Production Brief: Media Studies Pixx Productions Mehak Hussain

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Media studies

Pixx Productions
Mehak Hussain

Production Brief
For this project we will be working in a group of 3 people including myself as one of
them. We will have been given the task to create a 2 minute opening sequence of a
horror movie entirely made up within our group and original our own ideas.
We will start off with the preliminary task, this would be a taster as to what our
production will be like, also it would help to develop and pick up new skills that we
would be able to use when producing the real film clip. This task will be short and
continuous meaning we would film a short scene and edit it all in one day.
To carry out this task we will each need to decide indivual roles that we will play
throughout the production of this project. The roles we play would determine our
grades and we will be marked on how well we carry out our responsibilities. Also our
marks would be largely be based on the quality of work we produce for: the planning
and research, which is all the paperwork that helps people to understand and
provide evidence for the lead up to our final production which brings us to the
practical aspect of the project .The production is marked based on our individual
contributions to the job roles we have chosen to take responsibility over; director,
camera person, editor and sound. Finally we will be marked on our evaluation; this is
the very last task that we must complete. This task is pretty much self explanatory,
however we would need to make sure that a lot of thought, creativity and hard work
has been put into this one task as it is equivalent to all the work we produce for the
planning and research task:
Planning and Research

Percentage Task is Accounted For:


Since our group consist of only 3 groups members we decided that the group
member who takes the role editing would also then take up the role of sound as this
would work out as well in avoiding disputes while coming too agreements and
making decisions. The roles were split up as follows:
Camera Person

Group Members:
Simran Hussain
Ayan Magudia
Mehak Hussain
Mehak Hussain

Once this was sorted we would be able to split the paper work jobs equally,
depending on the job roles we decided to take responsibility of. For example the shot

Media studies
Pixx Productions
Mehak Hussain
list would be carried out by the individual who takes up the role of being the camera

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