Focus On Wonders of The World

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of the World

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The Pyramids of
Pages 45

The Statue of
Zeus at Olympia
Pages 67

The Hanging
Gardens of Babylon
Pages 810

The Temple of
Pages 1113

The Mausoleum of
Pages 1415

The Colossus of
Pages 1617

The Lighthouse of
Pages 1819

The Grand Canyon

Pages 2022

The Northern Lights

Pages 23-25

Mount Everest
Pages 2931

The Volcano of
Pages 2628

The Colosseum in
Pages 3233

The Great Wall

of China
Pages 3436

The Taj Mahal

Pages 3739

Pages 4345

The Masai Mara

Pages 4647

The Petronas Towers

Pages 4850

The Panama Canal

Pages 5153

The Empire State

Pages 5759

The Itaipu Dam

Pages 5456

Machu Picchu
Pages 4042

The Golden Gate

Pages 6061


The Great Pyramid of Khufu, or Cheops, was the tallest structure on Earth
for 43 centuries. It is both the oldest and the best preserved wonder of the
ancient world.

What are the pyramids of Giza


The pyramids contain the tombs of ancient Egyptian

kings or pharaohs. There are three large pyramids at
Giza, a necropolis or city of the dead, outside Cairo.
The largest and oldest is the Great Pyramid of Khufu,
or Cheops, which was once 145.75 m (481 ft) high.
Nearby are the Pyramids of Khefre and Menkaure and
the famous Sphinx statue.


Pyramids are found in Egypt

How was the

Great Pyramid built
The Great Pyramid took twenty years to build during
Pharaoh Khufus reign, around 2560 BC. Thousands of
slaves carved and carried two million stone blocks,
each weighing over 1,814 kg (2 tons). Ramps were
used to drag the blocks into place. The pyramid was
covered in smooth stone bits of which can still be
seen near the top of Khefres pyramid.

large stone

What is the significance of the shape of the pyramids

The pyramids have a very geometrical shape. The ancient Egyptians thought that using fixed shapes like the
square, the circle and the triangle in their buildings would allow their civilisation to survive floods and droughts.
They thought that the shape of the pyramid, reaching out to the stars, would bring the pharaoh closer to the gods
and make him live forever.

The Great Pyramid at Giza


Queens chamber



Queens passage

What is the Sphinx

The magical statue of the
Sphinx at Giza has a lions
body and the face of Pharaoh
Khefre. It is 73.5 m (241 ft)
long and 20 m (65 ft) high.
The Sphinx was carved out of
solid rock around the time of
the construction of the Pyramid
of Khefre in 25552532 BC.

What is inside the Great Pyramid

Mysterious corridors and galleries lead to Khufus
burial chamber at the heart of the pyramid. The
pyramid was so well designed that there is
only 1 cm (one third of an inch) between the tomb and
the chamber walls. The galleries once contained
beautiful precious objects, but robbers have stolen
everything. Khufus servants may have been sacrificed
inside the pyramid.
The Sphinx at Giza


To bring the god of thunderbolts to life and celebrate the Olympic Games, the
most famous ancient Greek sculptor created an enormous golden statue.

What were the ancient

Olympic Games
In Greek legend, gods
and goddesses came
from a mountain outside
Olympia, 70 km (43
miles) from Athens. Every
year from 776 BC to AD
391, wars stopped all
over the Greek world and
athletes came to Olympia
for competitive games in
honour of Zeus, the
father of gods and men.



The ancient Olympic

Games were held near

The impressive Statue of Zeus at Olympia

Entrance to the original Olympic stadium, Olympia

How was the Statue built

Who was Zeus

Pheidias built a wooden frame on which sheets of

metal and ivory were placed. He sculpted and carved
the different pieces of the statue in a workshop before
assembling them in the temple. As the statue was
designed to be out of proportion to the temple, it
looked bigger than it was. For almost four hundred
years, it fascinated everyone who saw it.

Zeus lived on mountain tops and in clouds, where he

kept an eye on the other Olympian gods and naughty
humans, too. Although he was the most important god,
Zeus often had to zap other Olympians with
thunderbolts to keep them in order. The Olympians
were definitely not one big, happy family: Zeuss
father Kronos ate his own children!


When was the Statue of Zeus built

Pheidias also made

the marble sculptures
on the Parthenon in
Athens. These are
known as the Elgin
Marbles and can
today be seen in the
British Museum
in London.

In 430 BC, the sculptor Pheidias finished a terrifying

13-m (42-ft) statue. The height of a four-storey
building, the statue barely fitted into the Temple of
Zeus. Visitors had the statues feet at eye level. Zeus
was seated but looked as though he was about to
explode out of the temple. His flesh was ivory, his
drapery gold, and his throne was decorated with
precious stones.

What happened to the

Statue of Zeus
The Olympic Games were outlawed in AD 391 by the
Christian Emperor Theodosius I. The temple was closed
and then badly damaged by earthquakes, landslides
and floods. In the fifth century AD, the ruined statue
was taken to a palace in Constantinople, where it was
unfortunately destroyed by fire in AD 462.
The ruined Temple of Zeus

The Statue of Zeus
held a figure of the
winged goddess of
victory in one hand.
Her name was Nike,
which is where the
sports brand-name
comes from!


The massive walled city of Babylon was full of wonders, but none could match
the Hanging Gardens, the greatest example of hydraulic engineering in the
ancient world.

Where was Babylon

Who built the Hanging Gardens

In 570 BC, King
Nebuchadnezzar II built
an enormous terraced
garden next to his palace,
to please his wife Amyitis.
was a great military
commander, and was
very proud of making
Babylon the most
beautiful city in the world.
Bricks in Babylon bore
the inscription
made this.

Babylon was built on

the banks of the River
Euphrates in Iraq.
This area is called
the cradle of
civilisation, because
the worlds first cities
were constructed
there. Babylon had
massive walls, one
hundred bronze gates Babylon, on the River
and brightly tiled
buildings full of golden statues of the god Marduk. The
91-m (300-ft), multi-coloured Tower of Babel stood at
the citys heart.

King Nebuchadnezzar

Why were the Hanging Gardens so special

The Hanging Gardens were built on an 24-m (80-ft) high, man-made hill. The hilltop was packed with beautiful
and exotic trees and flowers. The hill was actually a series of terraces also full of flowers and plants supported
by strong pillars. Ingenious machines called chain pumps helped to irrigate the garden. Although the gardens
didnt really hang the name probably came from a Greek word meaning overhanging and they must have
been an impressive sight with their beautiful plants overhanging terraces and arches.

The beautiful Hanging Gardens at Babylon
The ancient historian
Herodotus believed
that when Babylonians
died they were buried
in honey. Sweet, but
definitely untrue!

Why might the Hanging

Gardens be a myth

How did chain pumps work

As Babylonian records make no mention of the

Hanging Gardens, they may have been a myth.
However, archaeologists have discovered possible
evidence of garden cellars and chain pumps. The River
Euphrates would have provided the water needed for
the plants which would have been transported in
buckets on the chain pump.

