Billy Graham
Billy Graham
Billy Graham
The association said that while the crusade phase of his evangelistic ministry may be over, Graham still finds plenty to do. He participated in the recent groundbreaking and dedication ceremonies at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association headquarters in his hometown of Charlotte and still serves as a chairman of the association's board, attending meetings as his health permits. The Grahams offered their old home as a shelter to a family from New Orleans who was left homeless after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. Graham also has been working on a book and "determining the best use of his remaining years," the release said. Graham suffers from fluid on the brain, prostate cancer and Parkinson's disease. He uses a walker due to a pelvic fracture and is largely confined to his home. His wife, Ruth Bell Graham, 85, was hospitalized several times in 2002 for health problems, including pneumonia, and remains in ill health.
endorsement of her possible presidential run. When Bill and Hillary Clinton joined Graham on stage Saturday night, the elderly evangelist told the crowd of 80,000: "They're a great couple. I told an audience that I felt when he left the presidency he should be an evangelist because he has all the gifts and he could leave his wife to run the country." Franklin Graham, who heads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, responded to concerned e-mailers and letter-writers with a statement saying, "My father, of course, was joking." "For a long time," Franklin Graham wrote, "my father has refrained from endorsing political candidates and he certainly did not intend for his comments to be an endorsement for Senator Hillary Clinton. While his political views, as well as mine, are quite different than the Clintons, they remain good friends." Franklin Graham also wrote that while Bill Clinton has the charisma, personality and communication skills to preach, "... an evangelist has to have the call of God, which President Clinton obviously does not have, and my father understands that." That not to say that politicians, or other high profile public figures, never say sorry. The US evangelist, Rev Billy Graham, really had no choice when 30-year-old tape recordings of his White House conversations with Richard Nixon were released last year and revealed blatant anti-semitism. He complained that Jews had a "stranglehold" on America and said that a second Nixon administration "might be able to do something" about it. He soon apologised, saying that "racial prejudice, anti-semitism or hatred of anyone with different beliefs" had no place in the human mind or heart. (Guardian Unlimited Monday September 29, 2003)
Rev. Billy Graham, in a transcript of an Oval Office conversation with Richard Nixon from 1972 recently made public by the National Archives. Quoted in Firestone's March 17 story and elsewhere. (Click here to read Graham's apology, and here to read Slate's David Greenberg on Graham's remarks.)
Accountability after Ned replaced the board members with his sister Ruth Graham McIntyre, brother-in-law Stephan Tchividjian, and business leader Peter Lowe. Graham's sister Gigi Tchividjian has joined the office staff and Ned Graham continues as East Gates president. The ECFA the self-policing organization Billy Graham helped start requires that a majority of board members not be related by blood or marriage, which is no longer the case for East Gates. Nepotism is alive and well in Evangelical ministries? A December East Gates fund-raising letter included a note from his father saying that "Ruth and I are proud of and grateful to God for our son Ned." East Gates has distributed 2 million Bibles to Christians in China, Billy Graham said, encouraging Christians to "back this unique and effective ministry." It is interesting to see the most famous "evangelist" (some say) not being able to educate his children, especially Ned. At the same time, having a bunch of so-called Christians following the leadership of such wreckless person. Franklin Graham wears jeans, boots, denim shirt, and leather jacket. He was a teen rebel who drank, smoked, fought, and led police on high-speed chases. He was kicked out of LeTourneau College. He used to be a rebel and a 'bum' got religion and become more sophisticated and formed "the Samaritan's Purse' so that he can fly around the country and charge things to his non-profit corporation. As a result his ministry, Samaritan's Purse, had a run-in with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. The ECFA suspended Samaritan's Purse while it looked into Franklin's (Graham) compensation and use of the company plane. Although Billy Graham encourages religious leaders to be open about their salaries and publish their finances none of the Grahams reveal their total compensation nor release their personal income tax as President Bush does and former President Clinton has done. It's the law of the land that all non profit chairman of corporations must reveal their total salary and that Billy, Ned and Franklin do not to their donors speak volumes of their hypocrisy? Yes, Jesus told us to beware of hypocrites like Dr. Billy Graham. Editors Note - Barbara Webb nor Billy Graham Evangelistic Organization did not reply about Billy Graham's salary nor other matters stated.
Three times Pike was picked up by San Francisco police while he was wandering around in a drunken, confused state late at night. He spent four years in intensive psychoanalysis. Pike was twice divorced, thrice married, and had at least three mistresses. One of his mistresses committed suicide; one of his daughters attempted suicide. His eldest son committed suicide in 1966 at age 20 (associated with his homosexuality), and Pike got deeply involved in the occult in an attempt to communicate with the deceased. Three years later Pike died from a 70-foot fall in a remote canyon in the Israeli desert near the Dead Sea. His maggot infested body was found five days later. The 56-year-old theologian had gotten lost in the desert while on an extended honeymoon with his 31-year-old third wife. A biography about Pike noted that "never before in the history of the Episcopal Church had a Solemn Requiem Mass been offered for a bishop in the presence of three surviving wives" (The Death and Life of Bishop Pike, p. 202). JOHN WARWICK MONTGOMERY is Professor of Law and Humanities at the University of Luton, England, and Director of its Human Rights Centre. He annually conducts the University's International Seminar in Jurisprudence and Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. Professor Montgomery holds eight earned degrees besides, the LL.B.: the A.B. with distinction in Philosophy (Cornell University; Phi Beta Kappa), B.L.S. and M.A. (University of California at Berkeley), B.D. and S.T.M. (Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio), M. Phil. in Law (University of Essex, England), Ph.D. (University of Chicago), and the Doctorat d'Universite from Strasbourg, France. Before moving to the United Kingdom, he served on the faculty of the University of Chicago and was Chairman of the Department of History at Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada. Dr. Montgomery is author of over one hundred scholarly journal articles and more than forty books in English, French, Spanish and German. He is internationally regarded both as a theologian (his debates with the late Bishop James Pike, death-of-God advocate Thomas Altizer, and situation-ethicist Joseph Fletcher are historic) and as a lawyer (barrister-at-law of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn, England; member of the California, Virginia, Washington State, and District of Columbia Bars and the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States). He is one of only six persons to have received the Diploma of the International Institute of Human Rights cum laude, and was the Institute's Director of Studies from 1979 to 1981. NOW COMPARE HOW JOHN W MONTGOMERY HANDLED A FALSE PROPHET SUCH AS BISHOP PIKE VERSUS BILLY GRAHAM. John W. Montgomery actions with Bishop Pike were different as seen from the book " The Strader Affair." Chapter 21 "For False Christ's And False Prophets Will Rise "For false Christ's and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. (Matthew 24:24) In the early Seventies, during the "God is dead" movement, Dr. John W. Montgomery came into prominence. He was and is a renowned Biblical scholar
with numerous degrees and an obvious brilliant mind, and a "who's who" in America at that time. He was invited to openly debate Bishop Pike, on a Chicago University Campus, which was televised. He literally tore the Bishop's theology apart. Ironically, later on Bishop Pike died on a trip to a desert where he actually got lost. Amazing! Dr. Montgomery, a brilliant Christian man of unusual intelligence and knowledge of the Bible, matched by few in our lifetime, was vicious and even to the point of cruel, when he debated Bishop Pike in an open forum. Later, Montgomery was credited with founding Noah's ark in Turkey and wrote a book about his exploits. His critics were upset and protested at how he destroyed Bishop Pike during the debate. Even though God's word states that they should be destroyed: He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked. Isaiah 11:4 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 Peter 2:1 I was to have the privilege of meeting Dr. John Montgomery when he came to our university for a week of Evangelism. It was sponsored by the university's InterVarsity Christian Fellowship club where I was on the executive committee. I personally asked John the following question, "As a Christian how could you do what you did to Bishop Pike?" He answered, "Easily, and I would gladly do it again to anyone who was a false prophet and had hurt and deceived so many people." Well, these are my sentiments exactly about deceived Jim Bakker, Henry J. Lyons and Billy Graham who called themselves--a Man of God. A real Man of God doesn't lie, steal, is not cowardly or fearful, because he is truthful, bold and full of courage. These things are done by those who belong to the other family and not to God's family. Those who walk in the flesh will demonstrate the works of the flesh adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like. Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God even if their name is Ned Graham. Modernists and apostates with whom Billy Graham has fellowshipped, and used in his crusades: Henry Van Dusen Union Theological Seminary Bishop James Pike, episcopal bishop John Sutherland Bonnell Robert McCracken, Minister of Riverside Church, New York Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Fred Townley Lord, British Methodist Dr. Bertram Simpson, Bishop of Southwark Dr. E.A. Payne, General Secretary of British Baptist Union Bishop Gerald Kennedy, Methodist Dr. Jesse Baird
Dr. Stanley E. Jones Dr. Martin Luther King, Modernist in theology. The Lord Jesus said, 'If ye love Me, keep My commandments'. (John 14:15). God has said, 'To the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them'. (Isa 8:20). We ask every reader to study the following Scriptures and then compare their commands to the practices of Dr. Billy Graham. Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Corinthians 6:14-18 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. 2 John 1:9-11 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. 2 Thessalonians 3:6 Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us. Hosea 4:17 Ephraim is joined to idols: let him alone. 2 Peter 2:1-2 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 1 Timothy 6:3-5 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. Romans 16:17
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Matthew 7:15-16 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 2 Chronicles 19:2 And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD. THESE ARE THE COMMANDS OF GOD!
