Phylum Echinodermata
Phylum Echinodermata
Phylum Echinodermata
Echinoderms are spiny skinned animals
Spiny skin
5 part radial symmetry
Internal skeleton
Water vascular system
Tube feet
Introduction cont.
Shared characteristics with us.
Internal skeleton
Certain stages of development
similar to ours.
Introduction Continued
Diverse living areas
Starfish and sand dollars live in
shallow water.
Others live in coral reefs or the floor
of the ocean.
Brittle Star
Basket Star
Sea Lilly
Echinoderm Classes
Only found in marine environments- no
freshwater or terrestrial.
Common starfish is also known as (aka)
Sea Stars
5+ arms
Carnivores, prey on bivalves
Dermasterias imbricata
Echinoderm Classes
Brittle Stars
Tropical seas, especially coral reefs
Longer, flexible arms
Shed 1 or more arms when attacked
or just run away.
Filter & detritus feeders
Hide during the day, hunt at night.
Echinoderm Classes
Sea Urchins & Sand Dollars
Eat large amounts of algae
Heart Urchins and Sand Dollars hide in
Sea urchins wedge themselves in rock
crevices during the day and come out at
Sharp spines- some have poison sacks
to make them painful.
Sea Urchin
Echinoderm Classes
Sea Cucumber
Look like bumpy moving pickles.
Detritus feeders
Found on ocean floor- very deep
One particular sea cucumber releases a
glue-like substance when they are
attacked. Causes the attackers to become
stuck in a huge ball of glue.
Echinoderm Classes
Sea Lilies and Feather Stars
Filter feeders
50 plus long feathery arms
Ancient species
Not common, but used to be (Found in the
fossil record)