Chapter #1 Fundamentals of Computer

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Q.1. Describe Napier’s Bone and Slide Rule.


Napier’s Bone
Introduction: John Napier, a Scottish mathematician invented a calculating device called
Napier’s Bone in 1614.
Construction: It consisted of a wooden box containing rotating cylinders each of which had the
digits from 0 to 9.
Functionality: It could multiply, divide and find square roots of numbers by using simple
addition and subtraction

Slide Bone
Introduction: English mathematician, William Oughtred developed a device called Slid Rule
in 1614. It was based on the idea of logarithm.

Construction: It has three parts, slide, rule and a transparent sliding cursor
Functionality: It is very useful solving problems involving multiplications and divisions.
Slide rule was replaced by electronic pocket calculator in the early 1970s.

Q.2. Define computer.

Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and
processes it under the control of set of instructions (called program), gives the result (output),
and saves it for future use.
It has the ability to store, retrieve and process data. It processes data at very high speed
according to the instructions given to it and produces accurate results.
Q.3. Define computer program.
The set of instructions given to a computer to perform a particular task is known as computer

Q.4. What is cloud computing? Give examples.

Cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of
computer's hard drive.
For example Google drive, OneDrive and Mega

Q.5. Compare first and third generation computers?

1st Generation computer (1940-1956) 3rd Generation Computer (1963-1971)

First generation computer used vacuum Third generation computers used IC chips
Speed was, slow and memory was very IC chips improved the speed and memory of
small computers
They were huge in size taking up entire Computers are smaller in size,
First generation computers were very Third generation computers cheaper and
expensive and unreliable more reliable than first- and second-
generation computers
They consumed a lot of power and They consume less electricity.
generated a lot of heat.
Input was based on punched cards Keyboard is used as input device.
Input was based on punched cards Monitors and printer are used as output device
Machine language was used in these high level languages were used in these computer
Some examples of first-generation third generation computers are Burroughs
computers are ENIAC, UNIVAC I, IBM 6700, IBM System/360, System 3 and Control
604, Mark-I and EDSAC Data Corporation's 3300 and 6600 computers.
Q.6. Define Analog and Digital computers.
Analog computer represents and processes data by measuring quantities such as to solve a
problem. It works on supply of continuous signals as input and displays output simultaneously.
Analog computers are special purpose devices, designed to perform single specific task. Mostly
these devices are used in engineering and scientific applications.
The accuracy of analog computers is low, but they are faster in speed as
compared to digital computers. They mainly consist of electrical devices such as resisters,
capacitors, transistors.
Example: Heath Kit EC-1 an educational analog computer by USA in 1960
Digital computer works with binary digits 0 and 1. Data and instructions are fed into digital
computer through an input device such as keyboard. The computer performs calculations on
data according to the instructions and displays results on monitor or prints on printer.
Digital computers can store and process large amount of information at high
speed. The results. produced by digital computers are reliable and accurate. Digital
computers are general-purpose computers, used in various fields.
Example: IBM PCs, and Apple Macintosh computers

Q.7. Define and differentiate between analog and digital computers.

Difference Between the analog and Digital Computer


Analog computers represent and process Digital computer works with digits.
data by measuring quantities such as voltage Everything in a digital computer is
and current to solve a problem represented with
binary digits 0s and 1s
It works on supply of continuous signals as Data and instructions are fed into
input and display output simultaneously. the digital computer through an input device
in the form of 0s and 1s, and display output
on monitor or printer.
Analog computers are special purpose Digital computers are general purpose
devices, designed to perform single specific device, designed to perform multiple tasks
task. simultaneously.
They have small memory capacity The memory capacity is huge.
Accuracy of analog computers is low These computers are more accurate as
compared to analog computer
Fast in processing as compared to digital slow in processing as compared to analog
computers computers
They mainly consist of electrical devices such Digital computers mainly consist of
as resisters, capacitors, transistors, etc. electronic device such as semiconductors.
These computers are used in complex These computers are used in scientific and
scientific and mathematical operations technical research, business, education,
healthcare, transportation, space
exploration, art and music etc.

