Noticias 12 1 14dru
Noticias 12 1 14dru
Noticias 12 1 14dru
Romero Utley
I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving with your loved ones. I enjoyed
some quiet days with my family. Its hard to believe it is December already!
Important notes and dates:
Saturday, December 6th is the PTA Holiday Tree sale from 9:00am-4pm.
On Monday, December 8th, we will walk to the Virginia Historical Society. Permission slips
will be coming home soon with volunteer information.
There is a PTA Meeting on Tuesday the 16th at 6:30pm.
We are in need of a small broom and dust pan for our classroom. If anyone can donate, it
would be greatly appreciated!
Name: ____________________________________
Homework for Room 115
Week of December 1 - 5, 2014
Read aloud to an adult for 10 minutes and have an adult read to you for 10 minutes. Total
reading time should equal (at least) 20 minutes. We continue to focus on Determining
Importance and Identifying Sequence of Events while we read.
Complete daily Word Study activities (on back of this sheet).
Title: _________________________
Title: _________________________
Reflex Math
Word Study
Word Study
Title: _________________________
Title: _________________________
Word Study
Word Study
Math worksheet
Reflex math