My health is excellent!''
Rev Billy Graham hosted a 4 day crusade in St. Louis, MO from Oct 14-17, 1999. During his stay, he gave numerous interviews. When asked about the state of his health, he replied, "My health is excellent. I have a few age-related problems such as Parkinson's Disease, prostate problems, high blood pressure and various problems that come with age. My wife, on the other hand, has a serious health problem since she broke her hip." Everyone is pleased to hear of Rev. Graham's "excellent health." I suspect his claim to "excellent health" was a show of personal courage. Unfortunately he misled the public in its perception of Parkinson's Disease portraying it as a benign disease of the elderly. Hasn't he heard of Michael J. Fox and the fact that there are significant numbers of people who are diagnosed with Parkinson's before age 50? While no one would expect him to turn his interview into a Parkinson's fund raiser, he could have asked the audience/congregation to pray for those who suffer from devastating, incurable diseases. It was a missed opportunity to encourage christians to be aware of the needs of the sick in their communities and to support funding of medical research. NOTE - TWO RELATED ITEMS: 1. Rev. Graham's wife's disability is a reminder that even those who today have a caregiver/spouse, they are vulnerable to losing that vital support at any time. Most Parkinson's literature, educational seminars and community support programs assume all or most Parkinson's patients have willing and able caregivers. The unique needs of widowed, divorced, single, or patients whose partners are also in poor health, are seldom addressed. 2. Rev. Graham's "excellent health", despite his Parkinson's, bears further investigation. Perhaps he could be persuaded to share "his secrets.
twice on Sunday growing up. It is still hard for me, a classic backslidden agnostic, to utter the words Billy Graham is an anti-semitic hypocrite out loud, even though I feel this strongly in my heart. I drive to my store in Asheville, NC, on the part of I-240 proudly named Billy Graham Parkway. They didn't even wait for him to die, since the politicos and fans-of-Graham were confident that this man was beyond the taint of scandal. But the tapes don't lie, and Billy Graham did say those awful things about Jews, and he really did suggest a war strategy that would have guaranteed the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese. I suggest that the Graham parkway be changed to the Jim Bakker Parkway, since Graham was advocating war crimes while poor Jim was just a little greedy with the PTL club coffers. I'm sure that a great number of politicians whose names now grace the highways of America helped themselves to public funds now and then, so Bakker could fit right in. In fact, ever since I saw that classic documentary, The Eyes of Tammy Faye, I'm not sure that the Bakkers were so guilty, and that the other evangelists were not at least as materialistic. But the Reverend Graham's sin was more dangerous than simple stealing. He had the ear of a president, and apparently he was not just recommending that Dick learn all the verses to Just As I Am. This is not the first time that one of the Graham clan caused such an uproar with words of bigotry in the past few months. Billy's son Franklin was quoted in the weeks after September 11, calling the Islamic faith wicked, violent, and not of the same God. When I first read this, I remember thinking that the Reverend must have been horrified by his son's nasty words about one of the major religions of the world. Today, I'm not so sure that Frankie didn't learn this sort of prejudice while sitting on his own daddy's knee. I'm not here just to beat up on the Grahams or Christianity in particular, although I believe that everyone in the public eye deserves equal scrutiny in the press. What bothers me these days is the way that every American is getting categorized as a patriot or not a patriot, a good citizen or a bad one. If we speak against this war, or against this administration, we risk being labeled as unpatriotic. If one interprets our military actions and legislation such as the Patriot Act as undermining peace, justice, and freedom, one might be risking the ire of our elected officials. However, I demand that my government allows me to feel free to express my opinions, whether popular or not, without fear of harassment from the powers that be. Is Billy Graham a patriot? Was he a patriot back in the Nixon days, when he was advocating terrorist acts? If he had suggested bombing the World Trade Center instead of bombing dikes in Vietnam back in 1969, he would still be in prison. But which crime would have been more heinous? Certainly his actual idea would have caused more deaths, and more suffering. Who is really a patriot anyway? Do the flag-huggers love America more than the treehuggers? People should stop and think about the real meanings of the words that come from the mouths of leaders, and not just accept the official usages. Patriot, evil,
Christian, terrorist, enemy, us, them, a just war, are just a few that come to mind. Maybe the publicizing of the dark dichotomies of Billy Graham's mind could serve as a reminder that everyone and everything is complicated, and it is not the government's business to go around defining who is good and who is evil, who is patriotic and who is not. I believe that Jesus himself said Judge not, lest ye be judged. That's good advice for Attorney General Ashcroft, President Bush, Vice-President Cheney, and any stray thought policeman hanging around the U.S. government. Debra McCorkle is the mother of two aspiring feminists. She writes and rants in her spare time. She currently lives in North Carolina. Debra McCorkle encourages your comments:
Proverbs 14:2 says, "He who walks in his uprightness fears the Lord, but he who is perverse [i.e., ungodly] in his ways despises Him." In Just As I Am, Graham writes of President Bill Clinton, The previous day, President Clinton called and asked me to stop by the White House. We ended up spending much of the afternoon together, talking not only about the past and current events, but also about the Bible and what it says about God's plan for our lives. It was a warm fellowship with a man who has not always won the approval of his fellow Christians but who has in his heart a desire to serve God and do His will. (p. 656, entire paragraph quoted). No one who promotes the killing of unborn children, as Clinton did during his presidency (even partially born children), desires "to serve God and do His will" (Proverbs 17:11; 21:10)! Graham is a liar (on behalf of himself, and others, 1 John 2:4) . Even though Apostle Paul told Timothy in chapter 4:1-5 that the work of an evangelist was to rebuke, Billy Graham rebukes nobody including his friend and pal sexually immoral adulterous Bill Clinton: 4:1 I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 4:2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4:4 and they will turn their ears away from the
truth, and be turned aside to fables. 4:5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. 1 Timothy Dr. Billy Graham in his new book indicated that adulterous President Clinton made a big impression on him during the Oklahoma City bombing tragedy. He said: "Seldom have I seen anyone express so movingly and sincerely a genuine sense of compassion and sympathy to those who were hurting. I felt that he, not I, was the real pastor that day." Mr. Evangelical Graham went off the deep end and stated: President Bill Clinton would make a great evangelist, Billy Graham told U.S. News & World Report in a interview. Graham said he was impressed with Clinton's charisma and 'with some of the things he believes. ... From a biblical point of view, we should be headed in the direction of goodness and righteousness, away from crime and immorality,' Graham said, 'and towards one's neighbors who are in need. I'm encouraged by the emphasis President Clinton (a Southern Baptist) and Hillary are putting on that.' It's a fact that Christianity Today founded by Billy Graham did not report immediately on one of its own pastors Ollin Collins Senior Pastor of Harvest Baptist Church in Fort Worth, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's board chairman. A man who resigned amid sexual misconducts allegations when he was accused of having sexual relationships with two women who sought counseling. But it did report about the adultery of a black man and a National Baptist but not about the adultery of a white man and Southern Baptist. An adultery that was more hideous and gross because Collins raped unsuspecting trusting women, while Lyons adulterous relationships were consensual. It has been said that Lyons will go down in the history books as "Hugh Hefner of the New Testament." Now concerning the fallen hero, the church had suspended Pastor Collins with pay pending an investigation. He resigned from his board position one day after a story in the Fort Worth StarTelegram reported the women's allegations and their intent to sue. Southwestern is the world's largest evangelical seminary, with 3,000 students on eight campuses. But of course neither the Seminary nor the Church did anything for the real female victims but they did help and console the aggressor? Just like Billy Graham stated about Bill Clinton "I forgive him . . . because I know the frailty of human nature, and especially a strong, vigorous young man like he is. "He has such a tremendous personality that I think the ladies just go wild over him." In other words it was the fault of the victims not the victimizer? They are all hypocrites and thieves their lack of accountability by their CEO's proves it. They are nothing but crooks and con artists and their smooth words do not change this fact! Otherwise hypocritical Baptist leader who preach integrity to others would not hide their salaries but be honest and state the "total compensation" of their five top employees, including Billy and Franklin Graham! 2)Doesn't Rule His Own Household? 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; 3:3 not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous; 3:4 one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence. 1 Timothy
