En Most Excellent Manner of Seeking Forgiveness
En Most Excellent Manner of Seeking Forgiveness
En Most Excellent Manner of Seeking Forgiveness
Creator, the Providor, the One who grants all blessings, the One
who alone is in control of all the affairs of His creation.
Tawheedul-Asmaa was-Sifaat affirms His names and attributes, as
mentioned in His Book and in the Sunnah of His Prophet !.
These aspects of tawheed relate to matters that require knowledge
and affirmation. One must know that Allaah is the Creator, the
Providor, the One who grants all blessings, the One in control of all
affairs. One must know His names and attributes as mentioned in
His Book and in the Sunnah of His Prophet ! and one must
acknowledge and affirm all this. This is illustrated by his saying, "O
Allaah! You are my Lord, You created me ..." which affirms
Allaah's Lordship and that He alone is the Creator.
The second aspect, Tawheedul-Iraadah wat-Tatab, is the Tawheed
of worship and this demands that all worship is performed purely
and sincerely for Allaah alone. The saying, "You created me and I
am Your slave and worshipper is a proof for the Tawheed of
worship as mentioned by the scholars. If acknowledges that there is
no creator except Allaah, then it is binding upon him to worship
nothing except Allaah. The meaning occurs frequently in the
Qur'aan where Allaah Lordship, His creating, His granting
permission, His granting life and death are given as proofs for
worship being made solely for Him:
Say, Call upon those who you claim are deserving of worship
besides Allaah. They do not possess or control an atoms
weight of good or evil, harm or benefit in the heavens and the
earth. Nor do they even possess a share in any of that. Nor is
there any helper for Allaah from amongst them. Nor does any
intercession benefit with Him except for him whom Allaah
grants permission." 12
Therefore, the One to whom supplication is to be made; the One
from whom deliverance is to be sought; the One who is to be relied
upon and worshipped is Allaah alone, the Creator.
This is an excellent point, a tremendous and noble matter that is
illustrated in this great hadeeth. Likewise, his saying, "None has the
right to be worshipped except You ..." is acknowledgement and
affirmation of Allaah's Divinity and right to be worshipped. It is a
statement of the Shahaadah Laa ilaaha illallaah' - none has the right
to be worshipped except Allaah.
created them; that He provides for them; that He gives them life
and that He causes them to die. None shares with Him in this. For
these reasons, nothing in creation can escape this servitude to
Allaah's Lordship.
All (Angels) in the heavens, and all (men and Jinn) upon the
earth will come to the Most Merciful on the Day of judgement
as submissive slaves. Soorah Maryam (19):93.
Whereas servitude in worship of Him is something that He has
granted to some of His creation in particular-those who He has
guided and upon whom He has bestowed eemaan; those who He
has guided to obedience to the Most Merciful. So these are slaves
who worship Him. They submit to Him, obey Him, comply with
what He has legislated, carry out His orders and obey His
Messengers - the Prophets and those follow them. Therefore Allaah,
the Most High, ascribed them to Himself in the like of His saying:
So these are part of Allaah's creation; those who are rightly guided guided by Allaah; those who devote themselves to the worship of
Allaah, to obedience to Him and to submission to what He, the
Perfect and Most High, has legislated.
will be able to carry out every obligation that he has to Allaah, nor
to completely fulfill the obedience and thanks that is due from him
for the favors bestowed upon him. So Allaah had compassion upon
the Ummah and did not require from them in that regard except
what they were able to do: to strive and carry out acts of obedience
to Allaah; to give thanks for His favors and to implement eemaan as
far as one is able. Allaah knows each glare of the eye And that which
the hearts conceal.
However, when the Prophet ! mentioned the forbiddance he said,
"... and what I have forbidden you from, then leave it (altogether)."
He did not say "... as far as you are able," and, as the scholars say,
forbiddance means that one has to refrain from doing something.
This is within the ability of everybody.
Everyone is capable of refraining from fornication, theft, murder
and all matters that Allaah has forbidden. No one may say, I am
unable to leave anything from these affairs.' No one will say that
except a person who is corrupt and whose desire is to commit sins,
and Allaah's refuge is sought. Therefore, leaving forbidden things
was not made conditional upon ability.
Next, the saying of the Prophet I acknowledge before You all the
favors you have bestowed upon me, and I confess all my sins to
You," is both an affirmation and a confession. "I acknowledge..."
means, I acknowledge and affirm,' and this wording appears in
another narration of the hadeeth. It is an affirmation of Allaah's
favors, I affirm Your favors upon me.' If we examine and consider
the hadeeth we find that the affirmation is not restricted to any
specific favor. Rather, the Prophet ! left it unrestricted. So, "I
acknowledge Your favors upon me ..." means, I acknowledge and
affirm every favour with which You have blessed me.'
and also for believing men and believing women, for Allaah
knows well your actions whilst awake and whilst in your
places of sleep.21
Likewise Allaah mentions what Dhun-Noon
through the depths of the darkness:
our adhkaar in the morning, after the Fajr prayer and in the
evening, either before or after sunset.
I repeat its wording for the sake of memorisation of it, and with its
repetition I complete this lecture and I ask Allaah that he may make
it beneficial ...
The most excellent manner of seeking forgiveness is that the servant