Bill Johnson The Deceiver
Bill Johnson The Deceiver
Bill Johnson The Deceiver
Bill and Brenda Johnson are the Senior Pastors of Bethel Church in Redding,
California. Bethel Church is firmly aligned with the Word-Faith movement and
identifies with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), or the Third Wave
Movement with its prophets, apostles, and alleged manifestions. Bill
Johnson is called an apostle by C. Peter Wagner. His theology has amounted
to what some call a de facto denial of the deity of Christ.
In some parts of Christendom there are Strange Manifestations that are being
witnessed around the world today, in particular, what we are seeing today
known as the Lakeland Revival or Florida Healing Outpouring. These
manifestation, (Shaking, Jerking, convulsing/epileptic like movements,
drunkenness, gold dust, gems, feathers to name just a few!) similarly witness
also in previous outpourings such as the Toronto Blessing/Outpouring, are
being embraced as a move of God (or the new thing that God is doing). Not
only are these disturbing but are also being accompanied by numerous
unscriptural teachings and extra biblical revelations but their leaders are
devoid of integrity and support adultery, divorce, lying and stealing! Preachers
who are liars, scoundrels thieves and even perjurers devoid of integrity like Bill
Johnsons friends Todd Bentley or Pastor John Arnott go to hell not heaven!
Yes, the devil is a liar and so are his friends Pentecostal Third Wave preachers
such as Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, Peter Wagner, John Arnott, Steve Strader,
Todd Bentley, Rodney Howard Browne and Patricia King who have been openly
shown to the world to have lied about things and have character assassinated
those who dont lie and dont do what they do including robbing, raping and
using the sheep! (,,
I would recommend Pastors and Evangelists around the world to WATCH what
is happening in this following video. YOU will be held are accountable to God.
This is the "counterfeit anointing". The "New Age" demonic spirit that comes
as an angel of light. "Bill Johnson" of Bethel Church speaks about the
manifestations at his church of gold dust, wind gusts, fire tunnels, glory
clouds, etc. The Home of the music band "Jesus Culture". WAKE UP Church!
These are all false teachers that are a part of the "New Apostolic
"But, of course, there must be divisions (heresies) among you so that you who
have God's approval will be recognized!" -1 Corinthians 11:19
Bill Johnson and Bethel Church
by Andrew Strom
January 23, 2013
I am really hoping to make this the last of this type of article for a while. Some
people think I love putting out this stuff. But I honestly wish it would all go
away, so we could get on with the real work of building the kingdom.
However, Bill Johnson is doing such damage to the Body of Christ around the
world that I simply cannot stay silent. In New Zealand (where I am currently) he
holds a huge Conference once a year called Manifest Presence. This is almost
certainly the biggest and most influential Christian conference in the whole
country. And likewise in other nations, such as UK, Australia, Singapore, and
many others. His influence is enormous.
Bill Johnson is a very charming man. He also emphasizes a number of things that
I heartily agree with such as street evangelism using the gifts of the Spirit,
prophecy and healing on the streets, etc. But the problem is that he endorses and
promotes an anointing exactly identical to the one that Todd Bentley promotes.
The drunken glory, fire-tunnel, laughing, jerking, gold- dust, Angel-maniatype anointing that has done such damage to the Charismatic movement around
the world and in many cases reduced it to a shocking travesty of what it once
was. What would Derek Prince or Keith Green think of the things these men are
into spiritual drunkenness, portals, visualization, spirit-travel, fire-tunnels,
angel-orbs and the like? (Found all the way through the New Age movement, but
not in the Bible).
Bill Johnson was one of the biggest supporters of the Lakeland revival led by
Todd Bentley. And even after the fiasco that it became, he publicly endorsed
Todd Bentleys ministry again in 2011. But Bill does it all with such down-toearth charm and wise-sounding words how could this be deception? That is
what makes him so dangerous.
His wife Beni is co-pastor with Bill of Bethel church in Redding, California. And
interestingly she is even more open about the bizarre things that they are into.
She even puts it in writing on the Internet, for all the world to see.
For example, in her Life and Wellness blog on July 6 this year,here is what she
wrote in an entry called Love Shack Time: I was talking with Ray Hughes the
other day and was telling him about using a 528 HZ tuning fork as a prophetic act.
Someone told me that this tuning fork is called the tuning fork of LOVE (Please
note that crystals and tuning forks are used in NEW AGE therapy and have
nothing to do with Christianity in any way).
One young lady named Johanna who had been a student for many months at
Bill Johnsons Bethel school wrote to me the following:
In August 2008 I moved to Redding, California to attend Bethel School of
Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). I graduated in May 2009 Almost right away I
began to question the bizarre behavior that is so normal there.
At Bethel, there are many sayings that are tossed around daily God only
has nice things to say, Theres no high like the Most High. There would be
all kinds of distracting behavior (random shouting, laughing, etc.) during
school sessions and church services. When any guest speaker came to school,
students would flock to the front to get as close to the speaker as possible. We
were taught that any anointing we wanted could be received by simply
claiming it for ourselves. Students would rush the stage and the front of the
sanctuary so the speakers could lay hands on them.
Among the guest speakers were Bob Jones, Heidi Baker, Georgian and Winnie
Banov, Randy Clark, John and Carol Arnott We also had regular sessions with
Bill Johnson, Beni Johnson and other Bethel pastors. The drunken behavior
and questionable teachings from some, if not all, of these speakers was
shocking at times. I can safely say that I never heard the word repentance
once in any teaching.
I remember when the Banovs came, the whole place was complete chaos.
When they touched someone, that person would jerk violently or stumble
around as if they were drunk. The Banovs minister to people in trash dumps
around the world What I remember them talking about was love, joy, bliss,
and the new wine.
Angels were often talked about. I remember Beni Johnson actually took an RV
across Arizona and New Mexico to wake up angels that were supposedly
sleeping. (Another one of the common phrases, Wakey wakey). I would
always hear people talking about their encounters with angels and how they
visited heaven. One young woman I knew said she could see angels
everywhere, she talked to them all the time, and she would help her friends to
do the same God becomes like Santa Claus. Without the preaching of the true
gospel, the fear of the Lord is lost.
ANDREW AGAIN: As you can see from all these reports, the ministry of Bill
Johnson is highly suspect. Sadly, because the deception is not as obvious as
Todd Bentley, people are charmed into thinking hes fine. Charismatic leaders
around the world flock to his meetings and openly endorse his teachings. For
this reason I believe he is far more dangerous than Todd Bentley ever was. The
Bible says that in the last days will come false teachers and lying signs and
wonders to deceive if possible the very elect. And what do we see today?
