Stacy Hull Educational Philosophy Draft
Stacy Hull Educational Philosophy Draft
Stacy Hull Educational Philosophy Draft
Educational Philosophy:
The purpose of this document is to state my beliefs on education, the role of the teacher,
the role of the student, diversity in the classroom, how kids learn, and classroom
My belief is that a teacher is one of the most influential people in a person's whole
life. Why is that? Because I believe that they are shaping the minds of young people and
are teaching them skills they will use every single day of their lives. The purpose of
education is to teach children how to read and write as well as how to think, study, create,
dream, and inspire.
Both teacher and student have a role in education. First of all, I believe that a
teacher must not only be a good classroom manager but also have the respect of her
students. By this I mean that a teacher must earn the respect of her students by being a
good time manager, following through on what she says, and being organized and
prepared. A student also has a responsibility to play in education. My belief is that a
teacher can be interesting and make learning fun, but it is the role of the student to make
wise choices in regard to their behavior and attention. A student has the responsibility to
be teachable, diligent, and a hard worker. A teacher also has a role in the community. I
believe that a teacher must teach students not only about academics but also what it
means to be a person of character in the community- someone who is trusted.
I believe that an educator must develop classroom unity while at the same time
appreciate and respect diversity. Diversity comes in many different forms, yet often what
is focused on is only the culture or color of a person's skin. Diversity also comes in
different forms such as different learning styles, languages, points of interest, and
strengths in different subjects. I believe that a teacher must establish that everyone is
unique and brings something to the classroom that everyone-the teacher included- can
learn from. I believe that it is important to establish a community of constant observers as
well as learners. I believe that as a teacher, knowing your students is important; therefore,
a teacher must know the individual and diverse needs of her students and constantly
create lessons around their needs. I believe that a teacher can also build a community of
learners by taking opportunities to learn and appreciate different traditions or cultures and
get the parents and families involved in the classroom. A teacher must be concerned
about the overall needs of the classroom while at the same time maintaining adapting and
modifying instruction when the need arise so that all students can learn and be successful.
My educational philosophy also includes appreciating how kids learn. I believe
that children learn from experience and from the lives of others. Therefore, I believe that
is vitally important to connect their prior experiences to what is being taught. A solid
foundation must be laid by which others things can be built upon and an order of learning
must be followed. I believe that it is very important to start from what they know and
connect it to what they do not know. I also believe that it is important to provide hands-on
experiences and manipulatives to make learning more meaningful- especially in the
elementary grades.
My belief is that effective classroom management is accomplished through
planning and organization. I believe that a key ingredient of effective learning and
classroom management is clarity. The expectations of student behavior should be clearly
stated during the first week of school, and the rules of the classroom should be visible to
all students. A teacher must have a fair discipline policy, follow through with her policy,
and be consistent in what she says. This gives students boundaries in which they can
relax because they know exactly what is expected of them at all times. I believe that if a
teacher plans ahead, organizes the day, and differentiates instruction to meet the needs of
all students so that they are excited about learning as well as challenged, discipline will
not be a major issue. I believe that another key ingredient of effective classroom
management is the attitude of the teacher. A teacher cannot control the attitudes of her
students, but she can help to make learning interesting and fun. If a teacher plans ahead,
motivates, and challenges her students, they will be much more interested and focused on
what is happening in the classroom instead of how they can disrupt a lesson. However, if
a student choose to make bad choices, I believe that consequences must be in place in
order to maintain a positive, effective, and orderly classroom for all students.
In conclusion, I believe that teachers have a major responsibility as well as
privilege. She has the opportunity to make a powerful impact on someone's life and teach
them skills they will use every day. I believe that a teacher must be a good classroom
manager, have clear goals and purpose in planning, and inspire her students to want to
learn and make a difference in their world. I believe that a good teacher will instill a
desire to learn.
Texas Technology Standards used in this assignment:
Standard III. All teachers use task-appropriate tools to synthesize knowledge, create and
modify solutions, and evaluate results in a way that supports the work of individuals and
groups in problem-solving situations.
3.2k how to use research skills and electronic communication to create new knowledge
3.1s plan, create, and edit word processing documents using readable fonts, alignment,
page setup, tabs, and ruler settings;
3.3k how to use technology applications to facilitate evaluation of work, including both
process and product.
3.11s participate in electronic communities as a learner, initiator, and contributor;