Article Review Form2

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: Akira Oscar Oentaryo

Student Number

: 1206251465

Faculty & Class

: Engineering & English-23

Title of the Article

: Taking Responsibility

Author(s) : Patrick Guntensperger.

Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article.
I want to know more about this article Taking Responsibility. Besides that I want to
know connection between industries and this article.

Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about.

This article tells us how the industries are responsible to the damages that happen in
our planet. The industries are selling commodities that are extracted from earth and
sell them to people. Even though the sources are something given to all-beings in this
planet, there are some small parties that get benefit by selling it. The industries arent
just responsible to keep Earth from destruction, they are also responsible to search for
other energy resources besides fossil fuels, and any-unrenewable resource.

What is the writers message or purpose in writing this article ?

The writer wanted to tell us that we have many ways to extract resources of this planet
without damaging it. This planets resources are not only ours to extract, but our next
generation is also needs them.

Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review.
I think it is our responsibility to keep this planet from destruction. The industries of
course have a big share of responsibility, but it is also our responsibility because we
live in this planet, and this is our only home.

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