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The Impact of Non-State Actors on World Politics: A Challenge to Nation-States

Muhittin Ataman*

Principal actors of the world politics are nation-states, but they are not the only actors.
The international system consists of nation-states, international organizations, and private actors.
Even though thousands of international organizations were established during the post-World
War II era, they were underestimated by students of international relations. The increasing
number of international organizations is parallel to the increasing levels of economic, political,
social and cultural transactions between individuals, societies and states. The growth of so many
kinds of non-state actors challenges and even weakens the state-centric concept of
international politics and replaces it with a transnational system in which relationships are
more complex. These organizations changed the international environment (Miller, 1994).
The proliferation of non-state actors has recently led some observers of international
relations to conclude that states are declining in importance and that non-state actors are gaining
status and influence. New theories of international relations such as the complex
interdependence of Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye (1989) were formed in order to explain
new developments. Kegley and Wittkoph (1995) accurately point out that as the world grown

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smaller, the mutual dependence of nation-states and other transnational political actors on one
another has grown (p. 2).
Following the traditional classification, non-state actors are divided into two categories:
international intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and transnational or international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) (Brown, 1995; Miller, 1994). The first group consists of the
non-state actors that are created by nation-states. They are officially documented by government
agencies. The second group of non-state international actors is established not by nation-states,
but by certain group of individuals, businessmen and other societal forces. This group has no
legal bonds with nation-states; therefore, they are truly transnational.
IGOs are voluntary associations of sovereign states established to pursue many objectives
for which states want to cooperate through sort of formal structure and to which states are unable
to realize by themselves (Miller, 1994). There are hundreds of IGOs in todays world which are
significant in their respective fields. They are created by treaties and negotiations which mainly
reflect preferences of stronger states. Especially stronger states create IGOs because they need
them to protect their interests. By and large, decisions made by IGOs are the product of
negotiations among the governmental representatives assigned to them. In general, it is not
idealism, but the need of states which tend them to cooperate with other states in the context of
IGOs. Therefore, they are part of the Westphalian state system in which IGOs are instruments of
nation-states (Miller, 1994: 67).
IGOs may be classified by scope (global and regional) and by function (political,
economic, social and environmental). IGOs are adjuncts of nation-states and play significant
roles by providing means of cooperation and multiple channels of communication among states
in areas in which cooperation and communication provides advantages for all or most states

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Bennett, 1991). It is commonly known that the main functions of IGOs are rule making, agenda
setting, and information gathering. In addition, they decrease uncertainty between states and
search for cooperative solutions to international problems. IGOs may change norms of
international relations and preferences of nation-states. For instance, the United Nations
Environment Program played a significant role in the creation of regimes such as the Protection
of the Mediterranean Sea and the Protection of Ozone layer (Brown, 1995: 195).
Furthermore, IGOs monitor principles, norms and rules of international institutions and
international regimes in nation-states. The most well known case is the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA), which monitors the non-proliferation of atomic weapons principle in
states whenever any claim is made. They decrease the cost of information gathering which is
more important for poor and small countries. For example, the UN plays a key role for states,
small states in particular, in receiving information about international politics and systemic
issues. Without the UN, many states are unable to obtain information about the international
society and politics. Activities of IGOs, such as the UN and the IMF, are decisive for most small
countries. They may impose their principles on them more easily than on big powers.
The effectiveness of IGOs differs from one issue area to another, one international regime
type to another, one state to another, one spatial setting to another, or one time period to another.
Powerful states are less constrained by the principle of IGOs than those who are relatively weak
(Ataman, 2000: 152-167). The IMF and the UN Security Council are two prominent
organizations in which some powerful states direct activities of the organization and impose their
principles selectively. For instance, the UN Security Council cannot accept any decision against
the interests of the five permanent members and those of their allies, i.e., the UN Security