Q.8. Describe Hybrid computer.

“HYBRID computers are the combination of analog and digital computers”. They combine the
characteristics of both analog and digital computers. Hybrid computers are mainly
used for scientific applications. These computers are used in spaceships, missile systems,
scientific research, hospitals and for controlling industrial processes.
A hybrid computer known as Vital Sign Monitoring Unit. It is used in hospitals to monitor
patient’s important data such as blood pressure, temperature, respiration
and heartbeat.

Q.9. Ahmed, a class IX student is asking his father to replace his home
computer CRT monitor with LCD monitor. How will you justify his demand?
Justification Of His Demand
1. LCDs are free from geometric image distortions at the screen edges because they are a
flat matrix display where every pixel is active.
2. LCDs have uniform screen brightness, and the screen is covered with a flexible surface
that is substantially less prone to specular glare compared to a glass covered CRT
monitor screen.
3. Because LCDs are smaller than CRT monitor, LCDs required little space than CRT
4. LCD also require lesser energy than CRT Monitors.
5. LCDs are flicker free, which should reduce the risks of headaches and eyestrain.

Q.10. What will happen if storage devices are removed from a computer?
Storage devices are core function and fundamental component of computers. The Purpose of
the memory device is to store the information and retrieval it. If storage devices are removed
from a computer, then it will not be possible to store the information on computer.

Q.11. How can a student use computer to improve academic performance?

• Using computer applications increases the student’s motivation for learning

• Using of computer catch the attention of the students and increase their interest in
learning Management.
• Using computer applications lead to the development of student’s skills.
• Using computer applications develops the students' process of thinking critically.
• Using computer applications creates the opportunity for students to be active in class,
and not passive

Q.12. Differentiate between systems software and application software?

System Software Application Software
System software is a collection of Application software is developed for
programs which makes the use of computer users to solve their problems.
computer easy and efficient.
Highly experienced computer Used to write letters, create presentations or
programmers develop system software. managing database.
Examples: O.S, device drivers, utility Example: Productivity software, business
programs and language processors. software and education software.
Q.13. Name few household appliances in which microprocessor are used.
Today microprocessor is not only used in microcomputers, but they are also used in the devices
including mobile phones, microwave ovens. cameras, washing
machines, televisions, etc.

Q.14. How can a student use a computer to improve academic performance?

A student can improve his academic performance by using computer in several ways.
• Using computer applications increases the student learning motivation.
• They can use testing application to improve their test performance.
• By surfing internet for the learning purpose, they can increase their area of study.
• They can use different case studies for their learning.
• They become active in class due to awareness and updating.

Q.15. Give any three uses of computers in a school library?

• Access to large amount of information.
• Advance search and retrieval of information.
• Access to primary information resources.
• Integration with other digital libraries.
• Access to global information using internet.
• User-friendly interface.

Q.16. List down and briefly describe the basic operations of computer?
Following are the Four basic operations performed by computer:
• Input operation.
• Processing operation
• Storage operation
• Output operation
The computer performs basic operations to carry out any task. They are input, process, storing
and output.
INPUT OPERATION It is process of accepting data or information

PROCESS OPERATION is the manipulation of data into useful form

STORING OPERATION It is the process of storing or retaining data or information or instruction,

so user can retain or retrieve it whenever required.
OUTPUT OPERATION it is a result, which comes from transformation process, or it is outcome of

Q.17. What is cache memory? its function and purpose, and types.