Two wheels, one above the other, were connected by

a chain, on which buckets were hung. When slaves
turned the lower wheel, the buckets dipped into the
River Euphrates and picked up water. The chain then
lifted the
buckets to
the upper
where they
fed water
through the

The Hanging Gardens were irrigated with water

from the River Euphrates

The chain pump mechanism

What happened to the Gardens

The Hanging Gardens
were first described when
the warrior-king Alexander
the Great invaded in 331
BC. By the time of the
Persian invasion in the
second century BC, the
Hanging Gardens had
disappeared, along with
the city of Babylon.

Babylon got all
its food from the
nearby Plain of
Edin, which is
the Bibles
Garden of Eden

Alexander the Great



Antipater of Sidon, the man who listed the Seven Wonders of the World in the
second century BC, thought that this was the best of them all!

Why was the Temple

so impressive
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus on Turkeys
Mediterranean coast was built in about 550 BC.
It was enormous and made out of marble. The Temple
was 80 m (260 ft) wide, 130 m (420 ft) long and had
127 18-m (60-ft) high columns. The overall height of
the Temple was 24 m (80 ft). The Temple housed four
huge bronze statues of warrior women, or Amazons.

Who was Artemis

The ruins of the Temple of Artemis

Artemis was the Greek

goddess of hunting and
fertility. According to legend,
she was friendly to humans,
especially children, and also
protected animals. At night,
she was supposed to dance
through the countryside, firing
arrows of moonlight from a
silver bow. Artemis was still
very popular in the early
days of Christianity.






Statue of the Greek goddess Artemis

The Temple of Artemis is at Ephesus


Who was Herostratus

When was the Temple rebuilt

When Alexander the Great conquered Asia Minor, he
helped rebuild the Temple, which was finished by 335
BC. In AD 262, Goths destroyed the Temple, but Artemis
was still so popular that the Ephesians vowed to rebuild
it. For some reason, they never did.

In 356 BC, a man in Ephesus called Herostratus was

obsessed with becoming famous. He burned down the
Temple of Artemis so that everyone would talk about
him, but the authorities made it illegal to say his name!
The Temple burned down on the night that Alexander
the Great was born. Legend says that Artemis was too
busy at the birth to save her own temple.

Why are there only seven

wonders of the ancient world

Why did the Temple become an

important Christian site

In ancient times, the number seven was thought to be

the purest of numbers which is why Antipater of
Sidon included only seven wonders on his list!

St Paul preached in
the Temple in the first
century AD and was
almost attacked by the
angry worshippers of
Artemis. Legend has
it that the Virgin Mary,
accompanied by St
Paul, came to Ephesus
at the end of her
life, sometime between
AD 37 and AD 45.
St John is said to have
lived the last years of
his life nearby.

Marble statues,
Seljuk, Turkey

Some of the remains of the Temple of Artemis can be
seen in the Ephesus Museum, Turkey and the British
Museum, London.

Statue of the Virgin Mary


The Temple of Artemis


The worlds first great memorial monument was packed with statues of lions,
horses and people all the things that Satrap Mausolus loved in life.

What does the word

mausoleum mean


The word mausoleum means a large, stately tomb.

The history of the word dates back to 350 BC, when a
magnificent tomb was built for Mausolus, the ruler of
Halicarnassus, a large port on the Aegean Sea
in south-west Turkey. Mausoluss mausoleum was
planned by his wife, Artemisia.




The port of Halicarnassus is now

known as Bodrum

Who were the Amazons

What is a satrap

The Mausoleum of
Halicarnassus was decorated
with a frieze depicting
fighting Amazons bits can
be seen today in the British
Museum in London. In
legend, the Amazons were
warrior women who fought
The ornate frieze
Greek heroes. The Amazon
depicting fighting
queens Hippolyte, Penthesilea
and Antiope were very strong
and very beautiful. Female societies really did exist in
Ukraine and Libya and evidence suggests that they
were great horsewomen and fearless fighters.

Mausolus was a satrap, or

local governor, for the
mighty Persian Empire. In
the century before the
Mausoleum was built, the
Persian Empire spread
from Iran into Iraq,
Northern India, Syria,
Egypt and Turkey. The
empire was so big, local A figure of Mausolus
rulers were used to help
control people. Mausoluss province of Caria was
almost 1,600 km (1,000 miles) from the Persian
capital of Persepolis.


Why were there so many

statues on the Mausoleum

Why was the

Mausoleum destroyed
In AD 1494, Crusader
soldiers called the
Knights of St John of
Malta decided to fortify
a nearby castle with
stones from the
Mausoleum. By AD
1522, the whole
Mausoleum had been
Crusader castle at Bodrum
taken to pieces and
used. The massive Crusader castle still stands at
Bodrum, and the polished stone and marble blocks
from the Mausoleum can be seen within the walls.

The 45-m (140-ft)

Mausoleum was famous
for its statues of people
and animals. The tomb
stood on a podium covered
with statues the roof was
teeming with them and a
huge statue of a chariot
pulled by four horses
adorned the top. It was the
first ancient building
The remains of a
dedicated to the memory
colossal horse from
of a human being rather
the quadriga of the
than a god.
at Halicarnassus


The proper word for a stone tomb is a sarcophagus,

which is ancient Greek for flesh eater!
You can still see the foundations of the Mausoleum if you
visit Bodrum in Turkey.

The Mausoleum
of Halicarnassus



This enormous, polished bronze statue shone like the sun for only 56 years,
but it became a powerful symbol of unity for all Greek people.

Where did the Colossus stand

Why was the Colossus built

Greece was
made up of
city-states that
often fought
each other.
On the island
of Rhodes
there were three
The Greek island of Rhodes
such states, but,
housed the Colossus
in 408 BC, they
united. One
hundred years later, to celebrate a unity that was now
the envy of all Greece, the people of Rhodes built an
enormous statue to their sun god, Helios. The Colossus
was finished in 282 BC.

For a long time it was thought that the Colossus

straddled the mouth of the main harbour in Rhodes,
but, given the great height of the statue and
the width of the harbour mouth, this is impossible.
Recent research suggests that the Colossus
was actually erected on the eastern
side of the harbour.

How was the Colossus constructed

The bronze skin was made in pieces in the workshop
of a local sculptor, Chares. The feet and ankles were
fixed to a white marble base and the skin slowly
attached to an iron and stone frame. An earth ramp
was used to work on the top. When the Colossus was
finished, it was 33 m (110 ft) high.

The iron and

stone frame of
the Colossus


How was the statue paid for

Rhodes traded a lot with Egypt. In 305 BC, King
Seleucus I of Macedonia besieged the island in an
attempt to break this trade link between Rhodes and
his enemy, Ptolemy I of Egypt. Seleucuss army
eventually sailed away, leaving behind their military
equipment. The people of Rhodes sold this and used
the money to build the Colossus.