Billy Graham has raised up two sons Ned and Franklin who are as deceitful as their father. Ned Graham, the son of Billy Graham, Southern Baptist minister, president East Gates International, a group that distributes Bibles in China told Christianity Today in an interview that he had abused alcohol and spent an "inappropriate amount of time" with two women on his staff. Grace Community Church, Southern Baptist Convention, in Auburn, Washington--which counted Ned Graham, his wife, and their two sons as members established the fact that Ned Graham was an adulterer, alcoholic, wife abuser, and drug user and revoked Graham's ministerial credentials. It directed Graham to stop using the title reverend. Yet in a style reminiscent of Jimmy Swaggart, who refused to be defrocked by the Assembly of God denomination, Ned Graham left that congregation for another church. Most of the staff and board members of East Gates International resigned amid controversies. East Gates, in Sumner, Wash., withdrew its membership in the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability after Ned replaced the board members with his sister Ruth Graham McIntyre, brotherin-law Stephan Tchividjian, and business leader Peter Lowe. Graham's sister Gigi Tchividjian has joined the office staff and Ned Graham continues as East Gates president. The ECFA the self-policing organization Billy Graham helped start requires that a majority of board members not be related by blood or marriage, which is no longer the case for East Gates. A December East Gates fund-raising letter included a note from his father saying that "Ruth and I are proud of and grateful to God for our son Ned." East Gates has distributed 2 million Bibles to Christians in China, Billy Graham said, encouraging Christians to "back this unique and effective ministry." It is interesting to see the most famous "evangelist" (some say) not being able to educate his children, especially Ned. At the same time, having a bunch of so-called Christians following the leadership of such wreckless person. Franklin Graham wears jeans, boots, denim shirt, and leather jacket. He was a teen rebel who drank, smoked, fought, and led police on high-speed chases. He was kicked out of LeTourneau College. He used to be a rebel and a 'bum' got religion and become more sophisticated and took over "the Samaritan's Purse' so that he can fly around the country and charge things to his nonprofit corporation. As a result his ministry, Samaritan's Purse, had a run-in with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. The ECFA suspended Samaritan's Purse while it looked into Franklin's (Graham) compensation and use of the company plane. 3)Bad Theology and Company Did you know that over 60% of Billy Graham's support in the crusades or missions as he now calls them come from Roman Catholics who have given us many pedophile priests and nuns raped by priests. Every since he received an honorary doctorate from Catholic priests at Belmont Abbey College in 1967 he has embraced the Pope and Catholics. He called it, "a time when Protestants and Catholics could meet together and greet each other as brothers, whereas 10 years ago they could not". He joked around, "I'm not sure but what this could start me being called "Father Graham". Billy Graham praises the pope, a man who allows himself to be called God. When Billy Graham was on the Phil Donahue show on 10-11-79, he said that pope John Paul II was someone that he could quote with "some real authority." He also said that the world was looking for a spiritual leader and that the pope didn't pull any punches. [Lord have mercy, Jesus]
Billy Graham even had a Catholic priest SUPERVISE the 6,600 counselors for the Denver crusade. Information on the hundreds of Catholics who came forward were sent to a Catholic organization in Denver. (Wilson Ewin, Evangelism: The Trojan Horse of the 1990s). The Catholic archdiocese in Portland, Oregon, set a goal to supply 6,000 of the 10,000 counselors needed for the Graham crusade. All Catholics responding to the altar call were channeled to the Catholic religion. Graham Deceived by Communists--Gary Bauer says: "Billy Graham went to the Soviet Union during the Cold War and said there was no persecution. He was going to the fake church, the statecontrolled church." In 1966: Graham said, "I find myself closer to Catholics than the radical Protestants. I think the Roman Catholic Church today is going through a second Reformation" (Philadelphia Evening Bulletin 24 may, 1966. ) In 1980 Billy Graham stated: "Since his election, Pope John Paul II has emerged as the greatest religious leader of the modern world, and one of the greatest moral and spiritual leaders of this century The Pope came [to America] as a statesman and a pastor, but I believe he also sees himself coming as an evangelist. The Pope sought to speak to the spiritual hunger of our age in the same way Christians throughout the centuries have spoken to the spiritual yearnings of every age-by pointing people to Christ" (Saturday Evening Post, Jan.-Feb. 1980). [In this same article Graham was quoted as saying, "Recently I learned the word 'Pontiff' comes from the Latin words which originally meant 'bridge builder.' Pope John Paul II [is] indeed a bridge builder, and that is something our divided world desperately needs." Historically, "pontiff" does not mean bridgebuilder, but refers to the papal title of Pontifex Maximus, which was handed down to the early popes from the high priests of ancient heathen religion inthe Roman Empire; "Pontiff" in Italian and Latin means "bridge," and clearly points to the Pope's blasphemous claim that he himself is that bridge between man and God.] (Billy Graham, The Saturday Evening Post, Jan.-Feb. 1980). 4)Bad Doctrine BILLY GRAHAM TELLS ROBERT SCHULLER HE BELIEVES PEOPLE CAN BE SAVED APART FROM JESUS CHRIST! "Graham Believes Men Can Be Saved Apart From Name Of Christ", by Robert E. Kofahl, Ph.D., television interview of Billy Graham by Robert Schuller, on May 31, 1997. The following segment is an exact transcript of an excerpt close to the end of the broadcast. Reported by The Christian News, October 20, 1997, page 15. "SCHULLER: Tell me, what do you think is the future of Christianity? GRAHAM: Well, Christianity and being a true believer -- you know, I think there's the Body of Christ. This comes from all the Christian groups around the world, outside the Christian groups. I think everybody that loves Christ, or knows Christ, whether they're conscious of it or not, they're members of the Body of Christ ... I think James answered that, the Apostle James in the first council in Jerusalem, when he said that God's purpose for this age is to call out a people for His name. And that's what God is doing today, He's calling people out of the world for His name, whether they come from the Muslim world, or the Buddhist world, or the Christian world, or the non-believing world, they are members of the Body of Christ, because they've been called by God. They may not even know the name of Jesus, but they know in their hearts that they need something that they don't have, and they turn to the only light that they have, and I think they are saved, and that they're going to be with us in heaven."
"SCHULLER: What, what I hear you saying, that it's possible for Jesus Christ to come into human hearts and soul and life, even if they've been born in darkness and have never had exposure to the Bible. Is that a correct interpretation of what you're saying? GRAHAM: Yes, it is, because I believe that. I've met people in various parts of the world in tribal situations, that they have never seen a Bible or heard about a Bible, and never heard of Jesus, but they've believed in their hearts that there was a God, and they've tried to live a life that was quite apart from the surrounding community in which they lived." "SCHULLER: [R.S. trips over his tongue for a moment, his face beaming, then says] I'm so thrilled to hear you say this. There's a wideness in God's mercy. GRAHAM: There is. There definitely is." This is the end of the pertinent segment from the May 31, 1997, TV interview. Before we go on to the pertinent segment of the June 8, 1997, segment, let us pause to review some of the terrible events we have just heard Reverend Graham say. We will requote segments of Graham's statements, and then look to see what the Bible has to say. Dr. Graham: " I think everybody that loves Christ, or knows Christ, whether they're conscious of it or not, they're members of the Body of Christ" The Apostle Paul provides the most definitive refutation to this false statement by Dr. Graham. " For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?" [Romans 10:13-15] When Paul says that "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved", he is correctly implying that a person cannot be saved apart from the name and Person of Jesus Christ. This is why the Christian Church has placed such an emphasis on sending missionaries to foreign lands where the Gospel has not been heard. The Apostle Paul then continues to elaborate on this terrible truth. "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent?" When Dr. Graham asserts that people can be saved even though they know not the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, he is repeating the lie -- the false doctrine of the New Age Religion -- and of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as of Liberal "Christians" like Dr. Schuller. This statement is quite a departure from traditional Southern Baptist teaching; but, it does fit in nicely with today's burgeoning Ecumenical theology, as they state that there are many roads to Heaven, and it does not really matter what you believe as long as you are "sincere". 5)Lack of true financial accountability See below The Total Compensation of the Chairmen of the Board. 6)Lack of integrity See below "They Don't Know How I Really Feel" 7) Summary The following facts are undeniable and true: 1) Billy taking 100 % salary at 83 years of age and working less than 25 percent 2) Billy being a friend of Nixon and a bigot against the Jews 3) Billy writing a letter to Nixon to bomb the dykes of North Vietnam
4) 5) 6) 7) 7) 8)
Billy unsure that heaven is a right place for him Billy's unconditional support of Clinton and his forgiveness of Clinton Billy using a Ghost writer to write his books Billy formed ECFA to protect his interests and cook the books Billly supporting a son, Ned, who was a drunk, adulterer, immoral and had no integrity Billy gave his ministry to Franklin who is as deceitful as his father and a bum and a thief
The son of Billy Graham and the designated successor of the longtime evangelist's ministry, Franklin Graham is considered one of America's most powerful Christian leaders. He delivered the benediction at Bush's inauguration and his father has counseled a long list of presidents. But Franklin Graham doesn't disclose to the public his total compensation, and nether does Billy Graham, as reported often by CNT. The Associated Press reported from M I N N E A P O L I S, Nov. 21,2000 The Rev. Billy Graham, Americas best known evangelist, is stepping down from the head of the ministry he founded a half-century ago. His son, the Rev. Franklin Graham, has been named chief executive officer of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, which was founded in 1950. The elder Graham, who turned 82 this month, will remain chairman of the board and hopes to conduct several crusades next year. He was diagnosed with Parkinsons disease about six years ago. He spent three months at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., earlier this year after a crusade in Nashville. But the financial statements of Billy Graham Evangelist Association for the last ten years have shown that Dr. Billy Graham has taken a one hundred percent salary as chairman of BGEA. But its a fact that Dr. Billy Graham has not worked a hundred percent of the time and not even fifty percent. So is this right for a man who is supposed to be Mr. Integrity to take a hundred percent salary, plus pension plus one hundred percent of other fringe benefits and compensations and works less than fifty percent of the time? According IRS rules all non profit organization must report the salaries of the top five paid staff members! But BGEA is not releasing to the donors Billy Grahams or Franklin Grahams total compensation. Since BGEA is stonewalling the donors for such information, as has been the case so far, then they are hiding something? Graham's finances are an open book reported Darren Barbee -Star-Telegram Staff Writer on October 12, 2002 based on statements made by a Graham's spokewoman? Early in Billy Graham's career, the preacher made a series of calculated decisions to insulate his ministry from the temptations of greed. "He was aware that a lot of evangelists had been shipwrecked by their weakness for money or women," said William Martin, a Rice University sociology professor who is Graham's biographer. Today, after Graham's more than 50 years in ministry, Christians and nonChristians know the North Carolina preacher's reputation for financial integrity. It's a reputation that has helped pack stadiums around the world and is expected to help draw more than 200,000 to Texas Stadium in Irving during a four-day mission beginning Thursday. The Minneapolis-based organization's finances are available for public examination on IRS returns called Form 990s, and they are broken down in an annual audit prepared by accounting firm Ernst & Young. The most recent audit found no material weaknesses in the ministry's 2001 finances, a Graham spokeswoman said. In 2000, Graham was paid $197,911, plus benefits and an expense account, for his work as chairman of his ministry, according to the organization's Form 990.
