409-Guruh Xasanova Aqida Kurs Ishi
409-Guruh Xasanova Aqida Kurs Ishi
409-Guruh Xasanova Aqida Kurs Ishi
As Hulstijn points out, learning a second language can either mean months
and years of intentional study, by deliberately committing to memory thousands of
words along with grammatical words, or it can mean incidental learning by picking
up structures and lexicon of a language, through getting engaged in a variety of
communicative activities, namely reading and listening, while the learner's
attention is focused not on the form but on the meaning.
Incidental and intentional learning mainly appear in the area of vocabulary.
This is because incidental learning can be applied to both abstract and factual
declarative knowledge, while intentional is only applicable to factual knowledge.
Ways of foreign language acquisition.
Apart from everything else that we acquire in the course of our lives, we
learn how to express our thoughts and ideas in a verbal way – we acquire one or
more languages. Individual communities or ethnic groups which do not live in
their own country can have a language of their own.
Children start acquiring their first language shortly after birth. They are
surrounded by people speaking the language on an everyday basis and, step by
step, start to understand what is being said, use their first words, then combine
them to make short sentences, which, later, become more complex and meaningful.
Researchers in this field (Piaget, 1969; Chomsky, 1965) went to great lengths
trying to explain the processes involved in the acquisition of a first language.
Acquisition of another language requires a further and more detailed explanation,
as, when reading relevant literature and linguistic research studies, we find out that
more than one term is used to refer to similar notions. Thus, several important
ideas must be expressed to clarify the terminology in this treatise.
Babies, as soon as they are mature enough to do so, find out that to use
words like bottle or pee is more efficient in getting what they wish for than
inarticulate crying. This is a reason why they develop the need and competence to
express their thoughts and ideas via their first language. Throughout our lives, we
wish to articulate messages to provide and receive more information than just that
which concerns our primary needs. We communicate our feelings, ideas, opinions,
and also try to receive the same from other speakers of our native language.
People, however, try to acquire more languages than just their first. “Over a
billion people in the world speak more than one language fluently” (Dulay, Burt
and Krashen). Some of them have to acquire the language of another group of
people living in the same country as themselves, some have migrated to a different
country and, to succeed in dealing with challenges of everyday life, they must
become more or less fluent speakers of the language spoken in that country. Others
just wish to be able to use resources only available in a foreign language, make
themselves understood when they travel abroad or simply understand the culture of
other nation(s) better than is provided by a single language. These are some of the
reasons why people acquire a language other than their first. The following terms
refer to characteristics and conditions regarding ‘language two’ acquisition and are
explained in more detail below: second and foreign language, acquisition and
learning, competence, performance, natural environment and formal setting.
A second language is acquired by people who:
1 live in a country where two or more languages are spoken. The language not
being their first language but necessary to be acquired in order to enable
communication with the rest of the population is considered a ‛second language’.
The use of the term acquisition was tackled above; yet, there are further
notions known in the area of foreign language research and need to be explained.
The Chomskyan notion of the difference between linguistic competence and
performance discriminates between mental representation of linguistic rules (an
internalized grammar) and comprehension and production of language. Chomsky
separates competence, an idealized capacity, from the production of actual
utterances, performance (Chomsky, 1965). In other words, what a learner has
knowledge of and is, in theory, able to use, is considered one’s linguistic
competence; what they actually produce is considered performance. This means
that competence and performance are closely interconnected. Competence is a vital
prerequisite for performance to occur; on the other hand, it is not sufficient as the
one and only triggers.
SLA – second language acquisition
Just like any other learning process, a foreign language is also acquired in a
setting, providing conditions of various standard. Dulay, Burt and Krashen (1982)
identified a set of characteristics the language environment can have:
The authors claim that “those students who are exposed to natural language
perform better than those in a formal environment, where focus is on the conscious
acquisition of linguistic rules or the manipulation of linguistic forms”.
The learner’s role in communication
This feature is of vital importance in the formal setting. Apart from original
resources that can (or rather should) be brought
For foreign language acquisition to take place, some data in the target
language must be available to the learner as input. “Input hypothesis postulates that
humans acquire language in only one way – by understanding messages or by
receiving comprehensible input”.
When studying the area of importance of the information that learners are
provided with, different approaches can be found:
• A nativist viewpoint claims that exposure to language itself is not sufficient for
acquisition to take place. Input is only seen as a trigger for internal mechanisms.
This theory highlights the importance of internal processes in learners.
Many theorists and teachers stress that varied and frequent comprehensible
input is key to acquisition. It would make sense that the higher the number of
opportunities for the brain to store and reinforce patterns, accents, concepts, and
meanings of a language, the better this information would be stored and processed
also emphasizes the importance of input in language acquisition: “the cognitive
and information processing models generally claim that language learning is no
different from other types of learning, and is the result of the human brain building
up networks of associations. This means that an important part in the process of
FLA is played by the quality of the information that enters the learner’s brain and
that he/she can use for further processing. In order to get a positive effect, this
information must fulfill certain criteria. Students must be provided with “input that
has two basic characteristics. First, it must be comprehensible; so that learners can
understand the sentences they see or hear. Second, input must encode some
referential meaning to which learners can respond”. Good quality input can then
trigger intake2 and further processing that is responsible for developing a language
system in a learner and is used in the performance in the form of output.