“Cache is a very small amount of extremely fast memory inside the microprocessor or on the
It is faster and more expensive than RAM.
FUNCTION: It stores information that is most frequently used by the computer.
PURPOSE :The purpose of using cache is to improve the processing speed of computer.
there are three types of cache memory they are Level 1(L1), Level 2(L2) and Level 3(L3). L 1
cache is faster than L2 and L3 cache.
L 1 cache is built inside the microprocessor whereas L2 and L3 are on the motherboard.
Q.18. What are the tasks performed by operating system?
• It loads programs into memory and executes them.
• It controls the operations of Input and output and storages devices.
• It manages files and folders.
• It detects hardware failures.
• It allows to create a password to protect computers from unauthorized use.

Q.19. What are registers? What is role of register.

Registers are small High-speed memory storage locations (unit) used to hold data and
instructions temporarily during the execution of a program.
A microprocessor contains many different types of registers, and each perform specific
function. Some commonly used registers are Instruction Register, Accumulator Register, Data
Register and Memory Address Register.

Q.20. Differentiate between the RAM and ROM

RAM stand for Random Access Memory. ROM stand for Read Only Memory.
it is considered as Read/Write memory It can read data only.

Memory type
It is volatile memory which means It is non-volatile memory which means
information stored in it, is lost when the information stored in it, is not lost when
computer is turned off. the computer is turned off.

Processing time
Very fast but use a lot of power Fast but use very little power.

There are two types of RAM: There are two types of ROM:
It is costlier than ROM Cheaper than RAM
Can be access directly by processor ROM cannot be directly access by the
processor since it is transfer into RAM,
where it is executed by the processor
Time of data writing
Instruction or data are written at Instruction or data are written at the
the time of execution of a time of manufacturing and called
program. firmware

Q.21. What is purpose of output devices? Name any five output devices
An output device is any hardware component that display information to users.
Example of output devices are:
• Monitor
• Printer
• Plotter
• Audio output device
• Multimedia projector

Q.22. Write down any three applications of Mainframe computers?

Three applications of Mainframe computers:

Three applications of Mainframe computers are:
1. Education
Higher education became possible due to the mainframe computers because teachers
upload their topics and thousands of students can access them simultaneously.
2. Bank
In the banking sector, all the branches access the server from different remote locations.
Many types of requests come together on the server; all these requests are resolved within

3. Airline Reservation System

Airlines use mainframes to power their ticket-reservations system because the reservation
information will be needed by many people at the same time.
Q.23. Write down any six characteristics of 4th generation of computers?


The following are the characteristics of fourth generation of computers.
1. Microprocessor was developed which resulted in the development of microcomputers
2. Fourth generation computers are very fast, have large storage capacity and use
advanced input/output devices.
3. Microcomputers are very small in size, very reliable, consume less power and are
4. Large variety of software is available for use in microcomputers.
5. Operating system having Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed in this
6. These computers support modern programming languages such as Visual Basic, C++,
Java and Python for developing powerful software.

Q.24. Why plotter is preferable over printer? Justify with two reasons.
Plotter is an output device used for printing engineering drawings, machine parts, building
designs, maps, charts and panaflexes etc. on large size papers/sheets. Such large size printing
is not possible on printers. Their printing quality is also good as compared to printer that’s why
plotter is preferable over printer.

Q.25. Write down two benefits and one drawback of laser printer.
• Fast printing speed as it prints pages per minutes.
• Good quality printing / colored printing.
• Expensive and high running cost
Q.26. Write down the characteristics of third generation computer.

• Third generation computers used IC chips due to which the speed and memory of
computers increased.
• Computers consumed less electricity, became smaller, cheaper, and more reliable than
second generation computers.
• Keyboard and monitor were used with the computer.

Q.27. How is the job of system analyst different from programmer?

Programmer is a professional whose responsibilities include designing, documenting,

developing, testing, and also maintaining software which includes modification of existing
programs to meet new requirements or eliminate any bugs.
Systems analyst is a person who uses analysis and design techniques to solve business
problems using information technology. Systems analysts may serve as change agents who
identify the organizational improvements needed, design systems to implement those
changes, and train and motivate others to use the systems

Q.28. What is application software? Give few examples.

