Ambiciones Siniestras

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Preguntas: Ambiciones Siniestras (SPN 1130)

Captulo 1 Quines somos?

1. What are the main characters names? List one characteristic about each
2. Which characters know each other?
Captulo 2 La aventura comienza
1. What adjectives (English and Spanish) best describe the man at the
2. Where is the man at the computer?
3. What type of information is he looking up?
4. List two facts the man discovers.
Captulo 3 Tienes una gran oportunidad!
1. Describe Lupes apartment, Eduardos home and Ciscos home.
2. Where are Eduardo and Cisco?
3. What message do the characters receive?
Captulo 4 Quines son en realidad?
1. What are Cisco and Eduardo doing at the beginning of the episode?
2. What are Cisco and Eduardo discussing? (Which character are you most like?)
3. Why does Cisco get mad at the end of the episode?
4. What does Eduardo do at the very end of the episode?
Captulo 5 Se conocen
1. Who organizes the video conference?
2. What are Marisol and Lupe discussing and doing prior to the video
3. What are Alejandra and Manolo doing prior to the video conference?
4. Who leaves the video conference unexpectedly?

Respuestas: Ambiciones Siniestras (SPN 1130)

Captulo 1 Quines somos?
1. What are the main characters names? List at least one characteristic about
each character (in Spanish or English).
a. Eduardo: tiene problemas con la clase de macroeconoma
b. Marisol: familia hispana
c. Lupe: familia hispana
d. Cisco: inteligente (entiende macroeconoma)
e. Alejandra: tiene mucho trabajo, le gustan las clases de la tarde
especialmente los martes y jueves
f. Manolo: simptico, cmico, inteligente y guapo
g. Phillip Jones: estudia espanol
2. Which characters know each other?
a. Lupe, Marisol and Phillip Jones(Psychology class)
b. Cisco and Eduardo (Macroeconomics class)
c. Alejandra and Manolo (Spanish Literature)
Captulo 2 La aventura comienza
1. What adjectives (English and Spanish) best describe the man at the
a. Creepy, Dark, Sketchy
b. Curioso, ni joven ni viejo, impaciente
2. Where is the man at the computer?
a. Internet caf/coffee shop
3. What type of information is he looking up?
a. He is researching all of the main characters.
4. List two facts the man discovers.
a. Eduardo: 3rd year student; major in Economics; speaks Spanish, English
and Portuguese; likes to play tennis and swim; volunteers to help poor
children; spends time with his family
b. Lupe: 25 years old; history and journalism major; spent 3 months in
Brazil; speaks Spanish, English, German and Portuguese; likes to write;
her family is important to her
c. Marisol: born in New York; psychology major; junior; only child; likes to
play golf and read detective novels; works as a volunteer in a hospital
and in an elementary school
Captulo 3 Tienes una gran oportunidad!
1. Describe Lupes apartment, Eduardos home and Ciscos home.
a. Lupes apartment: big, spacious
b. Eduardos home: relatively large and spacious
c. Ciscos home: His parents house is huge with a large pool
2. Where are Eduardo and Cisco?
a. The library
3. What message do the characters receive?
a. They receive an e-mail about a contest that they are allowed to enter
Captulo 4 Quines son en realidad?
1. What are Cisco and Eduardo doing at the beginning of the episode?
a. Walking along the street.
2. What are Cisco and Eduardo discussing? (Which character are you most like?)
a. Volunteer work. Cisco doesnt like to work as a volunteer. Eduardo
loves to volunteer, especially with little children

3. Why does Cisco get mad at the end of the episode?

a. Eduardo touches his stuff
4. What does Eduardo do at the very end of the episode?
a. Eduardo steals Ciscos computer
Captulo 5 Se conocen
1. Who organizes the video conference? Why?
a. Cisco
b. He wants to talk to Eduardo, and the other people who have received
the same mysterious e-mail.
2. What are Marisol and Lupe discussing and doing prior to the video
a. Making a meal/talking about music/talking about the video conference
3. What are Alejandra and Manolo doing prior to the video conference?
a. Talking/Studying in the library
4. Who leaves the video conference unexpectedly?
a. Alejandra

Use these questions to guide your viewing of Ambiciones Siniestras. Take notes and
fully answer the questions before coming to class on January 23rd. Bring in your
notes and answers to class. (They can be typed or hand written.)
Preguntas: Ambiciones Siniestras (SPN 1131)
Captulo7 Qu rico est el pisco!
1. What is Lupe doing? Cisco?
2. What does Cisco not tell the others?
3. What does Cisco say in regards to the rompecabezas?
Captulo 8 El misterio crece
1. What is Lupe doing while packing?
2. What does Lupe put in her suitcase that is odd?
3. What have they decided to do about the rompecabezas?
Captulo 9 No llores por m
1. Where are Marisol and Lupe?
2. What are they doing?
3. What clues do they figure out?
4. How many hours did they have to resolve the rompecabezas? And at the end
of the episode?
Captulo 10 Falsas apariencias
1. Who resolves the second rombecabezas?
2. Why does Marisol fear Lupe?
3. Who e-mails Sr. Verdugo the answer? Why?
4. How does the episode end?
Captulo 11 El desenlace
1. What is Lupes other name?
2. Where is Celia when the episode begins?
3. Who does she meet with?
4. Who wrote the rompecabezas?
5. Where were Eduardo and Alejandra all this time?
6. How does the episode finish?

Respuestas: Ambiciones Siniestras (SPN 1131)

Captulo7 Qu rico est el pisco!
1. What is Lupe doing? Cisco?
a. Both trying to solve the rompecabezas independently.
4. What does Cisco not tell the others?
a. That Eduardo had contacted Sr. Verdugo
5. What does Cisco say in regards to the rompecabezas?
a. It has nothing to do with the disappearance of Eduardo!
Captulo 8 El misterio crece
4. What is Lupe doing while packing?
a. Talking to Manolo
5. What does Lupe put in her suitcase that is odd?
a. A gun
6. What have they decided to do about the rompecabezas?
a. Work as a team, not get the police involved.
Captulo 9 No llores por m
5. Where are Marisol and Lupe?
a. Library
6. What are they doing?
a. Trying to figure out the rombecabezas
7. What clues do they figure out?
a. Gran altura = Andes = Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador,
Colombia and Venezuela
b. No llores por m = the wife of the Argentinan President Juan Pern,
Eva Pern
8. How many hours did they have to resolve the rompecabezas? And at the end
of the episode?
a. 24 hrs
b. 12 hrs
Captulo 10 Falsas apariencias
5. Who resolves the second rombecabezas?
a. Marisol
6. Why does Marisol fear Lupe?
a. She knows that Lupe is hiding something. Could she be Sr. Verdugo?
7. Who e-mails Sr. Verdugo the answer? Why?
a. Lupe
b. Lupe is trying to protect her new friends. Makes Marisol mad because
Lupe did not give her any credit for solving the rombecabezas.
8. How does the episode end?
a. Everyone starts telling the truth about what they have been hiding.
Captulo 11 El desenlace
2. What is Lupes other name?
a. Celia
3. Where is Celia when the episode begins?
a. She is in a car speaking with people on the phone
4. Who does she meet with?
a. With other FBI agents
5. Who wrote the rompecabezas?
a. Sr. Verdugo wrote the first one. Celia wrote the second one.
6. Where were Eduardo and Alejandra all this time?

a. Eduardo was in protective custody.

b. Alejandra was working for Sr. Verdugo in a sting operation.
7. How does the episode finish?
a. Marisol is sitting on her couch watching TV. She sees Sr. Verdugo taken
into custody.

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