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Council decisions on the Palestinian question against Israel have often been vetoed by the United
The influence of IGOs varies with the capacity of governments of member states to
implement their own provisions. Most governments face serious resource constraints limiting
their ability to apply the provisions of regimes to areas and activities under their jurisdiction.
This is true for most countries, especially for less developed countries. Even the superpowers do
not have full control over IGOs. In spite of the fact that international organizations are utilized
by powerful nation-states, they make a difference in international interactions and have notable
influence even on the most powerful state, the United States (Karns and Mingst, 1990).
IGOs, which function in technical issues such as in telecommunication, transportation,
environmental management and postal service, are perfectly successful (Brown, 1995: 268). The
effectiveness in economic issue areas is also considerably high. For example, the IMF and the
World Bank are very effective in money flowing, debt management and financing debt issues
between the rich and poor countries (Brown, 1995: 207). Still effective, the least success rate of
IGOs is in political and security issues.
After briefly analyzing the role of IGOs in international relations, the impact of NGOs
will be examined in the following section. The article will try to explore the impact of the five
most important types of NGOs, some of which are about to be among the main players in the
international game. It argues that even though they have a significant impact on the world
politics, this category of non-state actors was largely ignored in the study of international
relations. In the last section, roles of non-state actors in the international relations theory are
evaluated by comparing them with those of nation-states. This section raises some theoretical
questions on the topic.

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Non-governmental organizations are institutions that are established by non-state actors
or at least one side of these organizations is not states. There are many kinds of NGOs such as
transnational, government organized, government-regulated and initiated, business and industry,
donor-organized, donor-dominated, peoples organizations, operational, advocacy, transnational
social movements, quasi, and anti-governmental NGOs. Their number increased (more than
23,000 in the early 1990s) and their effectiveness for transnational politics became more relevant
in recent decades. They have become crucial participants in the international policy process
(Brown, 1995: 268).
NGOs create and/or mobilize global networks by creating transnational organizations,
gathering information on local conditions through contacts around the world, alerting global
network of supporters to conditions requiring attention, creating emergency response around
world, and mobilizing pressure from outside states. They participate in IGO conferences by
mobilizing transnational social movements organizations around issues in IGOs, building
transnational social coalitions, raising new issues, supporting IGO development, addressing IGO
meetings, submitting documents to governmental organizations meetings, improving skills in
conference diplomacy, and increasing expertise on issues (Mingst, 1999: 255-257). They
facilitate inter-state cooperation by preparing background papers and reports, educating delegates
and representatives of states to narrow technical gap, serving as third party source of
information, expanding policy options, facilitating agreements, and bringing delegates together
in third party fora.
NGOs conduct many kinds of activities within states such as linking to local partners,
linking to transnational social movements with complementary skills, working in national arenas

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to harmonize state policies, providing humanitarian aid, and protecting accompaniment of

persons in danger. They also enhance public participation within states by reminding government
delegates that they are being watched, enhancing public understanding, increasing transparency
of international negotiations and institutions, and provoking public protest.
As a by-product of intensified globalization process, NGOs which operate at transnational
level have become more significant determinants of foreign policies of nation-states. Like their
counterparts that operates at domestic level and lobby in their respective countries, they lobby at
international and transnational levels. Human rights advocates, gender activists, religious
movements, developmentalists, and indigenous peoples have invaded the territory of nationstates. As pointed out by Brown (1995), as the countries and sectors of world society have
become more and more interdependent, it has become commonplace for nongovernmental
groups representing similar communities in their various countries to closely coordinate their
policies and to constitute (or reconstitute) themselves as international nongovernmental
organizations (INGOs) (p. 267).
The focus of this study is on NGOs that function at transnational level. This section
concentrates on the five more effective types of NGOs, namely multinational corporations
(MNCs), national liberation movements (NLMs), epistemic communities, religious and
humanitarian organizations, and terrorist groups and drug traffickers, which have influential
impact on international politics.
Multinational Corporations (MNCs)
The most prominent contemporary NGOs are multinational corporations (MNCs)
(Krasner, 1995: 263). They are huge firms that own and control plants and offices in at least
more than one country and sell their goods and services around the world. They are large

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corporations having branches and subsidiaries operating on a worldwide basis in many countries
simultaneously. MNCs are major driver of global economic integration and establish
unprecedented linkages among economies worldwide (Peterson, 1995: 261). The biggest and
the most effective industrial corporations are based in the United States, Europe and Japan. In
1992, of the 20 largest MNCs, excluding trading companies, in terms of sales all were based in
G-7 states eight were in the United States, four were in Japan, three were in Germany, and five
were in Britain, two of which were jointly based in the Netherlands (Goldstein, 1999: 412).
MNCs can be classified according to the kinds of business activities they pursue such as
extractive resources, agriculture, industrial products, transportation, banking, and tourism. The
most notable MNCs are industrial and financial corporations (the most important being banks).
Naturally the primary objective of MNCs is profit maximization (Miyoshi, 1993: 746). They are
very effective in directing foreign policy of states, including that of the most powerful ones, and
they set agenda for international politics. They have become a major factor in national economic
decision making process (Peterson, 1995). As mentioned by Miller (1994), the activities of
MNCs may seem evidence of the growing inability today of the sovereign state to control and
regulate effectively economic activities within the private sector. If that is so, then one of the
traditional rationales for modern sovereignty is undermined (p. 67).
One of the measures of the influence of MNCs is the extent of the resources they control.
They have enormous flexibility in moving goods, money, personnel, and technology across
national boundaries, and this flexibility increases their bargaining power with governments
(Bennett, 1991: 264). Dozens of MNCs have annual sales of tens of billions of dollars each.
Many of them have more economic activity than the GDPs of the majority of the states in the
world. For instance, MNCs such as General Motors, Exxon, Royal Dutch Shell, General Electric