Ans: Application Software:
Application software is a type of software that can be used for a variety of tasks for users. is
called Application software. it helps to solve problems in the real world. Most application
software is available as packaged software that can be purchased in retail stores or on the
Example of Application software are:
• Accounting software.
• Graphic software.
• Education software.
• Entertainment software.
• Spreadsheet software.
• Word processing software.
Q.29. Define Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with making computer
behave like humans.

Q.30. Describe the function of ports in a computer. How many types of ports are
generally present in a computer system?

“Port is an interface for connecting various devices to the system unit. “

These are located on the motherboard and are usually seen at the back of the system unit
Function of Port:
A port provides a direct link for external peripheral devices such as keyboard. mouse. monitor.
printer etc. via cables with the computer's common electrical bus.
There are various types of ports for connecting keyboard, mouse, monitor, microphone,
speakers and other input/output devices
In modern computers, USB (Universal Serial Bus), HDMI (High Definition Multimedia
Interface), DVI (Digital Visual Interface), Audio and LAN (Local Area Network) ports are used
for connecting various devices to the computer.

Q.31. Describe the function of expansion slots and expansion cards in a

Expansion slots are long narrow sockets on the motherboard used for installing expansion
Expansion cards are small circuit boards. These cards add new capabilities to
the computers. Commonly used expansion cards are sound card, graphics card. modem
card and network card. In modern computers these cards are built-in on the motherboard.
Q.32. What are the main components of microprocessor (CPU )?
A microprocessor is the main chip on the motherboard that controls all the activities of the
computer. It is also known as Central Processing Unit (CPU) or simply processor. It contains
Control Unit (CU) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and registers.

Q.33. Describe the role of ALU and CU?

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) :

ALU is the part of the computer that performs all the calculations and comparisons. It consists
of arithmetic unit and logic unit. Arithmetic unit performs all the arithmetic operations such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Logic unit performs logical operations which
include comparisons of numbers or alphabets.
Control Unit (CU):
CU controls the operations of all the components of the computer. It controls the working of
all the input/output devices, storage devices and ALU. CU loads programs into
memory and executes them. It consists of very complicated circuits.

Q.34. Why is Hybrid computer called Vital sign monitoring unit?

A hybrid computer known as Vital Sign Monitoring Unit because it is used in hospitals to
monitor patient’s important data such as blood pressure, temperature, respiration and

Q.35. Define CAD and CAM

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) involves the use of computer hardware and graphics
software to create product designs.
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) involves the use of computer in planning
and management of production operation. It helps in automatically producing finished
CAD/CAM technology has been applied in many industries, including automobile,
electronics, machine components, textiles, fashion, etc.

Q.36. What is Information Technology (IT)?

Information Technology (IT) refers to anything related to computing technology, such as
networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these

Q.37. What is system Unit?

System unit is the main part of computer. It includes motherboard, power supply and drives
(such as DVD and hard disk) inside the computer casing. All the input/output devices of a
computer are connected to system unit through the ports.

Q.38. What are the main characteristics of Database Administrator?

Main characteristics of Database Administrator (DBA):
a. Excellent Attention to Detail:
A DBA is regularly expected to perform complex administrative tasks incorporating multiple
steps therefore a DBA must pay full attention to detail.
b. A Natural Problem Solver:
A DBA has a passion for problem solving and enjoy the opportunity to take on any challenge
that comes his way.
c. Self-confident (Assertive):
A DBA is required to be able to communicate views confidently, clearly, calmly and concisely,
oftentimes under high pressure circumstances.
d. A Good Decision Maker:
A DBA has to make good decisions. It’s all too easy for a data professional to become bogged
down in the detail but it’s important to always consider the bigger picture of all tasks

Q.39. What is the purpose of Output devices? Name any five output devices.
Output Device:
An output device is the hardware components of a computer system by the help of which a user
can see, print and hear the information.
Five Output devices are:
a. Monitor
b. Printer
c. Speaker
d. Plotter
e. Multimedia Projector

Q.40. What is the Multimedia Projector?