New Age practices and spirits are flooding the church. And it is men like Bill
Johnson that have become the acceptable face of this invasion. Please,
friends, steer well clear.
about 10 feet tall. Sid asked him, did you see the angel? Johnson replied No,
but I knew he was there and the angel said to me, What took you so long, Ive
been here for 80 years!
Johnson said, they saw a for lease sign and He rented the building and
opened his first healing room.
Satan used Bill Johnson to recover the unorthodox healing ministry by angels
guidance of John Graham Lake (1870-1935). The restoration of this mans
heresy has spread internationally on the wings of the Third Wave Movement.
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great
signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the
very elect (Matt 24:24).
After leaving Lakes old home, Bill Johnson and his group went to the
cemetery to visit his grave. This woman told us they all rolled on the grave
to get Lakes anointing.
Then they went to the old building where he conducted his healings.
To their amazement, the building was up for lease. She said, A
woman needed healing and they were in a back room. Suddenly,
peace came into the room A tall angel was in the room and healed
her friend.
They got Bill Johnson and when he came into the room, he claimed on
Sid Roth program that the angel spoke to him and said, Where have
you been.. Ive been waiting for you to come for 80 years.
Sid Roth asked him, Could you see the angel?
Bill Johnson admitted that he could not see the angel that he sensed his
presence. He then said, He was about 10 or 11 feet tall.
Johnson leased the John G. Lake building and thus we now having Healing
Rooms, around the nation.
The woman friend of mine told us that many then went to Kathryn Khulmans
grave and rolled on her grave to receive her anointing and then they went to
Aimee Semple McPhersons grave and Corrie Ten Boom.
Bill Johnson says, There are anointings, mantles, revelations and mysteries
that have lain unclaimed, literally where they were left because the generation
that walked in them never passed them on. I believe its possible for us to
recover realms of anointing, realms of insight, realms of God that have been
untended for decades simply by choosing to reclaim them and perpetuate them
for future generations.6
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down
from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither
shadow of turning, (Jam.1:17).
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor
height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us
from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.(Rom. 8: 38,
Holy Spirit senses someone is lying on the dirt six feet above His head. The
Holy Spirit, apparently not caring who is laying up there decides to jump into
the new body giving them the supernatural abilities that the dearly departed
once had. Again this assumes that the person in the grave was in fact
empowered by the Holy Spirit. 8
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into
the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an
angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed
as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their
works, (II Cor. 11:13-15.)
While they promise them liberty , they themselves are the servants of
corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in
bondage. 20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through
the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled
therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness,
than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered
unto them. 22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The
dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her
wallowing in the mire, (II Pet. 2:19-22)
power of the Holy Spirit. Also known as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
Impartation: To lay hands on, or otherwise form a connection with, someone
to bestow spiritual gifts upon them.
Shofar: A horn fashioned after the ram's horns used in Jewish ceremonies. Commonly
used for healing and impartation.
Slain in the spirit: When one falls to the ground under the power of the
Holy Spirit. Also known as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
Speaking in tongues: When one speaks in a language unknown to others through the
power of the Holy Spirit. Also known as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit and is taken
as a sign that the person has truly received the Holy Spirit.
Whacked: To be filled with the Holy Spirit and exhibit manifestations of the Holy Spirit
as listed above. Also referred to as "whacked by God," "whacked by the Holy Spirit"
and "whacked up on Jesus," etc.
Theology Heaven Can't
The Kansas City Prophets movement eventually ran out of steam and crumbled, but
not without leaving behind many rotten fruits for us to glean insight from. The
prophecies which pervaded the movement ranged from outlandish to absurd, with
tales of angel visits and trips to Heaven.
Bob Jones, considered to be one of the most powerful of the movement, was
removed from ministry at the Vineyard in 1991 for sexual misconduct. He
used his prophetic gift to fondle women in the church. This is taken from
the same article at Deception in the Church:
Bob Jones, however, who not so long ago was regarded as the most powerful of the
Kansas City crowd is out of ministry. First when Wimbers Vineyard absorbed the
Kansas City Fellowship, Jones and another prophet were disciplined for making some
outlandish statements and prophecies that were judged to have harmed some, and
their prophecy tapes were removed from distribution. Joness ministry was then limited
to church leadership behind closed doors. 31
But it was behind those doors where Joness ministry ended. Two women came forward
in 1991 and told Vineyard leaders that Jones had used his prophetic authority to touch
and fondle them sexually. 39 Jones admitted it and was removed from ministry. In
recent months, I have manipulated certain people for selfish reasons on the basis of
my prophetic gifting, Jones said in a statement that he dictated and signed before the
Metro Vineyard
Fellowship senior leadership on November 4, 1991. I have been guilty of sexual
misconduct, and I deeply regret this. (I have not committed adultery.) Source.
This is Todd Bentleys mentor. This is the man Bentley continually lauds as a source of
wisdom and reliability. If only Bentley would put as much credence and value in Gods
Sexual sin or any other kind of sin denies the authenticity of any so-called
prophecy. Remember what Jeremiah
said in the name of the LORD, "The prophets prophesy falsely, And the
priest rule by their own power; and My people love tohave it
so. But what will you do in the end?" (Jer. 5: 31). And, "Because
from the least of them even to the greatest of them, Everyone is given to
covetousness; And from the prophet even to the priest Everyone deals falsely
(Jer. 6: 13). Lamentations 2: 14 tells us, "Your prophets have seen for you
False and deceptive visions; They have not uncovered your iniquity, To bring
back your captives, But have envisioned for you false prophecies and
delusions." The
suffer from what Paul said, "Therefore God sends them a strong delusion,
to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did
not believer the truth bu had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2Thess.
2: 11 - 12). Yours in Jesus Christ, Gordon
Dateline also reported Hinn lived extravagantly in a gated Dana Point community. A
May 2005 investigation into Hinn's finances by an independent evangelical organization
led to a donor alert that stated the Hinn family spent an "exorbitant" amount of money
and that the ministry had far more money than it needed to carry out its mission.
Extreme Prophetic: Extreme Prophetic lists the Nicene Creed as their statement of
faith. Patricia King, a self- proclaimed prophet, is the president of the ministry, which
serves to equip people with prophetic ministry, intercession, and evangelism. King
recently posted videos of her predictions for 2010 as given to her by God. Bill
Johnson is on the apostolic advisory team.
Fresh Fire Ministries: Todd Bentley, founder of the ministry, is a Canadian evangelist
who is well known for his sometimes violent methods of healing. Bentley has hosted
several revivals and has publicly spoken of how he has kicked, hit and knocked over
participants. Bentley said the Holy Spirit told him to do those things and that miracles
were happening simultaneously. Bentley was convicted of sexually assaulting a 7-yearold Canadian boy in 1991 but said he changed his life when he became a Christian at age
18. In August 2008, Bentley announced his separation from his wife and in March
married a female member of his staff. Bill Johnson said a restoration team was formed
to help Bentley. Johnson serves as a member of Bentley's accountability team,
according to the ministry Web site.
Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship: Led by John and Carol Arnott, the TACF was
one of the Association of Vineyard Churches until the 1994 Toronto Blessing revival. At
the revival, people were anointed by God as evidenced by the worshippers being
overcome with "outbreaks of laughter, weeping, groaning, shaking, falling, drunkenness,
and even behaviors that have been described as a 'cross between a jungle and a
farmyard,' " the TACF Web site said. The church has seven campuses and estimates that
4 million people have visited to receive the power of the Holy Spirit like those who
attended the Toronto Blessing, church leadership say on the Web site.
Johnson will speak at the Pastors and Leaders Conference at the church from today until
Global Awakening: Founded by Randy Clark just after the Toronto Blessing revival,
Global Awakening is a Pennsylvania-based international teaching, healing and
impartation ministry. Clark was the guest speaker at the Toronto Blessing. From Jan.
12 through Friday, Clark headlined a School of Healing and Impartation conference
hosted by Bethel Church at the Redding Convention Center. Healing services were
open to the public nightly.
Bethel students and church members worship while "Dance in the River" is performed by musicians at a young adults service on Nov. 19 at Bethel Church.
Bethel Church Senior Pastor Bill Johnson gives a sermon Sunday, Nov. 29, at Bethel
Church. "We have been amazed at God's goodness, said Johnson. "We love our city and
are so glad to be associated with so many churches and to pursue trying to serve in
every part of society that we can serve in."
Growing up the son of a fourth-generation pastor, Bill Johnson never imagined he'd
someday be the driving force behind a north state megachurch and economic
But somewhere along the way, things changed.
Established as a small Assemblies of God Church in Redding 50 years ago, Bethel Church
has become a household name in this north state community in a little more than a
decade since Johnson became pastor. The church, much more than a house of worship,
reaches out to an estimated 3,000 congregants, brings in millions in revenue to the
community with its conferences and schools, and has more than 30,000 people tuning in
to its new online media business venture.
Bethel has fed off a sometimes controversial national movement of Christian
Pentecostals from the mid-'90s whose central messages focus on miraculous healings,
bringing heaven to earth, speaking in tongues, prophecy and learning to release the
supernatural powers of God. Bethel now has several successful businesses, large local
land holdings and its own multimedia production center.
"We have not succeeded fully yet," Johnson said of the church's prosperity in an e-mail
sent shortly before departing for a conference in South Korea. "But what has been
accomplished has been done by living a life of, and teaching on, generosity. Prosperity is
often the result of doing things right."
Johnson, 58, describes himself as a simple man and a simple pastor. His signature look
is dressy casual: Button-up collared shirts - untucked - paired with fashionable blue
jeans and shiny shoes with black rectangular-framed glasses and slicked-back gray hair.
He talks soft and low, very conversational, yet authoritative. He moves fluidly and sits
comfortably in his church office, decorated regally with shades of gold, black and deep
Johnson is the senior pastor of Bethel Church and oversees a team of nine senior leaders
along with Kris Vallotton and Danny Silk. Though Bethel has undeniable reach and
influence in the community, Johnson is quick to deflect the attention.
"We don't ever want to project the idea that Bethel is the answer, especially as
compared to some other great churches in town," he said. "This city has some amazing
churches and I'm good friends with a lot of pastors around here. What he (God) is doing
in Bethel he's doing in similar churches around town and that's fascinating to us. That's
It's also an understatement.
The business of Bethel
Atop a hill off Highway 299 just east of Interstate 5 at the end of a drive flanked by
colorful national flags, abides a sanctuary at the heart of 70 acres - and a worldwide
With close to 360 employees, Bethel is one of Shasta County's largest private
employers. It draws thousands to Redding each year, hoping to see miracles, have a
supernatural experience or learn to unleash the power of God through conferences or
visits to the Healing Rooms Ministry. A successful online media venture has also
garnered followers around the globe looking for spiritual guidance on how to bring
heaven to Earth. The Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) pulls in more than a
thousand students a year seeking faith-healing techniques.
Bethel is more than a church - it is a conglomeration of various businesses, varying from
a coffee shop to an online multimedia production and distribution company.
As "the Avenue of Nations" continues to wind up to the main building, some are lucky
enough to find parking outside the lobby of HeBrews Coffee. The shop is reminiscent of
Starbucks, a favorite of Johnson's, and is filled with young people sitting around the
tables and standing in the corners talking between BSSM classes. The church runs this
coffee shop inside the main building as well as a bookstore called Eagles Nest, which
features books written by the church leaders. "The Supernatural Ways of Royalty:
Discovering Your Rights and Privileges of Being a Son or Daughter of God" by Johnson
and Vallotton, along with "Release the Power of Jesus" by Johnson grace the shelves.
One of the newest business ventures is iBethel.TV, which streams conferences, sermons
and interviews on the Web. Each week, a free downloadable sermon is offered, usually
generating 24,000 downloads, administrator Charlie Harper said. To get unlimited views
of the videos and audio posted on iBethel.TV, users must subscribe, which costs from $5
to $19 a month. Harper said about 4,000 people subscribe but about 30,000 people log
in to view the free broadcasts.
The TV studio is housed in Bethel's polished new high-tech Communication Center on
Caterpillar Lane, purchased over the summer for $900,000. The building underwent
extensive renovation from July to November to make it functional as an office building
and broadcasting hub. The total investment was $1.6 million.
The Communication Center also serves as headquarters for Jesus Culture, Bethel's youth
outreach ministry that hosts three conferences in Redding every year, as well as
conferences in Atlanta, Las Vegas, Dallas, Cleveland and several abroad in Australia and
England. The conferences bring thousands of young people from around the world to the
host cities.
Conferences boost local economy
When Johnson became pastor of Bethel, it was already a megachurch. But under his
leadership, outreach through schools and conferences has spread Bethel's message of
bringing heaven to earth and unleashing the supernatural power of God, causing the
church to grow substantially.
"The conferences are a way that we can train people that either don't have the ability,
time, or money to come to our school," he said. "We love to train and equip people to do
what Jesus did and commanded us to do."
Jesus Culture's mission is to raise up a new generation of revivalists, Jerry Niswander,
managing director, said.
The ministry is supported by registration fees, which run from $35 to $50, and product
sales, including T-shirts and CDs from the Jesus Culture record label. Artists include Kim
Walker, whose hit "Where you go I go" expresses a heart-wrenching desire to do God's
will, and Chris Quilala, best known for his driving ballad "Your love never fails."
