Murder at The Police Station

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Murder At The Police Station

At approximately 8:30am, Tuesday morning. Inspector Eathen found

something suspicious as he walked by the cubicles in the police station. He noticed
that there was a police badge, a pair of hand cuffs, a scarf with some blood on it
and some ornaments in Chief Edwards desk. When he came close to Chief
Edwards cubicle, he saw blood splattered all over on the floor. Then, Inspector
Eathen immediately called the other police officers in the NYPD police station.
When the investigators arrived at the scene, they discovered some
footprints leading from a jail cell to Chief Edwards desk. The footprints sizes
were approximately 9 and a half. Unfortunately, the cell gate was broken and the
prisoner already escaped. This gave them a big clue about the murderer. According
to Inspector Eathen, Jennifer William was in police custody for driving while
intoxicated. She was in that cell for last 24 hours.
12 hours had already past and Chief Edward is still missing. Mean while
investigator Wrick Brown found blood droops leading to a dumpster, in the
parking lot of the police station. Then almost at 8:45 pm they found Chief
Edwards dead body in that dumpster. After taking the body to the lab they found
out that Chief Edward was choked to death. At the age of death he was 37 years
The investigators then started to look at all the things that were found at his
desk. They found some ornaments and a scarf with some blood on it. When the
DNA of the blood (which was in the scarf) came out, the investigators found their
murder weapon. This is because the DNA from the blood and Jennifer Williams
DNA matched. Also, the DNA of the blood drops that were found in the dumpster
So, based on the evidences the investigator infers that some how Jennifer
broke the jail gate and tried to escape from the police station. Then Chief Edward
saw Jennifer and tried to stop her from escaping. Then Jennifer hit Chief Edward
with the handcuffs that were found in his desk and then murdered him by choking
with her scarf. Mean while, some how she was bleeding, thats why they found
blood drops that matched her DNA. After killing Chief Edward, she dumped the
body in the dumpster and escaped. The NYPD is still looking for Jennifer William.
Information by: Mehraz
Date: 27/Feb/2008

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