But the Star-Telegram and the Graham spokeswoman failed to point out the fact that Graham worked less than 25 days in 2000 and no other employee in his organization is paid 100 % salary for being sick 80 percent of the time! As a matter of fact Graham has worked less than 50 percent of the time for the last ten years. He has spent more than 50 percent of his time in the hospital or in bed. The Star-Telegram and the Graham spokeswoman also failed to point out all the things that are charged to his organization that are not included in his total compensation including a full time nurse for his wife and Billy, a private secretary to meet their every whims, and other personal expenses that are charged directly to the corporation. That is why the Graham's never release their personal income tax to the public because they would have to list these things as benefits. Billy Graham doesn't work 100 % of the time and isn't entitled to a 100 % salary. The Star-Telegram and the Graham spokeswoman also failed to point out the fact that Billy Graham Evangelistic Organization of Canada refused to provide the total compensation of Billy Graham when requested by Wally Duncaster. As a matter of record Scott Wiebe of the BGEO of Canada in his email of July 30, 2002 on the subject of the total compensation of Billy Graham and Franklin Graham stated; "I do not believe charitable Associations in Canada are obligated to publicly declare the compensation directly supplied to an individual employee, but I would think they will be able to provide you with a financial report that will give you a fair indication of their compensation expenses." So Billy Graham Evangelistic Organization of Canada has refused to give the total compensation of Billy Graham even though BGEO tax exemption came from the public and not from God? So much for their perceived integrity of the lack of it! But the fact remains that the foolish shepherds in America have forgotten that humility and submission are for them and not just the sheep. They are poor shepherds and they dont even know it. They walk in their intellectualism and sarcasm and wonder why they are not growing as individuals and as a church body. They are full of hypocrisy and false attitudes and walk in pride, arrogance and selfishness. They walk over the bodies of the widowed, orphaned, divorced, imprisoned and wounded as so much garbage under their feet forgetting they are why they exist. They exist to serve that very garbage they look down upon so much. They have rejected the power of the Holy Spirit to bring supernatural healing to the sheep. They have chosen take the sheeps money for themselves and their building programs rather than distribute all of it to the poor, not just the portions they chose to give away. Unfortunately deception is everywhere in the Christian Church. It insidiously fills every nook and cranny of a Christians mind until they are full of falsehoods and are so certain all they believe is truth. Does a man speak and God spoke? Does a man think and God thought? Does a man act and God act? No! A thousand times, No! If God uses a man just for a brief moment does that mean he has the mind of God all the time? No! Very few men in the bible actually held God's power within them for an entire life time. Most men or women of God were people of integrity whom He used
when a specific task was required and then they returned to being whom they were. They did not take pride in being used of God. They were simply used and grateful for it. But not this generation of religious leaders. No, every word that proceeds from their mouth is Gods. Every thought they think is from the Lord. Every action they take is Gods will. Especially Evangelist Benny Hinn who has to let the whole world know how wonderful and great he is. As Jesus said of them "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumming, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. (Matthew 23:23) The true sheep Hear the Shepherds Voice. They hear Him in the night watches. They hear Him in the fray of battle. They hear Him when they have been wronged. They hear Him when they are sad or happy. They hear Him and follow Him and act as He would have them to. They cant help it--they are His true sheep. His love runs too deep in them. They cant help but serve Him and honor Him and do His bidding. Their comfort and wealth is of no importance to them because they are all Hisbody, soul and spirit! Sold out! Not just in words but in deeds. Sold out to the Kingdom of God and His righteousness! Sold out to wherever the truth may lead them. Sold out to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in their daily lives. Sold out to never harming others for personal gain. Sold out to have a word of honor, to hold to their integrity no matter the cost, to walk in the power of God no matter how foreign it may seem to them. Sold Out! Sold Out! Sold OutTOTALLY! Sold out, is not sitting in a comfortable office, with a PH. D. hanging on the wall, and looking out onto a dirty world. Sold out, is getting out of the office, leaving the PH. D. behind and getting involved with the homeless and finding them a home. Getting involved with the prostitute and lifting her out of her mire to a better place. Loving as well as praying for the lowly and needy. The act of showing love is more important than any prayer you can offer for them. Praying from a distance is easy. Getting into the prison with them requires time, energy and your emotional involvement. Its not for the weak of stomach. Its not for the con-artist and opportunist. Its for a true shepherd who has heard the Shepherds voice and responded to His true call. Its not a profession its a faith. Their PH.D. means nothing in Gods equation. It is a piece of useless paper that only they and their false colleges admire. Though I speak the tongues of men and angels and have not love it profit me nothing. The Associated Baptist Press - on April 3, 2001 also reported that "About half of Baptist organizations contacted by the independent newspaper Baptists Today would not disclose salary information for their top executive. Three Southern Baptist Convention entities said policies allowed them to release only salary ranges. Presidents Albert Mohler of Southern Seminary in Louisville, Ky., and Kenneth Hemphill of Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, declined to provide any information on compensation. New Orleans Seminary did not return numerous
phone calls regarding the salary of President Charles Kelley. However, the IRS requires all colleges and universities to report the salaries of the top five paid staff members, Brumley explained." It is safe to say that some of the smoothest Southern Baptist thieves in America are Rev. Billy, Ned and Franklin Graham who hide their total compensation including special privileges and expenses in his North Carolina home paid by BGEA, including support staff and are in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and possibly closer to a million dollars. Due to the art of stonewalling the true total compensation of the Graham's are very well hidden and kept a secret. For even though he was sick and dying, spent over fifty percent of his time in bed or the hospital, Dr. Billy Graham had been taking a one hundred percent salary and other benefits from the B.G.E.A. that he had founded: Even though the I.R.S. rules stated that no nonprofit organization should exist for the benefit of one individual. No other salaried employee in B.G.E.A. was allowed to take a one hundred percent salary plus his pension fund and other perks and spends so many days being sick, as Billy Graham has done and does. Where was the justice or integrity in all of this? ..."As CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, he collects an annual salary of $115,500, plus a $38,500 housing allowance. The organization and its affiliates brought in $139- million in contributions and revenue last year" reported the St. Petersburg Times during the Billy Graham Crusade in Tampa in 1998. It also reported "Graham, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, has crusades planned next year in Indianapolis and St. Paul." IT'S TO BE NOTED FRANKIN'S GRAHAM'S REAL TOTAL COMPENSATION AND PERSONAL USE OF HIS COMPANY PLANE IS STILL A REAL PROBLEM TODAY AND NED GRAHAM'S PROBLEMS HAVE PROBLEMS! ALSO BILLY GRAHAM'S REPORTED ANNUAL SALARY FROM THE BGEA FINANCIAL STATEMENT IS OVER $ 200,000 AND IN REALITY IS ABOUT $450.000. Although it's the public right as well as each donor's right to know and ask questions about the total remuneration of Southern Baptist Billy Graham, including special privileges and expenses in his North Carolina home paid by BGEA, including support staff. Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Samaritan's Purse, and Campus Crusade For Christ have developed the art of stonewalling when it comes to special remuneration and expenses of it's chairmen. Many prominent Baptist evangelists in America, such as Billy and Franklin Graham, belong to the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability that purports to work on behalf of the donor but in reality exists for the spenders. Although ECFA has in its possessions the total salaries of all the religious evangelical non-profit organizations that belong to it, it will not disclose them. Christian News Today requested such information from ECFA but to no avail, although the hypocritical motto of ECFA is "For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the LORD, but also in the eyes of men"
It's also to be noted that the most efficient charities in the American Religion Category for the year 2000 Samaritan's Purse, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Focus on the Family, and Campus Crusade for Christ had many things in common besides being Southern Baptist led in that they do not reveal to the public or their donors the total salary of their Chairman of their non profit organization even though their tax exemptions come from the public. Although it's the public right as well as each donor's right to know and ask questions about the total remuneration of Southern Baptist Billy Graham, including special privileges and expenses in his North Carolina home paid by BGEA, including support staff. Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Samaritan's Purse, and Campus Crusade For Christ have developed the art of stonewalling when it comes to special remuneration and expenses of it's chairmen. Many prominent Baptist evangelists in America, such as Billy and Franklin Graham, belong to the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability that purports to work on behalf of the donor but in reality exists for the spenders. For although ECFA has in its possessions the total salaries of all the religious evangelical non-profit organizations that belong to it, it will not disclose them. Jeffrey K. Hadden and Charles E. Swann reported that Graham is a fundamentalist, at least to the extent that he has organized his life and ministry around the literal truth of the Scriptures. But he has never displayed any interest in the battle cries of fundamentalism. He is just not an "aginner." Graham is a Southern Baptist but downplays denominationalism. His wife is a Presbyterian, and their home is in Montreat, North Carolina, a Presbyterian conference, vacation, and retirement center. Graham typifies the evangelicalism that the more traditional and conservative members of nearly all U.S. mainline Protestant denominations have in common. He is the TV preacher of choice for evangelical mainliners, who number many millions. The finances of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association have been scrutinized many times. Graham has come out clean, but he was embarrassed in 1977 when the Charlotte Observer discovered an undisclosed $23-million fund in Texas, apparently not mentioned in the accountings of the Minneapolis headquarters. Since then, anyone who requests a copy of the BGEA audit is mailed one. Graham's business manager led the formation of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability after Graham said on a national telecast, ". . . there are some charlatans coming along and the public ought to be informed about them and warned against them." (Chapter 2:The Video Vicarage Prime Time Preachers by Jeffrey K. Hadden and Charles E. Swann) The Billy Graham Crusades have been held in most of the major cities in the United States and in more than fifty foreign countries. The largest Crusade attendance occurred in Seoul, Korea, in the spring of 1973. Seoul security officers reported that one million one hundred thousand people attended the closing meeting. Dr. Graham spoke to the worshipers through an interpreter. Billy Graham is among the most widely read non-fiction authors living today, and his books have become an important arm of his world-wide ministry. His books,
