Ambiciones Siniestras
Ambiciones Siniestras
Ambiciones Siniestras
Use these questions to guide your viewing of Ambiciones Siniestras. Take notes and
fully answer the questions before coming to class on January 23rd. Bring in your
notes and answers to class. (They can be typed or hand written.)
Preguntas: Ambiciones Siniestras (SPN 1131)
Captulo7 Qu rico est el pisco!
1. What is Lupe doing? Cisco?
2. What does Cisco not tell the others?
3. What does Cisco say in regards to the rompecabezas?
Captulo 8 El misterio crece
1. What is Lupe doing while packing?
2. What does Lupe put in her suitcase that is odd?
3. What have they decided to do about the rompecabezas?
Captulo 9 No llores por m
1. Where are Marisol and Lupe?
2. What are they doing?
3. What clues do they figure out?
4. How many hours did they have to resolve the rompecabezas? And at the end
of the episode?
Captulo 10 Falsas apariencias
1. Who resolves the second rombecabezas?
2. Why does Marisol fear Lupe?
3. Who e-mails Sr. Verdugo the answer? Why?
4. How does the episode end?
Captulo 11 El desenlace
1. What is Lupes other name?
2. Where is Celia when the episode begins?
3. Who does she meet with?
4. Who wrote the rompecabezas?
5. Where were Eduardo and Alejandra all this time?
6. How does the episode finish?