When was the Colossus destroyed

The statue stood at the harbour entrance until an
earthquake in 226 BC broke its knees and the Colossus
fell over. The Egyptians offered to restore the statue,
but an oracle forbade it. For nearly 900 years the
Colossus lay in ruins, until AD 654, when the remains
were sold to a Syrian merchant. Nine hundred camels
were used to take the fragments away!

The statue destroyed



Sailors appreciated this lighthouse because it protected them. Builders stood in
awe because it was then the tallest structure on Earth. Scientists wondered
how the mysterious mirror worked!

Why did Alexandria need

a lighthouse

Where was Alexandria

Alexander the Great built an
empire stretching from
Greece to Persia, Egypt and
Asia Minor. He founded a
city in Egypt, on the
Mediterranean coast, and
called it Alexandria. After his
death in 323 BC, the empire
split. Ptolemy I assumed
The city of Alexandria
power in Egypt and made
is in Egypt
Alexandria the greatest city in
the world. Seleucos I of Macedonia ruled the empire
from Greece to Babylon.

Alexandria was the greatest port on the Mediterranean

Sea, but its double harbour made sailing dangerous.
Luckily, the coastline around Alexandria was very flat
so building a lighthouse to warn ships was not difficult.
When the Lighthouse was completed, it was the tallest
building on Earth!

How bright was the light

reflected from the Lighthouse
According to historians, the huge mirror at the top
of the Lighthouse was so well made, the light it
reflected could be seen 50 km (35 miles) away.
Apparently, the reflection was so intense it could
burn up enemy ships! The
mirror reflected sunlight
during the day and a fire set
in front of it at night. It was
probably lifted into place
using the internal shaft of the
structure, which was also used
to lift the fuel for the fire.

Who built the Lighthouse

of Alexandria
The building of the Lighthouse on Pharos, an island in
Alexandrias harbour, took twenty years and was
completed in 270 BC. The finest scientists, mathematicians
and artists of the age planned the structure and its
mirror in the famous Alexandria Library. The
Lighthouse was 117 m (384 ft) high the equivalent
of a modern-day, 40-storey building.

The intense light reflected from the Lighthouse


What happened to the


The Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Lighthouse of Alexandria remained in use for

almost fourteen centuries, until it was damaged by
earthquakes in AD 1303 and AD 1323. The Egyptian
Sultan, Qaitbay, used blocks from the Lighthouse to
build a massive fortification in AD 1480. Recently,
divers discovered the remains of the Lighthouse in the
harbour at Alexandria.

The harbour at Alexandria today

The Lighthouse of Alexandria
was so famous, it still
appeared on Roman coins
hundreds of years after it
was built.



Discover how the most spectacular canyon in the world was made and how
you could be walking on the bottom of an ancient sea bed if you go there!

How big is the Grand Canyon

How was the Grand Canyon made

The awesome
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
cuts through the
Colorado Plateau
in the American
state of Arizona.
It is 466 km (290
miles) long, 16 km
(10 miles) wide
and 1.6 km (1 mile)
deep. The
The Grand Canyon cuts through
Colorado River
the Colorado Plateau in Arizona
runs through the
Canyon, roaring over 200 rapids and dropping 670 m
(2,200 ft) as it makes its way to the Gulf of California.

The Grand Canyon is the most spectacular example

of erosion in the world. The Colorado Plateau was
created by violent movements on Earths surface two
billion years ago. The Grand Canyon has been
carved by the movement of the Colorado River over
this plateau during the last six million years.

The eroded rocks that form the Grand Canyon

Aerial view of the Colorado River


The craggy and rocky terrain of the Grand Canyon

Why are there fossils at the top

of the canyon
Visitors to the top of the canyon are walking on the
bottom of an ancient sea bed that is why you can
find fossils there! Five hundred million years ago, the
whole plateau was under water. When sea creatures
died, the minerals in the sea turned them into fossils.
Then the plateau was pushed out of the sea by
massive explosions.
A fossilised trilobite

Who discovered the Grand


Why has the Grand Canyon

changed in recent years

The first European to see the Canyon was a Spanish

conquistador, Garcia Lopez de Cardenas in 1540.
From the top, the river was so far away that he mistook
it for a stream and then wondered why it took three
days to get
In 1869,
John Wesley
Powell took
a boat down
the entire
length of the
Canyon a
trip that took
three months.

Over 2,000 species used to live in the Canyon. The

ecology of the area depends on floods, but a dam,
opened in 1963, now regulates the river. The damage
caused by floods has been immense much more than
that caused by five million tourists every year and
pollution from nearby cities and power plants.

An aerial view of the Grand Canyon

John Wesley Powell



At the northern reaches of our planet, the raging sun and Earths magnetic
fields create the ultimate light show!

What are the Northern Lights

Where else do auroras happen

The Northern Lights, or aurora borealis, form a 3,218km (2,000-mile) wide oval above the Earths magnetic
north pole. At night, the Lights start as a faint glow on
the horizon. Slowly, they turn into an astonishing
green, red, pink, blue and violet curtain of light that
curves and bends across the sky.

The Southern Lights, or aurora australis, occur over

Earths Southern Hemisphere. The Southern and Northern
Lights are connected by Earths magnetic field. Their
displays are symmetrical, which means that the shape
of the Northern Lights is a mirror image of the
Southern Lights. The planets Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus
also have colourful auroras over their magnetic poles.

The stunning sight of the aurora borealis

Auroras occur at the Poles


What did ancient peoples

think the lights were

How are auroras caused

Auroras are caused by the sun, which shoots a stream
of matter and energy into space. When this stream,
called a solar wind, reaches Earth it smashes into
Earths magnetic field. Particles from the stream spiral
down towards
magnetic poles.
When they
these particles
react with
oxygen and
nitrogen to
make colourful
swirls in the sky.
Solar winds

In Scandinavia, where the lights are really spectacular,

people thought they were dragons battling in the sky.
Inuits believed that the lights were torches held by the
dead, showing the dying how to get to heaven. More
recently, the lights were thought to be reflections of the
dawn, the sun or the moon on ice in the atmosphere.

Inuits believed that the lights were torches

held by the dead

Where do you go to see an

In the Northern Hemisphere, the best place to see
auroras is outside Fairbanks in Alaska. In the Southern
Hemisphere, the best place is off the coast of
Antarctica. During violent solar winds, Earths magnetic
poles shift. Then the aurora
slips towards the equator,
giving sky-gazers as far
south as Mexico a real treat!

Earth is like a huge magnet
that is surrounded by a magnetic field that can attract or
repel things. Earth also has
poles, or places where its
magnetic power
is concentrated.

The coast of Antarctica is the best place to see

auroras in the Southern Hemisphere




There are active volcanoes all over the world, but only once have people seen a
terrifying volcano born right in front of them.

