Firstweek Parachutelessonplan
Firstweek Parachutelessonplan
Firstweek Parachutelessonplan
A. Lesson Context
Rationale (relevance of lesson to unit): as a first activity in PE for the year, it helped the students
work together as a group and cooperate as well as increases excitement and a little upper body
exercise as well.
Anticipated difficulties and how they will be addressed: students might not have the muscular
endurance to constantly hold the parachute, take frequent breaks instead.
Resources, Equipment and Materials: parachute, different types of balls (foam, rubber or yarn),
microphone/speaker, music
Assessment Evidence
2.5.4.A.2 Teacher will observe students actions and
provide feedback to encourage or correct
student movement
Warm up: 10 jumping jacks, 10 arm circles(front & back), lunge w/ front leg bend 20-30
seconds each leg, crossing of arms and pulling elbow (stretching shoulders)
Have students run to a song on the iPod, or do 3 laps. When finished have them sit in
front of the classroom rules for review & explanation of the expectations.
Introduction: tell students that when their line is called, they are to go to the parachute
and sit at a color, sit Indian style (or pretzel style) and put their hands in their laps. They
are not to touch the parachute and will be told when to do so. ** when all colors are
taken, you can double up**
Activity: Have each student sit at a color without touching. Review safety & commands.
Safety= colors only, grip, being silly, letting go of parachute is a NO until told to do so.
Revised August 2012
Conclusion- floor command is given. Students are then asked to let go of the parachute,
take one large step backward and walk around the parachute to go back to their new P.E.
spots. Line them up by rows and wait for classroom teacher to pick them up.
D. Reflection
Student Outcomes: Describe degree to which students met each learning outcome:
Psychomotor- students did well. Some students who are in the 5 th grade seem to have more difficulty
controlling their body which could be caused by many things- raging hormones- constant growthetc.
Cognitive- all classes gave great examples of who can be good and bad sports, and what good
sportsmanship looks like as well as what it doesnt look like.
AffectiveTeacher Effectiveness: What went well? What needs work? What modifications are necessary?
For the lessons I taught, the directions given went well and the overall activity was fun. I also think
that the classroom management went well because I also had Mrs. Cruz assisting. However, learning
names is going to be a key way to help with managing. For the 5 th graders, if they could handle it and
had enough time, we played the game Tom & Jerry. Some corrections I will make for the future is to
give clear, concise directions from the beginning before having students move the parachute.