The Jesus Generator, (1971) has been published in fifteen languages. Peace with God, (1953) is now available in thirty-eight languages. Dr. Graham's books have established several book publishing records. AngelsGod's Secret Agents sold a million hardback copies in the first ninety days after publication. (Dr. Graham gave his entire earnings from the book to Wheaton College.) The large American publishing house, Doubleday, had not before had such a demand for a non-fiction book. Dr. Graham's 1977 book, How to be Born Again, is believed to have had the largest first printing ever accorded a hardback edition by an American book publisher. Dr. Graham's counsel has been sought by presidents and kings. His appeal to both the secular and non-secular worlds is shown by the wide range of groups that have honored him. These recognitions range from addressing the President's National Prayer Breakfast to the Gold Award of the George Washington Carver Memorial Institute, and from the Speaker of the Year Award to the Salvation Army's Distinguished Service Medal. Graham regularly is listed as one of the "Ten Most Admired Men in the World" and has been named "Man of the Year" by Time magazine. William Franklin Graham, Jr., known to the world as Billy Graham, was born on November 7, 1918 near Charlotte, North Carolina to William Franklin and Morrow Coffey Graham. The first of four children, he was raised in a Christian family which regularly attended the Associated Reformed Presbyterian Church. In 1934 Evangelist Mordecai Fowler Ham preached a series of revival meetings in Charlotte, stirring up considerable controversy with his charges of moral laxity in Charlotte high schools. Attracted by the controversy, Billy Graham attended the meetings and Ham's preaching led him to commit his life to Jesus Christ. In the fall of 1936, Billy Graham entered the Bob Jones College in Cleveland, Tennessee. Although he contemplated the possibility of Christian work, he could not adjust to campus life at the college, and left after a few months. He transferred in January, 1937, to Florida Bible Seminary (now Trinity Bible Institute) from which he graduated in 1940 with a Bachelor's Degree in theology. He began preaching on street comers and at rescue missions and small churches. Dr. Graham has also been influential in the founding of Christianity Today Magazine in 1955, organizing the World Congress on Evangelism in Berlin in 1966, Decision Magazine which has a circulation of more than three million copies and the International Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne in 1974. In 1980, Dr. Graham dedicated the Billy Graham Center on the campus of Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. This multi-million dollar, five-story building houses archives documenting on the history of American Protestant evangelism and missions, a library of thousands of volumes on evangelism and missions, and a museum with exhibits on the history of Graham's ministry. The building also houses the graduate school of Wheaton College, offering Master of Arts degrees in four fields-Christian Ministries, Communications, Psychological Studies and Theological Studies. The St. Petersburg Times reported on Oct 11, 1998: Graham helped start the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, a self-policing organization, and has insisted that neither he nor any other male employees of his organization meet privately with a woman other than their wives
In 1992 his ministry, Samaritan's Purse, had a run-in with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, the self-policing organization his father helped start. The ECFA suspended Samaritan's Purse while it looked into Franklin's (Graham) compensation and use of the company plane. Billy Graham attended the infamous racist and bigoted Bob Jones University associated with Senator John Ashcroft and George W. Bush. Bob Jones University in South Carolina, a fundamentalist Christian college and a bastion of Independent Fundamental Baptists, had banned interracial dating and has been attacked by critics for anti-Catholic views. The school lost its tax exemption in 1983 after a 13-year battle with the Internal Revenue , when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld an IRS decision critical of its discriminatory practices. BJU now admits blacks but keeps the ban on interracial dating based on a biblical interpretation that God created people differently for a reason. Bob Jones University leaders have criticized the pope and labeled the Catholic church a ``Satanic cult'' say that the pope is the antichrist, forbid interracial dating, and teaches that speaking in tongues as a result of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is of the devil! The Associated Press reported that Bob Jones University first president, the Rev. Bob Jones Sr., was the son of a Confederate soldier and a self-declared anti-Catholic and segregationist. He was quoted at the school's founding saying, "I would rather see a saloon on every corner than a Catholic in the White House. I would rather see a n- as president." But bigoted books anti catholic books published by Bob Jones University are used in many Southern Baptist Christian schools including Tampa Baptist Academy furthering intolerance and hatred of others. All of this is not surprising considering the fact that the members of the Southern Baptist denomination whose roots was founded in racism prior to the Civil War when they split from the Northern Baptists because of the slave issues, were singing in the choir on Sunday and were burning crosses on Monday as active members of the Klu Klux Klan. Only recently have the Southern Baptists admitted to their racists sins and bigotry. Between 1998 and 2002 Billy Graham received a 100 % salary raise for working less hours. As CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, he collects an annual salary of $115,500, plus a $38,500 housing allowance. The organization and its affiliates brought in $139- million in contributions and revenue last year reported the St. Petersburg Times during the Billy Graham Crusade in Tampa in 1998. In 2000, Graham was paid $197,911, plus benefits and an expense account, for his work as chairman of his ministry, according to the organization's Form 990. Of course graham doesnt release his personal income tax as his friend george bush does? The St. Petersburg Times also reported Graham, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, has crusades planned next year in Indianapolis and St. Paul. He was so unsteady on his feet Tuesday he had to be shuttled in a car and a golf cart from the news conference in the club area of the stadium to the nearby football field, where he posed for photographs. His return to Tampa, one of only two crusades he agreed to this year, is a homecoming of sorts. ( In actual fact Billy earned at least $ 100,000 per crusade that year?) Graham said that even though he is weak, he still believes he has work to do. He joked that the task became abundantly clear one recent day when he was on an airplane with a drunk passenger. He said the passenger kept harassing the
flight attendant until he realized Graham was sitting behind him. He said the passenger then turned around and offered his hand to Graham. "Put her there," the drunk passenger told Graham. "Your sermons sure have helped me." "There is something that can be corrupting about power and notoriety," said Paul Nelson, president of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, which reviews Graham's finances each year. "God bless them, they (Graham's organization) have been able to navigate that." (These remarks turned out to be false for Billy Graham's total compensation was a lot higher according to the financial statement of B.G.E.A. not including fringe benefits pension and health care expenditures and he spent fifty percent of his time in bed?) So how can American TV preachers preach to others if they are hiding their total salaries? They cannot! It only shows they have no integrity, especially Rodney Howard Browne who has his parents on the payroll and Benny Hinn who has his family on the payroll and Dr. Billy Graham who pretends to be something that he is not. For the Tampa Tribune reported that: Although Billy Graham encourages religious leaders to be open about their salaries and publish their finances, Howard-Browne would not disclose what he earns. He says his salary is determined by his board of directors, which is comprised of four pastors, himself and his wife. The couple does not vote on his salary. ``People get hung up on the figure,'' he says. ``But they don't take everything into account. I don't get a housing or clothing allowance. We take our kids on the road and that's very expensive.'' Not good enough, says Paul Nelson, president of the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability in Washington. Revival Ministries International is not among its 925 members. ``When you hold yourself out as a public trust, it's just good practice to be open about your finances,'' he says. ``If you're not forthright, you leave a question in the minds of your potential givers.'' For the past five years, the ministry has been audited by Katz & Kamm, a Baltimore accounting firm. But the tax-exempt church association is not required to open its books to the public. `While I applaud them for getting the audit, I would strongly suggest they go one step further and make their records public,'' Nelson says. Speaking of making their records public, "open about your finances'' and "forthright," while Paul Nelson, President of Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability reveals upon demand even to strangers his total salary of $ 123,000 and IRS tax form 990 Billy, Ned and Franklin Graham do not. This makes the Grahams and ECFA hypocrites. Many prominent Baptist evangelists in America, such as Billy and Franklin Graham, belong to the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability that purports to work on behalf of the donor but in reality exists for the spenders. For although ECFA has in its possessions the total salaries of all the religious evangelical non-profit organizations that belong to it, it will not disclose them?" Why is it that the Religious Evangelical leaders in America such as Bill Bright and Billy Graham who profess Christ and the love of Truth will not disclose their total salaries nor release their personal income tax to their donors? Is it possible that they are really crooks who use the separation of Church and State to fleece the
