Computer Systems Assignment

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Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC/D Diploma in

Computing and Systems Development

Computer Systems

Date for Submission: 14th August 2014

(The submission portal will close at 13:59 BST)
Assessor: Robert Manderson

Assignment Brief
As part of the formal assessment for the HNC/D programme you are required
to submit an assignment for each module. Please refer to your Student
Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general
information on preparing and submitting assignments.
After completing the module you should be able to:
Understand the function of computer systems
Be able to design computer systems
Be able to build and configure computer systems
Be able to undertake routine maintenance on computer
Assignment Task
Read the following case-study and base your answers on the individual tasks (i.e.
Task 1, Task 2 & Task 3) that follow it, with reference to the organisation described.
Case-study: Pilot Computer Systems at Vodafone PLC
Vodafone Group PLC (Vodafone) is a mobile communications company. The
Company provides its services to mobile voice, messaging, data and fixed line.
Vodafone has equity interests in telecommunications operations in nearly 30
countries and around 50 partner networks worldwide. Vodafone Red offers
consumers and businesses a package with mobile data allowances, unlimited calls
and texts, plus cloud and back-up services to secure personal data. Vodafone Cloud
allows customers to store their personal digital content, such as contacts, photos and
videos in the Vodafone network and to access it on the move from any connected
device. Vodafone OneNet integrates landlines and mobiles providing a
communication solution. Vodafone Secure Device Manager gives customer a way to
manage many of their smart devices.
The company operates an extensive retail branch network throughout the UK to
support its sales and customer support operations where personal and small
business customers can walk-in off-the-street and receive sales and general
customer support services. Although the company uses computer systems very
successfully throughout its branch network, particularly in the areas of marketing and
product enquiries, it does not make much use of these in the areas of customer
sales management, customer relationship management and staff-customer
communications inside individual branches. The company has, therefore, reserved
some pilot funding to purchase some additional computer systems technologies for
one of its branches to allow staff in the store to communicate easily whilst they are

on-the-move, in a mobile mode, within the branch and integrating this mobile
capability with desktop computers located within the various departments of the
shop, including the help desk, the sales desk, the warehouse, and the
demonstrations area; 4 locations in the branch in total; 5 staff will be involved in the
pilot of the new computer systems technologies.
Note 1: The pilot funding set aside is to provide 9 computing devices in total, made
up of 5 mobile phablet computers and 4 fixed-location desktop PCs, and an
appropriate range of peripherals.
Note 2: All of the computer devices should be able to run standard packages such
as: word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, web-browser, and e-mail
client. They should also be able to run dedicated sales and customer-relationship
management software and connect to the Internet to use the companys corporate
and customer-facing web-sites.
Note 3: Assume that the branch already has an appropriate Internet connection and
local area network for this connection. You do not need to discuss the networking at
Note 4: You are asked to specify appropriate hardware and software that I, as
Vodafones chief branch computer systems technologist, could buy to meet these
requirements, explain how to set the system up, and maintain it.
Note 5: This assignment should be written as a report and addressed to a reader
who has been using PCs and the Internet for a number of years. You do not need to
explain standard terms, but, you do need to justify the specific equipment you
Note 6: Make sure that you cover all the hardware and software that the branch will
need to buy in order for the shop to make use of these facilities.
Note 7: You are expected to identify particular models of the equipment as well as
outline the key specifications required.
Note 8: You may assume that the branch has sufficient funding to buy any
reasonable equipment for the pilot computer system, but, they do not want to spend
more than necessary. The branch does not wish to re-use any of their existing
computer hardware.
Task 1:
This task is concerned with designing computer systems and
understanding the function of computer systems (Word count: 1000

a) Specify the characteristics of the hardware (including performance details)