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and Hitachi outranked the GDP of nation-states like Taiwan, Norway, Turkey, Argentina,
Pakistan, Malaysia and Nigeria in the early 1990s (Brown, 1995: 153-154). As compared to
total world export in 1992 of about $4.0 trillion, sales by MNCs outside their countries of
origin were $5.5 trillion for the same year (Peterson, 1995: 262).
Different economic schools of thought treat MNCs differently. According to liberalism,
MNCs are vanguard of the new world order since they possess the most efficient means of
production (Mingst, 1999: 223). Liberal economists argue that the global efficiency and the
increased generation of the wealth result from the ability of MNCs to invest freely across
international borders (Goldstein, 1999: 415). Some economists even welcome the replacement
of the nation-state by MNCs as the main economic unit (Barnet and Cavanagh, 1994: 19-20).
Mercantilist and nationalist perspective argues that MNCs are instruments of home states. For
them, MNCs either serve national interests of the state or become a threat to the state (Mingst,
1999: 224). The Marxist tradition considers MNCs as the instrument of exploitation and as an
extension of the imperialism of strong capitalist states (Mingst, 1999: 224). Their monopolistic
power causes uneven development and inequality in international division of labor. They bring
mal-development into host countries (Brown, 1995: 213). In todays world, I argue that the
combination of these three perspectives, that is an eclectic approach, seems to be more relevant
regarding MNCs as well as other economic issues.
When we observe activities of MNCs, we see that their operations create a variety of
problems and opportunities for both home countries, states in which the MNC has its
headquarters, and host countries, states in which a foreign MNC operates (Carnoy, 1993: 61-66;
Clark and Chan, 1995: 144). All three sides (home country, host country, and MNC) benefit
from the wealth created by the MNC. At least in theory, mutual interests result from the creation

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of wealth in the host country by the MNC. An observer calls the relationship between MNCs and
host countries as a love-hate syndrome (Bennett, 1991: 265); that is, host countries may have
both advantages and disadvantages in its relations with MNCs.
MNCs may be considered as instruments of economic development for less developed
countries. However, when we look at the functions they perform in host countries, we see that
they have a very strong bond with the home government which becomes a source of concern for
host countries. MNCs challenge the state sovereignty of host countries. Host countries may lose
control over their economies. They may create political and social division and prevent the
development of domestic industries in host countries. They may produce specialized products of
which the buyer is usually the parent company. They may manipulate prices of imports and
exports in host countries (Brown, 1995: 212-213). For instance, generally Turkey has to accept
the price set by US MNCs specializing on military equipment parts, since Turkey has no choice
to buy component parts of American made weapons, which it has already bought.
In order to minimize the negative impact of MNCs, we witness government interventions
through nationalization, government participation and government initiation of joint
development projects. Furthermore, governments have to maintain control over tax revenues,
inflation rate, credit policies, trade balances, balance of payments, trade restrictions, monetary
values, employment, and economic planning to decrease their dependence on MNCs. Host
countries may place restrictions on the ownership and behavior of subsidiaries and on the
freedom of businesses. Because only by controlling these fields a host country may have an
upper hand vis--vis MNCs.
MNCs serve national interests of home countries as instruments of global economic
development, a mechanism spreads ideology and a tool of diplomacy. They are highly