Intake is the input information available for further mental processing of a
Output is the language the learner produces (the outcome of the processed
language that has been taken in).
• Identity Hypothesis, in its extreme form, declares that it does not matter whether
or not a learner acquired another language before the new target language. The
acquisition of first, second or any following language(s) is an identical process
controlled by the same rules.
As was the case so many times in the past, the opinion interconnecting all
views will probably be closest to reality. It seems to be natural that knowledge of a
language and its structures helps learners to realise that any other language must
also use some structures to express one’s ideas and that these structures more or
less resemble those in our first language. On the other hand, it must be admitted
that the level of difference between the first and second language has an influence
on the process of acquisition. The application of L1 rules to the foreign language
can be seen in its every level (see below). If two languages use different surface
structures to express same deep structure4, learners must “search” in their existing
knowledge of the first language.
1) Filter screens all incoming language and allows it (or not) to undergo further
processing. All this depends on learners’ “motives, attitudes, and emotional states”.
In my teaching practice, I have come across several students who (in their
own words) voluntarily “chose not to acquire” all the English verb forms because
they found it too confusing and, in their own words, “native speakers only
practically use three or four of them anyway”. One of the teacher’s tasks is to show
the learners that the use of language becomes considerably easier if they master the
rules of a foreign language’s grammar, as sufficient competence in it provides
them with certain freedom to concentrate on the contents of their utterances rather
than their form. 0
2) Organiser is responsible for the learner’s gradual organization of newly
presented language. “Its functioning is subconscious and is based on what
psychologists call ‘cognitive’ principles: analytical and logical criteria for the
organization of knowledge and behavior”. This mainly concerns the transitional
stages that will occur before the final correct form is acquired, the errors that
regularly occur in a learner’s speech and the order in which the new language
structures are acquired. A considerable amount of research has been carried out on
interlanguage5 and the order of acquisition, as well as the most frequently
occurring grammatical errors.
The following examples of the use of learners’ interlanguage are directly related to
the research carried out in this treatise:
Krashen distinguishes:
Over-users – those learners who use the monitor all the time (those more
concerned with accuracy than fluency);
Under-users – those learners who have not learned or who prefer not to use
their conscious knowledge (those more concerned with fluency rather than
Optimal users – those learners who use the monitor appropriately (those
who tend to be equally accurate and fluent) (Schütz, 2005).
To sum up, all three parts can (but need not) be involved in internal
processing of a language. It depends on factors like learner motivation whether the
presented language will undergo all of them.
Hunt and Begla point out that many vocabularies are learned incidentally
through extensive reading and listening. Accordingly, motivating learners to read
and listen extensively can provide them with great opportunities to learn new
vocabularies. In terms of Huckin and Coad, too, except for the first few thousand
most common words, vocabulary learning predominantly occurs through extensive
reading with the learner guessing the meaning of unknown words. This process is
incidental learning of vocabulary for the acquisition of new words and is the by-
product of the reading (i.e., not the main focus of the cognitive activity, reading).
However, this process of incidental learning of vocabularies occurs gradually as
Anderson claims. The incidental vocabulary learning, as Hunt and Beglar point
out, can be a useful approach for all language learners at all levels.
Shmidth, also points out that incidental learning is definitely passive in that
it can happen when the focus of attention is on some relevant features of input.
However, he believes that since incidental learning is useful in task-based
language, pedagogy is still a fruitful area of investigation. He further notes that
there is an argument that maintains what is learned—whether incidentally or
intentionally—is what is noticed.
So far, many studies have been carried out in the field concerning
vocabulary learning/teaching approaches. For instance, Huckin and Coady
investigated the role of incidental and intentional vocabulary acquisition. They
conclude that incidental vocabulary learning is not entirely incidental in that
learners pay at least some attention to individual words. The other studies are
reviewed below.
a. It is contextualized, giving the learner a rich sense of word use and meaning.
Ellis and He investigated the roles of modified input and output in the
incidental acquisition of word meaning. Their study proved that interactional
output which provides opportunities for learners to use new vocabularies
contributes to better incidental vocabulary acquisition.
Incidental learning has been defined differently by scholars in the field. For
instance, Schmidt three definitions are presented as follows:
In spite of the fact that incidental and intentional learning might seem similar to
implicit and explicit learning, respectively, these two dichotomies are not identical.
As Paradis points out, since implicit competence is incidentally acquired, is stored
implicitly and is used automatically, it means more than incidental learning.
