Homework 2, Phys 230A, String Theory, Polchinski
Homework 2, Phys 230A, String Theory, Polchinski
Homework 2, Phys 230A, String Theory, Polchinski
d d
to the Polyakov action. Note that this violates Weyl invariance. Show that there are no
nontrivial solutions to the equations of motion.
b) Consider the analog of the Polyakov action for a d-dimensional object (you just change
the range of the indices). Show that adding a cosmological constant now makes sense, and
that eliminating gives an action proportional to the world-volume. (The reason that this
is not as nice as the string case is that in d 3 the theory is much more complicated, we
cant gauge away as we do in d = 2, and the dynamics seems to be nonrenormalizable).
also satisfy a
2. For the X CFT, show that the operators L0m = Lm + (m + 1)v m
Virasoro algebra, and finds its central charge (this should be relatively simple using the
known result for the algebra of the Lm s). This has an interpretation in terms of strings
moving in a certain nontrivial spacetime.
{bm , bn } = {cm , cn } = 0 ,
L0 = 1 +
n(bn cn + cn bn ) ,
satisfy a Virasoro algebra, and determine its central charge. I suggest that, as in class, you
pick out the operator (single-commutator) terms first, and get the constant by acting with
[Lm , Lm ] on some particular state, e.g. the one annihilated by bn and cn for n > 0 and by
c0 (though any state will give the same answer).