Niswander said more than 3,000 people attended the two-day February 2009 Jesus
Culture Conference in Redding and the three-day July conference saw about 2,000
attendees. Both conferences were held at the Redding Convention Center. The third,
specifically for youth pastors, was held in September at Bethel and had 250 in
"We've almost doubled (attendance) since 2007," he said.
Frank Strazzarino Jr., president and CEO of the Greater Redding Chamber of Commerce,
said visitors spend an estimated $75 to $125 per day when they come to Redding. Using
those figures, the Jesus Culture Conferences alone could generate more than $1 million
"We're in a process right now with an architect that has designed a building," Johnson
said of the latest plans for the church's $10 million main campus on College View Drive.
In an iBethel.TV interview, Johnson said church leadership had been given the prophetic
word to create what he called an apostolic resource center. The new center would
include a larger sanctuary, 900 parking spaces and more buildings to house the
church's ministries. The new center will cost an estimated $7 million and be completed
sometime in 2012.
Drawing students to Redding
Aside from the restaurant and hotel revenue gained from Bethel Church's conference,
Bethel's schools also draw people to the community - most notably the Bethel School of
Supernatural Ministry.
"I had a vision for a school of this type for many years before coming to Redding,
intending to start one in Weaverville," Johnson said in an e-mail. "I brought the vision
for BSSM to Redding when I came. It was my job to set the priorities and ministry
direction as well as hire the staff that could help get it done."
Founded in 1998 with just 36 students, the September-through-May school now enrolls
about 1,200 students, 370 of whom are from foreign countries, Johnson said.
Nathan Grammar, 31, moved to Redding from Mississippi during the summer to attend
the school, which he heard about in Kansas City, Mo., through the International House
of Prayer ministry.
"Some of the things that really drew me to it were the fact that we believe in miracles
and there's a lot of testimonies that come on podcasts and really cool things happening
(at Bethel)," he said while sitting outside HeBrews Coffee on a sunny fall afternoon.
The curriculum focuses largely on learning about life, learning to unleash God's
supernatural spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues and healing, and being a person of
honor, respect, integrity and purity, he said.
"People need practical training, not just theories," Johnson said,
Tuition at the school is $3,600, not including living costs. Grammar laughed when he
said someone anonymously paid his tuition in full because he didn't have enough
"It was pretty wild," he said.
Grammar is one of many students who rent apartments in Redding. Amanda Coats,
property manager of Hilltop
Garden Apartments, said there's a "Bethel market" in the rental sector.
Coats said in September 70 percent of her traffic was from Bethel students looking for a
place to live for the school year. Many of them are from Norway, Switzerland and South
Alan Wade, of Lufkin Texas, center, worships with others Sunday Nov. 29 during Bethel Church's 11 am service. Wade finished his ministry school last year and
his daughter is in her first year and his wife in her second. Wade, who had to return to Texas for work, visits his wife and daughter and attends services several
times a year.
Bethel Church has seen extensive growth over the past decade as the focus of the
church has shifted to training people in prophecy, healing and other "supernatural gifts
of God" taught under the leadership of Pastor Bill Johnson.
Though about half the estimated 2,200 people attending Bethel left when he took
over in 1996, Johnson said now nearly every church service is full each week,
including the Twin View campus and an overflow room, which could easily add up to
more than 3,000 congregants.
Ask Johnson about the affiliations, goals and purpose of Bethel Church, and he'll say
the church has lots of "friends" who share in the pursuit of affecting the Earth with
heaven, especially Pentecostals and those in the Association of Vineyard Churches.
Bethel Church member Ann Mack waves flags during a Sunday service Nov. 29 at the church
in Redding.
Bethel Church senior pastor Bill Johnson greets church patrons as they leave Sunday service
Sunday Nov. 29.
Bethel was part of the General Council of the Assemblies of God until January 2006
when the church membership voted to withdraw their affiliation, and today Johnson
hesitates to link Bethel to a specific movement or group.
Those who examine the practices of Bethel identify it as being part of a larger movement
known as the Word of Faith movement. Connected to prominent revivalists and prophets
including Todd Bentley, Patricia King, Bob Jones, and the leadership of the Toronto
Airport Christian Fellowship, the Word of Faith doctrine teaches that faith is a force
through which anything can be done, said John Wolf, founder of the Church Education
Resource Ministries.
Wolf is one of Johnson's many critics and is no stranger to Bethel Church.
'Why wouldn't it be popular?'
Wolf grew up in the San Francisco Bay area and graduated from Simpson University in
2005 with a bachelor's degree in Church Education Ministries, he said, speaking by
phone from his South Carolina office. It was during his time at Simpson that he
first came across Bethel Church and the teachings of Bill Johnson.
On his Web site,, Wolf said the Word of Faith movement, which is
closely intertwined with the Third Wave movement, blends mysticism and teachings
from metaphysical cults. Mysticism is the pursuit of a divine connection with God
through direct experiences and usually revolves around a practice to encourage and
facilitate the experiences.
"The Bible does not teach that you alone have the power to do things," he said. "The
Bible teaches that God is the one who does things."
The Third Wave movement is based on the belief that there have been three distinct
historical periods in which the Holy Spirit has been extensively active. The first was
the Pentecostal revival around 1906, the second was the Charismatic movement of
1960s and the third began in the 1980s with a new commitment to signs, wonders
and supernatural experiences with God.
"Bethel thinks they can train people in the supernatural ministry and they can go out
and heal people and raise the dead," Wolf said. "It's false teaching. Every healing I've
heard a Third Wave person (talk about) can't be verified."
One of the core differences between these movements and mainstream Christianity is
that most Christian denominations teach that miracles stopped with the original
apostles of Jesus, while the Third Wave/Word of Faith teach that miracles and
supernatural gifts continue today, Wolf said.
He said Johnson mocks the word of God with his conversational, comedic preaching
style and believes the feel-good messages of prosperity and miracles are what keep
people coming.
"He preaches a seeker-friendly message," he said. "He says what they want to hear.
the savior."
Signs and wonders
When "angel feathers" first started to fall at Bethel Church, Bill Johnson
thought birds had nested in the air conditioning ducts, he said.
"Then it happened in a restaurant and all different places - on an
airplane," he said. "I
don't know, I don't teach it, it just happens."
Johnson said he bases his belief that the feathers are a sign from God on
a Bible verse that says, "there is healing in his wings," and he doesn't try
to explain it.
"I don't want to be able to explain everything," he said. "Then I'll have a
God that looks like me. That's not very impressive."
Bud Press, director of the Christian Research Service based in North
Carolina, devotes his time to researching claims made by Christians for
the purpose of debunking or confirming the claims. Bethel is part of the
Signs and Wonders movement, within the Word of Faith movement, he
said. Aside from claims of angel feathers, people in the movement say
diamonds and gold dust show up at church and in their homes, he said.