Who saw the Volcano first


On 20th February, 1943, a farmer named Dionisio

Pulido was working on his land in Paricutin, a
Mexican village. Suddenly, the ground opened up and
a cone of earth rose with a thunderous noise, spewing
out hot ash. Within a day, the cone had grown 45 m
(150 ft) and was shooting rocks 304 m (1,000 ft) into
the air.

Mexico City

Paricutin in Mexico site of the volcano

How much damage did the Volcano of Paricutin do

Molten matter called lava poured out of the volcano
and swallowed up two villages you can still see the
church spires sticking out of the lava field. The lava
flowed for nine years, eventually covering 25 sq km
(10 sq miles). Luckily, only three people died they
were struck by lightning caused by the eruption.

Church spires stick out of the

lava field left by
the Volcano of Paricutin


The cone shape of a
volcano is made from
the ashes and rock
that shoot out of it
and then compact
when they fall back
down to the ground.

The Volcano of Paricutin

What makes a volcanic

eruption occur
About 95 km (60 miles) under our feet there is a layer
of very hot rock that sometimes melts, producing a
molten liquid called magma. Pressure pushes magma
towards Earths surface, where it can erupt, which
means explode violently, through the ground. Magma
changes into lava which is much thicker than
magma and ashes when it is exposed to Earths

A volcanic eruption

Where can an active

volcano be seen

Why is Paricutin so important

Mount Etna, in Sicily, is a good place to go. In

2002 and 2003, Etna was the site of one of the most
spectacular eruptions of the last four centuries. Some
30 million cubic metres of lava and 40 million cubic
metres of rock and ash were produced. Other very
active volcanoes include Kilauea in Hawaii and
Nyamuragira in Africa.

Erupting volcanoes had usually existed for thousands

of years but, before Paricutin, scientists had never
witnessed the actual birth of a volcano. Scientists
solved many mysteries surrounding volcanoes by
studying Paricutin such as exactly how magma
behaves just before it breaks through Earths surface.

The Volcano of Paricutin
grew to a height of
335 m (1,100 ft) in just
one year and its ash fell
on Mexico City, over
321 km (200 miles)

A Mexican flag in front

of the National Cathedral, Mexico City

Mount Etna is an active volcano in Sicily


Thousands of brave men and women have accepted the ultimate challenge
to climb as high as you can go on Earth and look down from the top of the

Where is Mount Everest

How was Mount Everest formed

Roughly sixty million years ago, India, which was
then a separate continent on its own tectonic plate,
began to move. Eventually, it collided with the plate
of Asia, and the coasts where the two continents met
were pushed up a bit like the bonnet of a car in
a crash. These coasts became the highest mountain
range in the world.

Mount Everest is
the highest
mountain in the
world. It is part
of the Himalayan
range on the
borders of Nepal
and Tibet. Mount
Mount Everest is on the
Everest towers
borders of Nepal and Tibet
above the other
mountains at 8,848 m (29,029 ft) high. The summit of
Mount Everest is as high as you can go on Earth it
really is the top of the world!

The tectonic plates of
India and Asia are still
pushing up against
each other. As a result
of this, Mount Everest
grows by 5 cm (2 in.)
every year.

Mount Everest, Tibet

Indian and Asian plates collide


Tibetan mother
and child

Why is it called Mount Everest

Westerners call it Mount Everest, but the Tibetans call it
Chomolungma and the Nepalese call it Sagarmatha
and they should know, because they live at the
mountains base. First recognised as the highest
mountain in the world in 1852, it got its Western name
ten years later, when Sir George Everest, a British
surveyor, came to the area.

Who were the first men to

climb Mount Everest

Who else has climbed Everest

Climbing Mount Everest has been the ultimate

challenge for climbers ever since the 1920s. Climbers
have to contend with a lack of oxygen and bitterly
cold temperatures. New Zealander Edmund Hillary
and his Nepalese guide Sherpa Tenzing Norgay were
the first men to successfully reach the summit, on 29th
May, 1953.

Since 1953, 700 climbers have reached the summit.

They have been as young as fifteen and as mature as
64. Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the
top in 1975. The fastest descent came in 1988, when
Jean-Marc Boivin paraglided off the summit and
reached the base in eleven minutes. Davo Karnicar
skied down the mountain in 1980!

Sherpa Tenzing Norgay (left) and Edmund Hillary


Jean-Marc Boivin paraglided off Mount Everest


Mount Everest in the Himalayas



The design of most modern sports stadiums is based on this truly
colossal ancient monument one of the most famous archaeological
wonders of the world.

Why is the Colosseums

design so clever

How big was the Colosseum

Until the nineteenth century,
the Colosseum in Rome was
the largest amphitheatre in
the world. It was 50 m (165
ft) high, 185 m (600 ft) long
and large enough to hold
50,000 spectators. The
faade, or exterior, was
three arcades sets of 80
arches on top of each
other. Canvas material was
hung from the fourth storey
to protect spectators from the

The Colosseums design is full of elliptical, or

squashed circle, shapes,
The elliptical Colosseum
which allowed more
people to fit in. Behind
the outer arcades, two
corridors circle the
building, with two
smaller circular
corridors inside them.
The elliptical arena
was surrounded by a
wall to protect spectators
from wild animals used in the games.


Rome, where the

Colosseum ruins can
still be found



Who built the Colosseum

The Emperor Vespasian began construction in AD 72.
His son Titus held the first games there in AD 80, but
the building was actually completed by Vespasians
younger son, Domitian, in AD 81. The structure was
originally called the Flavian Amphitheatre because
all three of these emperors came from a family
called Flavius.

The Colosseum had

76 vomitoria, which
sounds like the sort of
place you go to if the
games get gruesome.
In fact, the word simply means gate!

Emperor Vespasian


The Colosseum in Rome

What games were played there

The most popular games were bloody contests
between gladiators, or between gladiators and
animals. Athletics, battle re-enactments and pageants
also took place there. Some people think that lions ate
Christians in the arena, but this is untrue. Gladiator
combat was abolished in AD 404, and the last animal
fight was held in AD 523.

What is the Colosseum

like today
Fires, earthquakes and neglect have badly damaged
the Colosseum since it was last renovated in the early
sixth century. However, over one-third of the outer
arcades remain
and the inner
supports for the
cavea, or seating
space, are also
visible. It is in
condition when
you consider that
it was built
nearly 2,000
years ago.

A gladiator fighting a tiger

In films, you often see the
Roman Emperor give the
thumbs down sign when he
wants someone killed by a gladiator. In fact, thumbs up meant
kill him and thumbs down
meant spare him.

The Colosseum as it looks today



The largest built structure in the world snakes across deserts, grasslands and
mountains and over two thousand years of history.

How long was the Great

Wall of China

Who built the Great Wall

The Great Wall once

stretched 6,400 km
The Great Wall
of China
(4,000 miles) from the
Korean Peninsula to
North-Central China.
The Wall had an
Extension built
during Ming dynasty
average height of 10 m
(32 ft) and was 5 m
(16 ft) wide. Its snake
shape is due to the fact
that it follows the course
of the rivers and the contours
of the mountains and
valleys around it.