and software (including functionality details) that the hotel should purchase to
satisfy the requirements given above. (2.1, 2.2)
Note: You must identify the hardware (system units/phablets and
peripherals) and software specifications in detail.
b) Identify exact products that match the specifications you have given in a),
describe where on the Internet they may be bought and the price.
You should give two purchase options which should be significantly different,
with an evaluation of each choice related to the requirements and a make final
Remember that the branch wishes to have 9 licenses available in its
premises, so you need to cost for multiple machines. You may need multiple
peripherals as well but you do not need 9 printers for example. This is for you
to judge. The branch is in the UK, so prices and suppliers should be UK
based. There is an example on iLearn showing how this report could be
structured. (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Task 2:
This task is concerned with building and configuring computer systems
(Word count: 1000 words)
a) You now have to describe how you would set up the hardware and software
from Task 1.
Outline the procedures that you would follow, from the boxes being delivered
to the branch to being ready for use.
This task should be presented as a step-by-step record, supported by
appropriate diagrams, photographs and screen shots showing the hardware,
operating system and application software installation, configuration and
Imagine that you are actually setting this equipment up and write the report to
show how you did it. (3.1)
Note: Be sure to cover not only the unpacking and setting up of all the
equipment but also testing, and health and safety considerations.
b) For this system, produce a brief user guide that will enable a branch
employee to switch on the equipment, start it up, get the machines onto a
suitable branch web-site ready for use (you do not need to cover the actual
use of the system by the branch employee, just getting ready to use it) and
then shut down completely at the end of the day.

Assume that there is a working Internet connection available to which the

computers are connected via a local area network. You do not need to
discuss the networking aspects at all. (3.2)
Task 3:
This task is concerned with the routine maintenance of computer
systems (Word count: 1000 words)
a) Produce a set of guidelines on maintenance for the computer equipment. You
should cover routine hardware and software maintenance, cleaning, basic
security, and operating procedures. This should be presented as a set of
instructions aimed at someone who has experience as a PC user but has not
done maintenance tasks before. (4.1)
b) Identify a novel peripheral that would be suitable for use in a branch and
explain how you would install or upgrade the facilities to make use of this
Note: novel means NOT one of the standard peripherals that are commonly
used (mouse, screen, printer or keyboard). Any other peripheral is acceptable
but it must be suitable for use in a branch by staff who are not computer
systems experts, and will be useful to all staff. (4.2)

Formative Feedback Opportunity

In order to assist with your learning and to give you some early feedback you are
strongly encouraged to submit a draft of your answer to Task 1 to your tutor as
early as possible. You are also strongly encouraged to send, at the same time, a
draft of your OUTLINE ANSWERS to the remainder of the tasks (i.e. not full
answers just a couple of sentences per remaining tasks to show what you intend /
plan to include in your answers) to your tutor. This is optional and does not
contribute to the grading for the module and whether you do this or not you must still
submit a complete answer (for all tasks) to the assignment. You can alter the draft
after receiving feedback and before the final submission.
Refer to the Module Study Schedule inside iLearn for advice when to submit the
draft of Task 1 (and outline answers to the remaining tasks) to your tutor.
The tutors email address can be found on the module front page on iLearn and you
will receive feedback within seven days.
Student Guidelines
1. You should write the answers to the tasks in the form of a report which includes: a
title page, a detailed contents page (in the style of a text-book contents page), and
the main body of the report containing the answers to all of the tasks.