A multimedia projector is a compact, high resolution, full-color projector capable of projecting
text, images, video and audio content. Typically, the projector will feature inputs for a computer,
DVD player, VCR, CD player and storage device.
Because people learn information in different ways, modern presentations in classrooms and
businesses often use a variety of methods, including moving pictures and sound. Multimedia
projectors are utilized in such presentations as well as for home theater use.

Q.41. Why is the cache memory used in a computer even though the RAM is
already present?
To increase the speed of microprocessor, we use cache memory. Cache memory stores
information that is most frequently used by the CPU whereas RAM stores all the programs and
instructions currently needed by CPU. There are three types of cache memories which are
Level 1 (L1), L1 cache is built inside the microprocessor whereas L2 and L3 are on the
motherboard. L1 cache is faster than L2 and L3 cache.


Q.42. Describe the five generations of computers

History of computers is a chain that runs from the ancient abacus and the analytical engine of
the nineteenth century, through the modern computers of present age. It is generally divided
into five generations Each generation of computers is characterized by major technological
developments of that time.


Vacuum tubes were used in the first-generation computers. Vacuum tubes generated so much
heat that they had to be cooled by air conditioner. Vacuum tubes burnt out very often and it
was difficult to repair and maintain the computers of first generation.
➢ First generation computers used vacuum tubes.
➢ Speed was slow and memory was very small.
➢ They were huge in size taking up entire room.
➢ First generation computers were very expensive and unreliable.
➢ They consumed a lot of power and generated a lot of heat.
➢ Input was based on punched cards.
➢ Output was obtained on printouts through electric typewriter
Examples: ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), UNIVAC (Universal
Automatic Computer), IBM 604, Mark-I and EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic
Second generation computer use Transistors, Transistor functions like a vacuum tube. It
replaced the vacuum tubes in the second-generation computers. Transistor was faster, more
reliable, smaller, and much cheaper than vacuum tube
➢ Transistors were used instead of vacuum tubes.
➢ Transistors reduced the size of computers and increased the speed and memory
➢ Computers became more reliable and cheaper.
➢ Second generation computers used punch card readers, magnetic tapes, magnetic disks
and printers.
➢ Assembly language was used in these computers.
➢ High level programming languages, FORTRAN and COBOL were introduced in this
generation of computers
Example: UNIVAC II, IBM 7030, 7780 and 7090, NCR 300 series, General Electric GE 635, and
Control Data Corporation’s CDC 1604 computers.


Integrated Circuits (ICs), also known as semiconductor chips were used in third generation of
computers instead of transistors. A single IC chip contains a large number of transistors. IC
chips increased the power and decreased the cost of computers.
➢ Third generation computers used IC chips.
➢ IC chips improved the speed and memory of computers.
➢ Computers consumed less electricity, became smaller, cheaper and more reliable than
second generation computers.
➢ Keyboard and monitor were used with the computer.
➢ These computers could run different application programs at the same time.
Examples: Burroughs 6700, IBM System/360, System 3 and Control Data Corporation’s 3300
and 6600 computers.


In this generation of computers LSI (Large Scale Integration) and VLSI (Very Large Scale
Integration) chips having millions of transistors were developed.
Microprocessor was also developed in fourth generation of computers. A microprocessor is a
single chip that can handle all the processing of a computer.

➢ Microprocessor was developed which resulted in the development of microcomputers.

➢ Fourth generation computers are very fast, have large storage capacity and use
advanced input/output devices.
➢ Microcomputers are very small in size, very reliable, consume less power and are
➢ Large variety of software is available for use in microcomputers.
➢ Operating system having Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed in this
➢ These computers support multimedia software that combines text, image, sound and
➢ These computers support modern programming languages such as Visual Basic, C++,
Java and Python for developing powerful software.
➢ Fourth generation computers support a large variety of portable and wireless
input/output devices.
Examples: IBM ThinkPad series, HP Pavilion series, Dell Inspiron series and Apple’s MacBook
Pro and MacBook Air series.


