6. Baggy suit.
A crime has been committed at 8. Cars, knives and
Freemont Street. The main wives.
suspect is a man named Sean
Baker. It was said that a man had A man murders his wife with a
been walking along the pathway knife in their car. Nobody is
when he was suddenly shot in the around to see this. He throws her
stomach. The suspect had brown out of the car being careful not to
hair, blue eyes and wore a baggy leave any fingerprints on her
Armani suit just like Sean body. Next he throws the knife
Baker's. Sean was asked to tell off of a cliff into a gorge where it
the story right from the will never be found and he goes
beginning. "Well," said Sean, "I home. An hour later the police
was just hanging around the park call him and tell him that his wife
when I saw this man walking has been murdered and he needs
along the pathway. Suddenly, a to come to the scene of the crime
guy came up from behind him immediately. As soon as he
and shot him! I ran home as fast arrives, he is arrested. How did
as I could." The policemen asked they know he did it?
him to give a description of the
murderer. "He had a red 9. Coin toss.
mustache, red hair and a baggy A dead body is found at the bottom of
Armani suit on." "I think this a multistory building. Seeing the
man is telling a lie," said one of position of the body, it is evident that
the policemen. How did he the person jumped from one of the
know? floors, committing suicide. A
homicide detective is called to look
7. Rooms.A murderer is after the case. He goes to the first
condemned to death. He has to floor and walks in the room facing
choose between three rooms: the the direction in which the body was
found. He opens the window in that
first is full of raging fires; the
direction and flips a coin towards the
second, assassins with loaded floor. Then he goes to the second
floor and repeats the process. He newspaper, a catalog, flyers, and
keeps on doing this until he reaches unopened mail. The police
the last floor. Then, when he climbs officer suspects it was foul play.
down he tells the team that it is a
Who does he suspect and why?
murder not suicide. How did he come
to know that it was a murder?
10. Funeral.
A girl was attending her mother's
funeral where she met a man. She
was very intrigued by the man
and was interested in getting to
know him. As she was making
her rounds she realized she had
not gotten the man's name or
number. Later, when she went to
find him, he had already left. A
week later, she murdered her
older brother to find the man.