Sprint Team: Scrum Checklist

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Team sits together

Team members collaborate to

bring stories all the way to

Team delivers something after each sprint



Team members not locked into

specific roles

Team follows PO's priorities

Team usually delivers what
they committed to

Same time, same place every day

Team has a SM
SM sits with the team
SM focuses on removing

Starts and ends on time

Daily Scrum

Scrum master (SM)

All team members present

Demo is done after each sprint

Team has one PO

PO understands the product

enough to prioritize well

Demo shows working code

Sprint demo

PO has the power to prioritize

what his team does

Only stories that are Done are


Product Owner (PO)

Retrospective takes place

PO has at least 1 dedicated team

All team members + PO


PO owns PBL
PBL is visible
PBL is updated before sprint planning

Results in concrete
improvement suggestions


Some improvement
suggestions actually get

Product Backlog (PBL)

PO understands all stories

Scrum checklist

Team has impediment backlog

Each story has a DoD (or

inherits a default DoD)
Team respects DoD

Definition of Done (DoD)

Impediment backlog

PO can get estimates from the team

Impediment backlog is

Velocity is written down after each sprint

PO is available when team is estimating


Only the team writes the estimates

Everyone on the team
participates in estimating

Impediment backlog is visible


Velocity only includes stories

that are done according to DoD
Velocity is used for release planning

Top priority stories are small

enough that several can fit in a

Team has a burndown chart

Burndown chart highly visible

Burndown chart

PO participates

Burndown chart updated every day

Team takes action when
burndown is too high/low

All team members participate

Results in a sprint plan
All team members think the
plan is realistic, and commit to
PO is satisfied with the priorities
All stories in the sprint plan
have an estimate.

Scrum checklist.mmap - 2008-01-14 - Henrik Kniberg

Team has a sprint backlog

Sprint planning meeting

SBL is highly visible

Sprint backlog (SBL)

SBL updated every day

Task estimates updated every day

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