phase value) on open circuit and the field current when the alternator is running
at rated speed. Fig. (1.6) shows the circuit for determining the O.C.C. of an alternator. The alternator is run on no-
load at the rated speed. The field current If is gradually increased from zero (by adjusting field rheostat) until open-
circuit voltage E0 (phase value) is about 50% greater than the rated phase voltage. The graph is drawn between
open-circuit voltage values and the corresponding values of If as shown in Fig. (1.7).
There is no need to take more than one reading because S.C.C. is a straight line passing through the origin. The
reason is simple. Since armature resistance is much smaller than the synchronous reactance, the short-circuit
armature current lags the induced voltage by very nearly 90°. Consequently, the armature flux and field flux are in
direct opposition and the resultant flux is small. Since the resultant flux is small, the saturation effects will be
negligible and the short-circuit armature current, therefore, is directly proportional to the field current over the
range from zero to well above the rated armature current.
Parallel Operation of Alternators
It is rare to find a 3-phase alternator supplying its own load independently except under test conditions. In practice,
a very large number of 3-phase alternators operate in parallel because the various power stations are interconnected
through the national grid. Therefore, the output of any single alternator is small compared with the total
interconnected capacity. For example, the total capacity of the interconnected system may be over 40,000 MW
while the capacity of the biggest single alternator may be 500 MW. For this reason, the performance of a single
alternator is unlikely to affect appreciably the voltage and frequency of the whole system. An alternator connected
to such a system is said to be connected to infinite busbars. The outstanding electrical characteristics of such
busbars are that they are constant-voltage, constant frequency busbars.
Figure 1.10
Fig. (1.10) shows a typical infinite bus system. Loads are tapped from the infinite bus at various load centres. The
alternators may be connected to or disconnected from the infinite bus, depending on the power demand on the
system. If an alternator is connected to infinite busbars, no matter what power is delivered by the incoming
alternator, the voltage and frequency of the system remain the same. The operation of connecting an alternator to
the infinite busbars is known as paralleling with the infinite busbars. It may be noted that before an alternator is
connected to an infinite busbar, certain conditions must be satisfied.
Advantages of Parallel Operation of Alternators
The following are the advantages of operating alternators in parallel:
i) Continuity of service. The continuity of service is one of the important requirements of any electrical
apparatus. If one alternator fails, the continuity of supply can be maintained through the other healthy units.
This will ensure uninterrupted supply to the consumers.
ii) Efficiency. The load on the power system varies during the whole day; being minimum during die late
night hours. Since alternators operate most efficiently when delivering full-load, units can be added or put
off depending upon the load requirement. This permits the efficient operation of the power system.
iii) Maintenance and repair. It is often desirable to carry out routine maintenance and repair of one or more
units. For this purpose, the desired unit/units can be shut down and the continuity of supply is maintained
through the other units.
iv) Load growth. The load demand is increasing due to the increasing use of electrical energy. The load
growth can be met by adding more units without disturbing the original installation.
Depending on the frequency difference between alternator-2 voltage and bus bar voltage, ON and OFF rate of these
lamps is decided. Hence, the rate of flickering has to be reduced to match the frequency. This is possible by
adjusting the speed of alternator by its prime mover control.
When all these parameters are set, the lamps become dark and then the synchronizing switch can be closed to
synchronize alternator-2 with alternator-1.
The main disadvantage of this method is that rate of flickering only indicates the difference between the alternator-
2 and the bus bar. But the information of alternator frequency in relation to bus bar frequency is not available in this
Suppose, if the bus bar frequency is 50Hz, the rate of flickering of lamps is same when the frequency of the
alternator is either 51 or 49 Hz, as the difference in these two cases is 1Hz.
Two Bright and One Dark Lamp Method
The connections for this method are shown in figure below and it is useful in finding whether the alternator
frequency is lower or higher than the bus bar frequency.