In the seventh and eighth centuries BC, Chinese rulers

built walls to protect their communities. The first
emperor, Qin, joined all of these walls together
between 221 and 206 BC. Over the next century, the
Han emperors extended the Great Wall across the
Gobi Desert. The Great Wall was at its longest during
the Ming Dynasty of AD 1368 to 1644.

Ordinary people were forced to build the Great Wall.
So many of them died that it is sometimes called the
longest cemetery on Earth.

Qin Shi Huang, 1st emperor of China


The Great Wall of China

stretched 6,400 km (4,000 miles)

Why was the Great Wall built

How was the Great Wall built

Ancient China was plagued by attacks from

Mongolian and Manchu people. Emperor Qin wanted
to build a massive fortification that would stop these
raiders from the North. In later centuries, the Great
Wall was used to transport soldiers. It was also used to
transmit messages across the empire. This was done
by burning fires on the watch towers and sending
smoke signals.

The early Great

Wall was made of
earth. During the
Ming Dynasty, brick
and stone were
used to build walls,
watch towers and
garrison posts. In
many areas, there
were no farms or
towns to provide
food, so the workers
and the soldiers
depended on
dangerous mountain
supply routes.
Many of the
One of the Great Walls towers
builders died.

What state is the Great Wall in

The Great Wall worked for centuries, but after the
Manchu seized China in 1644, it fell into disrepair.
Even now there are no Chinese laws protecting the
Great Wall, although it was made a UNESCO World
Heritage Site in 1987. Several hundred kilometres of
the Great Wall remain in Eastern China.

Some people think that
the Great Wall can be
seen from space. It can
only be seen from a
low orbit as with so
many other buildings.

The Great Wall of

China seen from a low
orbit, TERRA Satellite

The Great Wall of China as it stands today



One of the most beautiful buildings in the world, the Taj Mahal was built as a
monument to love but it ended up ruining a mighty emperor.

Who were the Mughals

Who was the Taj Mahal built for

The Mughals were fantastically rich Muslim emperors

who ruled Northern India from the sixteenth to the
nineteenth century AD. They were descended from
fearsome Turkish and Mongolian warriors, and early
emperors like Akbar, Jehangir and Shahjehan waged
war to amass their fortune. The Mughal capital was at
Agra, about 200 km (124 miles) south of New Delhi.

The Mughal Emperor Shahjehan ordered the building

of the Taj in 1631, after the death of his wife, Mumtaz
Mahal, in childbirth. Shahjehan wanted his wifes
tomb to be the most beautiful building in the world.
Construction began in 1631 and was completed in
1653. Masons, craftsmen, sculptors, and calligraphers
came from all over Asia to work on the masterpiece.

Emperor Shahjehan

The Mughal Empire (red)


What is strange about

the colour of the Taj Mahal

Why is the Taj Mahal so beautiful

The Taj is probably the most beautifully proportioned
and symmetrical building in the world. It is set in a
garden of fountains and ornamental trees. The
decoration is very extravagant some small decorations
have fifty gemstones in them. The minarets, or praying
towers, have been cleverly designed to make the
building look bigger than it really is.

Emperor Shahjehan was so rich that he built the Taj

almost completely out of marble. When light strikes the
marble at different times of the day or night, it
produces different soft colours or hues. In full
moonlight, the Taj glows white, at sunrise it looks pink
and at sunset it looks gold. Visitors say the effect is
very beautiful and very sad.

What happened to Shahjehan

It took 22 years and 22,000 workers to complete the
Taj Mahal. Shahjehans memorial was so expensive to
build that he had no money left when it was finished.
His son deposed him and threw him into prison. From
his prison cell Shahjehan could gaze at his wifes
tomb through a window.

When the Taj Mahal was finished, Shahjehan cut
his workers hands off so they couldnt make
anything as beautiful ever again.
The famous Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore
called the Taj Mahal a teardrop on the cheek
of time.

The silhouette of the Taj Mahal at dusk


The Taj Mahal, Agra, India

The lost city of the Inca sits on a remote mountain top in Peru. For nearly four
hundred years it lay hidden, with only the roaring river in the valley below to
keep it company.

When was Machu Picchu


Who were the Inca

The Inca Empire
was the largest
empire in the
Americas. It
stretched 4,828
km (3,000 miles)
from Ecuador to
Chile in South
America, and had
13 million
subjects. The
supreme ruler
was called the
Inca. The Inca
Empire started
around AD 1450
and was already
ruined by civil
war when
Spanish invaders
arrived in AD 1532.

The Spanish didnt believe rumours about a hidden

Inca fortress high in the Andes mountains. In 1911,
an American, Hiram Bingham, climbed up through a
rainforest 193 km (120 miles) from the Inca capital of
Cuzco to behold the ruins of a small city. He was the
first person to see the city for almost 400 years.


In modern-day
Machu Picchu,
llamas are used
to keep the
grass short!

The Inca Empire (red)


The impressive city of Machu Picchu

What is the Intihuatana stone

What was Machu Picchu

There is an
at Machu
Picchu. Inside
it is an
stone which
Hitching Post
of the Sun
in Quechua,
the Inca
language. At
midday on
The Intihuatana stone
21st March and
21st September the
sun appears directly above this stone and casts no
shadow. The Inca believed that at these times they
could influence the world around them.

Machu Picchu (below) is built on terraces on a

2,761-m (9,060-ft) mountain top. It may have been a
fortress, a religious centre or a royal retreat. Bordered
on three sides by precipitous river canyon walls and
invisible from below, the people fed themselves by
cultivating agricultural terraces. The city had 150
houses, temples and baths.

Why was Machu Picchu



Built in the 1450s, Machu Picchu was mysteriously

abandoned just before the Spanish took the Inca
capital of Cuzco in 1533. This is probably because
the civil war weakened supply lines linking Inca cities,
and life at Machu Picchu became too hard. In 1983,
UNESCO named Machu Picchu a World Heritage Site
and now 500,000 people visit the lost city of the Inca
every year.

The building blocks at Machu Picchu weigh 45,350

kg (50 tons) each but fit together so precisely you
cant slip a knife blade between them.


In the history of mankind, there is only one ancient city that lives up to its
name. Teotihuacan really is mysterious and grand enough to be the home of
the gods.

Who built Teotihuacan

Where is Teotihuacan

No one knows
who built
Teotihuacan or
lived there.
It was named
Teotihuacan, which
means the city
where the gods
were born, by
people called the
Aztecs 500
years after it was
The Aztecs
believed that only
people who were
as powerful as
gods could have
created such
pyramids and

The city of Teotihuacan was founded 50 km (31 miles)

north-east of modern-day Mexico City sometime
between AD 100 and AD 200. By the fourth century it
was the sixth largest city in the world, stretching for
20 sq km (7 sq miles) and with 200,000 inhabitants.
The city was mysteriously burned down and
abandoned in AD 750.