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centralized and are dominated by the parent company which is located in the home country
(Carnoy, 1993: 64-65). The administrators are mainly from the home country, research is
centralized, technology is imported from the home state, profits are often repatriated, and the
policies of the firm conform closely to the economic and foreign policies of the home
government (Bennett, 1991: 264). Therefore, some, i. e., dependency theory, consider MNCs as
instruments for colonization. Sometimes manipulated and controlled by home governments,
MNCs expand marketing base of their home country. They increase production in home country
to supply components for foreign subsidiaries. They can ensure lower priced products from the
foreign subsidiaries back to home country. They provide taxes to home country. Stockholders in
home country gain more profit from investments made abroad. However, there are many
conflicts between MNCs and their home countries over taxation, trade policies, and economic
sanctions. MNCs may not want to follow national policies pursued by their home governments.
That is, trade (MNCs) may not always follow flag (state policies).
National Liberation Movements (NLMs)
Individuals give loyalty to and identify themselves with ethno-national groups besides
nation-states. Many people pledge their primary allegiances not to the state and government
that rules them, but rather to their ethno-national group which shares a common civilization,
language, cultural tradition, and ties of kinship (Kegley and Wittkopf, 1997: 175). As a result of
peoples loyalty to and identification with ethno-national groups, national liberation movements
are increasingly gaining importance in the world setting. Since most states are multiethnic and
many include at least one potentially threatening minority, the rising significance of ethnic
groups reduces the relevance of nation-states in world politics. As illustrated by Quebec

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nationalism, ethnonational movements demonstrate a persistent tendency to stimulate anarchic

and hierarchic impulses in the political arenas in which they operate (Lapid, 1994: 29).
National liberation movements (NLMs) have been playing an effective role in
international politics for decades, especially in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Some NLMs
became the most important actors of many international problems. One of the most well known
examples of NLMs that played and is still playing a significant role in international politics is the
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). Since the late 1960s, PLO has been playing the key
role in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Arab states have been considered PLO and its longtime leader
Yasser Arafat as the legitimate representatives of Palestinians. Some other significant NLMs
were African National Congress (ANC) of Nelson Mandela of South Africa which eventually
brought down the white supremacist government; Patriotic Front which was fighting the white
dominated government of Rhodesia; and the Southwest African Peoples Organization
(SWAPO) which gained power in Namibia. Many NLMs have been the main actors of postWorld War II process of de-colonization in Africa. These NLMs shaped the map of the African
continent and political structures of African states.
Stateless nations, nations without states, or nations or ethnic groups without a state,
are also very significant actors of international politics. Even though there are 3000 to 5000
nations in the world, if a nation is defined as a population with a distinctive and enduring
collective identity based on cultural traits and lifeways that matter to them and to others with
whom they interact (Brown, 1995: 162), there are only less than 200 nation-states. According a
project conducted by the US Institute of Peace Press, there were about 230 disadvantaged and
dissatisfied political ethnic movements in the 1990s (Gurr, 1993). Some stateless nations that are
effective actors of international politics are the Palestinians, the Catholics in Northern Ireland,

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the Tibetians in China, the Basques and Catalonians in Spain, the Quebecois in Canada, the
Muslims of Kashmir and Serbia, the Hindu Tamils in Sri Lanka, and the Kurds in the Middle
East (Brown, 1995: 162-163).
For instance, among these national groups, the Kurdish people and parties who represent
them play an important role in Middle Eastern politics. The United States, Israel, Western
European and Middle Eastern countries have been using Kurdish people and organizations
against the central governments in which the Kurds live and constitute a certain percentage of the
population. Likewise, Kurdish diaspora in the West has been using the Western governments to
put pressure on central governments. Like many other ethnic groups, the Kurds are also both a
subject and an actor of international politics. Systemic powers seek contribution of Kurdish
groups to their regional calculations and policies. Observers agree that without the consent of the
Kurdish people, it is quite difficult, if not impossible, to bring stability to the region (Olson,
1994; 1996).
Native or indigenous peoples living within many countries constitute an outside
world for the nation-state system. Some observers call this group of peoples as the fourth
world (Kegley and Wittkopf, 1997). They oppose the status quo and its institutions. In this
regard they also oppose the globalization process, which threaten their traditional way of life.
The most well known example of indigenous people movements is the Zapata movement, which
has been struggling against Mexican government for years.
Epistemic Communities
Epistemic communities are specific communities of experts sharing a belief in a
common set of cause-and-effect relationships as well as common values to which policies
governing these relationships will be applied (P. Haas, 1994: 138). They are comprised of a

