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Was the regulation of big business

How did 19th century working class Americans
challenge unchecked industrial capitalism and the
notion of Social Darwinism?

Sixteen Tons

by Merle Travis 1946 (sung here by Johnny


Some people say a man is made outta mud; A coal man's made outta muscle and blood.
Muscle and blood, skin and bones; A mind that's weak and a back that's strong.
You load sixteen tons an' what do you get? Another day older deeper and debt.
St Peter don't you call me I cause can't go: I owe my soul to the company store.
Well, I was born one mornin' when the sun didn't shine. I picked up a shovel, Iwalked out to the mine.
I loaded sixteen tons of Number 9 coal, An' the store boss said: "Well, bless my soul."
You load sixteen tons an' what do you get? Another day older deeper and debt.
St Peter don't you call me I cause can't go: I owe my soul to the company store.
Well, I was born one mornin', it was drizzlin' rain. Fightin' an' trouble are my middle name.
I was raised in the canebreak by an old mama lion, Can't no high-toned woman make me walk the
You load sixteen tons an' what do you get? Another day older deeper and debt.
St Peter don't you call me I cause can't go: I owe my soul to the company store.
Well, if you see me comin', better step aside. A lotta men didn't; a lotta men died.
One fist of iron, the other of steel. If the right one don't get you, then the left one will.
You load sixteen tons an' what do you get? Another day older deeper and debt.
St Peter don't you call me I cause can't go: I owe my soul to the company store.

Case Study:
A company town in
Pullman, IL

The Pullman Strike,1894

Company controlled all the land, buildings,

school, bank, water and gas system.
Cut wages 25-40% without lowering prices,
forcing many workers into debt (debt peonage)
American Railway Union (ARU) supported the
workers, refusing to handle any Pullman cars
anywhere in the country
Pullman refused arbitration and called on Pres.
Cleveland to intervene
Court injunction ignored by Debs and others
Cleveland ordered troops to Chicago to end

The Homestead Strike, 1892

AFL affiliated union of Iron and Steel
Workers went on strike at Carnegie Steel
Frick, president Lock out
Hired 300 guards from the
Pinkerton Detective Agency
to protect the factory
State troops intervened;
union forced to give in 5
months later

Impact of Industrialization
Concentration of Wealth (10% controlled 90% of wealth)
Wages rose, but did not keep up with the cost of living
all family members - incl. children - depended on to work
(1890 - 11 mil of 12.5 mil workers earned less than
$380/year; Rockefeller earned $60 billion
Task to time oriented work often left many lacking a sense of
accomplishment/fulfillment and less leverage in the workplace
Dangerous and oppressive conditions in factories and mines low wages, long hours, unsafe conditions
Unethical and monopolistic business practices such as price
gouging, misuse of land grants and use of short haul/long haul
practices by the RRs; scandals linked to gvt officials (ie. CreditMobilier)

Industrial Warfare - Management Tactics

Company towns
Court injunctions
Pinkerton Detective Agency
Hired scabs / strikebreakers
Yellow dog contracts
Vast amounts of money influence the press,
politicians, the public

On-call Pinkertons in the

1870s - the heavies

Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen

Knights of Labor

Industrial Union led by Terrence V.

Inclusive of all industrial workers membership reached 730,000 by
Reform-oriented - focus on economic
and social reform, safety codes, the
formation of working cooperatives
Motto: Every man his own emploer

NY Times ad.

Weakened by the Haymarket Sq. Affair,

8 anarchist men arrested for
throwing a bomb into the Haymarket
Square protest
They were convicted with very little
evidence and several were executed
The association with anarchists,
though they represented a small few of
those present, weakened the reputation of
the KoL.

The deed to sentencing the Haymarket men was

wrong, a miscarriage of justice. And the truth is that
the great multitudes annually arrested are poor, the
unfortunate, the young and the neglected. In short
our penal system seems to recruit its victims from
among those who are fighting an unequal fight in
the struggle for existence.

- IL governor John P. Atgeld

Response from Chicago Tribune:

The governor does not reason like an American,
does not feel like one, and consequently does not
behave like one.

American Federation of Labor, f. 1886

craft union - skilled workers
only (3%)
bread and butter unionism
- fought for better wages,
hours, conditions through
collective bargaining and
advocated for the closed
shop - all union labor

International Workers of the World

(IWW) aka Wobblies (1905)
founded by socialists and radical trade unionists
opposed to AFL policies (ie. Eugene V. Debs, Mother
Jones, Big Bill Haywood
Thought the problem was
American capitalism/private
ownership of big business
Called for abolishing
wage system; increased
self management
Turned to socialism

Preamble to the Constitution of the

International Workers of the World
The working class and the employing class have nothing in common.
There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among
millions of the working people and the few, who make up the employing
class, have all the good things in life
The trade (craft) unions foster a state of affairs which allows one set of
workers to be pitted against another set of workers in the same industry,
thereby helping defeat one another in wage wars
Instead of the conservative motto A fair days wage for a fair days work,
we must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, Abolition of
the wage system.
It is the historic mission of the working class to do away with capitalism...By
organizing industrially we are forming the structure of the new society
within the shell of the old.

Early State Reforms

Munn v. Illinois (1877)

State won right to regulate certain aspects of RR for
public benefit
Wabash v. Illinois(1886) overturned Munn, ruling
that only fed gvt can legislate interstate commerce

Early Federal Reforms

Interstate Commerce Act (1887) and

ICC (Commission) 1st federal regulatory
body to ensure fair practices

Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) made

trusts illegal b/c they interfere with free
* Enforcement was difficult and,
ironically, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
was often used against labor unions

Why was labor reform so difficult

to achieve?
Prevailing free market views hampered legislation
Employers assertion of freedom of contract
SC and fed gvt often sided with business interests
Most labor laws were state laws that didnt apply
to large interstate commerce
Federal laws (ie. Sherman Anti-Trust Act) hard to
enforce; often used against unions
Public angered when strikes led to shortages
Ongoing prejudice toward minorities and
immigrants weakened the power of unions

Though 1) management had
disproportionate power and 2) wages
did not rise significantly by 1900,
management was more apt to think
twice before making wage cuts, etc.
the early reforms showed that more
people were realizing that the public
needed protection from the practices of
powerful big businesses.

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