Mexico City

Ylaloc, the rain god

Teotihuacan was just north of where

Mexico city is today


Why is the design of

Teotihuacan special

What can you see at Teotihuacan

The Pyramid of the Sun is arguably the largest pyramid
in the world. It is 63 m (207 ft) high and is built over
a sacred cave. This pyramid is connected to the
Pyramid of the Moon by the 2.5-km (11/2-mile) Avenue
of the Dead. You can also see the amazing Temple of
Quetzalcoatl, which is decorated with enormous stone
snake heads.

Teotihuacan was the first city in the Americas and its

grid structure is still used 1,800 years later! The plan
of Teotihuacan is very symmetrical: avenues point
north, south, east and west, and the pyramids are
modelled on sacred mountains surrounding the city.
The city plan resembles butterfly wings an insect that
was sacred to the god Quetzalcoatl.

Who was Quetzalcoatl

Quetzalcoatl was the name of both a god and a
legendary hero. The god Quetzalcoatl is the god of
food, rebirth, butterflies and serpents. He travelled all
over Central and South America founding new
civilisations. The Aztecs believed that Quetzalcoatl
would return at the end of time, which was why they
allowed the Spanish conquistadors to destroy
them in 1519.

The Great Pyramid at Giza is taller than the Pyramid of
the Sun but not as large. Another contestant for the worlds
largest pyramid is the Hotel Luxor in Las Vegas, USA
Twice a year the sun sets directly opposite the Pyramid
and in a direct line of sight from a long tunnel referred to
by archaeologists as a volcano tube.

A statue at the temple of Quetzalcoatl


The Pyramid of the

Sun at Teotihuacan



In some of the most stunning scenery in the whole of Africa, you can come
face to face with the worlds wildest animals!

Why is the Masai Mara home to

so many animals

Where is the Masai Mara

The Masai Mara is the most spectacular game reserve
in the world. Located south of Kenyas capital,
Nairobi, the Masai Mara is part of the great Serengeti
plain. It is over 1,510 sq km (583 sq miles) of rolling
grassland, rocky outcrops and winding rivers and
boasts one of the highest concentrations of animals
and animal species in the world.

The region is both humid and fertile. It is crossed by

the rivers Mara and Telek, which are full of water all
year long. This is unusual in Africa. The river banks
are covered in thick bush and lush grassland. The
abundance of water and food means there are almost
always lions, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, buffalos,
zebras, rhinos and hippos to see.

When is the wildebeest migration

Each year, in August
and September, millions
of animals called wildebeest head to Mara
from Serengeti, in
search of better grass.
This is one of the natural
Migrating wildebeest
wonders of the world,
as the wildebeests move
across the plains in 44-km (27-mile) long columns.
Predators like lions, leopards, cheetah and hyenas
follow the columns, looking for easy prey.

Zebras on the Masai Mara


Who are the Masai

The Masai are a famous warrior tribe
whose lives centre on the herding of
cattle. They live in small settlements
called kraals, each of which is made
up of between eight and fifteen huts.
The kraals are surrounded by a
thornbush fence that is sharper than
barbed wire. At night, the cattle and
other domestic animals are brought
inside the kraal for protection.

The Masai Mara in

Africa is teeming
with wildlife

A Masai
with his

What is a kopje
The rolling plains of the Masai
Mara are pitted with rocky outcrops called kopjes. These rocks
are millions of years old and
home to lions, cheetahs, antelope,
mongoose and large Verraux
eagles. The kopjes are often
decorated with ancient rock paint- A big cat in the wild
ings, depicting life on the plains.
These paintings are made by Masai tribespeople.


Many people confuse
cheetahs (top) and leopards (bottom). The main
differences are that a
cheetah looks smaller
and has a dark tear
mark running from its
eyes to its cheeks.


Over the last hundred years or so, people have been trying to construct the
tallest building in the world. Skyscrapers like these are symbols of pride
but they never hold on to the record for long!

How tall are the Petronas Towers

When were the Towers built

The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of

Malaysia, are 452 m (1,483 ft) tall. This made them
the tallest building in the world at the time of
completion. Each of the twin towers has 88 stories,
a tapering point and a
74-m (242-ft) spire
that brings it to its
Kuala Lumpur
record-breaking height.

In 1991, there was an international competition to find

a design for the headquarters of the governmentowned oil company, Petronas. Architect Cesar Pelli
won the competition and building started in 1994.
The Petronas Towers cost about $1.6 billion to
construct, and opened on 28th August, 1999.
The double structure contains a concert hall, a library
and an art gallery as well as offices.

Kuala Lumpur,

The worlds tallest man-made
structure is the Burj Dubai, in
Dubai which rises to over
818 m (2,684 ft), beating the
CN tower (shown right) in
Toronto, Canada, which
stands at 553 m (1,815 ft).

The architect, Cesar Pelli (right)


The Petronas

What is the worlds

tallest building

Why were the Towers built

Skyscrapers are usually
built for the prestige, or
honour, they bring their
creators. The Petronas
Towers were supposed to
be a symbol of Malaysias
spectacular economic
growth in the 1980s and
early 1990s. Many of the
Towers design features
Kek Lok Si Temple, Penang,
also celebrate Malaysias Malaysia (Malaysian temple)
Muslim culture.
Unfortunately, a worldwide recession started as
building work on the Towers began.

In October 2003, The 101 tower in Taipei, Taiwan

became the worlds tallest building. The spire at the
top of Taipei 101 makes it 508 m (1,666 ft) high, 56
m (183 ft) taller than the Petronas Towers. The Sears
Tower in Chicago still has the highest occupied floor at
436 m (1,431 ft), and the highest roof at 443 m
(1,454 ft).

Why are the Towers an

architectural marvel
The Petronas Towers have an arabesque design and
the floor plans are based on the Islamic star. These
geometric shapes
allow for lots of office
space and great
views! The towers are
linked by a skybridge on the 42nd
floor. The exterior is
made from ribbons of
glass and steel that
shimmer in the sun.
The Taipei 101 Tower (right) and Sears
Tower in Chicago (far right)

The skybridge link



For centuries, trading nations dreamed of connecting the two great oceans
of the world. When they did, it was one of the greatest engineering feats
of all time.
Atlantic Ocean

What is the Panama Canal


The Panama Canal is an 81.63-km (50-mile)

waterway through Panama, linking the Atlantic and
the Pacific Oceans. Before the canal, ships coming
from Europe or the east coast of America travelled
20,900 km (12,958 miles) around South America
to get to the west coast. The canal shortened voyages
between New York and San Francisco to
8,370 km (5,189 miles).


Panama Canal


The Panama Canal links two oceans

Who built the Panama Canal


In 1534, Charles I of Spain

ordered a canal route
through the Isthmus of
Panama. The French worked
on a canal from 1880 to
1900, but disease and financial problems defeated them.
In 1903, the US began constructing the canal that is still
in use today. Completed in
1914, it cost $387 million!

