Bats and Birds Lesson Plan
Bats and Birds Lesson Plan
Bats and Birds Lesson Plan
Miss Engels
Strand 4, Concept 1, PO 3. Identify observable similarities and differences
between/among different groups of animals.
Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of
information in a text.
Objective (Explicit):
Students will be able to identify similarities and differences between bats and
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
Number of Students:
SWBAT complete the compare
and contrast exit ticket, writing
more than one bird fact, more
than one bat fact, and more than
one similarity between the two
using complete sentences and
proper grammar.
Number of Students:
SWBAT complete the compare
and contrast exit ticket, writing
one bat fact, one bird fact, and
one similarity between the two.
SWBAT attempt to list one bat
fact, one bird fact, and one
similarity between the two,
however, they show error in
Number of Students:
Does not attempt
Number of Students:
Key vocabulary:
Guided Practice
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
The teacher will provide Jason, Mieka, Lucille, Lexi, and Taylor with a reminder
card to reference on their desk. The card will remind the students to read the
sentence, decide if the sentence is talking about a bird or a bat, and then
underline bird facts in blue and bat facts in orange.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
Teacher will ask students to join her again on the carpet
Understand that in
with their underlined Bats reading passage. The teacher
order to participate
will show a double bubble map on the promethean board in the game,
and ask students if they recogize this thinking map. The
students must act
teacher will remind students that a double bubble map is appropriately. The
used to compare and contrast two things. The teacher
students will use
will tell the students that next we are going to play a
their game sticks to
game that is going to help us fill in a double bubble map
help the teacher
with facts that we learned during our reading. However,
determine if a fact is
we can only play this game if we are all acting
about a bat, a bird,
appropriately, sitting criss cross, and keeping bubbles in
or both. The students
our mouth. The teacher will explain that each student will will be able to back
get a game stick. On one side of the stick is a bird and on up their answers with
the other side of the stick is a bat. The teacher will go
the sentence from
over rules for using the stick appropriately. I am going to
the reading passage.
show an animal fact on the promethean board. It is your
job to read the fact, decide if it is talking about a bird or a
bat, and hold up your stick. Teacher will model how to
show the answers. Teacher will explain that students can
look back at their underlined reading passage if they are
unsure if the fact is about a bird or a bat. The teacher will
pass out sticks and begin the game-like activity. After
each fact is diplayed and answered, the teacher will
model how to place the the fact into the double bubble
map. After the facts for bats and birds are filled in the
Students will
double bubble map, the teacher will ask the students to
complete their own
help her come up with similarities between bats and
double bubble map
birds. Turn to shoulder partner. The students will offer
using ideas modeled
suggestions such as they have wings they can fly and by teacher as well as
they are animals.
ideas of their own.
Once the double bubble map is completed, the teacher
will explain that the students will now fill in their own
double bubble maps. The teacher will explain that the
students can use the facts that she used in her example,
Independent Practice
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Modeling how to complete the double bubble map will be helpful for students.
Students who have trouble generating their own ideas can use the teacher
modeled double bubble map as a guide for completing their own. Students can
grab a clipboard and move in front of the promethean board if needed.
Teacher Will:
Teacher will pass out the compare and contrast exit
ticket. Students will be instructed to write one sentence
for each section. One sentence about a bat, one sentence
about a bird, and one sentence about something that is
the same between bats and birds.
Student Will:
Complete the exit
ticket independently.
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation
Students may reference their double bubble map when writing their sentences.