Press said he contacted many church leaders, including Johnson, who
claimed to have angel feathers, asking them to send some for a study.
Most ignored him but one obliged and sent a package containing a few
feathers, which Press said he took to
ornithologists, scientists who study birds.
David H. Ellis, an ornithologist and chairman of the Union for the
Conservation of Raptors' Science Advisory Board, was one such scientist.
In his responding statement, dated Nov. 12, 2008, Ellis wrote: "The
feathers you sent me are very obviously like normal bird feathers, and
there is nothing about them to suggest they are other than bird."
Press said there is nothing in the Bible to back up the claims of angel
feathers but there are a host of other explanations.
"Birds shed feathers all the time, even in flight," he said. "It's nothing to
see a feather floating down from a building or something like that. But if
you're caught up in the deception and went to church last night and they
talked about feathers falling from heaven ... immediately you're going to
think it's a feather from heaven."
Press said he believes the signs and wonders movement is spiritually
dangerous and cited Bible passages that warn against it.
On his Web site, Press links to the story of a Washington man who was
caught and later admitted to planting gemstones in an Arizona Vineyard
church, claiming they were put there by God.
"Jesus himself warned that a corrupt generation, a deceptive generation,
seeks after signs and wonders," he said. "Because individuals have been
caught red-handed spreading around not only angel feathers but diamonds,
precious gems, gold dust from heaven and all of that, it's very clearly
Making Bethel home
Mary and Mark Morin moved their family to Redding from Colorado Springs,
Colo., to go to Bethel Church, but not without reservations.
Bethel is well known for its connection with the Toronto Airport
Christian Fellowship (TACF) and the Vineyard churches, but both
churches are controversial flash points in charismatic Christianity,
Mary Morin, 51, said.
The TACF was one of the Association of Vineyard Churches, which is part of
the Third Wave movement, until the Toronto Blessing revival in 1994. The
strange behavior exhibited by those experiencing "the anointing of God"
caused a rift between the Vineyard churches and TACF.
The Morins weren't sure what to think of Bethel's association with the two
groups because they believed in God's supernatural powers but thought
certain aspects of the movement might be too extreme for them.
"But they're the main ones seeing signs and wonders so it was always
sort of a love- hate thing," she said. "Do we want to throw in our lot? This
thing looks awful weird. ... But we're desperate."
The Morins attended New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo., while Ted
Haggard was pastor and endured several years of drama after the pastor
admitted to a homosexual affair and a gunman later opened fire outside
the church as Sunday services were wrapping up.
When Mark Morin, 59, became sick with alkalosis in early 2008 after
unintentionally overdosing on alkaline drops for a year, he and his son
decided to drive to Bethel so he could be healed, he said.
Alkalosis is a condition where the body has too much alkali, which can
cause muscle spasms, twitching, numbness, difficulty breathing and, in
extreme cases, can lead to a coma. Mark Morin said he would put the
drops in his green tea every day because he thought it would purify the
drink and prevent levels of acid within his body from getting too high.
While he wasn't healed on the trip, what the Morins found instead was a
strength in the presence of God unlike they'd found anywhere else, Mark
Morin said.
Since they started attending Bethel, their children have experienced
prophetic gifts and holy laughter, he said.
"I believe with all my heart God wanted us to come to Bethel," he said. "We
were happy, we were in our dream house and we had a successful business.
God used alkaline drops that I misused to get me to Bethel."
Responding with love
Bethel's mission is to change society by being a blessing to Redding, bringing
prosperity, healing and God's supernatural powers to Earth "as it is in
heaven," Johnson said.
He's heard it all. He's heard people say Bethel is a cult, that he's a false
prophet and that he tries to model after healing evangelist Benny Hinn.
"I don't have a high value for how I'm labeled by somebody
else," he said.
People come to Bethel because they're desperate for something real and
the passion sometimes scares people, he said. But at the end of the day,
all that matters to him is that he was honest to his heart, he said.
"There's too many people to touch in this world," he said. "Why shoot at
each other?" Reporter Amanda Winters can be reached at 225-8372 or
As Lair closed his eyes and bowed his head, the two older women stood on either
side of him and began to pray quietly, tapping him on the chest and back. They
motioned for another woman, one with a ram's horn known as a shofar, to come
to where they stood. She began to blow the shofar at Lair's feet and in moments
he fell to the ground, shaking.
Healing Rooms
Every Saturday morning from 9 to 10:30 a.m., two large rooms in Bethel
Church are transformed into the Healing Rooms Ministry; a place where people
can come and receive prayer for any kind of ailment.
Randy Castle, who was acting director that Saturday, said the healing rooms
generally see 100 or so visitors - and up to 300 on a busy weekend.
Four teams with about 70 people each work the Healing Rooms. Many pray over
visitors, commanding the body to be healed, speak in tongues and invite the
presence of the Holy Spirit through impartation, or laying on of hands. Others,
Castle said, play worship music in the "Encounter Room" where people can go bask
in the presence of God.
Music performed in the Encounter Room made its way through the Healing Room
speakers, repeating "God is good, God is good, God is good," while worshippers
prayed, danced, laughed, cried, fell down and lay on the floor under what they say is
the power of God. According to
Bethel leadership, this is the room where people are cured of cancer, broken
bones, chronic pain, multiple sclerosis and a host of other diseases.
Supporters of the supernatural
Adam Short, a 28-year-old from North Carolina, runs
where he posts stories of miraculous healings from the Healing Rooms and
Short is a third-year intern at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM)
and said he has received words of knowledge and signs from God leading him to
people who needed to be healed.
During an April 2008 mission trip to Mexico with Bethel, Short said he noticed a
man with a full leg cast.
"There was a thought that came to my mind, which I believe was God, and said,
'This man will walk out of here healed,' " he said.
Short said he prayed for the man and the man said the painful bone spur under the
cast had dissolved. Short then prayed for the man's tunnel vision to be healed and it
was, he said. During the prayers, he made declarations, he said.
"In this case we command the eyes to line up according to heaven," he said. "We're
commanding those eyes to come back into alignment as to the purpose that God
made for them because God made eyes to see, not to be confined to a tunnel."
Short said his goal for the Web site is for people to be encouraged by the good
In an Oct. 19, 2008, sermon, Johnson shared a story about a former BSSM student
who moved to Washington State and started a ministry called the Dead Raising
"DRT," he repeated the acronym dramatically at several points during the story.
In a video of the sermon, Johnson said the team got approval from Mason County
to be listed along with other county services and had been given badges so they
can go behind police lines if there's an accident or fatality. Johnson told the
audience, who erupted in shouts of "come on, Jesus" and cheers, that there had
been one resurrection so far.
Marty Best, manager of the Mason County Department of Emergency Management,
said he met the Dead Raising Team and suggested they become volunteers for his
department so they could have access to emergency situations.