sheep as South African Evangelist Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne had said, it was their responsibility to fleece the sheep? Evangelist Howard Browne winter camp meeting in the USF Sun Dome in Tampa Florida attended by two CNT reporters, South African Pentecostal Evangelist Dr. Rodney Howard Browne taught pastors that "sheep needed to be fleeced or they would have too much hair and could not see where they are going. It was the pastors job to fleece the sheep." Dr. Rodney Howard- Browne had been credited with bringing the laughter revival to America. But from what really happened in Carpenter's Home Church in 1993 and 1994 and its devastating effect on the community including the robbing, raping and murdering of the sheep, was not much of a revival. The leadership of the Assembly of God denomination, both in Lakeland and Missouri, also would not accept the testimony of one of its members Roy Aldrich that he was robbed and raped by money changers and wolves in sheep's clothing in Carpenter's Home Church during the so called "revival". But the State of Florida who cared about justice, righteousness and truth accepted the words and testimony of Roy Aldrich about the Straders. The Florida State prosecutors proved their case and convinced the jurors that Dan Strader, the son of the senior pastor Karl Strader, devised an elaborate scheme to attract cash in the real-estate and mortgage investments. He was selling the securities without a license and that the securities were unregistered. This was done in an organized method amounting to Racketeer-Influence and Corrupt Organizations, or RICO Act. Daniel, 37, was sentenced to 45 years in prison in August 1995. He was convicted of 238 felony counts for bilking 57 mostly elderly investors, some members of the church, out of $2.3 million by selling investments in properties that didn't exist or already had liens against them. Others who were involved along with Dan Strader were not pursed by the State of Florida as they felt that the conviction of Daniel Strader was a good example for others to take notice. Dr Rodney Howard Browne used his influence and powers to raise money at Carpenter's Home Church to buy the senior pastor Karl Strader his much needed second Lincoln Town Car. But when Rodney was requested to use his influence and power to raise money for the unfortunate elderly victims of Dan's Strader, he refused. It is to be noted that Howard-Browne's standard biography claims he once served as an associate pastor at Rhema. But according to Rhema church officials contacted, Howard-Browne was never an associate pastor-nor did he ever hold any pastoral credentials or responsibilities. Said Kelmeyer: "Rodney was never an associate pastor here. He was an ordained minister by the state and a lecturer at our Bible school, but was not involved in any form of pastoral work." Howard-Browne also claimed a "doctorate of ministry degree" from an obscure San Jacinto, California correspondence institution called "The School of Bible Theology." A state Department of Education employee contacted likened the tiny school, which bills itself as "The Seminary to the World" and has no faculty, to a "diploma mill." Why are Evangelical leaders in America hiding their total personal salaries? Are they ashamed that they earn so much or not enough? Or are they Crooks and
Liars? Mind you the latter is more plausible for Evangelical Leaders in America, be they Billy or Franklin, Graham, Bill Bright, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell or others, have no integrity whatsoever; especially when it comes to their own personal salaries and those of their special friends. David Taggart, a twenty-nine-year-old "personal aide" to Jim Bakker and his lover, received $360,000 in 1986 for special services. While in 1986 the Bakkers were paid $1.9 million. It is a fact the PTL Club was full of personal misconduct, mismanagement, and pillaging of the PTL treasury. So are the others any different? For the total salaries of the Billy Graham and his sons and family are one of American's best-kept secrets and even their personal lives that are no different than that of Jim Bakker! It's evident that they are nothing but thieves, liars and wolves in sheep's clothing and the word of Jesus are unchanging: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. "You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? "Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. "Therefore by their fruits you will know them. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. "Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!' Matthew 7:15-23 Josephine Melrose can be reached at
Even when Nixon replies that he agrees but "can't say that" in public, Graham presses the point: Yes, right, but if you get elected to a second term, then we could do something about the problem. Graham adds that while many Jews are friendly to him, "they don't know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country." Today, Graham claims to have no memory of the conversation, as if to throw everso-slight a doubt on whether it actually occurred. Alas, we have the tapes. Advisers (and network news anchors bending over backward to sound respectful) point out that the old evangelist is in his eighties and suffering from Parkinson's disease, an argument similar to the one used to try to keep war criminals from being brought to trial. What they might have pointed out instead is that Billy Graham, at a time when he was presenting himself as a moral leader and conducting "Crusades for Christ," was saying things no person with the slightest claim to moral stature could be imagined saying, under any circumstances. Given nearly unfettered access to the highest halls of power, the minister used his influence to slander an entire people, to betray the trust of those who had by his own account been good to him, to urge the most powerful person in the world to act vigorously in the service of bigotry. Closer in time to Dachau than to the present moment, the "preacher to the presidents" counseled the rankest, crudest, most heart-sickening anti-Semitism. This news is especially painful to people who have revered Billy Graham, seeing him as a class act who operated on a much higher level than the Jerry Falwells, Pat Robertsons and Jimmy Swaggarts who came after him. I recall how some people who loathed and feared Nixon took comfort in the thought that "at least he's talking to Billy Graham." Now that we know what poison he was pouring into the president's ear, it will be impossible ever to think of him in the same way again. As paranoid as Nixon was, his spiritual advisor sounds even nuttier. Dr. Graham says that the statements he cannot remember saying do not reflect his real views, and that he apologizes. For what, one wonders. The word "repentance" has been conspicuously absent from news accounts. The very thought of all the times Billy Graham has "led the nation in prayer" is painful today, and not just to people who never liked him in the first place, who found him hard to take even at his best. Had he been caught with a hooker, or with his hand in the till, or busted trying to pick up a boy in a bus station washroom, and it had come out only now, we'd probably just feel embarrassment for the old guy. But this goes way deeper. We have all said things we regret, things we'd never want made public. Graham said them to the president of the United States, from a position of privilege, by way of advice. What must people be feeling who attended his "Crusades" around the time of that phone call, who heard him preach, who poured down out of the stadium seats at his call to conversion, now that they know what was really on his mind? David Vest writes the Rebel Angel column for CounterPunch. He is a poet and pianoplayer for the Pacific Northwest's hottest blues band, The Cannonballs. He can be reached at: Visit his website at
"In a Jan. 2 Fox News interview, Tony Snow asked Billy Graham: 'When you get to Heaven, who's going to speak first, you or God?' Graham replied: 'When I get there, I'm sure that Jesus is going to say that he will welcome me. But I think that he's going to say: 'Well done, our good and faithful servant.' Or he may say: 'You're in the wrong place'." I was stunned to silence and even to a trembling of my soul when I read Billy Graham actually say that Jesus Christ may say to him, "You are in the wrong place"!! Of all the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives, assurance of Salvation is paramount. The Holy Spirit literally fills our hearts with the firm assurance that we are as assured of Heaven as if we are already there. Yet, here is the famous Evangelist, Billy Graham, saying he is not sure of his salvation? The reason he is unsure of his salvation becomes clearly evident in his response to Tony Snow's next question. SNOW: "You really worry that you may be told you're in the wrong place? GRAHAM: Yes, because I have not - I'm not a righteous man. People put me up on a pedestal that I don't belong in my personal life. And they think that I'm better than I am. I'm not the good man that people think I am. Newspapers and magazines and television have made me out to be a saint. I'm not. I'm not a Mother Teresa. And I feel that very much." 5:3 But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; 5:4 neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. 5:5 For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 5:7 Therefore do not be partakers with them. 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 5:9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), 5:10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians
Graham has "reached more than 200 million people in person, and millions more have heard him on radio, television, and film" (ibid., inside front dust jacket). Graham is "Hailed as the world's preacher" (ibid.) and "one of the world's most beloved and respected leaders" (ibid., inside back dust jacket). If Graham was a man of God, the world would not love him so. The Bible teaches that those who are Christ's will be hated by the world (1 John 3:13; 2 Timothy 3:12; John 17:14). But Graham is of the world (1 John 4:5; 5:19), and therefore "beloved and respected." Jesus said to his disciples, If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. (John 15:19) Billy Graham is not hated by the world, but rather, by the admission of his own book, he is "beloved and respected" by the world, and "Hailed as the world's preacher." This alone is a mark of a false teacher. As Luke 6:26 says, Woe to you when men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets (Majority text). Mr. Graham is not a false prophet (because he is not a prophet), but he is a false teacher. He is not a real Christian, but a false one, and is an enemy of God (James 4:4). This was illustrated in an interview with Larry King on 6-16-05: KING: Are you forgiving of the infirmities of other people? GRAHAM: Absolutely. I am. I mean, I . . . KING: Isn't that hard? GRAHAM: . . . try to forgive. I never hold a grudge. In fact, many people say that I never get angry. I don't think I get angry. But maybe I do sometimes, but I keep it. I don't explode to anybody. KING: Do you feel the same about other faiths? GRAHAM: Absolutely. KING: Buddhism? GRAHAM: I love them all, and welcome them all, and love to be with them, and friends with all of them. For example, I just talked to a man in New York City, he was a Mormon. KING: My father-in-law. GRAHAM: Your father-in-law. And I've loved the Mormons for years, and yet there is a big divide between the Mormons and some of the other groups. But I have great friends among the Mormons. And the same among the Catholics. Of course, I loved Pope John