The goal of fifth generation of computers is to develop devices that can understand natural
languages and have thinking power.
➢ Fifth generation computes are based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).
➢ In the fifth generation of computers, AI will minimize the need to write programs.
➢ These computers will allow users to give commands in any natural language such as
Examples: robots and expert systems.

Q.43. Explain different careers related to Information Technology (IT).

Software engineer is a highly skilled person in the field of IT whose responsibilities involve in
the analysis, design, implementation and maintenance of computer software

Computer programmer is an IT professional who has extensive knowledge and expertise in

programming languages. He programs the computer by writing step-by-step instructions that
tell the computer what todo.
System analyst analyzes the data processing requirements of organizations and develops
information systems to implement them.

Hardware engineer is an IT professional who designs and manufactures computer hardware.

Network engineer is a person who is responsible for installation, configuration and

maintenance of computer networks in organizations.

Database administrator is a person who is responsible for the design, implementation and
maintenance of a database in an organization.

Web designer is a person whose job is to plan, design and develop websites.

Multimedia designer is a person who designs multimedia software by combining text, graphics,
animation, audio and video.

Information security analyst is a person whose job is to protect information and information
systems from unauthorized access, use, modification, recording and destruction.

Computer teacher is a person who teaches the subject of computer science to students.

Q.44. Describe the following types of application software.

a. Productivity software
b. Business software
c. Entertainment software
d. Education software
Productivity software: Productivity software includes word-processing, spreadsheet and
database management software packages. These software packages are used by individuals to
speed up their daily routine tasks by doing their work in an organized and efficient way.

Business software: Any software that helps in running business in a more efficient way to
improve productivity is known as business software. Some examples of commonly used
business software are accounting. Sales and marketing, inventory control, Project
management and payroll software.
c. Entertainment software: Software developed to entertain people is known as
entertainment software. Video games are one of the most popular forms of entertainment
software. Many games are lot of fun to play but sometimes they can also help to improve skills
such as typing or reading. The term edutainment merges games and education soft\vare into
single software. Edutainment software is used mainly for entertainment but it educates as
d. Education software: Software developed for educationc1I purpose is known as education
software. A large variety of education software has been developed. Education software
includes typing tutor. Spelling tutor, language learning, medical and healthcare, driving test
and flight simulation software, etc

Q.45. Write a note on mainframe, minicomputer, and microcomputer.

Mainframe Computer:
Mainframe computers were developed in early 1940s. A mainframe computer is a very
large, very powerful and expensive computer that can support hundreds and even thousands
of users at the same time. Therefore, these computers are used in large organizations.

The modern mainframe computers that use cutting edge technology are the foundation of
today's business in banking, insurance, education, air travel, research, health care,
government and many other public and private organization. These computers can execute
more than trillion instructions per second (TIPS). Some examples of mainframe computers are
IBM's Enterprise EC12, EC 196, HP 16500 Series and HP Integrity Superdome.

Minicomputer was introduced in the 1960s when IC chips were introduced. A minicomputer is
bigger than a microcomputer but smaller than a mainframe. These computers can execute
billions of instructions per second (SIPS). Therefore, they can process more data than
microcomputers. Today, minicomputers with cutting edge technology are playing an
important role in business organizations for their data processing requirements. These are
used in organizations that have hundreds of users such as PIA, NADRA, police departments,
hospitals, etc. Examples of minicomputers are IBM System/36 and HP 3000
Microcomputers are the smallest and the low-cost computers. These computers are most
commonly used in homes and offices. Microcomputer was introduced in 1970s when
microprocessor was developed. A microprocessor is a single chip that controls the operations
of the entire computer system. Modern microcomputers have large storage capacity, and they
can execute millions of instructions per second (MIPS). A variety of software is available
for use in these computers Microcomputers are available in various forms such as
desktop. laptop and tablet.
Some popular companies that manufacture microcomputers are IBM, Dell, HP, Toshiba and
Acer. A microcomputer is also known as Personal Computer or PC.IBM Lenovo series, Dell XPS
series and HP Envy series are some popular microcomputers.

