Identity Kit For Teachers

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relevance of an artifact to a standard is determined by the narrative of the candidates

reflection on the artifact A great artifact is one that speaks to your ability, sincerity, and passion
for teaching.
Kinnard, 2006

As Literacy Studies and Education majors, by now you should be gaining a clearer image of how you
identify as a future teacher. For this next assignment, you will be creating an online identity kit.

Create a Google account (Skip this if you have had a Google account)
Create a site via Google Sites
Adopt a Learning template in Google Sites
Begin creating a Visual Identity via your Google Site. Consider the specific format,
font, colors, etc. as you will be expected to reflect on the ethos and logos of your site.
Begin Collecting Artifacts
Altogether, your Teachers Identity kit must have eight artifacts. Four are required of everyone; the
other four, you may choose from the suggestions.

Required Artifacts
Suggested Artifacts
Resum or Curriculum Vitae
Public Speaking Examples
Can be traditional, video, or Prezi
(of yourself)
Professional Goals Video
Recorded lesson in class
(of yourself teaching)
Teaching Philosophy Statement
Sample assignment you have created
A professional photo of yourself (or
Student Work Samples
the image you hope to portray)

Tutorial with visuals and
screenshots (Prezi or video) for an
educational technology

Interview recommendation
(a video recommendation by a
professor or mentor)

Photo essay to illustrate teaching

Recorded mock interview for
teaching job

Video testimonials from colleagues,
students, or superiors

Teaching materials that you have
authored [rubrics or assessment
instruments you have created]

Create a new page linked to an external link on your Weebly page to share your Google
site directly on Weebly.

Write a 2-3 page reflective piece explaining your teaching identity kit, your choices of
artifacts, and the ethos and logos of your site.

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