2. You should use diagrams and tables of figures where appropriate ensuring to
reference their source.
3. You should include a reference list and a bibliography using the Harvard
referencing system. You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own
work and that all sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to
assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice. (See Guide to Unfair
Practice in Assessment on the module page on ilearn).
4. It is advised that you write your report within approximately 4000 words in order
for your research and summarising skills to be developed, and for effective time
management. You are required to ensure that the assignment addresses all of the
assessment tasks .There is no penalty for being over the suggested word count,
however, in the interests of good academic practice, assignments submitted with
excessive word counts (e.g. over 5000 words) may be returned to students and
asked to be reduced before marking.
The word count excludes the title page, reference list and appendices. Where
assessment questions have been reprinted from the assessment brief these will also
be excluded from the word count. ALL other printed words ARE included in the
word count. Printed words include those contained within charts and tables.
5. Your assignment should be submitted as a single document. For more information
please see the Guide to Submitting an Assignment document available on the
module page on iLearn.
Additional Student Guidelines
1. For this assignment, you are likely to supply a significant amount of technical
information and possibly diagrams or photographs that you have obtained from
manufacturers information or web-sites. All diagrams and photos should be
referenced. All technical information such as machine specifications should be
included in an appendix to make it clear what you have drawn from other
sources and what you have written yourself.
2. There are many sources on the Internet which give detailed instructions on
various aspects such as setting up and upgrading computers, as well as how to use
You may present relevant pictures and diagrams from the Internet (properly
referenced) but the text MUST BE YOUR OWN.
Recommended Additional Resources

EBSCO Business Source Complete Online library resource available via

Google Scholar

the Dell computer systems website

the HP computer systems website

the Apple computer systems website
the Samsung computer systems website
Assessment Criteria for Pass

Criteria Met


To achieve a Pass you must meet all of the assessment criteria as

stated below. Failure to cover all of the assessment criteria will
result in a referral grade and you will be required to re-submit your

For tutor use


Further guidance on completion of your assignment can be found in

the guidance notes which are posted on the group learning space
by your module tutor. For additional support please post questions
onto the group learning space, or email
LO1 Understand the function of computer systems
1.1 explain the role of computer systems in different environments
1.2 explain the hardware, software and peripheral components of a
computer system
1.3 compare different types of computer systems
LO2 Be able to design computer systems
2.1 produce a system design specification to meet a clients needs
2.2 evaluate the suitability of a system design
LO3 Be able to build and configure computer systems
3.1 build and configure a computer system to meet a design
3.2 test and document a computer system
LO4 Be able to undertake routine maintenance on computer
4.1 perform routine maintenance tasks on a computer system
4.2 upgrade the hardware and software on a computer

(you may wish to

use this in your
preparation for
your assignment

Task 1

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Assessment Criteria for Merit

To achieve a Merit all of the Pass criteria need to be met, then the
tutor will assess whether you have met the Merit Criteria. Each of
the Merit criteria must have been met at least once within the
The following statements are examples of how a merit may be
achieved, if you do meet the Merit Criteria by showing you have
reached this level in other ways then credit will be awarded for this.
You will need to meet M1, M2 and M3 at least once.
M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions


A range of credible sources of information have been used

to identify appropriate products and solutions
Effective judgements have been made when selecting
appropriate hardware and software
M2 Select design and apply appropriate methods/techniques


Material presented is clearly and directly related to the

M3 Present and Communicate Findings


Material is presented in a logical and accurate manner

matching the stated requirements for each task
Appropriate levels of material are presented, taking into
account the target audience
Some use of referencing is made

Assessment Criteria for Distinction

To achieve a Distinction you have met all of the Pass and the Merit
criteria. Each of the Distinction criteria must be met at least once
within the assignment.
The following statements are examples of how a Distinction may be
achieved, if you do meet the Distinction Criteria by showing you
have reached this level in other ways then credit will be awarded
for this. You will need to meet D1, D2 and D3 at least once.
D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate your own work & justify
valid conclusions


Proposals offer clearly justified matches to the

requirements, with alternatives being discussed. These
must be real and different alternatives, not just another
variation on the same basic solutions.
The work demonstrates a clear understanding of the
overall requirements of the client as well as the individual
system requirements.
D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities


Independent research, outside that provided in class, has

been utilised to prepare the work
Assignment is completed fully to deadline
D3 Demonstrate convergent, lateral & creative thinking


Solutions presented show an innovative approach to

systems design based on the latest available equipment.
A clear understanding of the current trends in computer
systems is demonstrated by the specification of systems
that will handle future requirements appropriately

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