Here, the lamp L2 is connected across the pole in the middle line of synchronizing switch as similar to the dark
lamp method, whereas the lamps L1 and L3 are connected in a transposed manner.
The voltage condition checking is similar to the previous method and after it, the lamps glow bright and dark one
after another. The lower or higher value of alternator frequency in comparison with bus bar frequency is determined
by the sequence in which the lamps become dark and bright.
The sequence of becoming bright and dark L1- L2 – L3 indicates that the incoming generator frequency is higher
than the bus bar frequency. Hence, the alternator speed has to be reduced by prime mover control till the flickering
rate is brought down to a small.
On the other hand, the sequence flickering L1- L3 – L2 indicates that incoming alternator frequency is less than that
of bus bar.
Hence, the speed of the alternator is increased by the prime mover till the rate of flickering is brought down to as
small as possible. The synchronizing switch is then closed at the instant when lamps L1 and L3 are equally bright
and lamp L2 is dark.
The disadvantage of this method is that the correctness of phase sequence cannot be checked. However, this
requirement is unnecessary for permanently connected alternators where checking of phase sequence is enough to
be carried out for the first time of operation alone.
Synchro scope Method
It is similar to the two bright and one dark lamp method and indicates whether the alternator frequency is higher or
lower than the bus bar frequency. A synchro scope is used for better accuracy of synchronization and it consists of
two pairs of terminals.
One pair of terminals marked as ‘existing’ has to be connected across the bus bar terminals or to the existing
alternator and other pair of terminals marked as ‘incoming’ has to be connected across the terminals of incoming
The synchro scope has circular dial over which a pointer is hinged that is capable of rotating in clockwise and
anticlockwise directions.
After the voltage condition is checked, the operator has to check the synchro scope. The rate at which the pointer
rotates indicates the difference of frequency between the incoming alternator and the bus bar.
Also, the direction to which the pointer rotates (to either fast or slow) gives the information, whether the incoming
alternator frequency is higher or lower than the bus bar frequency and hence the pointer moves either fast or slow.
The appropriate correction has to be made to control the speed of the alternator so as to bring the rate of rotation of
pointer as small as possible. Therefore, synchro scope along with voltmeters are enough for synchronization
process. However, in most of the cases a set of lights along with synchro scope is used as a double-check system.
These are the methods of synchronizing the generators. This process must be done carefully to prevent the
disturbances in the power system as well as to avoid a serious damage to the machine. Only three lamps methods
are not preferred today due to less accuracy and manual operation.
These processes need a skilled and experienced person to handle the equipment while synchronizing. In most cases
synchro scope method with set of lamps is used as mentioned above.
Modern synchronization equipment’s automate the whole synchronization process with the use of microprocessor-
based systems that avoids manual lamps and synchro scope observations. These methods are easier to manage and
more reliable.
Conditions for Paralleling Alternator with Infinite Busbars
The proper method of connecting an alternator to the infinite busbars is called synchronizing. A stationary
alternator must not be connected to live busbars. It is because the induced e.m.f. is zero at standstill and a short-
circuit will result. In order to connect an alternator safely to the infinite busbars, the following conditions are met:
i) The terminal voltage (r.m.s. value) of the incoming alternator must be the same as busbars voltage.
ii) The frequency of the generated voltage of the incoming alternator must be equal to the busbar’s frequency.
iii) The phase of the incoming alternator voltage must be identical with the phase of the busbar’s voltage. In
other words, the two voltages must be in phase with each other.
iv) The phase sequence of the voltage of the incoming alternator should be the same as that of the busbars.
The magnitude of the voltage of the incoming alternator can be adjusted by changing its field excitation. The
frequency of the incoming alternator can be changed by adjusting the speed of the prime mover driving the
alternator. Condition (i) is indicated by a voltmeter, conditions (ii) and (iii) are indicated by synchronizing lamps or
a synchro scope. The condition (iv) is indicated by a phase sequence indicator.