Paul II and watched the whole process of his suffering, his dying and the tremendous -my daughter went to represent me . . . KING: I know. You were on with us the night he died. GRAHAM: That's right. Thank you. KING: But what about those faiths -- the Mormons and the others that you mentioned -believe in Christ. They believe they will meet Christ. What about those like the Jews, the Muslims, who don't believe as you believe. GRAHAM: That's in God's hands. I can't be their judge. KING: You don't judge them? GRAHAM: No. No, I don't say you're going to hell, and you're, oh, I don't. (, hard copy and video on file; transcript is not completely accurate. See video for exact wording. Words above are taken from the video itself.) Graham doesn't judge them, because he is not a spiritual man (1 Corinthians 2:15) and he does not believe Jesus Christ who said, No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6). Also, Graham's friendship with people of false religions (Mormons, Muslims, Catholics, Buddhists), also reveals Graham's Satanic connection, as James 4:4 says, Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. (see also 2 Chronicles 19:2; Psalm 15:4; 31:6) Graham has made himself an enemy of God and is therefore at enmity with Him. Immediately after Graham's statement above, Larry King asks, How do you feel when you see a lot of these strong Christian leaders go on television and say, you are condemned, you will live in hell if you do not accept Jesus Christ, and they are forceful and judgmental? GRAHAM: Well, they have a right to say that, and they are true to a certain extent, but I don't -- that's not my calling. Graham says, "that's not my calling," because he does not believe the gospel; that is, that you will indeed go to hell and suffer eternal torment if you do not receive Jesus Christ (Revelation 21:8).
Graham believes in the killing of babies. In The Billy Graham Christian Worker's Handbook (copyright 1997 edition) it says, Billy Graham writes: "We should accept abortion in these cases: rape or incest or if the delivery of the child is a threat to a mother's life." (p. 19, bold added, hard copy on file, see also BGEA's email concerning this statement) In the 1996 copyright revised 2001 edition it says, Even sincere Christians may differ on whether or not abortion is ever justified, especially in difficult situations such as rape or incest, or when tests reveal that the unborn child has severe abnormalities. (The Billy Graham Christian Worker's Handbook, p. 21) This is absolutely horrid! God says, "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13). Killing an unborn child is murder no matter how the child was conceived (rape or incest) or what abnormalities he or she may have (see Exodus 21:22-23 "life for life"). The Lord makes the mute, the deaf, and the blind (Exodus 4:11), and it is cruel hatred and murder to kill them.
the Lord." (See also Deuteronomy 32:39-41; Psalm 94:1; Isaiah 1:24; Nahum 1:2; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; Hebrews 10:30; Jude 7.) The God of the Bible is indeed "ready to send to hell all those who offend Him." Please note Matthew 5:22. But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, 'Raca!' shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, 'You fool!' shall be in danger of hell fire. (See also Psalm 7:11-13.) A similar example of Graham's false god (not the God of the Bible) can be found in his book, Answers To Life's Problems (copyright 1988). On page 130, a wicked person asks, I know God is mad at me because of the way I have been living. How can I get him back on my side? My life is on a deadend road unless I change, I know, but how can I win God's approval when I have so many bad things against me? Part of Graham's answer is, "God is on your side. God is not mad at you, but at your sin." (p. 131) The god Graham describes here is not the God of the Bible! For the God of the Bible says, "God is angry with the wicked every day." (Psalm 7:11; see also Psalm 5:56; 11:5-6; Ephesians 2:1-3, "children of wrath")
disobedience." In other words, an evil spirit works in those who are without Christ. There is no emptiness. There is a wicked spirit there doing his evil work. Graham's gospel is just the opposite of God's. God's gospel describes man as utterly lost with no desire for God whatsoever (apart from the work of God, John 6:44; Romans 1:16-32; 3:10-18). Graham's gospel describes man as one who actually hungers for God, which flatters the sinner (Romans 16:18) and is a lie. Another example of this can be found on page 220-221 in Answers To Life's Problems where Graham responds to a person who says they "feel empty inside". . . . when we leave God out of our lives, it leaves a blank or empty space that nothing can fully fill. No matter how hard we try or what means we use - material possessions, money, pleasure, drugs, or whatever - the emptiness is still there. Scripture says no such thing. In Graham's book, The Challenge, Sermons From Madison Square Garden (copyright 1969), Graham says, You see, all of us are really on a quest for truth. What is the truth about myself? Where did I come from? Why in the world did God ever put us on this planet, if there is a God? Some ask. And where are we going? Is there a life after death? I'm searching for answers. All of us are, consciously or unconsciously. We ask ourselves these questions. "What is truth?" The same question Pilate asked two thousand years ago. And that's why a lot of these kids are taking LSD and mind-expansion psychedelic drugs. They're trying to find some experiences that will lead them into some sort of a spiritual truth. (p. 93, bold added) Graham lies when he says, "all of us are really on a quest for truth." Romans chapter one says just the opposite. Speaking of mankind, Paul says that they "exchanged the truth of God for the lie" (Romans 1:25). Men reject the truth, and are not on a quest for it (John 3:19-21)! Also, in the bold section above, Graham turns a "quest for the truth" (which is good) into something which results in evil doing! This is not only unbiblical (Romans 1:18, "who suppress the truth"), it is the exact opposite of the Word of God. The reason men do evil is because they have rejected the truth, and God has given them a debased mind to do evil (please see Romans 1:28-32). Consistent with Graham's denial of Romans chapter one, is his statement at the memorial service for the victims of the 1995 Oklahoma bombing. In Just As I Am Graham records, I spoke also to the assembled crowd - one of the most difficult things I have done in my life - telling them frankly that I did not understand why God allowed things like this to happen. Our knowledge is limited, I pointed out, and there are some things we will never understand this side of eternity. I reminded them, however, that even though we
do not understand, God does not change. He is still the God of love and mercy; and in the midst of our sorrow and pain, we can turn to Him in faith and trust. (p. 654) Indeed, God is a God of love and mercy, but He is also a God of wrath. The reason Graham "did not understand why God allowed things like this to happen", is because Graham does not believe the Bible. Romans 1:18 gives the reason "things like this happen." "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men." (Romans 1:18). God is angry (Psalm 7:11) and He kills the ungodly (Deuteronomy 32:39-41; 1 Samuel 2:6; Luke 12:4-5), as Luke 13:1-3 exemplifies. There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, "Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish." In Luke 13:1-3, God killed those people (Deuteronomy 32:39; 1 Samuel 2:6; Isaiah 45:7; Lamentations 3:37-38; Amos 3:6; Romans 1:18), and Christ warns those still living, "Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish." Instead of being like Christ and giving that assembled crowd in Oklahoma a similar warning, Graham speaks great swelling words of emptiness (2 Peter 2:18), scratches their ears (2 Timothy 4:3), and says that he "did not understand why God allowed things like this to happen." What foolishness! God not only "allowed" this Oklahoma bombing to happen, He caused it to happen (Romans 11:36; 1:18)! Graham had a perfect opportunity to preach the true gospel to these people and call them to true repentance, but instead, Graham gave them nothing for their souls. He left them just as dry as they came, because he himself is a "well without water" (2 Peter 2:17). Another example of Graham's false gospel can be found on page 228 of Answers To Life's Problems. Here, Graham's falsehood is manifested by the fact that Graham does not believe Christ is enough to save a person from the power of the sin of homosexuality (contrary, of course, to John 8:31-36). I am a homosexual. I have tried to conquer it and have prayed to God time after time, but nothing changes. I desperately want to deal with it, but I don't know what to do. Please help me. Graham says that homosexuality is wrong, and then writes, There are steps that are crucial for you to follow if you are ever to conquer this. First, if you have never asked Christ to come into your life I urge you to do so without delay. . .. Then get help from others for your problem. Don't be afraid to seek help or to share your problem in confidence with someone you can trust who also can help you. There may be many complex reasons for your homosexual tendencies, and a skilled pastor can
probably point you to a Christian psychologist or psychiatrist who has had experience in dealing with others who have been in your situation. Such a person can help you understand yourself and why you have become the person you are, and will also help you - both emotionally and spiritually - to leave your old way of living and become the person Christ wants you to be. (p. 228-229) Graham's answer is filled with psychology (the wisdom of the world, 1 Corinthians 1:20). With Graham's "Then get help from others . . ." he denies the power of the Savior (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Also, he speaks of the "many complex reasons" for this person's "homosexual tendencies". Scripture gives one simple reason for homosexual tendencies a rejection of God (Romans 1:18-27). Homosexuality is not a complex issue. Finally, Graham's advice to see a psychologist or psychiatrist is antichrist counsel (see Colossians 2:8-10 & 2 John 7).