Therefore, while incidental vocabulary learning of vocabulary may be a useful way
of acquiring vocabularies for most advanced learners, intentional/explicit
instruction is essential for beginning learners whose reading ability is limited.
It seems that in current years, there has been a shift in thinking about
incidental vocabulary learning through reading. Studies like those reviewed above
confirmed Nagy et al.’s claim that incidental learning through reading was an
incremental process, but these studies also revealed that the process of incidental
learning through reading was slow, unpredictable, and error-prone, contrary to how
avid proponents of reading (Krashen, 1989) had first framed it. In fact, on the
surface-level, it may seem like there has been a reversal of perspectives about
incidental vs. intentional learning, with the popularity of the former being given
over to the latter in terms of pedagogical recommendations. Current views hold
that ‘intentional learning’ is a faster and more effective way of learning new words
in a short amount of time.
Future Directions
Ellis presents a comprehensive, although not exhaustive, list in which he identifies
four broad categories of factors that influence incidental L2 vocabulary
acquisition: (1) intrinsic word properties: pronounceability, part of speech,
distinctiveness of word form, length of word form, degree of correlation between
form and meaning, imageability, and polysemy, (2) input factors: frequency,
saliency through focus, contextual cues, and input complexity, (3) interactional
factors: more input and elaboration of input, and (4) learner factors: existing L2
knowledge, background knowledge, procedural knowledge, immediate
phonological memory, and learner’s L1. Of these four categories, it seems that the
most prolific areas have been in the second category of input factors. Both word
repetition (i.e., frequency of encounters) and task induced engagement, for
example, belong to this category.
There are two important factors concerning the role of language learning
strategy use and its applications in teaching and learning an L2, in light of which
the result pertaining to the relationship between the use of learning strategy and
proficiency may be discussed. One of these factors, as Griffiths points out, is that
language learning strategies cannot be observed directly, which is one of the
difficulties with researching this construct, in that they can only be inferred from
language learner behavior. Griffiths also points out that only a few language
learning strategies such as dictionary use are observable and can be directly
measured, and that the rest must be inferred from the behavior of language learner
is one of the difficulties in researching this construct. The use of vocabulary
learning strategy was more like the kinds of strategies that are not directly
observable. Perhaps the students‘reports on their use of vocabulary learning
strategy were not truly representative of how they learn vocabularies. Therefore, it
is suggested that instead of just measuring the participant‘s use of vocabulary
leaning strategy (and/or any other type of learning strategy) by asking them to fill
out the self-report questionnaire, one or more ways of measuring the use of this
construct be used, such as observations, interviews, and the like.
She also states that learning variables, too, can affect the final efforts of
language learning, namely vocabularies, grammar, pronunciation, function, skill,
teaching/learning methods, strategy instruction, error correction, or task. Taking all
of the factors affecting the outcome of language learning mentioned by Griffiths
into account, it might be concluded that the learners might have used those
strategies as they reported on the questionnaire, but these underlying factors have
been influential and have rendered the results unpredictable.
It is one of the influential limitations of the study that no control group was
involved. Further research is needed including a control group studying the impact
of incidental and intentional learning on acquisition of vocabulary items.
Last, but not least, as Griffiths (2003) points out, studies exploring language
learning strategies with regard to sex are not common. The current study also, due
to the fact that the proportions of males and females were not the same, has not
investigated the role of gender. It is suggested that further research be done taking
into account the effect of sex on the use of language learning strategy use.
After reviewing the findings of this literature review, there is strong evidence
that supports the occurrence of incidental vocabulary learning through reading for
meaning comprehension. As pointed out by Ahmad, an incidental vocabulary
technique is enhanced by reading in highly informative contexts. Not only does
extensive reading appear to be the main feature for incidental learning. This type of
learning is the result of a number of factors that correlate among each other to
ensure its success. Research shows that learners must be able to recognize a great
percentage of the surrounding words in order to correctly infer the meaning of a
word in context. This amount of previous knowledge ranges from 95% to 98% for
general and full textual comprehension. This knowledge could be fostered first
through initial stages of intentional learning that allow following up on incidental
acquisition of L2 vocabulary gains. As suggested by Zandieh, both types of
vocabulary learning could be bolstered if they are combined jointly in “a virtual
learning environment in order to improve comprehension and vocabulary
retention”. Moreover, texts of personal interest to learners promote motivation
resulting in more guided attention to lexical items at the word-sentence grammar
level. Accordingly, exposure of unknown words should be included in meaningful
contextual cues, which would allow high percentages of correct lexical inference
Azizollah, D., & Marzieh, R. (2012). Incidental vocabulary learning and the
development of receptive and productive vocabulary: How gloss types work.
Suvremena Lingvistika, 38(74), 175-187.
Montero, M., Peters, E., Clarebout, G., & Desmet, P. (2014). Effects of
captioning on video comprehension and incidental vocabulary. Language,
Learning & Technology, 18(1), 118-141.