Q.46. Write short note on the following

a. Hardware Engineer
b. Network Administrator
c. Database Administrator
d. Web Designer
Hardware Engineer
Hardware engineers design and manufacture computer hardware. Their work also involves
repair and maintenance of computer hardware. They have in-depth knowledge of internal
working of computers, processors, circuit boards and other electronic equipment.
Network Administrator
Network administrators are responsible for installation, configuration and maintenance of
computer networks in organizations. They are in charge of maintenance of computer
hardware and software that make up a computer network.

Database Administrator
Database administrator is a person who is responsible for the design, implementation and
maintenance of a database in an organization. He is also responsible for maintaining security
and monitoring the performance of database.
Web Designer
Web designer is a person whose job is to plan and create websites. He designs web pages that
include text, images, sound, video clips and make the website interactive. HTML (Hypertext
Markup Language) is the most used language for creating websites.

Q.40. Explain different types of system software.

Ans: System Software:

System software are set of programs that operate and control the computer system. Is called
system software.
Types of system software:
There are four types of system software:
I. Operating system.
II. Device Driver.
III. Utility program.
IV. Language processor.
I. Operating system:
An Operating system is a set of programs that manages the computer operations and all
components. is called operating system. The operating system perform the basic tasks.
• Operating system receiving input from the keyboard.
• Operating system processing instructions.
• Operating system sending output to the screen.
Example of operating system are:
• Windows.
• Linux
II. Device driver:
A device driver is a program that controls a particular device that is connected to the
computer. is called device driver.
Typical devices are
• Printers.
• Scanners.
• Digital cameras.
• External storage devices.
Each of these needs a driver in order to work properly. Without device drivers, the computer
would not be able to send and receive data correctly to these devices.
III. Utility program:
Utility programs help manage, maintain, and control Computer resources. is called utility
programs. These programs are available to keep performance of computer excellent running
under heavy load.
Example of Utility program are:
• Antivirus.
• Disk Defragmentation.
• Disk Cleaner.
• Backup.
• Scandisk.
IV. Language Processor:
Language Processor or translator is a type of system software that translates a source program
(other than Machine Language) into object program (Machine Language) is called Language
There are three types of language processor:
• Compiler.
• Assembler.
• Interpreter.
The language processor that translates the complete high level language source program as a
whole in machine code before execution is called Compiler. Example of languages that use
compilers include are:
• C/C++.

An Assembler is a translator which is used to convert an assembly language program into a
machine language program for later execution. is called Assembler.
A language processor that translates a high level language program line by line (statement by
statement) and carries out the specified action in sequence. is called interpreter. Example of
languages that use interpreters include are:
• PHP.
Q.47. List down and briefly describe the basic operations of computer?
Following are the Four basic operations performed by computer:
• Input operation.
• Processing operation
• Storage operation
• Output operation

Input Operation
A computer is a data processing machine. Users enter data and instructions into the
computer through keyboard or mouse. It can also be provided to the computer from a storage
device such as hard disk, CD or USB memory. The input data/instructions are stored in
memory for further processing.

Processing Operation
Microprocessor processes the data according to the instruction given to it. The microprocessor
fetches the data/instructions from the memory and stores it in instruction register. The control
unit then decodes the instruction to find out which operation is to be performed. After
decoding the instruction, it sends signals to other parts of the computer to execute it.
Storage Operation
The results produced after processing are stored in memory before they are sent to the
output device or permanent storage device like hard disk.
Output Operation
The results of data processing stored in memory must be output so that they can be seen
by the user. The control unit displays the results on the monitor or prints it on the printer.
Results can also be saved in a storage device such as hard disk for use in the future.

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