Here Graham turns the grace of God into lewdness (Jude 4). First of all, no one with such a deranged mind knows God (Isaiah 26:3; Romans 1:28; 2 Timothy 1:7). Secondly, people who commit suicide, by their actions, reveal they are among the ungodly who reject Christ (1 John 2:4), are without hope (Ephesians 2:12), and even if they at some point were in the faith, their suicidal actions reveal they did not continue in the faith and were moved away from the hope of the gospel (Colossians 1:23). Hell is the fate for all such people, because, if even they are not to be considered murderers, although they have murdered themselves, they are certainly unbelieving (Revelation 21:8). Therefore, there is no grace, but only hell for such people. Thus, there is no "comfort in God's grace as you remember your son" as Graham claims. [For more on suicide, see also our reports on MacArthur, Stanley, Smith, Hayford, Catholicism, McGee)
your throat and in your tongue. It is symbolic language. And theologians through the centuries have argued and debated over what fire means. The Bible said, "For our God is a consuming fire." Jesus told the story about the rich man who went to Hell and he asked that Lazarus may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool his tongue. Could it be that the fire Jesus talked about is an eternal search for God that is never quenched? Is that what it means? That, indeed, would be hell. To be away from God forever, separated from His Presence. (p. 74-75, italics in original) The ungodly couldn't care less about being separated from God (Psalm 10:3-4; 14:2-3; Romans 1:28; 3:10-18), and thus being "separated from God" and having an unquenchable "thirst" or "search for God" is no concern to the wicked. This kind of preaching removes the truth that people need to hear (i.e., hell is a place of fiery torment, e.g. Revelation 14:10; 20:10). Graham's falsehood helps remove any true fear of God (Luke 12:4-5). In fact, Time magazine well illustrated Graham's basic message on hell in the above mentioned article. They wrote (regarding his beliefs), "A heaven of powerful spirits, a hell that may be fire-free." (p. 74). A fire-free hell? This is completely the opposite of the teaching of the word of God!
Another example of adding to the Word of God can be found in his book entitled, Facing Death And The Life After. On page 215 Graham writes, What Right Have You to Enter Heaven? Every man and woman who has ever lived will have to answer that question. Scripture never says this! Likewise, on page 230 (same book) Graham writes, God did not invent denominations, man did. When we go to His home, He will invite us in, but will not ask us for our church or Sunday school credentials. Only one question will be asked: "What did you do on earth with My Son, Jesus?" It will make no difference whether we were Catholic or Protestant, Jew or Gentile. What matters is whether we believe in Him or reject Him. (bold added) Scripture never says any such question will be asked. In fact, as an example, in Matthew 25:31-46 the people judged are told what's up, not asked!
Graham should be warning against the danger of Catholicism (i.e., Catholics go to hell), but since he is a hireling (John 10:11-13), he gives no such declaration. On page 368 of this same book Graham writes, I was grateful for the statement one U.S. Catholic newspaper made as it reviewed our first South American trip: 'Never once, at least in our memory, has [Billy Graham] attacked the Catholic Church. . . . (brackets in original) On page 482 Graham writes (in the context of a trip to Poland), We also suspected, with some justification, that some of the hard-line Communist officials hoped to use an American Protestant evangelist to weaken the strong authority of the Roman Catholic Church. If so, it was a naive hope; I would not have done or said anything that might be taken as anti-Catholic. Contrary to the Psalmist who said, "I have hated those who have regarded useless idols;" (Psalm 31:6), Graham describes a cordial, warm, and a "special affinity" with Catholic leadership. On page 692 of Just As I Am Graham recounts, One whom I have yet to mention - and with whom I felt a special affinity - was Roman Catholic preacher Bishop Fulton L. Sheen. Later Graham writes of the first time he met Mr. Sheen. I was in my pajamas, but I was delighted to see him and invited him in. We talked about our ministries and our common commitment to evangelism, and I told him how grateful I was for his ministry and his focus on Christ. (p. 692-693) His "cordial" and "warm" relationship with the pope is described in this same book on page 488-489 where Graham recalls his first visit with the head of one of the largest false religions in the world. When we left Hungary, we set off on a brief trip to the Vatican. Years before, I had visited the city-state as a tourist, but on this trip I was to be received by Pope John Paul II, my first visit with a pope. As I was ushered into his quarters, Pope John Paul II greeted me, and we shook hands warmly. I found him extremely cordial and very interested in our ministry, especially in his homeland. After only a few minutes, I felt as if we had known each other for many years. He also expressed great delight at the small gift I had brought him, a woodcarving of a shepherd with his sheep, done by a North Carolina craftsman. We recalled together Jesus' words in John 10:14,16. . . . In turn the pope gave me a medallion commemorating his papacy and several magnificently bound volumes. On page 599, Graham further describes his relationship with this wicked man. I was asked by Pope John Paul II to participate with him during that same time period in an unprecedented ecumenical service of worship during his visit to Colombia, South
Carolina. It was not to be a Mass but a service of Scripture, prayer, and preaching. I was to speak on the subject of the family. I was looking forward to that event, especially since the pope and I had a cordial relationship.
Mr. Graham is so ecumenical, he is more ecumenical (and concerned about being politically correct) than former presidents Richard Nixon and George Bush! In early December, I left to spend the Christmas holidays visiting our troops in Vietnam. I got back just in time for the inauguration. Nixon wanted me to do all the prayers at the swearing-in ceremony, but I objected. "Dick, you've got to have all faiths represented, or you're going to have trouble." "No, I just want you," he insisted. Eventually, Nixon gave in to the ecumenical idea, . . . ( Just As I Am, p. 450) At his inauguration in 1989, George Bush invited me to lead the various prayers during the public ceremony. I protested at first, pointing out that it was customary to have a clergy from other traditions participate also (often a Jewish rabbi, a Catholic priest, and perhaps an Orthodox leader). He remained adamant, however, saying he felt more comfortable with me; besides, he added, he didn't want people to think he was just trying to play politics by having representatives of different faiths. (ibid., p. 592)
In Graham's book, Unto the Hills, Graham writes, "No one is truly a success in God's eyes if his family is a mess." Graham's family was a mess, by his own admission. In Just As I Am, Graham writes about his family at home while he was away preaching. "It sounds angelic. But the girl's theme song around the house, day in and day out, was 'Mama, get Franklin!' On Valentine's Day that year, she wrote the following item in her journal: Four full-blooded little Grahams. I feel this A.M. it's gotten quite beyond me. They fight, they yell, they answer back. Breakfast is dreadful. Franklin woke me at 4:15 thinking it was time to get up . . . . And when I did get up at 6:15, so did Anne and Franklin, and fought during the time I have with the Lord alone. Now they've gone off to school looking nice enough (for once) and with a good breakfast but with the scrappiest of family prayers. Only a longer blessing and their last two weeks' Bible verses yelled each above the other. Grumbling, interrupting, slurring one another, impudent to me. So now they're off, I'm in bed with my Bible thinking it through - or rather, trying to. What I missed! And what Ruth missed by not having me to help her." (p. 704, ellipsis in original) Graham considers himself a pastor (Just As I Am, p. 507), but he was, and still is, disqualified (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). . . . one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?) (1 Timothy 3:4-5) . . . holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict. (Titus 1:9)
ECFA IS A JOKE Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Jun 27, 1977 The Sumter Daily Item - Dec 15, 1977 Sarasota Herald-Tribune Aug 12, 1977 On Sunday 7th November 2010, Christian News Today