Around 12,000 ships make the journey along the

Panama Canal each year. The ships are guided by
slow-moving, high-powered trains called mules.
As the ships proceeds, mules move along each side
to guide them in a straight line through the open
lock gates.


Charles I Spain

The remarkable
engineering feat of
the Panama Canal

Why was the Canal such a feat

Why does a canal need locks

More than 42,000 people worked for ten years,

excavating and dynamiting their way through hard
bedrock. They cut through jungles, hills and swamps,
and had to deal with tropical diseases like malaria
and yellow fever. Engineering feats included building
the biggest canal locks in the world and erecting a
dam that provided enough power to run the Canal.

Waterways contain height gains called elevations that

stop boats from continuing upstream. Canals have an
ingenious way of moving boats to, or from, this higher
water. Locks use the force of gravity on water to raise
and lower boats. In the Panama Canal, one boat uses
52 million gallons of water to move through the
Canals three locks.

Excavation to build the Canal

Large ships can navigate the Canal

How do canal locks work

A lock has gates at either end. When a ship moves
into the lock, the gates close and water is drained out
(or pumped in, if the ship wants to go upstream). Due
to gravity, the locks water eventually equals the height
of the water downstream or upstream. The gates at the
front of the boat are opened and the ship goes on its way.

An illustration
of a lock in operation



Find out how a curtain of concrete 225 m (738 ft) high can turn one of
the worlds greatest rivers into energy and became the worlds most
powerful dam.

How does a dam work

Where is the Itaipu Dam

A dam is a wall built across a river to block the flow

of the river. The water builds up behind the dam in
a reservoir. Pipes take water from the reservoir to
cities, to irrigation projects, or to hydroelectric
power stations, as at Itaipu. Here the water passes
over turbines huge wheels attached to motors to
create electricity.

The Itaipu Dam spans the Parana River on the borders

of Brazil and Paraguay in South America. It is an 8-km
(5-mile) wide dam, spillway and hydroelectric power
plant. The dam is as high as a 65-storey building.
It was built between 1975 and 1991 and supplies
24 per cent of Brazils energy and 95 per cent of

Other famous dams include
the Hoover Dam in America
(right), the Aswan Dam in
Egypt and the Three Gorges
Dam in China the worlds
The Itaipu Hydroelectric Power
Plant is the largest in the

Hydroelectricity created by water


The Itaipu Dam

What is a spillway

How powerful is the Itaipu Dam

The pressure of the water behind a dam can damage

its structure, so every dam has a spillway. This works
just like the overflow of a bath. When the water
reaches a certain level, usually during floods, it flows
down the spillway and back into the river below the
dam. Itaipus spillway can discharge 62,200 cubic
metres of water per second.

Itaipus powerhouse, where electricity is created,

contains eighteen hydroelectric generators, each of
them 16 m (53 ft) wide. Some 150 tonnes of water
per second pour onto each turbine, generating
12,600 MW (megawatts) of electricity. The power
plants eighteen generating units have a total
production capacity of 12,600 MW and a recordbreaking output of eighty million MW a year.

Why do dams affect the


A dams spillway

The creation of a reservoir means flooding the area

behind the dam, which can destroy the delicate
balance of an areas ecology. When Egypts Aswan
Dam was made, the builders had to move lots of
ancient monuments. The Chinese government had to
re-house over one million people when they built the
Three Gorges Dam.

The Aswan Dam



The most famous skyscraper in the world was the tallest building for over
forty years. It remains the standard against which all other skyscrapers
are judged.

When was the Empire State

Building built

What was the skyscraper race

The skyscraper race began with the Eiffel Tower (299
m/ 984 ft), in Paris in 1889. American architects,
competing among themselves, started to build evertaller buildings: the Metropolitan Life Tower of 1909
(213 m /700 ft); the Woolworth Building of 1913
(241 m/792 ft); 1929s Bank of Manhattan Building
(282 m/927 ft); and the Chrysler Building in 1930
(318 m/1,046 ft).

Construction began in 1930 and was completed just

one year and 45 days later, in May 1931. The Empire
State Building is 381 m (1,250 ft) high and remained
the tallest building in the world until the completion of
the World Trade Center in 1972. Tragically, the World
Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists in 2001.

The towers involved in the skyscraper race

World Trade Center (far left)


There are 1,575 steps inside the Empire State
Building. In 2001, Paul Crake set the record for
running up to the top he did it in 10 minutes
15 seconds.

The Empire State Building

Using the lifts, it is possible to travel to the 80th

floor of the Empire State Building in 45 seconds.


How was the Empire

State Building built so fast
Workers known as skywalkers put up the immense
frame, weighing over 50,000 tonnes in just 23 weeks.
Passers-by would gaze up at them as they worked
hundreds of feet above the ground, walking along the
girders they put in place the day before to hammer big
nails called rivets into steel girders higher up the structure.

A skywalker
at work

What was the Empire State Building going to be used for

In the early 1930s, the skyscraper was going to be an
airport for dirigibles (also known as zeppelins or
blimps) which were to be moored on the 102nd floor
observation deck. The Observation Lounge that you
can still visit on the 86th floor was going to be the
departure lounge.

What happened to Betty

Lou Oliver
On 28th September, 1945, Betty Lou Oliver was
working as a lift operator in the Empire State Building,
when a B-25 bomber crashed into it. The bombers left
engine sliced through the lifts cables and Betty Lou
rocketed over 300 m (1,000 ft) down the shaft
in just seven seconds. The lift ended up in a cellar,
but luckily Betty Lou survived.
The damaged building after the plane crash



People said this magnificent bridge couldnt be built, but for sixty years
after its completion, the Golden Gate Bridge was the worlds tallest
suspension bridge.

What is a suspension bridge

A suspension
bridge has a
deck (the bit
and motorists
use) that is
from cables.
Head on view of suspension bridge
The cables
pass over
towers and are secured in the earth. Bridges are
subject to compression, a force that pushes down on
the deck. The cables transfer this force to the towers
from where it runs into the earth. Another force, called
tension, affects the cables, but they are made taut and
safe by the weight of the bridge.

The construction of the Golden
Gate Bridge was the first time
protective hard hats were
worn on building sites.
The Golden Gate Bridge
contains enough cable
to go around Earth
three times!

How big is the Golden Gate Bridge

The bridge spans 1.93 km (11/4 miles)
and can sway up to 8.2 m (27 ft) to
withstand 160 km/h (100 mph) winds.
The two towers are 227 m (746 ft) high
and the cables the biggest ever to
support a bridge are 110 m (361 ft)
thick. Work on the bridge began on 5th
January 1933, ended on 27th May,
1937, and cost $35 million.

Thick cables support

the bridge


Why is it called the

Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden
Gate Bridge

In 1847, thousands of people came to San Francisco

to look for gold in the Californian Gold Rush. The
entrance to San Francisco Bay became known as the
Golden Strait (or narrow channel). The Golden Gate
Bridge spans this strait and was named after it.

