Classroom Newsletter 1514

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First Grade News

January 5, 2014
Letter From Ms. White
Dear Families,
Happy New Year!! I hope you all had a wonderful winter
break! I hope that is was exciting and restful! I am excited
to be back. The rest of our quarter is going to fly by!
As we begin to settle back into the routine of school, we
would like to welcome our new TA, Mrs. Headley-Allen to
our class! We are so excited to have her here!
Our written spelling bee will be this Wednesday, January 7 th
at 2 p.m. The top scoring students will progress to the verbal
spelling bee, which will take place next week. Make sure
you are studying!
Thank you to the families who were able to contribute
snacks to the classroom! Snacks are like a revolving door in
our room and we are currently out! If you can, please send
some in.

Restocking Supplies
As we start the rest of our year, we need to restock
some of our supplies!! Our class is in desperate of
hand sanitizer, dry erase markers, tissue, and
pencils. We are asking that each family try and
bring in one of each of these items over the next
week. Thank you so much for all that you do!

What Were Learning About

Reading- main topic and key details, ask
questions about a text, retelling stories, stories
that tell stories or give information, information
from text or pictures
Writing- using appropriate capitalization,
spacing, using periods, how-to writing
Math- Time

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please

do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help!

Social Studies- Exploring countries around the



Unit of Inquiry- How We Express Ourselves

Ms. White

Science: Rocks, pebbles, and silt

Spelling: blends nd, -nt, -sk, -st

Important Dates
Jan. 5- Back to School
Jan. 7-First Grade Spelling Bee
Jan. 20- Teacher Workday- NO SCHOOL

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