"Our mandate is to protect life, property and environment," he said. "If a person
is raised by a defibrillator and adrenaline or by prayer they still return to their
loved ones."
Best said the team must first get the permission of the unit commander before
they can start praying over a fatality and they can never impose it on anyone.
In contrast to what Johnson said, the DRT is not included in the services listed on
the Mason County Web sited. Nor have there been any resurrections, Best said.
"Not yet," he added.
Johnson said the resurrection he mentioned in his sermon was from a DRT report
and that he never said it had happened behind police lines.
SkepDoc weighs in
Harriet Hall, a retired family physician and former Air Force flight surgeon, writes
a column in "Skeptic" magazine and "O," The Oprah Magazine, on topics
including science, alternative medicine and what she calls "quackery."
"When faith healings have been diligently investigated by qualified doctors, they
have found no evidence that the patients were actually helped," said Hall, who also
writes under the name "SkepDoc."
After Hall took a look at the healing testimonies posted on Bethel's Web site specifically addressing the testimony of the woman healed of brain cancer - she
had a host of questions.
"Where are the medical reports? Where are the X-rays? Why was this case not
written up in a medical journal? What happened to the patient afterwards?" she
said in an e-mail.
Hall said the Journal of the American Medical Association formerly featured a
testimony of a patient who was cured of cancer on one page with the patient's death
certificate printed on the opposite page, showing that the patient had died of cancer
shortly after providing the testimony.
Faith healings, Hall said, are never properly documented or investigated because
the people involved want and need to believe. Without evidence, the claims ring
hollow, she said.
"If you challenge the pastor to participate in a formal study to establish that these
healings are really occurring, you will get lots of rationalizations and backpedaling
with no understanding of how science can go about testing for the truth of a
claim," she said. "They have no interest in finding out if the healing is 'real' because
they already 'know' it is real for them."
Indeed, Johnson said he has no interest in proving anything to anybody.
Hall closed her e-mail with a warning: "Faith healing can be deadly when
patients are led to believe they don't need conventional medical treatment."
Waking up
Back in the Healing Room, Jonathan Lair lay peacefully on the floor, covered in a
dark green blanket, while the three women continued to pray over him and blow
the shofar at his feet. At one point he got up and hopped up and down in the
middle of the room where people were painting pictures on easels, before lying
back down again. Eventually, one by one, they walked away and left him lying still
on the floor.
Lair slowly sat up 10 minutes later and looked around. He looked at his feet,
then stood up. He said he had expected bones to crack and form an arch but his
feet were still flat. "I look at them, and they don't look healed," he said.
But his faith was not shaken, he said, because he felt so loved and maybe the
physical healing was secondary to the spiritual experience he had.
And he still believes that, someday, God will heal his feet.
Reporter Amanda Winters can be reached at 225-8372 or
2010 Scripps Newspaper Group Online
Comments by others on
Bethel is no different than all other forms of religion - all about brainwashing....and money. From the begining of organized religion they have all
been corrupt. Bethel is worse than Mormans at your door though as they
approach you in public and "pray" for you...crazy crazy crazy crazy...oh well,
as long as it doesn't impact me, I don't care...just don't "pray" for me!
I have fond memories of Bethel back when Ray Larson was the pastor there. I
attended the old Bethel that use to be on Bechelli, and I was a little girl when
it switched to its new location. It's sad what happened to Ray and his family.
Larson's wife, Becky, was a very on fire for God Christian; she is with the Lord
now. Anyhow, I will always hold a special spot for the old Bethel in my heart.
It absolutely amazes me that the Record Searchlight can spend this much
space lauding the accolades of Bethel Church, yet we see little to nothing
about state and national political issues. This article reads like a paid
recruiting advertisement for Bethel Church. I wonder if St. Joseph's, Our
Lady of Mercy, Little Country Church and ALL the other local churches were
to demand equal coverage - would they get this much attention.
This article is WAAAAAY overboard - and makes me wonder if the reporter or
the editor(s)at RS are church members. I guarantee you that spouting
religious commentary
- like the "prayer for Redding" at the end of the article - is going to turn
off LOTS of readers - and this paper can ill afford that to happen.
Religion and undying faith (not to mention donations) in some selfproclaimed leader is for the weak willed - ever wonder why church
leaders are called "shepherds" and their congregations "flocks" - like
sheep, these people are susceptible to mind manipulative suggestion,
and will follow along and do anything their leader does or tells them to
Bill Johnson is
in danger
All I know is I awoke this morning with the words: Bill
Johnson is in danger. He is in danger because he
supernaturally fathered Todd Bentley by being a
chief apologist for him as well as a catalyst for the commissioning
ceremony of
June 23rd at Lakeland.
Johnson was responsible for this travesty because he relied upon Bob Jones
false prophecies and demonic visions about Bentley, number one, and
number two, Bill Johnson decreed that Bentley needed to be
commissioned by people as a REACTION to the criticism and Berean
stance that many charismatics, myself included, had with Todd Bentleys
Emma angel, etc.
Bill Johnson has said that he made phone calls to Bob Jones, Peter Wagner
and Che Ahn in order to counteract the criticisms of Todd Bentley at
Lakeland and then, using specious reasoning, divined that the right thing to
do would be a public commissioning ceremony that Johnson somehow
thought would stop the discernment and criticism of Bentley.
Normal charismatics or Christians cannot understand this sort of
reasoning. Johnson wanted a show of force on the stage at
Lakeland for Todd Bentley. He got it.
But then every one of the men and women there were shown to be
foolish and false for attending and going surety for a stranger
by sticking their neck out for Todd Bentley, who was in sin with
his mistress at the time.
This is the subtle aggression of the NAR. It flared up in Johnson last
year when someone challenged him about Bentley and Johnson
basically told that person to jump in a lake.
Rick Joyners recent public blackmail of Lee Grady is another show
of force by these NAR apostles.
This desire for a show of force or power in the natural is because
of a number of factors for those infected with the false teachings
of the NAR.
You see, God cannot answer the prayers of people who think THEY
are alligning the heavenlies. God cannot answer the prayers of
people who cavort with or try to get information out of demons.
God is a jealous God, and when He moves, He always confirms it
and always gets the glory! The NAR think they are so special and
elite, they dont realize they are trying to steal Gods glory for
so what happens is God doesnt answer their prayers. He allows
them to make utter fools of themselves, as happened at the June
23rd commissioning ceremony of Todd Bentley. But there is a
deeper even more problematic issue for those of the NAR who
follow false teachings of Hamon/Joyner/Jones/Wagner
Since God cannot answer their prayers, they inculcate a spirit of
I had no idea about the NAR myself four years ago when the big prophet
Bob Jones had a word for Doug Addison and his minstry.