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group of experts and scientists who contributed to the development of convergent state policies
in compliance with the regime.
Epistemic communities provide technical knowledge to increase international
cooperation. Even though states may use epistemic communities according to their interests,
epistemic communities influence states as well as each other. They play a key role in the
transformation of information independently. According to Ernst Haas (1990), epistemic
communities bring learning in international politics because they produce new theories and
develop new understandings and paradigms, which are able to solve the real international
problems. This process leads changes in state preferences because new understandings may
change interests and therefore policies of nation-states.
Peter Haas uses the case of the Mediterranean Action Plan (Med Plan), a regime for
marine pollution control in the Mediterranean Sea initiated by the United Nations Environment
Program (UNEP)s Regional Seas Program, to show implications of epistemic communities. In
the Mediterranean Sea environmental regime, an epistemic community, comprised of UNEP
officials, some secretariat members from other specialized agencies, regional marine scientists,
and like-minded governmental officials of regional states, played a considerable role in changing
the policies of states, especially that of Algeria. UNEP officials forged transnational alliances
with regional marine scientists who persuaded their governments to support the UNEP measures
to control as many sources and sorts of pollution as possible, to take stronger measures, and to
abide by Med Plan policies. While there had been only few measures for pollution control at the
beginning of the 1970s, regional states introduced many measures to comply with the Med Plan
policies after the success of the epistemic community who set the agenda of the regime and
directed nation-states (P. Haas, 1994: 131-133).

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Algeria, the state that experienced the most dramatic transformation of pollution policies,
was considering the primacy of industrial development over environmental protection and
asserting that those measures might impede economic development. Therefore, Algeria opposed
any pollution control measures in the early 1970s. Furthermore, Algerian government was
suspicious of the motives of France, its former colonizer, fearing that it could exploit those
measures against the Algerian state. Following the inclusion of marine scientists in the
administration, state preferences began to change. They also acted as an international and
domestic interest group and put pressure on decision-making process. As a result, Algeria not
only ratified the Barcelona Convention on the marine pollution in 1983 to control pollutants but
also developed economic plans that prevent environmental degradation (P. Haas, 1994: 133135).
Religious and Humanitarian Organizations
Human rights are traditionally understood to regulate certain relations between
individuals and nation-states of which they are nationals. This understanding has changed
significantly after the Second World War (Donnelly, 1995: 191). Even though the state-centric
and sovereignty-based conception of the world system remains the norm for international human
rights, nation-states are now obliged to obey transnational and international formal and informal
legal and political constraints on their human rights practices. Nation-states have to take into
consideration international and transnational public opinion since there are dozens of
transnational organizations that monitor human rights practices of nation-states and examples of
coercive foreign interventions.
The most notable example of international human rights regime is constituted by the
Council of Europe. The European Commission of Human Rights receives, reviews, and

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evaluates complaints from individuals living in the member states, and the European Court of
Human Rights makes legally binding decisions (Donnelly, 1994: 211). Member states turned
over their sovereignty to the organization on these issues. Practices of the organization have a
significant impact on national decision-making. These non-state actors mainly concern about
morality, human rights, environment and social values.
International Red Cross, International Red Crescent, and Amnesty International (AI) are
the most well-known and influential NGOs among humanitarian international organizations that
monitor human rights worldwide. The first two gives assistance to wartime prisoners and send
help in areas affected by natural and man-made disasters in peacetime. They mainly work along
with the UN and related organizations lines.
Amnesty International monitors human rights violations worldwide. It mobilizes
international community against oppression, torture, and individual and group rights. It initiates
worldwide campaigns against states because of human rights violations. Some IGOs such as
European Parliament (EP) use AIs reports to develop policies, like EPs policies toward Turkey,
for instance, regarding human rights issues. Therefore, AI gets results from its activities.
Likewise, human rights abuses practiced in South Africa (apartheid) for decades ended largely as
a result of international struggle led by the UN organs (Donnelly, 1994). In cooperation with
many other transnational factors, NGOs that function in the field of human rights have
produced an impressive array of new machinery for protecting human rights (Miller, 1994:
Green Peace emerged as one of the major actor of global environmental policies. It is
known for its protests against environmental problems caused by some states, i.e., France among
others. It prevented many initiatives of many states regarding environment. It makes public

