Narrative Argument

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Argument (5% of your final grade)

Many times, writers feel very strongly about a controversial issue, but they don't feel that a
traditional argument essay or "position paper" is the most effective means to convey their
message. Instead, they feel that they can argue more effectively by telling a story (a narrative) or
several, brief related stories (anecdotes or vignettes).
We will read some traditional "narrative arguments" from literature and we will discuss these in

Ernest Hemingways Hills like White Elephants

Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper

We will pay particular attention, when discussing these essays, to the argumentative issue, to the
writer's position, and to the narrative itself--to its structure, pacing, and emphasis; to its rendering of
people and places; and to it use of details, style, tone, and language which help to make the argument.
For this essay, pick an experience you have had, one that involves some sort of controversy. Then,
craft a narrative essay which tells the story of your experience while at the same time making clear
your position on the controversial issue. We will have time in class to brainstorm ideas for this.
The final draft of your essay should be at least two (2) pages long but no longer than four (4)
pages, double-spaced and word-processed, with 1.0 margins, and a 12-point font (Arial or Times
New Roman). No title page is needed; put your name, the course, my name, and the date in the upper
left-hand corner of the first page.
We will work on the initial steps of this essay together as a class. A first draft of this essay is due on
____________________; a revised draft of this essay is due for peer review on ____________________. The final
draft is due ____________________. Please remember that not having a draft ready at these times will
result in a diminished essay grade.
Picking an Experience:

Consider the "major areas" of your life--at home, at school, at work, at church, in the
Consider "negative" experiences you've had--those that upset you, humiliated you, or
angered you. You might then "argue" against these things happening again, that something
should be done, changed, or abolished.
Also consider "positive" experiences you've had--those that made you laugh, made you
happy, or reaffirmed in you something you strongly believe. You might then "argue" that
these things are important, that they are useful and necessary, or that something should be
continued, be created, be reinstated.
Beware of "common" personal narrative topics that might have already been done too much:
someone injured or killed in a drunk-driving accident, someone committing suicide, a
wonderful hunting experience, etc. If you choose one of these kinds of topics, be sure you
have your own unique angle or approach to it.


The experience you are writing about should have involved you in some way, either as a
participant or as a first-hand observer.

Your position (thesis) on the controversial issue should be clearly understood, but you don't
have to state it explicitly--it can be implied.
You will need to carefully consider your intended audience--it need not be an "academic"
one this time. Spend time deciding who you are writing to, where your essay might appear,
and then clearly define and describe your chosen audience in your reflection letter.

When you hand in the "final" draft of this essay, you will also include all of the work you did in the
process of writing this essay: your reading notes, your prewriting, your drafts, and your peer review
Your essay will be evaluated through a consideration of the following questions:

Does the essay effectively introduce the event to be narrated?

Does the essay include vivid details of key actions, people, and places?
Can the reader clearly understand the writer's "position," whether it is explicit or implied?
Are the main points of action organized as a narrative--i.e. chronological?
Is the essay coherent--i.e. does it "flow" well, are the transitions clear and appropriate?
Does the essay end in a strong and satisfactory way?
Is the essay "correct" in terms of its usage of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics?

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