Bob Jones word for Doug Addision was Satan is going to kill you if you stay
in Los Angeles. A few disputed this at the time Jones record of prophesy
has always been spotty and false but the fear mongering about this word
caused Doug Addison to quickly pack it up and high-tail-it out to you
guessed it North Carolina and the weird house called Morovian Falls
where Joyner had some of his visions with Paul Cain and Bob Jones.
This is the same little place that one of Rick Joyners former followers wrote
about how disappointed she had been when she finally saw this little place
and could not believe all the hype surrounding it.
Anyway, Bob Jones effectively took out Doug Addisons ministry in L.A.
Im no fan of TBN but i remember the Arthur Blessit guy saying that at the
begnning of the time when he started to carry that huge wood cross
around the world, a number of doctors told him he was going to die, and
should not go on the trip. He ignored them. Similarly, why would Doug
Addison heed Bob Jones word?
Somehow this is related to Bill Johnson heeding Bob Jones word about him
being sick. I think Johnson is in grave danger for failing to recognize he is
basically allowing a prophecy from the Antichrist. Or at least, the AntiChrists
False Prophet in the person of Bob Jones.
Dear Bill Johnson:
How many of Bob Jones prophetic words even in the last year about
Lakeland have now proven to be false? Bill dont you realize how dangerous
it is to listen to and agree with false prophets like Bob Jones? I pray you
repent and shake off the dust on all this false teaching and witchy false
Also, Bill, did you swear any blood-oaths with any of the NAR? We
need to know what was done in secret between all these Wagner
Apostles so we can do as Jesus instructed and shout it from the
rooftops Jesus did nothing in secret, as you might recall, Mr.
Johnson. Be careful, Bill Johnson. God sends the delusion on those
who no longer tremble at His Word
Comment by AriseMyLove | April 11, 2009
Apostolic Re
that remain undefined. By such feelings people like the Dalai Lama feel
close to God. But are they?
Johnson Goes Off the Map by Teaching a False Christology
Bill Johnson embraces a doctrine that teaches that during His earthly
ministry Jesus operated only as a man and not God. Johnson claims that
Christ laid aside His divinity. Johnson says, He performed miracles,
wonders, and signs, as a man in right relationship to God . . . . not as God.
If He performed miracles because He was God, then they would be
unattainable for us (Johnson: 29; emphasis and ellipses in original).
Johnsons theology requires that Christians do greater miracles than Jesus.
If Jesus divinity had any influence on His mighty works, then we might
think we could not do the same (and rightly so). So Johnson embraces
what is often called the kenosis heresythat Jesus laid aside His divine
nature. He writes elsewhere: He laid his divinity aside as He sought to
fulfill the assignment given to Him by the Father . . . (Johnson: 79).
Johnsons priority that believers must be able to do signs and wonders
causes him to make many statements that blur the distinction between us
and Christ and thereby diminish the uniqueness of Christ: For us to
become all that God intended, we must remember that Jesus life was a
model of what mankind could become if it were in right relationship with
the Father. (Johnson: 138). On the contrary, the Biblical writers claimed
that Christ was the Creator (see John 1:3; Hebrews 1:2). Jesus was
affirmed to be the unique divine son (Mark 9:7) by a voice from heaven.
Jesus deity was affirmed many places in the gospels. The gospel writers
used Jesus mighty works to prove His deity. If Johnson is right and Jesus
had laid aside His deity, then the mighty works prove only that Jesus
learned what anyone
could learn if he had the right faith and relationship to God. The claims of
the gospels thereby become moot. Jesus is no longer unique, but only a
special enlightened one who could lead the way to many such enlightened
ones in the future. Thus we have a New Age Christ rather than the Biblical
If Johnson is correct and we can do greater works than Jesus (based on his
misinterpretation of John 14:12; Johnson: 136), then whoever did greater
works would have even greater reason to make himself the object of
someones faith and worship.[4] The apologetic that points to Jesus life
and miracles as proof of His deity would become worthless because others
could do the same.
The kenosis doctrine is based on a misuse of Philippians 2:7 where Paul
says that Jesus emptied Himself. False teachers claim that Jesus emptied
Himself of deity and became only a man during the Incarnation. This claim
is tantamount to the outright denial of Christs deity. This important issue
is missed on people like Johnson, who attack the validity of Christian
that Jesus did empty Himself of? The answer is not divinity, which is eternal
and cannot be compromised, but divine prerogatives. Pauls point was
about Christs humility that we should emulate, not His ontological status
as God. Sproul explains:
I think the context of Philippians 2 makes it very clear that what he
emptied himself of was not his deity, not his divine attributes, but his
prerogatives his glory and his privileges. He willingly cloaked his glory
under the veil of this human nature that he took upon himself. Its not
that the divine nature stops being divine in order to become human. In the
Transfiguration, for example (Matthew 17:1-13), we see the invisible
divine nature break through and become visible, and Jesus is transfigured
before the eyes of his disciples.[7]
The true doctrine of Christ is that in the Incarnation He took upon Himself
humanity, not that he laid aside deity. The Incarnate Christ is fully human
and fully God. In theology this is called the hypostatic union. Johnson
claims that the Holy Spirit has led him off the map. I agree that Johnson
is indeed off the map. The map for Christians is Holy Spirit-inspired
Scripture. Our doctrine is to come from the Bible (2Timothy 3:16). The
map draws out boundaries and when we cross those boundaries we are
not merely lost, we are in ungodly error. The Holy Spirit does not lead
Gods people off the map that He has given us, once for all.
So Johnson gives us a double whammy. First, he warns against scholarship
and scholarly Bible study under pains of becoming spiritually dead. Then he
introduces heresy that his followers have no means to discern because they
have been scared away from the necessary tools for discernment. This is
how entire movements depart from Christian orthodoxy and are plunged
into theological ruin. The kenosis heresy is a damnable heresy and is as
egregious as the Arian heresy, which still has life in modern times through
the Jehovahs Witnesses. Christological heresy is not an aid to the working
of the Holy Spirit as Johnson claims, but it grieves the Holy Spirit.
Likely Johnsons thousands of followers have no idea they are being led
into rank heresy. They come for the signs and wonders in the hope that
they will do greater miracles than Jesus. They are mesmerized by the
claims that they shall be part of an Elijah generation that will defeat evil on
the earth before the return of Christ. Very few will ever realize that the
doctrine of Christ they are taught departs from the teaching of the church
that has been embraced by nearly every Christian group for centuries.