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illegal or harmful environmental policies of states. As a result of its campaign against France due
to nuclear tests, for instance, France was condemned by international community. It also
sponsored some environmental programs in poor countries.
Economic and political historians mention that there were significant religious
movements that had great impact on the international system (Brown, 1995: 158-160). The most
famous religious organization has been the Roman Catholic Church. It was a major force in the
Middle Ages superior to kings and emperors. Although it lost its supremacy in later centuries, its
importance as a transnational actor continued (Haynes, 2001). The institutional structure of the
Catholic church, that most enduring of transnational actors, reflect both competitive incentives
emanating from national states, and norms and expectations that are derived from the church
itself (Krasner, 1995: 262) It has been struggling for liberal democracy in many countries in the
last century and supported democratic opposition movements initiated by Catholic Christians
such as in Poland, Latin American countries, Northern Ireland, Indonesia and Sudan. Many
statements and visits made by the head of the Church in Vatican, the Pope, strongly influenced
the international politics. The fact that more journalists follow the Pope than most political
figures in the world and Vatican has more ambassadorial missions than most nation-states
demonstrates the Popes political influence in international politics.
Terrorist Groups and Drug Traffickers (Narco-Terrorists)
Although national liberation movements and ethnic groups sometime use terrorism,
terrorist organizations are different from NLMs since terrorism is their main means of struggle.
Terrorist groups use terrorism as the main instrument and largely lack large-scale support from
the public. Individuals and groups engage in terrorism for different political, economic, social,
religious, cultural, and even personal reasons (Mickolus, 1995: 98). Their goals are to publicize

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their grievances and aspirations to international community by hijacking, assassination,

kidnapping and attacking on embassies. International terrorism is the most conspicuous and
threatening form of low-intensity violence (Kegley and Wittkoph, 1995: 7). As long as the state
system and the world system leaves some groups or states out of the system, terrorism will
continue to be an instrument of those who are weak. However, strong states also use state
terrorism against the powerless groups or states.
Terrorism has moved from the national to transnational level and from plane hijacking to
a wider range of terrorist techniques since the 1960s. The transnational dimension of terrorism is
established when there is collusion and cooperation between different terrorist groups and when
some countries serve as sanctuaries and training-centers for terrorists of various nationalities.
While some states orient their policies by supporting terrorist groups, some other states change
their foreign policies by taking counter-terrorist measures. One way or another, all states are
influenced by terrorist activities; therefore, no country tends to ignore terrorism.
Today, terrorism is globalized like other non-state actors, as was witnessed during the
attacks directed toward the heart of the American state and the US-led international system on
September 11. That particular terrorist attack has caused more damages than most of the attacks
carried out by nation-states and shocked the whole world as well as the US more than the Pearl
Harbor attack, which made by Japanese and ended up the US to take place in the Second World
War. September 11 incident showed the world the horror of terrorism, the vulnerability of all
nations-states including the strongest one, and its paramount effect on international politics and
the world order. Terrorism demonstrated that the powerlessness and vulnerability of the only
hegemon of the world, the US, against terrorism (Clemons, 2001).

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Some political organizations hijack planes to increase their leverage vis--vis states. They
use civilians as a shield and force nation-states to negotiate with them. And in this way, they
become actors of many international conflicts. Especially some Palestinian groups such as the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine have engaged in plane hijackings in the 1970s.
After the dramatic events of September 11, plane hijackings have been a cause of much more
concern to governments, airlines and to the public.
Even though drug traffickers are engaged in profitable transnational business, they are
similar to terrorist organizations because they use illegal means, including assassinations and
kidnappings, and deal with products banned by international community. Therefore, they are
known as narco-terrorists. One of the most well known drug trafficker organizations was the
Medellin of Colombia. This largest cocaine organization caused many social and political
problems in the Latin American world.
Non-state actors, in an interconnected globalized world, pose a significant threat to
nation-states, since they are not territorial actors. They are enemies without an address
(Bishara, 2001). Terrorism introduced a new concept into the world system. Now, there is
asymmetric wars in which there are no rules and whose sides are nation-states and non-state
actors such as international terrorists, mafia, and narco-terrorists (Bishara, 2001: 75). These
actors use unconventional ways in waging wars against their enemies.
Non-state actors play a major role in foreign policy making of nation-states and
significantly influence their foreign policy behavior. They lobby in domestic as well as
international settings and mobilize their home or host states and national and global public
opinion. Non-state actors are active in more than one state; therefore, they can exploit states