Why was it thought

impossible to build
The Golden Gate Bridge was considered
impossible to build because of the fog, winds
and ocean currents in the Bay. Workers wore
goggles, hand cream and face cream and
a safety net was strung under the Bridge to
protect them. They were also given special
food so they wouldnt get dizzy!

A brave
paints the


A city in north India and
capital of the Mogul
empire until 1658.
The chief port of
Egypt on the Nile Delta:
cultural centre of ancient
times, founded by
Alexander the Great.
One of a race of women
warriors of Scythia near
the Black Sea.
An ancient Greek
goddess who was the
twin sister of Apollo.
Asia Minor
The historical name
for Anatolia (the Asian
part of Turkey).
An atmospheric
phenomenon consisting
of bands, curtains, or
streamers of light, that
move across the sky.
As in aurora borealis
(Northern Lights) and
aurura australis (Southern

The chief city of the
ancient Mesopotamia.
Home of the Hanging
Gardens of Babylon.
A gorge or ravine,
especially in North
America, usually formed
by a river.
The Tibetan name for
Mount Everest, the
highest mountain in
the world.
An amphitheatre in Rome
built around AD 7580.
A structure thats very
large, such as a statue.
An adventurer or
conqueror, especially
one of the Spanish
conquerors of the
New World in the
16th century.
European Christians who
fought with Muslims to
capture the Holy Land.

A city in south-central
Peru: former capital of
the Inca Empire, with
extensive Inca remains.
A barrier of concrete,
earth etc, built across a
river to create a
contained body of water.
Another name for
an airship or a blimp.
The study of the
relationships between
living organisms and
their environment.
A male monarch who
rules or reigns over an
The wearing away
of rocks and soil, etc, by
the action of water,
wind, ice etc.
Giza (El Giza)
A city in north-east
Egypt, on the west bank
of the Nile opposite


A man trained to fight in
arenas to provide
Gold Rush
Started in 1848. More
than 90,000 people
made their way to
California in the two
years following James
Marshalls discovery,
and more than 300,000
by 1854.
A member of the
East Germanic people
from Scandinavia
who settled south
of the Baltic early in the
first millennium.
A major Greek colony
of the south coast of
Asia Minor.
The ancient Greek god
of the sun, who drove
his chariot daily across
the sky.
A queen of the
Amazons, slain by
Hercules in a battle
for her belt.

A member of the South
American Indian people
whose empire, centred
on Peru, lasted from
about AD 1100 to the
Spanish Conquest
in the early 1530s.
A small, isolated hill.
An ancient Egyptian king
who was buried in the
Great Pyramid.
Lava flowing from
a volcano.
The molten liquid that
results when a layer
of very hot rock under
the ground melts.
Machu Picchu
A ruined Inca city in
South central Peru.
A person from
Manchuria, north-east
A member of a Nilotic
people, formerly noted
as warriors, living chiefly
in Kenya and Tanzania.

A huge masonry
construction that has a
square base and four
sloping, triangular sides.
A Greek Island in the
south-east Aegean
Sea, about 16 km
(10 miles) off the
Turkish coast.
Of, or relating to,
Rome or its inhabitants in
ancient or modern times.
A governor in
ancient Persia.
A park that covers
14,763 sq km (5,700 sq
miles) of rolling plains in
the African country of
The chief city of ancient
Phoenicia founded in the
third millennium BC.
A very tall multi-storey
Of, or relating to, the sun.

A large, stately tomb.
Ming Dynasty
The Imperial Dynasty
of China from 1368
to 1644.
An inhabitant of
Mongolia, central Asia.
A follower of the religion
of Islam.
Of, or relating to, Mount
Olympus or the classical
Greek gods.
A volcano in west central
Mexico, in Michoacan
state, formed in 1943
after a week of Earth
The title of the ancient
Egyptian kings.
Any marine lighthouse
or beacon.
A wide, mainly flat area
of elevated land.


The highest part of
a mountain.
Taj Mahal
A marble mausoleum
in central India, in Agra:
built (163253) by the
emperor Shahjehan in
memory of his wife.
Tectonic Plates
These are the results
of the distortion of
Earths crust due to
forces within it.
An extinct type of
Marine creature.
United Nations
Educational, Scientific,
and Cultural
A passageway that
opens to a tier of seats.
The supreme god of the
ancient Greeks. The ruler
of gods and men.

Alexander the Great
10, 12, 18
Alexandria 18, 19
Amazons 11, 14
amphitheatre 32, 33
Ancient Greece 1617
Artemis 11
Aswan Dam 54
aurora australis 2324
aurora borealis 2325
Avenue of the Dead 44
Aztecs 4345
Babylon, gardens of
Bingham, Hiram 40
Boivin, Jean-Marc 30
Chares 16
Charles I of Spain 51
CN Tower, Toronto 48
Colosseum, Rome
Colossus of Rhodes
de Cardenas, Garcia
Lopez 22
Domitian, Emperor 32

Egypt 4, 17, 18,

Elgin Marbles 7
Empire State Building,
the 5759
Ephesus, Turkey 11
erosion 20
Euphrates, River 8
fossils 22
gladiators 3
Golden Gate Bridge,
the 6061
Grand Canyon, the
Great Wall of China,
the 3436
Herostratus 12
Halicarnassus 1415
Hillary, Edmund 30
Himalayas 2931
Hoover Dam 54
Incas, lost city 4042
Itaipu Dam, the 5456

lava 2628
Lighthouse of
locks 51, 53
Machu Picchu 4042
magma 28
Mara, River 46
Masai Mara, the
Mausoleum of
Mausolus, Satrap 14
Mexico 2628, 4345
Mount Etna, Sicily 28
Mount Everest 2931
Mumtaz Mahal 37
Nebuchadnezzar II 8
Norgay, Sherpa
Northern Lights, the
Olympic Games 6

Karnicar, Davo 30
Knights of St John of
Malta 15


Panama Canal, the

Parthenon, the 7
Pelli, Cesar 48
Petronas Towers, the
Powell, John Wesley 22
Ptolemy I 17, 18
Pulido, Dionisio 26
Pyramid of the Moon
Pyramid of the Sun 44
Pyramids of Giza
45, 44
Qaitbay, Sultan 19
Qin, Emperor 34
Rhodes 1617
Sarcophagus 15
Sears Tower, the 50
Seleucus I 17
Serengeti Plain 46
Shahjehan, emperor
skyscrapers 4850,
solar wind 24
Southern Lights, the
Sphinx 45
Statue of Zeus 67
suspension bridge

Tabei, Junko 30
Taj Mahal, the 3739
tectonic plates 2931
Temple of Artemis
Temple of Quetzalcoatl
Teotihuacan 4345
Three Gorges Dam 54
Tower of Babel 68
UNESCO 36, 42
Vespasian, Emperor 32
Volcano of Paricutin
World Trade Center,
the 57
Zeus 67

Why was the Taj Mahal built?

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