It could be argued that the definition of Chalcedon is unbiblical (which it is
not). But the burden of proof lies with those who would deny it. One cannot
lightly reject the doctrine of Christ that has held sway for centuries. To do
would require extensive theological work and Biblical argument designed to
persuade conservative Christian scholars. One cannot go into such an
undertaking lightly. But Johnson does, glibly denying the deity of Christ for
no better reason than he thinks that doing so will likely make it easier for
Christians to think they can do greater miracles than Jesus. He doesnt
offer any scholarly proof that his kenosis doctrine is Biblical. Why should
anyone take him seriously? Sadly, thousands do.
Signs and Wonders Theory
More important than anything else, for Johnson and followers, is the
presence of signs and wondersthe more the better. The reason for this is
that they are a necessary prerequisite for the hoped for end-time revival
that will be initiated by an Elijah generation of elite Christians. Says
Johnson, Our mandate is simple: raise up a generation that can openly
display the raw power of God (Johnson 27, 28). Having such power is
what he calls an authentic gospel because powerlessness is inexcusable
(Johnson: 27). We are the problem, he claims, because God wants to do
miracles but He cannot because of our bad thinking. Miracles await the
coming of a generation of enlightened ones who will know the secret. Thus
we have a New Age definition of miracles.[8]
To show that in Johnsons theology the supernatural is something that can
be learned and mastered by man (thus robbing it of valid supernatural
status), we see that he has a school of the supernatural. It is called the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.[9] Once the supernatural can be
mastered by learnable and reproducible processes, it is no longer
supernatural, but natural. Thus in the New Age we have A Course in
Miracles. In such thinking, there is nothing truly supernatural because all
of nature is infused with God (panentheism). Given his distaste for
scholarship, Johnson likely does not see the implications of his school of
the supernatural.
If there is a process to be learned or a religious state to be achieved
whereby miracles can be produced by humans at will, such miracles
become natural events. Johnson claims, The purpose of the anointing is to
make the supernatural natural (Johnson 133). This sounds like the
opening of a whole new world, but it involves bringing the concept of
supernatural into a panentheistic world view rather than a Biblical one.
The Biblical concept of supernatural requires a theistic view of the universe
in which the transcendent God of the Bible created the world out of
nothing, but stays involved in His creation providentially. God can and does
intervene in human affairs. The work of Christ is truly supernatural. Christ
was not some enlightened One who learned and shared secrets that would
work for anyone else with the same level of enlightenment. That view of
Christ is that of the New Age. Christs works were truly supernatural
because the Creator of the universe was on the scene of history and
proved His true identity.
If the supernatural becomes natural, as Johnson claims, through those
kingdoms during Jesus temptation as proof that Satan, not God, had the
keys of authority to the earth (Johnson: 32). Jesus got them back and
gave them to the church (Johnson 32). Proof that we have regained the
that Adam supposedly lost is to be found in achieving the attributes
promoted by Word of Faith teachers: In Adam and Eves commission to
subdue the earth, they were without sickness, poverty, and sin. Now that
we are restored to His original purpose, should we expect anything less?
(Johnson: 33).
Johnson interprets the Lords Prayer, which is primarily a prayer for the
return on Christ, in terms of his kingdom now theology: This is the
primary purpose for all prayerif it exists in heaven, it is to be loosed on
earth (Johnson: 59). This means that if we do not have problem free lives,
we are lacking faith, praying wrongly, or failing to understand our role as
having dominion. Johnson explains: Such an invasion causes the
circumstances here to line up with heaven (Johnson: 59). This invasion is
in the title of his book.
Johnsons over-realized eschatology sees the sensibilities of many
Christians, informed as they are from the Bible, to be a problem that will
stop revival: The second greatest reason for revivals end [behind
quenching the spirit interpreted as any questioning of bizarre
manifestations] is when the Church begins to look for the return of the Lord
instead of pursuing a greater breakthrough in the Great Commission
(Johnson: 161). Earlier Johnson had interpreted the Great Commission in
terms of his dominion theology (Johnson: 32). Those who correctly
understand the Lords Prayer become the problem people who stop revival.
Longing for the Lords return is discouraged. Eschatology of the soon return
of Christ is replaced with eschatology of dominion, kingdom now, that sees
the concept maranatha
as a threat to revival.
A Deluge of Error
The rejection of scholarship and careful exegesis, in Johnsons case, leads
where it always does: to diverse theological errors. There are many that
would take too long to cover in detail but need to be addressed. I shall do
so briefly in this section.
Gnosticism was an ancient heresy that claimed that the material realm was
evil and the spiritual realm good. Johnson states, Faith is the key to
discovering the superior nature of the invisible realm (Johnson: 43). The
truth is that both realms, visible and invisible contain both good and evil.
Both are created by God, and neither is innately superior. When the Bible
speaks of things not seen, it includes things like the fulfillment of future
End Notes:
[1] Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth A Practical Guide to a Life
of Miracles, (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2003) 150. All subsequent
citations from this book will be bracketed within my text.
[2] See Critical Issues Commentary issue 103 for a discussion of latter day
apostles, the Latter Rain movement and their false understanding of an
Elijah Company that will appear to defeat Gods enemies.
{3] See Critical Issues Commentary issue 16 for a full discussion of 2
Corinthians 3:6 and its common misuse in the church.
[4] See Critical Issues Commentary issue 65 for contextual and exegetical
analysis that disproves this misinterpretation of John 14:12.
[5] This definition can be read here:
[6] R C Sproul: How Could Jesus be Both Divine and Human.
[7] Ibid.
[8] See Critical Issues Commentary issue 23, New Age Miracles.
[9] See .
[10] See Critical Issues Commentary issue 63, Antichrists and The
[11] See Critical Issues Commentary Issue 101, How Pietism Deceives
See also:
Pat King The Third Wave Sorceress
The gospel of health and wealth according to Todd Bentley.:
Todd The Demon From Hell
Todd Bentley a savage wolf in sheep's clothing
Kenneth Copeland Ministries Lies Again
Arnott explains his experience in seeking the Benny Hinn
anointing: ``I'd probably had Benny pray for me 50 times,
trying to give me what he had [John hadn't received the
anointing until November `93). "
OPERA OF 2010?
Christian protection racket
Wealth Transfer Theology Is Demonic
Rodney the Fleecer
Bob Jones and Friends are Dangerous
False Holy Spirit Conference
Laughing Clark
Todd Bentley is a savage wolf in sheep's clothing
Todd Bentley, the Canadian criminally convicted homosexual
pedophile is alive
Todd Bentley John Arnott False Prophesy and Prayer
Todd Bentley: Lakeland Liar interviewed on ABC Night line
Signs, Wonders & Miracles
The Pathetic Prophetic Movement
Solution financial problems
Personal Freedom
Todds Lies
Patricia King the Sorceress tweets ATTN CANADA: Unite for
Randy & Paula White Parasites Pimps &
Strang goes strange company book branch sues Benny Hinn
| Bene Diction Blogs :