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against each other. By hiring former bureaucrats and political leaders, non-state actors use
personal connections of their employees. Nowadays, non-state actors began to substitute nationstates in many areas (Miyoshi, 1993: 744).
As a product of intensified globalization process, NGOs which operate on international
and transnational levels have become more notable determinants of foreign policies of nationstates. Like their counterparts that operate at domestic level and lobby in their respective
countries, they lobby at international level. Therefore, no nation-state can ignore their existence
and effectiveness. Due to their increasing significance, non-state actors forced students of the
international relations (IR) to revise their theoretical perspectives and to develop more
explanatory theories. Consequently, the field of international relations and international
organization may be even need to be redefined so as to accommodate dimensions previously
largely ignored (Bennett, 1991: 250).
The neorealist assumption of states as primary international actors does not become
seriously misleading or inadequate due to non-state actors. According to realists, IGOs are
simply instruments of states. They cannot change the belief and behavior of states and the role of
international institutions are marginal (Waltz, 1979: 96). However, some arguments of realists
are proved to be inadequate and inefficient. Their main consideration that states as unitary actors
has been strongly questioned by several perspectives such as bureaucratic politics, domestic
politics, liberal, transnational, and regime models. Today, nation-states are no longer able to
solve their problems only by themselves. They cannot deal with problems such as acid rain,
nuclear contamination of the atmosphere, climatological changes, shortage of food, poverty,
overpopulation, and insufficient natural resources (Kegley and Wittkoph, 1995: 332; Miller,
1994: 215-225).

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Neoliberals accept the state-dominated view of realists; nevertheless, they suggest that
international institutions are also part of the world system and effective in international politics.
In this regard, Lapid argues that the gap between the nation-state ideal and political reality
seems to be actually growing rather than narrowing, since recent technological, economic, and
social developments have posed enormous challenges to the capacity of territorial states to fulfill
their traditional functions of security, welfare, and identity (Lapid, 1994: 23, 24). When state
boundaries do not overlap with national boundaries which do not in most cases, the ascendance
of nationalism as a generative order will set into motion a disruptive dual-track process that
predisposes stateless-nations to embark in energetic efforts to normalize their existence
(Lapid, 1994: 22).
It is impossible to separate public from private, domestic from foreign, and political from
economic and social matters; therefore, previously narrow concepts of the political process
became problematic. As mentioned by Bennett (1991: 253), if the political process is defined in
terms of the authoritative allocation of values, then private actions in economic and social
realms, which affect the values available to other actors, are political actions. If these actions
have an impact across state boundaries, they are transnational. A broad definition of the
political process points to the inadequacy of the state centric understanding of the world politics.
That is why, the state-centric model tends to view activities of transnational actors as outside of
the political process.
There is a strong relationship between the distribution of power and the role of non-state
actors. According to realism, rational actors concern about their self-interests in an anarchic
international system. Power is the key variable in explaining behavior of states. Realists give less
chance for international cooperation and for effective international institutions. However,

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Keohane (1984) uses realists core concepts in order to explain the high possibility of
international cooperation. According to Keohane, although actors are egoists, they cooperate for
the long-term interests. Since realists concentrate only on short-term interests, they ignore
behavior changes in the iterated Prisoners Dilemma. As a result, we can say that the influence of
non-state actors is considerably significant in international politics.
The role of non-state actors is accepted by most political scientists, including neorealists
(Krasner, 1982). They only differ on the level of the relevance and effectiveness of non-state
actors. Their significance in international relations is increasing parallel to the increasing level of
interdependence in international setting. Increased transactions, awareness and common concern
on regional and global problems require collaboration between nation-states, transnational
organizations and communities. As the Cold War ended up with the disappearance of the
ideological contest, cultural cleavages and hatreds such as tribalism, religious fanaticism, and
hypernational ethnicity have resurfaced (Kegley and Wittkoph, 1995: 122). Many non-state
actors have involved in these conflicts and shaped national, regional, and international policies.
In short, non-state actors have become essential instruments within the international
system. Today, it is difficult to analyze international politics and behaviors of nation-states
without attaching great importance to them. As mentioned by Brown (1995), the world polity is
in the process of self-transformation out of the traditional nation-state system and into a system
more congruent with the contemporary global polyarchy (p. 268). Nation-states, including the
most powerful one, the United States, have to attach great significance to non-state actors in
order to maintain their interests. Therefore, any new theoretical and conceptual approaches to
international relations have to take non-state actors and new conditions into account in order to
be able to make sound analyses about world politics.

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* Assistant Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Economic and Administrative

Sciences, Abant Izzet Baysal University

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